Sky War God

Chapter 3618: Source of Abyssal Species

Chapter 3618 Source of Abyssal Species

Chapter 3618 the source of the abyss species

When feeling such a strong pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely solemn.

The power that is constantly moving in the body is also radiating to the outside world at a very fast speed at this moment.

Such a powerful force, constantly operating in the space, the breath released is even more terrifying than imagined, as if to bring the entire world into one's control.

When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's eyes also become extremely solemn, and the attribute power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the aura between heaven and earth has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the power mobilized has become extremely terrifying.

"Is this... the abyss?"

Feeling the power of the abyss bursting out of the space, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.

At this moment, his body was trembling involuntarily, and the aura condensed from his body became extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the power of the abyss that is permeating between heaven and earth has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and it seems that it is possible to completely destroy the entire world at any time.

Under the erosion of such a force, this piece of space is unable to produce such a powerful aura.

This kind of power seems to be to completely collapse the entire space, but what is shocking is that such a lucky force does not destroy the entire space, but makes the surrounding space more solid.

Such a powerful force and the aura contained in it are also terrifying beyond imagination, and the terrifying power of the abyss that radiates from every move must completely cover the entire space.

Feeling such a force, the breath in Ye Feng's body was also involuntarily released outwards.

You must know that the power of Chaos that Ye Feng controls is rare in the world. The powerful power that can change the entire world is the power that corresponds to the origin of everything in the world.

There is such an abyssal power, and the breath that radiates at this moment has been suppressed by the power permeating the surrounding air.

It is conceivable that this terrible abyssal force has become so powerful, and the breath that it radiates has shocked Ye Feng extremely.

The breath in the body can't stop running, such a powerful force, at this moment, has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even the meteor next to him could no longer withstand such power, and there was an expression of incomparable fear in his eyes.

Afterwards, Ye Feng could also feel the powerful psychology emanating from the constant changes in the surrounding space, as if to lead them to a special place.

Such a force has a terrifying impact on space beyond imagination.

Even if Ye Feng kept running the space power in his body, he couldn't resist such a powerful impact, as if he was about to be completely swallowed up by the surrounding abyss space.

Perceiving this change in power, Ye Feng didn't have any fear on the contrary, and the aura in his body was constantly revolving.

"Is there only such a method in the abyss world?"

At this moment, Ye Feng had also insight into the source of these abyssal breath changes, and finally reached a corresponding conclusion.

The aura of the abyss here has power that ordinary people can't imagine, and at this moment they are also converging in another direction.

This kind of force caused the surrounding space to continuously twist, compressing towards that direction.

Although Ye Feng couldn't use the power of space to break away from this kind of favorable space flow.

But if he really wants to leave, he only needs to explode all his own power, but is able to tear apart the surrounding abyss and let him out.

But Ye Feng did not do so.

Now that he wants to dissolve all the abyssal forces in this world, he can only find the source of the abyssal forces.

The current flow of these abyssal forces is guiding him in the direction so that he can enter that space without any effort.

At this moment, the power of attributes between heaven and earth has been tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.

Facing such a powerful abyssal force, Ye Feng didn't have any fear.

Soon the aura of the power in the surrounding space has completely calmed down, and Ye Feng also saw an incomparably huge abyss assembly.

The power of the abyss between heaven and earth seems to be derived from here, and the power emanating from it is expanding toward the outside world at a steady speed.

Only by relying on such a powerful force, under the continuous operation of the New Year, can the entire world be polluted and transformed into an abyssal world.

The strength of this breath has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. Ye Feng has always been standing in front of such an abyssal heart, and he has also felt extremely intense pressure.

It even said that the power of the surrounding abyss had become so strong that the aura that it radiated could even suppress Ye Feng completely.

Faced with such a force, Ye Feng did not hesitate. The breath in his body quickly expanded to the outside world, as if to form a domain that belonged exclusively to him in this space.

