Sky War God

Chapter 3574: The power of Chaos skyrocketing

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Chapter 3574 the skyrocketing Chaos Power

Such a powerful spiritual hint quietly lurked into Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the radiated power also began to affect Ye Feng's consciousness subtly.

What is even more frightening is that although Ye Feng has a clear perception of such a force, there is no way to dispel him.

The nine divine powers in the sea of ​​consciousness are like stars in the sky, shining brightly, constantly operating Ye Feng's divine powers, making these abilities more powerful.

But this kind of spiritual hint is like a dark sky, directly covering Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and it is even continuously expanding.

Once this kind of spiritual hint is completely mature, then Ye Feng might really lose his rationality and become a puppet manipulated by that middle-aged man.

When he thought of this, Ye Feng was also cold all over his body, and his whole body was constantly trembling.

"No, you can't just sit and wait like this."

Ye Feng had already made a decision immediately, constantly operating the Myriad Spirits Divine Art, and wanted to counterattack that spiritual power.

However, such a terrifying force, although it is so profound, and shiningly placed in front of Ye Feng, but he is like a phantom, which can be seen but cannot be touched.

No matter how Ye Feng used his spiritual power, he couldn't touch this spiritual power, and even lost a lot of energy because of it.

If this continues, Ye Feng has not been under the control of this spiritual hint, and he will completely consume the power of the divine mind first.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes also reflected a deep brilliance, as if some kind of special power was brewing.

The power of Ye Feng’s divine mind was cultivated through Wanling Divine Art, and its essence was quite high. The other party could affect his consciousness only with the power of some words and voices, and he must have a profound thought. Cultivation and means.

At this moment, Ye Feng, naturally, there is no way to stop it, and it will even be completely swallowed by such power.

However, Wan Ling Shen Jue is not a simple exercise. He has a very deep understanding of the power of divine mind and the cultivation of divine soul power.

At this moment, Ye Feng's power in the sea of ​​consciousness is also operating in a mysterious way.

The power of nine divine minds interlaced, forming a divine pattern formation, directly in the sea of ​​consciousness, opening up a unique space.

The extremely powerful power of divine consciousness was brewing in this divine pattern formation, firmly protecting Ye Feng's own consciousness.

Another prescription of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, the middle-aged man also felt the changes that had taken place in Ye Feng, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raised, revealing a mocking smile.

"Oh, it's still a little capable. I noticed it so quickly, but what's the use? You, an ancient giant who has just been promoted, and you want to resist my hypnosis. I want to see if you can display it. What means do you have."

This middle-aged man, named Tianyou Changming, is an elder of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect, and his own strength is quite strong, especially good at using divine and soul methods.

After Shenhun Tianguan, he walked a long distance, and even affected several other cultivation practices.

But it is precisely because of this ability that the power of the soul that he controls has become extremely powerful, even the best among the ancient giants, can not resist his soul hypnosis.

Not to mention how Ye Feng, who had just reached this realm, could be his opponent.

Of course, Ye Feng didn't know, his every move was already seen by the other party, and the great array of **** patterns he constructed became more detailed.

The divine pattern formation formed by the interweaving of the nine divine mind powers is nothing but a blinding technique set up by Ye Feng. He also predicted that his divine mind power might not be able to resist the interference of the other party.

Therefore, after the completion of the divine pattern formation, the power of one's own divine thoughts is also running again.

Ye Feng also has a fairly solid foundation for the Way of God Patterns, as well as an incomparably deep foundation.

In this case, Ye Feng is also in this spiritual space, constantly superimposing the **** pattern formations he has learned, even the formations he has comprehended, as well as some ordinary insights. Constructed at the moment.

If the opponent can penetrate the first layer of formations, they will be shocked by the dense, nearly endless arrays in this spiritual space.

I don't know how long it has been before, the **** pattern formation in the depths of Ye Feng's consciousness has finally stabilized, and the aura that radiates from it is also quite secret.

Ye Feng's own self-consciousness was protected in it, and it would never be affected by external forces, and naturally blocked that powerful influence.

Just when Ye Feng's Divine Sense Enchantment had just been arranged, his perception was suddenly touched, and the space around his body changed again, making him appear in the arena again.

