Sky War God

Chapter 3676: Feelings in the battle

At this moment, the aura radiating from Ye Feng's body was already strong to an unimaginable realm, and the power radiating from the depths of the void even reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people at this moment.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded from the depths of the void, and the breath that had expired as terror was constantly brewing at this moment.

That extremely bright brilliance finally bloomed at this moment, and was released towards those doomsday messengers at an extremely fast speed.

"I'm so brave. In this case, I dare to do something to us. It seems that no one has ever taught you."

Some of the doomsday messengers said that the aura in their body had reached a terrifying point that ordinary people couldn't make the chance.

The wave of destruction formed by an extremely huge doomsday power spread at this moment, even to completely engulf Ye Feng's body at this moment.

Feeling such a powerful apocalyptic power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original aura in his body quickly moved, directly mobilizing the fundamental power of the entire Celestial World.

That extremely terrifying doomsday power arrived on Ye Feng’s body in this very short time. The aura between the two parties is also the destructive force formed by the crazy collision at this moment, even This piece of heaven and earth must be completely destroyed.

The rumbling sound of horrible shock resounded in the void. This terrible power that ordinary people cannot understand, the energy released by the crazy burst at this moment, even to the world. Was completely destroyed.

At that moment, Ye Feng felt an unprecedented pressure. The power of apocalypse in the void was almost like tearing away his body completely. Numerous auras of destruction were moving at an extremely fast speed. His location is crushed.

At the same time, a terrifying force that ordinary people can't understand also broke out in the depths of the space, and the aura of destruction surged and released to both sides.

How could Ye Feng's mortal body resist such terrible powers, the original aura in his body quickly circulated, and all the powerful forces in his body were mobilized in the first time.

Backed by the great world of the gods, the means Ye Feng could use were not too many, countless brilliant brilliance, at this moment, the reunion directly formed a chaotic origin power, suppressing that terrible aura.

But the doomsday messenger didn't have such good luck. The power that Ye Feng displayed was really powerful, and even the doomsday messenger couldn't completely suppress it. On the contrary, it allowed such a breath to affect his own roots.

The power of chaos rushed directly into his body, constantly wasting the original power in his body, refining the powerful aura in his body at an extremely fast speed, as if to let everything in his body It's all the same as being completely swallowed.

This terrifying force, the breath released by the continuous operation in the depths of the void, is even more tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person cannot understand it. Once such a energy is completely diffused, it will definitely cause an unprecedented impact. .

In the face of such a terrifying energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy released by the rapid operation of his own power in his body was even more crushed forward without hesitation. .

Those doomsday envoys also felt the aura of destruction contained in this attack, and with every move they had already exploded all the original power in their bodies.

When feeling such a power, a very bright light appeared in the eyes of everyone, and countless doomsday powers broke out at this moment, directly covering the location of Ye Feng.

In the face of such a terrifying aura, no matter how strong Ye Feng's strength is, no matter how strong the original power of the Heavenly God World is, it can't be completely resisted, and it will even collapse in an instant.

Without any hesitation, in the first time, Ye Feng had already fully mobilized his original aura, and the terrifying energy permeating the depths of the void even reached this which is beyond the reach of a common saying.

The power of the chaotic origin boils in the void, making the energy in the surrounding space reach an extremely pure point. When such a breath is completely released, the entire space has entered a terrible state. .

At that moment, Ye Feng also ran his own chaotic origin power to the extreme, and the aura in his body reached an extremely terrifying point at this moment.

In the process of fighting the opponent, Ye Feng also felt that there seemed to be some power in his body that was constantly recovering, and he also had a deeper understanding of the methods that the opponent displayed.

Especially the aura contained in the power of apocalypse is really beyond imagination, and the power that can be emitted at this moment has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't understand.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly exploded the power of the Beiyuan in his body to produce the power of the chaotic origin that ordinary people could not understand, and it was released at this moment.

