Sky War God

Chapter 3624: Great will to repent


Feeling the breath radiating from the opponent's body, Ye Feng's expression became a little more solemn.

There seems to be a certain kind of special energy generated between the heavens and the earth, which is constantly moving from this world at this moment.

When he felt such a power change, the power of the attributes in Ye Feng's body was also constantly changing.

It seems that this space has begun to repel Ye Feng, and the body wants to completely squeeze him out of here.

Not only that, but the aura that exudes between heaven and earth has also become more and more weird.

It seems that the power of the abyss is also controlled by some kind of power, constantly converging towards the direction where Ye Feng is.

At this moment, the power of the abyss has undergone inexplicable changes, entangled directly on Ye Feng's body, and constantly penetrated into his body without causing any impact.

Perceiving such a change, the power of good fortune in Ye Feng's body also moved quickly, and the fluctuations it radiated became extremely powerful.

Those forces of good fortune also have an effect that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

In a very short period of time, such a breath of horror was completely released.

However, just as Ye Feng continued to suppress the power of the abyss that penetrated into the body, the coercive force that came down between heaven and earth also became stronger.

Such a pressure even made Ye Feng's body tremble involuntarily, as if the powerful aura between heaven and earth was about to wipe out Ye Feng's body completely.

Feeling such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes is also the aura in his body that has become extremely cold, and it is exploding at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine.

At this moment, the power of good fortune under Ye Feng's control reached the extreme, completely suppressing this terrifying breath between heaven and earth.

Feeling the release of such a power, the power of the abyss in the surrounding space is extremely surging.

It feels like a wave in the sea, about to engulf a sailboat directly.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng had already controlled the laws of good fortune, and his strength was beyond imagination.

He is not a sailboat without any foundation, but a reef rooted in the bottom of the sea.

Although those life journeys were terrifying, they could not cause him any substantial harm. On the contrary, under the continuous operation of the chaotic aura in the body, they were impacting the influence of the power of those laws.

"Yes, your response is indeed quite fast."

The incomparably great will in the space can once again enjoy the aura that exudes, and it becomes extremely powerful.

It seems to be that all the power in this space has been gathered on the opponent's body, and it is also the energy that bursts out of itself has become extremely powerful.

When feeling such a breath, Meteor's heart was also extremely shocked.

It was as if this space had already come to life, and it was constantly attacking them.

Feeling such a change of breath, the less Ye Feng converged, the more brilliant the divine sword of good fortune in his hand bloomed.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said very plainly, but the power in his body became terrifying beyond imagination.

Under the impact of such a breath, the power of the surrounding abyss has been suppressed, but the power of heaven and earth has become stronger.

You know, this world has long been eroded by the power of the abyss.

At this moment, the more the power of the abyss that Ye Feng bears, the stronger the power this world can recover.

In the face of such changes, Ye Feng's expression did not change at all, just constantly running the power emanating from him.

The aura possessed by the power of good fortune is also fully displayed at this moment, enough to completely suppress everything between heaven and earth.

Feeling the power that Ye Feng possessed at the moment, that great will also became extremely excited.

The extremely terrifying aura descended directly toward the direction where Ye Feng was, and constantly seized the power in his body.

"Your strength is indeed strong enough, and the aura exuding at this moment has become extremely pure.

Although this power is not the same as the previous attribute power, it doesn't make any difference to me.

As long as I have you, I will be able to escape from this space again and re-practice the path I have walked.

And you will be a cornerstone of my path to becoming great. "

After saying these words, the terrifying aura emanating from the heavens and the earth once again descended, directly impacting where Ye Feng was.

Feeling the release of such a breath, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely dignified, and the breath contained in him became extremely strong.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes had become extremely bright, and the aura that he radiated had spread in this extremely short time.

The power of good fortune was run to the extreme by Ye Feng, and a brilliant sword light of good fortune was slashed out, directly locking a prescription in the space.

However, although the power of this sword was powerful, it did not produce any effect.

Jian Guang shuttled through the space at an extremely fast speed, and then disappeared in a very distant place.

"It's useless, because of your strength, although you can detect my breath, you can't lock it into me at all."

The voice of the world's will still echoed in the space, and the power radiated from it reached a terrifying state.

Just as these words fell, the sky in this world became bright again.

Stars hovering in the sky, the aura emitted by them has become extremely powerful.

When he felt these powers, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright.

He could feel the stars above the sky, indeed they possessed incomparably real power.

That kind of terrifying aura is almost completely destroying this space.

It seemed to be a meteor that could destroy the world, falling from the sky.

The aura contained in this terrifying star power is simply unimaginable horror, and extremely powerful destructive power has erupted in the first time.

In an instant, the aura of destruction emanating from the shaking of heaven and earth reached an unimaginable point, and a star slowly fell from the sky.

