Sky War God

Chapter 3630: Weird battle

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3630 The strange battle

In the face of those terrible impact forces, Ye Feng's heart was also quite calm, and he didn't seem to have any fear.

It even said that he didn't even move, and let the metal **** rush toward him.

The extremely terrifying shock power erupted from Ye Feng's body for the first time, as if to crush his body completely.

However, just when those terrifying shocks completely erupted, the power in Ye Feng's body was also released.

Under such a breath, the light in the eyes will become extremely bright, and the original power in the body has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

This terrifying energy has simply entered an extremely strong point, and the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks resounded directly.

Feeling such a power, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, allowing the terrifying aura contained in it to polish his body.

At the same time, the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Decision is also directly operating.

Along with such vibrations and shocks, Ye Feng's breath was constantly released, entangled on these metal bodies.

The decisive operation of the golden demon body is continuously extracting metal spirituality from their bodies to nourish themselves.

Although such a change is weak, it is actually taking the original power in the opponent's body.

No matter what the environment is, such methods are quite harsh and cruel.

But for his own enemies, Ye Feng would not have any hands left, and with every move he could exude terrifying power that ordinary people could not imagine.

Such a terrifying aura is almost completely destroying this space. The wave of destruction is spreading rapidly, and it is converging at an extremely fast speed.

Suspected that after such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more bright, and countless auras of destruction were released in this extremely short time.

There was a loud bang.

The shocking power that Ye Feng exploded directly impacted on the three guys.

Although, Ye Feng's metal shell at the moment did not have any spiritual power gathered in it.

But its own quality has reached an extremely terrifying point, and every move will burst out terrifying power that ordinary people can't understand.

Just such a burst of breath was enough to shake the bodies of the three guys and withdraw.

"Newcomer, what do you think you are, dare to compete with us for resources."

Realizing that he could not directly destroy Ye Feng in the shortest possible way, the metal sphere also said very angrily.

An extremely terrifying aura that circulates endlessly in the space, and the energy it emits will even completely destroy the entire world.

Not only him, but the terrifying aura exuded by the other two metal beings also shocked Ye Feng a little.

Their strength has reached an extremely terrifying point, and they can release extremely powerful magnetic power with every move.

Today, Ye Feng hasn't controlled such a method. If he only relies on the methods of this world, he can't defeat these three guys at all.

It is even said that in the collision again and again, the metal shell condensed by Ye Feng will suffer unprecedented impact, and even be completely destroyed.

Of course, this is not a big deal for Ye Feng, it's just that it will be suppressed by the metal vitality between heaven and earth.

With the power of the chaotic zodiac sign, Ye Feng is completely free to make a shell in the space.

The power possessed will be even stronger than before.

But the way that guy spoke really made Ye Feng quite dissatisfied, and the power in his body was exploding at an extremely fast speed.

"Only you are worthy to talk to me."

At this moment, Ye Feng said wildly and violently, the aura released in his body had reached a terrifying level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Such a force violently impacted on the bodies of the three metal beings present, causing their spirits to suffer a severe blow.

In the end, incomparable anger erupted from their bodies, and an extremely large force spread fiercely.

"The **** from nowhere, who gave you the courage to speak to us like this, do you think you can survive in this world with a little bit of strength?

With this little identity of you, you dare to obtain the power bestowed by Master Jushenfeng, even to say that your current strength is still so weak.

Do you know how noble glory this is, but you can't use them at all, you are blasphemy against the sacred. "

At this moment, a metal being was already extremely angry, and the breath radiating from his body had even reached an extremely terrifying point.

Ye Feng certainly felt the strong pressure from the other party, but his heart was still extremely calm.

Not only that, Ye Feng even imagined that although he didn't know much about these metal beings, the power radiated from it was not weak at all.

"What? Are you envious?

It's a pity that this kind of power is really common to me, and I can easily obtain it at any time as long as I want to.

But now, it seems that you can't get such care at all. It's really pitiful. "

At this moment, Ye Feng also said with a chuckle, and the body hidden in the metal shell stretched out even more casually.

Although he didn't notice Ye Feng's movements at the moment, the breath and will he exuded had already severely impacted the metal beings.

It's just a piece of ordinary words, it has pierced their hearts and made the power of these people more and more crazy.

The extremely terrifying aura, the terrifying destructive power that broke out completely at this moment, crushed directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

"Little bastard, you **** want to die."

One of the metal beings began to roar frantically, and the power in the body quickly spread to the outside world, as if to destroy this space all at once.

When he felt this power, an extremely cold light appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, and the aura he possessed in the next moment was completely diffused.

The extremely bright light, as if to completely suppress the entire space, such a breath, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't reach.

