Sky War God

Chapter 3485: Yin spirit army

69, the fastest update Lingtian Ares!

Chapter 3485 Yin Spirit Army

The Hell Heart Sutra continued to circulate in Ye Feng's body, converging this group of **** power in his body again.

It was in this short period of time that a powerful force broke out in Ye Feng's body again, the endless power of hell, as if appearing out of thin air, directly surrounding Ye Feng's body.

Even in the endless darkness around, facing the power of **** around Ye Feng's body, there was no response, as if it were completely suppressed.

In this short period of time, the power of **** in Ye Feng's body continued to grow indefinitely, and it seemed to be connected to a special space.

However, the power of the law between heaven and earth shook crazily at this moment, constantly exerting pressure on Ye Feng.

Let the power of **** in his body be suppressed once again, unable to release it at all.

Even so, Ye Feng obtained a large amount of energy from the power of hell, and injected the spiritual power contained in it into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The resentful spirits swallowed by the Heart Sutra of Hell are also the product of the condensation of mental power.

Even if Ye Feng doesn't swallow the power that belongs to them, but just runs the Hell Heart Sutra, he can get a part of the spiritual power from their bodies.

With the help of these mental powers, Ye Feng's divine power finally showed signs of rapid recovery, and the speed of Wanhua supernatural powers became more rapid.

Later, a lot of life force poured into Ye Feng's body, constantly nourishing his mental power, and wanted to quickly restore Ye Feng's divine power.

Just when Ye Feng was about to continue practicing, a strange wave suddenly spread in the void.

The cold brilliance gathered in an instant, as if a light gate was formed, and a large number of Yin spirits came out of it again.

The auras of these Yin spirits that appeared this time were much stronger than those of the previous batch, and their own power reached an extremely terrifying level.

With careful perception, Ye Feng can conclude that the Yin Ling power in their bodies has reached an extremely powerful state, and it is possible to break through the seventh transformation state at any time.

Facing these powerful men, Ye Feng's expression was also a bit solemn. In their bodies, Ye Feng also sensed an extremely dangerous aura.

It seemed that the power they could burst out was enough to suppress him.

Under such circumstances, Ye Feng's expression is also extremely serious, and the power in his body is constantly brewing.

Originally, his strength had already been greatly affected, and he could not mobilize all the power in his body at all.

Even if he can release the power of hell, facing so many enemies, it is still a little unable to cope.

However, at this moment, the pressure released in the void has become more powerful.

There is also an absolutely terrifying aura, directly locked to Ye Feng's body, as if to crush his body completely.

Among them, the most powerful Yin Spirit, the aura released by it has reached an extremely terrifying realm, directly covering Ye Feng's body.

His figure is extremely tall, almost as huge as two Ye Fengs, and the breath released in his body spreads directly into the void, just like a faint flame giant.

Ye Feng's gaze was solemn, and when he observed this guy carefully, he discovered that the power radiating from his body seemed to contain endless power of death.

The faint flames are constantly turbulent in the void, causing the space to be distorted to a certain extent.

At the moment these ghosts appeared, countless gloomy lights spread out, instead illuminating this deep darkness.

At the same time, the terrible breath of death has also spread, shrouded in Ye Feng's body, making the power of **** in his body start to move around.

"What a weird breath."

Ye Feng was surprised and couldn't help but speak.

Those Yinling eyes couldn't help but hope to kill him, and realized that Ye Feng's state at the moment was also a bit strange.

Then I heard one of the Yin Ling speak: "Unexpectedly, a cultivator with five transformations could have such a powerful body, and the power in your body is also quite special.

I really don't know how you survived in this piece or field, but now it can only be our food. "

This dark field has extremely powerful suppressing power on the creatures coming from the outside world, and can even swallow the vitality in their bodies, forming terrible pressure.

In the face of such terrible darkness, Ye Feng was able to survive, and even killed a large number of ghosts, which surprised these people.

These powerful Yin spirits were also quite shocked after observing Ye Feng's situation. In any case, they could not understand that Ye Feng's weak cultivation base could survive in this space.

"With such a low level of cultivation, it is already quite difficult to get here. I didn't expect you to be able to kill our people.

