Sky War God

Chapter 3560: Fly away


At this moment, the entire void was shaking, and the terrifying attribute power was constantly released in the space.

The terrifying aura of destruction is also circling crazily at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

There are even more terrifying spatial fluctuations, constantly erupting in the void, and the radiant power of the attribute blooms at this moment with its own power, causing the entire space to fall into chaos.

Under these circumstances, almost no one can stabilize their own situation, and can only let those terrifying spatial fluctuations blow, causing their bodies to tremble constantly.

Feeling such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with an extremely strange luster, but he did not have any fear.

At the moment he cited the White Jade God Pagoda, he already felt a majestic force rushing into his body.

This extremely powerful force of good fortune is enough to make his strength have a huge improvement, and even the power that can push him towards a higher level.

Under the envelope of this power, even if Ye Feng's strength is weaker, he will not be affected by the surrounding void turbulence, and he can even use the aura in it to make his own strength stronger.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Ye Feng has felt that there are countless powerful auras in the void, squeezed out, and the terrifying power exuded has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

He didn't have any fear about this, and immediately released the original power in his body, covering the whole body at an extremely fast speed.

With the support of such a force, the Divine Sword of Good Fortune also began to run frantically, and the strong sharp aura exuding from it shocked everyone present.

For everyone present, it is extremely dangerous to resist such a terrifying force, not to mention the power mobilized by Ye Feng at this moment has reached a more terrifying point.

This also made the faces of everyone extremely ugly, as if they could be suppressed to death at any time.

However, Ye Feng didn't do anything to these people. Instead, he focused his gaze on a certain position in the void. The power in his body was still running continuously, which seemed to be very jealous.

"Yes, your strength is indeed beyond my imagination.

Even to say that you can actually mobilize this **** tower and cause the turbulence in the void, which I never expected.

But you don't think that such a little power alone is enough to change your current situation, do you?

It's impossible for me to let you go because of this strength. "

The strong man who used to release the power of coercion in the void finally appeared at this moment, and the terrifying aura exuding from his body reached a point beyond ordinary people.

Feeling such a pressure, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely ugly, and the breath that he radiated became extremely cold.

In his perception, the power possessed by the opponent is too strong, even at this moment, he cannot bear it.

If you really say how powerful the opponent's strength is, it should have condensed one's own giant body and natal soldiers.

Two absolutely powerful means, the amount of coercive force exuded by the combination at this moment is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

Although Ye Feng had the same potential, he had not broken through to the realm of the ancient giant at this moment, and he was unable to resist the powerful pressure possessed by the opponent.

The power of the origin in the body is constantly running at this moment, and the aura that comes out surrounds the body, so that such terrible coercive power can't completely approach Ye Feng.

But this is just a stopgap measure, the price Ye Feng needs to pay to truly defeat that strong man is absolutely huge, and even completely destroyed his body.

Even so, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, just looked at the strong man with an indifferent look.

"Yes, you still have such a look when you die, you are indeed a generation of heroes.

It's a pity that you did what you shouldn't do, offending someone who shouldn't be offended.

If you continue to live in this world, everyone present will be dull. "

The old man said in an extremely heavy tone that the aura in his body was also crushing towards the direction where Ye Feng was, as if he was going to kill him completely.

In this situation, Ye Feng didn't have any control, just fully mobilized the original power in the body.

The force of coercion released has become extremely fierce, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

That is to say, in the next instant, the old man directly raised his hand, and the terrible power released in his palm was simply unimaginable.

The rumbling power of destruction and shock burst out at this instant, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

An incomparably huge palm was severely dirty from the height of the sky, and the aura of destruction contained in it made Ye Feng's body tremble involuntarily.

In the next moment, the endless brilliance of Ye Feng's eyes was shining again, and the breath that came out also reached an extremely terrifying point.

All the power of artistic conception under his control was fully mobilized by Ye Feng at this moment, and the chaotic vision around his body became extremely fierce.

In the endless world, the situation is constantly changing in the atmosphere of chaos, as if to destroy the whole world again and open it up again.

