Sky War God

Chapter 3628: The realm of dazzling gold

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3628 The Realm of Hyun Jin

Feeling the strong pressure from the outside world, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely cautious.

The power in one's own body can move quickly again, and the fluctuations it emits are even so powerful that an ordinary person can't.

The power in the body is circling quickly at this moment, the extremely huge aura, and even the terrifying aura in the surrounding space is all refined.

However, those terrifying forces have also reached an extremely terrifying state, and the aura that radiates from every move is extremely dangerous.

Even if Ye Feng had run his own power to the extreme, this breath still couldn't be completely removed.

On the contrary, it was the pressure that Ye Feng himself was under. Under such circumstances, he became stronger and stronger, and even crushed his body completely.

Feeling such a pressure, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly released the power of the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Decision.

Such a powerful breath constantly oscillates in the space, and the energy it emits spreads wildly in a very short period of time.

Feeling such a change, the vitality of the world in the world is constantly fluctuating, and such a burst of energy will even completely tear off the entire space.

At this moment, the extremely powerful metal vitality began to rush towards the direction where Ye Feng was located, as if to crush his body completely.

Facing such a powerful aura, even the golden body of the Heavenly Demon that Ye Feng had worked so hard could not resist.

The power emanating from oneself is running fast at this time, and the waves of destruction formed have even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

However, the terrifying aura from the outside world is also a crazy impact at this moment, and the power released has even reached an extremely terrifying state.

Attribute fluctuations were released crazily, causing this space to begin to turbulence, and that breath even grinds Ye Feng's body completely.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng directly ran his own power of the demon to the extreme, and the powerful power contained in his body even swallowed the entire space completely.

At this moment, the operation of such a force has reached a terrible point, and the aura that radiates from every move is quite terrifying.

Ye Feng also felt the power of the law contained in this world at this moment, it was not that simple.

Even his own laws of good fortune have been suppressed to a certain extent at this moment, and it seems that they can't fully play their role.

Those terrifying metal powers are eroding Ye Feng's body at a very fast speed, as if to completely engulf his body.

Perceiving such fluctuations, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became more brilliant, and the power contained in him even reached an unimaginable terrifying point.

In the face of the terrifying pressure that the world constantly releases, since he can't completely resist, Ye Feng will not arbitrarily think that he can compete with the whole world.

The chaotic power in the body was quickly released at this moment, covering the body, and in a very short period of time, it had already blended with those metal powers.

The aura contained in these powers has been fused with the power of Chaos in a very short time, and it has also changed Ye Feng's power of Chaos to a certain extent.

After fusing these forces, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his body had become extremely heavy, and even the power of Chaos had slowed down a lot.

Perceiving the danger in this, Ye Feng also directly propped the power of Chaos decisively, forming a huge barrier around his body.

The power in the body spread outwards, and it did not directly refine the heaven and earth vitality of this world, but instead blocked the vitality from the outside with the power of chaos.

At this time, Ye Feng had enough energy to perceive the changes in the world and the special power contained in the space.

In a very short period of time, the chaotic power released by Ye Feng had completely condensed and transformed into substantial metal.

Moreover, under the influence of these forces, Ye Feng's body has become extremely strong, and the breath that radiates from his body seems to be condensed into the most powerful material between heaven and earth.

Feeling such a change, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.

In this world, the heaven and earth vitality possesses such characteristics, and it would be an unprecedented help for Ye Feng if he could refine the power in it.

You must know that the Holy Demon Spear and Good Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand are both extremely powerful natal soldiers.

Its own material has reached a very powerful point, but sometimes it needs some adjustments.

Especially the God Sword of Good Fortune, this magic weapon is Ye Feng's most senior opportunity and strength, and he has cultivated it little by little.

Although the power he possessed was beyond imagination, the power that could burst out at this moment could not keep up with Ye Feng's improvement.

Especially after getting a part of the inheritance of the **** of good fortune, Ye Feng also understood how to train his own natal **** soldier.

At least in essence, it also needs a certain degree of improvement to fully display the power contained in it.

The heaven and earth vitality in this world actually possesses such powerful characteristics.

If some special materials can be found, Ye Feng can also raise the power of the God of Fortune Sword to another level in a very short period of time.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng became even more excited, and the power emanating from his body became extremely powerful.

Blocking out those heaven and earth vitality, Ye Feng also used this chaotic power to extract the purest power from it little by little.

After refining these auras, Ye Feng was also able to feel his own chaotic power, and some special changes had taken place, even at this moment, it had already affected his body.

The most intuitive thing is that Ye Feng's bones have become harder and firmer under the temper of such a breath.

