Sky War God

Chapter 3577: Get out of the cage

Chapter 3577-Out Of The Cage

In the face of such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely dignified, and the aura in his body was suppressed extremely strongly, as if he could no longer continue to operate.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng immediately released all the power of chaos in his body, and an extremely powerful breath burst out from inside Ye Feng's body.

As if the world of chaos had come to reality, the space surrounding Ye Feng's Divine Comedy had been completely transformed by the aura of chaos and the power emitted by it had reached a terrifying point.

The evolution of the power of chaos has already exploded with an extremely powerful force at this moment, as if it was about to completely destroy everything in the world.

Faced with such a terrifying force, everyone present was shocked and speechless, and it was impossible to imagine what kind of power Ye Feng had officially controlled.

The two attacks collided, and at the first moment, an extremely powerful force burst out, as if to completely destroy everything between the heavens and the earth.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock, constantly thinking about it in the void, the energy radiated has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

In the first time, Ye Feng had completely mobilized the aura in his body, forming an extremely powerful wave of destruction.

And the terrifying towers that continuously condensed in the void also exploded with unimaginable terrifying power at this moment.

The collision between the two caused the surrounding space to be constantly broken, as if there was no ability to resist such a terrible attack.

At this moment, those people on the micro battlefield were also completely shocked. They couldn't imagine Ye Feng still possessing such terrifying strength.

"How is it possible? It's simply impossible. Why is this guy's attribute power so powerful that he can resist the attack of Young Master Tianyou."

Someone in the crowd spoke like this, seeing all this in front of them, their faces were also covered with unbelievable expressions.

The identity of Young Master Tianyou was also very clear to everyone present. That was the grandson of the elder Zongmen.

The power of the nerve attribute controlled by the other party is not comparable to that of people in the same realm, and even some top spirit cultivators can't stand in front of him.

And at this moment, a young man who had just broken through the realm of the ancient giant god, and had not even found his own way, faced the attack of Young Master Tianyou, and he was able to display his own power to compete with the opponent.

Moreover, the coercive power contained in the chaotic aura is constantly surging, as if it is the power that can burst out counterattacks at any time.

This kind of change also shocked everyone present. They were speechless and couldn't imagine how Ye Feng had such a terrifying power.

And Young Master Tianyou was also the one who received the greatest impact.

His face became extremely solemn for the first time, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "This is impossible, who are you? Why do you control such a powerful force, and who taught it to you?"

Young Master Tianyou's body was constantly trembling under the influence of those terrifying chaotic auras, and his face became extremely ugly.

For countless years, he has been dominating in the same realm with his own powerful soul power, and using this power to defeat multiple powerhouses in the same realm.

In this kind of battle, he has never been at a disadvantage, and even can easily kill those enemies completely.

But now, he was so easily suppressed by a young man who had never had a reputation, and even wanted to form a strong counterattack against him, which made him totally unacceptable.

Ye Feng looked at Young Master Tianyou as if he was looking at a fool.

At the corner of his mouth, a disdainful smile appeared: "With your ability, you still want to compete with me. I really don't know how to live or die.

If I were really in a state of heyday, you would never know how many times I died. "

Right now, the power in Ye Feng's body has not reached the extreme, and he is constantly using the power of chaos to absorb those powers in the refining void.

Moreover, the power of the attributes he controlled was not at its peak, and the power of divine consciousness was suppressed by him in every possible way.

Under this circumstance, the power released by Ye Feng was quite terrifying, and it also brought tremendous pressure to that Young Master Tianyou.

Especially the words he just said were full of strong irony, and it made Young Master Tianyou's face pale, and he wanted to kill Ye Feng completely.

The powerhouses onlookers also showed an extremely ugly look in their eyes, and they only felt that they had also been severely humiliated by Ye Feng.

The sentence he said before was like a slap on his face, trampling their dignity under their feet.

"Well, if that's the case, then I don't care about anything anymore."

Feeling the power of chaos spreading in the void, Young Master Tianyou's expression became extremely solemn, and he could perceive the intense pressure on his body.