This time, as soon as Ye Feng appeared, he noticed a sharp aura, which permeated the space, as if to completely tear his body apart.

Without any hesitation, his own chaotic power quickly expanded, secretly covering his body completely.

At this time, Ye Feng had energy and looked at the direction where the dangerous aura was.

A guy with a medium body shape and his entire body covered in armor was staring at Ye Feng with a pair of gleaming blue eyes. In his hands, there were two sharp swords of different lengths.

The long sword is a full foot long, and the aura is extremely heavy, as if it is about to cut the space and crush it.

And that short sword exudes an extremely terrifying and sharp aura, as if to completely cut off everything in the space.

What is even more weird is that the breath of that dagger is even more uncertain, as if it can travel freely in the void.

Such a method really shocked Ye Feng. He didn't expect his opponent to be so powerful this time.

If this continues, God knows how strong the enemy will be in the future, and it is still not something Ye Feng can defeat.

"It is the honor of your life to be able to die under my sword."

The other party's voice was extremely indifferent, even with strong pride, and directly spoke to Ye Feng.

Hearing this, Ye Feng's face also showed a look of disdain, but he was not in the mood to talk to him.

The chaotic qi in the body began to circulate quickly, constantly devouring the surrounding heaven and earth vitality.

Ye Feng's posture made the armor-clad man quite disdainful, and sneered again.

"Oh, there is no way to recover from the origin of the battle. On the contrary, it is necessary to absorb the vitality of the world here. It is simply a waste. I really don't know how unlucky you are to meet me."

This time, his tone was also full of sarcasm and disdain, and it seemed that he had already determined that Ye Feng was a dead person, and there was no need to care so much.

In an instant, the aura on his body suddenly burst out, directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was, and rushed over.

Such a powerful force has also reached a terrifying point, especially the giant sword in his right hand, which exudes an unimaginable powerful force.

The terrifying shock power was released, directly locking Ye Feng, and even the surrounding space was affected, emitting terrifying fluctuations.

In Ye Feng's eyes, countless lights and shadows were also reflected, which seemed to be analyzing the strength of the opponent.

It's just that this time the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become much dim, and the power that it radiates has also weakened a lot.

In order to counter the cues in the sea of ​​consciousness, the power of divine consciousness mobilized by Ye Feng has also become quite limited, and even has been more powerfully suppressed.

At this moment, the opponent's attack had already arrived, and the giant sword had been smashed towards Ye Feng with a swing.

The speed of this sword is also quite fast, as if he didn't want to give Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

However, Ye Feng's expression didn't look like he would dodge, just silently circling the power of Chaos in his body, pointed it into a sword, and pointed out towards the opponent's giant sword.

In the next instant, the two attacks had already collided together, and the rumbling sound of terror and concussion resounded in the space.

An extremely powerful force, constantly spreading in the void, seems to be completely destroying everything in the space.

The other party was also quite confident, and his eyes showed obvious contempt.

In his opinion, Ye Feng's strength is not enough to resist his attack, not to mention that Ye Feng is still so arrogant, daring to directly touch his giant sword with his fingers.

But when the two powers really touched, a sound of collision between gold and iron was transmitted to the ears of the armored man.

Everyone present was also stunned by this sudden change. No one could have imagined that Ye Feng would be able to withstand the armored man's giant sword with the strength of his body alone.

The sound of turbulence reverberated, and a powerful aura broke out, but Ye Feng's expression was even more indifferent, and the power contained in his body was constantly released.

It was at this moment that a powerful brilliance was released in Ye Feng's eyes, and the other hand waved out and shot directly at the other party.

The armored man's response was also quite rapid, and he had already used his most powerful force for the first time, and the terrifying aura was released from his body and wrapped around his short sword.

At this moment, the extremely powerful edge force was released from the short sword, the terrifying speed, as if directly penetrating the void, descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

The power of such a terrifying attack was quite terrifying, and even Ye Feng felt a little dangerous.

The power in the depths of the body continued to rotate, and the power of chaos was released accordingly, and the aura that radiated was condensed into substance in a very short time.

