Sky War God

Chapter 3518: Golden seal

Chapter 3518 Golden Seal

Chapter 3518 Golden Seal

In an instant, a strong breath was released from Ye Feng's body, and the coercive force exuded reached an extremely terrifying state.

In the palm of Ye Feng's hand, a large amount of magic formula power was released and gathered into a destruction palm print, directly descending towards King Yongning.

This palm print looks simple and unpretentious, but it covers an extremely wide area, and has enveloped the body of King Yongning in a very short period of time.

King Yongning's face was also quite ugly, feeling the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's palm, his heart was also extremely shaken.

At this moment, he directly released the breath in his body, fully exerting his own strength, and the terrifying cultivation base of the eighth metamorphosis released unimaginable power at this moment.

Even so, the strength he possessed is still not enough to contend with Ye Feng.

Even saying that in a very short period of time, Ye Feng may be completely punishable, and there is no room for survival.

That is to say, under this dangerous situation, a stronger dark aura suddenly burst into the body of King Yongning, as if to shroud the entire world in this darkness.

The black robe that surrounds him, I don't know when it will dance, and the power contained in it has reached a terrifying point.

As if it was a curtain covering the sky, the aura of the dark robe was also extremely powerful this time, and the surrounding space was completely occupied in a very short time.

The extremely deep and mysterious aura was released from the robe and directly blocked Ye Feng's terrible attack.

In a very short period of time, a tyrannical breath collided with Ye Feng's palm print.

Then everyone present heard the terrifying rumbling zodiac resounding, and the power of destruction continued to spread in all directions.

This dark robe is also one of the powerful magic weapons that Yongning King himself controls, and the dark power it possesses has reached an unimaginable level.

Especially the defensive power exerted at this moment, even surpassed Ye Feng's imagination, even if he fully utilized the power of his Wanhua magical powers, he could not break his defense.

At the moment of contact, Ye Feng seemed to feel that he was shooting on the copper wall and iron wall, and the powerful counter-shock force instantly dropped, as if he wanted to completely shred his body in the shortest time.

Ye Feng's reaction was also extremely rapid. He immediately mobilized the power in his body and quickly suppressed all the violent shocks in his body.

Even so, the pressure on him was extremely huge, and he couldn't resist such a powerful pressure.

The various supernatural powers in the body were running wildly, and it was extremely difficult to completely refine these dangerous auras, but Ye Feng also consumed a huge amount of energy at this moment.

King Yongning's face was also very gloomy, and his body exuded an unimaginable powerful aura, as if he was about to completely destroy this space, and his eyes became extremely angry.

In his opinion, Ye Feng is nothing but a lowly human being, and his own strength is also extremely weak, not enough to stand in front of him.

In the previous few battles, he had only allocated a little bit of energy to and Professor Ye Feng, and he did not take such results into his heart.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng's strength still reached an extremely terrifying point, and even now he was somewhat unable to resist.

If it weren't for using the Xeon's magic weapon, then he could also be completely killed by Ye Feng, and the power in his body would definitely dissipate.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for King Yongning to assume that nothing has happened, and the terrible aura in his body is also running wildly at this moment.

An extremely terrifying dark aura spread instantly at this moment, and a strong force was released and shrouded in the direction where Ye Feng was.

In just an instant, an extremely terrifying power of destruction had already arrived in the direction where Ye Feng was, and within a very short time, it wrapped Ye Feng's body, causing his body to tremble involuntarily.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng's face was also a little pale, and the attribute power in his body was running wildly.

However, the power released by King Yongning was too weird, as if it could completely dissolve all attribute power.

With Ye Feng's cultivation base and strength at the moment, it is simply not enough to cope with such a terrible attack, instead, the aura in his body begins to weaken.

But Ye Feng didn't give up, instead he turned the Wanhua supernatural powers in his body into operation again.

In a very short time, a strong breath was released from Ye Feng's body.

The extremely brilliant brilliance gleamed constantly around his body.

Exploiting the power of the Wanhua Domain completely, the aura that Ye Feng possessed also reached an extremely terrifying situation.

Especially the power of the law in his palm is changing frantically, forming an extremely terrifying attacking force.

In the next instant, Ye Feng suddenly clenched his fist and punched Yongning Wang.

