Sky War God

Chapter 3538: The strongest men of the Bingtian Temple

Chapter 3538 Bingtian Temple's Past Powers

Chapter 3538 Ice Heaven Temple's Powers In The Past Dynasties

Ye Feng had already noticed the powerful aura erupting from the Ice Palace Demon Lord.

As early as when Ye Feng released the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace, he had already left the power of Chaos on his body.

Moreover, the aura contained in this Chaos Power is also beyond imagination, and it is completely under Ye Feng's control.

With only the power of chaos, Ye Feng can fully control the whereabouts of the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace, and even help at critical moments.

It is because of the power of this chaos that the popsicle mold can escape under such a terrible environment.

It is said that the power of Chaos Power is such a terrible energy, even without Ye Feng's control, the power that can erupt at a critical moment is beyond imagination.

At this moment, Ye Feng's gaze also contained a trace of coldness. It seemed that he did not expect that there would be such a powerful person in the Ice Palace, and even the Ice Palace Demon Master who controlled the power of the law could not bear it.

The fast-moving footsteps stopped at this moment, and the breath in Ye Feng's body was constantly circulating, and it seemed that terrible power could burst out at any time.

Perceiving the terrifying power of Ye Feng's ups and downs, the expression of the Space Elf also changed to a certain extent.

"What? What happened?"

The Space Elf asked with some doubts, an extremely large source of power in his body is also constantly brewing.

As the distance keeps getting closer, the Space Elf also has a clearer sense of Luo Chenguang's breath.

That kind of extremely pure source of power, for the Space Elf, also has its own powerful attraction, as if to completely refine his body.

Although the strength of the space elves is extremely terrifying, it has even reached the pinnacle of the realm of laws.

But if you want to fully exert this power, or even break through to a higher level, the energy required is definitely not that simple.

If she can get the help of other primordial elves, then her strength may also increase tremendously.

It was precisely because of this situation that the Space Elf couldn't wait to see Luo Chenguang.

Seeing Ye Feng stop suddenly, the space elf's tone was also full of doubts.

At this moment, Ye Feng's expression was also a little hesitant. Although he was very eager to find Luo Chenguang at this moment, the aura fed back by the power of Chaos also made Ye Feng a little puzzled.

The terrifying power contained in the Bingtian Divine Palace was so powerful that it could not be imagined, and it could even compete with the power of Chaos.

Such a pure attribute power, the coercive aura that exudes, is also of great help to Ye Feng's chaotic power.

If he could control this kind of power, Ye Feng could also push the Chaos Power towards a higher level in a very short time.

This kind of ability simply made Ye Feng a little impatient, and wanted to thoroughly study this kind of power in the shortest possible time.

In the body, the power of Chaos is constantly surging, and the breath that comes out has reached a shocking point.

However, after hesitating for a long time, Ye Feng still didn't take any action. Instead, he condensed the power in his body.

The strength controlled by the other party is indeed terrifying beyond imagination, but for Ye Feng, such strength is not enough to change the current situation.

The radiant source in his body also contains such a powerful force. Before Ye Feng has completely refined it, the power of other attributes will not help Ye Feng that much.

On the contrary, he wanted to thoroughly cultivate the Wanhua supernatural powers in his body in the shortest possible time, and push him to the realm of the eighth metamorphosis, which is Ye Feng's top priority at this moment.

Therefore, when making such a decision, Ye Feng's moving speed also became more rapid. Between his rapid footsteps, he moved toward the north of the world in an unimaginable state.

During the period before living in, Ye Feng had already sensed the location of Luo Chenguang through the induction in the dark.

Even with the power of returning to the origin in his body, Ye Feng was able to firmly lock onto the position where Luo Chenguang was.

It's just that this kind of induction, when it is strong and sometimes weak, when it is strong, Ye Feng can determine the specific position of Luo Chenguang, and when it is weak, there is only a little bit of extremely subtle aura.

It seems that the environment Luo Chenguang is in at the moment is also extremely strange, which can have a huge impact on his power.

This change made Ye Feng's expression more serious, the aura in his body continued to circulate, and his footsteps became more rapid.

However, things were not as simple as Ye Feng imagined, and the aura radiating from time and space became stronger at this moment.

