Sky War God

Chapter 3586: Shenhuo Soul Refining

In Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, a strong force is constantly brewing.


   The power of the divine mind that he controls is also fully releasing the aura he possesses at this moment.


   surrounds his body, and the powerful power radiated is also completely covered by the power of his own divine consciousness in this short period of time.


   A breath of Nanyang that exists in the void also continuously flows into Ye Feng's body, and is refined into the power of chaos as the raw material for this practice.


   The chaotic aura in Ye Feng's body was also constantly surging with power during this short period of time, and it also released a terrifying aura that was unimaginable by ordinary people.


   At this moment, there is also a terrifying wave brewing in the depths of Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


   Nine completely different powers of divine mind are colliding crazily at this moment, and the power radiated from them has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The Wanling Divine Art has been turned to the extreme by Ye Feng, and the various divine powers in it are surging frantically.


   After cultivating to this point, Ye Feng should fully unfold the aura he controls.


   And with the help of those incomparable magical powers that are controlled in it, to evolve the gods in it.


   Only because of his own environment, Ye Feng did not have such an opportunity, which led to the cultivation of Wan Ling Shen Jue on another road.


   no longer carries out several kinds of divine thoughts, but all the great power is attributed to oneself.


   This also gave Ye Feng a tremendous boost in the power controlled, enough to bring out all of his aura.


   It's just that, secretly calculated by Elder Tianyou, an extremely terrifying shadow of the soul appeared inside the body, and Ye Feng's plan to continue to increase the power of the mind was interrupted.


   At this moment, all the power of divine consciousness is compressed in that formation, which also makes Ye Feng's divine consciousness have an unusual change.


   In this short period of time, Ye Feng has completely gathered all the auras under his control.


   Various forces collide continuously, and even generate extremely terrifying temperature, as if it may burn at any time.


   Facing such a change, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and he had already turned the aura he controlled like crazy.


   I don’t know how long it has been.


   The energy that constantly exudes a frightening atmosphere finally reached a peak and suddenly burst.


   You must know that the energy controlled by Ye Feng is also terrifying beyond imagination, and the terrifying power that has burst out at this moment is simply to completely destroy the entire space.


  Especially the area around Ye Feng is completely wrapped by this terrifying power, even his body will be completely destroyed.


   Facing this power, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and he was still using his own ability to control that terrifying energy.


   Gradually the breath calmed down, and the strength that was born was also restrained by Ye Feng, and finally formed a group of colorful and powerful flames.


   The power in this flame is also unimaginable.


   This is the terrifying energy formed by the concentration of Ye Feng's whole body power, and it can play an unimaginable effect just before it turns.


   Such a group of soul fire, under the control of Ye Feng, has also entered his sea of ​​consciousness.


   possesses all the attribute powers that burn the heavens and the earth, and purify them into the most powerful abilities.


   The power that this group of flames can exert is also terrifying beyond imagination, and Ye Feng's consciousness has been distorted for the first time.


   In the next instant, these forces in Ye Feng's body have completely calmed down.


   His control of his own power is also quite powerful, directly allowing this group of flames to exert its due effect.


   The power of the flame was constantly burning, and Ye Feng took the lead to put his purest and most original soul power into it.


   This period of divine power is cultivated by Ye Feng with his own spiritual power, and there is no impurity in it, let alone any attribute energy.


   With the support of this force, the aura in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely powerful point.


   The mysterious flame is constantly burning, and it is the power of the soul that is constantly tempering Ye Feng.


   Time hasn’t passed long. Such a powerful breath has already exerted its most terrifying power, frantically squeezing the power of the soul in the body.


   The original fist-sized soul crystal is also quickly searched at this moment, and the impurities contained in it are burned out like black smoke.


   Seeing such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold, and the original power in his body was running fast.


   The aura in every move is extremely terrifying.


   However, the power of the mysterious flame that Ye Feng gathered was also quite terrifying. In this short period of time, the dark aura had been completely burned.


   Feeling the changes in his body, Ye Feng's eyes also calmed down a bit with the powerful power in them, and they were still running continuously.


   With the continuous evolution of the power of divine consciousness, that fist-sized soul divine crystallization finally only became the size of a soybean.


   But the purity of the attribute energy in it has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine, and the aura in it has shocked everyone.


   An extremely powerful barrier was formed during the operation of the power of divine consciousness, so that the shadow of divine soul over the sea of ​​consciousness could not fall down at all.


