Sky War God

Chapter 3592: Heavenly Devil Blood

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3592 Heaven Demon Blood

In an instant, the power that erupted from the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb had reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the extremely terrifying destructive power was released in a very short time.

Such a powerful aura made Ye Feng somewhat uncontrollable himself, and the extremely powerful storm of destruction continued to flip in the void.

But receiving such a powerful force, Ye Feng also tried his best to release the breath in his body, trying to stabilize his body.

However, the Blood Demon Fruit Tree was also touched by such a tyrannical force, and the aura in the body completely exploded in a very short time.

The extremely terrifying destructive power has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine, and even Ye Feng was severely impacted.

The power of destruction poured into Ye Feng's body, making his body as if he had been shocked, trembling constantly, and vomiting blood.

Exerting all the power in his body, Ye Feng also adjusted his aura to the extreme, and the energy he radiated reached an unimaginable state of horror.

The Chaos True Gang Art kept running in Ye Feng's body, and that terrible Chaos Power stabilized Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time, trying to completely suppress those destructive auras.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body was changing again and again, trying to completely suppress the aura of destruction between heaven and earth.

In the end, the energy in Ye Feng's body had reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

In an instant, Ye Feng had already exploded out the power of these chaos, and the formed power reached an unimaginably powerful level.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng patted forward directly.

A destruction palm print was released in Ye Feng's hands, and the aura contained in it was even more terrifying.

A strong force burst out at this moment, causing the entire space to vibrate wildly, and all the aura of destruction was suppressed by such a palm print.

The power contained in this palm was beyond imagination, and in a very short period of time, it had already descended on the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

The thought contained in the Blood Demon Fruit Tree was also shocking beyond imagination, and it seemed impossible to understand why Ye Feng possessed such terrifying energy.

That is to say, in this short period of time, a strong breath emanated from the void, violently rushing towards the palm print released by Ye Feng.

The two forces collided in the void, and the rumbling sound of destruction resounded immediately.

The power of destruction spread wildly in all directions, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Feeling such a terrifying breath, Ye Feng did not have any fear, still mobilizing the origin in his body, and his strength was constantly released ahead of time.

The collision of the two forces also formed a stalemate. Ye Feng could feel a terrible shocking force, which was constantly pouring into his body.

However, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

In an instant, the aura contained in the Huntian Spirit Orb suddenly exploded, directly hitting the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

The towering fruit tree shook the aura contained in it fiercely at this moment, and collapsed at an extremely fast speed.

The power contained in it has reached an extremely terrifying realm, and the aura that radiated from it was swallowed directly when approaching the Huntian Spirit Orb.

Such a powerful force also made Ye Feng's eyes shine brightly, and the original power in his body was continuously running.

The shocking power that fell on his body was also fast at this moment, and consumers let Ye Feng control the initiative again.

The breath emitted by the continuous operation of the God of War Mark in the body has also reached an unimaginable state of horror.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly released the most powerful force in his body, fusing it with the holy magic spear in his hand.

Devil blood slaughter the sky!

An incomparably powerful edge force burst out from the Holy Demon Spear, following Ye Feng's breath and directly pointed at the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

The spear light condensed by the strength of the edge also gave the blood demon fruit tree the final blow, causing the spirituality in it to collapse.

At this moment, the energy emanating from the void has reached an unimaginable turbulent state.

Among the terrifying ancient trees, an extremely rich life force flows out, spreading in this space.

And the dozen bone fruits hanging on the canopy were also shaken down at this moment.

The sound of suffocation resounded in the void, as if to lure all the creatures in the entire space into depravity.

However, in Ye Feng's consciousness, an unimaginable will to war broke out.

The terrifying aura exuding from the blood demon fruit tree was extremely suppressed at this moment, and the original power in the body was collapsing at an extremely fast speed.

Such a change also shocked everyone present, and it was impossible to imagine that Ye Feng had such a terrifying power in his body.

Those terrifying voices were already driven by the will to war in the first place, and the powerful force in them was quickly swallowed by Ye Feng.

At the same time, the devouring power erupted by the Huntian Spirit Orb had reached an unimaginable terrifying point, directly swallowing all the power in the void.

Those incredibly terrifying white bone fruits were also completely swallowed by the Huntian Spirit Orb at this moment.

The terrifying aura flowing in it also completely dissipated in a very short time.

At this moment, Ye Feng could feel the power in the white bone fruit, which had been completely integrated by the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb, and the aura in it was also completely integrated into the peak body in a short time.