Before Ye Feng could fully react, an extremely terrifying aura had already descended from the void.

The body of the Bing Palace Demon Lord also fell from the space at this moment and slammed in front of Ye Feng.

Seeing the posture of the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace, Ye Feng’s expression was also a bit strange. In his body, Ye Feng clearly felt that there was an extremely terrifying attribute power, which was constantly running, and his The forces of chaos compete against each other.

With any hesitation, Ye Feng directly released the power of chaos in his body, and combined with the magical powers, he brushed directly towards the body of the ice palace demon master.

Such a terrifying energy burst into an unimaginable aura in a very short time, and immediately suppressed those terrifying powers.

Then Ye Feng's palm kept changing, and the power of the magic formula was released, wrapping the body of the ice palace demon master at a very fast speed.

Such a powerful force has penetrated the body of the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace in an extreme time, and even wants to completely refine his body.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the tyrannical origin power in the main body of the ice palace demon directly burst out and rushed towards Ye Feng directly.

After such a powerful force broke away from the body of the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace, the ultimate ice law broke out for the first time.

Even Ye Feng was a little shocked when he felt this power. He didn't seem to expect that there was such a terrifying energy in the Frozen Heaven Divine Palace.

However, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and the volley and virtual grasp had already released an extremely powerful aura.

The law of chaos continued to surround his body, directly manifesting an extremely powerful chaotic vision.

It's not about destroying all the surrounding space completely, and then reshaping half of it again, that terrifying chaotic scene constantly alternates around Ye Feng's body.

Such a powerful law of ice, in front of Ye Feng to the power of Chaos, also burst out an extremely tyrannical aura, and it continued to operate for the first time, releasing an extremely powerful force of attack.

The strength of this power was beyond Ye Feng's imagination, and even the eyes of the Space Elves were completely shocked by this breath.

To know the strength of Ye Feng, even among the rulers of the eighth metamorphosis, it is an extremely terrifying realm.

It was just a frost force in the void, how could it release such a powerful sense of oppression, that Ye Feng had to treat it with caution.

However, Ye Feng's light was extremely dignified, and the power of chaos in his body ran again, and the force of coercion emitted had reached an extremely terrifying state.

Wanhua's magical powers followed, and radiant brilliance burst out from Ye Feng's body, condensing into a simple crystal sword in his palm.

The incomparably powerful kendo edge force combined with the law of chaos burst out a terrifying aura of coercion in the first time.

In front of this kind of power, it seemed that the entire world would be completely cut off. Ye Feng did not hesitate to send out the crystal long sword in his hand, piercing the attacking force at an extremely fast speed. past.

In the extreme time, these two terrifying forces had already collided together, and the powerful aura radiating from the void made everyone present a little caught off guard.

The sound of the rumbling horror shock came through, and an extremely terrifying force of coercion continued to release that horrible sense of oppression in the void, even making the space elves somewhat unbearable.

The law power in the void was mobilized in the first time, completely wrapped up his body, and escaped into the void at a very fast speed, in order to avoid such terrifying power of exercises.

And Ye Feng's eyes were extremely solemn. He had extremely strong confidence in his own chaotic power, but he didn't expect that he would be tied with such a law of ice.

The powerful aura exuding in the void has already reached an unimaginable point.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction is constantly surging, and Ye Feng can clearly feel that the powerful icy power is constantly infiltrating his body.

In the next instant, Ye Feng directly mobilized the aura in his body again, and the extremely terrifying chaotic power filled Ye Feng's body.

This made his body become extremely violent, and the power contained in it reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

Unleashing such a terrifying coercive force, Ye Feng also gathered the breath in his body into the crystal sword in his palm for the first time.

In an instant, an extremely bright sword light was released from Ye Feng's long sword, and smashed toward that destruction attack again.

This time Ye Feng also moved the real fire, mobilizing the most powerful force in his body, and the destructive power contained in that sword light was also beyond imagination.

In such an attack, all the auras in the void were completely shocked, as if the entire space was about to be completely destroyed.

Under the oppression of this force, the destruction attack was completely unbearable, and a powerful breath was released in a very short period of time, and then it collided with Ye Feng's attack fiercely.

