Sky War God

Chapter 3580: The change of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

Chapter 3580 the change of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion

The light spots floating in front of Ye Feng are also releasing their respective attributes, constantly interacting with his body.

At this moment, the power emanating from those mysterious scriptures is also resonating with Ye Feng, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of the power in the space.

However, after returning to the real world, Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness was once again affected, and the divine soul shadow surrounding him in the sea of ​​consciousness expanded again, making him unable to seriously perceive the surrounding situation.

At this moment, Ye Feng could only rely on his own instinct to explore the breath in those scriptures.

"The scriptures here are all the cultivation methods that the Demon Swallowing Sect has inherited for countless years. For any disciple, it has a very important role. You have to make a careful choice.

Because this is related to your future path of spiritual practice. "

Feeling the information transmitted in the token, Ye Feng frowned involuntarily, as if he couldn't imagine how these scriptures changed.

But he still believed his instincts and released his own perception power to come into contact with those light spots.

In this short period of time, a series of powerful thoughts also had a certain connection with Ye Feng and began to influence his decision.

It was also during this exchange that Ye Feng also determined the exercises stored in these scriptures, and began to carefully distinguish the power in them.

It has to be said that the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect is indeed a powerful force with a long heritage, but the techniques that lay the foundation for the disciples in the sect are quite powerful.

Although Ye Feng didn't look up to most of the exercises, cultivating these exercises had no effect on him.

But Ye Feng was also quite clear that these techniques used the swallowing power to be quite advanced, and any technique could cultivate the strongest swallowing power.

After a moment of careful comprehension, Ye Feng also focused on one of the light spots, and the power of divine consciousness spread over it instantly.

In an instant, Ye Feng felt the power fluctuations in the surrounding space and was directly transmitted to an extremely empty place.

In front of him, a figure was slowly outlined, gradually becoming real.

It was a young man with an arrogant expression, surrounded by twelve shining orbs.

Each orb contains quite terrifying power, and when it continuously rotates, it emits a strong force, which seems to be swallowing everything in the world.

Feeling the terrifying aura from the other party, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown.

The power that exists in the space can bring huge pressure to Ye Feng, and even crush his body completely and swallow it completely.

In Ye Feng's eyes, there was also a bright brilliance involuntarily flashing, fully using his own power.

Before Ye Feng was ready, the proud young man said, "I didn't expect anyone to be so bold and dare to provoke me.

Swallowing the Sea God Orb is the most advanced refining method among the sects, and not everyone can touch it. "

When speaking, a very powerful force of coercion was also radiated from the body of that proud young man, and the twelve sea swallowing **** orbs also speeded up their operations.

Facing such a powerful swallowing power, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown, and the power of chaos in his body was circling quickly.

At this moment, the Chaos Power that Ye Feng possessed was also strong enough, and he was also quite cautious when facing such a swallowing power.

The chaotic mist spread from the dantian and spread all over Ye Feng's body, causing his strength to grow rapidly.

It was at this moment that the proud young man suddenly took a step forward, his body rushing forward like a phantom, exuding an extremely terrifying power.

In the next instant, Ye Feng felt a huge threat, and the power of Chaos ran into the palm of his hand, making his breath even more violent.

It was also at this moment that the youth mobilized the Sea Swallowing God Pearl and smashed it down towards Ye Feng.

The Sea Swallowing Divine Orb not only contains the strongest swallowing power, but also possesses incomparably immense power. The aura in it has reached an unimaginable level of horror.

The frantic movement of the chaotic aura made the palm prints released by Ye Feng possess more powerful power, which could completely destroy everything in the world.

The two terrifying attacks collided in this way, and the sound of extremely terrifying shocks rang out, and the waves of destruction spread in all directions.

The young man also sensed the terrifying power in Ye Feng's body, and immediately released his own breath, as if he wanted to completely diffuse his own ability.

This made the aura in his body even more violent, and the power of swallowing the Sea God Orb also increased, as if to completely solve all problems in the shortest time.

Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation either, the chaotic fog in the dantian was constantly mobilized, one after another superimposed in the palm of his hand, making the chaotic palmprints released by him become more powerful.

The collision between the two sides also detonated a more terrifying force, which seemed to destroy everything around it.

The Sea Swallowing God Orb also exerted its strongest swallowing power at this moment, and the terrifying power around it was released crazily at this moment, like a huge vortex, trying to swallow all the energy cleanly.

"It's useless, just rely on your little power to not want to compete with me. Swallowing Sea God Orb is a rare treasure in the realm of ancient giant gods. With your ability, you still want to resist my swallowing?

