Sky War God

Chapter 3697: Remnants of the Lord God

At this moment, the aura emanating from the depths of the void has been tyrannical to an unimaginable level.

Ye Feng also felt the unprecedented pressure, and it seemed that there was a kind of strength bearing that penetrated his body at an extremely fast speed.

Under the impact of this force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.

At this moment, countless power of destruction burst out from Ye Feng's body, as if to completely destroy everything.

That unknown enemy also showed terrifying strength that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment, and it seemed that he was going to completely kill Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.

Ye Feng's way of Ling Tian was also constantly oscillating at this moment, trying to resist this terrible force.

However, the strength of the opponent is too terrifying, in this extremely short time, the power in the space has been completely exploded.

Facing this powerful oppressive force beyond imagination, the original aura in Ye Feng's body was also in mad turbulence.

As if it was impossible to withstand this force at all, the energy in Ye Feng's body was running wildly at this moment.


The sound of extremely terrifying shock resounded at this moment, and there was also a terrifying force of destruction, which spread madly at this moment.

Ye Feng's face became extremely pale when he felt such a force.

"Can't resist, can't stop it at all!"

At this moment, Ye Feng tried his best to run the power in his body, but he couldn't change anything at all.

The original power in one's own body, at this moment, continuously rotates and releases the original aura in the body, and it has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

At this moment, the powerful energy radiating from the void directly locked Ye Fang's body.

That kind of terrifying energy beyond imagination directly penetrated the space where Ye Feng was at this moment.

Even Ye Feng couldn't resist such a terrifying force, and the original aura in his body was turbulent at an extremely fast speed.


Unable to bear it at all, Ye Feng directly spouted a mouthful of blood.

His own breath is also declining crazily at this moment, as if he can't bear such a terrible pressure at all.

Without any hesitation, at this moment, Ye Feng had already mobilized the aura in his body in a very short time.

But in fact, this kind of power is not something he can resist at all.

The power of destruction raged wildly in Ye Feng's body.

The breath radiated has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

When perceiving such a force, Ye Feng did not hesitate.

For the first time, the power of Chaos continued to operate at this moment, and the Heavenly Hun Lingzhu was also taken back into Ye Feng's body.

With the help of this magic weapon, Ye Feng also suppressed the aura in his body in a very short period of time, without allowing him to further spread.

But even that terrifying energy in such a space has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The incomparably terrifying aura of destruction erupted at this moment, showing the mighty power of destruction in the void.

"Don't bother any more, just rely on your cultivation base, even if you can resist me for a period of time?

In the end everything will fall into my hands. "

The powerful existence in the void is also taking a step forward at this moment. The original power in the body begins to explode continuously, directly suppressing the position where Ye Feng is.

Such a terrible pressure, for Ye Feng, is also an existence that cannot be resisted at all.

The power of the origin in the body was completely shocked by the opponent's breath, and even Ling Tian's way was suppressed.

"Who are you?"

Ye Feng asked in an extremely hoarse voice. At this moment, it seemed that the power in his body could not be transmitted.

Upon hearing this question, the figure that had just emerged suddenly sighed.

"Me? I'm just a ghost wandering in time and space.

But even so, I want to stay in this world, and I don't want to dissipate in the endless darkness forever. "

After speaking this sentence, the aura in the void also kept trembling.

It seemed that this space couldn't bear it, and this powerful pressure seemed to collapse at any time.

Feeling this extremely terrifying breath, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of terrible existence this is.

At this moment, the aura radiating from the endless void had become extremely terrifying.

And that figure also slowly walked towards Ye Feng.

"Give me your power, your body, and everything about you.

I will take good care of him, use him, and let him go to the highest level.

And my soul from the ancient times will replace your existence and eventually make you me. "

That ghost is also constantly telling its own mood at this moment, and the original aura in the body becomes extremely terrifying at this moment.

With such a terrifying power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy emitted became extremely dangerous.

Countless destructive powers burst out crazily at this moment, and they also spread directly in a very short period of time.

No matter how strong Ye Feng's strength was, he couldn't resist this power of destruction beyond imagination.

