Sky War God

Chapter 3526: Condensed Chaos Law

Chapter 3526 Condensed Chaos Law

Chapter 3526 Condensed Chaos Law


An extremely terrifying concussion sound blasted through, and Ye Feng's body immediately burst out with unimaginable powerful power, directly smashing the surrounding space completely.

As if all the forces between heaven and earth were completely suppressed, the old man who attacked him also completely enveloped his body with a force of oppression, exuding an extremely powerful aura of destruction.

The bone tissue cells on the body were completely shattered at this moment, and he almost lost his life.

If it wasn't for his extremely powerful strength, he had absorbed a part of the life force from the void in the shortest time to maintain his livelihood, he would have been completely punishable long ago.

Seeing Ye Feng erupting with such a terrifying attribute power, everyone present was shocked and speechless, and they were already far away from the battlefield for the first time.

However, at this moment, the entire space seemed chaotic, and the surrounding environment became extremely weird, as if to completely shred everything present.

Those strong men kept evading, but found that they couldn't move themselves in the space at all, but slowly approached the direction where Ye Feng was.

It was as if Ye Feng at this moment had become an extremely huge wormhole, and the terrifying power that would emanate from swallowing all the matter between heaven and earth was even more powerful than imagined.

Originally, after Ye Feng understood the power of chaos, he already possessed extremely powerful swallowing attributes, able to swallow all attribute powers close to him into his body.

At this moment, the powerful aura radiating from Ye Feng's body has reached an unimaginable point, causing the surrounding space to tremble constantly.

Such terrible swallowing power, the coercive force released at this moment, reached an extremely terrifying point.

The people present were completely shocked by the aura that Ye Feng exudes, and couldn't imagine what terrifying power it was to exert such an effect.

And at this moment, Ye Feng also mobilized all the power in his body, and his whole person was in an extremely ethereal state.

It was as if all the attribute power between the heaven and the earth had been integrated into his body, and an extremely powerful breath was generally gestated quickly.

The power of the divine mind in the sea of ​​consciousness is also the attribute power emitted by the crazy surge, reaching an unimaginable point.

Especially the Chaos Divine Sense that he just condensed, exudes a shocking breath, as if it is about to burst out completely.

Originally, after Ye Feng condensed this nerve attribute, his own strength had reached an extremely terrifying point, and the aura that he radiated had reached a particularly terrifying state.

It is precisely because of Chaos Spiritual Sense that Ye Feng was able to fully utilize the power in his body, allowing his own strength to be greatly improved.

It is precisely because of this reason that the power in her body is quickly integrated at this moment, exuding a more powerful aura, as if to integrate all the attributes and powers into her body.

Under such influence, not only Ye Feng’s own chaotic power, but also the power of his divine consciousness, even the power of the domain outside the body is constantly turbulent, accepting the tempering of the power of heaven and earth. .

Under such influence, Ye Feng's aura is undergoing extremely violent transformation, especially when fighting against these strong men, the energy that can be absorbed is even greater than imagined.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng's strength has been extremely terribly improved, and the aura of the whole person has become more and more powerful.

Especially the terrifying power he exuded, it shocked everyone present, and the power of the domain surrounding his body was a crazy expander.

As for those powerhouses who constantly besieged Ye Feng, at this moment they also perceive the power that Ye Feng possesses, which is continuously improving at an unimaginable speed, and the whole person has to be integrated into the world.

Originally, Ye Feng had already condensed the power of his own divine mind into a chaotic attribute, but at this moment, under the impetus of these powerful forces, the chaotic power in Ye Feng's body had finally changed.

The attribute power contained in it is counterattacking frantically at an unimaginable speed, as long as Chaos Spiritual Sense wants to complete it in the shortest possible time.

The Wanhua realm constantly absorbs the power of the attributes possessed by the outside world, and the chaotic power completely assimilates the power of these attributes, constantly transforming it into the purest law aura, and sending it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Under the constant alternation of such power, on the contrary, Ye Feng's strength has become stronger and stronger, and the coercive force exuded is even more terrifying beyond imagination.

The continuous conversion of the three powers is also polishing Ye Feng's body, making his whole person's power have an unimaginable increase.

Seeing Ye Feng's changes at the moment, everyone present was shocked and speechless. Even those strong men were extremely angry at Ye Feng's performance at the moment, and some were afraid to take action.