In an instant, the power emanating from the space has reached an unimaginable powerful state, and the extremely special shock power directly crushes the opponent.

That metal being also possessed a very special power at this moment, and the waves of destruction it radiated even reached an extremely terrifying point.

The two powerful waves collided at this moment, and the aura exuded even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Countless waves of destruction were released frantically, and the pressure brought by it was to crush Ye Feng's body completely.

Even so, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, he still spread the breath in his body, and that kind of attribute power had reached an unprecedented state.

Countless shocking powers madly beat the metal shell outside Ye Feng's body, seeming to want to fully temper the power in it.

Ye Feng naturally didn't care about this kind of power. He just used the aura he possessed to continuously crush towards the opponent.

Such terrifying energy can burst out unimaginable terrifying power in a very short time, and it seems that it will completely destroy everything in the world in the shortest time.

However, the opponent's metal life seemed to be aware of its own power and could not cause any effective damage to Ye Feng at all.

On the contrary, it will make Ye Feng's metal shell harder, and this will greatly stimulate the metal life.

The original power in the body was completely released at this moment, and the unimaginable terrifying aura broke out completely at this moment.

It was at this moment that the power in Ye Feng's body sensed a slight abnormality, and directly determined that the attack released by the other party would become more powerful.

At this moment, Ye Feng was only mobilizing the power of chaos in his body, and the aura he radiated even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

The power of metal in this world and the power of Chaos controlled by Ye Feng were rapidly intertwined at this moment.

The fusion of the two powers made the power in Ye Feng's body reached an extremely terrifying point, and the extremely bright golden light spread out from the metal shell.

At this moment, the metal life also mobilized its most powerful aura, directly releasing a strong force of destruction, bursting toward Ye Feng.

The shocking power of horror seemed to crush this space completely.

Even when the two surrounding metal beings felt such a breath, their hearts were shaking wildly.

They naturally knew what kind of power their companion had, but the methods Ye Feng showed at this moment were also shocking to them.

Such a method is already the move at the bottom of the metal life pressure box. If even such a move cannot kill Ye Feng, then Ye Feng's strength is definitely above him.

At this moment, the metal life didn't hesitate at all, it had already released this terrible breath in the first time.

The aura emitted by the collision of two extremely powerful forces in the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The extremely terrifying aura of destruction burst out in this extremely short period of time.

The powerful pressure of that kind of destructive force has even reached a state that ordinary people can't imagine.

Facing such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the power radiated from him even reached a more terrifying realm.

During this shock, Ye Feng could also feel that there is a certain special force between the heavens and the earth, which is converging towards his location at an extremely fast speed.

If such power can be completely integrated into one's own body, the cultivation realm of the golden body of the heavenly devil will also have a huge growth.

Even the metal shell around the body will undergo a certain transformation in nature.

The power of Chaos moves quickly, and the power it radiates is also moving quickly in a very short period of time.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright.

Countless destructive forces completely burst out at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction, even at this moment, destroys and expands.

The collision of the two breaths allowed Ye Feng to grasp such a subtle vein, as if the power in his body had reached an unprecedented state.

Feeling such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes completely spread out at this moment, and the energy emitted would even completely destroy this space.

In this very short period of time, Ye Feng finally sensed that kind of power of veins, and the breath radiating from his body was also surging crazily at this moment.

Countless attribute powers are completely diffused at this moment, and the aura that it radiates is even going to completely occupy the entire space in a very short period of time.

The oppressive force generated at this instant even made the three metal beings present feel an unprecedented shock. The original power in the body is even exploding at an extremely fast speed.

"No, if this continues, we will be completely suppressed by him, and our strength will be released immediately. We must suppress him completely."

The metal being who fought with Ye Feng before, was also aware of the powerful strength that Ye Feng possessed at the moment, and directly diffused all the breath in the body without any hesitation.

Such a terrible destructive force, at this moment, the fluctuations formed by the complete diffusion, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

It was this incident that Ye Feng had completely ignored the changes in the outside world, and the original power in his body was operating at an unprecedented speed.

The power of chaos is swallowed, the original aura between heaven and earth is a little bit, and the pulsating power is integrated into one's body, so that the essence of the golden body of the heavenly devil is once again strengthened.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also observing his body, and the power in the body seemed to have undergone some special changes.

The power of the demon contained in the flesh and blood is constantly changing at an extremely fast speed, as if to evolve all the forces between the world and the earth.

On the other side of the body, the most core place, deep in the bones, gave birth to a kind of eternal golden brilliance.

This kind of power is diametrically opposed to the power of the demon, but the aura it possesses is more powerful and solemn.

It seems that with this kind of power, you can completely suppress your own power of the devil, no matter how the terrible energy changes, it will eventually not exceed a certain limit and completely lose control.

