Sky War God

Chapter 3602: Subdue the 9-headed snake

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3602 Submission of Hydra

At this moment, an extremely huge breath was released from Ye Feng's body, and that endless chaotic power spread wildly in all directions as if it had burst out completely.

Faced with such a force, even the Void Hydra, no matter how powerful it is, it can't be completely endured.

It was as if a world was born in his body, and the huge pressure formed caused his body to shatter.

Ye Feng pushed the ice attribute power to the level of breaking through the boundaries and transformed it into a chaos level ability.

It is precisely because of this that the breath that Ye Feng exudes has reached an extremely terrifying point, and every move can release a terrifying coercive force.

That is to say, the energy in the body exploded frantically at this moment, and the aura of destruction exuded was extremely terrifying.

The idea of ​​Void Hydra had just come down, and it was severely impacted by such a chaotic force.

Almost instinctively void, Hydra mobilized the power of the body and crushed it towards this breath.

The two horrible energies collided crazily, and the aura exuded was tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.

In the body of Void Hydra, the destructive power emanating from the terrifying destructive shock sound is constantly raging.

Two completely different swallowing forces are also exerting effects at this moment, wanting to swallow the surrounding aura completely.

Ye Feng and Void Hydra also control the extremely powerful devouring power, and at this moment, an extremely terrifying aura burst out.

Facing such a tyrannical devouring force, it seemed that everything between heaven and earth would be completely destroyed.

However, this is not the power that Ye Feng's specific burst out, no matter how strong it is, it will not bring him any harm.

On the contrary, when the Void Hydra was shaken by such a force, the aura in the body was running wildly.

Faced with such a change, Void Hydra didn't hesitate, and the energy in the body was completely released in the first time.

The powerful force radiated is almost completely destroying everything in the world, and this terrifying energy continues to spread in the space.

"Asshole, asshole!"

After Void Hydra's rage, the power in the body exploded continuously, and such a tyrannical force was almost completely destroying the entire space.

The destruction formed by releasing the power of his body in the first time, the coercion has reached an extremely terrifying state.

An extremely huge destruction palm print, condensed from the void.

Severely descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was, it was like trying to strangle Ye Feng to death in the shortest possible time.

Feeling such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely calm.

The power of chaos in the body was mobilized, and the ice-cold power formed was almost capable of freezing everything in the world.

Ye Feng waved his palm at will, and a force of extreme cold was released, as if to completely freeze the entire world in the shortest time.

This terrifying force exploded frantically, causing the surrounding space to be constantly turbulent and exuding an aura of destruction, reaching a point beyond ordinary people.

Faced with such a powerful force, the Void Hydra didn't hesitate at all, and it had completely exploded its original aura in the first place.

The aura that such a powerful spatial force exploded in a very short time reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

The incomparably terrifying power was released in a very short period of time, and the energy possessed was even more powerful than imagined.

The power of space collided with the power of extreme cold, and the sound of rumbling destruction resounded.

An extremely powerful breath spread wildly in the void, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

This terrifying energy power is also extremely terrifying, directly under the guidance of the power of space, it descends toward Ye Feng fiercely.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt an incomparably huge power, and the powerful aura radiated from it far exceeded the limit he could bear.

In this short period of time, a strong force erupted from Ye Feng's body, and the divine sword of good fortune in his hand grew rapidly.

The extremely dazzling sword light, the power it exudes is also beyond imagination, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

The sword light of good fortune itself is a powerful means that can shape the power of heaven and earth, but the aura exuding at this moment has reached an extremely terrifying point.

The power of heaven and earth gathered in every move has also formed an unimaginable terrifying edge.

The aura of such a force is beyond the limit that Ye Feng can imagine, and the original power in the body is spreading at an extremely fast speed.

As for the injury that he had just received, he had completely removed this force while the major exercises in his body had been running, and his state had been restored to its peak.

The sword light slashed out, and the energy it possessed was extremely terrifying, and it violently collided with the spatial power released by the void Hydra.

