Sky War God

Chapter 3621: Facing the core of the abyss

Chapter 3621-Facing The Abyss Core

The power contained in that terrible breath is beyond imagination.

The energy radiated at this moment has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and a terrifying attack may erupt at any time.

It was at this moment that the power in Ye Feng's body was completely released, violently colliding with this breath.

Two kinds of terrifying power, the crazy collision between heaven and earth, the destructive power exuded, even reached a terrible point.

Slowly it was very terrifying, and the sound of the shock continued to echo in the void. Such a breath already shocked everyone present.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt that terrifying power directly descended on his body.

Even though the soul has blended with the Holy Demon Spear, when such a force came down, it also made Ye Feng feel an extremely strong impact.

Especially that powerful force of the abyss, even if it wants to completely destroy this piece of the world.

The body of the Saint Demon Spear was also constantly trembling, and the terrifying shock power rushed towards Ye Feng frantically.

At this moment, Ye Feng also tried his best to run his own power, combined with the holy magic spear, completely erupted.

The attribute power formed by the diffusion of such a powerful breath in the space has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

While working hard like this, Ye Feng also noticed that there was another force hidden in the holy magic spear.

At this moment, when facing the terrible pressure of the outside world, this force slowly awakened, and the aura that it radiated became purer.

A fairly pure power of the magic path is spreading out at this moment, as if to completely pollute the entire space. The breath of this power is even beyond the imagination of an ordinary person. realm.

Facing the terrifying power of the abyss that was constantly erupting from the outside world, Ye Feng's aura of destruction exuding at this moment also became stronger.

As the Holy Magic Spear continued to oscillate, the power it possessed became extremely terrifying, and that kind of power even reached an extremely powerful state.

Feeling such a power, Ye Feng also tried his best to run the aura in his body, wanting to fully display the power of the Holy Magic Spear.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the scarlet light on the holy magic spear also bloomed completely at this moment.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body had completely exploded, and such a force had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the next instant, the extremely terrifying wave of destruction erupted again, continuously spreading out from the void.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock continued to resound at this moment, and the surrounding space seemed to be completely destroyed.

Even the guard of the abyss did not expect that Ye Feng could release such a powerful force.

The complete explosion of such a breath also caused the surrounding space to be constantly distorted.

Even those powerful abyssal forces are being distorted again and again, as if they are about to completely collapse.

The Guardian of the Abyss also raised his palm at this moment, once again releasing a huge force of Shenzhen to suppress Ye Feng's position.

To be precise, he has realized the powerful nature of the Holy Magic Spear, and at this moment he wants to completely suppress the Holy Magic Spear.

However, under Ye Feng's continuous promotion, the power contained in the Holy Magic Spear finally broke out completely.

Countless powerful magic powers are constantly released around the holy magic spear, and the terrifying aura formed is even going to completely destroy everything in this world.

Those terrifying powers, the breath released by the continuous interweaving, slammed the entire world again and again.

The energy evolved has reached an extremely powerful state.

Countless powers of the abyss, under the influence of such a magic path attribute aura, have also undergone a certain degree of distortion, as if they have been completely contaminated.

The strength of oneself has been constantly collapsing in this very short period of time.

Those powerful magical attributes have formed countless monsters, roaring crazily in all directions.

Unlike the Chaos Giant Beasts that Ye Feng evolved, these monsters did not have actual shapes, let alone their own will.

However, the power of the Demon Dao attribute in their bodies was extremely powerful and crazy, even reaching a realm that Ye Feng could not resist.

These terrifying beasts seem to be disorderly crazy monsters themselves. At this moment, they are constantly exuding their own aura in the space, as if to completely destroy this space.

Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng's will hidden in the Holy Demon Spear also became extremely shocked. It seemed that he had never thought about the Holy Demon Spear, but it still possessed such power.

But think about it carefully, perhaps such a change is the most normal.

If the Holy Demon Spear is really the natal **** weapon of the ancestor of ten thousand demons, that is to say, at this stage above the **** of heaven, the ancestor of the demon will absolutely blend his own breath on the Holy Spear.

They even use this weapon to open up their original world.

Once this is done, the probability that the Holy Demon Spear may contain a world of Demon Dao attributes will also be greatly improved.

