Sky War God

Chapter 3609: Fortune Mystery

3609 Born-18 May 1974

Chapter 3609-Fortune Profound Technique

Countless terrible fluctuations spread crazily in the void, descending towards his location at an extremely fast speed.

Those terrifying powers seemed to completely destroy the entire space, and the aura exuded even caused the surrounding space to be constantly distorted.

The energy contained in these terrible attacks is already beyond imagination.

No energy can resist such a powerful aura of destruction, or even suppress everything in this space.

For the first time, Ye Feng had already used the power in his body, and the energy gathered was even more terrifying than imagined.

In a very short period of time, that terrifying attribute power spread wildly in the space, descending directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was located like a wave of destruction.

Ye Feng responded extremely quickly.

The holy magic spear in his hand waved a terrifying aura of destruction, just like that.

Such a powerful force is simply going to completely destroy the entire space, and any kind of aura cannot withstand such a powerful wave of destruction.

That is, in a very short period of time, even the ultimate strength has been raised to an extreme.

Facing those destruction attacks, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and he had completely exploded all the energy in his body.

The two terrifying forces collided together in a very short time, and the aura exuded was even more terrifying than imagined.

In these few periods of time, the fluctuations emanating from the void have already reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

That countless bright brilliance bloomed around Ye Feng's body, destroying waves, and even spreading in all directions.

Above the rumbling terror shock, resounding back and forth in the space, that terrifying aura of destruction had already descended on Ye Feng's body.

Just now Ye Feng forcibly gathered the power of the world's origin, and only then did he bring his breath to the extreme.

With such terrible power, finally defeated the giant abyss ghost.

But at this moment, the power in his body has already lost most of it, and he can't resist such a breath at all.

Even the huge pressure that the abyss brought to him made his body a little unbearable, as if it would completely collapse at any time.

Under such circumstances, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became a little dim, and the energy in his body was no longer as strong.

Those terrifying memory fluctuations also occupied this opportunity, rushing towards the direction where Ye Feng was located, wanting to completely destroy his body.

That is to say, at this moment, Ye Feng mobilized the power of good fortune in his body, quickly recovered the injury in his body, and at the same time took out a part of the power of Chaos Origin.

After refining the power of this chaotic origin, the aura in Ye Feng's body instantly became extremely large.

The power gathered in the body is already tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine, and the terrifying aura spreads crazily in the space.

When feeling such a force, the abyssal creatures in the void did not have any fear, and had already condensed the most powerful aura in the body.

The wave of destruction caused by the terrible destructive power spreading wildly in the space even completely destroyed the entire world.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In every move, the breath radiating from the body has completely suppressed the surrounding space, and the holy magic spear in his hand has released unimaginable terrifying power.

In this very short period of time, the aura in Ye Feng's body had begun to run wildly, and the energy emitted had even reached an unimaginable realm.

Such a terrifying force spread wildly in the space, and the resulting wave of destruction would even completely destroy everything in this world.

This time, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand pierced forward fiercely, one after another, the terrifying spear light penetrated the void directly, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

The reactions of those abyssal creatures were also quite rapid, and they had completely suppressed the breath in their bodies in the first time.

The extremely terrifying power, as if to completely destroy the entire space, exudes the aura of destruction, and it is even more tyrannical to an unimaginable point.

In this very short period of time, the original power in the body began to run wildly, and the aura that it radiated had even reached an unbearable realm.

That is to say, in this very short time, the original power in the body is running at a very fast speed, such a terrifying aura, even the entire space cannot be carried.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock resounded madly at this moment, and the terrifying land of destruction even spread madly in all directions.

This piece of space seemed to be completely destroyed, and could not withstand such a terrifying attack.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the original power in the body has begun to run wildly, and the energy emitted has even reached an extremely terrifying point.

Ye Feng could feel the power in his body and was still churning wildly, but it was not that simple to suppress these abyssal creatures.

They have completely integrated into this abyssal world, and the power they control is also powerful to an unimaginable realm.

