Chapter 216 The mysterious person appears!

Looking at the other classmates again, they all panicked immediately!

Do not know why,

When they saw these two warriors appear in the volley,

I feel extremely uncomfortable all over my body,

There is even a feeling of wanting to faint!

“Ah, it’s so uncomfortable, I want to faint!”

“Mom, I’m trembling all over, is this dying?!”

The students panicked again on campus!

at the same time,

Director Li, who recovered, looked at Gu Changsheng quickly and asked with concern,

“Student Gu, are you okay?”

“I’m okay, but I was a little flustered just now, don’t “one, five, three,” I’m fine now!”

Gu Changsheng had a calm face and said solemnly.

After hearing Gu Changsheng’s answer,

Not only Director Li,

Even Principal Song and the other two admissions directors were surprised!

To know,

Even some of their seventh-level masters,

When suddenly oppressed,

The heartbeat can’t help but speed up a lot,

Some are even untenable!

And Gu Changsheng in front of him is just a little flustered, which is incredible!

After calming his thoughts, Principal Song clapped his hands and said,

“Hehe, you deserve to be someone with an ancient spirit beast. When facing strong oppression, he is so calm. It’s so much stronger than us, amazing!”

“Principal Song praised!”

Gu Changsheng smiled faintly and said nothing.

After hearing what Principal Song said,

The classmates started talking again!

“No wonder this product is so popular, it turns out that people really have this capital!”

“This Gu Changsheng should be our Longteng School, the most enlightened person in history, right?”

“What do you mean by it! He was originally the best man in history!”

Hearing the comments from the classmates, Principal Song even laughed from ear to ear!

Although it is still unclear, where the two masters in the volley came from,

But Principal Song is very clear,

The reason why they came at this time,

The goal must be Gu Changsheng!

Even the admissions directors of the three major colleges are also aware of this!

These two masters are not good and rob people!

After all, there are not many people who have the ancient beasts if they succeed in enlightenment.

In the Royal Beast Realm,

Gu Changsheng is also a myth!

Just when everyone is confused,

The two princes are getting closer,

Principal Song and others immediately noticed the signs on the clothes of the two royals: Huangtian Academy!

“God, it turned out to be from Huangtian Academy!”

Director Li couldn’t help but exclaimed.

To know,

Huangtian Academy is like a god-like existence,

Although President Song and the three directors have also heard of the name of this college,

But it is not clear, where is the campus of the college!

It is said that

In Huangtian Academy, the lowest-ranking imperial master is also a five-star.

Each of the imperial masters inside possesses unique skills, and the skill of imperial beasts is even more impressive.

There are rumors that any one of them can withstand the invasion of fifty beasts at once!

The real cows in the Royal Beast Realm are all born from here!

Just at this time,

The two imperial emperors also recognized Gu Changsheng in the crowd,

Then he got off his mount, took back his cold breath, and came to him.

At this moment,

Everyone obviously feels that the mood is not so depressed,

Even breathing is much smoother

“Who can tell me where Huangtian Academy is? What kind of academy is this?”

“Yes, I have never heard of this college before!”

Several classmates started talking curiously!

Not only the students don’t understand this Huangtian Academy,

Even Gu Changsheng was puzzled,

He recalled carefully,

I have never heard of the Royal Beast Academy in Daxia before!

“Hello classmate, are you Gu Changsheng?”

A tall and thin imperial master took the lead to ask.


Gu Changsheng nodded lightly.

“Oh, that’s right, let me introduce myself first. My name is Fan Yu and I am a tutor at the Emperor Tianyu Academy.”

“I’m here today on behalf of the academy. Huangtian Academy sincerely invites you to join the academy!”

Although I have guessed the intention of the two masters,

But after Fan Yu said it personally,

The three directors of the admissions office were surprised at once, and then their complexions became ugly.

have to say,

This Huangtian Academy really values ​​talents,

I found 4.8 so soon!

As a senior figure in the Royal Beast Realm,

They naturally have a certain understanding of this Huangtian Academy!

With this Wang Zhan appeared,

It seems that there is no hope for their three major colleges today!

Hearing Fan Yu’s introduction, Gu Changsheng is still very confused!

After all, I had never heard of this college before, and immediately looked at President Song on the side.

“President Song, can you tell me the details of this Huangtian Academy?”


President Song glanced at the directors of admissions offices of the three major colleges, and then introduced them to Gu Changsheng.

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