Of course, they will not watch Ye Feng constantly transforming their own power, but will radiate the situation of Ye Feng in the shortest time. They want to attract more powerful people to come and kill Ye Feng here.

It's just that Ye Feng's transformation is beyond imagination. In a very short period of time, the power of chaos in the body has been alternated with chaos divine consciousness, continuously transforming the aura in it.

Wanling Divine Art and Chaos True Gang Absolute are the top techniques in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm, and the help to Ye Feng is beyond imagination. The power exerted at this moment is even more unbearable.

Even if Ye Feng had cultivated extremely similar attribute strengths with the help of these two exercises, there were certain differences among them, and the coercive aura exuded was even more terrifying than imagined.

In this short period of time, an extremely terrifying attribute force continued to oscillate in the void, exuding a terrifying aura that was difficult to suppress, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The first thing to bear the brunt is Ye Feng's body at this moment. Under the impact of this powerful breath, the various attribute forces in his body are constantly collapsing.

It seems that if you don't pay attention, you will be completely destroyed by the coercive force between heaven and earth, and the whole body will be completely dissipated in a very short time.

Just now, Ye Feng relied on his own pressure to completely crush the strong man to death, and at this moment he also endured the same pressure.

The bone tissue cells in the body were unable to withstand such terrifying destructive power, and in a very short period of time, they had completely collapsed.

At the same time, the giant **** cauldron pill technique was completely released at this moment, and the power of blood in the body was running wildly.

Surrounding his body is an incomparably huge qi and blood furnace, using the attribute power between heaven and earth as fuel, and constantly igniting flames to beat Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng, who had already suffered severe damage, had continuously absorbed the life force between heaven and earth in this short period of time to heal his own injuries.

At the same time, Ye Feng's phoenix war spirit also recovered at this moment, completely releasing his own breath, helping Ye Feng to recover from his injuries at the fastest speed.

Originally, Ye Feng had already transferred most of his healing ability into the Phoenix Warriors.

And in this world, the Phoenix Warriors are also constantly absorbing the life force between the heavens and the earth. Although they haven't changed much, they have already accumulated a very deep foundation.

At this moment, the breath radiated by the Phoenix Fighting Spirit had reached an extremely terrifying point, as if it could incorporate all the attributes and powers between heaven and earth.

From the body of the undead war spirit, everyone present felt an extremely huge healing power, and that terrifying life force made them all jealous.

This world already possesses an extremely powerful aura of life. Once the life force can be fully refined, it will also be extremely helpful to one's own strength.

Even to say that in the body of the Phoenix war spirit at this moment, there are already some signs of evolving the laws of life, and this ability is simply beyond imagination.

You must know these war spirits, but they have followed Ye Feng from the beginning, and the attribute power that is now radiating has reached an extremely terrifying state.

As the phoenix war spirit flapped its wings, the colorful brilliance was released from her body, as if to completely control all the life force between heaven and earth.

Feeling the aura released from the phoenix war spirit, Ye Feng was also a little surprised. No matter what he did not expect, the phoenix war spirit at this moment seemed to have gathered a certain amount of good fortune.

To know the power of good fortune, but an extremely powerful inheritance, even Ye Feng must be extremely cautious.

When Ye Feng cultivated the power of good fortune, he could use the power of good fortune to recover the injuries he suffered, and even burst out extremely terrifying combat power.

What's more, Ye Feng can use the power of good fortune to fuse the power of heaven and earth, and the power he exerts is beyond imagination.

When it is the most powerful, it can even surpass its own level and perform a more tragic attack.

But at this moment, the Phoenix Warriors also mastered the power of good fortune, and the power they possessed was not even weaker than Ye Feng.

In this way, Ye Feng is equivalent to obtaining a clone of the power of specialization, and when facing the enemy in the future, his own strength will be greatly improved, and even a steady stream of injuries can be recovered.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes also flickered, and then he mobilized the power of the Phoenix Warrior to accelerate the recovery of his own injuries.

With the help of the Phoenix Fighting Spirit, the coercive force Ye Feng received was still huge, but he could not completely wipe his body in a short time.

On the contrary, it was the giant **** Ding Pill, and the attribute power that it radiated became stronger and stronger, and it was possible to break through again at any time.

Originally, the Great God Ding Pill was to continuously absorb various attribute powers, cultivate one's own power of Qi and blood, and finally condense into Qi and Blood Golden Pill.