Not only the doomsday messengers, but even the beings in the great world of the gods have already felt the powerful force in this breath, as if they were about to completely destroy the entire world.

The energy released by such a terrifying breath blooming in the depths of the void, and even the terrifying sound of rumbling and rumbling that will completely destroy this space, resounds in the void, which is beyond the reach of an ordinary person. Realm.

Such an extremely terrifying aura burst out frantically at this moment, the extremely terrifying power of destruction, even at this moment, it would directly engulf the entire space completely.

Although the strength of those doomsday messengers are powerful, they are also subject to an unprecedented restriction at this moment. The original aura emanating from the void even caused their own fundamental power to begin to collapse.

Faced with such a powerful method, Ye Feng's power at this time has even risen to a level that ordinary people can't imagine. The powerful energy radiated from every move is enough to completely suppress this space.

Feeling the power running in his body, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely solemn, and the destructive wave formed by the power of his own body and the rapid movement is even more powerful than ordinary people can imagine.

At this moment, Ye Feng also directly mobilized such a terrible breath, completely released the powerful force in his body, and countless bright rays of light bloomed at this moment, making the entire space Boiling at an extremely fast speed.

The power of the doomsday is indeed very special to Ye Feng, and the destructive aura that it exudes can even suppress the original power in his body.

However, as the battle continued, Ye Feng's perception of the power of apocalypse also improved. The original aura in his body was already dissolving a terrifying energy at an extremely fast speed.

If this continues, the power in the opponent's body will collapse at an extremely fast rate, and the original power in the doomsday will even be completely swallowed by Ye Feng, condensing a doomsday in the world of the gods. The formed world.

When such a force was released, the entire space had entered an extremely weird state, and the powerful aura emanating from the depths of the void even swallowed the entire world completely.

Those doomsday envoys also felt the energy emanating from Ye Feng's body, and in their own body, they showed countless destructive powers, and wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng in the first time.

At this moment, what Ye Feng did was to seize the power of their doomsday power. If the power that was the root of his own was taken away, the deterrent power of the doomsday messenger would no longer exist.

At this moment, the aura in the space became extremely dignified, and the energy emanating from the depths of the void was even about to completely destroy this space, and countless radiances of destruction erupted crazily at this moment.

Under the impetus of those doomsday messengers, the power of the doomsday has run to the extreme, extremely bright light, and the energy displayed at this moment has even reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy released before the movement had become extremely terrifying.

Just saw Ye Feng's hand, grabbing those endless apocalyptic powers in the void, they have already gathered, and along with the operation of the power of the chaotic origin, it directly formed the appearance of the holy magic spear.

Although Ye Feng's own power could not be mobilized at all, it was possible to evolve the moves he was familiar with with the help of various external energies.

And during the battle, Ye Feng also felt another kind of aura. It seemed that his position was above all the powers, and he could manipulate them at will, so that these energies could be driven to fight for him.

Although this was only a moment of insight, the aura exuding from Ye Feng's body at this moment was indeed terrifying beyond imagination. It seemed that he wanted to completely suppress everything in this world.

When such a force was released, the entire space was trembling at an extremely fast speed, and the aura permeating the void was also moving at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that it was caused by such a force of Ye Feng. Give a complete shock.

"A bold thief does not live or die, do you think the power of doom is that simple? Those who try to control such a power have already been swallowed by us."

The doomsday messenger said extremely angrily, the original power in his body is also running at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it exudes is even more tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

When such a terrible breath is released, the entire space enters a state that ordinary people cannot understand. The countless destructive powers and the breath released by continuous operation are even so powerful that they are unimaginable. .

Extremely bright brilliance continued to erupt in the depths of the void, and the energy released became stronger and stronger, and the aura that radiated from every move had become extremely terrifying.

However, no matter how serious and angry they are, they cannot resist Ye Feng's restraint on their strength, and even said that when the aura of destruction, they can't even resist.