The power contained in the stars is simply so powerful to an unimaginable realm, and the speed of the falling is even more terrifying than imagined.

The release of such a force was like trying to completely suppress this piece of heaven and earth, and that extremely terrifying destructive force was released at this moment.

Facing the falling stars, Ye Feng also slowly waved the divine sword of good fortune in his hand.

An extremely bright sword light burst out from Ye Feng's hand directly, colliding towards the stars in the sky.

In a very short period of time, these two forces had already rushed together, and the terrifying sound of destruction and shock was immediately released.

At the same time, extremely powerful destructive forces are surging crazily in the space, as if to destroy everything in this world.

Perceiving such terrible fluctuations, even the meteors were severely shocked.

He was able to perceive how powerful the aura contained in those moves was.

The power contained in it has reached the limit that this world can withstand.

Countless stars are shining out at this moment, and that terrifying aura is also spreading out in a very short time.

Such a powerful destructive force released countless brilliant brilliance in a very short time, and the power contained in it was also powerful to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The pressure Ye Feng felt was unprecedented, and the power in his body seemed to be unable to be fully released.

The breath in the body is running to the extreme at this moment, such a strong wave, even to shake down everything in the space.

And at this moment, his own strength has been suppressed like never before.

The power of good fortune is running crazily at this moment, but it is still unable to resist the destructive stars that fall from the sky.

In a very short period of time, the star had already fallen, and hit Ye Feng's body fiercely.

Feeling such a huge pressure, Ye Feng's body also exudes an unprecedentedly powerful aura of good fortune, as if to completely destroy all of this.

However, the destructive power contained in that star is too terrifying. In a very short period of time, it has completely exploded its own power.

The terrifying aura of destruction rushed into Ye Feng's body in a very short time, as if he was going to destroy all his skin, bones, and internal organs.

With such a terrifying aura of destruction, even if Ye Feng had exercised his power of good fortune to the extreme, he could not fully exert its power, and was even suppressed as never before.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also trying his best to explode his own strength, wanting to suppress all these terrifying injuries.

However, at this moment, his power has also reached a certain extreme, and it seems impossible to release even more powerful power.

The power of good fortune is working with all its strength, and the divine mind crystals in the sea of ​​consciousness are shining brightly, integrating the power of the whole body.

Even so, the power contained in this space was Ye Feng who was constantly repelling him, and he didn't let him borrow any power at all.

Although the law of good fortune that Ye Feng has cultivated can change the pattern of the entire world, he can only draw on the power of heaven and earth from any corner of the world.

But in front of the master of the world, this little power of heaven and earth is simply not enough, and it will even be backlashed by the power of heaven and earth.

"It's no use, young man."

That terrifying aura reverberated in the void, speaking in a very disdainful tone.

"The inheritance you get is indeed extremely large, but it has no effect at all in front of me.

My world was created by me, and everything in the world is under my control.

Before, you could control the power of this world because the world of the abyss had too much control over me.

At that time, I didn't have the energy to separate my mind to control you, but it's different now.

The breath and power that I possess is not something you can resist. As long as I catch you, you can take your body and give me a new life. "

The space between the words broke out again, and the terrifying power of the stars appeared, directly suppressing Ye Feng.

Meteor also sensed that such an environment was extremely dangerous, and immediately released all the power in the body.

An extremely bright brilliance was released in the space, and countless stars and astronomical phenomena were still around the meteor, rushing towards the direction where Ye Feng was without hesitation.

Although Meteor's strength is strong, it is only a good ancient giant. When faced with such a breath, there is no resistance at all.

Even so, he did not give up.

He tried his best to release the most powerful force in his body, and wanted to rescue Ye Feng in the shortest time.

However, the gap between the two is too huge. When the star astronomy he released collided with that ruined star, the extremely powerful counter-shock force had already acted on the meteor.

The terrifying aura of destruction destroyed half of his body in the first place, and that powerful destructive force was directly entangled in Meteor's body, as if to completely destroy him.

"An ant who lives and lives, who gave you the courage to attack me?"

At this moment, an illusory light and shadow slowly condensed from between heaven and earth, and his body seemed to be constructed from countless stars.

The incomparable brilliance of the stars completely illuminates this space, and the breath that comes out has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Feeling such a force, both Ye Feng's expressions have become extremely dignified. The breath in their bodies runs in a very short period of time, but they can't resist this pressurelessness.

"The bodies of both of you are quite excellent, and both are extremely helpful to me.

It's just that when I have a better choice, who will take the defective product before. "

That huge figure grinned in the midair, and the breath radiating from the body became more terrifying.

Such a breath quickly condenses in the space, and the destructive power it radiates has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The extremely terrifying power spread in this extremely short period of time, and the resulting wave of destruction is even stronger to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Meteor's body was about to collapse under such a terrible pressure, and the power of the stars contained within itself was suppressed even more than ever.