   At this moment, Ye Feng once again poured his own chaotic spirit crystal into it.


   The extremely huge power of divine mind burns in it quickly, but the effect that can be exerted by that mysterious flame becomes tiny.


   The power of the Chaos Spiritual Mind is enormous, and the power of the attributes contained in it is even more all-encompassing.


  Want to purify the chaos divine mind, it is also an extremely huge pressure for this group of flames, as if it is not a task he can complete.


   Feeling such a breath, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth also twitched slightly.


   I didn't expect that the mysterious flame condensed by my best efforts, but unable to refine my own chaotic spirit.


   Without any hesitation, the power of chaos in the body is also circling quickly at this moment, and the terrifying power radiated has reached an extremely powerful point.


  Especially the various energies transmitted from the scales on the arm are even more quickly integrated into Ye Feng's body.


   Ye Feng also didn't send these powers into his dantian, but instead transformed it into firewood, making the mysterious flame burn more thoroughly.


   That is, at this moment, the flames in the sea of ​​consciousness have become stronger, but they still cannot refine the power of Chaos Divine Sense.


   Anyway, the Chaos Divine Sense is still under the control of Ye Feng. The most powerful kind of Divine Sense power, it is not that simple to completely refine it.


   After sitting like this for a while, Ye Feng also estimated a little, he wanted to use the power of the flame to completely refine the chaotic spirit.


   will take at least ten years. However, what Ye Feng cares more about at the moment is how to explore the background of the Old Devouring Demon and rescue his wife and children.


   If he spends more than ten years on this matter, I am afraid he has already lost the chance of rescue.


   After just thinking about it for a few minutes, Ye Feng had already made a decision, motivating the Huntian Spirit Orb in his body.


   The Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb contains the purest chaotic origin aura, and that power makes Ye Feng the purest and most powerful energy that Ye Feng has seen so far.


   You need to know that the energy of that chaotic source aura is beyond imagination, and it can suppress all the forces in the surrounding space in the shortest possible time.


   More importantly, that is the powerful force that the world needs in this life, and nothing is incomparably precious.


   And at this moment, Ye Feng is also constantly running the Huntian Spirit Orb, extracting a trace of breath from it.


   The power contained in this breath is also the energy that is exerted between extremely pure operations, and it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


  While feeling this breath, Ye Feng's body couldn't bear the terrible pressure, as if it would shatter at any time.


   The powerful energy contained in it is constantly exerting its own instincts at this moment, wanting to resist such a terrifying breath.


   It is simply impossible to resist the power of Chaos Origin by relying on the little power in Ye Fengqi's body.


   Relying on his own strong will, and in conjunction with the constraints radiated by the Huntian Spirit Orb, Ye Feng is also extremely difficult to send the power of the chaotic origin of that strand of hair into his own sea of ​​consciousness.


   Such a powerful force, the first time it entered Ye Feng's Sea of ​​Consciousness, had already erupted an extremely terrifying aura, and blended into the mysterious flame condensed by Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.


   In an instant, the mysterious flame that was originally only the size of a fist burst out crazily at this moment, immediately turning Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness into a sea of ​​flames.


   It's just that this sea of ​​fire does not contain any temperature, on the contrary, it exudes an unimaginable powerful force.


   just a little while running, it has already exuded a terrifying aura, which is enough to suppress all the power of all attributes between heaven and earth.


   The power of Chaos Spiritual Mind, which was sealed in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, was also constantly accepting and polishing the power it possessed, and it was quickly purified.


   It is precisely because the Chaos Spiritual Mind is the most powerful, and the energy contained in it is also beyond imagination.


   Those weird energies, even if they want to affect Ye Feng's Chaos Divine Sense, don't have this confidence, but will be completely wiped out by the power of Chaos.


   Under the continuous burning of this mysterious flame, Ye Feng's Chaos Spiritual Mind was slightly compressed, but it didn't change much.


   What is more important is the energy contained in it. In this short period of time, it has brought extremely great help to Ye Feng.


   This caused Ye Feng's chaotic spirit to expand rapidly, directly filling the entire sea of ​​consciousness.


   Within a short period of time, Ye Feng has completely isolated the connection between the shadow of the soul and himself, speeding up the refining of the power of the divine mind.


   It was at this moment that the original power in Ye Feng's body began to continuously rotate, and the powerful aura in it was completely released at this moment.