Originally, Ye Feng's body was already strong to an unimaginably terrifying point. At this moment, he was supported by such a breath, and the power radiated even reached a more powerful state.

In a very short time, such a breath is already a wave of crazy release, and even the entire space is completely suppressed.

Of course, this feeling is only Ye Feng's own illusion, and the breath that continues to diffuse in the void has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Countless horrible auras are constantly flowing in the space, and the power that is emitted will even completely change the entire space in a very short period of time.

When he felt such a terrible storm, Ye Feng was even more shocked.

That kind of breath is already so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it. Once hit by such a force, even the peak body will be completely shattered.

At this moment, Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation either, and the energy in the body was already fully operated in the first time.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more radiant, and the original power in his body was running at an unprecedented speed.

In the next instant, the power of Chaos expanded outward again, and the protective barrier formed was even more powerful to an unimaginable terrible level.

Countless attribute powers crazily gathered the vitality between heaven and earth, and they were pulled out by Ye Feng, making the power in his body stronger.

In the face of such a strong storm of destruction, the metal power surrounding Ye Feng's body was too weak, and it was immediately torn away completely.

Without any hesitation, in the next moment, Ye Feng released the extremely powerful chaotic power again to change the surrounding environment and let his body fall continuously.

The powerful storm emanating from the space even affected the movement of Ye Feng's body. At this moment, he couldn't move steadily in a certain direction.

Just like a dead leaf, without any resistance, it can only be swept by the wind.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng could only feel the unprecedented pain, and countless terrifying tearing powers seemed to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

The power of Chaos is running as hard as it can, and the protective barrier formed is torn layer by layer, and you can always feel the aura in your body, as if it will collapse at any time.

If it were not for the power of good fortune that could continuously extract a part of the space, the power that Ye Feng controlled at the moment had been weak to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

It is also with such a force of good fortune that Ye Feng can stabilize his own situation in a short period of time, and will not be completely torn apart by those terrible storms.

But under this circumstance, Ye Feng also maintained his own existence, but the heart-piercing pain and the pain of his body being constantly worn away, even those feelings became extremely deep.

The terrible pain in the body and the strong mental shock even made Ye Feng give up.

However, the power contained within itself is still running extremely firmly, and the aura that it exudes expands outwards in a very short time, frantically resisting those attribute forces.

With the passage of time, the external storm of destruction seemed to weaken a bit, and Ye Feng himself was already familiar with such changes.

The power of chaos that is constantly running is rapidly releasing its own effects during this period of time, and it is also fully grasping the aura in the surrounding space.

At this moment, Ye Feng's body surface was covered with a thin layer of metal armor, or it was like skin.

The metal force between heaven and earth has been compressed by Ye Feng to an extremely thin state, forming a powerful protective barrier.

Such a barrier is already the limit that Ye Feng can run to at this moment, and the aura it exudes is beyond imagination, and it seems to be able to completely suppress everything in the world.

Of course, this is only Ye Feng's own illusion, if he wants to fully exert such a power, at least he must raise the aura in his body to the extreme.

In this very short period of time, it was already quite difficult for Ye Feng to condense such a layer of metal skin to enhance his own defensive power.

The breath in the body moves quickly, and the power radiated from it moves wildly in a very short period of time. Such a breath can help Ye Feng beyond imagination.

At least the quality of its own keeps growing, and those destruction storms can't make Ye Feng float in the air like leaves.

I don't know how long it lasted, Ye Feng finally fell on the ground.

To be precise, it is on top of a metal mountain.

In this world, Ye Feng finally dropped his heels, and then observed the whole world.

The aura radiating between heaven and earth is incomparably pure metal power, which seems to be the origin of this world.

At the same time, Ye Feng was also able to feel the aura in this body, which was already extremely powerful to a terrifying point.

While constantly absorbing the metal power between heaven and earth, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also constantly changing.

Fortunately, Ye Feng's back force was also quite strong, directly suppressing such a force outside of his body, and did not allow him to spread quickly.

If Ye Feng was really invaded by such a breath, it probably won't take long before he will become a real metal statue.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the power that he radiated quickly moved in a very short period of time.

The emission of such a power makes everything in the surrounding space run at an extremely fast speed, and that kind of terrifying power at this moment also has power that ordinary people can't imagine.


At this moment, a terrifying sound of destruction resounded, and the entire mountain was constantly turbulent.

Feeling such a breath, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely dignified, and the power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed, and he wanted to stabilize such changes.

And the strength of the metal mountain peak is beyond imagination, not at all that Ye Feng can withstand at this moment.

The aura of destruction expanded wildly, and the power it radiated was even more tyrannical than ordinary people could reach.

Even the destructive power that Ye Feng felt was already running wildly in a very short period of time.