Daydreaming. "

The youth still said proudly, Ye Feng also felt the terrifying devouring power in the Sea Swallowing God Orb.

That kind of feeling is like the power in the body is being pulled away at an extremely fast speed, and Ye Feng's own strength alone has no chance to contend.

What's more terrifying is that the opponent possesses a full 12 of the Sea Swallowing Divine Orbs, and the swallowing power exuded by the combination is naturally extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the various powers under Ye Feng's control, at this time, fully circulated his own aura, and the power exuded was also beyond imagination.

The powerful energy possessed by the continuous operation of the power of chaos possesses unimaginable terrifying strength at this moment.

Even Ye Feng's people would pay a huge price for it when running such power.

A series of terrifying chaotic fluctuations spread to the outside world at an extremely fast speed and madly collided with those Sea Swallowing God Orbs.

The rumbling of destruction, the sound of shocks resounded one after another, and there was even more terrifying destructive power, which seemed to completely destroy the entire space.

Such a terrifying aura spread crazily in all directions in a very short period of time, and even affected the surrounding space.

Feeling such a powerful force, Ye Feng's eyes are also shining with extremely dangerous brilliance, it seems that there is no way to imagine how to compete with the other party's power.

A strange light flashed in the eyes again, and the power of divine consciousness controlled by Ye Feng also exploded at this moment.

In an instant, the power of the chaotic aura in Ye Feng's body has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already gathered the chaotic power in his body, and directly released an extremely powerful chaotic palmprint.

The young man on the opposite side also felt the powerful power that Ye Feng possessed, and immediately gathered the twelve Sea-Swallowing God Orbs he had in his hands.

The deep brilliance seemed to form a ring and violently collided with the chaotic palmprints released by Ye Feng.

At this moment, the terrifying and concussive sound emanating from the void has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the aura of destruction exuding is even more powerful than imagined.

Ye Feng's body also broke through with the trend, directly breaking away from the devouring power emanating from the Sea Swallowing God Orb.

At the same time, his footsteps moved quickly, approaching the opponent's direction at an extremely fast speed.

The power controlled by that young man is indeed extremely huge, and the operation of the Sea Swallowing God Orb can also exert unimaginable terrifying effects.

But Ye Feng had already sensed the opponent's strength, and had not reached that invincible point. His body was not as tough as imagined.

Once all of his own power burst out, Ye Feng might be able to completely wipe out his body in a very short time.

With such thoughts, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also madly released, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The young man didn't seem to have expected Ye Feng's reaction. He was so fast that he had completely released the breath in his body in the first place.

The twelve Sea-Swallowing God Orbs constantly shuttled in the void, descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

Such a terrifying power has reached an extremely terrifying point, in the void, even thinking of the sound of the ocean tide.

The power released by the twelve Sea-Swallowing Divine Orbs continuously cooperating with the support is simply beyond imagination, directly locking Ye Feng's body, and sealing him firmly in the space.

Ye Feng's control of his own spatial power has also reached an extremely powerful level, and the breath in his body has been completely exploded in a moment.

What's more, not long ago, he had just come into contact with a powerful creature like the Void Hydra.

From the opponent's power, he also obtained an extremely large space power. Although it did not fully explode, he also possessed an unimaginable terrifying power.

Involuntarily, the power of the space in the body also circulated, superimposed with the chaotic aura that he controlled.

The power that bursts out of the fusion of the two forces is simply beyond imagination.

For the first time, such a violent force had already shredded the space blockade created by the Sea Swallowing Divine Orb.


Such a powerful force is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Ye Feng didn't realize that his space power had already spread to such a terrifying point.

He didn't even notice that the scales on his arm also exerted a little bit of weak power when the space power was used before.

But at this moment all the places he paid attention to had been placed on the opposite youth.

The power of the space just exploded, directly exploding the sea swallowing divine beads that had descended on his body.

Streams of light flew away further away, and the breath that came out reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

In this case, Ye Feng's footsteps were too heavy, and he came to the opponent at a very fast speed.

The young man frowned and the power in his body was also madly spreading a huge swallowing force, directly locking Ye Feng's body.

That is to say, the power possessed in the void at this moment has reached an extremely terrifying point, and an incomparably terrifying attribute power has shrouded Ye Feng's body fiercely.

The swallowing power controlled by this young man is far more powerful than Ye Feng imagined. The energy bursting out at this moment is almost completely swallowing Ye Feng's body.

If it wasn't for the power that Ye Feng controlled by himself was strong enough, he would have been completely absorbed by such a terrifying swallowing power at this moment.

