Sky War God

Chapter 3572: unexpected surprise

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3572 An Unexpected Surprise

I don't know how long it has passed, and the power in Ye Feng's body has finally recovered to a certain extent, and the body that was hit hard has also stabilized.

However, when he sensed the atmosphere of the surrounding space and the strange powers, his face also changed involuntarily.

It was as if to say that a pure source of power formed chains around his body, completely imprisoning his body.

Such terrifying pressure directly penetrated his body, and finally reflected on his soul, so that the power of his divine consciousness was strongly suppressed.

Feeling the change in the power in his body, Ye Feng did not act recklessly, but silently moved the power in his body.

Silently turning the energy in the body, the surrounding breath also penetrated into his body, leaving the various powers under his control in a special state.

With his own powerful perception power, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes after confirming that there was no one around.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly realized that he was in a cage.

A series of brilliant chains were entwined on his body, and those chains were also linked to the surrounding cages.

The power of Chaos is running, it seems to say that the surrounding space forces are completely suppressed, but it is affected by another powerful force.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body had already reached a weird state. He couldn't exert all his power in a short period of time. He could only watch the power of various attributes in his body work on its own.

First of all, Ye Feng's own cultivation base is also quite strong, for quite some time, there is no need to worry about the strength in his body being restricted.

But the same time it takes to regain the strength in one's own body and further improve one's combat effectiveness is already quite a long time.

The depressive power radiating from the surrounding space also made Ye Feng's breathing a little difficult, and it seemed impossible to imagine what a terrifying environment this was.

"you're awake."

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly heard a hoarse voice.

When he looked up, he didn't know when, a middle-aged man was standing outside his cage.

On his body, Ye Feng could also feel a very dangerous aura, making his brows frowned involuntarily.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng asked directly.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side sneered, as if he was quite disdainful of Ye Feng's assassin's performance.

"I'm so courageous, I can still be so calm at this time.

It's just that these things you have done have violated the bottom line of Her Royal Highness.

No matter how hard you are, the end result will be the same. "

The middle-aged man didn't seem to take Ye Feng to heart at all, he just spoke casually.

"For Her Royal Highness, you are just a slave and can be consumed at any time. It is better to be obedient at this time.

Otherwise, there is really only a dead end. "

When the other party spoke, the aura radiating from his body was also so powerful, which brought tremendous pressure to Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng couldn't accept all of this at all. The breath in his body was running crazily at this moment, constantly impacting the chains of the outside world.

It was only at this moment that Ye Feng suddenly felt the unimaginable power on the chains, which was severely suppressed on his body.

In a very short period of time, the power in his body was directly crushed by the special aura contained in the chains, and the terrifying pain spread throughout his body.

Moreover, a special power descended on his body, madly swallowing the power of various attributes in his body.

Almost instinctively, the power of the various attributes in Ye Fengqi's body started to work in the first place, to counteract that swallowing power.

The two forces are in a stalemate, and no one can do anything about it, but it has greatly affected the recovery speed of Ye Feng's body, and it has also brought a huge impact on him.

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at Ye Feng's expression, and some changes had taken place.

It didn't seem that Ye Feng would be able to possess such an ability, and immediately resisted the swallowing power possessed in the chain.

"No wonder, His Royal Highness brought you back directly. It seems that there are some secrets in your body.

Being able to resist the swallowing power in the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Art, the power in your body is absolutely extraordinary.

But don't waste your energy, just relying on your cultivation base, you can't hold on for too long at all. It's better to surrender as soon as possible to make you feel more comfortable. "

After watching Ye Feng for a while, the middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, got up and left, and the breath radiating from his body also dissipated at this moment.

He knew that Ye Feng activated those chains, and the swallowing power in it would run for a long time, during which time Ye Feng would not be able to make any other actions.

Even if the power in his body is quite special, it can still block the influence of Devouring Power on him, and it still can't change anything.

And Ye Feng is indeed the case at this moment, the power of chaos in his body is constantly running against the power of that extremely terrifying attribute.

