Sky War God

Chapter 3487: Slay the strong ghost

Chapter 3487 Killing the Strong Yin Spirit

Chapter 3487 Kill The Strong Yin Spirit

The Yin Ling also felt the terrifying aura released by Ye Feng, so the powerful force in the body that was instantly mobilized was released directly towards Ye Feng.

A strong breath exploded around his body, and the yin spirit fire released was to burn the entire space.

The strength of this Yinling powerhouse was already terrifying to an unimaginable level, and now he has integrated the skeleton magical weapon into his body.

The strength of one body has been promoted to another powerful level.

The powerful destructive force converged toward his body, merged with his body, and a terrible evil aura condensed directly.

When this terrifying force was completely released, a ruining palm print was shot at Ye Feng's body for the first time, and the power contained in it was beyond imagination.

An extremely terrifying cold atmosphere diffused out, shrouded this space in it, and did not give Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

Ye Feng also felt the powerful power contained in the Yin Ling attack at the first time, which was countless times stronger than every previous attack.

It is worthy of being the top powerhouse among Yin Ling, his own strength has reached an extremely terrifying existence, even Ye Feng at this moment is a little trembling.

Therefore, Ye Feng certainly did not dare to relax, and immediately mobilized his breath, and the Hell Heart Sutra broke out completely.

The extremely terrifying power of **** was completely released, completely distorting the surrounding space, and coordinating with the powerful attack released by itself, directly releasing a strong force.

This power of **** quickly collided with the attack released by the opponent, the rumbling sound of terror and shock instantly resounded, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The two breaths constantly collide in this dark void, and the destructive power released is continuously spreading towards the outside world.

That huge Yin Ling was one of the strongest people in the Yin Ling clan, and his strength was naturally terrifying. Even if Ye Feng's strength was extremely powerful, he was still a little hard to resist at this moment.

However, the breath of the power of **** is still the terrible pressure released by the continuous eruption, and even the entire space is completely destroyed.

In particular, the powerful power contained in the power of **** is unreservedly released at this moment, seeming to destroy everything in the world.

Under the unreserved eruption of the power of hell, the strong Yin spirit was unable to parry at all, and was directly retreated by the power of **** released by Ye Feng.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body became extremely terrifying, and the people onlookers couldn't help but marvel.

The strong Yinling couldn't resist Ye Feng's terrifying power at all. His body had already suffered a heavy blow, and he had stepped back several steps.

This made Ye Feng's expression extremely indifferent, and said to him sarcastically.

"With this strength of yours, you still want to compete with me. It's simply overwhelming.

Originally, we could also be in peace, but you do not know whether you live or die, you must provoke me, and you can't blame others. "

While speaking, Ye Feng ran the technique again, and the terrifying destructive power gathered, and an extremely powerful **** force was directly released.

It was as if the **** of oneself was unfolding again, a powerful coercive force directly descended on the opponent's body.

The strong Yinling also reacted extremely quickly, and immediately mobilized the power in his body to block this terrible attack.

However, the coercive force that Ye Feng released was really too strong, and it was only an instant that would stun the breath in his body.

What's more, the power of **** also has inexplicable restraint on these ghosts, so that it is too late for him to mobilize the power in his body.

The terrifying **** power released is like an extremely powerful behemoth, directly towards the strong Yinling and slaughter it.

The Yinling powerhouse was shocked, but also mobilized the power in his body, wanting to quickly melt into the darkness, in order to resist the powerful attack released by Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng's strength at the moment has reached an extremely powerful realm, even this piece of dark void seems to have been unable to restrain him.

The powerful power possessed by the strong Yinling also received a huge blow at this moment and was directly hit by this attack from Ye Feng.

It was at this time that the Yinling powerhouse released the skeleton magic weapon again, and a terrible force of coercion erupted from the skeleton magic weapon.

In this short instant, the strong Yin Ling merged his body into the surrounding darkness and void, avoiding this fatal attack.

In the next instant, his body had already appeared in other directions.

At the same time, the powerful pressure released by Ye Feng also had a huge impact on the surrounding space.

There was a wave of **** power, and it bombarded the skeleton magic weapon without reservation.

This skeleton magic weapon also gathered the essence of this world, but in front of Ye Feng, it was unable to exert its full strength.

