Sky War God

Chapter 3352: Saints suitors

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Chapter 3352 Saints' Suitors

Seeing Tianlan Saintess walking away, Ye Feng was also a little bit surprised.

He could sense that the Saintess of Tianlan didn't mean anything to him.

This made Ye Feng hesitate even more.

Later, Ye Feng's gaze fell on Gu Yuan Xiao and the Heavenly Demon Prince again.

The two of them suffered a powerful blow from Ye Feng, and they were already seriously injured at this moment. What is even more terrifying is that their bodies are still being eroded by the power of hell, and they will fall completely at any time.

And Ye Feng can also feel that the power of aura on his body is slowly rotating, to take the power of aura from these two people.

After a moment of silence, Ye Feng's gaze finally fell on the mark of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

The thought turned slightly, Ye Feng had already taken out the Ten Thousand Soul Banner and shook it gently.

The next moment, Lord Tianbao's wronged soul walked down from the Wanhun banner and stood respectfully next to Ye Feng.

"Simulate that mark, and then kill both of them."

Ye Feng gave the order coldly.

Without any hesitation, Young Master Tianbao lifted his palm directly, releasing strange powers from his hands.

The dark will power of the Demon Dao gathered, but for a moment, Young Master Tianbao had already simulated the imprint of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

Feeling the power contained in the mark, Ye Feng also had some doubts.

It's like someone is observing him through this mark, but this feeling only exists for a moment before it disappears.

After checking it carefully for a while again, no abnormalities were found, and even Ye Feng felt that he had just a hallucination.

However, the two Heavenly Demon Princes did not leave Ye Feng too long. Based on their strength, they couldn't resist the power of **** for too long.

"Kill them!"

Holding the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, Ye Feng indifferently told Young Master Tianbao.

Young Master Tianbao nodded in response, and then released an extremely powerful attack towards the two men.

For example, the strength of Young Master Bao today is not much weaker than when he was alive, but with the help of the power of illusion and hell, he is getting stronger.

At this moment, the attack released by Young Master Tianbao was beyond Ye Feng's imagination, almost completely destroying the entire space.

Such a powerful attack, let alone two people who were seriously injured, even when the two of them were in their heyday, they might not be able to withstand it, let alone now.

The terrifying force of destruction was released, and the bodies of the two of them were completely destroyed immediately, leaving no residue.

Afterwards, the Wanhun banner shook lightly, and an evil spirit immediately stood up from the dark will of the magic way.

The huge body, golden hair, and extremely brutal power made Ye Feng quite satisfied.

It is the soul of Gu Yuan Xiao.

"No, why is he the only one?"

Ye Feng frowned, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then his incomparable power of divine consciousness was also released, cooperating with the will of Demon Dao, searching around.

Soon, Ye Feng had already noticed that there was something abnormal in the surrounding space.

There is a part, which contains the power of the will of the magic way, which is a little bit unreasonable.

"Got you!"

Ye Feng didn't even think about it, shaking his fist and smashing into the space.

This punch didn't seem to have any power, not even a bit of punch, but it made the Heavenly Demon Prince secretly startled in the space.

Before the Heavenly Demon Prince had any reaction, the terrifying wave of destruction had already erupted.

The sound of the terrifying shock that made the mind tremble constantly made the will power of the magic way around it constantly surge.

It seems that the heavy space will be blown up by Ye Feng, surging crazily.

The Heavenly Demon Prince couldn't support it at all, he was shaken out all of a sudden, his face extremely pale.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Prince was like a dark demon shadow, his figure erratic.

Of course, the terrifying shock power is still at work, constantly destroying his body, as if to completely destroy his body.

In just an instant, the body of the Heavenly Demon Prince became virtual, releasing all the terrifying power of destruction, but his illusory and uncertain body also became a little dim.

"No, it's impossible. The immortal physique of the Heavenly Demon in our Heavenly Demon Palace is immune to all attacks. How can you attack me?"