It seems that there must be a greater secret behind you, offending our sacred realm, and you must pay for it. "

At this moment, there was a ghost in it, and his body released an extremely terrifying aura.

The body flickered directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was located, and the extremely terrifying power flashed on his body.

As a powerful cultivator about to embark on the seventh metamorphosis, the aura released by this yin spirit is extremely terrifying, and the flame power spreading in the void is to completely burn everything in the world.

The monstrous demon fire continued to burn in the void, and the cold breath was to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

Even the void is constantly twisting in front of this terrifying force, and it may completely collapse at any time.

The eyes of those shadows have gathered here, and there is a look of doubt on their faces. They want to know what kind of power Ye Feng is able to survive in this endless darkness.

It was also at this moment that Ye Feng's gaze was stagnant, his power at the moment could not be fully released, and the aura in his body had not reached its limit.

Under such circumstances, how much can one's own strength be shown when challenged by an extremely powerful ghost?

But Ye Feng also understood that this place should be the core area where these shadows exist, and it is naturally extremely sacred to them.

Or in other words, these Yin spirits have completely gathered in this place, and the strength that they can exert is naturally extremely powerful.

What's more, these yin spirits seem to be extremely xenophobic, and they have a very strong aversion to outside life like Ye Feng, and they will naturally clean up Ye Feng in the shortest time.

"Now, you have one last chance to surrender to us immediately. We will give you a way to survive and let you become one of us."

The yin spirit exuded an extremely terrifying aura and appeared directly in front of Ye Feng. The deep eyes that were beating with flames stared at Ye Feng firmly.

"If you dare to disobey our will, then you will only be completely killed by us, and you will no longer be eligible to live.

At this moment, this huge Yin Ling looked at Ye Feng with an extremely cold gaze, as if he wanted to burn Ye Feng's body completely.

In that haughty gaze, Ye Feng directly regarded Ye Feng as a worthless existence, and he was the ruler of this world.

Ye Feng's expression was indifferent, and he didn't put the threat of the opponent in his eyes, but calmly said: "I just strayed into this place. If there is a way to leave, I will naturally not stay here for too long.

As for you, as long as you don't come to provoke me, then we can get along well and there is no need to trouble me all the time. "

When Ye Feng spoke, his gaze also glanced at this Yin Ling's body, and he also had a certain understanding of the power it possessed.

He entered this world only to avoid the strangulation of the sea swallowing whale.

Once he can escape, then he will not stay here.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the strong Yinling also made a huge laugh at this moment. Such a voice was simply ironic.

"You are a humble creature, are you worthy to make terms with me? Who do you think you are?"

At that moment, an extremely terrifying aura was released from this Yinling powerhouse and directly enveloped Ye Feng's body.

The terrible force of coercion broke out directly, and the powerful force contained seemed to be to completely destroy everything in the world.

"This guy is also really rampant. He was completely unmoved in the face of our threats. It seems that today is really going to fall here."

Some strong people in the Yin Ling group said so, in their opinion, Ye Feng did have certain strength, but he couldn't change anything at all.

No one ever thought that Ye Feng could still gain the upper hand in such a dangerous situation, or even defeat his own people.

Perceiving that Ye Feng was still so presumptuous towards them, the face of that strong man was also quite ugly, and it was completely gloomy in an instant.

"Since you are so innocent, don't blame me for being cruel."

After saying this, everyone present saw an extremely terrifying aura, erupting from that ghost, and strange flames surrounded his body.

Then a terrifying force gathered and shot a destruction palm print directly towards Ye Feng. The powerful destructive power contained in this palm print completely wrapped Ye Feng's body in a short time.

The power contained is so powerful that it cannot be described in words, and Ye Feng's body must be completely destroyed in an instant.

The eyes flashed in the crowd, and the power contained in the opponent's attack was indeed strong enough, and they could conclude that Ye Feng could not withstand such a terrible attack.

It even said that someone could already foresee the scene where Ye Feng was directly killed by this ruined palm print.

"It is an honor for you to die in the hands of this seat."

The strong Yin spirit said coldly, the pride in his tone made his power stronger.