Now such a force is driven by Ye Feng, releasing the aura contained in it, and also allowing the power of the Holy Magic Spear to be completely diffused.

Feeling the terrible magic power attributed from the outside world, Ye Feng also fully radiated his own power of perception, constantly exploring the power contained in it.

For Ye Feng, the influence of the power of the magic path attribute on him is also quite huge, and there is also the existence of the magic path attribute and divine consciousness in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, he also tried his best to comprehend the power of the magical attributes from the outside world to condense his own magical thoughts.

Under the continuous operation of such a breath, Ye Feng's soul also exudes a more powerful breath.

Those magical powers of magical thoughts that originated from the ancestor of ten thousand demons quickly merged into Ye Feng's perception, making his perception of the power of magical powers purer.

And the increasing strength of his own also made Ye Feng's mastery of the holy magic spear deeper, and the power that he could mobilize was even more powerful to a terrifying state.

Under this circumstance, the power radiated by the holy magic spear has also become stronger, and under such a cycle, the power of this breath has begun to grow like a snowball.

This also led to the terrifying beasts surrounding them becoming more ferocious, and the magical attributes they exuded were emphasized to a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

Even the Guardian of the Abyss couldn't help frowning after seeing so many powerful monsters.

With the palm of his hand, an extremely terrifying force of the abyss quickly converged towards the direction where Ye Feng was, trying to destroy all the beasts.

In an instant, countless powers of the abyss condensed crazily, forming a huge palm covering the sky and the sun.

The collection covered the entire sky, and the aura of destruction exuded was even more powerful to a terrifying point, directly descending on those monsters.

Extremely huge pressure, even to completely solidify this space, completely destroying their bodies.

When feeling such an oppressive force, those powerful monsters also responded extremely quickly.

The attribute power in the body is moving at an extremely fast speed.

Those terrifying magic powers spread at an extremely fast speed, madly interfering with the power of the surrounding abyss.

Such a terrifying force is almost completely destroying the entire space.

The surrounding abyssal force was even more strongly suppressed.

When the Indian breath continued to spread like this, the surrounding abyss also changed drastically.

The energy possessed by the power of the magic path is beyond imagination, as if it is about to completely destroy the entire world.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

The power contained in itself ran at an extremely fast speed, fully mobilizing the power of those magic ways, and gathered them together.

At this moment, those terrifying auras quickly condensed into a person's appearance, allowing Ye Feng's body to condense again.

The Heaven Demon Golden Body Art is constantly changing, and the aura that it exudes is even stronger to an extremely terrifying realm.

At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel the magic aura contained in his body, which had become extremely terrifying.

Even Ye Feng himself, he can feel that the body at this moment is filled with the power of the incomparably pure magic path attribute.

Exploding out such power, it is indeed possible to fully display the power of the Holy Magic Spear.

It even said that the power of the magic way in Ye Feng continued to increase, and the aura radiated from it became even more terrifying.

However, just relying on such a force to suppress the opponent is not so easy.

The huge palm print condensed in the void is coming down at an extremely fast speed.

Such a terrifying force seems to be able to completely destroy everything in this world.

The aura of destruction exuding can even completely suppress the entire space.

Facing such a powerful force, Ye Feng was also calm, slowly waving the holy magic spear in his hand, piercing towards the sky.

At this moment, the more Ye Feng felt the power contained in the holy magic spear, he had reached an extremely terrifying point.

The weight contained in it was so heavy that Ye Feng had a realm beyond his control.

The power in the body is working hard at this moment, and the breath that bursts out has reached a certain extreme state.

At this moment, the power of his own magic path attribute is also operating to the extreme, and the body that has been shaped now has found its own origin.

The extremely terrifying power of the magic path was tumbling wildly in the space, and the energy emitted was even so powerful that an ordinary person could not imagine it.

The holy magic spear in his hand was completely integrated with Ye Feng's body at this moment, and the power that erupted was even more terrifying than imagined.

The palmprints of the huge abyss above the sky still slapped down like a blue sky, and the speed has reached a certain extreme.

However, Ye Feng's current actions have become extremely slow, and even the Holy Magic Spear sending a point forward requires a lot of energy.

Such a breath continued to erupt in the space, and the energy released had reached a terrifying state.

