Sky War God

Chapter 3530: King of Beasts

Chapter 3530 Different Beast King

Chapter 3530 Different Beast King

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from the void, Ye Feng's body did not change in any way, but instead mobilized his own aura in the shortest time.

Seeing that extremely terrifying aura, Ye Feng's eyes also showed a sneer, and then he took the initiative to take a step forward.

At this moment, Ye Feng's body seemed to have turned into an afterimage, disappearing into the Haotian Sea in the blink of an eye.

That strange law, seeing the power emanating from Ye Feng was also a little shocked.

At this moment, the powerful aura condensed in his body has already begun to vibrate constantly, and the pressure that it exudes is even more terrifying than imagined.

For the first time, the King of Beasts had already mobilized the power in the body, and the coercive force radiated out reached an unimaginable terrifying level.

As if to completely destroy everything in the void, such a terrifying aura continued to circulate in the space, and the coercive force it radiated was beyond imagination.

That is, at this moment, Ye Feng directly mobilized the attribute power in his body, condensing a very dangerous edge force.

You must know that the Chaos Power that Ye Feng controls at this moment has extremely complex changes, and can evolve all the attribute forces between heaven and earth.

Under the rule of the law of chaos, the power of those attributes did not resist at all, and directly condensed into a transparent sword under the control of Ye Feng.

The extremely sharp aura was completely released at this moment, as if to completely kill everything in the world.

And facing the terrifying sword light released by Ye Feng at this moment, the strange beast king was also completely shocked.

The chaotic power released by Ye Feng before was unpredictable and magnificent, but the lethality exploded was not as strong as imagined.

But at this moment, the law power surrounding Ye Feng's body has become extremely sharp, and its lethality is different from the past.

Just sensing the terrifying aura contained in it has already made the strange beast king's heart tremble, as if he was about to be completely beheaded.

Without any hesitation, the breath in the body was fully mobilized for the first time, and the extremely terrifying power of the law descended toward Ye Feng's direction like a tide.

This time, Ye Feng did not evade, and directly released the sword light in his hand.

It is necessary to know that the strength of the swordsmanship attribute that Ye Feng has comprehended has also reached an extremely terrifying state. At this time, this sword has integrated all the swordsmanship and martial arts he has comprehended into.

The power that erupted at this moment directly penetrated the entire void and collided with the attack released by the strong monster.

Two extremely terrifying attribute powers impacted in this short period of time, and the coercive force they exuded was beyond imagination.

The extremely terrifying destructive power was released in the void, and there was a rumbling sound of terror and shock, constantly resounding.

Faced with such a sudden change, the law and alien beasts present were also completely shocked, and there were expressions of fear in their eyes.

These ruled monsters also have an extremely deep understanding of their own comfort, and the breath that Ye Feng exudes at this moment is simply beyond imagination.

Quite a lot of law strange beasts shivered all over, and went backwards one after another.

The confrontation at that moment also made the arms of the alien beast king numb. This time he could no longer hold on and was directly hit by Ye Feng's sword.

The extremely brilliant golden light instantly cut through the body of the alien beast king, and even cut off his claw completely.

The extremely terrifying edge, Jian Qi seemed to tear his entire body completely apart.

If it were not for the power of those laws to surround his body and constantly resist those terrible auras, his body would have been completely beheaded by Ye Feng.

Even the power of laws surrounding his body in this way began to turbulent wildly.

And his extremely large body was trembling crazily, a mouthful of blood could no longer be suppressed, and he directly vomited it out.

Of course, in order to suppress the alien beast king, Ye Feng was also uncomfortable.

Although the Chaos Law controlled by Ye Feng is of extremely high quality, the aura contained in it is beyond imagination.

However, the time that this strange beast king has survived in this field has already been a lot of coercive auras, and it has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The incomparably vast power of the law is constantly turbulent in the void, exuding unimaginable terrible power.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Feng had withstood such a terrible attack and could not completely resist it in the first place.

The power of the law under his control became extremely weak at this moment, and was directly injured by this force.

Such a scene naturally fell in the sight of the rest of the rules of the strange beasts, and several of the strange beasts flickered towards the direction behind Ye Feng, trying to launch an attack on Ye Feng.

However, in an instant, the aura in Ye Feng's body continued to circulate, and in a very short period of time, a terrible power broke out again.

