Sky War God

Chapter 3563: The appearance of Ouyang Lin

Latest URL: Chapter 3563 The Appearance of Ouyang Lin

Facing such a powerful enemy, Ye Feng's eyes also showed a strange brilliance, surrounding his body, constantly burning strange flames.

Now Ye Feng's strength is beyond imagination, and the fire of the origin that keeps burning in his body has a powerful force that ordinary people can't imagine, and it has already exuded an extremely terrifying aura in the first time.

The fire of Nirvana, the powerful power that the raging burning possessed, had already covered all of Ye Feng's body in the first place, and the power of good fortune in it had allowed his body to recover at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the phoenix war spirit has completely merged with the power of good fortune, and the fire of Nirvana released from it is extremely powerful.

Coupled with the continuous operation of the power of good fortune, Ye Feng's injury at the moment is recovering at an extremely terrifying speed.

As long as the fire of Nirvana burns, Ye Feng's body can already be restored to normal, and the power running in the body is also released at an unimaginable speed.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng's state has completely recovered, and even the power in his body is much stronger than before, especially the power of good fortune he controls, which is a bit stronger than before.

This made him feel a little excited.

This change is not just because of the power of the Phoenix Warriors. At this moment, there is another powerful force erupting in Ye Feng's body.

Before Ye Feng made a move to take away the White Jade Tower, there is a vast world in it at this moment, and the power of the endless world is constantly running.

The Phantasmal Fighting Spirit has also been integrated into this world, constantly running its own power to cultivate the power of the law that it corresponds to.

The laws of the Phoenix God continue to circulate in the world, and the power contained in it becomes stronger and stronger. Even if it cannot be fully reflected in Ye Feng's body, it will make Ye Feng's power become stronger. More powerful.

As time goes by, Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness will also undergo a qualitative change, and the original aura contained in it will reach an extremely terrifying point.

Feeling the changes in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely impure, as if he wanted to completely release the power he controlled.

The power of the laws of good fortune continued to operate, which also made the power controlled by Ye Feng more powerful.

An extremely powerful aura erupted from the body again, as if it was to suppress everything in the space in the shortest possible time! !

It was at this moment that Ye Feng felt the strength in the bodies of the other three, and immediately released the breath in the bodies.

Although the three people on the opposite side are also powerful, they are not too far behind Ye Feng at this moment.

Moreover, with the White Jade God Tower as the backing, it continuously supplements the power of good fortune that Ye Feng consumes, and it can also make Ye Feng's combat effectiveness have an extremely huge improvement.

In a very short period of time, the aura in Ye Feng's body exploded, and the divine sword of good fortune in his hand was turned back again, releasing rays of bright sword light.

In this short period of time, the three people present had no time to react, and watched Ye Feng burst out with great power.

Those dazzling sword lights seemed to have traveled through infinite space and directly descended on them, even cutting off their bodies completely.

Now that Ye Feng's strength is fully restored, his control of space power has also reached an extremely terrifying point. The coercive force released by the three people's joint efforts cannot affect Ye Feng.

Between lightly stepping on his feet, the powerful force that had exploded freely in the void, made Ye Feng reach behind the brawny man with tattoos in an instant.

The incomparably terrifying attribute, the power was released at this moment, and the powerful aura that it exudes shocked all the three people present.

With a steady flow of good fortune power to provide Ye Feng, he also directly exploded the most powerful aura in his body without any scruples.

The terrifying aura released by the power of good fortune has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine. With the divine sword of good fortune, it has already cut out an incomparably bright sword light in the first time.

In this short period of time, the extremely terrifying force of coercion was completely released, and the extremely sharp sword light fell directly on the strong man as if it were piercing the waves.

That is to say, at this moment, the strong man's reaction speed is also extremely fast, and all the power in the body is mobilized for the first time, and he shakes his fist at an extremely fast speed.

The fist light exploded on his body, and violently collided with Ye Feng's good fortune sword light! !

Two extremely terrifying forces, just like this, the sound of destruction and concussion that collided and rumbling, spread through the void, and even more powerful destructive power, spreading in all directions.

This kind of power is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Almost no one can resist such an attack, and the waves of destruction continue to radiate in the void, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

At the moment of contact, the face of the brawny man with tattoos became extremely pale, and the power in his body was surging crazily, trying to suppress all these powers in the shortest possible time.

He had already sensed that the good fortune released by Ye Feng, the sword light power was extremely powerful, it was not the original power in the body that he could resist, and it was also burning crazily at this moment.

However, all of what he was doing at the moment had no effect, and the sword light of good fortune directly penetrated everything and fell on him.

