Sky War God

Chapter 3313: Group annihilation

What happened there? If there is something strange, I will wait to see. "

The Bahuang Tianlong said so, and his voice was somewhat domineering.

The eyes of many strong people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace flickered, and they nodded in succession, agreeing with the words spoken by the other party.

Immediately afterwards, they changed one by one following the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragons to leap towards the direction where the breath came from.

That kind of speed is beyond imagination. Many people's eyes flashed, watching the many powerful people in the Eight Desolation Galaxy move forward, they also wanted to see what happened to that prescription.

Therefore, behind the Bahuang Tianlong and the others, the bodies of many people also flashed quickly, following the Bahuang Tianlong and the others.

It didn't take long before the bodies of the Bahuang Tianlong and others had appeared in the void where Ye Feng was. Seeing Ye Feng who was recovering below, their eyes flashed involuntarily.

Just because, among these strong in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace, there are these two figures who had followed the Master of the Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace to Tianzhou Dragon City.

After returning to the court, they once besieged Ye Feng, Wudi Zhuangzi, and Wumingzi.

Naturally recognize Ye Feng.

Seeing Ye Feng appear here, the eyes of the two Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace experts immediately flashed an extremely cold luster.

A cold aura was released on his body, and he couldn't help but say to the Bahuang Tianlong: "The son, that man is a disciple of the **** of Wudi Zhuangzi. Not long ago, several powerful men in our forces died in his hands. , We were able to meet him here!"

After this sentence was said, the eyes of the other Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace immediately became sharp.

Their Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace is a side overlord and power, with extremely powerful strength, no one dares to easily provoke them.

The young man in front of him, seemingly unknown, actually killed so many people in their Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace.

This caused the many Eight Desolate Galaxy Palaces to have strong murderous involuntary involuntary emergence.

The eyes of Bahuang Tianlong also became exceptionally sharp.

His eyes were also extremely cold. As the son of the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy, the people of the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy were his subordinates.

If his subordinates betrayed others and killed him, he naturally wanted to avenge him.

"If this is the case, then let's avenge our dead companions here!"

The Bahuang Tianlong spoke so coldly, and at the same time he spoke, he had already released his breath.

Murderous opportunities emerged on the surface of the body.

The eyes of the other Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace powerhouses flashed with extremely cold light, and their bodies flickered.

Quickly descended from the void, he couldn't help but speak indifferently to Ye Feng: "Kill my people from the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace, why don't you get up and die?"

This sentence can be described as shaking the world and immediately let Ye Feng wake up in a state of regaining his strength.

His eyes opened, watching the arrival of the strongest in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace, a somewhat unexpected color appeared on his face.

It seemed that he didn't expect that when he came to the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Realm, he would encounter such enemies.

"Are you from the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace?"

Ye Feng confirmed it.

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life!"

One of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace experts spoke like this.

While speaking, he had already mobilized the breath of his body, and a wave of coercion hovered over his body.

It made his whole body become more and more violent.

The power of the stars emerged and the power of the stars was released. Above the sky, it seemed as if there were nine galaxies emerging.

A little bit of starlight turned into the strongest destructive power, gathered in his palm, and then slapped it crazy toward Ye Feng's body.

The power of this palm is extremely strong, and it is bound to be unbearable to exist at the level of an ordinary god!

"This young man actually killed so many powerful people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace before, and I don't know how he did it. However, if he offends the people of the Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace so much, he will definitely not have a good end!"

"Of course, he killed the strong man in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace, perhaps with the help of other people. At this moment, the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragon led many strong men coming together, where can this person resist? In my opinion, It won’t be long before he will be completely killed!"

Seeing those strong in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace attacked Ye Feng, someone immediately said so, and many people gathered together to discuss.

Think that Ye Feng will inevitably die in the hands of these Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace powerhouses.

Hearing the voices of everyone's discussion, Ye Feng flashed an edge, his body did not move, just watching the opponent's attack come.