Two extremely large powers, also possessing unimaginable terrifying powers, had a fierce impact in this short period of time.

For the first time, the surrounding space has been completely disrupted, and the aura that it exudes is even closer to a state of chaos.

It seems that everything around here has been completely wiped out into a mess of porridge.

The power within the concrete spread crazily at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted was even more terrifying than imagined.

Every time the energy is emitted, there are terrible fluctuations.

That is to say, in this extremely short period of time, the horrible energy continued to spread, and that tyrannical aura had reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, and the destructive power it radiated was spreading wildly in all directions.

Feeling such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn.

He could clearly feel his body, and he was also under unimaginable pressure, as if it was about to spread out completely in the shortest time.

Such a terrifying power is simply to completely destroy everything in this world, and the aura that it exudes is far beyond the limit that Ye Feng can bear.

That is to say, in this extremely short period of time, a terrifying force beyond imagination has completely spread, and endless brilliance is reflected in Ye Feng's eyes.

For the first time, such a terrifying energy has completely expanded, and that kind of icy power is released in an instant.

Ye Feng also had a great grasp of the ice power he controlled, and he had completely controlled the aura in his body in the first place.

In an instant, the power reflected in Ye Feng's eyes was already so powerful that he waved his hand and slashed out one after another with terrifying ice wind blades.

Void Hydra also did not expect that Ye Feng's strength had reached such a point that he could release such terrifying attacks one after another.

"It's impossible, how could you have such a terrifying power, I never believe it."

The Void Hydra was roaring frantically, and the aura in the body was spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the waves of destruction it emitted were simply tyrannical to an unimaginable level.

In this short period of time, the Void Hydra also quickly mobilized the aura in the body, and the waves of destruction formed were even more powerful to an unimaginable level.

In a very short period of time, the aura of destruction emanating from the frantic spread of a terrifying force has reached an unbearable realm.

At this moment, the wave of destruction spreading in the void was beyond imagination, and in a very short period of time, it had already emitted an unbearable force.

At this moment, in Ye Feng's eyes, the terrible brilliance bloomed directly.

It was as if there was a complete world completely sealed off by ice, and the terrifying scene completely expanded.

When feeling such a breath, everyone present was also severely shocked, and the energy they possessed was simply unable to resist such a terrifying breath.

For the first time, the original power in the body had begun to boil crazily, and the energy emitted was simply reaching a point that ordinary people could not reach.

In the next instant, such a terrifying force has completely spread, and the resulting storm of destruction has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this short period of time, the Void Hydra directly released its original power, and the incomparably powerful spatial power spread, violently suppressing the direction where Ye Feng was.

In its own body, the speed at which the Void Hydra mobilizes space power is also beyond imagination, and it can exude unimaginable power in every move.

However, the power he can release at this moment has also reached an extreme.

If you want to change the current situation, the aura that comes out must be powerful to an extremely terrifying point.

The original power in the body spreads at an extremely fast speed, and the breath that it exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't reach, and every move has extremely terrifying power.

The incomparably terrifying space origin power spread crazily at this moment, and the resulting storm of destruction has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

That kind of terrifying space origin squeezed towards Ye Feng fiercely, and the pressure formed absolutely reached an unimaginable state.

That is to say, at this moment, the ice power that Ye Feng had killed was completely released, and an ice-bound world emerged around him.

Chaos vision, frozen realm.

Interpreting the power of chaos to the extreme, the ice-cold power formed is indeed capable of freezing the world, and even the power exuding at this moment far exceeds Ye Feng's imagination.

In this short period of time, the aura radiating from the space has reached an extremely terrifying point, and every move can exude incomparably terrifying power.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also able to clearly feel the breath in his body, which had reached an unimaginable level.

The power radiated is even more dangerous than imagined, and every move can have power that ordinary people can't bear.

The powerful aura spreading in the void at this moment has reached an extremely shocking point. The crazy collision of the two attribute forces has completely chaotic everything around.