While speaking, he drove the destruction palmprint he released, exuding a stronger power, and directly descended on Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, Ye Feng's pupils also flickered with a cold light, and he did not expect that the other party would actually shoot so quickly.

In this case, he would not be any kind.

There was no aura released from the body, Ye Feng seemed to raise his arm casually, and punched the palm print released by the opponent.

This punch seemed simple and unpretentious, but the power contained in it was already powerful to a terrifying state.

At that instant, these two forces had already collided together, and the terrifying power of **** burst out in the next instant.

Ye Feng's power of **** has extremely powerful restraint for these Yin spirits, even if the Infinite Hell is not shaped, Ye Feng can still exert an extremely terrifying power.

The terrible sound of destruction and shock resounded through the world in an instant, and the extremely powerful destructive force spread in all directions.

Seeing that Ye Feng dared to resist, these ghosts showed a somewhat contemptuous expression on their faces.

In their opinion, Ye Feng dared to confront them, and he was simply seeking his own way.

The endless power of destruction continues to spread in the void, covering all this space.

The face of the powerful Yinling still carried a sneer in his perception, and his own attack could naturally kill Ye Feng easily.

It's just that the moment the two attacks collided, the complexion of the strong yin spirit completely solidified.

Only felt an astonishing destructive force invaded, shrouded his body in a short time.

This force caused the palm print it released to collapse in a very short time, and the power of **** contained in it fell directly on his body.

What an increase in the power of **** that Ye Feng released, for these ghosts, it also has an extremely powerful force of restraint, making his body tremble crazily in an instant.

The footsteps retreated one after another, and the terrible shock force caused the breath in his body to float, and a faint blue blood spilled out.

However, the blood was swallowed by the strong man again, and the deep flames on his body were also dimmed at this moment.

After seeing such a scene by those strong Yin spirits, the flames in his eyes kept beating, revealing a somewhat unbelievable luster.

No one thought that the final result would be like this.

The power released by the attack just now was too terrifying. You must know that the one who was repelled by Ye Feng was a real peak powerhouse with six transformations.

Whether it is in terms of cultivation base or the combat power controlled by him, Ye Feng should not be able to compare. The gap between the two people seems to be that he must be strong.

But under these circumstances, the body of the strong Yinling was still shaken back under Ye Feng's attack, and he was extremely embarrassed.

This is unimaginable by everyone present, and there is a strong and unbelievable look on their faces.

That is the same feeling for the powerful Yinling who suffered heavy damage.

His brows were furrowed tightly, and his huge flame eyes showed an extreme coldness.

The extremely cold voice of Senhan sounded at this moment and said to Ye Feng: "How did you do it, I can't imagine what kind of power you used to suppress me."

In the eyes of this Yinling powerhouse, Ye Feng's low strength is simply impossible to compete with him.

But at that moment, the power released in Ye Feng's body exerted an extremely huge suppression on his body, and it directly descended on his body.

No matter what terrifying power he released, he could not resist the suppression of him by that force.

This made him feel extremely surprised. In his opinion, Ye Feng should have been easily killed by him.

Today's changes may make him think that Ye Feng must be able to exert such an effect with the help of some special force.

Ye Feng showed a disdainful smile, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a strong sense of sarcasm.

"Obviously you are inferior to humans, so looking for other reasons is really shameless enough."

After saying this, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold again, and he didn't want to care about anything with these yin spirits anymore.

As long as they don't provoke him, Ye Feng is not willing to conflict with them again.

However, upon hearing this sentence, those strong Yin spirits felt extremely angry at all of Ye Feng's actions, and some people made the flame in their eyes become extremely hot.

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave, the powerful Yinling didn't plan to let it go.

An extremely terrifying aura exploded directly from his body.

What kind of person is this Yinling powerhouse, how could it be possible to suffer from people like Ye Feng.

If this is tolerated, how will his companions treat him in the future?

"Want to go, do you think you can still go?"

Just as Ye Feng's footsteps had just stepped out, the Yinling powerhouse vomited such a voice.

As he spoke, an extremely terrifying aura was released, and the figure of the strong Yin spirit flashed towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

The extremely powerful Yin Ling breath surrounded his body, causing him to directly become a faint blue light.