For the first time, Young Master Tianyou had already mobilized the power of divine consciousness under his control again, and was still in the void, that extremely powerful divine consciousness fluctuation was also erupting in madness.

Especially the high tower that he used his own spiritual thoughts to cast out, at this moment, it is also constantly rotating and emitting aura, which becomes extremely terrifying.

At the same time, in the eyes of Young Master Tianyou, a look of unwillingness appeared even more, and the power of his own soul was pushed to the extreme in the first time.

Countless runes were released from the body of Young Master Tianyou, and merged with the tall tower in the void at a very fast speed.

The rune totem formed also burst out all its power in a very short period of time, forming the most terrifying destruction attack.

Then everyone present saw that there was an extremely powerful force of coercion released from the void.

The powerful aura contained in the tower has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the most terrifying power has erupted in the first time.

Such a powerful coercive force directly enveloped the world, a strong destruction, and the attack was released at this moment.

This attack almost released the strongest power controlled by Young Master Tianyou.

Trying to kill Ye Feng directly in this way.

Everyone present also felt the terrifying power contained in this attack of Young Master Tianyou.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng with a gleeful look, thinking that Ye Feng would never survive such a terrifying attack.

However, after seeing such an attack, Ye Feng was still unmoved, and the power of chaos in his body was also constantly running.

The gaze he looked at the other party was even more sarcasm, as if he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all.

At this moment, a strong breath was released in Ye Feng's body.

Extremely terrifying attributes, power brewing in his palm, made his whole person's breath become extremely violent.

Facing the terrible attack released by the opponent, Ye Feng also directly shot it with a palm.

In an instant, the void seemed to be completely wiped out, and the two attacks had collided together in a very short time.


The sound of terrifying concussion blasted through, and the destructive power spread in all directions.

This attack of Young Master Tianyou had already exploded his full potential, and the power he possessed was naturally terrifying beyond imagination.

But even such a terrifying attack was still useless in front of Ye Feng.

With that attack just now, Ye Feng not only mobilized the power of Chaos, but also mobilized the power of good fortune attributes.

Two extremely powerful attribute forces surged, allowing the chaotic aura that Ye Feng mobilized to resonate with the entire world in the first place.

The power that erupted was simply beyond imagination and terrifying, and immediately there was an irresistible destructive force that quickly gathered into this attack.

In a very short period of time, an extremely powerful force has radiated from the void, as if guiding the power under his control to resonate with the entire world.

Such a powerful attack is simply not something ordinary people can resist.

The power of Chaos directly penetrated the void, defeated that tower of Divine Sense, and directly descended on Young Master Tianyou.

The power that Ye Feng controlled was extremely powerful, and it directly crushed Young Master Tianyou, making him feel that his body was trembling like an electric shock.


A fundamentally irresistible force of destruction quickly merged into Young Master Tianyou's body.

This made Young Master Tianyou's face extremely pale, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Using this strong aura of destruction to merge with the power of good fortune under his control, Ye Feng is also constantly controlling the force of destruction in Young Master Tianyou.

The incomparably powerful destructive force, constantly operating, the damage to Young Master Tianyou is also terrifying beyond imagination.

The people present also witnessed all this with their own eyes. Seeing the power of chaos inside Young Master's body this day, everyone's eyes were constantly trembling.

They couldn't imagine that Ye Feng would have such terrifying strength.

Especially Young Master Tianyou, the power in his body was already madly running, but even if he tried his best, he couldn't resist the attack power emitted by Ye Feng.

I am afraid that it will not be long before his body can continue to hold on.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly had enough to hook his fingers, causing the power in Young Master Tianyou to explode again.

In an instant, Young Master Tianyou couldn't withstand such a force at all, and the blood from his mouth spouted out.

The powerful power possessed in the body also burst out at this moment, quickly rushing towards Ye Feng.

But Young Master Tianyou's own body flew upside down like a cannonball, and fell to the ground fiercely.

A terrible scream came from his mouth, and even his body had become quite distorted.