The characteristics of the power of Chaos are also beyond imagination, and the energy that can be radiated has even reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

That is to say, at this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body continued to move, and the energy emitted was even more powerful than an ordinary person could reach.

The extremely powerful aura spread crazily at this moment, directly suppressing the direction where Ye Feng was.

The collision of the power of the abyss and the power of chaos caused the distorted and terrifying aura that had been produced in this space to spread completely.

The power possessed by such a force is also terrifying beyond imagination, and the entire space is like boiling, expanding continuously outwards.

At the same time, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure, and the attribute power in his body was constantly running.

Being able to run one's own power to such a point, the strength that can be exerted is definitely to reach a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The terrifying aura continues to move in the space, which seems to be pushing Ye Feng's strength to a higher level.

However, Ye Feng's own strength was not completely enough to resist the power of the terrifying abyss around him.

If it weren't for the Huntian Spirit Orb continuously rotating in Ye Feng's body, releasing extremely huge swallowing power, swallowing all the terrible pressure around him, Ye Feng would not be able to hold on at all.

However, when he really felt the core of this abyss, Ye Feng also noticed an extremely terrifying force.

The extremely terrifying breath spread wildly in the void, and the energy released was even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

In those terribly chaotic areas, there is still life.

Observing carefully, there is a huge human race under that abyss heart.

When seeing those situations, Ye Feng's heart was also shocked unimaginably.

"Could it be said that there are human beings in the abyssal world?"

For such a situation, Ye Feng could not understand, or even imagine, what happened in this situation.

You know it's because the aura contained in you is simply chaos, and the power radiated by the disorder has reached an extremely terrifying state.

Under the influence of such a breath, no one can resist the energy emanating from it, as if it would be completely swallowed up in a very short time.

Because of the influence of the power of the abyss, the wisdom and spirits of all beings will be severely impacted, and will eventually become unconscious monsters.

Under such an environment, it is impossible for intelligent creatures to survive.

However, an extremely huge human tribe has appeared here, and if you look closely, you will find a lot of traces of civilization.

In other words, instead of being affected by the power of the abyss, the humans here have a stronger will.

When Ye Feng appeared here, countless brilliance appeared in that huge tribe.

The extremely bright aura flickered in the space, and the aura that it radiated was also extremely powerful.

But when receiving such a force, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned.

The spiritual brilliance between heaven and earth exudes the power that ordinary people imagine, and it seems to be confirming something.

Judging from the breath of these people, many people are already in the realm of ancient giants.

Even to say that there are still some people who already possess the power of a god-level cultivation base, even stronger than Ye Feng.

Feeling such power, Ye Feng couldn't help being cautious.

The power of the chaos surrounding the body fully revealed its own breath, and the power it radiated has reached a terrifying point.

Feeling such a burst of energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter.

"You guys are from the outside world, right?"

While Ye Feng was carefully observing this tribe, some people walked out of the crowd.

Feeling the breath radiating from the opponent's body, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned.

That extremely pure force of the abyss, as if completely tamed by him, naturally circulated in his body.

And the power of the abyss in this space is also constantly converging towards his position, as if to make his strength rise to the most extreme state.

The incomparably rich life force around has greatly improved the strength of this guy. It seems that every breath in the body can reach an extremely strong state.

Not only the person in front of him, but all the abyss creatures in the crowd possess the same talent.

It's like saying that they don't need any practice at all, as long as they survive, their strength will become stronger.

The extremely terrifying power of the abyss felt as an extremely important energy source for them, capable of making their breath reach the strongest state.

At the same time, in their bodies, the power of the abyss will continue to radiate outward.

If they were allowed to enter a normal world, the power of the abyss emanating from their bodies would pollute that world at an extremely fast speed.

Even if these people are killed, the terrifying power of the abyss will not be purified, but will become more and more terrifying over time.

Such a powerful force, circulating in the bodies of these people at this moment, also caused the aura in Ye Feng's body to tremble constantly.