Wanting to suppress the price they have to pay is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination, and it is not what he can achieve at this moment.

Only by completely releasing the power in the body and the breath in the body running in a more terrifying state can this power be completely suppressed.

Under this circumstance, the aura in Ye Feng's body is even more tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can hardly reach. The original power in the body will even rise to a terrifying state in a very short time.

Or in other words, if Ye Feng could also summon countless creatures, he might be able to compete with these abyss creatures.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining brightly, and the original power in the body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Such a terrifying breath has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach. The original power in the body is growing at an extremely fast rate, and the energy it emits has risen to an unbearable realm.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng had already fully exerted the power in his body, and the aura he radiated was even more powerful to an extremely terrifying point.

Countless Chaos power was released from the body, directly forming an extremely terrifying monster.

When he felt such a power, the original power in his body was already running crazily, and the aura emanating from it exploded crazily in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body began to circulate continuously, fusing the energy gathered between the heavens and the earth, making these chaotic behemoths stronger.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Ye Feng could clearly feel the aura in his body, which had already greatly improved.

Faced with such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was also the energy gathered in his body that became unusually bright, even reaching a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The chaotic creatures that Ye Feng condensed through Magic Magic Dafa and other moves, although powerful, did not have a root.

Now that Ye Fang wants to truly create a skill that can fight and resist these terrifying creatures, it takes countless attempts.

In this very short period of time, a terrible breath was spreading wildly in the space and formed a huge pressure, and even caused turbulence in the surrounding space.

Those abyss creatures also felt the breath that Ye Feng exudes at this moment, and the power in the body was growing crazily at an extremely fast speed.

In a very short period of time, the power of the abyss bursting out of their bodies became more and more terrifying, as if they could completely destroy everything in this world.

Such a terrifying breath is simply to completely condense this terrifying energy in everything in the world, and even to completely suppress the entire space-time.

Countless destructive powers, madly moving towards the direction where Ye Feng is, the riverside, seems to be completely destroying his body.

The chaotic beasts released by their own spells could not withstand such a powerful force of destruction at all, and they were completely destroyed in the first place.

However, the Sea-Swallowing God Orb that Ye Feng put into it also played a role at this moment, and the extremely terrifying explosion swallowed all the waves of destruction.

In a very short period of time, these terrifying auras have been released crazily and formed the aura of destruction, and even the entire space has been completely destroyed.

Feeling the brilliance in Yiyefeng's eyes with such a force, it is also the aura exuding from the crazy operation, and it is even growing indefinitely at an extremely fast speed.

What he created was a giant chaotic beast, although it possessed a powerful force, it even had the foundation of swallowing the sea **** orb to enhance its strength.

But in any case, they are just Ye Feng, and the lives fabricated at random do not have their own souls.

Only by letting them possess true spirituality can they have extremely powerful combat power to fight those abyssal creatures.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Soul He certainly has a lot of souls in his hands, and they are still quite powerful souls.

The power of the ghosts imprisoned in Infernal Hell is simply beyond imagination, and every move can completely agitate the breath of the entire space.

When he felt such a power, the aura in Ye Feng's body was spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the original power in his body had even reached a state that an ordinary person could hardly own.

The incomparably terrifying destructive force continuously releases the aura emitted in the space, which is almost completely destroying the entire space.

However, Ye Feng did not hesitate, constantly mobilizing the attribute power in his body.

The power of good fortune was released, trying to completely suppress the aura emitted by everything in the space, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

During the battle, Ye Feng's pressure was also quite huge, his body trembled again and again, as if he was about to be completely destroyed by this terrifying coercive force.

The Chaos Behemoths that Ye Feng created also possess terrifying power that ordinary people can't imagine, but in this environment, they still can't exert their full strength.

But Ye Feng's attention at the moment has also been placed on the souls in the infinite hell.

Continuously operating the power in his body, Ye Feng drew out one of the souls and used his own chaotic power to cultivate it.

According to his idea, as long as the power of these ghosts is transformed into pure chaotic aura, and then put into those chaotic creatures, they can have powerful strength.