The Heavenly Demon Prince looked incredulous, he couldn't imagine how Ye Feng hit him.

Ye Feng's expression was indifferent: "What's the problem, as long as you punch out, it's all right?"

That's right, Ye Feng just slammed a punch flatly, and directly smashed the immortal body of the heavenly demon prince.

This made the face of the demon prince more gloomy.

The immortal body of the heavenly demon is the highest secret of the heavenly demon palace. It can resist almost all attacks. Only the attack that uses the pure power of the body without any attribute will can cause effective damage to the immortal body.

The immortal body of the heavenly demon prince has already cultivated to an extremely high level, even if it is an ordinary ancient giant, he can't help it.

But that's it, Ye Feng also punched lightly, shattering all his pride.

Of course, the Heavenly Demon Prince couldn't accept such a result, madly running all his own power, releasing a strange power toward Ye Feng.

This strange power is constantly changing in the void, and it has formed an extremely powerful magic formula power, even pulling Ye Feng's mind.

Faced with such an attack, Ye Feng's expression did not change, he just watched quietly.

The terrifying destruction energy came to Ye Feng's side in a very short time, constantly impacting his body.

But Ye Feng didn't take these attacks to heart at all, letting that terrifying attack fall on him.

Just when the terrifying destructive power completely impacted on Ye Feng's body, an extremely powerful aura burst out of Ye Feng's body.

Under the urging of this breath, the ancient sword surrounding Ye Feng suddenly moved.

The incomparably powerful will of the sword was released from the ancient sword in an instant, as if to condense into substance.

The release of this terrifying sword will directly smashed the terrifying attack released by the Heavenly Demon Prince.

After smashing the power of those magic arts, the will of these swords became more condensed as if they had been sharpened.

A dim sword light was born from the void and slashed at the heavenly demon prince fiercely.

"Stupid, my immortal body is extremely powerful, you know his characteristics, and using this method to deal with me is really stupid..."

The Sky Demon Prince laughed wildly.

But before he laughed a few more times, that terrifying wave of destruction had already fallen on him.

The dim sword light, like the end of the world, can destroy everything.

The terrifying power contained in this sword light is powerful and unimaginable, but there is no leakage.

The heavenly demon prince's body was illusory, but he could not withstand such an attack at all, and was locked by a powerful restraint force, unable to move.

When the demon prince of the day felt something was wrong, the dim sword light had fallen on him.

The sword light entered the body, and the face of the Heavenly Demon Prince instantly became extremely pale, and his figure dimmed countless times.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Prince only felt that all his power was declining crazily, being cut down, destroyed, or even swallowed by that sword light.

The ancient sword shook slightly, seeming to be very disdainful of the heavenly demon prince's body, and then shook slightly.

At the moment Jianguang escaped, the expression of the heavenly demon prince was shocked, and the original illusory immortal body of the heavenly demon became solidified at this moment, regaining the flesh and blood.

With just a sword, Ye Feng actually completely deciphered the Supreme Secret Book of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Immortal Body of the Heavenly Demon.

Holding the ancient sword in his hand, Ye Feng was also carefully feeling the strange aura contained on it.

In the dark, the ancient sword seems to contain a very special attribute power.

It seems that the ancient sword already possesses a special ability that can specifically target the immortal body of the demon.

Feeling the message from Gu Jian, Ye Feng still couldn't believe it, and communicated with Gu Jian carefully.

After a long time, Ye Feng finally confirmed that this ancient sword indeed had such a powerful effect.

This ancient sword seems to have its own spirituality. As long as it is a trick cracked by it, when it comes in contact with it in the future, it will show strong restraint.

If Ye Feng can use the ancient sword to crack all the tricks in the world, then there will be no one who can resist Ye Feng a sword.

After learning about this ability, Ye Feng also felt a bit tasteless.

In Ye Feng's view, no matter how strong this ancient sword is, it still depends on its own strength. The moves that can be cracked by him do not have any influence.