The power of the stars emanating from the opponent's body is so huge, even if the meteor pushes its own power to the extreme, there is no resistance at all.

It's just that the original aura in the body is being pulled by the other party, it seems that it wants to gather on the body of that figure in the shortest time.

"I have to say that your talent and aptitude are definitely the most suitable one I have encountered over the years.

Even if I opened up the Heavenly Realm and gave birth to countless people who practiced the way of stars, their talents and abilities were not as good as yours. "

The realm master of Tianchen said to the meteor, and the approval in his eyes was even more powerful than ever.

It's just that the aura on his body has become more and more terrifying, and the destructive power radiated out directly crushes the direction where the meteor is.

A horrible breath was completely released at this moment, continuously extracting the original power of the meteor into his body.

When he saw this scene, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely fierce, and his body was rapidly collapsing.

The suppressed body is running frantically at this moment, wanting to completely explode these forces.

Feeling such power, the Tianchen Realm Master also turned his head and glanced at Ye Feng, waved his hand casually, and another meteor fell from the void.

The extremely terrifying pressure hit Ye Feng's body severely.

Such a powerful impact is almost completely destroying Ye Feng's body, and even his consciousness is a little loose.

When he felt such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes dimmed in an instant, and his consciousness was already a little fuzzy.

In the next instant, the Qi in the body was fully mobilized by Ye Feng, and this terrifying force had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Perceiving Ye Feng's resistance, the Tianchen Realm Master was also a little surprised, and his eyes showed an unbelievable expression.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect your will to be so firm.

It's just that when there is not enough strength to support, the willpower you have is not enough to change anything at all.

As long as I get the original power in his body, I can re-evolve my star power.

At that time, the stellar power with pure vitality will also blend into your body, take away your control over your body, and finally make this perfect body my body.

At that time, with such a powerful force, I will be able to truly come back from death.

With such a powerful force and foundation, I can definitely challenge such a great state again.

After I succeed, let alone the abyssal world, everything in the world must be surrendered under my feet. "

The realm master of Tianchen said arrogantly that the power in the body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

Such a terrifying aura is almost completely suppressing the entire space. The extremely terrifying destructive power is infiltrating towards the body of the meteor.

In a very short period of time, the popular body has been completely destroyed, and the whole person's spirit has been severely damaged, leaving only a group of original power like mist.

The strength between the world and the earth is very real, but Ye Feng also saw such a scene, and the pressure on his heart was extremely huge.


At this moment, Ye Feng seemed to be crazy. The power of good fortune in his body began to burn unscrupulously, directly occupying all of his body.

At the same time, his eyes changed from extremely bright to pitch black, just like the eternal and deep darkness.

Such a terrifying breath has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the body exudes extremely terrifying magic power.

"Damn you!"

The resistance in his heart caused Ye Feng to directly tore through everything in the surrounding space, exploding the aura contained in him completely.

At the same time, the White Jade Tower was slowly floating, rising up, and endless power of good fortune surging out from it.

In an instant, the divine sword of good fortune in Ye Feng's hand disappeared, replaced by a terrifying spear covered with countless scarlet patterns.

Such a powerful breath also made the Tianchen Realm Master couldn't help but look at him, and the power in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.

"It's indeed a bit capable, but it's useless."

While speaking, there was another star falling down between the heaven and the earth, and the aura that erupted was even more powerful to a terrifying realm.

It was as if to completely destroy the entire space.

That horrible breath is simply going to destroy everything in the world.

When the first star fell, Ye Feng's body had already suffered an unprecedented shock.

As the second star fell, the power contained in this space became more and more terrifying.

Now that the third star has completely landed, the impact it brought to Ye Feng was like destroying him completely, no matter how powerful he used it, it would be completely suppressed.

That is, at this moment, the aura radiating between the heavens and the earth has become so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it, and the energy radiating in Ye Feng's body has become even more weird.

The power of good fortune and the power of the magic path are intertwined, and the breath that radiates makes people and even people's spirits a little confused.

In the past, Ye Feng has never merged such two forces together, but such a force, at this moment, is condensed and released by Ye Feng, and the fluctuations it emits are also unprecedentedly terrifying.

The incomparably powerful power of the magic path, after possessing the characteristics of the power of good fortune, seems to be able to turn everything between heaven and earth into reality.

At the same time, that terrible power was also released in a very short time, as if to destroy everything in this world.

I only saw Ye Feng take a step forward, and the aura in his body had reached an unprecedented state of horror.

A terrifying edge force pierced directly towards the figure of the Tianchen Realm Master.

Feeling such an oppressive force, if the corner of Tianchen Realm's mouth raised his mouth in disdain, an extremely terrifying celestial power would have been released between waving his hands.

In the face of this terrible impact, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and the power in his body was completely released in the first time.