The terrible force of coercion directly descended on this magical weapon, and an extremely terrifying force of destruction erupted at this moment.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock burst through, and a powerful force of destruction erupted at this moment.

After that, a small sound was transmitted from the skeleton magical artifact.

Cracks began to spread all over this magical artifact, as if it could be completely destroyed in an instant.

Ye Feng was also extremely decisive, once again mobilizing the power in his body, and the endless power of **** was constantly emerging all over his body.

Immediately, Ye Feng took a palm print against the skeleton magic weapon. His palm print was naturally so powerful that it was unimaginable, and directly descended across the space.

The Yinling powerhouse also felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack, which made his face even more shocked.

He had already known that the strength that Ye Feng possessed was extremely terrifying, but at that time Ye Feng absolutely did not have such a powerful strength.

This sudden improvement was also an incomparable surprise to him, but in this short period of time, Ye Feng's strength has been so terribly improved, which is really shocking.

At this moment, the Yinling powerhouse strengthened his belief in slaying Ye Feng. Facing Ye Feng's terrible attack, he also released a powerful palm print toward Ye Feng in the first place.

At this moment, the palm prints released by the strong Yinling were naturally different from the original ones. It was a powerful attack that he mobilized all the power in his body and resonated with the surrounding void.

It was almost said that in this attack, the dark power of the entire void was aroused, trying to kill Ye Feng completely.

An attack that was almost desperate, naturally came later and came first, blocking the attack that Ye Feng released.

The attacks of the two collided again, and in the eyes of the strong Yin Ling, the attack it released was definitely much stronger than Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng was indeed affected a little, and his body was shaken back at this moment.

However, at the moment when these two attacks really touched each other, the power of **** released by Ye Feng burst out with a powerful force.

The power of this **** power is simply beyond imagination.

The inheritance power from the **** of **** is naturally not blown out, and the terrible **** power directly takes up all the surrounding void.

A terrifying force continued to emerge in the void, and the powerful power erupted was as if to completely suppress the surrounding space.

The incomparably gloomy power of **** struck, making the surrounding space completely occupied by darkness.

There is a kind of darkness, not the endless void, but the dark power produced by the gathering of countless death forces to the extreme.

The terrifying power of **** directly occupied the surrounding space completely, and even crazily destroyed everything, descending towards the skeleton magical weapon.

Facing such a terrible attack, the strong Yinling couldn't react anymore, and could only watch that piece of treasure, which was directly destroyed by Ye Feng.

After a violent explosion, the skeleton magical weapon was directly broken, and the powerful power contained in it spread wildly in all directions.

Countless fragments of skeletons quickly spread to the outside world and burned out a green flame.

Such a scene is like scattered stars in the sky, with countless powerful auras surging in the void.

Such a change is also unexpected to the strong Yinling and all the Yinling clan.

You know that skeleton magic weapon, but one of the original magic weapons passed down from generation to generation by their Yinling clan, the power contained in it is simply unimaginable.

Now it was so easily destroyed in Ye Feng's hands, this is simply the greatest shame of their clan.

This also made the complexions of those strong Yinlings extremely ugly, and Ye Feng's attribute power changed so terribly at this moment.

However, when these ghosts were shocked and angry, Ye Feng's body descended toward him again.

For the first time, the wings of the sky behind Ye Feng vibrated, and it had already come before the strong Yinling.

A powerful destruction palm print directly shot the extremely powerful **** power, and it was integrated into this terrifying attack in an instant.

Such a powerful **** power seemed to kill everything between the heavens and the earth. Before the Yinling powerhouse had reacted, it had fallen on him.

Such a sudden change was unexpected to the strong Yinling.

At this moment, Ye Feng's attack had come, making his face naturally extremely ugly, his body was blurred for the first time, and he did not dare to contend with the attack that Ye Feng released.

It's just that when the body of this Yinling powerhouse was imaginary, another powerful force burst out in Ye Feng's body, instantly generating an extremely huge suction.

The Shenlong war spirit suddenly appeared around Ye Feng, constantly devouring the surrounding forces, opening his blood basin and swallowing it towards the strong Yin spirit.

This powerful swallowing force directly affected the figure of the strong Yinling, and it caused the power in his body to be lost quickly.