However, Gu Jian was still immersed in the rules of digesting the immortal body of the heavenly devil, and did not feel Dao Ye Feng's thoughts at this moment, otherwise he would have to argue with Ye Feng.

On the other side of the Heavenly Demon Prince, after realizing that his own Heavenly Demon Immortal Body was cracked by Ye Feng's sword, his face was as ugly as pig liver.

Without the immortal body of the heavenly devil, his cultivation was immediately regressed by 90%, no matter what method he used, he could never recover again.

Before Ye Feng could speak, Young Master Tianbao, who had been following Ye Feng, acted immediately.

The power of the terrifying magic formula was released, and this time, without any obstacle, it directly crushed the body of the heavenly demon prince.

The pitch-black Ten Thousand Soul Banner shook gently without wind, awakening the soul of the Heavenly Demon Prince.

The Ten Thousand Soul Banner can now operate on its own, awakening nearby dead souls and becoming the unjust souls among them.

Of course, the injustice in the ten thousand soul flag is not so easy.

They have to fight and swallow each other continuously, so as to improve their strength and maintain their own role.

The soul of Young Master Sky Demon had just condensed, and after being swallowed by the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, it was immediately caught by the Twelve Hidden Demon Kings and swallowed cleanly in one breath.

Today, the power of the soul of the twelve hidden demon kings is also extremely terrifying, several times stronger than before they were alive.

Once the Dutian God Demon Array is released, the power of time they can mobilize will be even stronger.

After solving all this, Dongmao Fuyao slowly touched it. Seeing Ye Feng's terrifying record, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ye Feng glanced at Dongyan Fuyao, then asked, "Why do you dare to come up again now?"

Dongmao Fuyao scratched his head in embarrassment, and explained, "Isn't this because of your strength? Although I am not very loyal to you, of course I will not completely fail when you have not completely failed. To the other side."

Although Dongmao Fuyao said it straightforwardly, the meaning was quite obvious. As long as Ye Feng was still strong, he would not hesitate to offer his loyalty.

Ye Feng didn't pursue him either, but calmly asked, "By the way, what is the situation with that Heavenly Lantern Saint?"

Ye Feng was also a little puzzled about that Heavenly Lan Saintess, and he couldn't determine what her condition was for a while.

East Nightmare Fuyao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "That Heavenly Lan saint, our East Nightmare City does have some records.

She is also a very special existence in the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

With her strength, she can be the saint of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect, stay in the sect and enjoy the worship of the sect.

But the Saintess of Tianlan did not do this, but to walk around for the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect to inspect the Sky-Swallowing Demon Domain on behalf of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect. "

After a short pause, after simply observing Ye Feng's expression, Dongmao Fuyao continued talking after finding that there was nothing unusual.

"Although she does not have the resources of the sect to cultivate, walking in the Heaven-swallowing Demon Realm can also bring her many unimaginable advantages.

So her strength is still unimaginable, and sometimes even the ancient giant is not her opponent.

If you want to find out about the ancestor of the swallowing devil, Saintess of Tianlan is definitely a good breakthrough. "

Upon hearing this news, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, Dongyan Fuyao didn't say anything more, so he quietly followed Ye Feng's back.

On the other side, the Saintess of Tianlan stood in the endless darkness, and her figure was completely covered by a black cloak.

"His Royal Highness, why do you value that man so much? There is nothing special about him?"

The maid who was next to the Heavenly Maiden asked aloud, her voice full of doubts.

The Goddess Tianlan looked calm and calmly said: "This man has an extremely special power that makes me feel a little surprised.

Moreover, he seems to have a certain relationship with the son of Qi Tian, ​​so he should carefully observe it. "

"Son of Qi Tian?"

There was doubt in the maid's face, and she didn't know what the Heavenly Maiden said.

"Well, this is not what you should know, let's go, we have other things..."

Saint Tianlan seemed to hide something important, and did not tell his maid.

The two of them walked toward the depths of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Cave at an extremely fast speed.