   The remaining seven divine thoughts were thrown into the sea of ​​fire by Ye Feng, continuously burning and refining.


   In a very short period of time, all of Ye Feng's powers of divine thoughts were completely burned out, and part of the evil thoughts contained in them were also completely purified by the mysterious flames.


   In this short period of time, the energy contained in it has already changed the surrounding space.


   The nine divisions are completely different, crystal clear, and exudes an extremely powerful aura of divine power, rotating in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, each occupying a position.


   That is, in this period of time, the aura in Ye Feng's body has reached the most terrifying state.


   Seizing such an opportunity, Ye Feng also directly exploded the power of divine mind fiercely, locking in the terrible shadow above the sea of ​​consciousness.


   Such a terrifying force is beyond the imagination of everyone present, and the terrifying aura in it has reached a point beyond ordinary people's control.


   The terrifying aura exuded by the superposition of the power of nine divine minds is also beyond imagination, and it has completely occupied Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness in the first place.


   What's more, the nine divine minds controlled by Ye Feng also split into three domains.


   corresponds to Ye Feng's three natal soldiers.


   At this moment, under Ye Feng's mobilization, the power of these divine minds also gathered together, completely releasing the original power contained in it.


   Three completely different but equally powerful divine weapons appeared in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the terrifying aura that they exude made Ye Feng's consciousness and the sea exude a strong wave of power.


   In this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


  The Divine Sword of Good Fortune took the lead, and directly released an extremely bright sword light of good fortune, slashing towards the shadow of the soul in the sky.


   This sword light contains Ye Feng's own kendo attribute spirituality, good fortune attribute spirituality and phoenix spirituality.


   The three powers are superimposed together, possessing a terrible energy that changes life and death to death.


   The aura contained in it has already reached a level that ordinary people can't reach. As long as the power in it is fully operated, it is enough to burst out terrifying power.


   Now under this sword, it seems that the boundaries of life and death have been blurred, and that terrifying darkness has fallen.


   Between the dazzling sword light, it was as if to completely tear the darkness above.


   aware of such a terrifying bright sword light, that dark sky also released a frightening atmosphere.


   At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body was also fully mobilized, blending into this sword of good fortune.


   In an instant, Ye Zong's sea of ​​consciousness sounded an extremely terrifying shock, as if it was about to be completely torn off in his sea of ​​consciousness.


   If it were not for the suppression of several other divine powers, Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness would probably be completely torn apart.

   Such a force is just too terrifying, and it is not something ordinary people can bear.


   If it were not for Ye Feng to control enough power of divine mind, I am afraid that he would not be able to resist such a terrifying aura.


   In the void, slowly descended an incomparably huge dark palm, and the power of divine consciousness contained in it was even more evil.


   Perceiving such a terrifying energy, Ye Feng also fully mobilized his divine power, and the terrifying aura that it exudes has already released all the power in a very short time.


   Without any hesitation, Ye Fengzhi released the most terrifying power in his body.


   The strong aura contained in it surpassed Ye Feng's imagination.


   The magic sword formed by the superposition of the power of three divine minds is almost one of the three most powerful methods that Ye Feng can possess.


   Facing such a huge dark palm, Ye Feng also killed him without hesitation.


   In this short period of time, a rumbling sound of terrifying concussion was transmitted in the void.


   Ye Feng also felt a terrible pain, as if his sea of ​​consciousness was about to collapse.


   However, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and continued to mobilize the power in his body, directly colliding with the opponent's body.


   The power of the dark sky curtain is too strong, even the sword light of good fortune that Ye Feng slayed can suppress.


   However, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and he had completely released the power of divine consciousness that he possessed in the first place.


   The oppressed good fortune sword light completely recovered at this moment, and even released a more powerful force.


   That is, in this short period of time, a breath of horror was released completely crazy, and even the surrounding space was completely suppressed.


   The terrifying dark sky in the void seemed to vibrate wildly as if it had come alive.


   The terrifying power contained in it was completely released at this moment, and the power of darkness in the sky fell like a meteor sliding down and going crazy.


   If these powers are allowed to descend into Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, even the power controlled by Ye Feng can't resist such a terrifying aura no matter how strong it is.


   It even said that if you can't stop it, even Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness will be completely destroyed in such a disaster, and it will never be able to recover.


   Seeing this situation, Ye Feng did not hesitate. In a very short period of time, he had already released the second collection of divine minds under his control.