At this moment, Ye Feng just felt the power of the blood in his body began to surge wildly, and the breath that came out reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

However, before he fully felt the power in his body, he passed out in a coma.

Forcibly overdraw the power in the body, and change such a terrible scene.

In the end, all the power was overdrawn and a terrifying spear light was released.

The power that Ye Feng expended in this battle was really terrifying.

If the power of the Primal Chaos didn't keep running in his body, Ye Feng's body would have completely collapsed.

However, after Ye Feng passed out in a coma, the power of blood and blood in his body also spontaneously started running.

After fusing the strange aura contained in the Bone Fruit, Ye Feng's bloodline was also transforming in another direction.

The red blood circulated a little bit in Ye Feng's body, and gradually stained a little grayish-white color, just like the white bone fruit before.

It was also at this moment that the chaotic aura was aroused and rushed with the gray blood.

The two powers are comparable, constantly running at this moment, using Ye Feng's body as the battlefield.

One is the most terrifying energy contained in the blood demon fruit tree, which seems to be able to lure sentient beings to fall and sink completely.

The other is the power of the origin of this world, the power of the chaotic origin that nurtures all things in the world.

The collision of the two powerful forces immediately caused Ye Feng's body to produce a rumbling shock, as if to completely destroy his body.

At this moment, the Spear Demon in the Holy Demon Spear also regained consciousness, and after seeing the collision of these two terrifying auras, he couldn't help but make a move.

It was the release of a terrible magical nature, contaminating Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

The Demon Dao and Divine Sense in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was also affected by such a breath.

In an instant, the aura contained in Ye Feng's bloodline had reached an extremely complicated level.

That terrifying aura acts as a battlefield in Ye Feng's body, constantly vying for it.

However, I don't know when at the edge of the battlefield, the inexplicable chaotic aura condensed.

A small sea-swallowing **** orb spontaneously condensed at this time, and it also swallowed those terrifying qi and blood fluctuations in secret.

With the continuous battle of those terrifying forces, a very special aura was exuded in the void.

It was like saying that all the power between heaven and earth should be swallowed up.

Instead, the most essential force in Ye Feng's body flowed out.

A group of golden blood emerged from Ye Feng's heart, spreading out an extremely pure breath, allowing Ye Feng's body to regain a little bit of vitality.

When chasing a bunch of golden blood to condense, the energy of the surrounding Qi and blood gathered quickly as if they had found the core.

In order to break through the realm of the ancient giant god, Ye Feng once looked for the giant **** cauldron, and used the exercises in it to temper his body.

Now when several other qi and blood powers were mobilized, the original qi and blood in Ye Feng's body was also released.

The golden qi and blood released at this moment was also the most fundamental power of qi and blood that Ye Feng had cultivated through the giant **** cauldron single method.

The fluctuations released by the battle of six completely different forces in Ye Feng's body at a time also reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

A powerful breath was released, and Ye Feng's body was under extremely terrible pressure, as if it might collapse at any time.

At this moment, the breath of the crazy movement of the original power in Ye Feng's body reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The incomparably terrifying power of destruction continues to operate in the void.

Was attracted by the battle in Ye Feng's body again, causing the entire space to constantly oscillate.

The many powerhouses of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Sect had already noticed the abnormal situation at this moment, and hurriedly arrived, they had already discovered that unimaginable terrifying power had burst out of Ye Feng's body.

"Well, what is going on?"

An elder said in astonishment, unable to understand what happened before him.

Not long ago, they received the news that they learned that the blood demon fruit tree reappeared in time, and it seemed that they were going to completely destroy this space.

However, at this moment, the blood demon fruit tree is missing, not to mention the trace, Tianlan Saintess and Ye Feng are still in a coma here.

Everything that happened here made the elders very puzzled, and the breath that came out of their eyes was also terrifying beyond imagination.

An extremely powerful force spread from the void at this moment, directly locked on Ye Feng's body, as if studying the power in his body.

These people present were also quite confused, and wanted to control Ye Feng first.

"Go away."

An extremely overbearing voice, the aura that resounded in the void, made people feel an unimaginable pressure.

That kind of terrifying power even made the entire void tremble, and a powerful breath continued to spread, enough to completely destroy everything in this space.

In the end, an extremely huge snake pupil appeared in the void, staring at everyone present.

Void Hydra.

When seeing this eye, the expressions of the elders of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect also became extremely terrifying, as if they were being stared at by something terrifying.