The shock of Chaos Power that Ye Feng is now enduring is a tremendous pressure on his body.

But he also injected a steady stream of energy into Ye Feng's body to increase his vitality.

Under such circumstances, as long as Ye Feng can still run the power of qi and blood, his body will grow wildly at an unimaginable speed.

What's more terrifying is that these powers of qi and blood have been banned by the chaotic forces in a very short time, and they have already brought a ray of chaos aura without knowing it.

With these chaotic auras, Ye Feng's vitality and blood power has skyrocketed wildly, and the quality has also been greatly improved.

Vaguely, Ye Feng seemed to perceive some kind of special imprisonment, restraining his body from evolving, but at this moment his attention could no longer be divided.

Leaving the body running on its own, most of Ye Feng's energy has been placed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The power that the power of the chaos attribute can exert is simply beyond imagination. Even if Ye Feng has these two extremely powerful techniques, constantly running the power of the chaos, the damage he suffers is extremely terrible.

What's more, the power of chaos that is constantly running in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness is simply terrifying beyond imagination, and it will completely crush Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness in a very short time.

Several other attribute powers are also working hard at this moment, wanting to temporarily suppress the attribute aura in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness in a short period of time.

But at this moment, Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness had reached an extremely terrifying state, and the aura exuded was even more powerful than imagined.

Even if Ye Feng mobilized the other four attribute powers in his body, he couldn't exert the power to compete with them. He could only watch the power of Chaos burst out.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng also gritted his teeth, and directly operated the Chaos True Gang Art and the Wan Ling Shen Art together.

The two extremely important exercises continued to merge alternately at this moment, and a chaotic aura surrounded Ye Feng's body, making his whole person extremely terrifying.

In the extreme time, Ye Feng had already exuded an extremely powerful aura, as if to swallow everything in the world.

Such a huge movement finally attracted a lot of powerful people. Several powerful enemies shuttled from the void to come to Ye Feng's body in the shortest time.

However, Ye Feng seemed to be unaware of this, still trying his best to refine the chaotic power in his body.

We must know that the power of Chaos is also the top attribute power between heaven and earth, and the aura it possesses is extremely heavy, and the coercive power it emits has reached an unimaginable point.

The two great exercises continue to operate, and the power of the Chaos Law contained in it has also reached an extremely terrifying state. Even with such a powerful body of Ye Feng, it is a bit unbearable, as if it may collapse at any time.

Seeing Ye Feng's change, everyone present was shocked and speechless.

Especially those strong men who had just arrived, felt the terrifying aura exuding from Ye Feng's body, and were naturally shocked to step back, and then the brilliance in their eyes became extremely bright.

Although the power that Ye Feng displayed at this moment was somewhat unbelievable to them, such strength can play the most important role.

Once Ye Feng is suppressed, he can definitely get extremely huge benefits from him, and even make these people promote to another level.

You must know that they are already powerful existences that have condensed the power of their own laws.

If you want to improve your own strength, the greatest opportunity is to seize the original power that others possess.

Use the opponent's original power to refine your own law.

This has also led to the fact that among the many powerhouses, if they start plundering the origin of the law, the damage caused is absolutely extremely powerful.

Although it is not easy to kill the strong in the eighth metamorphosis, the damage suffered after losing his own legal power is also extremely huge.

It would even take hundreds of thousands of years to be able to re-cultivate the attributes and powers that they had lost. Such losses are simply beyond the reach of everyone present.

Any cultivator who has undergone seven transformations will be extremely cautious when he reaches the realm of the eighth transformation, for fear of being taken away from his original power.

Even to say, if the original power in the body is completely squeezed clean, even the strong person who is transformed for the eighth time will completely fall.

As a result, the strength radiated by these strong men will become more terrifying, and the strength in the body can reach an unimaginable point.

Everyone present saw Ye Feng's state at the moment, on the contrary, they were even more delighted, and they continued to gather their own strength, bringing together the original strength between heaven and earth.

Once Ye Feng breaks through, then the power of law he possesses is definitely an extremely huge supplement and will bring them powerful help.

Ye Feng, at this moment, also felt the original power contained in the surrounding space, and began to become extremely abundant, and the aura in his body was also continuously running at this moment.

The energy required to operate the two major exercises is extremely terrifying. Even Ye Feng himself, who has the ability to gather the vitality of heaven and earth, cannot play the most powerful role at this moment.