This time, under Ye Feng's full attack, that bright brilliance could not be tolerated at all, it just shattered like that.

Even so, the extreme cold power contained in it is not something that ordinary people can bear, and the entire void seems to be completely frozen.

Feeling such a power, everyone present was completely shocked, and immediately mobilized the aura in the body.

Originally, the oppressive force that the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace had endured was already extremely powerful, and the desire to exert his strength was also affected to a certain extent.

However, in front of such a terrifying aura, he had no room for hesitation at all, and directly mobilized the most rooted power in his body to avoid such a terrifying oppressive force.

In the end, powerful auras broke out again in the void, and the terrifying destruction pressure and the extremely cold land were finally cut off by Ye Feng's sword light.

Even so, Ye Feng's complexion was quite ugly, and the power in his body was continuously running.

Just like the glorious power inside Ye Feng's body at this moment, Ye Feng also used most of the energy to kill and suppress it little by little, and finally could completely destroy that set of ice attribute power.

This was completely different from the attribute power that Ye Feng had before, and the aura he mobilized increased by hundreds of thousands.

Such a change made Ye Feng's expression extremely ugly, and his eyes released an extremely terrifying oppressive force.

Now Ye Feng has also condensed the strength released by the power of the law, even if it is the strong law of the eighth transformation, it is not necessarily his opponent.

But the power of this attribute alone was enough to suppress Ye Feng to such a point, and it also made his expression extremely ugly.

As that terrible coercive force continued to wear away, Ye Feng's light also fell on the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace again.

Today's Ice Palace Demon Lord was also seriously injured, and the aura in his body had become extremely weak, as if it could dissipate at any time.

"What is going on? Why do you touch such terrible energy?"

Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and asked directly about the miracle in his body that was constantly surging.

The battle he had just contacted was also a huge consumption for Ye Feng, and the original power in his body could not be fully mobilized.

Even though Ye Feng seldom took action during that battle, the coercive force exuded was not very strong.

However, he completely mobilized the most original aura in his body, and even the power of the Law of Chaos was released to the extreme at this moment.

If it weren't for Ye Feng's own strength, he must have been completely crushed by such a terrifying aura.

There is still a time bomb in his body now, such a fierce battle is also extremely dangerous to Ye Feng, a little carelessness will allow that group of brilliant power to completely explode his own aura.

Hearing Ye Feng's cold voice, the expression of the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace also became extremely ugly.

Although the battle he had just experienced was short, the oppressive force and dangerous aura he had endured were not what he could bear at this moment.

If it hadn't been for the chaotic power that Ye Feng had left in his body, he wouldn't even have the chance to escape, so he would be easily suppressed, and even an old life would be left behind.

"My son, the other party is probably the most profound mystery that controls the world.

Only by truly touching the origin of this world can it be possible to release such a powerful force. "

After groaning for a moment, the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace tried to say, as if he could not confirm this situation.

The coercive aura on Ye Feng's body had exploded in the first time, directly covering the body of this old guy.

"What do you mean by this? Maybe, is there anything you don't know about the Bingtian Temple?"

Ye Feng's tone also carries a trace of impatience. It seems that he has completely tired of what the Ice Palace Demon Lord is doing at the moment, and even wants to personally suppress him.

Originally, the friendship between the two was not very good, and Ye Feng just brought him over easily.

After all, Ye Feng also wanted to stabilize his foundation in the Northern Territory, so as to improve his strength and counterattack as soon as possible.

It is even said that if Ye Feng can break through to the realm of the ninth metamorphosis as soon as possible, and cultivate to the level of the ancient giant, even some people in this world, he can completely give up.

Feeling the terrible pressure erupting from Ye Feng's body, the face of the demon master also turned pale in an instant.

He hurriedly said: "There is indeed a secret recorded in the Bingtian Temple, saying that there is a more powerful original force in the far north of this world, which is the root of this world.

If they can control such a force, even if their own strength is not very strong, they can also have extremely terrifying strength, even if it is the power of the law, it is not impossible to contend.

But such power is only a legend after all, and I have never seen anyone who can obtain such terrible energy. "

After hearing this, Ye Feng's eyes also became serious.