"Yes, we are from the outside world."

Ye Feng said very calmly. At this moment, the aura in his body is constantly releasing outwards. With the extremely powerful chaotic power, you also want to completely change the surrounding space.

"Yes, the intelligent life in this world has completely fallen, and only people from the outside world may be able to maintain their own wisdom at this moment.

But how long can you hold on? To survive in the abyss, it will not take long for you to be completely swallowed by the power of the abyss.

At that time, what are the differences between you and those abyss creatures that have no self-awareness? "

Hearing such words, Ye Feng was also silent.

The aura in his body possesses extremely powerful resistance, able to resist the erosion of the power of the abyss.

But Meteor didn't have such strength. He was able to enter the abyss world and was not contaminated by the abyss power, partly by relying on his own opportunities, and partly because he had not been here for a long time.

If Ye Feng hadn't appeared, the meteor would not be able to stay in this abyssal world for too long.

At that time, the meteors infected by the power of the abyss can no longer continue to survive as a human being, and the power of the entire person will be completely contaminated by the power of the abyss.

Feeling such a terrifying power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the power he possessed seemed to be crushing toward the opponent at an extremely fast speed.

"So what about you? What are you guys?"

The old man also sighed incomparably after hearing such words.

The power in the body is rotating at a slow speed, and the aura exuding it makes the power of the surrounding abyss stronger.

"We, we are the survivors of the Primordial Abyss, the dependents of the Great Abyss, and the resurgents of the world of life.

We are the abyss. "

When he heard this, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely shocked.

Compared with the whole world, the opponent's strength is not strong, but such a will is beyond imagination.

For them, their own power is not enough to change anything, but it can make the world around them completely polluted by the abyss.

And as they continue to grow and become stronger, the entire world will be completely covered by their surroundings, and the aura they exude will become even more terrifying.

Under such a cycle, their strength will become stronger, so that the entire world will be completely covered by the abyss, and eventually become the basis for the return of the abyss.

But at this moment, the power radiating from Ye Feng's body, that incomparably pure power of chaos, on the contrary, can form a strong suppression on the other party.

It was like saying that with the power in his body, Ye Feng could also influence the changes in the surrounding space.

If Ye Feng is willing, he can also change the structure of a world and turn this space into a chaotic field.

After perceiving such a change, Ye Feng's heart also became extremely heavy.

It seems that he has become the same existence as these abyss races.

"Outsiders, join us. These worlds don't make any sense to you, so it's better to join us.

Become a servant of the abyss, you will have more powerful power, enough to make the whole world change for you. "

Hearing such words, Ye Feng's heart was even more shocked, and the aura in his body was releasing at an unimaginable speed.

This kind of terrifying power quickly condenses between heaven and earth, and the chaotic aura exuded is simply tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Once such a force is completely exploded, the whole world will be changed for it.

"What's the point then?"

Ye Feng muttered to himself.

"Even if it can change the world, what's the point? What I want is not a world that completely obeys me."

The power in Ye Feng's body is also continuously spreading outward at this moment, such a breath, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Feeling the power of chaos radiating from Ye Feng's body, those expressions because of his race also became extremely shocked.

It is necessary to know that the power of the abyss in their bodies is already the most powerful existence they can touch, which can completely pollute the entire world.

That extremely terrifying power of the abyss comes from the most ancient abyss world.

Even the real gods can't expel the power in their bodies. Only the realm above the gods can suppress those ancient abyssal worlds.

However, the power of Chaos displayed by Ye Feng at this moment has an unimaginable terrifying power.

Even the extremely terrifying power of the abyss can't suppress Ye Feng, but will become its nourishment.

Feeling the terrifying aura inside Ye Feng's body, these abyss races also became extremely angry.

"Why, you are the same as us, why are you defying the will of the abyss?"