Then the circle of chaos realm around his body also released an extremely dangerous aura at this moment, as if to swallow everything in the world.

Those who were present under such circumstances also had no room for resistance. They were directly shocked by this breath, and there was a little hesitation in their hearts, and they did not dare to attack Ye Feng again.

"It seems that your strength is nothing more than this?"

Ye Feng's gaze scanned the alien beast king, and there was an extremely ironic expression in his eyes.

Looking at Ye Feng's gaze, the strange beast king also showed a bit of jealousy. At this moment, he was suffering from such a powerful attack from Ye Feng, and he was somewhat unable to support it.

The laws and powers surrounding his body are constantly trembling, as if they may completely collapse at any time.

This also made his eyes show a ray of astonishment, and that emotion was beyond words.

At this moment, the Beast King had also realized that it was almost impossible to defeat Ye Feng at this moment.

Even if he continues to fight like this, he will not be the opponent of the opponent, but will be completely beheaded by the opponent.

Ye Feng's strength is really too strong, so strong that the alien beast king has no resistance.

In the face of such a powerful Ye Feng, he could only find a way to escape from here and release the attribute power in his body for the first time.

Under the rule of the king's law, there are endless laws and powers surrounding his body, and at this moment, he is also crazy to liberate these laws and powers.

Every time a force of law is released, the aura on the body of the alien beast king will increase sharply, making his strength also stronger.

As soon as this breath was released, the law power surrounding his body began to become extremely turbulent, and a powerful spatial force directly enveloped his body.

Ye Feng was also aware of this scene, and raised his hand to stop the opponent.

However, at this critical moment, it is impossible for the King of Beasts to have any carelessness, and the power of the law of space would be stimulated in the first place.

The endless space power exploded at this moment, covering the body of the alien beast king in a short time, and quickly disappearing into the space.

At this moment, the Beast King sighed secretly.

The power of the law of space was activated instantly, and the alien beast king must be teleported out of this domain in the shortest time.

Seeing such a scene, the faces of the strange beasts present also became quite ugly, as if they couldn't believe the current situation.

The departure of the King of Beasts left all these terrifying beasts here, and in the face of such a brutal existence as Ye Feng, how could they escape.

Seeing the disappearance of the king, the strange beasts present also became extremely desperate.

Seeing this sudden scene, Ye Feng's expression was also a bit ugly, and then a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

The chaotic power surrounding his body was fully mobilized at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

That is to say, at this moment, the chaotic realm around his body suddenly changed, and the aura that it exudes also became completely different in an instant.

The incomparably powerful force of the law, just like that, was transformed into a space force, directly permeating the depth of the law of the entire Vast Sky Sea.

The Law of Chaos, as one of the most powerful law forces between heaven and earth, has a powerful force that can open up the world, and it is possible to transform it into other law forces in a short time.

For the first time, Ye Feng had already transformed the power of the law of chaos into the law of space.

Originally such a transformation would take a lot of time, but Ye Feng's strength was too strong, and he also had an extremely deep understanding of the laws of space.

This also led to the space law that Ye Feng could show at this moment was equally terrifying.

In a very short period of time, these space attribute forces burst out of their control, directly locking in the spatial fluctuations that had just been emitted.

The strength of that strange beast king is indeed extremely powerful, and the law of space released is also extremely terrifying.

However, in front of the law power released by Ye Feng, he had no room for resistance at all, and was directly locked by Ye Feng.

In an instant, Ye Feng directly raised his hand, grabbing something from the void?

The incomparably powerful force of the law of space, completely burst out at this moment, as if to incorporate everything between the heavens and the earth into one's palm.

Such a terrifying aura made the face of the alien beast king who had already escaped become extremely frightened, and the power in the body was running wildly at this moment.

Originally, he had released all the laws and powers he controlled, running the most powerful breath.

But at this moment, after feeling the powerful attack released by Ye Feng, the Beast King had no chance to hesitate at all, and burned his own law power for the first time.

You should know that in order to subdue the power of these laws, the King of Beasts also paid a great price, and the original power in the body would collapse at any time.

That is, under such a situation, Ye Feng still did not have any fear, constantly mobilizing the law of chaos in his body.