Ye Feng had only seen such crazy devouring power in the Holy Demon Spear.

It's just that such a swallowing power is more pure than the power in the holy magic spear, and the magic power contained in it is almost zero.

Only by using such power can the chaotic power in Ye Feng's body be suppressed, making him unable to recover on his own.

The original power in the body can continue to operate again, and the attribute aura that comes out has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even with the swallowing power that exists around it, it has brought Ye Feng an immense suppression, it seems that Ye Feng will be completely suppressed to death in the shortest time.

The body that would have been heavily injured at this moment is rapidly consuming, the original strength in the body, a little bit of wear and tear, seems to collapse at any time.

But with the continuous operation of the power of Chaos, the aura in Ye Feng's body is also a powerful aura exuding from the calming body, which made him quite surprised.

As one of the most powerful attribute forces in this world, the characteristics of Chaos Power are simply beyond imagination.

Every operation and cultivation is pure and strong to one's own strength, even if the external devouring force continuously influences, this result cannot be changed.

Ye Feng could clearly feel that under the interference of the swallowing power, the aura contained in the chaotic power became more and more massive, and even the power displayed was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this situation, Ye Feng also began to carefully check the changes in his body.

In the previous battle, Ye Feng directly broke through to the realm of the ancient giant god, and all the power in his body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, Ye Feng is also constantly trying to use various powers in his body.

The aura contained in the power of the divine mind is extremely rich, and the rudimentary form of the power of the law has begun to be condensed at this moment, as if it is to be able to practice the law again.

It's just that the power of law cultivated in this way is not simply a law between heaven and earth, but also a special ability that belongs to Ye Feng alone.

No matter how the external power is changed, it will not affect Ye Feng's change, it will only make him stronger and stronger in the final practice.

And the power of qi and blood in the body has also returned to its most primitive state, continuously running in the body, and the aura that exudes is so pure and powerful.

As for the method of continuing to practice, Ye Feng has indeed lost his goal.

The power of cultivating qi and blood in the giant **** cauldron has reached the peak state, even if Ye Feng continues to operate again, nothing can be changed.

The other exercises for body refining didn't have that much help for Ye Feng at this moment, so he could only find other ways.

The power of the last Chaos, on the contrary, has a world-shaking change, making itself extremely pure between each operation, as if to restore to the most primitive realm of Chaos.

Under the influence of this breath, the power that Ye Feng can radiate has also reached an unimaginably powerful level.

If it weren't for the power of chaos, Ye Feng couldn't resist such a terrifying oppressive power at all.

It has been swallowed up by the swallowing power of all the power of the attributes in the body.

As for the last three zombies in Ye Feng's body, they are constantly oscillating, it seems that they are the power that lives between the world and the earth, continuing to cultivate themselves.

Several of his own powers are constantly entwined with these three natal soldiers, which also makes Ye Feng's own aura become more pure.

The one that changed the most was the magic sword forged by Ye Feng himself.

The opportunity contained in it has reached an unimaginable terrifying point, and the energy it radiates is almost terrifying.

In particular, inside Ye Feng's body there was a powerful treasure like the White Jade Tower, which contained a world in which the aura of good fortune exuded was also tempered by the divine sword of good fortune, and then entered Ye Feng's body.

In this way, the power of the Divine Sword of Good Fortune is also constantly improving, and the power it radiates is also helpful to Ye Feng to a certain extent.

At this moment, the Holy Magic Spear was in a frantic turbulence, which seemed to want to break through Ye Feng's suppression of him.

You must know that the power of the Holy Demon Spear has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the sealed Spear Demon has unimaginable abilities.

Even Ye Feng was not completely sure that he could suppress this guy, he could only use external forces to form a certain interference with him, and finally sealed it in the holy magic spear.

Next, we also need to find other ways to refine this weird Spear Demon once again in order to continue to use the power of the Holy Demon Spear.

Only the Heavenly Mixture Spirit Orb, the power contained in it is extremely calm, as if there is no change, it is still silent in Ye Feng's body, if you don't look for it carefully, you might even think that he doesn't exist anymore.