He didn't even dare to say a word of refutation, but he quickly mobilized the power in his body and disappeared here.

At the same time, the power of the space attribute also wrapped Ye Feng's body and let him leave here.

Deep in the void.

The Void Hydra constantly gathers the attribute power between the heaven and the earth, and at an extremely fast speed, it gathers towards the direction where Ye Feng is located.

Those terrifying energies quickly nourished Ye Feng's body and caused the six different qi and blood powers in his body to violently collide.

In this way, after some time, the six energies in Ye Feng's body finally reached a weird balance.

It's like saying that these six forces check and balance each other and finally stabilized.

Among them, the power of Ye Feng's magic way, the power of qi and blood that he cultivated, and the power of the source of chaos are all controlled by Ye Feng.

But the magic power contained in the blood demon fruit tree, the power of magic thought released by the holy magic spear, and the magic thought contained in the sea swallowing **** orb are their own affairs.

Even if the three parties are so, each has a part of the power of Qi and blood, occupying a part of the space in Ye Feng's body.

Feeling these changes in qi and blood, Ye Feng had already mobilized the original strength in his body in the first time, and he was able to release an unimaginable powerful force with every move.

Even if it was just an instinct, it was enough to suppress the horror around him.

At this moment, Ye Feng finally woke up slowly.

After perceiving the changes in his body, Ye Feng was shocked for the first time. He wanted to regain control of the power in his body at an extremely fast speed.

However, at the moment he wanted to move, he quickly calmed down, and he didn't rush to suppress the power of qi and blood.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also quite aware that the power of qi and blood around him had reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

With his current strength alone, if that terrifying balance is broken, his body will be completely detonated in the first place.

At that time, no matter how strong he is, he can't be rescued, and he can only watch him ashes.

At this moment, Ye Feng is also becoming more cautious. The power in his body lies at a slow speed, and he wants to control all the energy in his body.

That is, at this moment, a thought was conveyed in the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb.

Ye Feng had already received this message in the first time, and then his eyes had become extremely bright, and the power in his body was also moving at an extremely fast speed.

"Is there still such ability?"

Ye Feng was also quite surprised, the breath in his body was slightly turbulent.

It turned out that after the Huntian Spirit Orb swallowed the Blood Demon Fruit Tree, it had tempered the most powerful force among them, and finally traced the root of the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

This fruit tree contains a drop of incomparably pure blood of the demon.

The blood of the demon is one of the origins of all the powers of the magic way. If you can obtain this ability, it will have unimaginable benefits for anyone who practices the magic way.

And at this moment, this drop of Heavenly Demon's blood in Ye Feng's body also possessed the same power.

It's just that, based on Ye Feng's cultivation base at the moment, it is definitely not an ordinary thing to refine this energy.

But in the same drop of blood of the demon, there is also a technique.

After carefully comprehending this technique, Ye Feng's eyes also lit up with a radiance.

The exercise method is called the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue, which can cultivate an extremely powerful body that suppresses all things in the world.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt that the powerful power contained in this technique was almost instinctive, and it had already mobilized the power of blood in the body.

In a very short period of time, that drop of Heavenly Demon's blood has been integrated into Ye Feng's body, forming another new source.

The body, which had already fallen into a weird balance, also boiled instantly at this moment, and the power it radiated reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

Starting from that drop of the blood of the heavenly devil, the power of the deceased extremely terrifying Qi and blood quickly circulated in Ye Feng's body, taking the lead in swallowing the devil's thoughts under his control.

In a very short period of time, this breath has swelled to an extremely terrifying level, quickly penetrating Ye Feng's body.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the energy in Ye Feng's body has climbed to an extreme, and the breath that radiates from every move has reached an extremely terrifying point.

More importantly, at this moment, the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art in Ye Feng's body had become small.

The strength that Ye Feng had accumulated before was too strong, but he didn't have the proper technique to operate.

Now that he has obtained the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art, he has already fully mobilized the power of Qi and blood under Ye Feng's control in the first place.

The energy radiated from every move has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The power of the three magic ways that were still raging, trying to seize control of Ye Feng's body, was also extremely suppressed at this moment.

Especially the Demon Dao aura contained in the Blood Demon Fruit Tree almost immediately expressed surrender.

There is no idea of ​​resistance at all.

Originally, the power of the magic path possessed by the blood demon fruit tree originated from the heavenly demon.

Now that Ye Feng has cultivated the techniques of the Heavenly Demon, his body also possesses the aura of the Heavenly Demon.