Feeling his own change, the face of the strong Yinling was also blue and white, and looked extremely embarrassed.

Being caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the dragon war spirit, all of this made the complexion of the strong Yinling more difficult to look.

Without any hesitation, he directly mobilized all the strength in his body, and it also resonated strongly with those outside powerful Yinling.

It was just this brief moment that an extremely terrifying breath had erupted from his body, as if to destroy all the surrounding space.

Two terrible attacks collided instantly, and the rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded crazily, as if to destroy all the surrounding space.

At the moment when the two attacks collided, the strong Yin Ling immediately felt the terrifying power transmitted from the destruction palmprint, and the attack directly penetrated and descended on him.

Such a terrible attack, as if unable to resist at all, directly fell on the Yinling powerhouse.

The terrifying power of **** is like a grinding disc, quickly grinding the body of this strong man, wanting to completely destroy his body.

Faced with such a terrible attack, this powerful ghost could no longer resist, and was directly hit by this terrifying attack.

There was an extremely screaming scream in his mouth, and his body retreated to the rear at this moment.

In the eyes, an extremely cold and resentful look was revealed, locked on Ye Feng, revealing extremely strong murderous intent.

After seeing this scene, other people in the Yin Spiritual Field showed a look of horror on their faces, as if they didn't expect Ye Feng to possess such terrifying strength.

Among them, the strength of this Yinling powerhouse is also the most top, and his own strength is even more powerful to an unimaginable point.

However, at this moment, in front of Ye Feng, this Yinling powerhouse suffered successive losses, which really subverted everyone's perception of him.

"How is it possible? The strength of this outsider is so strong."

"Even adults are not his opponents, so are we really hopeless?"

"Even the treasure of our clan has been destroyed by him, how could such a person suddenly appear with us?"

When facing such a situation, those Yin Ling couldn't help discussing loudly, and the breath in the body was released crazily.

The entire space has been shrouded by the powerful aura released by Ye Feng, as if this space was about to be completely destroyed.

Faced with the doubts in the hearts of those strong Yinlings, Ye Feng did not give the correct answer, but said calmly.

"This is all you asked for."

After saying this, Ye Feng's body did not stay in place, but immediately stepped toward the direction where the Yinlings were.

The wings of the sky behind vibrated, and the power of space was instantly activated, causing Ye Feng's body to directly descend in front of the ghosts.

At this moment, the eyes of these yin spirits were also shining with cold light, feeling the arrival of Ye Feng's body, and immediately released a terrible attack on Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng had already prepared, the power of the space attribute was released in the first place, and the surrounding space was occupied.

The power of endless space burst out at this moment, making that piece of space into Ye Feng's own domain.

And no matter how terrible the attacks were, they couldn't penetrate this space barrier and cause any harm to Ye Feng.

Even the wings of the sky possessed by Ye Feng exerted extremely terrifying effects at this moment. Those terrifying pure white wings vibrated quickly, releasing extremely powerful power.

It seems that it is necessary to kill all the surrounding ghosts in this short time.

After feeling all this, a bit of fear was born in the heart of the strong Yinling.

Before Ye Feng released the power of hell, he had already suffered a huge loss, and now it is naturally impossible for Ye Feng to release it like this.

He sent it no matter what, Ye Feng's strength at the moment is not very strong, why can such a terrible attack erupt?

Is it really related to the attribute power he controls?

Although there are endless doubts in his heart, but at this moment there is no room for the Yinling powerhouse to consider what, Ye Feng's attack has arrived.

Even the strength of those strong Yinlings is not weak, but in front of Ye Feng's power at this moment, it is impossible to make any changes.

The endless pure white wings, as if to completely destroy the surrounding space, burst out with unimaginable terrible power.

Those terrible destruction attacks were shrouded in the bodies of the ghosts at an extremely fast speed, trying to completely wrap their bodies.

Forced to do so, this powerful Yinling directly activated a force in his body, calling those Yinlings crazy.

In an instant, a strong breath erupted from the body of the strong yin spirit, fusing the power of those yin spirits into his body at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the endless Yin Ling power madly gathered on this Yin Ling powerhouse, as if to completely kill Ye Feng in the shortest time.

It is precisely by virtue of this talent of his own race that he can integrate the lower powers on his own body, allowing those ghosts to escape such a catastrophe.