The two terrifying forces directly collided in the midair, and the aura exuded was to completely tear up the entire space.

The rumbling sound of terror and concussion had already erupted completely when the two attacks collided.

Such a terrible breath even reached a state beyond ordinary people.

The destructive power radiated is to completely destroy the entire world, leaving no room at all.

Feeling such a force, the other party's eyes also revealed an unbelievable look.

Originally, he thought that if his own strength was completely exploded, the attack released would be strong enough.

With this palm of his own, it was enough to completely suppress Ye Feng, and even wipe out that weapon.

However, what made him unbelievable was that not only the Holy Magic Spear was not damaged in any way, but the power emanating from Ye Feng's body had become extremely terrifying.

The power contained within himself has completely exploded at this moment, and even the original power in his body has begun to boil crazily.

In the face of such a powerful oppressive force, the entire space is releasing a terrifying aura, and even this space is completely suppressed.

Feeling the constant changes in the power in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, and the aura contained in him even reached an extremely terrifying state.

The constant opposition of these two forces caused everything in the surrounding space to fall into a state of chaos.

The endless turbulent flow of destruction continues to expand in the space, and the resulting breath even makes everything around it begin to be distorted.

Facing such a scene, Ye Feng did not hesitate, the breath in his body could not stop running, and the power radiated out even reached a terrifying state.

In the end, the holy magic spear controlled by Ye Feng slowly pierced forward again, and the destructive power formed by the complete eruption of that terrifying aura even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

With such terrifying energy, the aura of destruction crazily surged between the heavens and the earth, and it was almost completely destroying this whole piece of heaven and earth.

Countless attribute powers were released in this way, and the resulting fluctuations were simply terrifying beyond imagination.

The huge abyss palmprint in the space was easily penetrated by Ye Feng's holy magic spear, and the aura in it exploded outwards at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a force, the power of the attributes in Ye Feng's body also began to boil crazily, and the extremely terrifying aura was completely diffused at this moment.

Such a powerful pressure even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people, destroying fluctuations, and frantically expanding toward the outside world.

&nbspp;"How is it possible? Why do you have such a powerful force?"

The Guardian of the Abyss also looked at Ye Feng in shock, and the aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed, and the power he controlled even reached an extremely violent realm.

The breath of this terrifying attribute power spreading crazily in the void, even to completely destroy this space.

Feeling such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely cruel, and the breath that it exudes has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

"The power I can control is not what you can imagine. Don't think that this can suppress me."

Ye Feng said indifferently, the aura in his body was still circling constantly, and the terrible pressure radiated from it even wanted to completely suppress this space.

That terrifying power of the Demon Dao's attributes spread crazily in the void, and the energy radiated out even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Countless terrifying energies circulated quickly in the void, and this breath even reached an extremely terrifying state.

Facing such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure.

The power in the body is surging crazily at this moment, and the energy radiating at this moment seems to be completely falling into the magic way.

The power of countless magical attributes quickly gathered at Ye Feng's side, making the Holy Magic Spear in his hand more powerful.

At this moment, Ye Feng tried his best to run the power in his body, and this terrifying breath also completely broke out at this moment.

In an instant, this attack had already bloomed from the holy magic spear, and the power of the extremely bright edge was completely diffused at this moment.

The scarlet brilliance seemed to completely illuminate this piece of heaven and earth, and the terrifying aura of killing was so powerful that ordinary people could not imagine it.

At this time, Ye Feng's combat power had reached an extremely terrifying realm, as if he was communicating with the world in the Holy Magic Spear.

Such a terrifying force burst out again and again in the space, and the terrifying pressure it exudes, even to completely destroy this space.

Feeling such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely gloomy, and his entire eyes have turned into the black color of weapons.

Uncomfortable, with such a huge oppressive force, the aura in Ye Feng's body lies in the power emitted by an extremely fast tumbling, which has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In these few periods of time, the power emanating from the void has become extremely terrifying, and this terrifying aura even cuts off the entire space completely.

"Stupid mortal, you think this little power can influence me.

You still underestimate the power of the abyss, all the power of attributes is just the beginning. "

As the abyss guardian said, he had already stood up from his throne, and the terrifying aura emanating from his body had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

This kind of huge pressure was like trying to completely tear up this piece of space, and the destructive power radiated at this moment also became extremely crazy.