In a very short time, any defensive force on his body was completely penetrated by Ye Feng's sword.

A terrifying sword light directly descended on his body, constantly raging, and the terrifying power emitted was enough to completely destroy everything in the world.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Ye Feng's body, the other two people present were also shocked by such terrifying power.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of strength Ye Feng has to exert such a terrible effect, and even to completely punish everyone present.

Countless sword lights shuttled through the body of the brawny man with tattoos, constantly destroying his body, bones, internal organs, and tissue cells were all completely beheaded under Ye Feng's sword light.

This made his body trembled like an electric shock, and the original power in his body was constantly burning.

However, no matter what moves he used, he couldn't stop the terrible sword light released by the Divine Sword of Good Fortune.

He could only watch his body continue to be destroyed under Ye Feng's slaying, and finally completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Perceiving this, everyone present was completely shocked, and the aura in the body was running crazily, trying to completely disperse such a terrifying force in the shortest possible time.

However, the power released by Ye Feng has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even the remaining two people have no way to resist.

Originally there was still a battle between them and Ye Feng, but after Ye Feng activated the White Jade Pagoda, he had already gained a steady stream of energy.

Under this circumstance, any kind of power that Ye Feng obtained would bring a fatal blow to them, and even let them be scattered here.

With a ruthless heart, the ancient giant who used the power of the wind attribute burst out his original aura in the first place.

An extremely terrifying storm immediately appeared between the world and the earth, as if to completely cover the entire space.

Such a terrifying power, the power of destruction that was constantly brewing in the void, reached an extremely terrifying point, and even completely disrupted the surrounding space.

The wind attribute power that was originally controlled by the strong man had a huge impact on the space. Now he has exploded with all his strength, and the attack he displayed has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng couldn't completely break through the constraints of the storm. Instead, he would be affected by such a force in his body, the power of the space that moved, and he didn't dare to use the power of the space attributes at will.

Ye Feng also felt the terrifying aura contained in this storm, and immediately mobilized the original power in his body to prevent the opponent from suddenly launching an attack.

It was at this moment that the original power in Ye Feng's body had reached an extremely terrifying point, and the aura that radiated made the surrounding space constantly vibrate.

The power of Chaos has also been released, directly making the surrounding space completely like this, even the power of such a terrible storm cannot stir the space around Ye Feng.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng thought that no one could sneak up on him, and even the power of his own spiritual thoughts had completely exploded.

What made him strange was that the power of such a terrifying storm did not last for too long, and there was no sneak attack as he had imagined.

It didn't take long for the storm to completely calm down and the power emitted was also completely dissipated in this short period of time.

It's just that the ancient **** who used the storm has disappeared, and only the other person and Ye Feng stayed in place.

The ancient giant was also quite puzzled, looking at Ye Feng with a blank look, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Perceiving the other's puzzlement, Ye Feng's face also showed a smile.

"It seems that you have been abandoned by him."

Ye Feng said very calmly, the aura released from his body has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Not only the power of its own good fortune, but even the power of kendo is growing at an extremely fast rate during the continuous use of it at this moment.

The terrifying aura released by the superposition of these two forces caused Ye Feng's Divine Fortune Sword to tremble slightly, absorbing such a powerful force to continuously improve himself.

As Ye Feng's hard-working zombies, the aura contained in it is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

What's more important is to be able to rely on Ye Feng's continuous cultivation day and night to reach a stronger level of the original power.

As Ye Feng's strength increased, this divine weapon was even more powerful, even capable of completely destroying everything between heaven and earth.

Of course, I really have to wait until Ye Feng cultivates to such a terrifying point, but I am afraid that even if he does not rely on the divine sword of good fortune, he can still exert such a terrifying power.

As time passed by, the kendo attribute power controlled by Ye Feng became stronger and stronger, and the pressure released was even more terrifying.

Feeling the powerful edge force on Ye Feng's body, that ancient giant's face was also extremely pale, and his body was constantly trembling under this pressure.

Ye Feng did not hesitate, and immediately released the power in his body, completely suppressing the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed.

"Who sent you here?"

Ye Feng said in an extremely cold tone, the terrifying power exuding from his body has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng's eyes also reflected endless dark shadows.

The Wanling Divine Art combined with the magic magic Dafa, two extremely powerful divine mind cultivation methods, the power radiated at this moment has reached an unimaginable terrifying level.

Just simply looking at each other has already caused illusions to grow in the consciousness of that ancient giant, and any kind of terrifying power may burst out at this moment.

But constantly tortured by those terrible illusions, the face of the ancient giant also became extremely terrifying, as if experiencing the most terrifying thing in the world.