It even said that the power in his body was turbulent crazily at this moment, as if it would collapse at any time.

Under such terrible pressure, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, but instead fully expanded the energy in his body.

The whirling of the heavenly spirits, with endless chaotic brilliance, released at this moment.

Such a powerful energy directly collided with the destructive power released by that figure.

The two extremely powerful destructive forces have already had extremely violent conflicts in this very short period of time.

The rumbling sound of terrifying concussion echoed in the void, and it was more suitable for showing terrifying strength that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.

And Ye Feng directly floated out under such a terrifying force hedge, and the original aura in his body was turbulent rapidly.

Faced with this extremely terrifying energy, the expressions of everyone present also became extremely shocked.

In the next moment, this extremely terrifying aura violently impacted at this moment.

This terrible power seems to be completely shredded by the entire space.

"Want to get everything about me and replace my existence?"

When he heard this, Ye Feng was also angry, and the original aura in his body was exploding at an extremely fast speed.

This powerful force beyond imagination has demonstrated its true strength at an extremely fast speed.

Countless auras of destruction exploded at this moment, and there was even a terrifying energy beyond imagination that burst out at this moment.

Ye Feng moved the little power remaining in his body and walked forward step by step.

The holy magic spear was held in his hand, and the breath of the whole body was released extremely violently.

"I have come to this step so hard, my friends, relatives, everything I have endured is the mark that I have left in this world.

And you, a **** who doesn’t know what it is, wants to replace everything about me, even saying let me be you...

Ha ha ha ha! "

Ye Feng suddenly laughed wildly at this moment, but this kind of laughter could not conceal the anger in his body, as if saying that the whole person was about to be ignited by anger.

"Well, don't you want to get everything about me? Then come here, if I'm going to see if you have such an ability."

At this moment, Ye Feng was almost crazy, and the aura in his body was also moving at an extremely fast speed.

That powerful force beyond imagination has burst out of its own terrifying strength in a very short period of time, as if to completely suppress the entire space at this moment.

"You dare to resist me?"

Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, the remnant soul of that strong man was also extremely angry and shocked.

Even that he couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him.

"Do you know who I am?

Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?

You dare to talk to me like this, where is the courage that makes you so crazy? "

The soul questioned frantically, the aura in his body was also being released at an extremely fast speed.

Even if he couldn't resist this terrible force at all, the energy radiating from Ye Feng's body had also reached a terrifying state.

The power of destruction beyond imagination erupted at this moment, even saying that everything in this world was to be completely destroyed.

The holy magic spear in his hand was constantly trembling, and the aura emitted from it was even more tyrannical than ordinary people could imagine.

Without any hesitation, or even no answer, Ye Feng had already pierced the holy magic spear in his hand.

The scarlet spear light bloomed at this moment, as if to penetrate the entire world in the shortest time.

Such a terrifying breath, released at this moment, also made the strong man feel an unprecedented shock.

It has been too long since his time, and it has been a long time since no one dared to do such a thing to him.

The power in the void also exploded madly at this moment, and the breath released even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

"good very good."

The afterimage gritted his teeth and said that the power in his body was also moving at an extremely fast speed.

The destructive pressure that bloomed in the depths of the space showed its true strength at an extremely fast speed.

The power of destruction beyond imagination has reached a level that ordinary people cannot miracle.

Ye Feng should be completely punishable in the shortest time, and everything from him should be taken away.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright.

The holy magic spear was constantly trembling, and the power of the whole body was quickly paying attention to it at this moment.

The scarlet spear light, and the destruction attack released by the remnant soul, collided wildly at this moment.


A terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine echoed in the void, and an extremely terrifying might of destruction burst out in this very short time.

When he felt such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely brilliant.

Facts have proved that he cannot withstand such a powerful person at all, and even the aura in his body is constantly collapsing at this moment.

However, the Heaven-Hunking Spirit Orb still suppressed the core of Ye Feng's body, and the countless amount of origin power was swallowed by the Heaven-Hunting Spirit Orb.