In a short period of time, this powerful Yinling had already arrived in front of Ye Feng, and a terrible Yinling power was condensed in his palm.

In an instant, the extremely gloomy attribute power burst out, and a terrifying destruction palm print directly descended towards Ye Feng.

In such a terrifying palm print of destruction, there was a strong yin spirit fire, and when it was released, the entire space was distorted.

The coercive force formed by the fusion of the Yinling Fire and the destructive power was many times more terrifying than just now, and it had already come to Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.

This terrible force seems to be to completely suppress Ye Feng to death, without any reservation at all.

However, the moment Ye Feng shot the opponent, a dark radiance flashed in his pupils, and that dark power contained a terrifying power that made everyone's mind tremble.

Then everyone saw that Ye Feng clenched his fist again and blasted a punch at the strong man.

The punch at this moment was covered with a dark fist light, and the power contained in it seemed to be stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

And Ye Feng was still in this fist, instilling a terrifying **** power to make the power in it even stronger.

The fist that contains the power of **** has become extremely terrifying, and it is more powerful than before, and it has collided with the destructive palmprint of this ghost in the shortest time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded through the world, and the extremely powerful force of destruction spread in all directions.

This time, the Yinling powerhouse had already mobilized the most powerful force in his body, and the terrifying power of destruction and the Yinling fire were combined, which made the power of this palm print crazy.

Even so, at the moment when the two attacked and collided, the Yin Ling powerhouse still felt a strong force of coercion, descending towards his body.

The power of **** still released a terrifying aura, directly destroying the destructive power contained in his palmprint.

Moreover, in this fist of Ye Feng, there is also a particularly terrifying spatial power, allowing the power in it to directly descend on the body of this powerful Yin spirit.

There was no chance to resist, and in an instant, an astonishing scream sounded in the mouth of this powerful Yinling.

This time he didn't have any chance to stick to it anymore, and his body was directly shaken out under this terrifying fist.

In this endless void, his body did not know how far he flew out. When he landed, most of the flame in his body had been extinguished, and his face became extremely pale.

Such a terrible scene fell into the eyes of everyone present, and an unbelievable look appeared on their faces, and their expressions were completely frozen there.

No matter what, they couldn't count that Ye Feng, a cultivator who had undergone five transformations, had such terrible strength and could directly shake such a strong back.

Such a special power is really hard to imagine.

"I once said that I didn't want to embarrass you, but you were so obsessed that you took the initiative to attack me.

You are all looking for it if you end up like this now. "

Ye Feng's voice was extremely cold, his eyes swept over those strong, and he said ironically.

When these words sounded, the expressions of all the strong immediately revealed a strong anger, and they could not wait to tear Ye Feng to pieces.

Especially the Yin Ling that was defeated by Ye Feng, gritted his teeth, trying to completely shred Ye Feng's body.

However, based on his own strength, it is impossible to defeat Ye Feng, and Ye Feng's attack can directly suppress it.

The terrible injury on his body made him unable to do it even with a single move, and he could only watch Ye Feng walk towards another direction.

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the expressions of other strong men were quite ugly.

"What kind of power did this guy use to show such terrifying strength in our home court?"

Those Yinling powerhouses stared at Ye Feng, with a somewhat puzzled look on their faces, and they kept guessing in their hearts to know how Ye Feng had such terrible strength.

"This person can have such a powerful combat power in such a realm, and he must have an extremely powerful treasure.

I will take him down right now, and then search for this treasure. "

"Yes, he is the biggest income for us Yinling Clan, it is absolutely impossible to let him leave."

Just in the void at this moment, two strong men's eyes flickered not far away, and they said so.

In the next moment an extremely terrifying aura burst out from the bodies of the two of them, and extremely powerful coercive force directly fell on Ye Feng's body.

Next, the figures of the two of them flickered frantically towards Ye Feng, one after another, the terrifying Yin Spirit fireballs completely sealed off the space around Ye Feng.

The strength of these two people is also quite powerful, even much stronger than the power that the Yin Ling possessed before.

The flames of the yin spirit burned crazily, illuminating the surrounding space.