It is even said that through some of the methods in the Ten Thousand Spirits Divine Art, Ye Feng can even make these chaotic giants that have gained life completely surrender to him, and provide him with a steady stream of power of faith.

However, the first step is completely stuck.

Although Ye Feng's chaotic power can evolve all tree-shaped powers between heaven and earth, for those souls, it has unimaginable restraint.

Just in a very short period of time, it was enough to completely melt their souls and exude the aura, and even swallow all their bodies completely.

In this way, even Ye Feng wanted to retain their soul and consciousness to strengthen those chaotic beasts.

"It seems that Chaos Force is not suitable for doing such a thing."

After trying several times and found that it was impossible to succeed at all, Ye Feng had also made a decision.

The power of chaos in the body converged, directly releasing the power of good fortune and the power of soul in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The two powers are superimposed and merged together, and the aura that it exudes is also extremely pure, and it also has a strong attraction to those souls.

When the ghosts in Infernal Hell felt such a power, they almost madly gathered towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

Randomly snapped his fingers, and Ye Feng was pretending to be fused together, and his ability was released into the Hell.

In this very short period of time, those right cheeks began to frantically converge towards that group of energy, as if they were trying their best to grab this group of energy.

Feeling the breath in it, there was also a glimmer of light in Ye Feng's eyes, and the energy in his body had risen to a terrifying point in a very short time.

The attributes and auras in the sea of ​​consciousness are running wildly at this moment, and the energy emitted has also reached a powerful realm in a very short time.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the original power in the body is running at an extremely fast speed, constantly nourishing the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the power of good fortune and the power of soul are also the power in the body that is quickly combined, and it is at this moment that it releases its own breath.

In a very short period of time, the original power in the body has condensed the most powerful force.

As if to completely change everything in the body, the two powers are constantly intertwined, and the aura that comes out is getting stronger and stronger.

The two auras continuously pouring into the Infinite Hell are also pulling the ghosts crazily, making them converge toward their own direction as if they were crazy.

Those ghosts furiously strive to contain this mass of energy in their bodies.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the original strength in the body has begun to undergo a certain degree of transformation.

The first ghost that swallowed the power of fusion began to produce strange changes.

The originally silent and scattered soul also exudes an extremely powerful aura at this moment, and the original power in the body is constantly changing.

The ghost that had already died at this moment also exudes an extremely pure aura of life, as if to completely transform its own power.

Feeling such a change of breath, Ye Feng's eyes also flashed with light.

The breath possessed by such an energy is also beyond imagination, and its help to oneself cannot be described in words.

With a quick grasp, Ye Feng had already grasped the transformed ghost in the palm of his hand.

While carefully examining the characteristics of this ghost, Ye Feng was also releasing terrible attacks at an extremely fast speed to suppress the attacks of the abyss monster beasts.

Feeling the breath displayed by this ghost at this moment, Ye Feng's eyes also shone with an extremely bright luster.

The body of this ghost is already exuding an unimaginable powerful force, as if to completely purify everything in his body.

It's just that this kind of breath can't last for too long, and it's about to collapse completely.

Ye Feng frowned, and then he thought of a solution, using the power of Chaos to wrap his soul with his fingers.

Sure enough, after undergoing the transformation of the power of good fortune, the soul is no longer so afraid of the power of chaos, but is able to absorb this powerful force autonomously.

After fusing into the power of chaos, the aura emitted by these ghosts has become extremely pure, as if to produce some kind of transformation by this.

In a very short period of time, the power of these ghosts has been greatly improved, and at this moment, they are rapidly absorbing the chaotic power emanating from Ye Feng.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body began to circulate wildly, and such an energy was completely integrated into the ghost's body.

In a very short period of time, these terrifying energies have already caused these ghosts to undergo a certain degree of transformation, and the original aura in their bodies has even continued to break through certain boundaries.

Feeling the changes at this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became brighter, and he released this chaotic creature at will.

The power of chaos circulates inside his body, and the aura that it exudes is extremely pure, as if to completely suppress the surrounding world.