The power of destruction beyond imagination spread at this moment, and it also made Ye Feng feel an extremely huge pressure.

Such terrifying energy exploded at this moment, even to completely destroy all of it.

On the contrary, it was the soul that directly burst out with an extremely terrifying oppressive force, and counterattacked everything in the void back.

An even more terrifying force of destruction fell on Ye Feng's body, which also caused an unprecedented turbulence in Ye Feng's vision.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock resounded at this moment, and the aura permeating the void even swallowed the entire space at this moment.

Feeling this power of destruction beyond imagination, the original aura in Ye Feng's body is also running at an extremely fast speed.

Countless destructive powers are blooming crazily at this moment, and there is an unimaginable aura of destruction, which is completely diffused at this time.

That powerful ghost, even more so, controlling such a terrifying power, directly charged towards the position where Ye Feng was located, that extremely terrifying aura, even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

That is, the energy that burst out from the depths of the void at this moment has become extremely terrifying.

That kind of power of will beyond imagination directly increased everything in the void, and descended towards where Ye Feng was.

Space, vitality, and even Ye Feng's spirit could not stop this powerful force at all.

The incomparably terrifying power of destruction is constantly falling down at this moment, and the power displayed has even reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

That is to say, at this moment, the energy gathered in the entire space has been completely mastered by that soul.

The original aura between heaven and earth, and even the entire Lingtian realm, has been suppressed by the opponent.

Seizing such an opportunity, the other party also stepped forward in one step, directly releasing the breath in his body.

Toward the location where Ye Feng was, an extremely terrifying energy was released.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, and the original aura in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.

Such a posture does not seem to be resisting the opponent's attack, but rather actively accepting his arrival.

At this moment, the world of remnant souls showed an extremely powerful force, and it impacted Ye Feng's body.

The power of destruction carried is even so powerful that an ordinary person can't reach it, and it is necessary to destroy everything in the heavens and the earth at this moment.

That is, at this moment, the terrifying aura surrounding Ye Feng's body was directly and completely aroused by him.

The power of the entire Lingtian realm was mobilized by Ye Feng and suppressed on his body at an extremely fast speed.

"Since I'm here, I will definitely entertain you well, so don't even think about leaving."

This is what he said to the soul in his body, and the aura in Ye Feng's body also burst out crazily at this moment.

The mixed sky was spinning round and round.

The chaotic light that bloomed in it was simply tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person could not get it.

Countless destructive powers bloomed at this moment, directly locking the soul that descended in Ye Feng's body.

In the next instant, this power of destruction beyond imagination has completely bloomed, and an extremely terrifying force has exploded madly at this moment.

"what is this?"

That soul didn't even imagine that Ye Feng still contained such terrifying energy in his body.

This terrible breath that was beyond imagination directly suppressed the body of that soul, and even wanted to wipe out the last bit of power in his body.

When he felt this power, the aura of that soul was also circling frantically, trying to completely suppress Ye Feng.

However, the nature of the Huntian Spirit Orb is beyond imagination, and the power that can be exerted at this moment is definitely not something ordinary people can resist.

At this moment, the aura radiating from the entire void had become extremely terrifying.

The power of destruction is turbulent, and countless sources of power are surging crazily.

It's as if to say that this piece of space has become a sea of ​​void.

All the aura of destruction was madly impacting, and the original power between heaven and earth was chaotic, and no one could suppress such terrible fluctuations.

That is to say, at this moment, the power that bloomed in the void has become tyrannical to a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

If it weren't for Ye Feng to mobilize the aura from the Lingtian Realm, I'm afraid this space would be completely destroyed, forming a black hole that swallowed everything.

At this moment, the energy emanating from the depths of the void also became extremely pure, and the aura released during every move became extremely terrifying.

And Ye Feng didn't have the energy to manage the changes in the outside world. At this moment, his eyes had been placed in his own body.

The remnant soul in his body also released a terrible power that ordinary people can't reach. Countless destruction powers erupted at this moment, seeming to suppress everything in this world. .