In the next instant, an extremely huge destruction palmprint condensed from the void again.

The power of the abyss between heaven and earth also fully converged at this moment that terrifying aura, causing the entire space to be turbulent.

The originally gray sky was completely occupied by those terrifying abyssal powers, and there was no longer any change.

But under this palm, the power of the abyss above the sky has been completely drained, leaving the gray sky with its original color.

Although it was only a moment, Ye Feng was extremely shocked.

With Ye Feng's own power, it may be possible to extract the power of the abyss in this space, but it is almost impossible to reach such a terrifying realm.

To refine the power of the abyss in this space, Ye Feng needs a little bit of time to refine, and constantly extract the power of the soul in it to achieve a stable balance.

But at this moment, the aura exuded by the abyss guardian is so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it, directly converging all the power of the abyss in this space on that palmprint.

Before Ye Feng could react, the palm print of the abyss that covered the sky and covered the sun had already descended toward where he was.

The power of heaven and earth radiated from it has reached a point that Ye Feng could not bear.

Feeling such a power, Ye Feng did not hesitate to project the holy magic spear in his hand, an extremely terrifying attack, and his own power erupted at this moment.

Doing my best to mobilize the power in the body, the aura that it exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, this kind of strength even exceeds the limit that Ye Feng can bear.

The power of the Demon Dao attribute in the body is also fully functioning at this moment, and the power radiated, even in a very short period of time, completely suppresses the entire space.

The extremely terrifying power just like this completely exploded the energy radiated, and even in this extremely short period of time, it was necessary to completely destroy this space.

However, in the next instant, the attribute power between the heavens and the earth began to madly boil, and this powerful oppressive force would even completely destroy the entire space.

Countless attribute auras completely erupted at this moment, such a terrifying energy, even to completely destroy the entire sky.

The power of destruction surged crazily, and the two auras were constantly intertwined at this moment. Under such a breath, the entire sky trembled crazily, as if it were about to be completely destroyed.

Countless destructive forces burst out in a very short period of time, even this space is somewhat unbearable.

The surrounding abyssal power is constantly boiling, and can't resist it. Such a powerful aura of destruction seems to be completely collapsed at any time.

Faced with such pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the energy emitted by himself had reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng is also doing his best to exude the power of his own attributes at this moment, as if he wants to suppress the entire space in the shortest time.

However, at the moment when his idea was just born, that terrifying wave of destruction had already impacted on Ye Feng's body.

With his own strong will, it has gathered the power of the magic path, the blood of the demon, and the power of the magic path from the holy magic spear.

With the help of these three powerful forces, the body that has been reshaped is also under unimaginable horror at this moment, and the pressure seems to be completely withered in a very short period of time.

Such a terrifying breath is also bursting with power that ordinary people can't imagine at this time, as if it will collapse at any time.

Ye Feng's body that had just condensed couldn't bear such a terrible breath at all, and it collapsed again.

The only remaining consciousness also made Ye Feng quickly thrown into the Holy Demon Spear, and once again merged with this magic weapon.

However, Ye Feng's aura had not been completely transferred out, only the power of his own magic path attribute was released.

I didn't expect that such power would not be enough to contend with the other party, and would even be directly destroyed under such terrible waves of destruction.

Feeling the terrifying pain, Ye Feng's soul was trembling constantly, and the breath that existed in his body completely collapsed at this moment.

Ye Feng, who was hidden in the holy magic spear, his eyes turned red with speechlessness at this moment, as if he had gone mad, working his breath with all his strength.

At this moment, all the power in Ye Feng's body seemed to be twisted into a rope, and the power of those terrifying attributes exploded crazily at this moment.

The extremely terrifying power, as if condensing into substance, directly filled the entire holy magic spear.

Such a terrifying force directly moved the power of the magic world in the holy magic spear.

A trace of the power of the world is blessed on the holy magic spear, and the power it exerts is also so powerful that an ordinary person can't reach it. Such a terrifying oppression is simply beyond imagination.

An inexplicable light and shadow appeared on the holy magic spear, as if it could open up the world and destroy everything.