The illusion caused by the magical magic Dafa constantly eroded his spirit and deprived him of his memory. He wanted to put his soul under his control in the shortest possible time.

What's more terrifying is that Ye Feng even the Hell Heart Sutra is also running, and the terrifying power of death that it emits has been lingering in the heart of this ancient giant.

Once such a terrifying force bursts out, it will shred his soul in the first place, seize his original power, and finally bring all his power into his control, and become the nourishment for Ye Feng's Hell. .

Such a terrible threat also made this strong man have no courage to resist, and he wanted to tell the news he knew the first time.


It was just that this idea had just been born, an extremely terrifying force burst out from the depths of his soul, tearing the soul of this strong man to pieces at an extremely fast speed.

It happened so suddenly that even Ye Feng couldn't stop it, so he could only watch such a terrifying power erupt, directly destroying the soul of this ancient giant.

Not only that, the information contained in it was also completely destroyed, even if Ye Feng used other means, it was impossible to get all the news from it.

This also made Ye Feng's expression extremely ugly, as if he had been severely humiliated.

"What an insidious method."

At this moment, Ye Feng's face was also a little pale, and his heart was even more throbbing.

The method the opponent left behind in the body of this ancient giant is extremely damaging, and a little carelessness will completely destroy the human soul.

And just when Ye Feng was interrogating, he also used his own spiritual power as a medium to communicate the will of the two people.

Under this circumstance, if the other party's explosive methods spread to Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness, then even Ye Feng's powerful life will be damaged.

It is even said that the other party will lock Ye Feng's soul because of this, and use it to perform even more bizarre moves to seize control of Ye Feng's body.

Even if he wanted to rely on such means, he could kill Ye Feng.

The more he understood the weirdness of this method, Ye Feng's heart became more angry, and the terrifying aura exuding from his body reached an unimaginable point.

In this short period of time, the power of origin under Ye Feng's control has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the power of incomparably terrifying attributes is exuding crazily.

The eight powers of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness ran wildly, constantly sensing the ancient giant who had just escaped.

After fighting against Ye Feng, his body also inadvertently infected Ye Feng's breath.

Although other people can't rely on this method to lock Ye Feng's position, Ye Feng's own methods will not be affected.

Soon Ye Feng had noticed that an extremely deep force of good fortune hidden in the opponent's body had been completely integrated into his body.

With such a force, Ye Feng also confirmed his location, and immediately exploded the original power in his body.

The power of the space attribute is constantly rioting at this moment, and the aura that comes out has reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng's footsteps continued to move, swiftly moving through time and space.

At this moment, the distance between him and that ancient giant is also rapidly shrinking, and it is possible to directly come to him at any time.

But when he was about to catch up with him, Ye Feng not only did not explode, but gradually slowed down.

Now that ancient giant had been completely scared of his courage, and the power possessed in his body was being released crazily, raising his speed to the extreme.

In other words, at this moment, he can only return to his lair or his master's side.

If Ye Feng can find his root, he can also use the most direct means to find the person behind him.

Since the other party wanted to kill him with this method, he didn't have any hesitation.

For such enemies, just slaughter them clean.

In the next instant, the original power in Ye Feng's body had completely exploded, and the powerful aura that it radiated reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

It's just that such terrifying power only lasted for a short moment, and that terrifying aura was completely condensed by Ye Feng and buried inside his body.

Without exploding his own breath completely, Ye Feng was just observing all this carefully behind his back.

And that ancient giant's movements were beyond imagination, and he had reached a giant city in a very short period of time.

The breath emanating from the body quickly blended with the city, and sneaked in quietly.

At the moment when he noticed this city, Ye Feng's expression also became very strange.

He is also quite familiar with this city, it was here before that he found the opportunity to go to the Heaven Swallowing Devil's Cave.

Now that I came back here again, something like this would happen, which made Ye Feng a little unexpected.

Swallow Sky City! ! !

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly stepped on his footsteps, mobilizing the power of the space he controlled.

At the same time, a strange aura was exuding around his body, as if it was fused with this huge city.

When he was in the Demon Cavern of the Swallowing Sky, Ye Feng had controlled the Sky Swallowing City for a while, and he had a certain understanding of the formation of this city.

Although the powers of the two cities are not exactly the same, the formations used are similar.

But the strength that Ye Feng controls is no longer as usual.

The power radiated by the power of chaos is enough to offset the difference, allowing Ye Feng to completely hide himself.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the attribute power in Ye Feng's body has completely converged, and the powerful aura that exudes also dissipated invisible at this moment.