Without any hesitation, the chaotic aura in Ye Feng's body circulated again.

The extremely huge power of the zodiac erupted from Ye Feng's body, which also made his power and body become extremely violent.

Such a powerful force has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even the sudden eruption made the young man's expression a little depressed, and the original power in his body was madly released.

The original power he released instantly condensed into a Sea-Swallowing God Orb, colliding with the Chaos Palmprint released by Ye Feng at this moment.

At this moment, two extremely terrifying forces violently collided in the void.

One after another, Sea-Swallowing God Orbs quickly gathered and descended directly toward Ye Feng's body.

This was definitely a fatal blow to Ye Feng, and his body at the moment couldn't bear it.

The power of chaos in the body exploded frantically, forming one barrier after another around the park in an attempt to resist such an attack.

However, the power released by Ye Feng only slightly resisted.

In the next instant, a rumbling sound of terrifying shock sounded in the space, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attack power released by that young man was extremely violent, and the powerful aura contained in the attack alone was much stronger than the power released by Ye Feng.

What's more, most of Ye Feng's energy was spent on the offense, and there was no way to prepare enough to rush, so he couldn't resist such a powerful destructive force.

Those Sea Swallowing God Orbs madly impacted on Ye Feng's body, and they released an extremely powerful force, as if they were trying to completely swallow Ye Feng's mountainous area.

At this moment, Ye Feng also let out a muffled grunt, his face paled by this force, and his body was trembling involuntarily.

The breath in the body became extremely disorganized, and he fell down fiercely, with a trace of blood oozing out of his mouth.

Such an attack also brought an extremely heavy blow to Ye Feng, making him unable to maintain a fighting form at all, and the chaotic aura in his body would collapse.

"I have said long ago that with your ability, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of the Sea-Swallowing Divine Orb. On the contrary, the attitude that makes you so rampant will become my nourishment."

The young man seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and the aura in all this body was released again, becoming extremely violent.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Feng condescendingly, said in an extremely arrogant tone, and at the same time approached Ye Feng step by step.

The powerful devouring power exuding from the young man's body has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the chaotic aura in Ye Feng's body has been severely affected.

At this moment, the power controlled by Ye Feng seems to be unable to compete with the opponent at all, and it may be completely swallowed up at any time.

" only have this ability."

Even at this point, Ye Feng's tone still remained unchanged, and even said in an extremely disdainful voice.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the eyes of the other party also showed extremely strong anger.

Now Ye Feng has been easily defeated by him, and the aura in his body has received an extremely strong blow, and it is impossible to resist his power anymore.

But even in this situation, Ye Feng still spoke in an extremely rampant tone, simply did not put this young man in his eyes.

With such a huge power, even if the opponent's body is to be completely shredded.

At this moment, the young man had already walked in front of Ye Feng and the power radiating in his body was extremely terrifying.

"Since you are so reckless, then I will fulfill you and give you a ride."

As he spoke, the face of the young man also became extremely hideous, and the swallowing power in his body was madly released, directly covering Ye Feng's body.

Such a powerful force burst out, and it will definitely swallow Ye Feng's body in the shortest time, and there is no room for escape.

Facing such a terrible attack, Ye Feng not only didn't panic, he even showed a smile on his face.

The more such an attitude, the more irritated, the devouring power in the young man's body, frantically exploded, and the twelve sea swallowing **** beads rushed towards Ye Feng.

In the next instant, the extremely terrifying power has completely erupted, and the powerful power that it radiates has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Under such circumstances, the aura in Ye Feng's body changed again.

The power of chaos converged, and at the same time, an incomparably huge force of good fortune burst out, and in conjunction with the extremely powerful will of the sword, it has been condensed into substance in a very short time.

A transparent crystal long sword was withdrawn from the void by Ye Feng, as if that sword had grown out of his body.

The moment the Divine Sword of Good Fortune appeared, the extremely terrifying brilliance bloomed from the void, and the sharp power released by it was almost completely cutting off the entire sky.

The extremely bright sword light burst out at this moment, directly colliding with the sea swallowing **** orbs.

In an instant, the rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Ye Feng's eyes also reflected such a terrible scene, but he had great confidence in his own power.

The aura erupting from the sword light of good fortune at this moment has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. Any release of attribute power will be completely cut off by this power.

In this short period of time, the twelve sea swallowing divine beads in the void were directly and completely shaken by the extremely powerful sword light, and at the same time, there was an extremely large force that directly locked the young man.

Feeling such a powerful force, the youth's complexion finally changed, and the aura in the body was completely detonated at this moment.