   In a very short period of time, the magical mind, the spear and the dragon, which Ye Feng controlled, merged together.


   The terrifying aura exuding in the void at this moment has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   A terrifying spear that released the bright red spear light, condensed from Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


   Holy Magic Spear!


   The most powerful magic weapon controlled by Ye Feng, the power of the magic way contained in it has reached an unimaginable level.


   At this moment, the energy contained in the void has reached an unimaginably powerful level, as if to completely destroy Ye Feng's soul.


   Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all, hurriedly manipulated the power of his own divine consciousness, and rushed out upwards.


   Facing the dark meteors falling from above, the Holy Magic Spear also released a series of powerful spear lights to collide with the opponent.


   That is, in this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely terrifying level that an ordinary person cannot.


   is just the terrifying energy exuding between the breath, which has surpassed the fluctuations emitted by the ancient giants during the battle.


   With such a terrifying spiritual power, Ye Feng continuously released the scarlet spear light, blocking the landing of the dark meteors.


   In Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, there were rumbling and horrible shocks.


   The power of destruction, raging crazily, but was suppressed by Ye Feng with the power of Chaos Spiritual Mind.


   If this kind of power continues to erupt, Ye Feng will soon use the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb to suppress it.


   Now, Ye Feng is mobilizing the power of divine consciousness in his body to contend with the dark sky above, and is also resisting the terrifying power that descends from above.


   After feeling such a powerful breath, the energy in Ye Feng's body was also undergoing extremely terrifying changes.


   Relying on the power of his own divine mind to contend with the stigmatizing methods left by the elder Tianyou, Ye Feng also felt the constant changes in his own power.


   This collision again and again was also under the control of Ye Feng, the power of divine consciousness became more pure, and the energy contained in it was also slowly growing.


   After being purified by the mysterious flame, Ye Feng's divine power has reached an extremely terrifying level.


   But in this battle, Ye Feng is also constantly using his own spiritual power to devour the opponent's spiritual power.


   It is precisely because of this that the original aura in Ye Feng's body has begun to run wildly.


   This caused those kinds of divine powers to start violently turbulence, and the aura they emitted were all running at an extremely terrifying speed.


   It seems that the power released by Ye Feng has completely exposed, the dark sky that is constantly expanding in the void, at this moment, an unimaginable force of terror has also erupted.


   In a very short period of time, a strong breath was released from it, and the dark sky in the void shrank quickly.


   At the same time, an extremely terrifying beam of light fell from above, as if to completely suppress everything.


   Feeling such a terrifying energy, Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious, and countless bright sword lights went upstream to collide with the beam of light.


   However, the power that the Divine Sword of Good Fortune can exert does not have much effect on this kind of incomparably pure energy attack.


   Perhaps it was also because the opponent's radiant power was too pure, directly suppressing the power in Ye Feng's body.


   In a very short period of time, the abilities emanating from the void have already reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   Countless terrifying energy, in this short period of time, exudes a powerful aura that ordinary people can't bear.


   Ye Feng is also quickly manipulating the Holy Magic Spear, bursting out a wave of incomparably powerful edge power.


   At the same time, the scarlet spear lights that were released before are also inspired at this moment, and they are condensed crazily.


   Such a terrifying aura is almost completely destroying the entire space.


   Those scarlet spear lights have gathered on the holy magic spear in a very short time.


   A crimson lotus rotates continuously on the holy magic spear, and the coercive aura it emits has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The holy magic spear slammed forward in the next instant, and the power emanating from here was even more terrifying than anyone could imagine.


   As the red lotus blooms, the volume becomes larger and larger, and every move exudes unimaginable power.


   In this short period of time, a rumbling collision broke out in the void.


   The battle between the two sides seemed to not only appear in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, but also cover his body.


   A strong breath has locked Ye Feng's body, as if terrifying energy might burst out at any time.


   Above the sky of the sea of ​​consciousness, the terrifying shadow of the soul is also madly releasing the aura of destruction.


   The entire dark sky was slowly smashed down, as if the sky collapsed.


   Such a terrifying force directly collided with Ye Feng's Karma Red Lotus.




  In an instant, in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, an extremely terrifying sound of concussion resounded.


   More terrifying destructive power is surging crazily, thinking that he wants to completely destroy his soul.


   Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's expression hasn't changed at all. Instead, he is silently operating the three major divine thoughts of Chaos, Space, and Soul.


   The strongest power bloomed out of it, and the waves of destruction, before they were completely spread, were severely suppressed, and they could no longer be able to overcome any storms.