There was a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Yes, perceiving the change in Ye Feng's expression, the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace finally breathed a sigh of relief, almost afraid that he would be completely killed by Ye Feng.

Even so, he did not dare to neglect, and successively told all the things he knew afterwards.

After listening to these news, Ye Feng knew that during the time when the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace was in control of the Ice Heaven Divine Palace, someone had already begun to study the world's most rooted power.

But the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace didn't believe in such legends, and even had a big fight with some of them.

In the end, the other incumbents in the Ice Palace had a disagreement with the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace. Soon after, he was completely buried in the ice and exiled to other spaces.

After that, in the Ice Palace, perhaps he really had a certain study of that power, and even brought it into his own control.

Looking at the path, the Bingtian Temple has indeed explored the world's most original power, and the extreme coldness it controls has reached an unimaginable point.

With such speculation, the thoughts in Ye Feng's heart were also surging crazily, as if he had noticed something abnormal.

Emperor Yaochen's strength was only the peak of the eighth transformation. No matter how strong his cultivation base was, he couldn't release such terrifying attribute power, which made Ye Feng spend all his energy now.

Coupled with the ice attribute power that Ye Feng felt just now, the pressure it brought to him was not much weaker than that of brilliance.

Perhaps the glorious power controlled by Emperor Yaochen also involved the original power of this world.

Because of this, Ye Feng was unable to completely refine these two attribute powers in a very short period of time.

For the first time, Ye Feng wanted to study these two forces carefully, but suddenly realized that at this moment, Ye Feng had too little understanding of them.

The time and energy required to completely control these two attribute powers is absolutely immense.

Moreover, the glorious power in his body could not cooperate with his cultivation and research, and ultimately it would consume his own time and energy.

Of course, if you can find out how the Bingtian Divine Palace controls this power, then Ye Feng's research speed will also increase.

"Are there no other clues besides this?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng looked at the Demon Lord of the Ice Palace again and asked in a deep voice.

The Demon Lord of the Ice Palace carefully recalled for a moment, and then said.

"Maybe we can find some clues in the far north of the world.

When they first explored the root power of the world, they had surveyed to the north, and it seemed that this power existed in that direction. "

Hearing such words, Ye Feng's eyes also flashed with strange brilliance.

If his feelings are not abnormal, then Luo Chenguang's location is that place.

As a result, Ye Feng's chances of wanting to gain this power also increased.

At that moment, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all, and he sprinted quickly toward that direction, his figure resembling a phantom, sprinting forward at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the speed that Ye Feng exploded was also beyond imagination. It seemed to penetrate the constraints of the laws of space.

An extremely powerful aura is constantly brewing in the void, making Ye Feng's figure seem like a shuttle space, and the terrifying force of coercion has reached a realm that no one present can imagine.

Space elves are also extremely spiritual in controlling the laws of space. Seeing Ye Feng's state at the moment, the expression on his face is extremely shocked.

He was able to clearly perceive Ye Feng's body, without any spatial law power, but only used his body and martial arts to the extreme.

The aura of the spatial attributes has not been released from her body, but Ye Feng's speed has already reached an unimaginable point.

It was like saying that the power in his body had been completely integrated into this space, and then relying on the body's instinct to drive the space for him to use.

In this way, Ye Feng's control of the space law has also been elevated to a level that ordinary people can't imagine, and he is rapidly refining the space law into his body and instinct.

And in the course of such a long-distance running, the chaotic power inside Ye Feng's body is also running fast, firmly suppressing the glorious power in his body, and no chance of resistance is given.

The extremely pure attribute power played an unimaginable role at this time, allowing Ye Feng's recovery speed to reach a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

All actions at this moment have no consumption for one's own cultivation base.

Could it be that with the continuous operation of these forces, the aura he controlled became stronger, and even able to break through to another realm.

The terrifying oppressive power has caused the surrounding space to continue to disappear, and the attribute aura that it exudes has also become more powerful.

And Ye Feng was also vaguely aware of something unusual.

In the situation described by the Ice Palace Demon Lord before, many of the Ice Palace masters have disappeared, and there are no more traces.

However, Ye Feng didn't simply think this way. If the Bingtian Divine Palace controlled such a powerful original force, would there be more powerhouses who have already gone to that direction?