At this time, Ye Feng's night eyes were also releasing extremely bright brilliance, allowing such a terrifying creature to continue to circulate in the space.

Converging creatures, at this moment, also possesses the characteristics of the power of chaos, and the body has a method to condense into a sea **** orb.

It's just that after so much time, Ye Feng has also made certain modifications to the cultivation method of swallowing the sea **** orb.

The artistic conception contained in it is no longer that of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, but the Sky-Swallowing Spirit Orb under his control.

Even if you cultivate this technique to the extreme, the power gathered in it will eventually blend into the Huntian Spirit Orb and become Ye Feng's nourishment.

Of course, even if he did not reach the most terrifying state, Yin Feng was able to continuously extract energy from it to improve his own strength.

It's just that the power of the chaotic origin in the Chaotian Spirit Orb has reached its limit at this moment.

Ye Feng could no longer continue to squeeze the power in the Sea God Orb.

But as time continued to elapse, Ye Feng was also able to feel the breath in his body, and a certain degree of transformation had taken place.

Especially the power of good fortune he controls, it has an unimaginable power, as if it is to make the whole person's body change.

In a very short period of time, the breath in the body began to be continuously released, such a tyrannical force, it is almost necessary to completely change the whole body.

The breath and fluctuations emitted by the power of good fortune tempered Ye Feng's body little by little.

It was like trying to make his body produce a certain kind of special evolution, and the aura exuded was even more tyrannical to an unimaginable state.

Under such a change, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become more dazzling, and the original strength in his body has even risen to an extremely terrifying point.

In this short period of time, the energy in the body began to circulate continuously, and the aura that it radiated became stronger.

The combination of the power of good fortune and the power of the soul, and the constant investment in the infernal **** is also a goal for those souls to pursue.

Under this circumstance, the pressure on the death **** war spirits will also be reduced, and with the help of these souls, Ye Feng can continue to create real chaotic monsters.

The extremely terrifying aura was madly released in the space, and one giant chaotic beast was created by Ye Feng.

It's just that although these creatures are powerful, they still can't change their environment.

They have extremely powerful chaotic powers, capable of continuously refining the various attribute energies between heaven and earth, but their own strength is not too strong because of the fact that they have just been condensed.

At this moment, these chaotic creatures are also absorbing the surrounding energy at an extremely fast speed to enhance their own strength.

However, in this process, they had to collide with those terrifying abyssal creatures, and the extremely terrifying power seemed to completely destroy the entire space.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became brighter.

Even if his own power can create these chaotic giants at will, these lives are precious to him.

In the first time, Ye Feng had already released his own breath, covering all these lovely lives.

With the powerful combat power released by himself, Ye Feng is also constantly resisting the attacks of those abyssal creatures.

At the same time, the created chaotic creatures also surround Ye Feng's body, constantly exuding their own aura.

Such a powerful force is continuously absorbed by these chaotic creatures, and the energy emitted by refining is also increasing at an extremely fast rate.

Facing such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, allowing these chaotic creatures to quickly absorb and refine these energy.

With such a powerful technique of swallowing sea **** orbs, the speed at which these chaotic businesses can improve their own strength is also the source of power in a very rapid body, and it is also increasing at an extremely fast speed.

After being created by Ye Feng, these chaotic creatures were essentially just the size of a palm, but after absorbing a large amount of chaotic aura, their size increased exponentially.

For these chaotic creatures, their own size already represents their own strength. Every increase in their size will cause their bodies to have a huge change, and the power radiated out is even more tyrannical to an unimaginable terrifying realm.

Moreover, the power that these chaotic creatures possess is incomparably pure chaotic power.

Such a breath has extremely powerful suppression of the various attribute energies between heaven and earth, and soon these chaotic creatures have grown to the height of one person.

Moreover, the forms of these chaotic creatures were also created with Ye Feng's mind, and the energy and strength they possessed have been greatly improved in a very short period of time.

Under such circumstances, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright and bright, making the aura released by those chaotic creatures stronger.