There was also an extremely terrifying power that continued to spread in Young Master Tianyou's body, as if to completely destroy his body in the shortest possible time.

Especially the power of his divine mind has suffered an extremely severe blow, as if the whole person's soul was about to collapse.

Even though it was Young Master Tianyou's divine mind, no matter how powerful it was, there was no way to resist the combined attack of the chaotic world and the forces of good fortune.

It is equivalent to the damage caused by Young Master Tianyou relying on his own soul power to impact the entire world, which is simply unimaginable.

All this before was very complicated to say, but the results were only in a flash.

The extremely powerful Young Master Tianyou, a genius with the power of divine consciousness, was completely defeated under such a simple attack by Ye Feng.

It even said that even his own cultivation base seemed to be abolished, and he couldn't resist the terrifying power released by Ye Feng at all.

This scene also made everyone present show an unbelievable look, and even the vast majority of people failed to react from this shocked state.

It took a long time for someone to finally return to God, and said in an incredibly unbelievable tone: "How is this possible? Did Young Master Tianyou fail so easily?

I don't believe that Young Master Tianyou definitely has more secret methods, and that guy's strength is absolutely impossible. "

"Yes, Young Master Tianyou, but the strongest existence in our sect possesses unimaginable terrifying power among everyone.

This kid just seized the opportunity, and it was impossible for him to be Tianyou's opponent.

Said that he also used a certain special method to cause damage to Young Master Tianyou in such a short period of time. "

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and they couldn't believe the horrible scene that just happened.

Young Master Tianyou, that was the top arrogant Tianjiao in the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect's generation, even in the entire Sky Swallowing Demon Realm, he had a huge reputation.

Especially his cultivation level has broken through the two heavenly barriers, and the strength he controls has reached an unimaginable point.

Facing a person like Ye Feng who had just been promoted to the realm of ancient giants, he was defeated by Ye Feng in front of everyone. This was simply impossible.

It is even said that Ye Feng just relied on the power that burst out from a palm to completely severely wound Young Master Tianyou, and even completely destroyed his body.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have imagined such a shocking scene.

Faced with such a terrifying scene, not only the crowds onlookers, but even the elders who were in charge of the duel were quite suspicious.

This elder also had a certain understanding of Ye Feng's strength, but he couldn't imagine it either.

Ye Feng didn't even use any secret means, just relying on the power of the attributes he controlled, he caused great damage to Young Master Tianyou.

You must know that behind Young Master Tianyou, there is a terrifying existence like Elder Tianyou.

Even in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, there are few elders living in the sky who can suppress in the same realm.

If it weren't Elder Tianyou, who had taken the wrong path when he was young, he is now a powerhouse at the level of the gods.

At this moment, Ye Feng severely wounded Elder Tianyou's grandson. If he really angered this old monster, then even he would not get any benefits.

The elder's face is also extremely solemn, the aura in his body is constantly brewing, and the terrifying power exuded has reached an extremely terrifying state.

Such an ability seems likely to burst out at any time.

Although it was said that Young Master Tianyou was Ye Feng who had provoke him, he couldn't let Ye Feng kill Young Master Tianyou so easily in the duel arena.

Even if he would be punished by the rules of the sect, he could not let this happen in front of him.

Not only this elder, but the other people present also had the same idea. In any case, the life of Young Master Tianyou must be guaranteed. This is related to the rights of a big man.

However, they didn't know that the current Elder Tianyou had been punished by the Heavenly Maiden and put in confinement.

"good very good……"

At this moment, Young Master Tianyou in the duel stage turned ruddy, and his body recovered at an extremely fast speed.

In his body, there seems to be a very special energy that can release an extremely terrifying aura in the shortest time.

There was also an extremely large life force running fast, and the ability of Ye Feng remaining in Young Master Tianyou's body was completely expelled for the first time.

After that, these life forces were running frantically, supplementing the consumption in his body at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng's expression was also quite surprised. He didn't seem to expect that the other party was still in control of such a weird method.