In the first time, the power contained in it had completely collapsed, and was swallowed up by Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

After obtaining this strength, the blood of the demon in Ye Feng's body also became stronger.

In this very short period of time, Ye Feng had used the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art to completely refine his own heart.

The original heart has become unimaginably powerful at this moment.

Every beating will burst out an unimaginable terrifying power, as if to wash out his own blood again.

Such a terrifying shock of energy and blood also caused the remaining two powers to enter another weird state.

The first thing that changed was swallowing the sea **** orb.

The magical idea contained in it can swallow the world, and at this moment, facing Ye Feng's energy and blood, it is also doing its best to operate.

However, the energy contained in the blood of the demon was too vast, and the Sea Swallowing God Orb was completely suppressed in the first time.

And the magical thought in the holy magic spear changed his face at this moment after he felt the terrifying power erupted by Ye Feng.

Do everything possible to run the original power in the body, want to communicate with the holy magic spear, let himself hide back again.

However, this thought had just arisen, and a terrifying wave of blood and blood had already been photographed fiercely.

That terrifying force of suppression hit the Spear Demon fiercely, directly obliterating most of the power in his body.

Moreover, one of the purest magical powers contained in it was completely swallowed by Ye Feng.

"If you don't know whether you live or die anymore, then even if I don't want the Holy Magic Spear, I will completely wipe you out.

Don't doubt what I'm talking about, you should know the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb. "

Ye Feng's incomparably violent thoughts echoed in the consciousness of the Spear Demon, and the aura that it radiated reached a level that ordinary people could hardly reach.

This terrifying force burst out, and it also frightened the Spear Demon severely, leaving him with no will to resist.

Now the Spear Demon has been with Ye Feng for a long time, and he has an incomparably deep understanding of such treasures as the Huntian Spirit Orb.

If the Holy Demon Spear was sent into the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb, even though Ye Feng would lose a magic weapon, he would also be able to gain immense energy.

The loss can not be explained in a few words, but Ye Feng will definitely not lose.

Feeling such pressure, the Spear Demon was also completely shocked. At this moment, he rolled back into the Holy Demon Spear in a desperate manner, and he didn't dare to make mistakes for a period of time.

In the end, only the Sea Swallowing God Orb was left, still resisting it with all his strength.

But Ye Feng couldn't help frowning because of this force.

If he completely releases the breath in his body and directly crushes it with an absolutely terrifying force, he may also be able to destroy this sea swallowing **** orb.

Otherwise, directly using the Huntian Spirit Orb would definitely destroy the Sea Swallowing God Orb in the first place.

But Ye Feng faintly sensed that this sea swallowing **** orb, if it was lost in this way, it would also be a huge blow to his practice at this moment.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Feng's eyes lit up and directly poured out the blood of the demon he had cultivated.

That drop of incomparably pure blood of the Heavenly Demon smashed on the Sea-Swallowing Divine Orb, and it had already started to rotate quickly in the first place.

With such a powerful force, he has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people, and some strange changes have also taken place.

When he felt such a change, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth rose involuntarily.

The giant **** cauldron pill that Ye Feng had cultivated before also contained the will to smelt the world and all things.

Now that Ye Feng is based on the blood of the demon, he can naturally display such a power.

The incredibly terrifying melting pot is constantly released in the void, and the breath it exudes is also to reach an unimaginable terrifying realm.

At this moment, Ye Fengye was trying his best to refine the Sea Swallowing God Orb in the furnace.

The incomparably terrifying power of vitality surged crazily, and the pressure emitted had also reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. Such a terrifying aura made Ye Feng's expression serious.

At this moment, Ye Feng's body is also constantly releasing the power of magic arts, expanding into the space at an extremely fast speed.

Such a force has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the invisible flame burns in the blood furnace, frantically forging the sea swallowing **** orb.

The power contained in it has also reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, making Ye Feng feel that an extremely terrifying magical idea is slowly awakening.

However, before this terrifying idea was revived again, it was completely suppressed by another powerful will.

Ye Feng's own spiritual thoughts also broke out completely at this moment, and the power radiated reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

The extremely terrifying destructive power continues to spread in the void, and the powerful aura that radiates from every move is already beyond imagination.

After practicing the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue, Ye Feng's energy and blood power were not only terrifying to an extremely powerful level, but could condense the blood of the Heavenly Demon.

What's more important is that Ye Feng's will has also experienced a layer of horror tempering, and the artistic conception that radiates from every move has shocked people's minds.