And at this moment, Ye Feng was also constantly searching in the Heaven Swallowing Demon Cavern.

He came to the Devouring Devil Cave, the most important purpose is to find the giant **** cauldron.

To break through the realm of ancient giants, that was a treasure he had to use.

It's just that the sky-swallowing demon cave is endless, even Ye Feng can't explore all the mysteries in it.

It takes more than a little luck to find the trace of the giant **** cauldron in such a vast sky-swallowing devil cave.

The power of divine consciousness is constantly released, searching for information between the world and earth, without letting go of any clues.

However, most of the places in this Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave are empty, and no matter how powerful Ye Feng's divine consciousness is, he can't find what he wants.

Instead, it was the token he had snatched from the hidden demon, and now it began to faintly shake.

Frowning slightly, Ye Feng also hesitated.

The environment of the Sky Swallowing Devil's Cave is too special. Looking for something is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the location of the token is not known.

Ye Feng was too entangled, should he look for the object that made the token vibrate.

When Ye Feng hesitated, someone suddenly came up.

"Were you the one who fought over there just now?"

The visitor pointed to Ye Feng and asked indiscriminately.

Ye Feng looked indifferent, and even those who didn't want to answer, walked directly in the other direction.

Such a disregarding attitude stimulated that person even more and made him rush towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng frowned, his figure flickered, and he avoided the man directly, but the man was reluctant to follow Ye Feng.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Ye Feng asked a little irritably, and the breath on his body began to release.

The man stared at Ye Feng, and then he sniffed it twice before saying seriously: "That's right, it's this smell. You have been in contact with Her Royal Highness Tianlan."

Hearing these words, Ye Feng's expression became even more confused.

"You are here to find Saintess of Tianlan, then what are you looking for me for?"

The man looked cold and said: "Your Royal Highness belongs to me, you are not qualified to contact.

Immediately tell me what happened to you and His Royal Highness, I can keep you a whole body. "

The man said very arrogantly.

"Ha ha."

Ye Feng laughed out of anger at what the man did, and said disdainfully: "Who do you think you are? Just order me directly?

Not to mention that there is no connection between me and the saint, even if there is, where is your turn to take care of? "

Listening to Ye Feng's words, the man's face became even more ugly, and he wished to punish Ye Feng directly.

Seeing the man's current attitude, Ye Feng was even more fearless, and calmly said: "Looking at how infatuated you look, I'm afraid that saint doesn't even know your name, right?

At best, you are a wild dog chasing him, and you are not even qualified to be in the eyes of others.

Or in other words, you simply don't have the courage to meet that heavenly sage. "

Ye Feng's words contained extremely ironic meaning, which made the man's face flushed.

"You are looking for death!"

The man roared frantically, his breath burst out instantly.

"The Saintess of Tianlan belongs to me, and it can only be mine. How do you clutter, how do you know my affection for His Royal Highness?"

Seeing the man so crazy, Dongmao Fuyao looked inexplicable, and it took a long time to remember who this guy was.

Seeing the man's constant mania, Dongyan Fuyao cautiously approached Ye Feng's ear and prompted.

"This guy is the inheritor of a hidden **** in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm, and his strength is extraordinary. It is said that he has the strength to enter the realm of the ancient giant god, but he has been forbearing.

Some time ago, I didn't know where he learned about the Saintess of Tianlan, and secretly spied the true face of the Saint.

From then on, he became obsessed with it out of control, and crazily determined that the Heavenly Lady was his fiancee.

However, Saintess of Tianlan had no impression of him at all. "

Although Dongmao Fuyao told the truth, but it was an extremely serious blow to that person, making him feel a little dazed.

"Asshole, asshole.

It's not what you said, this is a test given to me by Her Royal Highness, how can you understand?

I know, you are jealous of me. You must be jealous of me. I have a long-standing marriage with His Royal Highness, which is not something you can imagine. "

Seeing this guy's performance, Ye Feng's face also had a somewhat weird look.

"Oh, I think this guy is a lunatic!"