An extremely terrifying attack descended from the void, as if to completely destroy the entire void.

Such a terrifying power, the power possessed by it was completely irresistible, it collapsed the constraints of the void in the shortest time, and directly fell on the alien beast king.

That extremely fierce and terrifying aura descended fiercely within this short period of time, as if to completely crush the entire void.

In the face of such a terrible aura, the expression of the alien beast king became extremely ugly, and the attribute power in the body was fully mobilized in the first time.

The power of the law it possessed also had an extremely crazy effect at this moment, as if it was about to tear the whole world apart.

However, the power it possessed at this moment was simply not enough to resist Ye Feng, and even that powerful space law power directly locked his body.

I just felt the surrounding space vibrate again, as if an extremely dangerous force burst out.

The extremely powerful force directly acted on his body, advancing quickly, and descending towards one direction.

In the next instant, the body of the alien beast king appeared in front of everyone again, and the aura from his body became extremely weak.

Seeing such a terrifying sight, the law and alien beasts present also became extremely shocked.

Of course, they knew how terrifying the strength of the Beast King was, and the spatial law it radiated had reached an extremely powerful level.

That kind of space teleportation can definitely flash out an extremely long distance, and no one can lock it.

However, with a palm that was underestimated by Ye Feng, it was directly captured from the endless void, and the breath radiating from his body reached an extremely terrifying point.

Seeing such a change, despair appeared in the eyes of those alien beasts.

They couldn't do it at all if they wanted to fight Ye Feng, and if they wanted to escape, even at the level of the Beast King, they were easily captured.

How should they face Ye Feng next?

Ye Feng also put his gaze on the alien beasts, and wherever he glanced, a look of fear immediately appeared on the faces of the alien beasts.

Originally, Ye Feng had a very strong curiosity about the Haotian Sea.

The existence here is extremely helpful to Ye Feng's power of law, giving Ye Feng a good impression of natural existence.

However, the existence of these beasts caused Ye Feng's heart to be extremely angry, as if they had interfered with the peace of this area.

In the next moment, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a transparent long sword slowly emerged from the void, and the terrifying aura it exuded even shocked all the strange beasts present.

In the face of these strange beasts, Ye Feng would not show any mercy to them. He stepped forward for the first time, shaking his long sword.

The luster flowing above the sword body was so dazzling that it swept down towards the bodies of these alien beasts in the blink of an eye.

Where Jianguang went, everything seemed to be cut off completely.

The strange beasts on the scene saw such a terrifying attack, and they were also terrified and frightened.

In the face of Ye Feng's attack, they couldn't raise any thoughts of resistance, and they tried to use their most powerful strength to flash away.

It's just that Ye Feng's attack speed was faster than they thought. In a very short time, the terrifying sword light had already been cut down.

There are two rules of the alien beast can not dodge, the body is directly swallowed by this sword light.

Just in the blink of an eye, the huge body collapsed instantly, and the legal power in it was completely smashed by this sword, and the rich blood aura spread in all directions.

The strange beast king not far away was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

Previously, he thought that with the power of the King's Law, he had gathered an incomparably huge power of the law.

Coupled with the strength of the strange beasts present, it was enough to easily slay Ye Feng, without even putting Ye Feng in his eyes.

However, at this moment, he was not only easily suppressed by Ye Feng, but the law and strange beasts present were not Ye Feng's enemy, and he was easily completely killed by Ye Feng.

What was even more frightening was that at this moment, the self-confidence of the King of Beasts was completely broken by Ye Feng, even if he was given such a powerful force, he did not have the courage to contend with Ye Feng.

It was as if to say that Ye Feng had become an extremely huge heart demon for him at this moment, and he could completely punish it anytime and anywhere.

At this moment, Ye Feng's gaze fell on him again, immediately allowing the Beast King to recover from the shocked state.

Facing Ye Feng's icy gaze, the King of Beasts was also a little dodge, and immediately wanted to release the power of Space Law again and escape from here.

However, he seems to have forgotten how Ye Feng captured him back then.

This time Ye Feng didn't give him such a chance at all, waved his hand and slapped him.

The power of the law of space recurred at this moment, forming a strong landscape, directly covering the body of the alien king.

The extremely powerful pressure of suppression landed directly on the position where the alien beast king was, not only blocked the spatial fluctuations around him, but also caused his body to shrink.

