Sky War God

Chapter 3605: Abyss World

[网] In the first time, Ling Tian War God, Ye Feng felt the terrifying power contained in this world, as if he was going to crush his body completely.

The power contained is also terrifying beyond imagination, as if to completely erode all the power between the world and the earth.

Facing such terrible energy, Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious, and the breath in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The power of Chaos quickly released a powerful aura at this moment, directly covering Ye Feng's body completely.

Under this circumstance, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body couldn't resist the tyrannical devouring power of the outside world, and it even wanted Ye Feng's body to sink in completely.

Perceiving this, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned, and the power in his body was releasing at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Ye Feng released the devouring power he controlled, constantly refining the terrifying energy between heaven and earth, in order to maintain his own balance.

That is, when he was exposed to this force, Ye Feng's brows became tighter.

"Power of the Abyss?"

Aware of such a force, Ye Feng's expression is also extremely solemn.

He never thought that he was in the abyss world at this moment.

That terrible world with extremely powerful destructive power has brought tremendous pressure to Yefeng Night Market.

A strong breath burst out in the space like this, and the whole world seemed to be repelling Ye Feng.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng immediately released the breath in his body, and the energy formed reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The power of the magic path is continuously released from Ye Feng's body, and the formed energy suppresses everything in the space in this short period of time.

Combining the power of the magic path, Ye Feng also mobilized his own chaotic power and changed rapidly.

As the most original force in this world, the power of Chaos is enough to evolve all the attribute forces between heaven and earth.

A long time ago, Ye Feng was able to transform the power of chaos into a part of the power of the abyss, once to resist external attacks.

Now, the power he can radiate is even more powerful than imagined, enough to completely suppress everything in this world.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Ye Feng's body exudes an extremely pure power of the abyss.

The energy possessed by such a force is also terrifying beyond imagination, as if it can completely swallow everything in the world.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the light radiating from Ye Feng's eyes became more and more terrifying.

The energy mobilized in every move is even more powerful than imagined, enough to cover all the energy in this world.

Such a terrifying breath also possessed unimaginable energy at this time, allowing Ye Feng to quickly blend with the breath contained in this world.

At the moment when the power of the abyss was released, the terrible pressure on Ye Feng's body instantly weakened a lot.

The energy radiated was completely calmed down in a very short time, and that kind of terrifying power would drop accordingly.

At this time, Ye Feng could finally let out a sigh, and then constantly use the strength in his body to recover the injuries he suffered.


At this time, the voice of Void Hydra rang in Ye Feng's ears, and the aura it radiated became extremely weak.

"Master, save me."

Such a powerful force is constantly being released at this moment, and the resulting fluctuations have reached a point that ordinary people can't handle.

The power of the surrounding space is spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

The power of the abyss released between heaven and earth is also swallowing the body of the void Hydra at an extremely fast speed.

In the face of such a terrifying aura, even the mighty strength of Void Hydra could not resist.

The power of the abyss that came out of the space was eroding the void Hydra at a very fast speed.

Even with his strength, he still couldn't resist the influence of the abyss, and even his body was collapsing at an extremely fast speed.

After feeling such a change, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also slightly turbulent, and then released his own power of the abyss.

In a very short period of time, such an abyssal force has completely enveloped the Void Hydra and completely cut off his connection with the outside world.

After doing all this, Ye Feng frowned slightly, feeling tremendous pressure.

The body of the Void Hydra is extremely large, and the power of the space it possesses is also beyond imagination.

Ye Feng completely diffused his own breath and contained the Void Hydra, which also made great efforts.

The original force in the body is undergoing slight turbulence, and it is even unable to maintain such a barrier.

A little carelessness will be completely shattered by the power of the surrounding abyss, exposing two people to the abyss world at the same time.

"Can't you shrink your body a bit, and the fluctuations in your breath will calm down?"

Looking at Void Hydra's huge body like a mountain range, Ye Feng was also a little intolerant.

However, the Void Hydra at this moment is also quite wronged.

"Master, my cultivation level has reached its limit, and I can't fully refine my spatial power.