For such a person, Ye Feng was not in the mood to talk to him any more, turning around and planning to leave.


Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave, the man immediately exploded with an extremely powerful aura.

"Have I allowed you to go? Tell me all the things that happened to you and the saint, and then I will let you leave this world happily."

The man roared loudly like a madman, and an extremely powerful strange power was released from his palm, forming a powerful magic formula power, pointing towards Ye Feng.

Feeling that he was locked in by the attack, and even more powerful restraint power surrounded his body, Ye Feng's face also changed slightly.

"I warn you, don't provoke me, otherwise, the consequences are impossible for you to imagine."

Ye Feng looked solemn and said very severely.

For Ye Feng, this lunatic completely disturbed his mood. If he still doesn't know what is good or bad, then Ye Feng will definitely not keep him any more.

What's more, the Saintess of Tianlan is also helpful to him. If the Saint of Tianlan is entangled by such a person, then Ye Feng doesn't mind, and help her clear the trouble.

"Okay, then I want to see what you are capable of, and when I kill you, I will go to Tianlan Saint.

After speaking, the breath of the madman suddenly burst out, rushing towards Ye Feng fiercely.

The power of the law he just released, turned into a huge palm at this moment, and shot it towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't change his expression, he just pulled out the divine sword of good fortune, or even just released a bright sword light, and cut it out directly.

The will of the sword is matched with the divine power of good fortune, and the power it possesses is also unimaginable. This sword is cut horizontally, and the bright sword light almost tears the entire space.

The sword light collided with that huge destruction palmprint, and immediately uttered an extremely terrifying sound of destruction.

The powerful aftermath that can almost destroy the space spreads wildly around.

At the same time, a very strange force rushed into Ye Feng's body along the sword light.

Feeling the power pouring into his body, Ye Feng's face also changed slightly. It was the first time that he experienced such a feeling.

The great powers in the body simultaneously released powerful forces such as the power of good fortune, the power of magical magic, the power of hell, etc., like a whirlpool, surrounding that strange power.

Subsequently, the attribute power formed by the major exercises spun wildly, directly shattering that power, without causing any harm to Ye Feng.

At the same time, the dazzling sword light also penetrated the huge destruction palmprint and went straight to the lunatic.

The powerful and sharp light attached to the dazzling sword light can directly cut off the space, which is not something that lunatic can resist.

In just an instant, the bright sword light penetrated his chest and flew towards the distance.

The madman was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his chest, but no blood came out.

You can even see granulation growing, and you want to heal those wounds.

"Do you dare to hurt me? Do you dare to hurt me?"

The lunatic seemed a little surprised, and then the scarlet light in his eyes became more brilliant.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying **** power erupted from the lunatic's body.

The powerful **** power almost stained the entire space red.

Even those Demon Dao wills in the Sky Swallowing Devil Cave began to shrink in front of this powerful force.

In just a moment, a small lake of blood had formed beside this lunatic.

The **** power contained in it made Ye Feng a little frightened.

In this lake of blood, there seems to be endless lives being tortured by the power of terrifying blood.

"Old blood demon, his master is the old blood demon!"

Suddenly, Dongmao Fu Yao exclaimed, his face becoming extremely ugly.

Knowing the madman's inheritance, Dongyan Fuyao immediately shouted at Ye Feng, "Big Brother Ye, kill him, absolutely can't let him live."

Dong Yan Fu Yao's face was extremely ugly, and he quickly explained to Ye Feng.

"The Blood Demon Old Man is a major demon in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm. What he is best at is capturing other creatures, imprisoned in his sea of ​​blood, and refining extremely powerful **** power.

This kind of extremely evil force is formed by the resentment and suffering of all living beings, and it needs to draw a lot of vitality.

If such a person wants to cultivate into an ancient giant, the creature he wants to kill is beyond imagination.

If he were to become an ancient giant, then none of us Tianjiao who entered the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave could go out alive. "

Hearing Dongyan Fuyao's words, Ye Feng's face fell silent again, becoming feelingless.