Such a terrifying doomsday power was completely restrained at this moment, and the energy radiated from it even reached a point that ordinary people could not understand.

The Holy Demon Spear also contains the strongest power between heaven and earth, and the breath it radiates is even more powerful to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people, and countless destructive powers are trembling crazily at this moment.

At that moment, the power in the entire space was completely restrained, and the energy contained in it was even completely suppressed and refined in this extremely short period of time.

Perceiving this kind of breath that ordinary people can't understand, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the destructive power radiated from every move will be crushed at an extremely fast speed.

I only saw the holy magic spear becoming extremely huge, as if it were about to occupy the entire sky, descending towards the doomsday messengers at an extremely fast speed.

In this very short period of time, the power in the depths of the void has become more and more terrifying, countless auras of destruction, the energy released by boiling at an extremely fast speed, and even the whole world is going to be completely destroyed. The destruction came.

The destructive power possessed by both parties is already the world's top power. The original aura in their bodies is running at an extremely fast speed, making the energy of the entire world become more and more terrifying.

In the next moment, these two forces had already collided together, and the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion resounded in the void, and an extremely large force erupted in the depths of the space.

An extremely huge world is sealed in the body of the Holy Magic Spear, and the destructive power contained in it has reached a level that ordinary people cannot understand. This terrible breath is also released by Ye Feng Yin at this moment. Came out.

The energy belonging to the calamity giant tortoise can return everything in the world to nothingness, and even the power of the doomsday that destroys everything is also affected.

At this moment, the terrifying aura contained in the void was also suppressed unprecedentedly at this moment, and countless destructive powers boiled and merged into his body at an extremely fast speed at this moment.

In the face of such a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine, the brilliance in the eyes has also become extremely bright, and the original force in the body is rapidly operating, making the entire space reach an extremely terrifying point. .

At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely strong, and countless destructive powers were guided out at this moment, and the powerful force exuding even completely suppressed this space. Refining.

In an instant, countless auras erupted completely at this moment, and the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand swung fiercely, destroying the spear light crazily agglomerated in the void, and shot directly towards those doomsday messengers.

When feeling such a breath, the expressions of the people present were also shocked like never before. The original power in their bodies continued to operate, causing the entire space to enter a state that ordinary people could not understand.

The strength of the doomsday messengers is indeed beyond imagination, but at this moment, when they feel such a breath, the original power in their bodies is also irresistible, and they watched the energy in their bodies. A little bit of collapse and broken.

And the destructive power mobilized by Ye Feng became stronger and stronger in this process, and even said that there was still a supreme artistic conception shrouded in it.

Facing such a terrifying aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brighter than the original power in his body, and it reached an extremely terrifying point.

Countless destructive brilliance bloomed at this moment, causing the entire world to enter an unprecedented realm, as if all the forces between the world and the earth would be completely suppressed and refined.

When feeling such a breath, the energy radiating from the entire space has become an aura that is extremely cruel and converging, and even everything in this world can be completely destroyed.

That is, at this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer and purer, and the wave of destruction formed by the unstoppable movement of the original power in his body also reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

After a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also reached a terrifying state, and countless destructive powers even completely integrated into his body at this moment.

But Ye Feng's body still couldn't contain any power. After these powers entered Ye Feng's body, he quickly moved upwards and directly integrated into the great world of the gods.

Of course, a part of the essence of this power was spontaneously absorbed by the Tiantian Spirit Orb, and the power of the chaotic origin became extremely powerful, as if to suppress everything in the entire space in the shortest possible time. Live the same.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock, the powerful aura released by the continuous eruption in the depths of the void, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. This extremely terrifying energy even becomes abnormal at this moment. fear.

With such a terrifying wave of destruction, the breath displayed at this moment has also become extremely terrifying. The terrifying power that ordinary people can't understand has shown its most powerful strength in this extremely short period of time.

Although the Doomsday Envoy family possesses extremely powerful destructive power, the aura radiating from the space at this moment cannot completely suppress Ye Feng.