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

The power in the body bursts frantically, and the other party is also contending with Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed, trying to completely suppress the aura in this space in the shortest possible time.

However, if you want to fight against the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb, the amount of power that needs to be consumed is definitely exponentially increased.

Such a terrifying aura constantly erupted in the depths of the void, and the displayed power became extremely terrifying.

The suppressing and devouring power exuded by the Huntian Spirit Orb was enough to completely swallow all things in this world.

Although the strength of this remnant soul is not bad, it can't be compared with the Huntian Spirit Orb at this moment.

"Don't waste your energy. If you want to defy the power of me and the Huntian Spirit Orb, you can't do it at all."

Ye Feng said with great confidence that he could feel how terrifying the power of the Sky Hun Spirit Orb was.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't shake a cent of the Huntian Spirit Orb, and although the strength of this strong man was not bad, it did not reach the point where he could not match it.

"Impossible, I am the main god.

With this little bead of yours, wanting to suppress the power that belongs to me is simply wishful thinking. "

The remnant soul of the main **** roared frantically, constantly mobilizing the original power in his body, trying to completely suppress this space at this moment.

It's a pity that the aura of the Huntian Spirit Orb is also not bad, and the power it radiates directly suppresses the aura he possesses.

At this moment, the power emanating from the depths of the void has become extremely terrifying.

That terrifying strength beyond imagination has even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In every move, there is a powerful force that ordinary people can't imagine, expanding at this moment, and even suppressing the entire world at this moment.

If he really allowed him to continuously run his own power and extract the source of power between heaven and earth, it might really be possible to suppress Ye Feng's internal world.

It's a pity that Ye, Feng would not give him such an opportunity.

The operation of his own power directly mobilizes the aura that radiates from the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb.

This powerful force beyond imagination exploded at this instant, and it was even going to completely destroy everything in this world.

The ability displayed by Ye Feng's body to release such a terrifying force is absolutely tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The power of destruction that surpassed the limit was immediately suppressed on the body of the remnant soul of the main god.

Although the realm of the remnant soul of this master **** is extremely high, the power it possesses is unmatched by Ye Feng.

However, the power gap between the two sides is not so obvious. It is even said that the strength of Mount Everest here is even better.

At this moment, in the depths of the void, the aura that exudes has become stronger and stronger, and every move is released with power that ordinary people can't reach.


This powerful force beyond imagination burst out at this moment.

The power of the remnant soul of the main **** couldn't resist this terrible pressure at all, and it was about to collapse in the first place.

Relying on the powerful aura deep in the soul and the essence of the realm of the main god, the remnant soul of the main **** also tried his best to block this terrible destruction.

Even so, it made his own strength extremely weak, as if he could no longer improve his strength.

Bearing such a terrifying aura, the power emanating from the void became stronger and stronger.

"Damn, **** you!"

The remnant soul of the main **** roared frantically, and the original power in his body also exploded frantically at this moment.

That kind of unimaginable coercive force is even so strong that an ordinary person can't reach it, and it must completely destroy the opponent's body in the shortest time.

In the next moment, the power of destruction beyond imagination completely bloomed at this moment.

There is also an extremely terrifying coercion that is expanding wildly at this moment, as if to destroy the entire world at this moment.


Once again, the terrible power of destruction bloomed, and there was an unimaginable powerful aura that radiated from Ye Feng's body.

The Law of Chaos expanded in Ye Feng's body, showing an extremely powerful force, even gathering the power of the chaotic origin of the entire world.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng also showed extremely terrifying lethality, and the original power in his body expanded crazily at this moment.

A long spear of destruction formed by the power of chaos originated at this moment.

Without hesitation, he projected toward the opponent's location, as if to completely kill the remnant soul of the main god.

Facing a terrible attack, the heart of the remnant soul of the Lord God was shocked beyond imagination. It seemed that Ye Feng's strength would reach such a terrifying realm.

It was at this moment that the aura erupting from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.

The remnant soul of the lord god, trying his best to mobilize his last bit of strength, wants to use the most powerful means to completely suppress Ye Feng to death.