However, the icy power that Ye Feng exudes still has no obstacles, and it continues to spread out, even assimilating and freezing the entire space.

Void Hydra's heart also became more and more puzzled. The strength he possessed was beyond Ye Feng's imagination. How could it be impossible to resist Ye Feng's strength at all?

Perceiving the icy cold aura exuding from Ye Feng, the Void Hydra is doing its utmost to run the power in the body, as if to crush Ye Feng to death in the shortest possible time.

However, the power of such a force also made the Void Hydra even more desperate. No matter how it mobilized the energy in the body, it would not be able to change the current situation.

Even the original power in the body has reached an extremely terrifying state.

Even if the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm descends, facing such a terrifying spatial shock, it will be completely wiped out.

But at this moment, the power that Ye Feng possessed hadn't reached that level, but the power he released was much stronger than some ancient giants, or even the gods.

At this moment, a group of chaotic aura in Ye Feng's body was constantly surging, and the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb was constantly rotating, and any attribute power close to Ye Feng would be swallowed.

The power of the Primal Chaos accumulated in the deep space of the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb is already extremely powerful to a terrifying level.

The power that radiated even more caused the Huntian Spirit Orb to oscillate continuously.

It is precisely because of this that the space around Ye Feng's body has been interfered with by the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb, and any energy near here will be greatly restrained, or even swallowed out of thin air.

If in the outside world, the space that Ye Feng can influence is absolutely limited, the power of the Void Hydra can definitely break the boundaries of this space and launch a terrible attack on Ye Feng.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng's environment is an extremely deep space.

It was the body of Void Hydra, and the power radiated from it was completely integrated into the body of Void Hydra.

It is precisely because of this that every attack it releases will be greatly weakened, that is, the peak realm of the ancient giant.

However, in terms of attribute power, the power that Ye Feng controls is not worse than those ancient giants, and the icy aura he exudes at this moment has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even if it is the Void Hydra, he has the cultivation base of the Celestial God Realm, and the power released at this moment will be completely suppressed by Ye Feng.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's eyes also showed a deep brilliance.

The power in the body is spreading out at an unimaginable speed, and the breath that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

In the void, an extremely powerful force radiated out, and the destructive aura formed also reached an extremely powerful state.

At this moment, Ye Feng tried his best to mobilize the power of Chaos in his body, and the power radiated reached an extremely heavy level.

An extremely tyrannical chaotic aura was completely released at this moment, fused with the ice-cold power that Ye Feng had comprehended, and continued to expand outward.

The original illusory chaotic vision, that frozen world of all things at this moment also seemed to have been truly resurrected, and the cold breath that it exudes has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

In this very short period of time, an extremely terrifying icy aura had completely erupted, and the terrifying power it emitted had reached a state that ordinary people could not bear.

Void Hydra also felt this kind of pressure, running the aura in the body to the best of its ability, wanting to resist this kind of ice.

However, the power he possessed was really irresistible, allowing the cold breath to expand in his body.

With his own spatial talent, Void Hydra opened up nine completely different spaces in the body.

The power of the void is even more concentrated here.

It was the extreme cold power that Ye Feng radiated at this moment, and it had been tyrannical to an unimaginable state, as if to completely freeze the entire world.

Faced with such a terrifying aura, the Void Hydra couldn't change such a scene, and the energy in the body was consuming wildly at an extremely fast speed.

Under the influence of such an icy breath, the original power of the space under his control has begun to collapse, and the energy it possesses is in an unimaginable state and continues to grow.

It was like those cold powers, spreading like poisonous, so that the surrounding space was affected by such aura.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt a strong pressure, as if the surrounding space had begun a frantic riot.

Void Hydra has also felt the limit of the pressure it has endured, and immediately released all the space power in its body.

That kind of tyrannical spatial aura landed on Ye Feng's concrete at an extremely fast speed, as if to crush Ye Feng's body in the shortest possible time.