The power of this fist of Ye Feng is also quite terrifying, and it has exploded with unimaginable power in a very short time.

The aura of destruction contained in it has reached a point that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The power contained in these two attacks is also beyond imagination, and they have collided together in a very short time.

The rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void, and the terrifying power of destruction spread in all directions, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

With Pluto, the real anger has already moved at this moment, and the information in the group has been fully mobilized in the first time, once again exerting an extremely terrible attack, and crushing it towards Ye Feng.

The powerful force he mobilized at this moment has unimaginable power, and Ye Feng's body will be completely destroyed in a very short time.

In his opinion, no matter how strong Ye Feng was, he still couldn't resist such an attack.

However, when the two forces really collided, the fists released by Ye Feng exploded with unimaginable power.

Just now, Ye Feng mobilized his own chaotic power and blended it into this fist.

At this time, the power contained in it also burst out in an instant, as if to completely destroy the surrounding space and re-evolve the chaotic world.

The energy contained in such a terrifying power has reached an extremely powerful point, even if it is the attack of King Yongning, there is no way to persist.

The entire space was completely wrapped by a strong coercive force, and people's minds were constantly shaking.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone present were frozen here, and no one had thought that Ye Feng could explode with such a powerful strength at this moment.

Such a powerful and terrifying aura of destruction, even being able to contend with King Yongning under the anger, is simply unbelievable.

The power contained in this fist was constantly releasing the powerful vision contained in the chaos and began to roll up.

King Yongning also mobilized the power in his body and suppressed it again toward Ye Feng, but at this moment he still couldn't exert his full power in front of Ye Feng's attack.

Such a strong shock made everyone present even a little suffocated, and their eyes flashed with extremely shocking light.

"How is this possible? How old is he and already possesses such terrifying strength?"

At this moment, the hearts of everyone present were full of shocking expressions. In their opinion, Ye Feng could not be the opponent of King Yongning, and how could he have such a powerful strength.

However, the strength displayed by Ye Feng is truly powerful, capable of completely destroying everything in the world in the shortest time.

It also caused everyone present to be completely suppressed by this power, and even made them afraid to continue breathing.

At this moment, Ye Feng didn't care about the performance of those people, his gaze directly turned towards King Yongning. King Yongning's eyes also showed a ray of astonishment, his body trembled slightly, and he took a step back subconsciously.

"Thief, you are so bold, you really dare to resist me!"

In the next instant, King Yongning became extremely angry, his eyes showed terrible expressions, and the gaze towards Ye Feng became extremely fierce.

No matter what, he is the prince proclaimed by the Central Empire, and his own strength has reached an extremely powerful state, but now he is so humiliated by Ye Feng that it simply makes him unable to contain his inner anger.

"When you wanted to kill me, you didn't have any scruples, but now you say such things.

I really don't know if you still have any shame. "

Ye Feng didn't seem to want to say anything to King Yongning, so he caught it in the air and a transparent long sword condensed directly.

The extremely powerful kendo attribute power was released at this moment, making the surrounding space flooded with extremely powerful pressure.

The transparent long sword released by Ye Feng also contained unimaginable power, allowing King Yongning to perceive the terrifying aura contained in it.

At this moment, his body was also trembling involuntarily, as if shocked by the sharp power contained in Ye Feng's sword.

This also made King Yongning even more angry, and even his eyes became extremely violent.

Without any hesitation, King Yongning once again mobilized the power in his body to fuse with the black robe on his body, and the extremely terrifying dark aura instantly spread.

As if to bring the entire space under his own control, the power of Eternal Darkness was completely released.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt a strong pressure, but his expression remained unchanged.


Mobilizing the power in his body, Ye Feng directly released the sword light, and at the same time, a cold voice came out of his mouth.

Everyone present at the next moment only heard a tearing sound, a sound like cracking silk.

I saw the long sword in Ye Feng's hand swinging an extremely bright sword light to release it, directly tearing the surrounding space completely.

The dark realm released by King Yongning didn't have any resistance in front of this terrifying sword light, and it was completely torn apart by the sword light in a very short time.

Even the strength possessed by King Yongning didn't have any resistance, and he was on the verge of breaking in a very short period of time.