As long as it is a little later, the destruction attack released by Ye Feng will be enough to completely occupy their bodies, and then cause terrible pressure to completely destroy their bodies.

Feeling the powerful spatial power emanating from Ye Feng's body, the complexion of this yin spirit powerhouse was also extremely ugly. Almost at the same time, he burst out a more powerful yin spirit power in his body.

I saw him stretch out his hand, and there was a cloud of ghostly fire in his palm.

Moreover, this group of yin-spirit fire was expanding crazily, and in the blink of an eye, a long knife was cast.

This long knife is straight and slender, and there is a terrible ghost fire burning around, releasing an extremely powerful attribute power.

Just between lightly swinging, it has already cut the surrounding dark power, as if to destroy all of this.

In a very short period of time, this Yin Ling waved a long knife towards him, and the attribute power in his body also burst out at this moment, blending into the long knife in his hand.

At this moment, the terrifying long knife drew an extremely bright brilliance in the void, and that blade of light shone through the world, directly descending towards Ye Feng's body.

It has to be said that the sword released by the Yin Ling powerhouse is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and it is very likely that it will be completely cut off by this sword if it is replaced by another person.

However, in the face of Ye Feng, this kind of power is already a little too powerful.

Ye Feng's expression was extremely indifferent, feeling the opponent's knife, his body quickly flickered in another direction, and the power of the space attribute completely wrapped his body.

Under the guidance of the wings of the sky, the endless space power surrounds Ye Feng's body, as if to completely isolate Ye Feng from this space.

The terrifying blade light brushed Ye Feng's body, but there was no way to bring him any harm.

Almost at the same time, the sword spirit controlled by Ye Feng also burst out a powerful aura at this moment, and the power of good fortune controlled in the body was swarming out.

A dazzling long sword gathered in Ye Feng's palm, bursting out incomparably amazing brilliance.

Randomly saw Ye Feng release a bright sword light directly at the body of the strong Yinling.

The destructive power contained in this sword light is as powerful as an extremely terrifying realm, and it is also integrated with Ye Feng's sword spirit.

The kendo attack power carried was simply beyond imagination, making the look of the powerful Yin Spirit stunned.

Ye Feng's sword light was too fast, and it had fallen on the body of the strong Yin Ling almost in an instant.

In the first instant, this Yinling powerhouse felt the powerful power contained in this sword, and hurriedly mobilized all the aura in his body, slashing towards Ye Feng.

The extremely brilliant light of the sword collided with Ye Feng's sword aura, and immediately made a very loud metal collision sound.

The power of terror spread instantly.

This time the collision made the Yinling powerhouse feel that his arms were numb, and the powerful force he controlled could not resist such a terrible attack.

An extremely powerful sword attribute power followed his arm and quickly invaded into its body.

The kendo attribute power contained in Ye Feng's sword was so powerful that it could not be imagined, causing the body of the powerful Yin Spirit to recede continuously.

Seeing that his own sword spirit possesses such a powerful power, Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction.

This was the first time after Ye Feng condensed the sword's divine mind, the power in his body was released for the first time, and the power exerted did indeed meet Ye Feng's requirements.

Moreover, at this moment, Ye Feng also felt his own sword will, which was constantly oscillating, as if he was about to release a terrible attack again and release his pressure.

With this feeling, Ye Feng naturally did not hesitate, and once again slashed towards the strong Yinling.

The sword light came one after another. Although it was unpleasant, it contained extremely terrifying power, as if it wanted to fully exert its own kendo attribute power.

However, the complexion of the strong Yin Lingling became extremely ugly, and he wished to clean up Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.

However, the will of the sword erupted by Ye Feng is really strong to an unimaginable realm, and every release will have a huge change.

That sword light came one after another, every time it seemed to be reborn, and its power was beyond imagination.

In the beginning, the Yinling powerhouse still had a little resistance. As time went on, the sword light released by Ye Feng became more terrifying.

In the end, the Yinling powerhouse could not compete with Ye Feng at all, which gave Ye Feng a stronger understanding of his own kendo power.

Even if he really encounters those particularly powerful experts, the kendo power that Ye Feng controls at the moment has the power of a battle.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart was even more delighted, and immediately mobilized the power in his body, and the terrifying sword light shone forward again.