Feeling such a terrible breath, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and all the power in his body was released in the first time.

That extremely powerful frost world became extremely real at this moment, seeming to completely freeze the chaos aura.

The release of such a power of vision caused tremendous changes in the surrounding environment.

The power possessed in one world is almost completely frozen in the entire space.

The spatial power continuously radiated from the Void Hydra has also become the nourishment for the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb at this moment.

Let the aura contained in it expand rapidly in this extremely short period of time, exuding unimaginable tyrannical power in every move.

At this moment, Ye Feng could also clearly feel that the pressure from the outside world became stronger.

Randomly waved the Divine Fortune Sword in his hand, and the dazzling sword light was slashed out by Ye Feng.

In the face of these terrifying sword lights, the power mobilized by Void Hydra was beyond imagination, enough to completely suppress everything in the world.

However, at the moment of contact, the sword of good fortune that Ye Feng had killed had completely collapsed.

It seems that there is no power in it.

The more emptiness, the more shocked Hydra's heart, it seems that he can't imagine what kind of things he is facing.

In an instant the terrifying sight was released, and after the destruction of the sword light for good fortune, it immediately released an unimaginable horrible cold power.

These ice-cold powers condensed into one huge palm print after another, and the coercive force exuded was simply beyond the reach of an ordinary person.

In this short period of time, the aura radiating from the void has become powerful to an unimaginable realm.

The energy possessed is even beyond the range that ordinary people can bear, directly condensing those icy palm prints into terrifying forms.

In a very short period of time, the energy contained in this has already begun to be released frantically, and the terrifying aura that exudes even completely seals and freezes the entire world.

Those icy palm prints are constantly releasing terrifying power, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, the power in the body is also spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying energy that it emits has exploded crazily in a very short time.

The extremely terrifying aura of destruction is blooming at this moment, and the powerful power that one possesses seems to be to completely freeze everything in this world.

Void Hydra is also unimaginable, Ye Feng actually possesses such terrifying strength, and can burst out such terrifying power in every move.

In a very short period of time, the aura in the body has reached an unimaginable point, and the terrifying destructive force completely released its own coercive force at this moment.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock, the wave of destruction formed by driving toward the car, spread in all directions in a very short time.

Possessing an extremely powerful destructive force, it burst out directly, causing everything around it to completely collapse.

Seeing such a change, Void Hydra's heart was shocked beyond imagination, and the original aura in the body was completely weakened at this moment.

In the face of such a powerful breath, Void Hydra released its own power as best as possible.

He wanted to use such a terrifying energy to completely suppress Ye Feng.

However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the spatial forces released by himself had also been shocked by Ye Feng.

You must know that Ye Feng also mastered the power of space attributes, a kind of divine mind.

In the constant battle, Ye Feng's perception of space power is also rapidly improving, and the space power that can be mobilized is growing in an unimaginable state.

In this short period of time, the aura exuding in the space has reached an extremely terrifying point, and that kind of tyrannical force has spread wildly in the void.

Facing such terrible changes, Ye Feng's expression became extremely solemn, and the power in his body was growing at an extremely fast rate.

At the same time, the power of the space attribute is also growing at an extremely fast rate, and the aura that it exudes is expanding in an extremely terrifying state.

The countless space powers were shocked by Ye Feng's space spirit, and they continued to seize the original aura.

At the same time, Ye Feng was also trying his best to mobilize the power in his body, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.

At this moment, the power radiating from Ye Feng's eyes was also powerful to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

That unimaginably powerful, the power of the ice cold has been completely released at this moment, and the terrifying aura that it exudes has reached an unbearable state.

At this moment, what is constantly filling the void is an unimaginable powerful force.

The power of ice and cold gathered the chaotic aura, as if to completely freeze this space, and in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, the space spirit was also operating at an extremely fast speed.

The breath in the body has reached an unbearable state.

The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue cultivated by Ye Feng is also constantly vomiting the energy between the heaven and the earth, making the blood of the Heavenly Demon in his body become more concentrated.