King Yongning's reaction was also extremely quick, and the power in his body was fully mobilized in the first time.

Even squeezing out the power of the whole body, releasing the power of his own attributes to a terrifying point.

At this moment, the coercive power erupted by King Yongning has reached an unimaginable point, and the strength it possesses shocked everyone present.

However, even if such a powerful King Yongling meets here in front of Ye Feng, there is no resistance at all.

That dazzling sword light, as if to completely tear apart everything in the world, fell directly on the robe of King Yongning.

No abnormality happened again this time, the bright sword light, like the sun illuminating the world, directly tore through the endless darkness.

This robe shattered instantly under Ye Feng's attack, and the terrifying aura contained in it also withered completely at this moment.

In the next instant, everyone present saw that King Yongning's body was severed by Ye Feng's sword, and blood constantly seeped from the wound, filling King Yongning's face with a look of despair.

Looking at Ye Feng, the eyes of King Yongning also showed an expression of shock, and at the same time a vague voice was also highlighted.

"You, you dare to kill me.

I am the prince of the Central Empire. If you dare to kill me, the Central Empire will not let you go. Just wait for the people of the Empire to chase you down. "

After speaking these words, the life of the Yongning King was completely destroyed by Ye Feng and became a dead body.

It was very difficult for a strong man who had reached this level to kill, unless it was to kill all the power in his life.

To achieve this, one needs to wipe away the life force in the opponent's body step by step, and even completely take away the original force contained in it.

In the end, he was consuming a lot of time and energy to completely wipe out all the essence, blood and vitality in his body before he could be completely killed.

Even for a cultivator who is also the Eighth Transformation, it takes a lot of energy and time to completely kill an enemy of the same realm.

It even said that sometimes it is necessary for multiple people to cooperate and unite the power of the formation to completely kill a cultivator of the same realm.

As for wanting to kill a powerful person like Yongning King, the energy required is extremely huge.

It is precisely because of this that there are so many powerful people in the Eighth Transformation Realm, and their identities are extremely noble, and their qualifications are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng just swung a sword at will, and he had completely cut off the body of Yongning King and others, and it seemed that there was no longer any vitality.

Such a terrifying killing force really stunned everyone present, and even made them unable to believe that this was the attack released by Ye Feng.

This kind of strength is enough to describe it as a metamorphosis, so that everyone present is completely suppressed by the aura displayed by Ye Feng.

It was at this moment that a strong breath erupted from the body of King Yongning, and a golden seal was suspended above the void, exuding unimaginable terrifying power.

The black-robed old man not far away also witnessed all this with his own eyes, and his expression was even more shocked.

Although he had a certain understanding of Ye Feng's strength, he didn't expect that Ye Feng would be able to burst out such terrible strength now, and punish the strong man who transformed for the eighth time.

But before he was completely relieved, the terrifying aura erupting in the void shocked him extremely.

The power possessed by the golden seal floating in the void became more powerful, as if to completely suppress the entire space.

This seal contained an extremely majestic breath, as if it were the supreme emperor of the entire world.

Ye Feng was also the emperor of the Four Gods dynasty, and he also possessed a certain king aura.

However, in front of this seal, the power he possessed is simply not enough to describe.

In other words, he will definitely be completely suppressed by the coercive aura released by the opponent in the shortest possible time.

In this case, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely solemn.

"So courageous, dare to kill the prince of my Central Empire.

Even if I chase to the ends of the world, I will definitely punish you. "

When I heard this sound, there was endless terrifying power in the void, which was constantly erupting, and the aura that it radiated was also extremely powerful to a terrifying point.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold, as if he was completely shocked by this coercive aura.

Everyone present saw the figure of a strong man in the void, walking toward this side constantly, wearing extremely noble costumes.

It's just that there is a golden gleam on his face, and he can't see his appearance at all, but he feels that this person is an extremely noble existence.

However, based on this figure, everyone present was shocked and could not speak at all.

Everyone present knows that this figure comes from His Majesty the Emperor of the Central Empire.

The powerful cultivator who was transformed for the eighth time, the terrifying powerhouse who took over the eternal light.

There are even rumors that the strength of this strong man has reached an extremely terrifying point, and it is possible to break through to the realm of the ninth metamorphosis at any time and become a unique **** in this world.