This treasure has been by Ye Feng's side from the beginning, and there is no change at this moment. Although Ye Feng's control of this treasure has continued to deepen over time, he has not touched his core at all. .

This time when he used his own to break through the realm, he took his phone from his own natal soldier, and finally let Ye Feng pry open a little bit of its secrets again.

Now, under the continuous promotion of Ye Feng's mind, the Huntian Lingzhu finally played a certain role and began to continuously absorb the power in Ye Feng's body.

The difference from the previous one is that the Huntian Lingzhu absorbed the energy in Ye Feng's body at this moment and didn't transform it into those green mist droplets, but fell silent in another space.

Between the music, Ye Feng also had an inexplicable connection with that space, and the original power in his body began to continuously rotate.

As if it was born out of nothing, it directly opened up a space of nothingness in that area.

In this space, faintly began to condense a little chaotic aura, turning this illusory space into reality.

It's just that if you want to continue to cultivate in such a space, the resources and time required are absolutely huge, even if Ye Feng put all his power into it, it will not hurt to cause any waves.

However, at this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body was also undergoing a certain degree of decline, not only had to resist those swallowing powers, but also provided it to the Huntian Spirit Orb.

This caused the energy in his body to be constantly weakened, and there was no power to resist at all.

However, in the process of this operation, Ye Feng's Chaos Power is also constantly improving, which also leads to external power, although it is strong, it cannot completely extract the energy from his body.

In this situation, Ye Feng is still constantly running the aura in his body, wanting to completely swallow and refine those terrifying powers in the shortest possible time.

I don't know how long it took, and finally the surrounding space changed, and a powerful traction burst out of the void, directly lifting Ye Feng out.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also suddenly awakened, and suddenly found that he had fallen on a battle platform, with familiar cages on all sides.

Powerful lives are sealed in these cages, and the aura that exudes is so ferocious and brutal, which puts an extremely heavy pressure on Ye Feng.

"The ancient giants, these people who were sealed are all ancient giants."

With his own perception, Ye Feng finally understood where the terrifying pressure around him would come from.

Those strong men who were sealed were all powerful ancient gods, and the aura they controlled had reached an extremely fierce level.

Although Ye Feng's own strength is not weak, but under this circumstance, the power he can mobilize is not unmatched.

Even to say that those terrifying auras continue to permeate the void, and the pressure it brings to him is also beyond imagination. It seems that he will completely crush his body to death.

Feeling the force of such coercion, the aura in Ye Feng's body even more involuntarily turned around, as if the whole world had been integrated with him.

Without any hesitation, he burst out his own breath for the first time, and then he saw that there was a powerful life in the opposite direction on the battlefield, and walked slowly over.

Feeling the powerful aura contained in the opponent's body, Ye Feng's eyes have also become extremely dignified, and the clerical power in his body is running wildly at this moment, as if to completely destroy all of this. .


The other party was also quite crazy at the moment, and the aura exuded was so ferocious and cruel, but the whole person's consciousness seemed to have been blurred.

This caused Ye Feng's brows to frown, and the original power in his body was running wildly at this moment.

Before she could react, an incomparably terrifying aura was released from the opponent's body, and as he stepped on, he was crushing towards Ye Feng fiercely.

Under the action of this powerful aura, the entire space became extremely dignified and terrifying, the power of destruction crazily gathered, directly forming a huge palm print, suppressing it towards Ye Feng.

This palm print seemed to be able to break the void, destroying all the power between heaven and earth.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying storm of destruction was released around Ye Feng's body, as if to completely destroy her whole person.

The destructive palmprints that received such a terrorist attack descended towards Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed, turning the surrounding space into chaotic air currents and tumbling frantically.

Ye Feng also felt the terrifying power contained in this, and there was endless brilliance in his eyes.

Around this battle stand, there are many stands with a large number of spectators watching the battle in the current field.