The space is like being completely cut by this sword light, and the power released is simply beyond imagination, directly forcing the powerful ghost to retreat.

This made the face of this strong man even more ugly. He didn't expect Ye Feng's strength to improve so fast, he could not help but release a taboo trick.

"You forced me to do this. Since you don't want me to live, then everyone will do their best."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Feng felt a strong danger in his heart, and the aura in his body was constantly bulging.

Before he could make any response, a terrible aura burst out of the strong Yin Ling, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Without hesitation, the power of the Yin Ling in the surrounding space has been fully mobilized by him at this moment, and the pressure released by him has become extremely terrifying.

Ye Feng only saw a strong breath, erupting from the body of the strong Yin Ling, as if to crush Ye Feng's body completely.

In just an instant, Ye Feng's body was completely wrapped, launching an extremely terrifying attack.

At this moment, an extremely gloomy and terrifying force burst out from the body of the strong Yinling.

Surrounded by Ye Feng, I wanted to descend in an instant, trying to kill Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, countless rays of light flickered in Ye Feng's pupils. Facing the attack released by the strong Yin spirit, he did not have any fear, and immediately took a step forward.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the power of the swordsmanship spirit burst out, directly cutting out a terrifying sword light.

The power of this sword light surpassed everyone's imagination, accompanied by a shocking sound.

Then a bright brilliance lit up in the void. Under Ye Feng's sword, the powerful attack released by the Yinling powerhouse was directly divided into two by Ye Feng's sword light.

The power in it is simply unimaginable.

Even so, the power that Ye Feng possessed was extremely powerful, and that sword light did not stay at all, and continued to descend towards the powerful Yinling.

What is even more frightening is that the power possessed by Jianguang doesn't seem to be weakened, it penetrates the space directly and appears in front of the strong Yinling.

This made the face of the strong man extremely gloomy, and at the moment the sword light descended, its body instinctively dodged towards the rear.

However, the speed of Ye Feng's sword was too fast, and it had already landed on him without waiting for any reaction from his body.

That extremely powerful body, without any resistance at all in front of Ye Feng's sword, was directly cut off.

Countless gloomy blood oozes from his wound, which makes the yin spirit powerhouse scream incomparably screams, and his face becomes even paler.

The strength he originally possessed was enough for the Yinling powerhouse to mobilize the power in his body at this moment to quickly recover the injuries he suffered.

However, Ye Feng's sword is really too strong, and the terrible sword light remains on his wounds, not allowing the two halves of his body to heal at all, but increasing the obstacle to his body.

Countless kendo attribute powers frantically consumed the body of the Yinling powerhouse, trying to completely kill his body.

However, all this was just the beginning, and a powerful force burst out again around Ye Feng's body.

While the Wanhua supernatural powers were running, a group of gloomy flames continued to burn in the void, directly surrounding the body of this powerful Yin spirit.

This kind of ghost flame, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is also what Ye Feng learned from the body of the Yinling Clan.

And under the control of Wanhua magical powers, the power that can be exerted has become more powerful.

The yin-spirit fire is burning in the void, as if to burn everything in this space.

Although the strength of the Yin Ling powerhouse is strong, in front of the fire attribute power controlled by Ye Feng, there is no resistance at all, and he can only watch his body being continuously burned.

In addition to resisting these yin spirit fires, the strong man can only let go of his throat and howl loudly.

Of course, even if it is crazy resistance, it has no effect. Ye Feng watched the body of the strong Yin spirit, melting a little bit in his eyes.

There seemed to be a terrifying aura of destruction brewing in the void, but when the terrible aura of Ye Feng's body was felt, this terrifying destructive power could not be fully released.

In an instant, the power in Ye Feng's body broke out again, and a terrifying coercive force directly fell on the body of the strong man.

At this moment, there was no resistance anymore, the body of the strong Yinling shattered in the blink of an eye, and the powerful aura contained in it was completely controlled by a terrible pressure.

In the end, those terrifying powers did not completely dissipate, but instead condensed a gloomy flame, suspended in front of Ye Feng's body.

The brilliance of Wanhua magical power flickered in the palm of Ye Feng's hand, and he caught it directly at the gloomy flame.

In the next moment, Ye Feng directly refines the flame to nourish his own power of spirit.

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