Chapter 221 Devilish smile!

An hour later, hundreds of freshmen in uniform were standing in the playground of the West End.


All of them have tense faces, patiently waiting for the arrival of the tutors and school leaders!


The school leaders did not come, but the mentors Fan Yu and Guo Songcheng walked quickly to the center of the stage.

Fan Yu glanced at the students in the audience, picked up the microphone on the side and said,

“Hello everyone, everyone, and welcome you to successfully join the Huangtian Royal Animal Academy.”

“From now on, you are a member of this big family, and I hope you can adapt to Life here as soon as possible!

“First of all, I will make a “one-five-seven” self-introduction. I am the mentor Fan Yu who will lead you this year, and the one next to me is also the mentor Guo Songcheng who will also lead you!”

“Papa Papa”

As Fan Yu’s voice fell,

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

“Hehe, it seems that the enthusiasm of the students is very high!

Fan Yu twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the classmates in the audience with profound meaning.

“Huangtian Academy is the top academy in the Royal Beast Realm. Of course we are happy to be able to break through and come here smoothly!”

“I didn’t fall asleep all night of excitement!”

Seeing all the classmates have a look Tsundere,

Fan Yu laughed,

Said with a playful look,

“Hehe, I hope that after I announce the next thing, the students will also maintain such a high level of enthusiasm and still be so excited!”


All the classmates looked reluctant!

Although they don’t know what Fan Yu will announce next ten things!

But seeing Fan Yu look weird,

Perception tells them,

Something big must happen!

Thought of here,

Everyone’s hearts are frustrated!

There is even a part of the hands held tightly together,

The body was trembling!

Gu Changsheng is calm and calm.

Waiting for what Fan Yu will say next!

Seeing all the students in the audience were excited,

The smile at the corner of Fan Yu’s mouth became deeper.

And when he saw that Gu Changsheng was still calm,

It seems that the sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid,

The weird smile on his face disappeared instantly!

How did this kid be so calm?

It’s impossible,

Is he really afraid of anything?

It shouldn’t be!

Good boy, wait and see for me!

I want to see what your true strength is!

Where are you confident!

After a glance at Gu Changsheng, Fan Yuyan returned to justice and said,

“I know you must be very anxious at this moment, so I won’t sell it anymore!”

“After half an hour, the annual field expansion training for freshmen will begin, time, for a week!”

“What you have to do is to spend this week in the wild smoothly and steadily. I hope you can all stand the test!”


“Freshmen open field training?”

“Tutor, can you make a mistake?”

After hearing this news,

All the classmates were immediately dumbfounded.

It’s like five thunders from the sky!

It is said that Huangtian Academy is not, every year there will be freshmen field development training.

This is so lucky,

How come they are in this session,

It’s going to be expanded in the wild!

What a shame!

“Students, I am sorry to tell you that this field expansion was decided temporarily by the school, and I wish you all good luck!”

Fan Yu raised his eyebrows with a weird smile

“God, is this heaven dying us?

“I didn’t have any survival skills in the wild before. I have to stay for a week without starving to death?”

“Hey, there are beasts everywhere in the wild. I don’t see my turn to starve to death, and I will be wiped out by the beasts!”

The classmates all said you, and he said it all!

“Classmates, if you regret it now, it’s still too late!”

“You don’t need to participate in this outreach training, just go back the same way with your luggage!

“Our Huangtian Academy will never force to stay!”

As a beast master of the Huangtian Royal Beast Academy,

The most basic thing is to master the wild survival skills,

If you don’t even know this,

What future is there to talk about!

In addition, these students are all the new leaders in the Royal Beast Realm.

4.8 If they can’t even accept such training,

Then in the future,

How to face thousands of ferocious beasts?

How can one protect the peace of one party?


Fan Yu believes,

If someone chooses to quit at this time,

There is really no need to stay!

“Tutor, we are all fresh students,

There are not only many wild beasts, but also fierce.

You must have a certain experience to survive,

Can’t this expansion training be carried out in one month?”

A student in the front row put forward an opinion!.

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