Almost at the same time, that terrible big palm print swept across the sky and reached the top of Ye Feng's head at a very fast speed.

Ye Feng didn't care about anything, but directly blasted out a punch. In the previous recovery, his whole person had already returned to a normal state.

Naturally, he doesn't care about the opponent's attack.

This punch looks simple and unpretentious, but it is very powerful. In a short time, there will be space soon.

When they collided with the opponent's palmprints, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of the hole not concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

A look of pride appeared on the face of the strong man in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace. He has a very high status in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace. In his opinion, his attack will definitely suppress Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng's attack power was far more terrifying than he imagined.

That strong rhythmic and turbulent force seemed to be able to destroy all existence, so that the strong man in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace felt a strong pressure.

It made the opponent's body tremble like an electric shock, and the rhythmic and turbulent force followed the opponent's arm and washed into the opponent's body.

As a result, the opponent's whole body was no longer able to hold on, and the whole body was retreated by my body one after another, and the breath of the body floated fiercely!

A mouthful of blood reached the throat, he tried to swallow it back, but failed to do so, he spat out abruptly!

This scene made Bahuang Tianlong and the others unbelievable. It seemed that Ye Feng's strength had reached this level.

Ye Feng glanced at the strong man in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace, and a satirical smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "With your strength, you dare to be arrogant in front of me. I really admire your courage! "

This sentence was full of irony, which made the face of the strong man in the Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace appear a bit ugly.

At this time, he tried to continue to launch a terrible attack on Ye Feng.

However, the damage that Ye Feng just brought to him was too strong, so that he could no longer launch his own attacks.

"Bold fanatic, how dare to be so arrogant, to see if I won't kill you!"

The two Baabahuang Galaxy Palace powerhouses couldn't help it, and said coldly to Ye Feng.

While speaking, he had already mobilized the breath of his body, and his whole body was as fierce as a stormy sea.

The power of the stars shrouded everything, and the endless stars fell, making the light released from their bodies brighter and brighter.

With the help of the power of the stars, an extremely terrifying destruction attack was quickly released.

The power of this destruction attack was really terrifying, and it came to Ye Feng's body in a short time.

Trying to completely punish Ye Feng's body and destroy it.

The two joined forces, and the attacking power was naturally extremely powerful.

That terrible destructive force quickly wrapped Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng's body seem to be under extremely severe pressure.

The surface of the body is completely occupied by the destructive force, and it is bound to be unbearable to change to another person.

Ye Feng didn't care much, his spatial attribute power was released at this moment.

The power of the space attribute makes his body seem to have transcended the distance of this space.

Just stepping to one side at will, you can avoid the opponent's attack.

The opponent's attack just came down, the power was beyond imagination, but it failed to really hit Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng's body had appeared in the other directions, and his body had just descended on the ground.

Immediately, a fist burst out suddenly, and his fist was extremely powerful.

Wherever the fist light goes, the entire space is shaken, and the destructive power is shaking the earth.

That kind of power is beyond imagination.

For the first time, the two experts in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace felt the threat contained in this attack.

Both of them desperately condensed a terrible attack to contend with Ye Feng.

However, the two of them were unable to release their strongest power at all if they were not prepared in time for their attacks.

On top of Ye Feng's fist, they could hardly resist, and their arm was numb by Ye Feng's fist.

The terrifying might of destruction followed the opponent's arm and crazily passed into the opponent's body.

While making the bodies of the other two tremble, they were shaken back one after another, and their complexions didn't look good.

This scene made the face of the Bahuang Tianlong who had been watching ugly, and his eyes flashed involuntarily.

How majestic their Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace was, and with so many people present, they were so oppressed by someone who had just acquired the gods.

This made him feel dull on his face.

No longer hesitating, everyone present saw a stronger and more horizontal aura from the Bahuang Tianlong body.

The combination of the dragon's attribute power and the star power made the entire space become extremely violent.

A little bit of starlight condensed quickly in this space, and the power released was beyond imagination.

