Chapter 219 Fuck, daddy’s orientation is normal!

Although sitting on the back of Azure Dragon,

But Gu Changsheng feels very comfortable,

Quite satisfied.

I was bored and watched the scenery.

The most beautiful thing above the clouds is the clouds,

The levels are clear and the boundaries are natural.

The magnificent momentum, revealing golden light.

Look at which mountains are continuous together, like mountains like love!

After seeing this beautiful scenery in front of me,

The unhappiness and troubles in my heart vanished in an instant,

Gu Changsheng couldn’t help taking out his mobile phone to take pictures of the beautiful scenes.

After watching it, I lay on the back of Azure Dragon and opened WeChat to read it.

I don’t know,

This look was really shocking!

More than 500 messages popped out from the class group.

“Azure Dragon and White Tiger flew to the sky, Gu Changsheng went with him, right?”

“It should be! I don’t know if that guy is here!”

“I really want to see what Huangtian Academy is like, and I’m satisfied just by looking at it!”

“I want to see it too, Aite Gu Changsheng!”

“Dao Gu, Dao Gu, 157 hurry up and say something!”

“Dao Gu, are you asleep?”

“Not asleep, still flying in the sky!”

After seeing these messages sent by classmates,

Gu Changsheng smiled faintly, then edited a message and sent it out!

Seeing Gu Changsheng’s reply, the class group became active again.

“Dao Gu, did you leave on Azure Dragon?”

“Dao Gu, can you take a picture of Azure Dragon for us to see?”

“Dao Gu, you are our idol, don’t be so stingy

Gu Changsheng did not hesitate and took a few pictures of sitting on Azure Dragon and sent them to the class group.

“Oh my god, Gu Dao, you are so handsome!”

“Love, love!”

“Ms. Gu, please support!”

“piss off!’

“Daddy’s orientation is normal, don’t engage in basics!”

“Keep your eyes wide open, the boss invites you to see the beautiful scenery!”

Gu Changsheng looked helpless, curled his lips, and then sent a few landscape pictures that he had just taken to the class group.

After seeing these photos, the students were even more envious!

“White clouds, green mountains and green waters, peaks and ridges and peaks, a fairyland on earth!”

“Oh my God, I’ve grown up this way, it’s the first time I have seen such a beautiful place!”

“Dao Gu, can you take more pictures?”

“Dao Gu, please come to Huangtian Academy, and send us some photos of the Academy!”

“If I can, I will satisfy your curiosity!”

“Thank you guy Gu!”

“You’re welcome ”

Gu Changsheng simply said a few words to everyone, then closed WeChat, closed his eyes and rested.

When he woke up, the sun had already set!

After careful observation, Azure Dragon showed no signs of whereabouts, and couldn’t help asking,

“Tutor Fan, how long will it take to arrive at the academy?”

“Tomorrow morning at around five o’clock, it’s still early, let’s rest!”

“By the way, if you are hungry, there is food and drink in the box on the right!

Fan Yu said with a cold expression, and then closed his eyes again!


This Huangtian Academy is really far!

They come, the security!

Eat, drink (cfei), drink, rest!

Gu Changsheng sighed, picked up a packet of biscuits and ate it with relish!

I slept all afternoon, full of energy!

Eat well and drink enough, sit in Lotus Position and start to cultivate again!

Until four o’clock in the morning, the speed of Azure Dragon slowed down significantly and began to drop.

Look around.

A majestic academy appeared in front of you!

That’s right!

This is Huangtian Royal Beast Academy!

Even in the middle of the city, it is more eye-catching and highly discernible!

Looking from the top down, this academy is indeed quite big.

It is roughly divided into six areas.

The entire campus covers an area of ​​about 9,000 acres.

Seeing this scene,

Gu Changsheng suddenly became excited.

“God, it’s been eighteen hours, and it’s finally here!”

“Huangtian Academy is really rich, the Academy is so spectacular!”

While he was whispering, Azure Dragon landed in an area of ​​the campus.

“Student Gu, here it is, let’s go down!”


Gu Changsheng smiled and nodded, then jumped down.

“Come on, let me introduce you to the college first.”

While talking, Fan Yu took Gu Changsheng to the dormitory in the north.

“Hello Teacher Fan!”

“Hello Teacher Fan!”

Seeing Fan Yu, everyone greeted respectfully.

It is not difficult to see that this Fan Yu does have a certain status in the Royal Beast Academy!

But the strange thing is,

Fan Yu seems to have not heard,

Continue to walk forward,

With a sullen face, there is no reaction at all!

It doesn’t matter if Fan Yu is cold or cold, he doesn’t respond, and he doesn’t care what’s wrong with him!

In such a place, one thing is worse than one thing less!

Gu Changsheng didn’t think much, and followed closely!

“Brothers, who is the kid behind Teacher Fan?”

“It looks like a face, I haven’t seen it before!”

“It is indeed a fresh face, the annual enrollment time has come, I guess it should be a newly recruited master!

Seeing Gu Changsheng following Fan Yu all the time, the governors of the academy started talking curiously.

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