Under such circumstances, the people present naturally did not dare to have any power, and the breath in their body was completely condensed in the first time.

Even saying that someone had kneel down and put their head on the ground, the heart was even more shocked.

"Seeing my arrival, you still dare not kneel down to greet you, you are really brave.

The savage barbarians are so ignorant of etiquette, they really deserve to die. "

Hearing such words, Ye Feng's face also showed disdain, and the aura in his body was constantly surging.

Now that Ye Feng has cultivated, the Wanhua supernatural power domain has begun to change. Ye Feng put his own chaotic vision in it, and two completely different spatial auras are constantly intertwining.

Under such circumstances, Ye Feng's strength is also growing in an unimaginable state, and a strong aura is also brewing inside Ye Feng's body.

However, in the face of Emperor Yaochen, those forces in Ye Feng's body were unable to exert their breath at all, and might completely collapse at any time.

"Just because you deserve to make me kneel?"

Ye Feng asked, the aura in his body became extremely powerful, as if terrible pressure could erupt at any time.

Such a sentence also shocked everyone present, and even dared not even raise their heads to speak.

Although this place is far from the South China Sea, the Central Empire still doesn't know how many miles the gap is, but facing Ye Feng's posture, everyone present was extremely shocked.

In this world, being able to cultivate to such a terrifying realm, space is no longer any distance to them.

If Emperor Yaochen wanted to kill Ye Feng, he only needed a single thought, and he could burst out extremely terrifying power, span an infinite space, and descend in front of Ye Feng.

Such a terrifying strength is enough to completely destroy everything in the world, even the most powerful force will be completely destroyed in the shortest time.

Even that extremely terrifying coercion has descended from the void, and it is possible for Emperor Yaochen to descend at any time.

However, Ye Feng did not have any fear, and was still brewing the power in his body.

At the moment his cultivation level changed, he had already sensed that his strength had reached an extremely terrifying point, and he could even resonate with some magic weapons in his true body.

As long as he catalyzes his own power to the extreme and explodes the most terrifying aura, he can truly borrow a huge boost from his body.

You must know that Ye Feng's true body has also cultivated to the pinnacle of the realm of gods, and it is possible to break into the realm of the ancient giant at any time.

That kind of cultivation is also extremely terrifying in this world, not weaker than this Emperor Yaochen.

If Ye Feng could really get enough help from his body, then even Emperor Yaochen would not be Ye Feng's opponent.

At this moment, a strong force of coercion came down instantly.

The extremely bright brilliance broke out from the void, directly descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was, wanting to completely envelop Ye Feng's body.

However, Ye Feng's expression did not change in any way, the pure white wings behind him spread out in an instant, his feet swiftly stepped, and he dodged in another direction.

The speed of glory has reached an unimaginable point, surpassing tens of millions of miles in a very short time, and descending to the position of Ye Feng's body.

But Ye Feng's speed was even faster, as if his body had been integrated into this space, leaving countless phantoms in the void.

That brilliance fell directly to the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed, completely obliterating those phantoms, but did not bring any injuries to Ye Feng.

Earlier, Ye Feng had already moved his body to a safe position, avoiding such a terrible attack.

Even so, Ye Feng still felt the terrible aftermath emanating from the void. Such a powerful destructive force was constantly brewing in the space, as if to completely melt everything in the world.

Seeing such an attack on Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold, and the various origins in his body had reached an extremely powerful point.

However, the power of the brilliance that came down at this moment had already reached another level, and the power it possessed was even more powerful than imagined.

Once this power is completely released, it is enough to destroy the entire space, even Ye Feng can't stop it.

The power of Chaos was running wildly at this moment, and it was also feeding back in Ye Feng's body, an extremely terrifying aura was constantly brewing.

"Yes, you are pretty good."

After seeing Ye Feng's performance at the moment, Emperor Yaochen in the void did not immediately launch an attack, but instead looked at Ye Feng with approval.

Even so, Ye Feng could clearly feel the coldness of the emperor's body, as if he was about to completely punish Ye Feng.

"Now it seems that you do have the strength to kill King Yongning, however, this is not enough to guarantee that you can survive.