With such power, no one in Ye Feng is proficient when anyone is still following the ancient giant, wanting to see what kind of fame will happen.

And at the moment Ye Feng entered the City of Swallowing Heaven, a strange wave emanated from the city lord's mansion, as if to detect something.

But Ye Feng's chaotic aura concealed extremely fast, and even the City Lord of Swallowing Heaven was not awakened by Ye Feng's power, and in the end he let this energy run in Heaven Swallowing City.

It didn't take long for the ancient giant to sneak into the depths of Swallowing Sky City and directly arrived at a luxurious courtyard.

As the god-swallowing city lord's natal weapon, Swallowing Sky City even opened up an independent space in it, and its significance is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even if Ye Feng had controlled Xiaotuntian City, he could not have any influence on the city.

But what he felt at this moment was that there was a steady stream of power in this city that was sent to the courtyard in front of him.

The energy contained in it has reached an extremely powerful point, even if Ye Feng mobilizes the energy in the White Jade Tower, it is only slightly better.

This made Ye Feng's heart more shocked, as if he didn't expect that there would be such a place in Swallowing Heaven City.

However, Ye Feng didn't hesitate either, he had already fully mobilized the power in his body in the first place, and kept running, hiding himself deeper.

At the same time, the power of the space attribute and the power of the magic path are also intertwined at this moment, completely covering his body, as if it made him disappear into this world.

The ancient giant hurried into the moonset, and soon appeared in front of Ouyang Lin.

"My son, we..."

The moment he saw Ouyang Lin, the ancient **** knelt directly in front of him.

The aura in the body directly decayed, as if it could no longer maintain its own realm, and it was possible to break the power at any time.

Seeing such a scene, Ouyang Lin's expression was also a little weird.

"what on earth is it?"

At this moment, Ouyang Lin's cultivation base was completely blocked, and the aura he radiated was not strong, but there was an irresistible majesty.

An extremely deep vortex was brewing in his eyes, as if he was about to swallow everything in the world.

Even with the distance of space, Ye Feng was able to perceive how terrifying the energy contained in the opponent's body.

Ye Feng had to be cautious, mobilizing the power in his body a little bit to find out the original power controlled by the other party.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already sensed that an extremely large force was contained in the opponent's body. Once it broke out, it was not something he could resist.

And not only the power in his body, but also the terrifying aura exuding in his body, reached an extremely powerful level, even Ye Feng's chaotic power at the moment was somewhat irresistible.

With such a powerful force, even to make Ye Feng shocked to such a point, there is still such a strong person hidden in the Sky-Swallowing City, which made Ye Feng a little unexpected.

Soon that strong man had already informed Ouyang Lin of all the things he had encountered.

During the conversation, Ye Feng finally understood, who is the man in front of him at this moment?

After learning of this result, Ouyang Lin's face also became quite ugly, and the breath in his body was exploding frantically.

Such a terrible force of coercion bloomed from the void in a very short period of time, suppressing the ancient giant at a very fast speed.

It's just that the seal released by the City Lord Swallowing Heaven is still working, and such a powerful aura only exploded within three feet, and finally dissipated invisible.

"You trash! With so many people taking action, you can't even hold a small Ye Feng."

"They are all ancient giants who have completed a lot of cultivation, and they are so crippled.

What is the use of raising so many of you? "

Ouyang Lin roared in anger, and the power radiating from Dao's body had reached an extremely terrifying point. If it hadn't been for that layer of seal to block it, this ancient giant would have been suppressed to death long ago.

Feeling the terrifying power in Ouyang Lin's body, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and at this moment, he was constantly brewing the power of chaos in his body.

Now in the city of Swallowing Heaven, Ouyang Lin occupies far more advantages than himself.

If there is really a battle, it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Ye to take advantage of it.

Even saying that the opponent's own strength alone is enough to crush Ye Feng, so why bother to make such a choice.

"Young master, it's not that we are inferior in strength, but that Ye Feng is too weird.

The original power he controls is simply beyond imagination. The breath we release will be extremely suppressed when we get close to him.

Moreover, the zombies he cultivated also had extremely terrifying power, and our abilities were not enough to resist that attack. "

Hearing such words from his family, Ouyang Lin's face was even more ugly and unimaginable, and the extremely terrifying aura was constantly released in his body.

"Waste is a bunch of waste."

Although Ouyang Lin's breath has been completely sealed at this moment, but in the case of extreme anger, the power that erupted is beyond imagination.

Such a wave of destruction was constantly brewing around his body, as if everything in the world would be completely destroyed by him.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Lin had such a terrifying power, and Ye Feng's expression was also a bit solemn.