Now Ye Feng intends to temper his chaotic power to make him stronger, naturally it is impossible to use other means, but the chaotic power has evolved, and he has already exerted a very powerful force.

In just a moment, the extremely terrifying power of coercion bloomed, and Ye Feng's power of chaos evolved into the ultimate ice-cold power, and his palm was covered with a layer of ice armor.

At this moment, the terrifying ice-cold power was released, as if it were about to completely freeze the surrounding space, first entered the void, intercepted before the short sword, and collided in the void.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks rang out, expanding outwards, and even more terrifying destructive powers, released in all directions, and the pressure emitted was even more unimaginable.

Under such pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter, and the power of chaos in his body increased the speed of movement.

More importantly, the ice-cold power evolved from the power of Chaos has become more powerful, as if it can grow without limit.

The power of chaos is the most pure and original power in this world. It can evolve everything between heaven and earth, and it is the ultimate evolution of attribute power.

Now Ye Feng is based on the power of Chaos, releasing other attribute powers, and the aura he possesses is naturally beyond imagination.

Originally, the armored man thought that his own reaction speed was so extreme that Ye Feng would definitely not be able to resist it, but when he encountered the cold power released by Ye Feng, his expression changed instantly.

The power of such a terrifying ice cold, the power is simply beyond imagination, it seems to be to completely freeze everything in the space.

The power of chaos continues to evolve, and the power of shock released is even more terrifying. In the first time, it has penetrated the body of the armored man, as if to completely wipe out his body.


Feeling the shocking power in his body, the armored man became more and more angry, and immediately let out a loud roar.

Even the faint blue light in his eyes has become more fierce, extremely powerful, and even destroys the positive film space.

The two swords in his hand also released extremely powerful power at this moment, one overbearing, the other insidious and cunning, the combination of the two powers, the power exerted is even more horrible than imagined.

However, in the face of all this, Ye Feng's expression was so plain, and he didn't seem to have such changes in his heart at all.

In this short period of time, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body has undergone subtle changes, and the breath that can be driven by the original power has become more powerful during the operation of the original power.

The tyrannical attribute power is simply to completely refine everything in the space.

In this arena, all the attribute powers are madly gathering towards Ye Feng, making the power in his body even stronger.

The destruction attacks released by the opponent also fell into the realm of Chaos Power.

Such chaotic aura continued to spread in the void, directly suppressing those two attacks.

After that, Ye Feng also lightly clicked out, and the power of chaos was released, and it also changed into two sword lights, one light and the other heavy, to meet the opponent's attack.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void in an instant, with extremely powerful destructive power spreading in all directions, as if to completely destroy everything.

In a very short period of time, these terrifying powers have raged wildly and expanded toward the depths of the void.

The two people in the field are also extremely powerful, and the impact that can be caused is beyond imagination, and no one can stop it.

In the previous battle, Ye Feng was also aware of the powerful strength of the opponent, but the chaotic power he released had an unimaginable powerful force.

At the moment of the collision, Ye Feng's chaotic power bloomed brilliantly, as if it was about to evolve into the sun.

The terrifying aura was released, constantly suppressing the opponent's attack, and even a shocking force penetrated the void and directly fell on the armored man.

The horrible oppressive power, mixed with the power of chaos, the power of attack formed is even more terrifying than imagined, it seems that it is to completely wipe out the opponent's body.

Ye Feng also felt the change of power in his body, and he was still running the power of Chaos.

This kind of power is also impossible to resist, and it is about swallowing everything in the heavens and the earth.

The opponent's resistance is also quite high. The pitch-black armor of that suit constantly vibrates, clanging and clanging, as if to block all power.

The terrifying breath was released from his body again, making his whole body become violent, and even more powerful force expanded.

At this moment, Ye Feng also noticed something, the power of chaos in his body started to circulate again.

"you wanna die!"

In the body of the armored man, a brief word was issued, and the terrifying aura that exudes was expanding crazily and shrouded towards Ye Feng fiercely.

At this moment, the power he controls has also reached a point of incomparable horror. Such a destructive force is simply beyond imagination. It is crushing madly towards Ye Feng. It seems to be in the shortest time. Ye Feng was completely suppressed to death.

Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly released the power in his body, and the chaotic aura that came out directly enveloped the surrounding space, evolving a chaotic vision.

The power of the two domains collided, and the sound of crackling collision was remembered in the void. The two were in a stalemate, restraining each other, and the aura exuding was even more terrifying.

"Extreme ice dancing."

It was at this moment that Ye Feng suddenly spoke, and a very strong icy power came out.

Ye Feng also had a deep understanding of the attribute power of ice attributes this time, and the icy cold power he released was extremely fierce.

This trick was also performed by Ye Feng in the world of the White Jade Tower.

In just a single thought, it was released again, and countless icy powers condensed in the void, causing the surrounding space to start to turbulent wildly.

That is to say, in such a short period of time, the powerful edges formed by the condensation of frost, under the impetus of a certain special force, began to operate irregularly.

The edge force released is even more powerful than imagined. Every time it spins and shuttles, the power that bursts out becomes more terrifying, and even the space is completely shattered.

At the same time, the energies of the heavens and the earth gathered in the space were also constantly compressed under the influence of such a storm, as if they were about to condense into substance, suppressed towards the armored man.

Ye Feng's methods are also quite novel. Since pushing his cultivation base to the realm of ancient giants, his own control of the vitality of the heavens and the earth has been greatly improved, and every move can drive a very powerful heaven and earth. Power.

This also led to the fact that every time Ye Feng used his own power, he could communicate with this world to a certain extent.

In this way, Ye Feng's strength will be even more improved, and the power of each attack will be even more terrifying.


Facts have proved that Ye Feng's strength is not something ordinary people can resist, and the power that bursts out of the void is even more terrifying than imagined.

The power that burst out for the first time directly penetrated the original power controlled by that guy, no matter how fast the two swords in his hand were swung, they couldn't resist those frost blades.

And his armor was somewhat unbearable under such a intensive attack, as if it might break at any time.

The power of chaos expanded, madly absorbing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and even drawing the surrounding space into the void, the power of the heaven and earth contained in it disappeared at this moment.

The disappearance of the vitality in the space also caused the armored man to suffocate, and his reaction slowed down many times.

Ye Feng's divine power was released crazily at this moment, and an extremely terrifying spiritual piercing burst into the body of the armored man.

Suddenly, that guy's body exploded directly at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything.

Feeling such a power, Ye Feng's eyes also reflected incomparably bright brilliance, and the power of chaos in his body also burst out.

In this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has reached an extremely powerful level, and the aura emitted by the power of chaos is even going to swallow all the attribute power between heaven and earth.

The power of chaos is constantly being used, refining the vitality between the heavens and the earth, making one's own power reach an extremely terrifying point in a very short period of time. The power of chaos is surging, and even the surrounding A piece of space is completely covered.

After that, Ye Feng also directly operated his own practice, converging all the chaotic power back into his body.

At the same time, an extremely powerful force was also released, constantly shuttled through Ye Feng's body, as if to completely refine all the power.

This kind of chaotic power keeps running in Ye Feng's body, and it also makes Ye Feng's control stronger. A stream of extremely pure aura radiates out in this short period of time, nourishing Ye Feng's whole body.

The growth of Chaos's power brought more help to Ye Feng than that.

Every time the power of Chaos moves, Ye Feng can feel the relationship between himself and the Heavenly Hunling Spirit Orb, becoming closer, as if the power in it has to be completely smelted by Ye Feng in the shortest possible time. .

The power in the body is constantly running, and the quality of the power of Chaos is also improving, but if he wants to achieve the most subtle state, the heaven and earth vitality that needs to be consumed is also extremely terrifying.

Before Ye Feng could fully control these powers, an even greater aura radiated in the void.

The guy who was hostile to him also revealed his true shape at this moment.

He was originally given a pair of armor with spirituality, and the breath that he radiated became so powerful, but in fact, as long as his soul was broken up, no matter how strong his body was, he couldn't hold on.

In an instant, the power in his body had been completely wiped out, and the aura he radiated was completely swallowed by the duel field under his feet within this period of time.

A pure breath was released from the duel field and entered Ye Feng's body again.

The Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb oscillated, directly engulfing that force again, adding a ray of chaos into the void again.

It seems that if it continues to operate like this, the world in the Huntian Spirit Orb will be completely transformed into substance, and the original power in it will become stronger.

In the course of this kind of cultivation, the strength in Ye Feng's body is also growing crazily, and the aura that comes out has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

It's just that the chaotic force converges at an extremely fast speed under the control of Ye Feng, and the energy emitted is not noticed by outsiders at all.

More importantly, Ye Feng also faintly felt the special effects of the transformation of the power of Chaos at this moment.

Just like the ice attribute that I had just simulated with the power of chaos, the power possessed unimaginable power, and it had already exploded with an extremely terrifying breath in the first time.

Next, Ye Feng could also use the power of chaos to evolve a more powerful attribute force, transforming all the abilities between heaven and earth in a very short time.

Before, Ye Feng could melt all the power between heaven and earth, and eventually became a vassal of the power of chaos.

Returning all the energy to the origin of the chaos, the power exerted is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

After reaching the ancient giant, he must decompose those terrifying attribute powers from the power of chaos and directly transform them into the attribute powers he needs.

In this way, every attribute power that Ye Feng controls has a powerful effect beyond imagination, and even can exert a powerful force that was impossible before.

The result of this has also led to the fact that the power of the attributes that Ye Feng can display has reached an extremely terrifying point, and any kind of power will be readily available in his hands.

After thinking about this, the power in Ye Feng's body also began to deposit, and it was constantly running, as if looking for a way to evolve the power of other attributes.

The various attribute powers between heaven and earth are already extremely common to Ye Feng.

The power of those attribute powers has long been completely controlled by Ye Feng, and the aura that it exudes has reached an incomparably pure point.

Now Ye Feng is evolving them with the power of chaos, and the role they can play is even more powerful than imagined.

It's just that the time required for such an evolution is quite long, and it can't be completed in a short time.

What's more, the environment that Ye Feng was in at the moment did not give him a chance to practice seriously, and the interval between each battle would get closer and closer.

At the same time, he must continue to resist the surrounding environment to allow him to obtain a more stable training space. Every battle of this will have a certain impact on Ye Feng.

In a short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body had reached the most powerful point.

The energy needed to quickly improve is already terrifying.

During the period of thinking, the power in the void changed again and directly transmitted Ye Feng back to the previous cell.

Not surprisingly, the middle-aged man still appeared in front of Ye Feng, still looking at him with an indifferent look.

Silently, Ye Feng also felt an extremely powerful divine power, slowly rotating in the void, covering his body.

That kind of power is like trying to completely swallow Ye Feng in the shortest time, like an endless tide, spreading in the void.

However, Ye Feng had already noticed that the power of divine consciousness in his body was still evolving continuously, releasing the divine pattern formations.

The power of countless divine minds is operating, protecting Ye Feng's own will extremely well.

Even if the outside world is strongly oppressive, it will not be able to cause any influence on Ye Feng, on the contrary, it will make Ye Feng's divine power to be tempered.

After staying here for a while, the middle-aged man also sighed and disappeared, but Ye Feng could feel the weird influence contained in his sigh.

This kind of power is so deep to a terrifying Ye Feng can only perceive the impact of this power on his divine consciousness, but he can't realize where this power is deposited.

The abilities of the Wanling Divine Art are also extremely powerful, but in the face of such terrifying and strange methods, Ye Fengye is somewhat powerless.

The first time he was already working on his own practice, Ye Feng was constantly refining his own spiritual thoughts, and he was aware of the original power between heaven and earth.

Especially the Chaos Divine Sense that Ye Feng controls at this moment has played a powerful role, constantly resonating with the Chaos Power in Ye Feng's body.

The powers controlled between the two are completely the same, not to mention that Ye Feng's Chaos Spiritual Mind evolved by relying on the power of Chaos.

At this moment, the two powerful forces intertwined and changed, and the aura exuding reached an extremely terrifying point.

In contact with such changes, Ye Feng is also constantly cultivating his own abilities. He did not know that another prescription position of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect was also being discussed by some people.

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