And although their power is strong, it is also the power of the cluster. Although the overall combat power is terrifying, it is impossible to suppress Ye Feng from the single power.

Even if they brought everyone's breath together, the power that burst out at this moment could not compete with Ye Feng, but would be broken one by one by Ye Feng, depriving them of all the original power in their bodies.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the energy in his body moved at an extremely fast speed, as if to reach a point that ordinary people could not understand. Same.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become stronger and stronger, the original power in his body, the energy released by the rapid operation, and even this space is completely Destroyed.

At that moment, the source of power in Ye Feng's body moved out at an extremely fast speed, and the aura of destruction exuded even reached a point that ordinary people could not understand.

At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more powerful, and the original power in his body quickly moved, causing the entire space to enter an extremely terrifying state.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks resounded madly at this moment, and that extremely terrifying force burst out at this moment, causing the entire world to enter an unimaginable terrifying realm.

After absorbing a large amount of power, the original aura in Ye Feng's body has also undergone some inexplicable changes, and the fundamental power in his body has also been affected as never before.

The brilliance of reading exploded at this moment, making the entire world show its most terrifying strength at this moment.

However, such a force had no way to affect Ye Feng's constant battle, and Ye Feng also felt the feeling of dominating all the power between the world and all things at this moment.

That is a terrifying force that puts itself above the sky and the earth, and seems to be able to control all life between the sky and the earth with its own ability.

That kind of extremely bright brilliance is in the void, blooming, and countless destructive powers are even boiling at a very fast speed. In this very short time, everything in the space is completely destroyed. tear.

Facing such a powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the aura that radiated from every move was beyond imagination.

It's just that the power in his body, you are restrained and balanced by that chain. At this moment, it is impossible to completely refine those terrible auras. On the contrary, this terrifying energy collapses a little bit. arrival.

Even so, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was so powerful, and the powerful aura in the space had reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not understand at this moment.

After realizing such a fluctuation, Ye Feng also silently closed his eyes, carefully feeling the power changes in his body, as if he wanted to grasp this flash of inspiration to improve his own cultivation.

It's just that this kind of power is really too special, and the realm that Ye Feng is in at the moment has also been greatly affected, and he can't perfectly feel the terrifying energy.

Even so, Ye Feng caught such a little mental fluctuation, as if he could open the door to a higher level with such a force.

After carefully feeling the changes in the breath in his body, Ye Feng didn't have any panic at this moment, and even said that the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of powerful force that ordinary people can't understand is also showing its own most powerful means at this moment, and the breath that it exudes is also tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even if Ye Feng is unable to break through the original power in his body at this moment, he is already strong enough to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. This terrible breath is beyond imagination, and he even wants to give everything between the world and the earth. Suppress it completely.

And at this moment, Ye Feng also felt the original power in his body, and it was running at an extremely fast speed, and the energy radiated out even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

Silently running the powerful energy in his body, the brilliance in Ye Fengyan’s eyes became purer and purer. The power of his own origin exploded at an extremely fast speed, making the entire world have shown their best. Terrible strength.

That is, at this moment, Ye Feng silently operated the power of the chaotic origin between the heaven and the earth, completely integrating everything in the heaven and the earth into his body.

No matter what kind of fusion Ye Feng can't have any influence on these powers, the original aura in his body is so terrifying.

After several attempts, Ye Feng finally gave up this idea. I am afraid that with his current strength, he can't resist the force of rules between heaven and earth.

The energy contained in that chain has indeed reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. Even Ye Feng at this moment, mobilizing the power of the source of the heavenly gods, cannot suppress the power of that chain.

Abandoning the idea of ​​accommodating the power of heaven and earth in his body, Ye Feng's gaze was also placed on those doomsday messengers.

After experiencing such a terrible battle, the aura in Ye Feng's body was not affected at this moment, but the doomsday messengers were on the verge of collapse, as if they could be completely destroyed at any time.