However, the sudden four eight-time transformation cultivators, guided by their own source power, gathered the attribute power between heaven and earth, is also an incomparably huge help to Ye Feng.

Now these four powerhouses simply treat Ye Feng as their own pigs, and want to train them in the shortest possible time and kill them quickly.

Those powerhouses present also saw such terrible means, and the eyes of everyone flashed with extremely bright light.

You know, the powerhouses who have transformed for the eighth time are already extremely top-notch existences among the major forces, and they are even strong enough to sit on one side.

Just like Emperor Yaochen who shot Ye Feng before, as the most powerful powerhouse in the Central Empire, he is also a cultivator who has transformed eight times.

If Ye Feng could also reach such a realm, the strength he exerted was absolutely terrifying beyond imagination, and even with his extremely majestic background, he could try the ninth transformation and attack the realm of the ancient giant.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng has no energy to pay attention to other things. The attribute power surrounding his body is surging crazily, seeming to break through the realm of this moment in the shortest time.

The power of qi and blood in the body has reached a powerful realm beyond imagination under constant rotation and tempering.

Driven by the incomparably vast attribute power, the attribute aura exuded from Ye Feng's body also reached an extremely terrifying point.

Chaos Spiritual Sense and Chaos Power, under such terrible pressure, finally blended together.

At this moment, the aura of chaos attribute suddenly burst out from Ye Feng's body, making his whole body extremely tall.

The power of chaos surrounding Ye Feng's body burst out with extremely terrifying power, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

An extremely familiar feeling once again descended on Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng's Chaos Divine Sense seemed to have passed through layers of space and entered a higher level world.

The attribute power in it began to undergo an extremely terrifying transformation, and a wave of laws and powers madly gathered, wanting to change Ye Feng's body in the shortest time.

Unexpectedly, this Chaos Spiritual Sense of Ye Feng directly passed through the constraints of layers of space, and once again descended on the Haotian Sea.

This time Ye Feng finally understood, where is this vast sea of ​​laws?

The power of the law between heaven and earth has an ultimate, and this ultimate is the destination and source of the power of the law.

As long as someone can condense a powerful law force, they can take advantage of this opportunity to enter the Vast Sky Sea.

Of course, this requires extremely huge resources and good enough luck. Even the legal power condensed by oneself, if there is no certain speciality, it is simply not enough to enter the sea of ​​Vast Sky.

When Ye Feng was able to condense the law of ice, he had the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​acquired, and he also had great chance and luck in it.

This time Ye Feng relied on the Chaos Law to enter the Haotian Sea. Although it was only a brief moment, he had already absorbed an extremely huge breath.

With this power, Ye Feng can make his own chaos divine consciousness undergo an extremely powerful transformation, and the inherent power contained in it has reached an extremely terrifying state.

It's just that before the Chaos Spiritual Sense returned, an extremely powerful aura burst out around Ye Feng's body.

The four powerhouses who had come suddenly before also burst out the aura in the body completely at this moment, and the terrifying coercive force descended on Ye Feng's body in a very short time.

Those powerful oppressive forces completely solidified the surrounding space and blocked Ye Feng's body for the first time.

Although Ye Feng condensed Chaos Divine Sense, his own strength has been greatly improved, but he has not fully recovered, and the attribute power he controls cannot exert the strongest power.

In this short period of time, the terrifying aura exuding in the void directly locked Ye Feng's body firmly, as if to completely imprison him.

The four powerhouses surrounding Ye Feng's body also became extremely greedy when looking at Ye Feng, as if they were staring at something peerlessly delicious.

"Well, well, you deserve to be a cultivator who possesses such a law, and the aura exuding in his body is so delicious.

If you can swallow you, the old man's strength will definitely increase once again. "

The strong man's eyes were extremely greedy, and the breath radiating from his body reached an extremely dangerous level.

Just breathe out an extremely terrifying oppressive force, as if to rush into Ye Feng's body in the shortest time.

"Old devil, this is not a place where you can run wild, this kid will eventually fall into my hands."

Before the strong man could make a move, another person said that the aura radiating from his body was not worse than that of the old man.

The breath surrounds him, and there is an extremely strong majestic force, which is enough to suppress all the fluctuations of the laws between heaven and earth.

Even Ye Feng was a little cautious with such power, let alone other people.

"The four of us worked together to train this kid, don't you still want to do it alone?