Only by relying on the purest chaos origin power can the complex spatial power in my body be wiped out.

If it weren't for such constraints, I might have already broken through this cultivation realm.

Hearing this, Ye Feng's expression was also a little weird.

It seems that if the Void Hydra wants to improve its strength, it must provide him with energy.

But once he was provided with strength, he couldn't stabilize such a barrier, and both of them would die by that time.

It is even that the power of the abyss that is constantly spreading out of the space is oppressing one after another, and the two want to completely obliterate the two.

If this problem is not resolved as soon as possible, even Ye Feng's powerful strength will be completely swallowed.

Knowing this change, Ye Feng's expression also became quite ugly.

Then he stepped out one step, activated the power of the space, and directly entered the body of the void Hydra.

An extremely huge chaotic aura was released directly from the body of the void hydra. At this moment, layer upon layer was transformed into the power of the abyss, finally covering the body of the void hydra.

"For the rest of the time, you will be honest with me."

After saying this, Ye Feng also fully expanded his own aura, such a pure chaotic origin force, constantly circulating around his body surface.

The space power in the void Hydra at this moment seemed to have come alive, quickly approaching Ye Feng.

Those majestic spatial forces constantly converge with Ye Feng's chaotic origin power. Those huge forces merge with Ye Feng's energy, and it is difficult to obtain a little space origin power from it.

During this process, Ye Feng also felt that the power of chaos in his body was constantly growing, especially the spatial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was also rapidly improving.

Feeling such a change, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also being released at an extremely fast speed, such a tyrannical force, even covering Ye Feng's body completely.

The power of space attribute divine mind also possesses a very special function, allowing Ye Feng to freely propagate in space, and even his most powerful speed means.

At this moment, the divine consciousness of the space continues to expand, which also makes Ye Feng's divine consciousness more powerful.

In the same way, after receiving the power of the Primal Chaos released by Ye Feng, the aura of the Void Hydra was constantly being polished.

The power in the body is converging at an extremely fast speed, and the pure attribute aura, although it has become weak and small, is extremely condensed.

At this moment, the attribute power controlled by the void Hydra is evolving towards the power of the origin of space.

Such characteristics are constantly stimulating his body.

A tyrannical force continued to spread in the space, and the formed energy reached an extremely strong point in a very short period of time.

As long as Void Hydra refining all the space power in his body into the original power of space, his strength will be greatly improved.

It even said that he could use this opportunity to break through the boundaries of the ancient giant and reach a more pure point.

Celestial realm.

Once it has truly reached that state, the Void Hydra can even build its own spatial domain by relying on the power of space.

At that time, even the surrounding abyssal powers could not have any influence on it.

Ye Feng was also able to sense this with his own divine power.

If he doesn't want to help the Void Hydra, he just needs to restrain his aura and let the power of the abyss crush the Void Hydra to death.

At this moment, the aura radiating from his body is also constantly refining the void Hydra.

Although it seems that Ye Feng is trying his best to help Void Hydra improve its strength, in fact, the aura in his body has been tyrannical to an unimaginable level.

Moreover, the power of the Primal Chaos under his control also possesses extremely powerful characteristics, and has already left his mark on the body of the Void Hydra.

In the face of such a powerful Ye Feng, no matter how strong the strength of the Void Hydra is increased, it will eventually be unable to escape Ye Feng's palm.

It is even said that once the void Hydra breaks through the realm of the gods by virtue of Ye Feng's power, its original power will be left by Ye Feng with its own aura.

At that time, Void Hydra was afraid that it would really become Ye Feng's puppet, and there was no way to break free.

Even now, Ye Feng was able to spread his own chaotic power and move freely in the body of the void Hydra.

The aura that exudes has also become unimaginably powerful, such a powerful force that even suppresses everything in this world.

Ye Feng's own strength is only the realm of the ancient giant god, and he hasn't broken through any level of heaven.

But Void Hydra is different.

His five heavenly gates have already reached their limits, as long as he fully refines his own power, he can break through to the realm of the gods.

Now Ye Feng is constantly infiltrating with his own power, and his specificity is also turning his own breath to an extreme state.