I can give you a chance. In the next period of time, you will be pursued and killed by the outstanding soldiers of our empire.

If you can survive from their hands, then I will give you a chance.

Of course, if you were killed on the way, there would be no conditions for talking to me.

Boy, I am very optimistic about you, so I can do it for myself. "

Before the words fell, an extremely powerful aura of coercion broke out again, and the golden seal that was originally suspended in the void also landed directly toward the direction where Ye Feng was at this moment.

Ye Feng had instinctively sensed the power contained in this seal, it was very special, making him feel jealous in his heart, and he did not dare to let this seal come close.

The space power in the body was already circulated in the first time, and the power of the extremely huge domain spread, trying to get Ye Feng out of this space.

However, the aura contained in the seal had reached an extremely terrifying point, and even Ye Feng could not completely break free.

On the contrary, the power contained in it was running crazily at this moment, and it had already descended on Ye Feng in a very short time.

Before everyone present could react, they already noticed a terrifying aura in the void, frantically brewing.

That seal, the first unimaginable speed, descended on Ye Feng's body and was directly branded on the top of his head.

In an instant, Ye Feng's whole body burst out with extremely pure brilliance, and an extremely large aura was released from his body.

There is an extremely powerful attribute force between heaven and earth, swarming towards the direction where Ye Feng is, and directly attached to the seal.

The extremely terrifying aura was continuously released in the void, and the power possessed reached an extremely terrifying point.

All the eyes of everyone present were completely focused on Ye Feng's body, carefully observing a seal in the room.

At this moment, Ye Feng's face was also a bit ugly, he had already sensed the power of the golden seal.

The power that this seal possesses is also extremely powerful, frantically gathering the vitality of the surrounding world and seizing Ye Feng's control over them.

At the same time, it will transform these powers into extremely bright golden brilliance, as if to completely light up the entire space.

Under such circumstances, not only could Ye Feng not absorb the powerful attribute power, but because of the golden brilliance, he could not hide his figure.

No matter what method is used, Ye Feng's figure will appear in front of everyone, and there is no possibility of escape at all.

The existence of such a terrifying seal will not only delay Ye Feng's progress in cultivation, but also bring endless enemies and unimaginable troubles to Ye Feng.

Even according to what Emperor Yaochen said just now, those soldiers of the Central Empire will also set out to attack Ye Feng at this moment. The existence of such a seal is enough to represent Ye Feng's identity.

Once the opponent's number of enemies reached a certain level, no matter how strong Yefeng was, he couldn't escape from this continuous siege.

Even saying that as time goes by, the brilliance of the seal will become stronger and stronger, and it will even form a strong pressure on Ye Feng to completely seal his body.

After being aware of these powers, Ye Feng's face also became extremely ugly, and the breath in his body was completely circulated in the first time.

The power possessed by Wanhua's supernatural powers instantly attached to the golden seal, trying to seize control of each sheet, and even refine him completely. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

However, the golden light painting seemed to be able to repel all attribute forces, and did not allow Ye Feng's aura to approach at all. Even the magical powers that could decompose everything were completely useless at this moment.

Not only that, but the various abilities that Ye Feng possessed were unable to play a role in this move.

The extremely terrifying golden brilliance, although it did not cause any harm, brought Ye Feng, that is, a huge trouble.

Even if Ye Feng merged his body into the void, there would be radiant power spreading outward.

If Ye Feng dared to travel through space in this situation, he would be attacked in a very short time.

Even speaking, those practitioners who are good at space power in the Central Empire can quickly lock onto his body and launch even more terrifying attacks after detecting that Ye Feng has merged into the void.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng's complexion also became extremely ugly, constantly mobilizing various attribute powers in his body, wanting to completely solve this seal.

However, this seal was made by Emperor Yaochen himself, and the original power contained in it has reached an unimaginable powerful state.

With Ye Feng's cultivation base at this moment, he couldn't have any influence on this seal at all. Instead, he let his cultivation base blend into the seal and became the strength of this seal.

This also made Ye Feng's face even more ugly.

"Well, you deserve to be a very strong cultivator in this world. Such a method is indeed shocking."

Ye Feng said coldly, the aura in his body also reached a terrifying point.

"If that's the case, you should blame me."

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