   And the broken dark sky, when it collided with the karma red lotus, it was constantly oscillating.


  The power of the Holy Magic Spear, which has devoted all its strength, is also terrifying beyond imagination, and that dark sky can't be stopped at all.


   Only at the moment of contact, the strong sharp aura has penetrated the dark sky.


   As the red lotus turned, it burned like a fire of karma, directly illuminating the darkness, and the shadow of the soul completely collapsed in a very short period of time.


After    wiped out the shadow of the soul, Ye Feng's whole thoughts suddenly became bright.


   is like removing a heavy thing in the heart.


   The power of divine consciousness spewed out, and the nine divine mind crystals bloomed with brilliance, directly illuminating the entire sea of ​​consciousness.


   The chaotic aura surging, one shot and one sword pierced through the heavens and the earth, the sky of good fortune evolves into the sky, the boundless demon realm sinks into the earth, and the dragons tumbling and the phoenix flying.


   The unrestricted expansion of space divine consciousness eventually overlapped with the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and then shattered again, seeming to divide the entire sea of ​​consciousness into countless spaces.


   Soul divine consciousness has become invisible, but it has given this space a kind of spirituality.


   After experiencing this trial, Ye Feng's soul has also undergone transformation, and the accumulated power of divine consciousness is continuously released at this moment.


   Looking at the power changes in the sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Feng did not interfere, but instead allowed them to evolve their own domain.


   In the end, the power of the chaos divine mind also dissipated and became the foundation of this divine mind world.


   As the chaotic divine consciousness disperses into this world, it also makes the entire divine consciousness world extremely real.


  In this world, mountains and rivers, flowers, trees, and even the sun, moon and stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning have evolved.


   In terms of the characteristics of Chaos Spiritual Mind, it is not impossible to change like this a long time ago, but it also requires Ye Feng's perception of the power of these attributes.


   The changes like this now gave Ye Feng a deeper understanding of his own power, and he sorted out all the attributes and powers.


   I have a certain idea about the power I control after I have cultivated to the realm of the gods.


   It's just an idea. When building the prototype of the world, what you need to care about is by no means that simple.


   The world of mindfulness lasted for a while, before it collapsed.


   Evolution of the world, that's the ability that the Celestial Realm can have. With Ye Feng's power of divine intent, even with the corresponding realm, it can't be maintained for long.


   The world of divine consciousness disappeared, and nine divine consciousness crystals hovered above the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly running their own corresponding divine consciousness.


   Wan Ling Shen Jue moved accordingly, allowing Ye Feng's spiritual power to grow rapidly.


   Seeing such a change, Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction.


   The cultivation of Wan Ling Shen Jue is also very important to him, and after this experience, the connection between the crystallization of the spirits has become closer.


   If you encounter a strong person like Elder Tianyou and impose some means on him in secret, Ye Feng will not be without resistance.


   But in the sea of ​​consciousness, there was another thing floating there, which made Ye Feng quite surprised.


   It was a palm-sized disc, engraved with countless mysterious seal scripts, and the fluctuations that emanated from it were beyond imagination.


   Under Ye Feng's careful perception, he finally understood what it was.


   In order to resist the interference and influence of the shadow of the soul, UU reading www. Ye Feng used his own divine power to condense the power of divine patterns one after another, and arranged countless arrays.


   With the power of those **** pattern formations, he was not completely suppressed in the first place.


   just used the mysterious flame to refine the weird power in the divine mind, and those divine pattern formations were also burned and refined.


  Especially when the sea of ​​fire emerged, an aura of chaotic origin was also incorporated into it, which turned the power of the gods into reality.


   That's why this formation was condensed.


   It can be said that this formation disc is also a magic weapon made by combining Ye Feng's divine power and divine pattern attainments.


   Although the power at the moment is not so powerful, it can also become stronger and stronger under Ye Feng's continuous sacrifice.


   It's just that this formation is something dispensable for him.


   Even if the formation can be arranged in a single thought, the help to Ye Feng is not so great.


   After all, the strength of his current enemy cannot be solved by a formation.


   Unless Ye Feng obtains it again, or deduces some horrible **** pattern formation, branded on the formation plate, otherwise the value of this thing will not be too high.


   Withdrawing the power of divine consciousness, Ye Feng also broke open the surrounding formations, and after seeing the surrounding environment, he was also stunned.

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