Under such circumstances, the energy accumulated by Ye Feng bit by bit is growing at an unimaginable rate, and the aura emitted by the Huntian Spirit Orb has become more powerful.

In this short period of time, the aura radiating from the void had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The energy possessed in every move is beyond imagination, but it makes the Void Hydra somewhat unbearable.

If it was Ye Feng himself, the Void Hydra could absolutely suppress him with its powerful cultivation base and spatial power.

However, the power possessed by the Huntian Spirit Orb is to obliterate all the advantages of the Void Hydra.

The breath that radiated from it has played a role that ordinary people can't imagine in this very short period of time, and in this very short period of time, a breath of terror has erupted.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng could clearly feel that the power in his body was constantly growing, and the space spirit he possessed left a deep mark in the body of the void Hydra.

Perceiving this, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely solemn, and the power in his body is growing at an unimaginable rate.

At this moment, the Void Hydra was also trying its best to mobilize the aura in the body, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.

Now his state is approaching madness, that terrifying energy will even erupt completely in this short period of time.

The aura of destruction continued to expand, and the energy radiated continuously distorted the surrounding space, and it seemed that a terrifying force was coming down.

Facing such changes, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely calm, mobilizing the power in his body little by little.

In a very short period of time, a powerful breath was completely released, and the surrounding space was completely suppressed by this chaotic force.

The Chaos Power that Ye Feng exudes, combined with the energy possessed by the Frozen Force, is even more powerful than imagined.

In a very short period of time, an unimaginable powerful force could erupt, and everything in this world was completely frozen.

At the same time, such a terrifying energy has also reached an extremely tyrannical state, and the coercive aura it exudes is even beyond the limit that Ye Feng can imagine.

At this moment, Ye Feng's palm was constantly transforming the power of the magic formula, and the aura exuded was even more powerful to an unimaginable level of horror.

In an instant, the power of these magic tactics had been raised to the extreme, and the aura they radiated spread wildly at an extremely fast speed.

In a very short period of time, the attribute power between heaven and earth has swarmed to an unimaginable level, directly suppressing everything around it.

Facing such a terrible sight, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely bright brilliance, and the ice cold power quickly expanded, directly sealing everything around him.

The expanding chaos aura, space power, and the void Hydra that had been tortured by the power of ice and cold were going crazy.

Different attributes and powers are constantly being intertwined, and the aura that exudes is also beyond imagination.

The tyrannical force that radiated from every move even wiped out the body of the Void Hydra.

Facing such a terrifying force, Ye Feng's eyes also showed endless brilliance.

The Wanling Divine Art was constantly running, and the Death God War Spirit slowly appeared behind Ye Feng.

The spirituality possessed by the Void Hydra was completely swallowed by the breath emanating from Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

Even those souls of Void Hydra have been harvested by the death war spirits and contained in Ye Feng's infinite hell.

Naturally, the death **** war spirit will not easily let go of the void hydra, and at this moment, it is doing its best to mobilize its own soul power.

The powerful aura that exudes also possesses unimaginable terrifying abilities in this extremely short period of time.

With his own powerful talent, he constantly devours the soul of the void Hydra and wants to replace it. UU reading

Feeling such a powerful threat, Void Hydra was also completely shocked. He had never thought that Ye Feng still possessed such a method.

If it is in other ways, the Void Hydra can also carry out some resistance, using its own power to expel those terrible attribute powers.

However, the methods of the death **** war spirits are too weird, constantly releasing various soul powers to devour his own soul, and at the same time, it even distributes these powers on his body.

The constant release of these powers on the contrary made the soul of Void Hydra a little unbearable, and even had a disorder of its own will.

If you let Ye Feng go on like this, he would really lose himself and become a puppet controlled by Ye Feng.

Even if this process is quite that long, Void Hydra is unwilling to try.

In the first time, Void Hydra had already conveyed the idea of ​​surrender to Ye Feng.

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