Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1055: Prostitute-female existence

"Brother, why don't we go in and take a look? I heard that this year's Bairou Wenxiang has more tricks? Hehe!" Xia Feng couldn't help but smile while looking at the gate of Bairou Wenxiang.

Su Mu said as he walked: "Should I send a message to Qiu Shui Yihan now that I want to play inside?"

"Don't brother, I'm just making a joke. You can't take it seriously. Who is Xia Feng? I am upright, righteous, and pure like me! How could I do **** in the game?" Xia Feng hurriedly followed Su Mu out, Nima, if Linglong knew about this, wouldn’t it be a big deal?

"Is there a branch in Bairou Wenxiang in Huangtianzhou District?"

"Huh? Brother you..."

"Don't use your dirty thoughts to control Lao Tzu's thoughts." Su Mu really wanted to spit out Xia Feng with a gulp of blood, so he couldn't be normal in his mind?

Most players know that this is a game brothel, but they don’t know the real meaning of Bairou Wenxiang. In addition to doing this kind of business, Su Mu said before that they have a guild, and then they train some to be a little charming It’s not impossible to let them join the various guilds and the elite leaders to have a love story, and then control the movements of the elite leaders of the entire guild!

This kind of thing happened in Hua Xia a few years ago. The behind-the-scenes guild of Bairou Wenxiang would instantly disintegrate a guild of 5 million people, using this kind of beauty trick!

At that time, it caused a sensation throughout China, so the behind-the-scenes guild of Bairou Wenxiang also disbanded, but Su Mu and some insiders knew it, but the name was cancelled, and the guild still exists.

"Do you know where the headquarters of Bairou Wenxiang is?" Su Mu asked suddenly.

Xia Feng shook his head and said, "Aren't we Huaxia?"

"It's the American Empire."

"American Empire?"

"Well, the source is different from the American Empire, but the name is different, but the origin, and control, etc., are all from the American Empire." Su Mu felt terrible thinking about it.

Because I didn’t find a branch in Bairou Wenxiang in Huangtianzhou District, Su Mu didn’t care too much, but when he came to the Forbidden Island this time and saw the name of the store, Su Mu couldn’t help but think of that terrible woman...Love Sha!

Jess had told Su Mu that Aisha had come to China, and the relationship between this woman and Su Mu was aside, but she definitely did not come with kindness, so Su Mu was always so wary of this woman, because Su Mu knew that if If this woman starts to do something, Su Mu can't do anything about it, because you don't even know if the girlfriend of your elite leader is hers.

In the American Empire, within Zeus, only Su Mu knew that there were more than 30 girlfriends of the group leader who belonged to Aisha.

Of course, there are also some who have been instigated, but few of them, Aisha’s women are basically allowed to leave the organization after successfully completing a mission. Therefore, Su Mu is really afraid that Aisha will do something to God’s Domain. Once this happens, Su Mu has no good way to stop it. You can't stop your people from falling in love, right? Not to stop people from finding a wife in the game, right?

Xia Feng asked, "If this is the case, isn't this Bairou Wenxiang boss very powerful?"

"It's not just powerful? It's also rich and powerful!" Su Mu said.

The boss behind this scene is quite mysterious. Su Mu doesn’t know who he is, but generally speaking, no one in the US dared to move this organization. Su Mu even suspected that the ruler of their country was acquiescing to this person’s behavior. Open brothels in the game, and advertise without reservation, etc.

Of course, these advertisements will not occur in the Huaxia region. Just the name of Bairou Wenxiang is enough to make Huaxia players smack. If there are advertisements, don’t they explode?

In addition to this Aisha, Mei should know this organization very well. Mei also participated in their training class, which is the exchange of Meishu, but then Mei stayed for three days and stopped going. The reason was their Mei The technique is too pediatric.

However, Mei learned that this woman named Aisha was very powerful, and her charm was almost equal to that of charm, so the remnants of the time investigated Aisha, but there was a big conflict during the investigation. , The result directly caused the Thousand Hands Party to surface. Therefore, the grievances of the Remnant Soul and the Thousand Hands Party also originated from this.

But on the whole, that incident did not have much impact. The Aisha in the game is still the prostitute. The female leader. The reason why Su Mu did not call this woman old~. The reason for the bustard is that this Aisha is quite beautiful and quite His youth is estimated to be around 20 years ago four years ago, so now he will not exceed 25 years old.

In addition, Remnant Soul couldn't find out whether this Aisha was a super prostitute or not, so Su Mu always called it the prostitute.

"By the way, how did you inquire about the matter?" Su Mu felt like he had nothing to do after thinking about it.

Xia Feng hurriedly said, "Lingfeng Pavilion, the most famous pill shop in the Forbidden Continent, is set up by players. It sells some drugs that the system and players do not have, such as explosive bombs, universal antidote, and No detoxification and so on, these cruel things."

"However, it is strange that the location of this shop is not in a safe area. It is beside a small river outside of the city, and a large number of players buy drugs every day, because this drug shop only sells a hundred places a day. , So players who want to buy drugs can only wait in line there in advance."

Su Mu frowned slightly, this style of work is a bit like that person...

Su Mu hung up with a smile and said, "Is this shop only sold to each player once, and will not be sold to him the second time I go?"

"Brother, how do you know?"

"I just heard it accidentally in the city."


As the two left the Forbidden Area, they found the small river and the attic of Lingfeng Pavilion according to the coordinates.

What made Su Mu and Xia Feng speechless was that the entire Lingfeng Pavilion, except for the road in front, was completely blocked by the player, which made Su Mu and Xia Feng involuntarily slap their tongues. It was just a pill shop in the game, which was actually attracted so much. Many people?

What surprised Su Mu and Xia Feng most was that members of the major guilds stood in batches on the periphery of this attic. Su Mu even saw the people from the Mythical Empire of China's First Guild as well!

Not only that, these people seem to be waiting for something, as if it doesn’t match the information they have heard. According to Xia Feng, it should be queued to buy medicine at this time, but now the gate of Lingfeng Pavilion is closed and the players are quiet. Of standing around don't know what they are doing.

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