The power of the chaotic origin continues to spread in the space, and the energy it emits is beyond imagination.

In the end, such a force completely stabilized the state of Void Hydra and even penetrated his body.

Before he knew it, Ye Feng had already used the power of Space Origin to influence the body of the Void Hydra.

Once Ye Feng tried his best to control such a breath, he would be able to bring the body of Void Hydra under his control.

It's just that Ye Feng's strength and state at the moment, it is too difficult to control such a huge body.

Perhaps after the Void Hydra breaks through the realm, Ye Feng's strength will also be greatly improved.

At that time, the Void Hydra might have really become Ye Feng's big toy.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the strength in Ye Feng's body has been greatly improved, and the original aura in his body is growing at an extremely fast speed.

The extremely powerful attribute power exudes an unimaginable aura at this moment.

And with the cover of Ye Feng's Chaos Power, even the instinctive will of this abyssal world has ignored the Void Hydra.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt an extremely pure power.

The outside world has also undergone subtle changes.

At this moment, with Ye Feng's continuous help, the body of the Void Hydra was also shrinking a little bit.

And this ratio is becoming more and more terrifying.

Every time the aura in the void Hydra is refined, his body will be reduced by a large part.

Even some of the dead skin that has been worn out will fall off layer by layer at this moment, and the power that radiates has reached an extremely terrifying point.

The cultivation of snakes also has such a step, which can use the aura in the space to continuously polish their body.

At this point, the energy in their bodies will be tempered extremely strong.

And the body after molting will also possess extremely powerful characteristics, able to resist more attacks.

It's just that in this process, they will also incorporate some special energy to make their own strength stronger.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt an extremely powerful force, and the energy in his body had reached an extremely terrifying point.

In the process of molting the skin of the Void Hydra, it is also constantly absorbing the power of the abyss of this world.

There is an extremely powerful spiritual will in this power, as if it is to lead the Void Hydra to fall.

However, Ye Feng's will has completely descended into the body of the Void Hydra, no matter how strong the opponent's strength is, it cannot affect the Void Hydra controlled by Ye Feng.

The death **** war spirit appeared behind the void Hydra at some point, and the terrifying thoughts exuded were even more powerful than imagined.

In this world, the power possessed by the death **** war spirits is also greatly improved, and the aura in the body has reached a terrifying state.

After the aura in the void is combined with the energy possessed by the death **** war spirit, a certain degree of abnormality has also occurred, and the aura exuded is even more terrifying.

Facing such a special force, Ye Feng also felt the special aura in it, and the original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

After the death war spirit merged Ye Feng's Hell Heart Sutra, it already possessed some independent characteristics.

The power he possesses surpassed the other two war spirits, was able to cultivate on his own, and became extremely powerful.

Now this abyssal world is constantly spreading an extremely sluggish and terrifying idea.

Death war spirits can also swallow a large number of spiritual fragments here, and transform even more terrifying ghosts in the infernal hell.

As a result, the power of the death **** war spirit will become stronger in this very short period of time.

Such a breath continues to permeate the space, and the destructive power it emits is growing at an extremely fast rate.

The power erupted by such a terrifying breath is simply tyrannical to a terrifying point.

However, this kind of breath also attracted some other lives in this world.

The extremely terrifying fluctuations radiated continuously in the space, converging towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

When feeling such a breath, Void Hydra's heart was also full of fear, and the power in the body was expanding at an extremely rapid rate.

The breath that exudes even made his body tremble constantly, wanting to flee madly.

"What are you afraid of!"

Ye Feng's voice suddenly rang in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he directly suppressed his body completely. Such a violent force made it impossible for Void Hydra to resist.

At the same time, the energy possessed by the Death God's war spirits was quickly released at this moment, suppressing everything in the surrounding space.

Such a terrifying breath has reached a level of power unimaginable by ordinary people, and it continues to spread in the void.

The terrifying thought fluctuations formed are constantly absorbing the power of the abyss between heaven and earth and blending into the infinite hell.

The nature of the power of **** belongs to Ye Feng, and now Ye Feng's chaotic power has insight into the power of the abyss of this world, and naturally it can allow Infinite Hell to contain the power of the abyss.