An extremely terrifying aura erupted directly from the bodies of those abyss races, and the resulting wave of destruction was even more powerful to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Such a force spread wildly between heaven and earth, and the aura that it radiated had formed an extremely terrifying wave of destruction, locking Ye Feng.

However, such terrible power was not taken seriously by Ye Feng, and at this moment he was still running his own chaotic power continuously.

It seems that there is a certain powerful force hidden in his body, as long as he is willing to be able to release it completely.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the elder of the abyss race was also severely shocked.

The power radiating from Ye Feng's body is really too powerful.

Although Ye Feng's cultivation has not reached the highest level yet, it has only broken through the first heaven of the ancient giant.

But the aura in his body was indeed beyond imagination, as if it could completely suppress everything in the world.

Such terrifying power continues to spread in the space, and the breath that it emits has reached an extremely terrifying point. The energy radiated from every move is beyond imagination.

In the next instant, the terrifying power of the attribute burst out like this, directly crushing the opponent's side.

Those terrifying powers of the abyss condensed into substance at this moment, and the aura of destruction released was even more tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The extremely terrifying power was released so easily, making the surrounding space seem to collapse at any time.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure, and the power in his body was releasing extremely terrifying energy.

Those powerful chaotic powers quickly compressed under Ye Feng's control, and the aura that radiated became extremely strong.

The release of such a force has caused tremendous changes in the surrounding environment, and the power of those terrifying attributes is expanding at the fastest rate.

In this very short time, Ye Feng's palm lifted up and the surrounding chaotic power condensed.

Under Ye Feng's control, an extremely terrifying bright sword light burst out.

The aura possessed by such a force is also terrifying beyond imagination, as if it can destroy everything in this world.

Feeling such energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely terrifying.

That terrible force of destruction was like tearing up the entire sky completely, and the force of coercion radiated from it was even tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The surrounding chaotic power is constantly compressed in this sword light.

Even those extremely powerful abyssal powers were affected by this breath, and they were constantly wrapped around the sword light.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes had also become extremely strong, and the attribute power in his body was even spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a power, the aura in Ye Feng's body began to circulate wildly, and the power exuded had even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the next moment, Ye Feng slowly dragged the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, slashing forward.

This sword was released directly, colliding with the destruction attack from the opponent.

Both of these auras are beyond imagination, and the energy contained in them has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

At the moment when these two forces were released, Ye Feng also felt the aura in his body, which was tossing at an extremely fast speed.

The energy radiated has reached an unimaginable terrifying point, as if to completely suppress the entire space.

Feeling such a terrifying power, the aura in Ye Feng's body is also circling fast, with extremely terrifying attribute power erupting from every move.

At this moment, Ye Feng also mobilized all the aura in his body, superimposing it on this sword.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded, and the terrifying destructive power seemed to completely destroy the entire space.

The powerful aura contained in it even completely destroyed this piece of heaven and earth.

Perceiving such a terrible fluctuation, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was also growing crazily at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted had even reached an extremely terrifying point.

At this moment, Ye Feng was constantly superimposing his own power, and the breath he released even reached a terrifying state.

The aura contained in that sword light grew crazily at this moment, and continued to squeeze toward the side of the opponent.

At this moment, Ye Feng had already exerted all his own power, and the aura emitted by the power of Chaos was going to completely destroy this piece of heaven and earth.

With such a terrifying force, you have become stronger and stronger by releasing the aura of destruction formed by crazy release in the space.

That extremely terrifying power of destruction, in this short period of time, released the powerful waves that were formed, just like a wave of destruction.

Such a terrible attack was completely released in a very short time.

In the next instant, the Abyss Demon Race had fully mobilized its own power, and the extremely terrifying power of the attribute broke out directly.

You know, this Abyss Demon Race also has the cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm. At this moment, the aura that can be exerted by mobilizing the world's origin power that it has condensed has also become more and more terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt an immense pressure, and the surrounding space seemed to be shattered at any time.