He thinks he is not a saint, and he has no thoughts of compassion for others, but this kind of people who practice magic skills can continue to grow by killing people, and he must not keep him and continue to harm the world.

When this idea was just born, the ancient sword behind Ye Feng began to vibrate continuously.

Feeling the will transmitted from the ancient sword, Ye Feng was also a little stunned.

But this time Ye Feng didn't use the ancient sword, instead he held the Divine Fortune Sword tighter.

All of his own attribute powers are all concentrated on the divine sword of good fortune, and countless brilliant brilliance, reflecting on this crystal long sword, releases extremely powerful pressure.

The will of the sword penetrated the void and directly locked the lunatic.

Ye Feng gently waved the Divine Fortune Sword in his hand, and in an instant, a bright sword light burst from the Divine Fortune Sword.

This sword light of more than a thousand meters long ran across the void and directly penetrated the lake of blood evolved by the lunatic.

The terrifying destructive power is constantly released, madly mobilizing the will of the magic way between the world and the earth, crushing the lake of blood, trying to consume the power in it.

However, this time Ye Feng miscalculated.

The **** power released by the lunatic is extremely powerful, and it is not something that this sword light can consume.

On the contrary, because of the power of good fortune contained in the sword light, the power of this blood lake has become more powerful.

Perceiving this, Ye Feng's brows also frowned slightly, and the divine sword of good fortune in his hand was constantly trembling.

Originally the power of good fortune was dealing with the vitality between heaven and earth, but this lake of blood, as if completely corresponding to the power of good fortune, had extremely powerful restraint on the power of good fortune.

Just a turn of his thoughts, Ye Feng waved the Divine Sword of Good Fortune again and slashed towards the lake of blood.

But this time, Ye Feng converged all the power of good fortune and turned to the power of hell.

The original bright sword light became pitch black this time, seeming to swallow all the surrounding light.

Death, withering, and the mighty power of **** can kill almost all life in the world.

Feeling the power of **** released by Ye Feng, the lunatic's face also changed slightly, but then, a large swath of **** power swarmed towards Ye Feng.

That **** power ran across the void, like an endless **** river, and the strange life force contained in it ~ ~ seemed to pollute the entire Sky Swallowing Devil's Cave.

Finally, the sword light of **** cut by the divine sword of good fortune collided with that river of blood, releasing a terrifying force of destruction.

There was also a rumbling sound of terror, destruction and shock, which spread wildly in all directions.

Ye Feng's face also changed slightly with the powerful power contained in this series of destructive and shocking sounds.

This was the first time he had no advantage in attribute power at all.

However, this further aroused Ye Feng's desire to win and lose, and the magic sword in his hand trembled slightly.

In the next moment, the power of the five elements, the power of wind and thunder, and the attribute power of the cathode yang, mixed with the will of heaven and earth, and the will of the sword, intertwined on the divine sword of good fortune.

However, under the control of Ye Feng, the fusion of these forces did not form the extremely terrifying chaotic sword light, but completely silenced in the sword of good fortune.

With the continuous fusion of these attributes and powers, the divine sword of good fortune in Ye Feng's hand became more dazzling and transparent, and the power contained in it became more terrifying.

At this moment, the Divine Sword of Good Fortune seemed to be extremely important, and even Ye Feng could only use an extremely slow speed to swing the Divine Sword of Good Fortune.

However, just like being crushed by a giant beast from the void, the place where the Divine Fortune Sword slashed across immediately left an incomparably deep scar of a scary sword.

In that sword mark, an extremely powerful, destructive force was released, and a more terrifying aura continued to spread.

When all these breaths were released, the sword soul burst out with extremely powerful swallowing power, wanting to swallow everything around it.

Under such a terrifying and powerful attack, the lunatic's face finally changed, especially the horrifying river of blood that swarmed in was also blocked by this sword mark.

However, Ye Feng's expression was still extremely solemn.

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