The combat power displayed by the two people's cooperation is even more powerful, and it is not something like Ye Feng can resist.

At the moment when the two of them made their move, the Yin Ling who had just been defeated by Ye Feng also showed an incomparable smile on his face, and the power in his body was constantly mobilizing, expecting Ye Feng to be The two suppressed.

Although Ye Feng's perception was affected, it was impossible for him to easily ignore such terrible pressure.

The terrifying breath coming from behind directly completely surrounded his body, and soon fell around his body.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Only an extremely indifferent voice sounded, and one of the strong men spoke.

At this moment, in the body of another strong man, a powerful force seemed to burst out, directly stirring the surrounding void.

The power of such a terrifying space is quite powerful, and the surrounding void is completely shattered in a short time, even Ye Feng can't use space power in it.

Ye Feng naturally felt such terrible spatial fluctuations at the first time, even saying that he could not release his own sky wings.

The terrible spatial pressure fell on him, and even his figure was restrained, and it seemed that he could not escape.

Even at this moment, Ye Feng's expression was quite indifferent, as if he hadn't noticed such terrible pressure at all.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng's body suddenly turned around, and an astonishing breath erupted from his body.

As if Sun Luo Hell descended on the world, that terrifying coercive force filled Ye Feng's body, and a powerful destructive force gathered in his palm.

Mobilizing the power in the body, the terrifying power of **** merged with this one in an instant, and the power released became extremely terrifying.

This one was more powerful than the previous attack, and it collided with the attack released by the opponent in a very short time.

The rumbling sound of destruction and shock rang through the world, and the extremely powerful destructive force spread rapidly.

Such terrible power made everyone present tremble, and their eyes all fell on Ye Feng and the ghost who shot.

At this moment they also want to know what the result of this collision was.

However, those Yinlings did not expect that Ye Feng's reaction was so fast that he would have made a counterattack in such a short time.

The moment the two attacks collided, he felt the terrifying **** power contained in Ye Feng's palm print.

His own breath began to fluctuate rapidly, and the extremely terrifying power of destruction came directly on him.

This caused the body of the Yin Ling powerhouse to bear an astonishing pressure, and it began to shatter continuously in the void.

At this moment, the bones inside his body began to break continuously, and the breath in his body was turbulent crazily.

The aura released by the body of the strong man before was also quite powerful, and the power contained in it was even more shocking, but at this moment, it was completely defeated by Ye Feng.

The one who shot now, the result is the same, that terrible destructive power impacted his body, causing him to make an extremely tragic cry.

The footsteps keep retreating, and the body will collapse at any time.

That destructive palm print was continuously released on his body, and the terrible pressure of destruction caused the flames on him to continue to extinguish.

In the end, under the influence of this terrifying palmprint, the arm and even the shoulder of the strong man were completely destroyed, making the deep flames extremely dim.

Such a terrible pain made the strong man's eyes reveal incomparable shock.

The expressions of the onlookers solidified in an instant, and no one thought that Ye Feng could release such a terrifying attack in this situation.

It even said that with one of his own palm prints, he was able to directly suppress a powerful cultivator who had been transformed for nearly seven times, and there was no room for resistance.

Such terrible power made their hearts even more creepy.

"Asshole, you dare to hurt me."

This powerful yin spirit yelled frantically at Ye Feng, even if his face was pale, he was still so proud.

In an instant, the violent power on his body became stronger, trying to launch a more terrifying attack on Ye Feng at this moment.

Another Yinling powerhouse was also shocked, and immediately reacted, and at the same time stepped forward, the powerful force emanating from his body descended towards Ye Feng.

Two extremely terrifying attacking forces had already rushed into Ye Feng's body in this short period of time, as if they were about to completely destroy his body.

However, Ye Feng's eyes continued to flicker, and the powerful force erupting from his body was enough to completely suppress everything in the world.

Then a brilliant sword light burst out from time and space and directly released towards the two powerful Yin spirits.

This sword light contains extremely powerful edge power and extremely terrifying life force, which seems to be the source of all power in this world.

Before the two Yin Ling could react, a brilliant sword light had already descended on them.

In an instant, the breath in this world has undergone strange changes.

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