Even the power of the world origin stored in the Bingtian Divine Palace comes from the power controlled by their elders.

If the opponent's strength had indeed reached such a terrifying point, it would be almost impossible for Ye Feng to deal with these people.

The strengths possessed by the powerhouses of the Ice Sky Divine Palace are also terrifying beyond imagination, not to mention that there is such a powerful source of power to help them.

Once this power is completely released, with Ye Feng's strength at the moment, I am afraid it will not be enough to compete with them.

However, even with such a situation, Ye Feng couldn't be afraid, and the aura in his body was running wildly at this moment.

That is to say, during the long-distance attack of Ye Feng, a palace in the far north of the world exudes an extremely powerful and terrifying aura.

The farther to the north of the world, the lower the temperature here. At this time, the palace was completely filled with a tyrannical source of ice power.

"Does that little thing still refuse to speak?"

Sitting on the top of the palace, a woman wearing a snow-white dress said in a charming voice.

When this sentence was spoken, the surrounding temperature was lowering, as if it had been completely enveloped by the terrifying icy power.

Just a casual word can cause such a terrible breath change, one can imagine how powerful this woman is.

However, the people around seemed to have become accustomed to it, and did not take this situation to heart.

"No, this kid's bones are really hard. If it weren't for one of the most powerful law forces in the world, it would definitely not be possible for him to live so easily."

Another strong man in the palace spoke like this, and the breath radiating from his body is still extremely large.

Not only these two people, there are three other people in this palace, and the aura on them is also extremely powerful and terrifying.

As the breath continues to revolve, it seems to be completely freezing the surrounding space.

If Ye Feng could be here, he would be able to clearly feel the terrifying power contained in their bodies, that is, the power of the world's origin that can suppress the laws of chaos.

The only difference is that on these people's foreheads, there is an ice-blue flame mark, which seems to be alive, beating constantly.

The performance of these five people did not change much, but the terrifying pressure exuding from their bodies became more powerful.

"I really don't know how to live or die, if so, then leave him to me, I will let him surrender to me in the shortest time."

This is a burly big man who said, in such a cold environment, he is still naked, and there is an extremely terrifying tattoo on his chest.

As if it was a giant ice and snow beast, roaring on his chest, even if he glanced at it from a distance, he was already shocked by an extremely strong spirit.

"How can this kind of thing be left to you, a brash man, if you can't stop it by accident, then the elf will be run over by you."

The extremely old voice radiated from a child-like population, as if the ice and snow between the sky and the earth were constantly rubbing, giving people a feeling of howling ghosts and wolves.

The child's interest is only as large as fifteen or sixteen years old, but there is another incomparably terrifying aura in his body.

It is as if to say that the entire time has been frozen in his body, and there is no chance to flow at all.

Now these five people are the strong people accumulated in the Frozen Heaven Divine Palace over the past dynasties, and the power they control has reached an unimaginable terrifying level.

With their strength, it is enough to completely overturn the entire world, not to mention the strong world origin power contained in their bodies, UU看书www.uukanshu. com is able to interfere with the operation of the laws of the entire world.

"That's not what it said. If that guy still doesn't cooperate with us, even if our strength is strong, it will not be able to completely kill the origin mark."

The last gentle young man opened his mouth and said, an extremely strange aura was revealed in his eyes.

It was as if all the lives he was staring at were completely withered, one of such terrible silence, even the four people present were slightly trembling.

"In any case, he is a testament to controlling the world's original power. We want to completely refine the original imprint between heaven and earth, and his help is absolutely indispensable.

It's just that the time left for us is running out. I can feel that the one in the center has been recruited, and his power is fully refined, and it is possible to escape from the seal at any time.

At that time, our little strength is simply not enough to compete with him, and it will even be swallowed and refined by him in the shortest possible time.

At that time, we are not competitors on this road, but food for people on the road of spiritual practice. "

The woman sitting in the center still said in an extremely charming voice.

It's just that the aura in her body has become extremely turbulent at this moment, as if terrifying power can burst out at any time.

"Give you the last three days. If you can't let the original spirit completely surrender to us, then kill him directly.

For us, although his cooperation is important, we can still do what we want as long as we have the help of the energy of the world's origin. "

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