Chapter 240 Watch the battle!

This Godzilla is also very difficult to deal with,

Have played two confluences,

The two have not yet decided the victory or defeat,

Still fighting fiercely.

Seeing this scene,

Gu Changsheng can’t sigh,

This guy is really difficult!

Although there is no obvious victory or defeat~,

But it can be seen that Qilin- is slightly better.

Because at this moment Godzilla has already breathed a little.

Gu Changsheng believes,

It won’t be long,

You can successfully subdue Godzilla!

at the same time.

The protective account that had been built up suddenly disappeared.

The students in the protection tent were all exposed outside.

They also heard the fighting outside clearly in an instant,

Followed the voice and walked over,

Everyone was stunned again!

“Gosh, it turned out to be Godzilla, a giant monster?”

“This is horrible, right?

“Will Qilin be Godzilla’s opponent?”

“God, I feel like we are going to die here today!”

“Don’t say anything, run quickly, otherwise, there will be no hope at all!”

Come back to my senses,

Zhao Yi hurriedly let the students ran towards Dayanling.

Although this large group of beasts has been wiped out,

But this ninth-level Godzilla is extremely difficult to deal with,

Obviously Qilin is not its opponent,

Everyone is no doubt a dead end.

Under the command of Zhao Yiyi,

I saw a large number of students quickly ran into Dayanling.

Seeing that most of the classmates have left,

Only Gu Changsheng stood stupidly,

Zhao Yi looked worried,

Hurriedly yelled at him.

“Student Gu, don’t be silly, are you going to wait here to feed the beast? Run!’

Hearing Zhao Yi’s eating and drinking,

Gu Changsheng still has a calm face,

Speaking unhurriedly,

“Let’s go, the battle is not over yet, here we have to wait for me to deal with it!”

“Student Gu, don’t fight, it’s not that I look down on you, your Qilin is not Godzilla’s opponent at all!”

Zhao Yi anxiously sweating profusely.

“It’s fine!”

Gu Changsheng said calmly.


Without waiting for Zhao to persuade again,

Sun Baohua ran over quickly,

Said anxiously.

“Brother Gu, thank you for saving my life twice. If you don’t leave, we will leave. If we can meet again in the future, I will thank you again!*

After speaking,

Sun Baohua can’t care about so much,

Quickly disappeared into Gu Changsheng’s sight.

Zhao Yiming wanted to leave,

But I saw that Gu Changsheng released the black bear and wild wolf again,

Seeing this scene,

There are five scum in his heart.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes,

He must think he is the best student in Huangtian Academy,

And now it seems,

This Gu Changsheng is no worse than himself!

There was a moment of silence,

He changed his attention in an instant,

Decided to stay and help Gu Changsheng.

“Student Gu, since you insist on staying, then I won’t go anymore, stay and help you!”

As the voice fell,

Zhao Yiyi also released his own spirit beast Bifang Crane bird.

He gave an order,

The Bifang Crane bird attacked toward Godzilla.

Seeing Zhao Yi suddenly changed his attention,

Gu Changsheng suddenly looked shocked,

…………Please ask for flowers……

To know,

This was completely beyond his expectation!

I really didn’t expect it,

This guy will stay and help myself!

Although the Bifang Crane bird’s ability is limited,

But at any rate, it is much stronger than black bears and wild wolves.

It can be delayed for a while!

Gu Changsheng’s impression of Zhao Yiyi changed a lot in an instant.

Bifang Crane bird is also an ancient ten god-tier beast,

Although Qilin is slightly weaker than Qilin,

But the combat effectiveness is also very good.

With the addition of Bifang Crane bird,

Qilin obviously reduces a lot of pressure!

Seeing Godzilla panting,

Entangled by Qilin and Bifang Crane birds,

Gu Changsheng’s mouth raised slightly,

An unconcealable smile leaked out of his face!


Just at this time.

Dozens of spirit beasts suddenly appeared in the volley.

I saw that the spirit beasts were all mentors from the four universities.

With the invasion of the wild animals four years ago,

After more than fifty students died,

In recent years, when freshmen from several colleges and universities are expanding in the field,

The tutors will also observe in the dark.

One is to watch the true strength of these new students,

The second is to protect them in secret,

Prevent the tragedy four years ago from happening again!

When they learned that the ninth-level behemoth Godzilla appeared on Dayan Mountain,

The tutors all rushed over non-stop,

I’m afraid of what accidents happen to the students in my academy!

After arriving at the destination,

Seeing that the students are temporarily safe,

The tutors were relieved now,

Then I sat on the spirit beast,

Continue to watch the battle in the volley with peace of mind. Long.

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