Such a powerful force gathered in Ye Feng's hands, and it also exerted an unimaginable terrifying aura, making the divine sword of good fortune in his hand extremely heavy in the first place.

Slowly pushing the devastation slashed by the Temple of Good Fortune, the light has reached an extremely terrifying point, and it is more powerful than the power just displayed, I don't know how many times.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng's Ye Mou also had an extremely solemn aura, which broke out completely within an extreme time.

Seeing the two terrifying destructions between him, the attacks have collided together.

Everyone present only heard a terrifying shock resounding, and everything in the space seemed to be completely crushed by this force.

Possessing extremely terrifying destructive power, it is madly rich in all directions, releasing the coercive power that radiates, and even completely destroying everything in the world.

With this kind of ability, the two powerhouses present are already quite terrifying in their own strength. If they want to completely explode their own breath, they can absolutely suppress all of this.

The strong man had already mobilized the aura in his body for the first time, and smashed it down towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

He had already noticed before that the strength that Ye Feng controlled was extremely powerful, so he didn't care about it at all, just releasing the power in his body.

After noticing that Ye Feng's attack was extremely fierce, he didn't hesitate to mobilize the aura in his body again, and put it into the attack just now.

In an instant, the destruction palmprint in the void became more solid, and the terrifying power contained in it reached an extremely terrifying point.

In an instant, the palm prints closed in an instant, and the terrifying aura exuded fiercely bombarded Ye Feng's sword of good fortune.

Such a violent impact was indeed something that Ye Feng didn't expect. He completely released the original power in the body in the first time, and at an extremely fast speed, he wanted to completely kill the power in it.

No matter how fast Ye Feng's reaction, such a terrifying coercive power came, he was a little unstoppable at the moment it came, and the aura of destruction bombarded into his body in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Feng's body began to tremble, and there was a screaming scream in his mouth.

The power released by the other party is really too strong, the extremely terrifying oppression, and it makes Ye Feng's breathing somewhat difficult.

At the same time, the power emanating from within the body has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach. The destructive shock power continues to erupt, as if it is about to destroy all the cells of Ye Feng's bones and internal organs.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng's body kept receding, and the space around him was violently oscillating the chaotic scene surrounding his body, and it became extremely illusory at this moment.

Even after suffering such intense pain, Ye Feng's eyes did not change at all. Instead, he mobilized the power in his body wildly, trying to completely suppress the power in his body at the fastest speed. live.

For the forces controlled by Ye Feng now, it is almost impossible to suppress such a terrifying attack.

The original power in the body is also madly burning chaotic qi constantly running, wanting to completely suppress such a terrible power.

However, the attack released by that strong man was too fierce, even Ye Feng's method could not completely drive this power out.

That is to say, at this moment, an extremely powerful force of good fortune was revealed in the white jade ecology, as if to completely wash Ye Feng in the shortest time.

The power of making love has an extremely powerful effect on the healing of the body, and it has allowed Ye Feng to blend in this piece of heaven and earth in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the aura on Ye Feng's body completely dissipated, and the next moment he merged with heaven and earth, he recovered again.

At the same time, the fire of Nirvana on his body was also blazing, completely burning out the terrifying energy at an extremely fast speed.

In a very short period of time, the terrible injuries suffered by Ye Feng have been completely healed, and the terrifying aura that it exudes has also been completely dissipated in a short period of time.

At the same time, the bizarre chaotic scene around Ye Feng's body became real again, and as it continued to rotate, Ye Feng's chaotic qi could play an even greater role.

That strong man also had considerable confidence in his own strength, and he thought that this attack was extremely powerful, and Ye Feng couldn't resist it at all.

Therefore, after hitting Ye Feng severely, he converged the power in his body, trying to save the guardians who had been severely injured.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he turned around, Ye Feng had already burst out an extremely terrifying force behind him, as if he wanted to completely suppress everything in the space.

In the next moment, he reacted again, released the power in his body for the first time, and once again directed towards Ye Feng, he fought an extremely terrifying destructive attack.