The power of the law in his body is extremely pure, and it is also of great help to us. At this moment, it is not the time to divide the spoils. "

"That's right, this little guy's power of law is very special, I am afraid it has very strong regeneration characteristics.

If he can capture and refine the law power in his body, and let him absorb the heaven and earth energy at this moment, I am afraid that he can restore his law source in a very short time.

In this way, we have a steady stream of law power that can be consumed. "

Several other people also spoke in succession, and the eyes staring at Ye Feng became extremely greedy.

Although Ye Feng hasn't fully controlled his body, his perception of the outside world has been restored, and the eyes that look at these four people have also become extremely cold.

Although Ye Feng had already speculated that someone had helped him just now, he had recovered such a majestic original strength, allowing him to break through in a very short time.

But at this moment, the attitude of these four people made him extremely angry, and it was impossible to let the four people present.

The attribute power in the body is constantly running at this moment, the power of chaos is surging crazily, and the aura that comes out has become extremely violent.

There is even an extremely powerful force of Qi and blood that bursts out of the body, such a terrifying force of oppression, as if to completely crush everything in the world.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly discovered that the power of Qi and blood in his body had reached a level of incomparably fullness, and the secret acupuncture points inside his body had reached the level of 129,600.

You should know that the only pill prescription recorded in the giant **** cauldron is the same.

The power of qi and blood gathered has reached an unimaginable terrifying level.

The blood and blood rising into the sky seemed to condense into substance, directly suppressing the surrounding space completely.

Under such circumstances, any force radiated from the void was enough to completely shatter the entire space.

On the contrary, Ye Feng's tens of thousands of magical powers that have been continuously cultivating in this world have been extremely suppressed under the circumstances at this moment, and cannot be fully utilized at all.

Seeing such a situation, the four powerhouses present were also extremely shocked.

"When did you temper your body to such a terrifying state? Is it possible that your eighth transformation turned out to be the body?"

One of the strong men looked at Ye Feng, his eyes shrank quickly, and the power in his body was constantly trembling.

After being tempered by the chaotic aura, Ye Feng's energy and blood also contained a certain degree of chaotic aura, and the power radiated even more possessed the power of a law.

If the power of this law can be mobilized, perhaps Ye Feng can also be called the practitioner of the eighth transformation.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes showed a very strong cold meaning, and the power in his body had completely exploded in the shortest time.

The other four powerhouses no longer had that kind of lofty look, their eyes became extremely solemn, and the breath in the body was completely released in the first time.

"It just condenses the magical powers of the eighth transformation. Even if your body is strong, it will not be our opponent."

The strong man who spoke first suddenly said that there was an extremely scarlet aura in his eyes, and his whole person seemed to be a terrifying monster.

An extremely huge swallowing power was released from his body, and he wanted to completely swallow Ye Feng and seize all the power of laws in his body.

"Just because you want to suppress me?"

Seeing the four powerhouses join forces, Ye Feng's expression was also extremely indifferent.

Even if the opponent is a strong man who has been transformed for the eighth time, the law aura exuding from his body is beyond imagination. UU reading, but he has no fear.

"Don't think that you can contend with us if you gather the power of the law.

The four of us are the most powerful transmuters between the world and the earth. With the power of your laws of that day, we will only be completely killed by us in the shortest time.

The extremely majestic strong man spoke at this moment, and the attribute aura exuding from his body has reached an unimaginable point.

Especially in the perception he exudes at this moment, Ye Feng has been completely locked in, and he wants to explore the law of Ye Feng's body.

However, it was discovered that the law aura in Ye Feng's body was extremely thin, not as huge as they thought.

This also strengthened their conviction. At this moment, Ye Feng's strength was not very strong, only for being easily killed by them.

If Ye Feng can be suppressed, he may be able to continuously extract the power of the law in his body to improve his own strength.

With this thought, the eyes of the four powerhouses also became extremely enthusiastic, and immediately released a powerful attack that was beyond imagination towards Ye Feng.

"With your strength, it's not enough to cause me harm."

Facing those terrible coercion, Ye Feng also said lightly, and the mocking expression in his eyes deeply stimulated those strong.

After the words sounded, everyone present involuntarily laughed ironically.

A strong man said: "It seems that you have a certain understanding of your own strength. If so, then we will teach you a lesson and let you know that there is a gap in the power of law.

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