The laws and strange beasts present also saw the body of the strange beast king at this moment. At a speed visible to the naked eye, the principal of Crazy Shuttle had become only the size of a palm in a very short time.

The strength of the original monster king is beyond imagination, but in front of Ye Feng, he is like a child, without any resistance at all.

There was also extremely obvious fear in the eyes of the beasts with laws, and there was even a little lack of courage to breathe.

After that, the strange beasts of the law saw with his own eyes, Ye Feng walked towards the king of strange beasts lightly, and immediately released his own aura.

Surrounded by such a chaotic aura, the surrounding space is constantly shattered and reshaped again.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Feng had already reached the body of the alien beast king, raised his hand and grabbed it towards him.

At this moment, the King of Beasts was easily mentioned by Ye Feng like a kitten, and the power of the laws he possessed was completely suppressed, and there was no way to resist.

The face of the alien beast king was pale, cold sweat was constantly oozing from his forehead, and he wanted to surrender to Ye Feng for the first time.

However, the coercive power released by Ye Feng was too terrifying, even if the power of the whole body was mobilized, the alien beast king could not make any more sounds.

In the next moment, the strange beast king seemed to have accepted his fate, and directly gave up any resistance and let Ye Feng rub it.

Seeing the attitude of the alien beast king, Ye Feng also sneered disdainfully, as if he didn't put the opponent in his eyes at all.

The power of the chaotic attribute in the body began to circulate continuously, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

That ruined palm print was released from Ye Feng's hand, as if to completely destroy everything in the void.

An incomparably huge palm print descended from the sky, possessing the terrifying power to cover the sky and the sun, and directly descended on the body of the alien beast king.

The extremely terrifying force of coercion exploded in an instant, as if to completely annihilate all the forces in the space.

The Beast King also fully released the breath in the body in the shortest time, and the endless power of the law was burning crazily at this moment.

The extremely terrifying power spread out from the body of the alien beast king, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The terrifying power it mobilized at this moment is also beyond imagination, and the power it can burst out is also earth-shattering.

However, the coercive force exerted by these powerful forces at this moment is simply not enough to resist the destructive palmprints released by Ye Feng.

An incomparably huge palm descended from the void, evolving infinite destructive power in the void, directly descending on the alien beast.

Such a terrible destructive power is simply beyond its ability to resist, and the alien beast king is even more frightened by this breath.

In any case, it could not imagine that Ye Feng had such terrifying strength and could release such a terrifying attack.

In a hurry, even the original power of the alien beast king has been released, and the entire body has become extremely violent.

However, even so, he couldn't resist the terrible attack that Ye Feng released.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock continued to sound, and Ye Feng's big hand descended from the void, making the attack released by the alien beast king not worth mentioning.

As if the sky was collapsing, the body of the ordinary monster king collapsed under Ye Feng's attack, but Ye Feng's destruction palm print had no effect.

The law of chaos contained in it is still running continuously, as if to completely swallow the body of the alien king.

However, no matter how the Alien Beast King broke free, he couldn't escape the destructive power released by Ye Feng, that power was not something he could resist at all.

The terrifying force of coercion descended little by little, as if to completely destroy the opponent's body.

Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely cold expression.

"Looking at your extremely rampant situation, I thought you would have some means, but now it seems like that.

In that case, your abilities are simply not enough to save you, so go and die. "

This sentence also made the alien beast king tremble again, and at this moment, he had thoroughly felt the death breath released from Ye Feng's body.

He could feel that Ye Feng not only had the intention to kill him, but also had the ability to completely slay it. The coercive force emanating from that huge palm could easily obliterate it.

At this moment, he also felt his humbleness, Ye Feng wanted to kill it without any effort.

The chaotic breath continuously wrapped the body of the alien beast king, extracting and refining the law power in his body, and wanted to seize the original power in his body in the shortest possible time.

Now the strength that Ye Feng controls is also beyond imagination, and he can release extremely powerful laws of chaos at every turn.

Under the guidance of the power of the law of chaos, the power of any law has no harm to Ye Feng.

It even said that as long as Ye Feng was willing, he could easily grab the law power from the opponent's body to improve his own law of chaos.