However, this time Ye Feng had already prepared. The great fortune sword in his hand was swung, and a brilliant sword light was released at this moment.

The brilliant sword light of good fortune was constantly shuttled in the void, as if to cover the entire space.

Ye Feng’s strength is so powerful, and the power that can be exerted in conjunction with the gods of good fortune, the magic weapon, has reached a level that ordinary people can’t reach. The incomparably terrifying coercive force is even more in the void. Flickering in succession.

At this moment, the sword light of good fortune collided with that devastating attack, once again uttered a terrifying concussion, and it passed wildly in the void.

There is an extremely terrifying force of destruction and shock, which completely erupted in a very short period of time, spreading in all directions at a very fast speed.

Such a powerful force is beyond the imagination of everyone present, and it has suppressed everything in the surrounding space in the first time.

Especially those strong onlookers, after feeling such a terrible breath, immediately released their most powerful power to avoid being affected by the power.

Even so, the devastating storm emanating from it was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and the power in the bodies that caused these people to retreat involuntarily was also in constant turbulence.

That is to say, in Ye Feng's eyes at this moment, there was an extremely brilliant brilliance, as if he wanted to fully exert the power in his body in the shortest time.

The power of the artistic conception in the body was completely violent at this moment, and in conjunction with the aura in Ye Feng's body, he immediately displayed an extremely terrifying attack.

Just when the sword light of good fortune and the strong man stood in a stalemate, Ye Feng's other hand suddenly moved, continuously releasing the power of the magic formula and blending into the void.

In this short period of time, the power of the magic formula was released, and it was immediately transformed into the power of a large number of gods, and a huge formation was laid out in the void.

This formation took only a very short time from its appearance to completion, but the breath that it exudes is already terrifying to an unimaginable realm.

Under this circumstance, the strong man immediately mobilized his own power completely, and his body expanded several times, just like a giant.

The violent aura emanating from him was even more terrifying, madly crushing towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

However, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He had completely released the terrifying power in his body in the first time, and the terrifying aura he radiated was even more powerful.

In this short period of time, the terrifying power of destruction was released in a very short period of time.

The origin power controlled by Ye Feng also reached an extremely fierce level, and all the attribute powers between the heavens and the earth seemed to be controlled by him.

The power of the chaotic attribute completely exploded at this moment, and the strange scenes surrounding his body were moving at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the extremely terrifying pressure of destruction erupted, seeming to completely destroy everything in this piece of heaven and earth, even Ye Feng was affected by such power.

The incomparably tyrannical power continuously exudes such a terrifying aura in the void, which makes everyone present somewhat unimaginable.

The terrifying scene of chaotic life was completely released at this moment, and the coercive force exuded made everyone present have some difficulty breathing.

When Ye Feng felt this power, he also felt that the constant shaking of his mind did not seem to have imagined the power that the chaotic vision could exert at this moment, it was so terrifying.

In fact, the power of chaos as the world's original power is enough to completely destroy the world.

Today, Ye Feng's strength is not that powerful, and the original power radiated from it is not terrifying to the point of being irresistible.

But even so, in a very short period of time, Ye Feng's chaotic power can resonate with the laws of the entire world.

What's more, Ye Feng's body also has the power of good fortune, which can better communicate with the whole world, making the chaotic vision he released more powerful.

At this moment, the chaotic vision displayed by Ye Feng was almost a scene of birth and destruction in this world, enough to completely destroy everything between heaven and earth.

It's just that once something like this really happens, the first person to endure such a huge pressure is Ye Feng himself, and the aura of destruction radiating from it will engulf Ye Feng's body in the first place.

That is to say, the brilliance reflected in Ye Feng's eyes at this moment has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the terrifying aura that it exudes completely suppresses everything in the world.

Ye Feng had already stopped for the first time, and the use of the Chaos Vision could no longer let such a terrifying aura release.

At that moment, Ye Feng already felt the tremendous pressure on his body, as if he might collapse completely at any time.

Under the influence of that kind of force, Ye Feng's body has already appeared fine cracks, it is very difficult to use his own power to recover.