Such a breath directly impacted Ye Feng's body at this moment, and even made him feel an extremely huge pressure, as if his body was about to collapse completely.

This also made Ye Feng extremely angry.

Suddenly, he was drawn into such a world. The first time he entered, he had already received a violent impact, causing Ye Feng's heart to rise with anger for no reason.

In the end, everything in this world was quite unsuccessful, and even there was a huge danger, it seemed that he was going to completely destroy his body.

This feeling made Ye Feng even more unbearable to face the movement of such a mountain, and he simply burst out his breath completely.

The holy magic spear was directly condensed in Ye Feng's hands, and the power radiated from it was even so powerful that an ordinary person could not reach it.

Such a burst of power caused everything around it to enter an extremely terrifying state, and countless destructive powers spread rapidly in a very short period of time.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely terrifying.

It seems that everything in this world is to be completely destroyed, the aura in the body completely converges at an extremely fast speed.

Perceiving such a terrifying power, the aura emanating from him has become extremely terrifying.

The holy magic spear exudes an unprecedented swallowing power, as if to swallow everything in this world.

In the next instant, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand pierced forward fiercely, and that terrible pressure was going to penetrate the entire space.

That is to say, at this moment, the breath radiating from the space has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

That kind of powerful oppressive force, even to completely shred the power in the entire world.

The terrible impact released by the holy magic spear also burst out a scarlet spear light at this moment, as if it could completely engulf the entire world.

In a very short period of time, an extremely terrifying destructive power descended, and the aura that it radiated even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine, directly tearing that metal mountain apart completely.

However, even the attack from Ye Feng's best effort pierced the distance of less than half a foot.

That kind of breath has been wiped out by the power in the surrounding space, and it is impossible to completely explode its own power.

Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely shocked. He couldn't imagine the attack released by his best efforts. Why was it so weak?

Before he thought about this kind of power, the force of the counter shock released had already fallen on Ye Feng's body.

There was almost no resistance, Ye Feng directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the power in his body was constantly running at this moment.

If it were not for the power of good fortune to continuously supplement Ye Feng's power, I am afraid that the current Ye Feng would have been unable to support it, and it would completely collapse in a very short period of time.

The counter-shock force erupted from the entire mountain peak is already so strong that Ye Feng can't imagine it. Such a terrifying aura constantly impacts his body, even giving Ye Feng an illusion. .

The mountain at the foot is alive!

After the birth of such an idea, Ye Feng's heart was even more unable to calm down, and the breath radiating from his body became extremely dangerous at this moment.

Without any hesitation, the power emanating from his body has reached an unprecedented terrifying state.

In an instant, Ye Feng had fully promoted the devouring power contained in the holy magic gun, and the extremely terrifying swallowing aura was completely released at this instant, wanting to swallow the mountain under his feet clean.

However, at the moment when the Devouring Force just started to operate, Ye Feng already felt extremely powerful resistance.

The metal power contained in that mountain peak is so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it, and the breath in the body simply cannot control such a terrifying energy.

Those extremely powerful swallowing forces were unable to exert their full effects at this moment, and even the metallic aura in them had begun to suppress Ye Feng's own power.

It was just a blink of an eye, and Ye Feng's palm had already been metalized, and even his flesh and blood had begun to become stiff.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's consciousness no longer dared to make any more decisions, the aura in his body quickly calmed down, and the radiating power was completely suppressed at this moment.

That kind of pure breath has been completely released in a very short time, and the power of countless attributes is running at an extremely fast speed.

The various powers controlled by Ye Feng have reached the peak realm of the ancient giants, and even the power that can be exerted by the power of the attributes in it can easily crush the gods.

But in the face of the metal force that invaded the body, the powers that Ye Feng controlled had no effect, and could only wipe away the power contained in it a little bit.

Under such a burst of breath, the energy in Ye Feng's body even reached an unprecedented realm.

The power of various attributes in the body is also playing an extremely important role at this moment, and wants to further suppress those terrifying auras.

That is to say, in this extremely short period of time, that mountain peak oscillated violently again, and the terrifying aura that it exudes even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Unimaginable destructive power exploded rapidly in the void, even to completely suppress this space.

That terrifying force was even completely released to impact the terrible storms that emanate from the void.

The sound of jingle bells reverberated continuously in the space, but that breath also reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The energy emanating from an extremely terrifying force that madly erupts at this moment, even in a very short time.

Feeling such pressure, Ye Feng finally gave up all his thoughts and tried his best to condense the aura he possessed.

Those powerful forces were finally repelled from Ye Feng's body, and the energy radiated from the body even reached the extreme at this moment.

The aura erupted by the power of chaos is spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress everything in the world.