Unprofitable, just at this moment, the terrible energy that is permeating the space has reached a level that ordinary people can't understand.

When feeling this kind of energy, all the beings present were terrified beyond imagination. At this moment, the power released by Ye Feng was so terrible that they didn't even have the thought to resist.

The power of destruction spread wildly between the heaven and the earth, and the powerful fluctuations that emanated from it even completely destroyed everything between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, Ye Fengye did not hesitate, and directly exploded his own energy completely. The fluctuations formed by the innumerable power of destruction at this moment had reached an extremely terrifying point.

The means possessed by the messenger of the day are indeed terrifying beyond imagination, even when Ye Feng felt this power, he also had a certain degree of fear.

The existence of the power of the doomsday can affect the human body world, dissolve all the power in the world, and finally completely refine it.

Moreover, the strength of such a force is not only reflected in the destruction of the world, even to a certain extent, even the human body can be completely destroyed and die forever.

Such a power does not only act on the real level, it even means that when this power is fully released, even the soul, spirit, will, and even the imprint remaining between the heavens and the earth will be a little bit. collapse.

Such a terrifying breath has reached a point that ordinary people can't understand, that kind of terrifying energy, and even the entire world is completely suppressed and refined.

In the face of such a terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present were shocking beyond imagination, and the original power in their own bodies moved quickly, causing the entire world to enter a state that ordinary people could not understand.

"The power of the doomsday is indeed very special, but for you, it is just a means to destroy everything.

But this kind of power is indeed a more noble energy for other people, and the methods you are using at this moment are really too crude. "

Ye Feng didn't have any thoughts to preach to the doomsday messengers, but he was showing his own doomsday power at this moment.

At that moment, an extremely bright radiance appeared on Ye Feng's body, and the breath erupting from the depths of the void even reached a terrifying point that ordinary people could not understand.

This kind of energy beyond imagination is even going to show its full power at this moment, the terrifying aura permeating the depths of the void, and even to completely destroy the entire space in this extremely short time.

After that, an extremely brilliant light burst out on Ye Feng's body, as if everything between this world and the earth had completely lost its vitality.

Under the shining light of the last day, the power condensed in the depths of the void has entered a very special state. The countless destructive powers are running fast, and the aura that it emits has also reached an ordinary person. Incomprehensible point.

Countless powers of destruction, the power of the emptiness that Ci and the tears of the end of the day and Ye Feng felt before this time were combined, as if it could make the world of heaven and earth return to the eternal world of emptiness.

But at this moment, the power controlled by Ye Feng is also so powerful that it is unimaginable and terrifying. The destructive power that radiates from every move will even cover the entire world at this moment.

The shocking force of horror continued to erupt in the depths of the void, causing the aura in the entire space to reach an extremely terrifying state.

When those doomsday messengers felt such a power, they were shocked beyond imagination, and even couldn't believe their eyes.

The power they possess is the purest power of apocalypse, but at this moment Ye Feng is the aura that is displayed, even more pure and powerful than them.

It is necessary to know that the power of the doomsday is the most dependent method of the doomsday messengers. At this moment, it has been completely affected by Ye Feng, and the aura emanating from the depths of the void has even begun to suppress their original power.

When feeling such a force, the expressions of everyone present were shocking beyond imagination, and the breath released from every move was extremely terrifying.

In the face of such an extremely terrifying energy, the aura erupting from the depths of the void is also extremely terrifying.

Running such a powerful energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also bloomed into an unprecedented coffin. The terrifying power that ordinary people can't understand has demonstrated his most powerful means in this very short period of time. .

The sound of terror and shock in the sky resounded in the void, and the power of the person released had even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly spread his doomsday power, directly covering those doomsday messengers, making them feel the most terrifying side of this power.

The group of doomsday envoys began to quickly collapse under the influence of this terrifying aura, and the original power in their bodies was dying at an extremely fast speed. The aura of destruction that ordinary people could not understand, showed at this moment. An extremely terrifying means.