At this moment, he was still unleashing such a ferocious ability, and immediately mobilized the original power in his body, and suppressed all these terrifying auras at an extremely fast speed.

Even so, the chaotic vision displayed by Ye Feng still burst out unimaginable terrifying power, and an extremely heavy chaotic brilliance was released directly toward the direction where the strong man was.

At that moment, the strong man immediately noticed the terrifying power contained in this attack. Although he did not understand the changes, the aura he controlled had reached an extremely terrifying point.

In an instant, a strange weapon was released from his hand, and the terrifying power that it radiated made the surrounding space constantly distorted.

A semi-circular blade that was rotating at an extremely fast speed was continuously cutting into the void at this moment, and the exuded edge journey reached an extremely terrifying point.

Such a force directly slashed towards the chaos vision released by Ye Feng, wanting a terrifying edge power to slash all those destruction attacks.

However, he didn't know much about the power released by Ye Feng, and he couldn't even imagine how such a terrible attack was released.

In a very short period of time, those destruction attacks directly swallowed all the horrible blades, and even the chaotic power in it became stronger, beheading the strong man at a very fast speed.

The face of this strong man also became extremely solemn, and the original power in his body burned at an extremely fast speed.

I saw that the attribute power surrounding his body had already begun to crazily twist, and what was emitted was a suppressive force, reaching a point where it surpassed its limit.

Now that he has ignited his own source of power, the strength of this strong man has also reached an extremely terrifying state, and the aura of destruction exuded is even more surrendered by all forces.

In this short period of time, a terrifying force completely suppressed everything around it.

It seemed that it was a powerful blade that opened up the world, and at this moment, the bizarre scimitar also became extremely huge at this moment.

The horrific attack from the beheading was integrated with this divine weapon. The strong man even mobilized the most terrifying power of his own, and his vitality was burning crazily.

At this moment. The terrifying attack had already collided with the chaotic qi, and the terrible coercive force exuded even completely destroyed everything in the world.

It was just that in that very short period of time, it seemed that the entire world had been completely silent, and the power that was radiated was also completely silent.

The moment the two attacks collided, the whole world seemed to be completely still.

I don't know how long it has been before, and suddenly an extremely terrifying force has erupted, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

The sound of successive terrifying shocks echoed back and forth in the void, and the wave of destruction spread wildly in all directions.

Under this powerful pressure, no one can resist such a terrible attack, and it may be completely torn off at any time.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes reflected the scene of endless world destruction, and the chaotic energy contained in his body was also touched by such a scene.

Endless power bursts out of Ye Feng's body, as if it may change at any time, causing Ye Feng's heart to tremble.

Such a breath is too terrifying, even Ye Feng can't bear it.

It seems that there is some kind of power about to spew out from Ye Feng's body, heavy to a higher level.

Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng's heart also shook suddenly, as if he felt some kind of danger.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly combined the power of qi and blood in his body with the power of divine consciousness, once again triggering a strong shock force, which rushed toward the dantian fiercely.

Such a terrifying force had already descended into Ye Feng's dantian in the first place, suppressing the constantly restless chaotic power.

Then he took a long breath of turbidity, and the original power in his body was also deposited, allowing him to continue to watch the battle between the strong and the power of Chaos.

Although Ye Feng had already converged the power of the Chaos Vision in a very short period of time, the terrible coercive power he exerted had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

The power contained in a chaotic brilliance is simply terrifying to an unimaginable level.

It seemed that everything between heaven and earth would be completely swallowed up by this force, no matter how strong the strength of that strong man was, he couldn't completely resist it.

The power of the source in the body, the aura that bursts out of crazy burning, has indeed reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and in a very short period of time, it has resisted that chaotic brilliance.

But that's all.

After a while, the scimitar in the hands of the strong man had already begun to vibrate.

It didn't take long for the power of chaos and glory to penetrate again, causing countless cracks to appear on the scimitar.

When the strong man wanted to continue to explode his own power, the scimitar couldn't bear such a huge pressure at first, and spontaneously exploded.

The terrifying power contained in it was also completely released in a very short period of time, again triggering an extremely terrifying shock power.