In the face of such a powerful battle, everyone present also cheered involuntarily, seeming to look forward to the end of this battle.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes reflected incomparably ferocious brilliance, and a terrifying breath was directly released from the inside of his body, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

For the first time, the original power in the body had already begun to run wildly, and the power of chaos was released at this moment, and it rushed out fiercely ahead.

At this moment, a chaotic palm print broke out, and the power it possessed was even stronger than before. I don't know how many grades it had.

However, this kind of breath is extremely condensed under Ye Feng's control, and the energy contained in it has reached an extremely heavy level.

The terrifying power that radiated during the slight operation actually shocked everyone present, but it didn't show any meaning.

In a very short period of time, the two attacks finally collided, and the terrifying aura exuded reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock, at this moment the crazy car drove, the extremely powerful destructive force, madly spreading in the void, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The power radiated by the strong opponent directly collided with Ye Feng's attack. At this moment, Ye Feng also felt a powerful concussive force, descending on his body.

This power is like that, violently tempering Ye Feng's body, to completely wipe out his body.

But Ye Feng's reaction was also quite rapid, once again exploding the aura in his body, rushing forward fiercely.

The opponent's strength is beyond imagination, and there is also a huge suppression for Ye Feng, but the power of Chaos Power that Ye Feng controls at this moment is even more terrifying.

In the first time, the aura possessed by the power of chaos directly crushed the opponent's attack, and once again suppressed it toward the front.

The strong man also felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack, and immediately turned the original aura in the body into full operation, as if he wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng's body in the shortest possible time. Come.

However, the power it possessed was unable to resist the impact of Chaos Power at all, and was directly bombarded by the Chaos Palmprints released by Ye Feng.

In an instant, there was a burst of crackling sound from inside his body, and the bones all over his body had been completely crushed by Ye Feng.

The power emanating from the body is simply not enough to resist such a terrible impact.

After seeing such a scene, everyone present was shocked and speechless. They couldn't imagine that Ye Feng's weak body had such terrifying power.

Before they could react, Ye Feng was rushing towards the enemy's position at a very fast speed.

Although Ye Feng didn't know the environment he was in at the moment, he knew that the other party would never let him off easily, and the consciousness of the strong man seemed to have become extremely vague.

The original power ran wildly, and the aura that it radiated reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach. Ye Feng's palm continuously released the powerful chaotic power and displayed it toward the other party.

In the face of such a terrible attack, the expression of any strong man will become extremely frightened, and the strength of that enemy is simply not enough to contend with Ye Feng.

Watching the breath inside the body run wildly, the face of the strong man also became extremely frightened, and he wanted to mobilize all the breath in the body for the first time.

However, Ye Feng would not give him such an opportunity at all, waved his hand fiercely, and an extremely strong chaotic brilliance burst from his palm.

As if it was the terrifying brilliance that opened up the world, the aura contained in this attack shocked everyone.

We simply can't imagine, just appearing on this battle platform, the strength is not very strong, how does this guy have such a terrifying offensive power?

The power possessed by this destructive brilliance is almost close to the limit of the power controlled by the ancient giant **** realm.

The enemy on the opposite side was also aware of the powerful power controlled by Ye Feng, and immediately used all the energy in his own breath.

In a very short period of time, the fierce storm emanating from the void, even more frantically at this moment.

The two attacks collided together and immediately issued a rumbling destruction, and the powerful aura released by the sound of shock was enough to completely destroy the entire world.

The power of the origin in the body was running crazily at this moment, and the terrifying power exuded even more shocked everyone present.

That is to say, at this moment, Ye Feng moved extremely fast, and his whole person was as if he had merged into the space, directly moving his body to the opposite of the strong man.

Without any hesitation, the power in the palm of the hand burst out, and a very strong destruction attack was directly released.

It seems that the strong brilliance that can destroy the sky and the earth is blooming at this moment, and the powerful power possessed has shocked everyone present.

In such a short period of time, such a powerful enemy was directly obliterated by the chaotic brilliance released by Ye Feng, and the power possessed in the body quickly collapsed at this moment.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng suddenly noticed that an extremely pure breath spread from the opponent's body, part of it was absorbed by this battle platform, and the other part was integrated into his body.