When feeling such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original aura in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.

In the next moment, the aura in his body had already reached its strongest point.

Those pulsating powers are being refined by Ye Feng a little bit, and the powerful power contained in them is even going to completely break a certain limit.

And the metal power emanating from the bodies of the three guys became more and more terrifying at this moment, even to completely suppress the entire space.

Extremely terrifying waves of destruction, madly converging towards the direction where Ye Feng was located, the aura exuded even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

The destructive power is like a wave, rushing towards the direction where Ye Feng is, and if you want to destroy Ye Feng's body, it should be completely destroyed.

However, no matter how these waves of destruction run, the power radiated from them cannot cause any substantial damage to Ye Feng.

On the contrary, under the continuous tempering of these forces, the aura contained in Ye Feng himself has reached an extremely powerful point.

Especially the metal shell on the outside of the body, at this moment, has nurtured a very special kind of spirituality.

It was like saying that it could resonate with all the forces between heaven and earth. At this moment, the aura radiating from Ye Feng's body had reached a very special point.

The metal, which was originally extremely cohesive and tough, is also condensing towards the core at this moment, and it seems that some special change is taking place.

And that kind of power caused the surrounding metal power to start to blur, as if it was about to nurture a little bright light.

This aura is related to the original aura in Ye Feng's body and the incomparably pure power of the demon to a certain extent.

But if you distinguish carefully, the essence between the two is vastly different, and it seems that there is no comparable possibility at all.

The power of the heavenly demon inside Ye Feng's body can completely decompose everything between the world and the earth, and completely crack it through refining.

This kind of power and the Wanhua supernatural powers that Ye Feng previously controlled are also similar to each other.

Although the golden light at the core of the corresponding body is powerful, it occupies an eternal essence.

Regardless of the changes in the outside world, the origin of oneself is always the same, and the aura that it exudes is naturally strong to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

But the metal shell condensed from the outside of Ye Feng's body, the power radiated out, has entered another state.

The breath released in every move has become so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it. Instead, a little bit of cohesion and compression of those metal forces are transported into a new spiritual light.

A little illusion bred from the infinite reality is also the characteristic of this aura.

If Ye Feng can cultivate such a force to the peak state, the breath that can be emitted is definitely not weaker than his real body.

Moreover, such a force also has an extremely strong connection with the entire world, as if it corresponds to the purest life source between the world.

When he felt such a force, Ye Feng also suddenly woke up. Isn't this the prototype of the power of good fortune he controls?

The breath between the heavens and the earth can't keep running, bringing all the forces of this world together, and the breath that is conceived has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

And under the infinite accumulation of time and strength, the most primitive life was bred, allowing them to have an extremely keen connection with the breath of this piece of heaven and earth.

If the energy emanating from this kind of power continues to develop, it will definitely reach a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this case, the energy in the body will move at an extremely fast speed.

This has also caused the power in one's body to definitely reach the point where an ordinary person can't reach it.

The energy radiated from every move can even affect the operation of the entire world.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng not only did not intervene, but carefully observed it.

Ye Feng's performance at the moment also made these guys extremely angry, and the original power in the body was running at a fast speed, as if to completely crush the entire space.

The energy released by countless destructive auras spreading crazily in the void even crushed the entire space completely.

In the next instant, a bright golden aura directly blocked all those terrifying destructive powers.

It even said that there was a very pure aura spreading out, as if to completely suppress this space.

Those extremely powerful shock powers were completely suppressed in this short period of time, and their original powers were hit by unprecedented shocks.

It was at this moment that the original power in his body had ceased to wither, and the energy emitted would even completely destroy the entire space.

The three metal beings had already felt the powerful force released from Ye Feng's body, as if they were about to completely destroy their bodies.

And in the process just now, they have already bloomed their most powerful strength, enough to completely destroy the entire world.

However, even the attack mobilized by his best efforts would still not be able to cause any damage to Ye Feng, instead it would make the power in his body more pure.

Obviously Ye Feng hadn't displayed such pure golden aura before, but after not long after fighting with them, he directly spread such a force.

If this is not the method that Ye Feng had hidden before, then such a burst of power will have an unprecedented impact on everyone present.

Even in the battle, they can condense such a powerful force, and even have a certain degree of restraint in their aura. One can imagine how terrifying Ye Feng's talent and strength are.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, although they have no fear in their hearts, the original strength in their bodies is already somewhat unsupportable.

If you continue to fight like this, before you completely defeat Ye Feng, the original power in his body will have completely dissipated.

How difficult it is for these metal beings between heaven and earth to nurture their own consciousness.

The original power contained in each metal life body is extremely special, and the aura that can be controlled by people becomes more powerful.