In the first time, Ye Feng had already mobilized his own breath to guard against the upcoming changes.

At the same time, he even released a chaotic aura that descended around the body of Young Master Tianyou at an extremely fast speed.

However, there was an extremely terrifying force around Young Master Tianyou, as if it could completely destroy everything between heaven and earth.

Even Ye Feng's Chaos Power received extremely strong resistance, and it was impossible to break this barrier within a period of time.

This made Ye Feng's eyes become dignified, and the aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The incomparably powerful power of Chaos, at this moment, is also bursting out terrifying power, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

At this moment, countless scenes of chaos appeared around Ye Feng, as if everything between heaven and earth was completely covered by this chaotic force.

In this short period of time, the various attribute auras in Ye Feng's body were completely mobilized, converging into an extremely huge attack, enough to suppress all the attribute forces between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura broke out in Young Master Tianyou's body, and such a powerful force directly enveloped Ye Feng's body.

Such a terrifying attack was not something Ye Feng could resist, and he had noticed the abnormality in the first time.

A horrible feeling caused Ye Feng's whole body to blow up, and the power in his body was running at a crazy speed.

For the first time, he released the most powerful force under his control, and the surrounding power of heaven and earth and the power of attributes crazily surrounded Ye Feng's body.

Then a ruined palm print condensed from Ye Feng's body, and slapped him fiercely towards Young Master Tianyou.

The powerful force contained in such an attack is also terrifying, as if it can completely destroy all the abilities between heaven and earth.


Such a terrifying breath also made everyone in the field shocked and speechless, as if to say that the power of the attributes they possessed at this moment possessed unimaginable terrifying power.

And the strength that Young Master Tianyou possessed also burst out crazily at this moment, and the pressure it radiated reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

At this moment, the powerful power contained between the heavens and the earth has reached an almost crazy state, and every breath that radiates has an unimaginable powerful ability.

The power of the zodiac sign controlled by Young Master Tianyou and the power of Chaos of Ye Feng completely collided at this moment.


The extremely terrifying sound of destruction and shock resounded in the void, and there was a terrible destructive force that spread wildly in all directions.

Faced with such a powerful force, everyone present was shocked and speechless. It was impossible to imagine that such a force would be released by the two ancient giants.

In any case, they couldn't imagine the power that both sides burst out at this moment, it turned out to be so terrible.

The power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body is also madly running at this moment, and the power it possesses has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The extremely terrifying pressure of destruction was completely released in this way, causing the surrounding space to be constantly distorted.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction is continuously spreading outward at this moment, and there is no possibility of convergence at all.

It was that the powerful power possessed in the void at this instant had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine, and even the duel field was affected.

"Just this little strength of yours is not something you can control at all.

The abilities borrowed from elsewhere still want to compete with me, so let me die. "

While speaking, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body exploded violently again, almost releasing all the attribute power in the body.

In this very short period of time, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from Ye Feng's body again, and the chaotic fog in the dantian began to burn crazily.

The power around Ye Feng's body was like flames, releasing unimaginable heat.

The terrifying attack completely broke out at this moment, directly covering the entire battlefield.

Even Young Master Tianyou couldn't escape, and was completely swallowed by such a powerful attack.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body reached the most terrifying state, and directly collided with Young Master Tianyou.

Everyone present was completely shocked by such a terrifying force, and everything that happened in the battlefield was simply not what they could observe.

In Ye Feng's eyes, an extremely terrifying coercive force was released, as if to completely destroy everything in this entire space.

Young Master Tianyou's body is indeed extremely large, and the power of the soul that he borrows is also beyond imagination.

However, Ye Feng had more powerful control and explosive power over his own power, and he released an unresistible horror aura in the first place.

Under this circumstance, it was impossible for Young Master Tianyou to stop the attack released by Ye Feng, and he was completely suppressed by this force in a very short period of time.

Then the horrible wave of destruction had already descended on the bodies of both sides, and the powerful aura exuded was to completely destroy their bodies.

The destructive power contained in this is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and even Ye Feng's current cultivation base can't completely resist it.