Incomparably terrifying thoughts were released from his body, and there were countless powerful destructive powers that broke out completely at this moment.

The twelve sea swallowing **** orbs appeared to have penetrated the void, directly descending on his body, absorbing the original power in his body frantically at an extremely fast speed.

In a very short period of time, those Sea Swallowing God Orbs had formed an extremely powerful formation, which firmly sealed his body.

At the same time, such a terrifying formation was also releasing an extremely terrifying devouring power, directly swallowing the sword light of good fortune that Ye Feng had killed.

Ye Feng's perception power is also beyond imagination. He has already mobilized the aura in his body in the first time, and he wants to completely kill such a **** pattern formation in the shortest possible time.

However, the power of the formation in the void is also beyond imagination, and the surrounding space power has been completely blocked in the first time.

The sword light of good fortune that Ye Feng released again couldn't break through that kind of space blockade, and could only fall into that formation again, being wiped away by the swallowing power in it.

Seeing such a change, Ye Feng's Ye Mou became more cautious again, and the power of the formations in it was simply beyond imagination.

Even Ye Feng's control of the power of the gods at this moment can't match this formation.

The aura in the body continued to circulate, and the Divine Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand was also constantly trembling.

A little bit of the original power in the body was circulated, and Ye Feng's eyes also exuded a powerful aura that was beyond imagination, as if to burst out the most powerful power in the body.

The power of the divine sword of good fortune was still running continuously, and at this moment, Ye Feng was also releasing the most powerful source of power in his body.

The power of chaos was released, and the powerful power like mist gradually entangled on the divine sword of good fortune, allowing the abilities of the two to begin to overlap.

That is to say, the sword light that bloomed from the Divine Sword of Fortune at this moment became more pure, and even possessed a powerful force that opened up the world.

Feeling such a terrifying aura, endless power emerged in the space, as if to compete with the sword light of good fortune released by Ye Feng.

That is, at this moment, the devouring power that spewed out of that horror formation, as if condensed into substance, directly descended toward the direction where Ye Feng was.


And the good fortune that Ye Feng condensed, Jian Qi at this moment, also fully released the power of its own power, and reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng's body had already burst out the most powerful force.

Countless terrifying edge powers are constantly blooming in the void, and the breath that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and the whole person seems to be fused with the sword of good fortune.

This kind of cooperation also makes the power in it become stronger, and even swallows everything between heaven and earth completely.

In a very short period of time, these two extremely terrifying attacks have collided together, and it is possible to release a powerful force beyond imagination anytime and anywhere.


The extremely terrifying sound of destruction and shock resounded immediately, extremely terrifying destruction, and the power continued to spread in the void, as if to completely destroy everything.

The powerful aura produced by these two terrifying attacks between the collisions has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people. The power radiated from each operation has exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

Ye Feng also tried his best to run the power in his body to stabilize the power of the Divine Fortune Sword, and the seal of constantly breaking the space descended on the opponent's body.

Such a horrible sword light continuously released its own power, and it was also using the most powerful force to break the opponent's **** pattern formation.

The stalemate between these two forces is also the greatest loss to one's own strength.

Once one party cannot bear it, such oppression will be completely destroyed by the other party.

I don't know how long it took for such a battle, and finally there was a result.

The sound like broken glass sounded in the void.

That incomparably powerful swallowing formation method also released unimaginable terrifying power at this moment.

However, after all, he could not resist the brilliant sword light that Ye Feng slashed out, and under such a terrifying edge, he finally shattered.

An extremely powerful force, madly spreading in the void, the breath that it exudes has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The shattering of the Shenwen Dharma also led to the continuous fragmentation of the surrounding void, encountering the bright brilliance flowing out, as if to swallow everything in the entire space.

At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that the aura emitted by the twelve Sea-Swallowing Divine Orbs, which was constantly operating in the center of the formation, had reached an extremely weak point.

The energy contained in it also fell fiercely, and there was no longer the madness of the original.

As for the young man who controlled the Sea God Orb, his aura at this moment had already been completely wiped out.

It's like saying that his existence is just a carrier for swallowing the sea **** orbs, and the twelve orbs that really control all of this.

That is to say, at this moment, Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness was moved by a certain special force, and it was continuously radiated, and merged with the twelve precious orbs.

In a very short period of time, those powerful words had been imprinted in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just a little bit of induction, Ye Feng has already noticed this, and what is recorded in it is the cultivation method of swallowing the sea **** orb.