At the same time, the aura permeating the depths of the void has become more powerful, and the energy power in the body has reached an extremely terrifying state.

Even if he couldn't mobilize any source of power, the aura that Ye Feng gathered at this moment was beyond imagination and terrifying. His own will was above all things in the world, making the means he burst out to reach an extreme. A state of horror.

At the same time, the few remaining doomsday messengers also said to Ye Feng in an extremely crazy tone: "You have to pay for it if you dare to kill us. The entire Doomsday group will not let you go. .

We are just some vanguards. Since we can't go back, more powerful people will come. At that time, even if you have such terrible strength, you will not be able to defy the terrible power of our doomsday group.

At that time, you will know how stupid your actions will be.

We will not give you any possibility of survival. When you really face all this, you will know how kind the world is to you, and how happy death is. "

After saying this, the body of the doomsday messenger has completely disappeared, and the power in the body is also melted in the power of the doomsday released by Ye Feng, and countless auras of destruction bloom in the depths of the void, and finally it will be completely The smoke disappeared.

Regarding the aura displayed at this moment, the energy emanating from Ye Feng's body has become more pure, and the powerful force directly radiated from every move has even reached a point that ordinary people can't understand.

Silently operating the original power in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the powerful aura in his body quickly moved out, causing the entire space to enter an unprecedented state.

Feeling the movement of the breath in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. He seemed to grasp a little bit of the veins, which could push his cultivation base towards a higher level.

However, the energy and time required to transform such inspiration into real spiritual power is definitely not a decimal, and it takes Ye Feng to be able to do it after a period of retreat.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't hesitate to turn the aura in his body, took a step directly, and returned to the great world of the gods.

At the moment he returned, the whole world was cheering and boiling, and the breath emanating from the void even reached a point that ordinary people could not understand. This terrible power beyond imagination seemed to be the shortest. The entire space can be completely integrated into Ye Feng's body within a short period of time.

The breath emanating from the interaction between his body and the power of heaven and earth also reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. The extremely terrifying breath burst out crazily at this moment, causing the whole world to enter a realm. A state that ordinary people cannot understand.

The strong people of the Celestial Race were also extremely shocked when they felt these powers, and the activity of the whole world can also improve their cultivation and understanding for them.

More importantly, the power of the world is active, able to continuously draw the power of the source of chaos from the void, so as to help them improve their civilized world, and even reach a terrible realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Especially the strong people at the pillar level who reached the peak of the gods, the original power in their bodies has become unimaginable. If you want to improve at this moment, it will be extremely difficult.

But being able to gain the power of the origin between the worlds and promote the aura in one's body will definitely be strong to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. This power of origin beyond imagination can definitely promote their cultivation. UU reading is moving towards a higher level.

When he felt such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original power in his body quickly moved, making this space reach a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Ye Feng didn't care about the feelings of those people, but stepped forward and directly entered the deepest place in the world, which is the core of the Great Origin of All Gods.

All the power of the origin between the heaven and the earth has gathered here, and the extremely terrifying aura continues to bloom in the depths of the void, and the resulting wave of destruction has even reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In the face of such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the breath that was integrated into the body was eventually lost, but it also promoted Ye Feng's cultivation to a higher level. The realm is operating.

That extremely terrifying chain of order is still constantly suppressing the original power in Ye Feng's body, but in the same way, Ye Feng is also feeling the terrifying breath beyond imagination at this moment.

Bit by bit, the original power in the body was circulated, and the light in Ye Feng’s eyes became extremely pure, and the powerful energy in his body was running at a very fast speed, as if it was going to The entire world will be completely suppressed in the shortest possible time.

Silently mobilizing the power of the source in his body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more powerful.

At the same time, in the endlessly distant void, a terrifying doomsday force burst out, and what terrible will was awakened by such a force.

Because of the influence of this breath, the entire void began to turbulent wildly.

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