In the face of such terrible pressure, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely brilliant brilliance, as if to completely illuminate the entire world.

In an instant, those terrifying metal powers were finally driven out of the body by Ye Feng.

But in this process, Ye Feng's harvest was beyond imagination.

The breath in the body moved quickly, and a powerful force beyond imagination was integrated into the body in a very short time, and it also made Ye Feng's bones extremely tough.

The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue had a huge improvement in this very short time, and the original power in the body was being digested at an extremely fast speed.

The energy that Ye Feng had stored before had reached a terrifying level that ordinary people could not imagine. At this moment, the full release of such a power is also of great help to himself.

Even if the power of the law stored in the body can be completely refined, the help to Ye Feng is unprecedented.

It can make his Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art reach a peak state.

Once he has truly cultivated to such a point, Ye Feng's Qi and Blood Pass can easily be broken through, allowing his combat effectiveness to reach a more powerful realm.

Aware of this, Ye Feng is also constantly tempering his body at this moment, seeming to want to completely release the most powerful force in his body.

Faced with such a strong pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more radiant, and the power that he radiated had even become so strong that ordinary people couldn't reach it.

"Little guy, where did you come from?"

Just as Ye Feng tried his best to practice, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the space.

The incomparably terrifying shock power spread crazily in the void, and the aura that it exudes was even more powerful to a terrifying realm in a very short period of time.

Even Ye Feng's cultivation base at the moment, when he felt such a force, he was also aware of the unstoppable turbulence of his body, such a breath, even to completely tear his body.

Fast running his own power of chaos and power of heavenly devil, Ye Feng also completely suppressed these terrible auras in a very short period of time.

However, Ye Feng's silence for this period of time also made that consciousness seem to be aware of something.

"Is the reaction so slow? It didn't even make any movement."

That huge voice still rang out in the void, and the resulting impact even reached an extremely terrifying point.

Ye Feng is also doing his best to run his own breath at this moment, as if to stabilize the strength in his body, but this is not a simple matter.

The aura exuded by oneself is already so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it, but the impact of the outside world is far beyond the limit that one party can bear.

In a very short period of time, he can only continuously absorb the original strength between heaven and earth, to use this opportunity to enhance his fundamental aura, and constantly resist the powerful impact of the outside world.

It is this kind of power that makes the aura in Ye Feng's body rise at an extremely fast speed, and the energy radiated has even reached an unprecedented realm.

Just as Ye Feng was completely immersed in the process of continuous cultivation, an extremely pure power was once again released in the void.

When he felt such a power, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely shocked, as if his body had completely come to life.

The breath contained in a piece of energy is still extremely huge metal power, but when it is integrated into Ye Feng's body, it gives his body another powerful activity.

The breath that such power can exert is also unimaginable by ordinary people. In a very short period of time, Ye Feng's body has been activated as those silent metal powers.

Feeling such a breath, the power in Ye Feng's body also became extremely active, and within a very short period of time, the energy in his body was completely released.

At this moment, Ye Feng is also very interested in such a force, which is clearly derived from the law of good fortune, but it is completely different from the general force of good fortune.

Even if Ye Feng had already condensed his own law power, the demand for the power of good fortune was not so huge, at this time he wanted to study it carefully.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright.

"Now, can you speak?"

That extremely terrifying voice still sounded in the void, and the power it radiated was even more powerful than an ordinary person could imagine.

But what was extremely surprising was that Ye Feng at this moment did not feel the suffocating destructive power, and even the terrifying impact force was completely subdued.

Although this voice is still extremely terrifying, to Ye Feng's feeling at the moment, it is like someone speaking loudly in his ear, and it will no longer cause fatal harm to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also made a very slight noise.

"Haha, it really is a little pervert, and he can give birth to his own will in such a short period of time.

It seems that the life forces that I have released are also very helpful to you, which is really great. "

The sound of the urn sound of the urn gas sounded again at this moment, and the energy it radiated became extremely large, and even a terrible storm swept across the continuous air.

When he felt such a power, Ye Feng was also shocked beyond imagination.

He has already exercised his own perception power to the extreme, and the breath that he exudes is even stronger to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

And Ye Feng still didn't find the source of the power of this sound, UU reading seemed like he appeared in this world out of thin air.

"Nice little guy, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful essence. If you practice hard in the future, you will definitely be no less than me.

It's just that your current body is too small. If you can transform a huge mountain like mine, you will definitely have more powerful power. "


When he heard this sentence, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely shocked, placing his own perception power on the mountain peak under his feet.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng finally understood why he couldn't find the target with all his might?

It turned out that the person who spoke to him turned out to be this extremely huge metal mountain at his feet.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also at a loss, and he couldn't understand what this world was.

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