Finally, the first chaotic creature created by Ye Feng left the protection circle little by little to try to resist external forces.

Those terrifying waves of destruction immediately fell on him, as if to wipe out his body completely.

Feeling such a terrible attack, that chaotic creature is also doing its best to run its own breath, trying to suppress all those terrible forces.

But the power he possessed was simply not enough to resist, and in the end he only left a core the size of a grain of rice.

That is the sea swallowing **** orb that he condensed.

Ye Feng retrieved the Sea-Swallowing God Orb with his backhand, and the aura emanating from it was also extremely powerful.

Then this sea swallowing **** orb spontaneously absorbed the attribute power between heaven and earth, restored its own power little by little, and soon came back to life again.

These chaotic beings constructed by Ye Feng already have their own biological characteristics.

It's just that their roots are also attached to the sea swallowing **** orb created by Ye Feng.

As long as the Sea Swallowing Divine Orb is not destroyed, their lives will not be completely wiped out, as long as they absorb enough energy, they can be resurrected.

It is precisely by virtue of this strength that Ye Feng has enough confidence.

Moreover, swallowing the sea **** orb can make him condense it with his own hands, and it contains the mood of the mixed sky spirit orb.

Just relying on those abyssal creatures not wanting to have any impact on the power he released, even the weaker Sea Swallowing God Orb would not be completely destroyed by those terrifying energy.

After confirming this idea, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and began to do his best to create these chaotic lives.

While these beings continued to condense, the power of good fortune in Ye Feng's body seemed to have undergone a certain transformation, which gave him a deeper understanding of the art of good fortune.

The divine consciousness of good fortune was also running fast at this moment, and the aura radiated from it was even more tyrannical to a terrifying realm.

It seems that in a very short period of time, such a breath can reach an extremely strong state.

As long as you fully release your own power, you can change everything around you.

Originally the power of good fortune is the most powerful life force between heaven and earth, and it can even communicate with the entire universe and mobilize all the power of heaven and earth.

The **** of good fortune at the beginning, relying on his own power, directly created an incomparably vast world.

The law fluctuations in it also reached a terrifying realm, capable of accommodating the power of the ancient giant.

Ye Feng was also in control of the power of good fortune before, but he didn't have such a deep understanding.

But at this moment, under Ye Feng's insight, he has been able to create a true chaotic life with his own power of good fortune.

Even during this process, Ye Feng relied on other special means to release the power that was not pure fortune.

But the abilities he possessed at this moment were also genuine means of good fortune, and being able to create life meant that he had already cultivated the power of good fortune to an extremely strong state.

Such an insight, naturally, can also make Ye Feng have a deeper understanding of the laws of good fortune, and the aura in the body is growing at an extremely fast rate.

In this environment, the energy in Ye Feng's body was released extremely quickly, and the aura exuded was expanding crazily little by little.

A large number of chaotic beings walked out of Ye Feng's side, and the terrifying aura exuded was able to completely suppress the entire world.

After those creatures felt this kind of breath, they also had a certain degree of fear, and the original power in their bodies was being released quickly.

The aura possessed by the power of the abyss is indeed terrifying beyond imagination, but at this moment Ye Feng has no fear at all.

In the body, an extremely huge energy was released crazily at this moment, and the power of the source that was controlled was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Infinite Hell, fully opened, absorbing the original aura of the broken soul contained between the heavens and the earth, and it is constantly releasing its own power.

Well, at this moment, Ye Feng has created hundreds of chaotic beings. They surround Ye Feng's body, constantly devouring the original power between heaven and earth.

Under this circumstance, the aura controlled by Ye Feng was also tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point, enough to swallow everything in the world.

The combat power possessed by those chaotic creatures is even more powerful than imagined, constantly expanding towards the outside world.

Although the abyss creature possesses unimaginable terrifying power, at this moment, facing such a large group of chaotic creatures, there is no power to parry it.

Countless chaotic auras are constantly being swallowed among the surgings, purifying the power that this world possesses, as if to break through a certain limit.

At this time, Ye Feng could finally calmly sort out the strength he had gained.

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