Feeling such a breath, the power in one's own body has become so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it.

The current Ye Feng couldn't control such a terrifying force, so he could only let the Holy Demon Spear rush out by itself, locking down the abyss guardian.

When he noticed this power, the expression of the Abyss Guardian became extremely shocked.

The power of the abyss in the body circulated quickly, and the power radiated was even more powerful to an extremely terrifying point.

The power of the abyss in the world has been completely gathered by him, and the aura in his body is directly thrown into that destruction palmprint.

Even the power of the world's origin that he has cultivated has completely exploded at this moment, rushing into that area at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, these two terrifying attacks have collided together.

The power of the attributes exuded is simply so strong that ordinary people can't imagine it, and an aura of destruction burst out in a very short period of time.

Feeling such a power, Ye Feng's eyes also burst out with incomparably bright brilliance, and that extremely powerful magic power attribute power pierced toward the opponent as if it had become a real world.

And when the Guardian of the Abyss felt such a breath, he couldn't help but shudder, and the energy in his body was surging at an extremely fast speed.

From the perspective of his cultivation in the realm of the gods, he can naturally feel the terrifying power emanating from the holy magic spear.

In a trance, he also felt that there seemed to be an extremely chaotic side, but it was full of order, and the world of law was rushing towards him.

That kind of terrible aura is simply to completely destroy the entire space, and the powerful aura that he exudes is simply not something he can bear at this moment.

You must know that the original owner of the Holy Demon Spear, the former ancestor of ten thousand demons, possessed a strength beyond imagination, surpassing the gods.

Even the Old Devouring Demon, I'm afraid it will not be the opponent of the ancestor of ten thousand demons.

Now Ye Feng mobilized the breath of the holy magic gun, and directly communicated with the terrible world of that side.

In the next instant, that terrifying power had already descended on the body of the guardian of the abyss.

The extremely terrifying aura of destruction spread crazily in the void, and the attribute power radiated from it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In an instant, the breath that broke out was so terrible.

That is to say, under such pressure, Ye Feng constantly controlled his own power, controlling the holy magic spear forward to release extremely powerful killing power.


The sound of terrifying shock rang out in the space, and the aura of destruction that it radiated, even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Faced with such a pressure, the aura in Ye Feng's body also moved to an extreme state, and the destructive power it radiated was simply beyond imagination and terrifying, enough to completely destroy everything in this world.

The lethality possessed by this gun has already surpassed a certain limit. In a very short time, it directly penetrated the palm print of destruction and landed on the guardian around it.

Without any burst of power, just a light touch, the holy magic spear has penetrated the body of the abyss guardian, and completely released its own breath.

In the next instant, the throne at the feet of the abyss guardian collapsed, and the abyss power surrounding his body was also dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if a world had fallen, the extremely rich aura of UU Reading www.uukā spread in a very short period of time, but a large part of it was directly swallowed by the Holy Demon Spear.

Such a burst of swallowing power also transformed an extremely huge power of the magic path attribute and poured into Ye Feng's body.

Previously, through the connection between himself and the Holy Magic Spear, Ye Feng completely integrated his aura into the Holy Magic Spear. At this moment, he was also directly impacted by this force.

Although his body is extremely weak at this moment, Ye Feng's spirit is extremely excited, and the aura in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling the constant surging attribute power, Ye Feng did not hesitate to operate the Heaven Demon Golden Body Art.

The incomparably powerful power of the magic path circulates quickly in Ye Feng's body, and the aura it radiates is even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

This kind of terrifying power was enough to completely suppress this space, and the burst of energy made his heart beat constantly.

But between two or three breaths, Ye Feng had once again condensed his own Heavenly Demon's heart, and completely released the power of blood.

At the same time, there is more good fortune, quickly circulating in the body, helping Ye Feng to reshape his body.

The power of good fortune and the blood of the demon were intertwined, and the aura exuded was extremely powerful, stabilizing Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.

However, he hasn't waited for Ye Feng to completely sort out his own harvest.

Such a terrifying destructive force simply exceeded the limit that Ye Feng could bear, and he saw an object the size of a planet slowly emerging from the void.

The power of the monstrous abyss originated in front of him like this, making Ye Feng involuntarily thrown into it.

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