In an instant, the idea of ​​recovery was completely destroyed by Ye Feng.

At the same time, the sea swallowing **** orb in the blood furnace was also suddenly shattered at this moment.

Such a force quickly merged into Ye Feng's qi and blood, and finally recovered his heart.

The incomparably powerful power of Qi and blood is beating continuously in Ye Feng's heart, seeming to completely transform his heart.

The practice again and again has also caused Ye Feng's body to have earth-shaking changes, and today's Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art has reached an unimaginable terrifying point.

A stream of chaotic aura gushed from the heart, quickly spread all over the body, and merged into his body.

The power of Qi and blood that Ye Feng used to stabilize his body was completely released at this moment in this extremely short period of time.

The two powers were combined, expanding outwards at an extremely fast speed, finally causing Ye Feng's body to transform again.

That is, in this short period of time, a strong force burst out of Ye Feng's body, and the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art finally entered the first stage.

The extremely terrifying Heavenly Demon Qi and blood replaced Ye Feng's original strength, bringing his body to a perfect state.

Next, Ye Feng would compress these terrifying energies in his heart, and then burst out more powerful Qi and blood power again.

With repeated cycles, Ye Feng's body will reach an extremely terrifying state.

After completing the three circulations of Qi and Blood, he can go to the Heaven Pass of Qi and Blood.

With this feeling, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely happy.

He never thought that the strength of the body, which was originally the most backward, would have the possibility of a breakthrough under such an opportunity.

Moreover, in Ye Feng's comprehension, the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue was not so simple.

It seems that when this practice reaches a certain special state, an extremely powerful force can burst out.

This force also possesses an unimaginable terrifying strength, enough to change the situation of the entire world.

Even in the future, the real body of the heavenly demon that Ye Feng can cultivate will have the powerful power to destroy the world.

That is, at this moment, the breath spreading out of the void has exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

Void Hydra looked at Ye Feng's body undergoing transformation, and there was also a strange expression in his eyes.

At first, he only thought that Ye Feng controlled the inheritance of the power of chaos and could allow him to refine his body.

But now it seems that the power that Ye Feng controls is not the case. That incomparably terrifying inheritance of the magic way is no worse than the inheritance of the power of chaos.

In this way, the superimposition of the two terrifying powers made Ye Feng's future path already terrifying beyond imagination.

At this moment, even the Void Hydra was a little at a loss. I don't know where Ye Feng's path has come.

At this moment, Ye Feng finally saw the figure of Void Hydra.


Ye Feng said with some doubts: "Did seniors bring me here?"

Void Hydra forgot to shake his huge body and said: "I didn't expect you to have a certain intersection with a world-destroying monster like the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

But this is not important anymore, just do your own thing. "

At this time, the Void Hydra had also made a decision.

He wants to break through the next realm, the power of chaos that he needs is extremely important.

And Ye Feng was the only one who could provide him with incomparably pure Chaos Power.

At this moment, it is absolutely impossible for the Void Hydra to give up.

No matter how many powerhouses behind Ye Feng are planning something secretly, it is impossible for him to change his will now.

He is bound to win the power of chaos.

With such an idea, everything he did at the moment also had a clear goal, and the original power in his body was operating at an unimaginable speed.

"Everything has been dealt with. Then you should do your own thing."

After this sentence was finished, a powerful spatial attribute had once again erupted from the virtual control, and the force sent Ye Feng back to the position just now.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly noticed that someone appeared around his body, and the power radiated from him was also terrifying beyond imagination.

"What's the matter with that senior looking for you?"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and it had penetrated Ye Feng's heart for the first time.

Saintess of Tianlan.

Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned and looked at each other.

"Is this important?"

Ye Feng asked rhetorically without answering the other party's question.

Saintess of Tianlan shook her Regarding these things, she didn't seem to care much and said: "Yes, these things are not very important.

But what method did you use to defeat a world-destroying monster like the Blood Demon Fruit Tree.

I absolutely don't believe that you will be that kind of simple cultivator. What kind of power is behind you? "

Hearing these questions, Ye Feng's expression became extremely indifferent, as if there was no fear at all.

"Who am I? You should know best, didn't you bring me to the Sky Swallowing Devil Sect?"

Ye Feng asked back, with a smile still in the corner of his mouth.

However, Saintess of Tianlan also frowned involuntarily.

"Do you want to die?"

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It’s the last two days of the end of the month, brothers with flowers for your support, thank you everyone

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