The aura of destruction emanating from that scarlet spear light also reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. In a very short time, everything in this space could be completely destroyed.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt the fluctuations of the laws contained in his body, and under the constant wear and tear of such a force, he was collapsing at an extremely fast speed.

The aura possessed by the power of the magic path and the power of the abyss overlap to a certain extent. At this moment, Ye Feng fully exerted these powers, and the power of destruction exuded became extremely terrifying.

The power of good fortune and the power of the magic path attribute, the resonance merged together at this time, and the impact of the aura in the body became extremely strong.

This kind of power is like destroying everything in this world, directly stimulating the power of the laws remaining in his body.

At the same time, Ye Feng also mobilized such a breath and operated according to the power contained in the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art.

The crackling sound of breaking sounded those extremely terrifying destructive powers in Ye Feng's body, and it reached an unprecedented realm, directly accompanied by the piercing of Ye Feng's spear light.

In a very short period of time, the Holy Magic Spear had already collided with those stars.

The extremely huge stars also burst out of unprecedented destruction power at this moment, seeming to be completely destroying everything in this world.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded at this moment, and the power radiated reached an unprecedented realm.

In the face of such an impact, Ye Feng was also unafraid, and the power contained in him was completely released at this moment.

The scarlet brilliance released by the holy magic gun seemed to penetrate the entire space, directly locking the stars completely.

Followed by the terrorist explosion that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Make every effort to condense the aura released by oneself to those extremely terrifying destructive powers, which exploded in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the power of the attributes in Ye Feng's body had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine, and such a power spread in a very short time.

Perceiving the destructive aura released by Ye Feng, even the Tianchen Realm Master was extremely shocked at this moment, and the power in his body seemed to have been suppressed by some kind of special.

You must know that the Tianchen Realm Lord is a powerful cultivator above the gods. Even if he loses the origin of his body, the world has been destroyed extremely strongly.

However, his strength is beyond imagination.

At this moment, the power in his body was enough to easily crush all the gods, and even the easy killing of those gods.

The extremely terrifying aura was completely released at this moment, and that terrifying power was simply going to reach a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The master of Tianchen Realm completely released his own power at this moment, and seemed to be completely destroying all of this.

At this moment, the power of the stars between heaven and earth has grown to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. Those terrifying auras are almost completely destroying this space.

Such a terrifying breath descended directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly released his most powerful aura.

Such a force directly collided with the terrifying power of destroying stars.

An extremely terrifying aura, that kind of powerful force crazily spread in the void, and it even wanted to destroy everything in this world.

At this moment, the two terrifying forces violently collided in the space, and the rumbling sound of destruction resounded completely at this moment.

Such a terrifying force is even going to completely destroy this world.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the terrifying aura of destruction, and directly crushed him where he was. The extremely terrifying power caused his body to collapse.

Those terrifying energies were released in a very short time, as if to destroy everything in this world.

Countless destructive powers directly occupied Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng unable to resist at all.

It was at this moment that extremely terrifying power broke out completely at this moment.

Ye Feng couldn't withstand such a powerful force, and was shocked to retreat directly, and the aura contained in him was almost falling to the bottom of the valley.

It is the superimposed power of good fortune and the power of the magic path, which has also been suppressed unprecedentedly at this moment, as if it may collapse at any time.

That is, at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly discovered the meteor, and the group of original power left behind was directly swallowed by the Tianchen Realm Master.

The power of countless stars has completely swallowed the surrounding space in a very short period of time.

Countless attribute powers are running wildly at this moment, UU reading www. The power of the entire world of uukā has gathered towards the Lord of the Heavenly Chen Realm.

Such an aura was so powerful that an ordinary person could not imagine it, and the terrifying force was enough to completely suppress the entire space.

Feeling such a breath, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely terrifying.

Meteor is his friend, but now he is directly swallowed by the Heavenly Realm Master.

At this moment, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely crazy, and the power in his body began to explode continuously.

The terrifying aura formed by the superposition of the two powers was released with every effort at this moment, causing Ye Feng's body to swell several times.

"Asshole, I want you to die!"

The power in Ye Feng's madly running body quickly radiated outwards, and that terrible breath had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Such a terrifying force, the aura of destruction formed by the crazy spread of space, was even released in a very short time.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also able to clearly feel that the original power in his body was constantly erupting out of a terrifying attribute power, which was simply to completely destroy the world in a very short time.

However, the Tianchen Realm Master who swallowed the meteors did not have any fear at this moment, and looking at the furious Ye Feng was extremely arrogant.

"Young man, it's useless. With your little strength, it's not enough to change this kind of battle.

The original power controlled by that guy has now been completely swallowed by me.

Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you won't be able to save him. "

After hearing these words, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also erupting frantically. The extremely terrifying destructive power was almost released in the shortest time.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes burst out with an extremely scarlet light.

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