At this moment, the characteristics of the death **** war spirits and the terrible abyssal power, what is alive is an abyssal creature.

What's more, once he releases his breath completely, Ye Feng can even descend his thoughts on the body of the death **** war spirit.

This is equivalent to Ye Feng himself, fighting those terrifying abyssal creatures.

The strength it possesses is even more terrifying than imagined, enough to suppress all these enemies.

In the face of such a breath, the attribute power pervading the void is also growing at an extremely fast rate, and the energy radiated has reached a terrifying point.

Even in this situation, the death **** war spirit is not afraid of any, you are waiting for such a terrible creature to come down.

Soon Ye Feng saw a ghost-like creature, with terrifying thoughts exuding all over his body.

It was as if endless thoughts of despair were fused together, Ye Feng also felt a strong pressure from him.

Unlike normal creatures, the power they possess is just the power of the very ordinary abyss, which depends entirely on the power of the surrounding space.

The body is also ordinary, there is no place to be praised, even as long as Ye Feng cut out with a sword, they can be completely punishable.

But the most frightening thing is that their spirit has reached an unimaginable state.

It seems that it will never be obliterated, the power of such a terrifying idea has also reached an unimaginable state, and the breath that radiates from every move is even more terrifying than imagined.

This horror is not that it is invincible and powerful, but that this idea cannot be completely eliminated.

Even if Ye Feng tried his best, I am afraid he would not be able to completely destroy the desperate thoughts in his body.

Such an enemy, even if it releases all its power, it is impossible to kill them.

The breath that the energy in the body continuously circulates has reached a terrifying point.

That kind of attribute power is also exuding an unimaginable state at this moment, as if to suppress everything in this world.

Such a distorted power also made Ye Feng feel tricky, and the breath of the Death God's war spirit was continuously released at this moment.

However, after feeling the power of the death **** war spirit, the abyss creature also became crazy.

The power radiated is even more terrifying than imagined, enough to completely suppress everything in the world.

Such a powerful impact force had already reached Ye Feng's side in a very short period of time.

The energy possessed is even more terrifying than imagined, so everything in this world is destroyed.

In this very short period of time, the terrifying energy was madly released, enough to completely destroy the world.

Countless powers of the abyss are like boiling, descending directly toward the direction where the death **** war spirit is.

The Reaper War Spirit naturally didn't have any expressions. Facing such terrible fluctuations, he just slowly raised his palm.

A giant sickle, slowly condensed out, exuding the breath of death and the power in the abyss.

The extremely terrifying power burst out like this, directly slashing towards the opponent's location.

The power of such a breath has also reached a terrifying situation. No enemy can withstand this terrifying energy, and it seems to be completely killed in a very short time.

The ghost of the abyss had no response to the terrorist attack released by Ye Feng at this moment.

It is still the breath in the body that is constantly running, and the energy it emits is getting more and more terrifying.

The evil thoughts in the body were directly mobilized, and the fluctuations formed were like a wave of destruction rushing toward the death war spirits.

An extremely terrifying aura burst out like this, and the two terrifying powers crazily collided together.

The sound of the rumbling horror and concussion came through, and there was an extremely large destructive force, which spread wildly in all directions.

Faced with such a terrifying power, the expression of the abyss ghost became extremely terrifying, and the power of the attributes in the body even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

Faced with such a tyrannical aura, the **** of death war spirit possessed a power beyond imagination.

At this moment, the Death Scythe in his hand slowly waved, and the force of the powerful edge exuded was even more slashed at an extremely fast speed.

The powerful edge that it possesses even completely destroys everything in this world, and the extremely terrifying power spreads crazily in the space.

In this very short period of time, a powerful destructive force came directly at this instant, directly slashing towards the body of the death **** war spirit.

The terrifying breath of death was released like this crazy.

The resulting destructive power has even reached an unimaginable realm, as long as it touches it, it will completely annihilate the death war spirit.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the crisis.

In the first time, he had already descended his own will, and directly controlled the body of the death war spirit.