The divine weapons such as the divine sword of good fortune inside the body are constantly trembling, as if they will be completely affected by the power controlled by the opponent.

Such a powerful attribute force is the breath that is constantly brewing in the void, and it has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

It's just that Ye Feng didn't have such an understanding of the realm of the ancient giants, and the aura in the body did not reach the peak state. At this moment, it is not a good time to turn his face.

At this moment, Ouyang Lin, even though he was extremely angry, was also thinking about the problem.

"Ye Feng's ability to explode such a terrifying strength is definitely related to the Chaos True Gang Art.

I didn't expect this little thing to cultivate the Chaos True Gang Art to such a terrifying point in such a short period of time.

If he has used this to break through the realm of the ancient giant, then it is very possible to understand that kind of secret.

If this point is really reached, then it would be impossible for me to get such an opportunity again.

No, he must be killed as soon as possible to be able to regain the Chaos True Gang Secret Art from him. "

Ouyang Lin's face was gloomy, and the aura emanating from his body was constantly brewing, as if it was about to burst out a more powerful force.

The power of Ye Feng's divine mind is also constantly running, and the breath released by the Wanling Divine Art is constantly radiating in the void.

With this ability, Ye Feng also sensed some of the information sent by the other party, and was even more at a loss.

The Chaos True Gang Secret Art is indeed the inheritance that Ye Feng obtained in the Demon Cavern of Swallowing the Sky, and the power of Chaos cultivated in it has reached an extremely powerful state.

But what kind of secrets are hidden in this kind of exercise, even Ye Feng at this moment did not realize it.

But Ouyang Lin has such a strong demand for the Chaos True Gang Secret Technique, one can imagine how far the secret has reached.

At this moment, Ye Feng also understood why he was targeted by Ouyang Lin.

The first is that Ye Feng seized the Primal Chaos Art that originally belonged to him, which seemed to have formed a huge obstacle on his path.

When the other side was competing for this technique before, there was also a certain amount of friction between the two.

At this moment, it was inevitable that Ouyang Lin hated Ye Feng in his heart. In that case, Ye Feng would not have any hesitation.

Once he has a chance, he will absolutely kill Ouyang Lin in a very short time, and will not give him any room for resistance.

Even if he was the son of City Lord Swallowing Heaven, it was impossible for Ye Feng to give up his life.

The extremely terrifying aura is constantly brewing in Ye Feng's body, and it may completely burst out at any time.

It was at this moment that an extremely powerful force burst out from Ouyang Lin's body and directly radiated into the void.

Although he has not broken the seal in his body, he can still mobilize an extremely large force that affects the surrounding environment.

The extremely powerful swallowing power burst out at this moment, locking the space where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Feng also frowned, mobilizing the power in his body in the first place, wanting to fully utilize the power of space.

However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the power possessed in the space had become extremely dangerous waves of destruction, and if he was careless, he would sink into this attack.

As far as Ye Feng's power at the moment is concerned, it is simply not enough to shuttle space in this destruction wave.

Once it enters the deep void, it will be completely enveloped by these destructive forces, and eventually even the body will be completely wiped out.

In the next moment, the terrifying force of coercion once again fell on him, as if to kill him completely.

"I really didn't expect you to have such courage to enter my realm."

At this moment, Ouyang Lin's voice sounded again, and the terrible aura emanating from his body was constantly swelling.

An extremely large force locked Ye Feng's body in this way, as if it could explode completely at any time, completely destroying his body.

Under the influence of this power, the entire Swallowing Sky City was constantly turbulent, and the terrifying aura that it emitted directly enveloped Ye Feng's whole body.

"How did you find me?"

Although it had fallen to such a point, Ye Feng still didn't have any fear when discovered by Ouyang Lin, just asked in a doubtful tone.

Ouyang Lin's expression at the moment was not so just looked at Ye Feng with a strange look.

In Ye Feng's body, he can clearly perceive the power of Chaos, which is constantly running, but there are other weird powers that are being released madly, not even weaker than the power of Chaos.

Under careful perception, these strange attribute forces seem to have an unimaginable effect.

If they can fully display their abilities, they will definitely not be weaker than the power of Chaos.

This also made Ouyang Lin even more puzzled, unable to imagine where Ye Feng had obtained so much inheritance?

At this moment, the aura inside his body exploded frantically, impacting that terrible seal time and time again.

"If you want to know, it depends on whether you have this life."

While speaking, Ouyang Lin had already mobilized the power of the source in his body, released an extremely terrifying attack, and covered it in the direction where Ye Feng was.

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