However, before this power erupted completely, it was once again covered by the chaotic brilliance, and rushed into the chest of the strong man.

This time he didn't have any strength to resist anymore, and watched the bastard's brilliance pass through his chest and dissipated into the void.

This is the terrible fluctuation that contains the destruction of the world, and the aura that emanates from it is absolutely powerful to the point that an ordinary person can't imagine it.

Such a chaotic brilliance will definitely travel in the void without limit, constantly devouring the terrifying power emanating from the surroundings, and eventually grow to the point where it can destroy the world.

Ye Feng was also aware of this, and countless brilliance was reflected in his eyes, and the power of chaos was running wildly.

After that, he had already mobilized the aura in his body, and the destruction aura he controlled had reached a point where an ordinary person could not.

In a short period of time, an extremely brilliant sword light of good fortune pierced from Ye Feng's palm and penetrated the void at an extremely fast speed, directly blocking the chaotic brilliance.

In this short period of time, an extremely powerful force of coercion broke out.

The chaotic brilliance that continued to erupt, unexpectedly stopped under Ye Feng's suppression.

"Give me... scattered!"

With a roar, Ye Feng directly shook the surrounding space. Such a terrifying force of destruction also fell silent in a short period of time.

The power of good fortune controlled by Ye Feng did have extremely great restraint on the artistic conception of chaos, and it had disturbed the destructive power in the chaos in the first time.

Especially the power of good fortune, the powerful strength that derives all things, absolutely played an unimaginable role at this moment, and the aura that radiated from it even caused the chaos aura to begin to collapse.

Just a sword of good fortune, releasing the power of Ye Feng's own artistic conception, has already brought a huge impact on the power of Chaos.

Under the influence of the sword light released by Ye Feng, the chaotic brilliance that was originally enough to destroy the world began to change spontaneously.

Gradually, those terrifying destructive powers dissipated on their own, transforming into an incomparably pure heaven and earth vitality and spreading in the void, as if to make this space into a strange and special field.

Perceiving this, Ye Feng also shook his head gently, and the White Jade Tower suspended in the void shook again, directly engulfing those terrifying energy.

It didn't take long for the effects of these terrible breaths to dissipate completely.

After doing all this, Ye Feng's eyes also reflected endless brilliance, and his control of the two moods of chaos and good fortune became more powerful.

At the same time, the strength in Ye Fengqi's body had begun to recover, which greatly improved his own strength.

After this training, the two source powers that Ye Feng controls have undergone tremendous changes, and they are also unimaginable help for future cultivation.

After that, Ye Feng also glanced at the White Jade God Pagoda, and the power contained in it did not change in any way.

It's just that Ye Feng faintly perceives the aura of good fortune in it, as if it is a leaked meaning, it may cause a huge threat at any time, making him tremble all over.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng didn't let this peerless divine soldier stay here, and directly released the breath in the body to communicate with this white jade divine tower.

The white jade pagoda, which was originally towering into the cloud and possessing terrifying power, began to shrink quickly under the control of Ye Feng.

The power contained in it also fell silent in a very short period of time, and finally fell in the palm of Ye Feng's hand.

However, the strength of three inches high was also extremely condensed, and the white jade pagoda that did not exude any aura was so delicate that it could not be imagined.

Although it looks extremely precious, UU read www.uukā, but the breath exuding at this moment is no different from ordinary white jade.

In this short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has been completely silent, and the aura that he exudes has completely returned to normal.

Now that his own strength has been restored, Ye Feng also looked around indifferently.

However, those strong men have been completely shocked by the power displayed by Ye Feng, and the only strongest man has also been directly beheaded under Ye Feng's terrifying attack.

Among the Guardians, no one is Ye Feng's opponent anymore, and there is no ability to stop him at all.

Even when they saw Ye Feng's gaze, those present began to tremble constantly.

Seeing this situation, Ye Feng didn't have any mood to stay any longer, striding across the void with great strides.

After a few steps, it has completely disappeared in this space.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It’s the last two days at the end of the month, brothers with flowers to support me, thank you all.

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