This terrifying aura smashed towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying moves he released completely defeated at this moment.

Only the sword light that condensed the power of the whole body collided with the breath released by the other party, and the energy emitted by the crazy blending of the two powers had reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the end, Ye Feng's sword light couldn't withstand such a terrifying aura, and it shattered directly, but the attack released by the other party had also melted most of the time.

Facing the imprint of destruction that came next, Ye Feng also raised his palm at will, directly exploding the breath in his body.

Although all the power of Chaos has been released, Ye Feng's vitality is beyond imagination, and the power condensed at this moment has become extremely strong.

At this moment, that terrifying power completely spread, and the power of qi and blood attached to Ye Feng's fist was so strong that ordinary people could not imagine it.

The extremely terrifying fluctuations exploded like this, and between the collision of the two breaths, Ye Feng's body also felt extremely strong shocks.

However, the heart is beating constantly, and the power of Qi and blood contained in it surges wildly, and the power radiated out is simply tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

After that, those terrifying auras have completely spread, and the huge pressure formed will even completely suppress this space.

The aura of destruction was defeated for the first time, and the power of the magical attributes exuding from Ye Feng's body had also entered an extremely terrifying point.

The power of the magic way and the mind in the sea of ​​consciousness bloomed with brilliance, and the aura that it radiated became stronger and resonated with the golden body of the heavenly demon.

The connection between these two forces is also extremely close, the peculiar power in the space at this moment is surging, and the power that radiates is even stronger to an extremely powerful point.

Feeling the constant flow of attribute power in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more terrifying.

The blood of the Heavenly Demon was quickly released, and that terrifying aura had even reached a terrifying point, and countless attribute powers quickly condensed in the space.

Feeling such a huge oppressive force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was completely released at this moment, and such a breath has become unimaginable.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was already madly running, and the energy radiated from it exploded completely in a very short time.

In an instant, the extremely terrifying power completely spread, and the resulting wave of destruction directly collided with the opponent's breath.

The power of the world origin possessed by the other party is indeed extremely powerful, but Ye Feng also has an extremely strong belief in himself.

The heavenly demon golden body in the body is also constantly running, as if to gather all the demon powers in this world on his own body.

Such a terrifying breath continued to churn in the space, and the energy emitted had even reached a terrible point. Even if Ye Feng tried his best, it seemed that he couldn't change anything.

This terrifying force continuously suppressed the surrounding space, stepping forward step by step.

Every time he took a step, the surrounding space was constantly shaking, making the expressions of those abyss demons become extremely cautious. U U Reading

Now Ye Feng's strength has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. At this moment, such a terrifying power of the Demon Dao attribute broke out again, which also brought a huge impact to those Abyss Demon Race.

If the Chaos Power that Ye Feng had previously displayed could suppress the power of the abyss attribute, it would only surprise these abyss demons.

Then the terrifying magic power that Ye Feng displayed now made them all speechless.

The evolution of the power of the zodiac signs of the magic way will eventually only become the power of the abyss, but at this moment, the power of the magic way evolved by Ye Feng has gone to another extreme.

The abyss can completely pollute everything in the world, forming the most evil and terrifying place in the world.

After any creature comes into contact with the power of the abyss, it will fall into endless madness and chaos, and eventually drag the world into destruction.

But the Heavenly Demon aura released by Ye Feng at this moment has embarked on another path of Demon Dao.

Incomparably powerful and noble, but also overbearing beyond imagination.

It seems to be the source of all the magical powers in the world.

But such a force is still in the void, constantly changing, and the breath it exudes has reached an extremely terrifying point, and it can emit terrible power that ordinary people can't understand after a little operation.

The constant cohesion of such a force has also caused an unimaginable impact on the surrounding abyssal force.

They couldn't understand how they could cultivate such a terrifying magic power, and even felt fear in the abyss.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng had once again made a substantial breakthrough in the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue.

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