The body of the Beast King was also trembling continuously, but the aura it possessed was unable to resist Ye Feng's suppression, and could even clearly feel that his body was constantly collapsing.

Those resistance forces that have been completely mastered by themselves are also passing by at an unimaginable speed at this moment.

On the contrary, the chaotic laws surrounding his body are becoming stronger and stronger.

Under this circumstance, the body of the alien beast king became thinner and thinner, as if he might collapse at any time.

"You can't kill me, I am the guardian in the sea of ​​Vast Sky.

Kill me, you will be chased madly by the entire Vast Sky Sea, and you will no longer be eligible to enter it. "

At this moment, the expression of the strange beast king had become extremely crazy, as if he was about to open his most powerful hole card.

However, the powerful aura emanating from Ye Feng's body did not converge at all, and even became stronger during the operation.

"Do you think I'm really scared? With your strength, how can it help the entire Vast Sky Sea?

Even if it really kills you, what terrible changes will happen? "

Ye Feng sneered at the strange beast king, and said coldly.

Facing such an unruly beast, he didn't want to tolerate him any longer.

Without too much explanation, under the shocked eyes of the strange beasts, Ye Feng's big hand slowly tightened at this moment, and the powerful chaotic aura continued to surge in it.

The space in Ye Feng's palm has been completely ruled by the chaotic power, and the endless chaotic aura seems to completely refine the entire space.

As the chaotic aura surged, it swallowed the Beast King completely at an extremely fast speed.

The strange beast king also looked very shocked, struggling desperately to try to use the most powerful potential in his body to save his life.

However, in front of Ye Feng, his strength was too weak.

The chaotic aura released by Ye Feng was already so powerful that he couldn't imagine it, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

In the next instant, everyone present heard a rustling sound of breaking.

The extremely large body of the Beast King was directly wiped out by the power of Chaos released by Ye Feng, and the power of the law was also swallowed and refined by Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also able to clearly feel that the power of the Chaos Law in his body began to grow, and the aura he radiated became stronger.

The other strange beasts were displayed by Ye Feng, and their power was completely shocked. Their faces were all desperate and affectionate, and their pupils continued to enlarge.

Now, Ye Feng has easily beheaded the alien beast king, and even the aura that it exudes has become even more terrifying, making these alien beasts extremely desperate.

Originally in the Vast Sky Sea, they could run wild and slaughter any practitioner who entered the Vast Sky Sea at will.

To seize the power of the law they practiced to enhance their own strength, and even to rule the entire Vast Sky Sea.

However, at this moment, the terrifying power exuding from Ye Feng's body has become the nemesis of all their laws and monsters.

It is even said that their group of ruled beasts do not even have the qualifications to become Ye Feng's rations, they will only be easily crushed by Ye Feng, and any chance of survival is impossible.

In fact, Ye Feng did the same, releasing the breath in his body in the first time.

The long sword in his hand trembled, and radiant brilliance was released from Ye Feng's hand.

The extremely powerful sword light seems to be able to completely kill everything between heaven and like a meteor shower, descending towards those laws and alien beasts.

At this moment, these ruled monsters, of course, did not dare to stay in any way, and immediately dodged towards a distant position, trying to avoid Ye Feng's attack at this moment.

However, the sword aura released by Ye Feng was too terrifying, as if he wanted to completely kill all the strange beasts on the field in this short time.

Those strange beasts also felt the terrifying power released by Ye Feng, and immediately released their most powerful body and martial arts, wanting to avoid such a terrible attack.

However, when Ye Feng released the attack, he had already released the power of the law of space under his control.

Under such a terrifying scene, no one can escape from this situation.

I can only watch those terrible auras, crazily descending on them, scouring fiercely like a tide.

The dazzling sword light envelops all these law and alien beasts at an extremely fast speed, and the chaotic aura contained in it is completely diffused at this moment.

At this moment, the powerful force contained in the void has reached an extremely terrifying realm, and a sudden shock directly punishes all these law and alien beasts.

After slaying these ruled monsters, Ye Feng's eyes also showed a somewhat surprised look.

The Haotian Sea, which was originally a bit turbulent, seemed to have calmed down a lot at this moment, and the powerful aura radiated from it reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying pressure has also fallen on Ye Feng's body, as if to exclude him from the Vast Sky Sea.

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