Such a sudden change also made Ye Feng's heart become extremely surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that this terrifying environment would still have such an effect.

Such a pure aura is also quite precious to Ye Feng, the power of chaos in his body almost instinctively began to operate, directly engulfing that aura.

That is, at this moment, the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb directly vibrated, swallowing such a breath at an extremely fast speed, leaving no room for any reaction from Ye Feng's body strength.

The active behavior of Huntian Lingzhu also brought Ye Feng a certain surprise.

The power contained in that breath is also quite precious, even after Ye Feng absorbs it, it will have a huge impact on him, and even help him improve his own cultivation.

But he didn't expect that the direct effect of the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb at this moment would engulf such a powerful breath, as if he was making a choice.

Although it is not clear why the Huntian Lingzhu made such a change, Ye Feng was not too nervous, but quietly observed the changes in his body.

Ye Feng is also aware of the space within the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb where the divine consciousness has been put into it, and the chaotic aura in it has become a little denser.

Although it was only a very weak change that was insignificant, for Ye Feng, he was able to perceive the slight change.

Vaguely, I feel that there seems to be some huge secret hidden in this independent space. As long as the energy in it is accumulated to a certain level, it can play an unimaginable role.

After understanding this, the various powers in Ye Feng's body also began to continuously circulate, and the powerful aura exuded was continuously released at this moment.

However, before Nie Feng could sense the changes in the surrounding environment, that kind of terrible suction was released again.

The surrounding space environment changed again. When Ye Feng reacted, he had returned to the previous cage again, and the terrifying swallowing power was still running, further suppressing the power in Ye Feng's body.

It's just that after experiencing the battle just now, the aura in Ye Feng's body has also recovered a lot, and on the contrary, he has a stronger resistance to such a terrifying swallowing power.

The middle-aged man also appeared here before, and now you are looking at Ye Feng with a very strange look.

It seems that it is impossible to believe that Ye Feng is still in control of such a power, and can easily kill a strong man in such a short period of time.

"Yes, it seems that His Royal Highness's concern for you is not unreasonable.

Being able to possess such strength also proves that you will survive longer in this area, and the strength you exert will become more important.

As long as you can survive earnestly, one day you will be able to escape from this battlefield.

It's just another way of saying when that day can come. "

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stepped casually and was about to disappear into this space.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng broke out again, and the terrifying pressure directly locked the middle-aged man.

"Who are you? What is this place?

What is your purpose for catching me here? "

Ye Feng's voice was incredibly crazy, and the powerful aura that exuded it made the chains around him clink. The extremely terrifying pressure could burst out at any time, tearing everything in this space to pieces.

Perceiving the terrifying power emanating from behind, the middle-aged man's expression also became extremely weird, and he slowly turned around to look at Ye Feng.

"Yes, it looks like you are still quite energetic."

The middle-aged man waved his hand casually, releasing a terrifying force of coercion.

This power merged into the chains around Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed, and the extremely terrifying pressure once again fell on Ye Feng's body, as if he wanted the bones in his body to be completely crushed.

Feeling such a powerful force, Ye Feng's eyes are also extremely crazy, and a terrifying aura may burst out at any time.

"Since you are so eager to know this answer, UU read, then I will show mercy once and let you die to understand.

This is the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, and you are now our slave. Here you are going to show those guests a battle scene and let them feel the cruelty of this world.

If you can live forever and get the appreciation of big people, you will be able to get out of here to become a disciple of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect.

Of course, if you don't have such an opportunity, then only death will greet you in the end. "

Having said this, the middle-aged man also paused for a while, and then said in an extremely mocking tone.

"Live hard, if you don't have such qualifications, then you will be the next one to be swallowed up."

At this moment Ye Feng didn't care about those words anymore, he just remembered that this was the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect, the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect established by the Old Sky Swallowing Demon.

For Ye Feng, this was a big surprise.

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