Once he has mastered such a technique, Ye Feng can also practice with his own power. More importantly, after condensing the Sea Swallowing God Orb, Ye Feng can offset the ubiquitous devouring power in the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

And by relying on the most powerful devouring power, to enhance their own strength, in order to reach a higher level of realm.

After seeing the cultivation methods, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned.

The incomparably powerful power of Divine Mind is running crazily at this moment, relying on its own control of various exercises to understand the power contained in it.

For this exercise, Ye Feng's perception was also quite rapid, and it didn't take long for him to fully penetrate the power in it.

It's just that at this moment, the cultivation technique of swallowing the sea **** orb gave Ye Feng a creepy feeling.

Operating this technique, Ye Feng's body will emit an extremely powerful swallowing power, swallowing all the abilities under his control.

Then, relying on this swallowing power, a more powerful force was formed, and finally it condensed into a sea swallowing **** orb.

More importantly, it also records a large number of **** pattern cultivation methods, which can gather an incomparably huge **** pattern power.

If you continue to cultivate like this, the Sea Swallowing Divine Orb you control becomes the foundation of your cultivation.

It is even said that it is very likely that he has cultivated himself into a sea swallowing **** orb by virtue of this technique.

In the end, perhaps his own strength has not reached the peak state, it has been refined into a treasure.

Become someone else’s natal warrior.

Ye Feng had never imagined such a weird and powerful technique, and the power it possessed was terrifying beyond his cognition.

This kind of power even caused a trace of fear in Ye Feng's heart, and he felt that the entire Sky Swallowing Demon Sect was extremely dangerous.

At that moment, Ye Feng was already amused by his thoughts.

"What am I thinking about? The Sky Swallowing Devil Sect is originally a training place for the Demon Dao. Even with these weird techniques, it is not surprising.

What's more, for me, these powers are indeed terrifying beyond imagination, but they are not necessary. "

In the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect, Ye Feng really wanted to constantly resist such a terrifying swallowing force, but he was not without any support.

At the first moment, the power of chaos in his body was mobilized, and Ye Feng also released it into the Heavenly Chaos Spirit Orb at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, a more powerful swallowing force burst out from Ye Feng's body, constantly resisting the swallowing breath emanating from the outside world.

That is to say, in a very short period of time, the original power in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely terrifying point, and it can absorb the vitality of the outside world within a short period of time.

Even if it is the ubiquitous swallowing power, it can't be restrained to Ye Feng's body, and it will even be absorbed by the swallowing power emanating from the Huntian Spirit Orb.

The energy that maintains this illusion is also greatly affected at this moment, and is being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

However, such an incomparably huge formation between a few thoughts has already completely collapsed.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt the powerful swallowing power around him.

Even the entire Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was already trembling slightly, and the special aura exuding from it directly locked Ye Feng's body.

Even a certain elder in the deepest part of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion also noticed something abnormal.

"How is it possible? The cultivation technique of swallowing sea **** beads has disappeared!"

The elder said in shock, his tone couldn't suppress the panic in his heart.

We must know that every technique in the Sky Swallowing Devil Sect is extremely important, and the aura it possesses is also the foundation of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

It is precisely because of the continuous superposition of the illusion that these exercises exist that the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is constructed, such a strange place.

Any disciple who enters the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will sense the most suitable technique for himself and enter the corresponding illusion.

After defeating the existence in the illusion, they will obtain the cultivation technique in it. Once they successfully practice this technique, they will be rejected by the illusion.

But no one has ever been able to completely destroy the illusion in it, directly affecting the foundation of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The powerful devouring power released by Ye Feng directly swallowed the cultivation illusion of the Sea Swallowing God Orb, which means that in the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect at this moment, this technique has been lost forever.

In the eyes of that elder, there was also an unimaginable horror, and it was impossible to predict how such a thing happened.

In the first time, he had already radiated his soul power onto Ye Feng's body, and wanted to capture Ye Feng completely.

Such a huge breath, as if to completely tear off the entire space, has reached Ye Feng's body silently. UU reading

However, before this force can fully exert its power, a more terrifying oppressive force has already bloomed.

The extremely large and fierce atmosphere seems to fit the entire space into one.

An extremely deep and dim vertical pupil stared directly at the elder.

There seemed to be an extremely powerful oppression in the space, which firmly locked the elder, making him dare not even breathe out loudly.

But Ye Feng didn't notice, all this was still in motion, and the token disappeared in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

After Ye Feng disappeared, an extremely terrifying thought was conveyed in one of his eyes.

"Don't worry about what you shouldn't, otherwise you will be the next one to lose your life."

Then the terrifying eyes disappeared, and the elder was already soaked in his own cold sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

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