Incomparably terrifying power spread wildly in the space, and the resulting strong fluctuations even reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The insane distortion of the power of the abyss and the violent fluctuations made all of this extremely terrifying.

That terrifying impact was enough to completely crush the surrounding abyss aura.

A piercing light of the sword slashed directly towards the direction where the opponent was.

Ye Feng directly controlled the body of the death **** war spirit, releasing one after another terrifying aura.

The power of his own chaos was wrapped around the death **** war spirit's sickle, and the destructive power radiated from it reached an extremely terrifying realm.

As if it was a horrible aura that was constantly shuttled through the void, its power was also terrifying beyond imagination.

At the first moment, such a powerful force was enough to completely destroy everything in the world.

It was like a horrible idea to annihilate all living beings, directly released at this moment.

Such a terrible destruction, the powerful destructive force formed by the collision between the most of the waves and the body of that strange creature, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Such a terrifying breath also directly aroused the monster's fierceness, and the power in the body spread out at an extremely fast speed.

In his body exuded an idea of ​​destruction that ordinary people could not bear, and he seemed to have entered a crazy state, constantly releasing terrible attacks.

A series of terrifying destructive powers, and the aura of destruction formed by crazy condensing directly locked Ye Feng's body.

The original power in the body is running frantically at this moment, and the powerful fluctuations formed directly collide with those terrifying energies.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock, and the destructive power formed by the continuous expansion at this moment, is more than enough to completely destroy this world.

The power of the surrounding abyss seemed to be boiling, and the tyrannical fluctuations radiated out even completely destroyed the world.

Feeling such a fierce power, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and the fringe aura in his body was constantly expanding.

The attack released by the other party was not very strong, and Ye Feng only needs to gently wave the death sickle in his hand to resist.

But the destructive power the other party endured was indeed terrifying beyond imagination, and an unimaginable aura could erupt from every move.

Even if Ye Feng tried his best, it would be impossible to completely destroy the opponent's body, such a strong fluctuation, even the strength in Ye Feng's body would continue to wither.

The more so, Ye Feng's brows are constantly frowning.

The destructive force formed by such terrible waves of destruction continuously spreading in the space is also growing at an extremely fast rate.


At this moment, the ghost of the abyss, which was constantly under Ye Feng's attack, also let out a roar, and the wave of destruction that it emitted became more terrifying.

In the next instant, Ye Feng had already noticed something was wrong, the aura in his body was circling quickly, and the death **** war spirit turned and marched towards the hell.

However, at this moment, the extremely terrifying breath of the abyss burst out, directly locking the body of the death **** war spirit, as if it were terrible chains, completely binding his body.

Such a terrifying force is beyond imagination, enough to completely seal everything between heaven and earth.

Facing such a strong force, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly mobilized all the power in his body.

In this very short period of time, the waves of destruction emanating from the space have reached an unimaginable terrible level.

The destructive power in Ye Feng's eyes was the aura of destruction formed at this instant, spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The power of Divine Sense in the Sea of ​​Consciousness erupted frantically, and the power of the Demon Dao's attribute combined with the Divine Sense of the Spear formed by the Holy Magic Spear, directly slashed out.

The incomparably terrifying power was directly released in this way, and the speed it possessed surpassed the limit, piercing the entire void in a very short period of time.

Such a powerful force is enough to completely tear this world apart.

That terrible life also felt the violent threat at this moment, and directly released the power in the body.

The extremely terrifying aura of destruction, the fluctuations formed by the crazy spread in the void, spread in a very short time.

Facing such a force, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and increased his control of his own aura. The destructive wave power formed by UU Reading became more and more terrifying.

In this very short time, the attribute power in the body has been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point.

The resulting destructive force is even going to completely destroy this space.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes burst out with a terrifying force, gathering the surrounding abyss aura, wanting to kill the opponent completely.

However, at the moment when this idea burst out, this space began to turbulent wildly.

It was as if to swallow the whole world.

The wave of destruction continued to spread out, even completely swallowing the space where Ye Feng was.

Such a breath also reached a terrible point.

It seemed that some terrible idea had descended on Ye Feng's body.

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