Now that he had given up, he wanted to take Ye Feng's body, the only thing he wanted to do now was to completely kill Ye Feng.

Facing such a terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely brilliant.

The original strength between heaven and earth is constantly expanding at this moment, and the strength displayed is even so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it.

The strength displayed by the remnant soul has become extremely strong, violently colliding with Ye Feng's power.

It's a pity that Ye Feng mobilized the aura of the Huntian Spirit Orb, and at this time had become more and more powerful.

On the contrary, the remnant soul of the Lord God, forcibly running the original power in the body, has lost a lot of strength.

Under this declining strength, Ye Feng's strength has even been greatly improved, and he can completely suppress the opponent in the shortest time.

Seizing such an opportunity, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more dazzling, and the strength displayed had also reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The Wanling God was released, and the powerful devouring power it possessed was also pulling the power of the main god's remnant soul.

For Ye Feng, the realm of the Lord God was quite mysterious, so he couldn't even touch his head.

Now he also has to seize this opportunity to fully release the power in his body.

It even said that as long as he caught the remnant soul of the Lord God, then he might be able to ask relevant clues from this guy's mouth.

It even means that once one's own strength reaches such a realm, it can speed up one's own cultivation speed and reach a higher realm and level.

Feeling what Ye Feng was doing at the moment, the remnant soul of the Lord God also realized what he was going to do for the first time.

Then there was anger beyond imagination.

The terrible power of anger caused the residual aura of the main god's remnant soul to begin to explode crazily.

With such terrible energy, even the Huntian Spirit Orb had no time to operate, and watched that terrifying aura completely release at this time.

Such a terrifying force broke out in this extremely short period of time, and the destructive force formed would even destroy the entire world at this instant.

The power of destruction raged crazily inside Ye Feng's body, as if to tear Ye Feng's body completely to pieces at this moment.

Feeling such a breath, Ye Feng also hurriedly moved the power in his body, suppressing these terrifying destructive powers at an extremely fast speed.

Grasping this powerful force beyond imagination, the breath emanating from the depths of the void also became extremely terrifying at this moment.

Silently rotating the original aura in his body, Ye Feng also quickly suppressed everything in the void.

But that strong man's heart was also out of anger, and the strength displayed had reached an extremely terrifying point.


When he felt such a breath, Ye Feng suddenly found that the other party had detonated his soul.

The remaining soul power also quickly dissipated at this moment, even saying that it could not resist this terrible energy at all.

Faced with such a terrifying aura, the expressions of the people present also became extremely shocked. It seemed that they could not understand how Ye Feng used such terrible means to completely wipe out that soul. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Of course, Ye Feng would not have the time and energy to explain to them. At this moment, he could feel that his soul power had been strongly impacted.

The energy released by the self-detonation of the main god's remnant soul is simply reaching a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The power of destruction beyond imagination even wiped out Ye Feng's soul completely.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng directly mobilized the most terrifying power in his body.

The Huntian Spirit Orb continued to rotate, and the divine sword of good fortune floated out of the body, slashing out a dazzling sword of good fortune.

With this kind of power, Ye Feng finally suppressed the aura in his body and calmed down the power of destruction a little bit.

But the power between heaven and earth is not so simple, especially the energy left by a powerhouse at the main **** level blew up.

That terrible imprint beyond imagination even communicated the existence of the super-dimensional void power, directly causing the aura in the void to fall down.

Ye Feng couldn't resist such power at all, so he was directly imprinted on his soul by this breath.

Although Ye Feng's soul essence has reached an extremely terrifying point, he has not reached that state at this moment.

The breath that the soul of the main **** level can bear, at this time, it finally directly impacted on Ye Feng's body.

And this kind of power also made Ye Feng feel an extremely huge pressure, it seems that his own thinking consciousness has become slow.

The movement of power has become extremely sluggish, as if it means that only a little bit of thinking and thought can be turned for hundreds of thousands of years.

"No... can... this... kind of... next... go..."

It was just such an idea that Ye Feng could realize that ten years had passed in the realm of Ling Tian.

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