Even to say, they already represent a certain kind of metal imprinted in this world, and the aura that they exude is even stronger to an unprecedented level.

It is precisely because of this that the power that Ye Feng exudes is extremely large for their oppression, and it can directly impact their life origin.

They could imagine that if they really died in Ye Feng's hands, such an extremely pure force could even cause unprecedented harm to their life origin.

Once the life source is completely consumed, then even if they have the great ability to change the entire world, it will not help.

At this moment, the hearts of these guys have already produced irresistible fear, and when facing the breath that Ye Feng exudes, their bodies are trembling involuntarily.

Ye Feng's perception power is so powerful, he has already sensed their inner thoughts for the first time, and the original power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.

Just as they thought, if Ye Feng really had such an idea, he would be able to explode his full power in the first place, and completely suppress these guys.

At the same time, that terrible power can even continue to erode their life source, swallow all the aura in their bodies completely, and even completely oppress their souls.

What is even more powerful is that if Ye Feng swallows those powers in their bodies, the life aura condensed by him will become stronger.

Although this will cause a certain degree of pollution to the aura of life, the increase in power is enough to change all of this.

It's just that Ye Feng would never use such power to attack some innocent people. Even the three metal beings in front of him, Ye Feng didn't have that idea.

If it weren't for those people who had been trying to fight Ye Feng with the most viciousness, Ye Feng would not completely deprive the other party of their souls and lives.

Such a bottom line will never be crossed.

What's more, when faced with these situations, Ye Feng would also think of his wife and children.

If he did something like this, what is the difference from the old devouring demon?

By virtue of his own powerful strength, he is able to take arrogance, trample at will, and even deprive them of everything they control.

If Ye Feng really did such a thing, then he would not have the qualifications and courage to go to Swallow the Demon Realm to save his wife and children.

Thinking of this, the power in the body was also slightly reduced, and the aura that it radiated gradually calmed down at this moment, such a terrifying force, even completely dissipated in a very short period of time.

"Let's go."

Slowly converging the aura in his body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was completely calmed down at this moment, and the power radiated from him reached a calm state.

Feeling such a power change in Ye Feng's body, the three metal beings present were also extremely shocked.

It is necessary to know that although the means to release one's own power and destroy all auras are complicated, they are not so difficult.

However, under the rage, when all the power broke out, it was not that simple to condense such a breath completely, and let one's own power completely fall into silence.

Such a state is like completely suppressing that terrible force when the mountain collapses and the ground is cracked, and changes the terrible force brought about by the earthquake, so that everything returns to calm.

That is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Once such a breath spreads, it is enough to make mortals think that it is a divine means.

And at this moment, the three metal beings looked at Ye Feng with an extremely fearful look like they were mortals.

"What? Don't you want to leave yet?"

Seeing the puzzled expressions of these three guys, Ye Feng couldn't understand, and the aura in his body expanded outward at a very fast speed.

Such a frenzied explosion of power was enough to make them completely shocked, even afraid to make any further provocations.

However, Ye Feng had extremely fine control over his own power. Although it caused a strong shock to them, it did not cause any harm to them.

When feeling such a power, the few guys present were also completely shocked by Ye Feng's methods, and the aura in the body was even controlled like never before.

The original power in the body is also moving at an extremely fast speed at this moment, and the breath controlled by itself is even going to break through an unprecedented realm.

Incomparably terrifying power spread wildly in the void, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.

Countless destructive powers quickly condensed, but they were not released, which completely shocked the three metal beings.

Before Ye Feng could say anything, the three metal beings had already rolled to Ye Feng's side, trembling slightly.

At the same time, their bodies are also in subtle collisions with Ye Feng's bodies, and their attitudes are also unusually soft.

Relying on his own powerful perceptual power and his mastery of various attribute auras, Ye Feng was also aware of what they meant.


After these three metal beings felt the powerful power released by Ye Feng and the terrible control, they unexpectedly expressed surrender to Ye Feng.

This sudden change also made Ye Feng quite surprised. It seemed that he had never thought that after a battle, someone would directly surrender to him.

If Ye Feng was willing, he could easily grind their bodies completely at this moment.

It even said that even their souls would be completely deprived. UU reading

Facing such a terrifying and powerful life, these people even dared to get together, expressing their surrender, which also made Ye Feng somewhat unimaginable.

The original power in the body is constantly spreading outwards at this moment, and the fluctuations formed, even in a very short period of time, perceiving the laws of this world.

At the same time, a muffled voice rang again.

"Accept them, you will know their role soon."

Jushenfeng said to Ye Feng, that the extremely powerful shock force caused the surrounding space to be constantly distorted.

After hearing this voice, the three metal beings present were extremely enthusiastic.

"what do you mean?"

"You will know soon."

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