The power of destruction is being madly released, and such a powerful breath has brought an incomparably huge sense of oppression to everyone present, as if to completely destroy their bodies.

Even the elder was shocked by such power.

The crowd onlookers are already like this, so what kind of terrible attack will the two who face this attack face?

The power in Ye Feng's body is already constantly collapsing, and the aura that it exudes has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach, and the original power in the void is almost burning in terror.

The situation shown by Young Master Tianyou was even more unbearable.

The abilities he controlled couldn't resist such a terrifying attack at all, and the powerful aura exuding from his body was even going to completely destroy everything in the world.

Destructive power swarmed toward his body, completely destroying his body little by little, even leaving no residue.

Even if the power of his divine mind was so strong that he couldn't resist it, the aura he possessed could no longer be maintained.

Without the proof of attachment, the ability under his control has reached the weakest state, even if he has the great ability, there is no way to continue to operate.

Originally Young Master Tianyou still had his own destiny soldier, and the power possessed by that crown was also terrifying beyond imagination.

However, the ability possessed by this crown can only increase the power of Young Master Tianyou's divine mind, and it does not have an absolutely powerful defense.

So when the storm of destruction came down, it was already irresistible and was directly destroyed.

It was precisely because of this that Young Master Tianyou's divine mind was extremely severely hit, and it was already on the verge of shattering within an extreme period of time.

It didn't take long before Young Master Tianyou's body was completely destroyed, and his soul was finally destroyed directly under such a terrifying pressure.

Everyone present was also at this moment. Feeling such a terrible breath, I was completely shocked.

At that moment, everyone understood that Young Master Tianyou was really dead.

The power possessed in the body was also crazily collapsed at an extremely fast speed, and their eyes showed incomparable horror.

The death of Young Master Tianyou was also a disaster for them, and would even be investigated by the elder.

However, the duel field does not have such a taboo, it is still constantly devouring and refining the power that is available in the space.

An extremely pure source of power directly descended on Ye Feng's body, and in a blink of an eye, it was absorbed by the Tiantian Lingzhu.

The emptiness contained in it also added a ray of chaos at this moment, making the emptiness more real.

Before Ye Feng could react, suddenly there was a very secret wave of divine consciousness, and Ye Feng's divine consciousness power directly rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness also had its own powerful essence, in a very short period of time. It will be able to emit a powerful aura beyond imagination.

However, influenced by Elder Tianyou, his own divine power has evolved an endless array of divine patterns, completely sealing his own self-consciousness.

At this moment, he couldn't mobilize the most powerful force in his body at all, and it was even impossible to resist the power of the soul transmitted in the space.

That is to say, at this moment, the terrifying shadow that has been covering his sea of ​​consciousness has become stronger under the influence of the power of the soul, and it is expanding crazily at an extremely terrifying speed.

Ye Feng's reaction was also extremely fast, he had already mobilized his own power of divine consciousness in the first time, and more power of divine lines evolved in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Want to rely on these powers to resist the influence of the power of divine consciousness on him.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng's own divine consciousness could no longer exert such power, and was directly covered by that terrifying divine consciousness again.

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from Ye Feng's body, as if to seize control of Ye Feng's body in the shortest possible time.

The other forces in the struggle were also fighting frantically, sending their own energy toward the direction of the sea of ​​consciousness for the first time.

Ye Feng's own consciousness is also extremely clear, UU Reading has exploded all the source of power under his control in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the expanding dark shadow seemed to be restrained by some kind of power, and suddenly fell silent at this moment.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng finally took a sigh of relief, and was not directly swallowed by such terrifying power.

But even so, the pressure he was under was beyond imagination, and the original strength in his body was lost a lot.

After taking a few deep breaths, the power of the space surrounding his body finally came into play, teleporting it out in the void.

Everyone present was shocked to see such a change, and could not speak, especially the elder, his face was extremely blue.

Although it is not clear what will happen in the future, the elder knew that his trouble was definitely not small.

At this moment, Ye Feng also appeared in a brand new environment.

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