The Bahuang Tianlong stepped forward, and the terrifying fist light immediately blasted towards Ye Feng's body.

Not only was this punch full of power, but there seemed to be a terrifying dragon shadow and the power of the stars in the void.

He roared towards Ye Feng's body and swallowed it, trying to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng naturally felt the terrible power contained in the opponent's attack for the first time, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't care about anything, when the attack of Bahuang Tianlong was about to come, Ye Feng blasted out with a punch.

His fists still look unpretentious, but in fact they contain amazing power.

In a short time, it was convenient for the attacks of the Bahuang Tianlong to collide together.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of the hole not concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The Bahuang Tianlong looked proud, his eyes scanned Ye Feng's body, as if an extremely strong man was watching an ant.

In his opinion, Ye Feng was able to let him take action, even if he was suppressed at this moment, it can only be regarded as a kind of honor for Ye Feng.

His attack will inevitably cause Ye Feng to pay an extremely painful price.

It's just that Ye Feng's attack looked unpretentious, but in fact, the power contained in it was beyond imagination.

A destructive force swept down the sky, and the Bahuang Tianlong immediately felt the power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

That wave of destruction followed the opponent's arm and poured into the opponent's body.

The opponent's body trembled like an electric shock, and the whole person's body was shaken back at this moment.

The destructive power contained in Ye Feng's fist was still extremely terrifying, continuously pouring into the body of the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragon.

A bit of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Bahuang Tianlong, and never dreamed that Ye Feng's attack would have such power.

At the same time as the body retreated, an extremely cold luster flashed in his eyes.

"Are you the son of Palace Master Bahuang Xinghe?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but asked Bahuang Tianlong.

The eyes of Bahuang Tianlong flickered, the cold light in his eyes became more and more obvious, and he said: "It's me."

After saying this, Ye Feng's eyes flashed a bit of irony involuntarily, and he said: "It's really a generation inferior to a generation. I really don't understand. Why did you be born to a strong **** of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace Lord? Such a useless person?"

Ye Feng’s words can be described as full of endless irony, making the eyes of Bahuang Tianlong flashed a bit of cold light, and only felt that he had been the strongest humiliation. He couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and said to Ye Feng: "Thief, It's best not to be arrogant, dare to humiliate me so, I will definitely make you pay a tragic price!"

After saying this, the Bahuang Tianlong seemed to be a little angry. While speaking, he had already mobilized the strongest power in his body.

A burst of the power of the dragon's attribute matches the power of the stars in the space.

Suddenly the aura on his body climbed to another level.

His whole body became more and more violent.

Stepping forward, the body's breath became extremely cold, and within a short time, he released a terrible attack on Ye Feng's body.

His achievements can be described as very tyrannical, trying to completely cover this space in a short time.

Ye Feng was not given any chance to dodge, and the void exploded wherever he went, and that kind of power completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

Only one person opened the mouth with a shocked look: "Bahuang Tianlong is really angry, and I don't know if this young man can hold on!"

"In my opinion, the Bahuang Tianlong will inevitably kill this arrogant man under this attack!"

Many people gathered together and talked about it, thinking that the Eight Desolation Tianlong could kill Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng still didn't seem to care about the opponent's attack. Faced with the attack of the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragon, Ye Feng stepped forward and his body did not retreat.

The body's breath also became violent at this moment.

A terrifying fist burst out quickly at this moment, this fist is simple and direct, but its power is very terrifying.

The strongest attribute power that Ye Feng himself had comprehended was integrated inside, and a wave of attribute power seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Within a short period of time, the attacks of the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragons collided together again.

Just listen to a louder and more concussive sound coming through, and the destructive power continues to spread in all directions.

The entire sky shook crazily, and all the destructive powers would converge towards the bodies of Ye Feng and the two.

However, Ye Feng's attack was very tyrannical, combining various destructive powers to reach the inside of the Bahuang Tianlong at an extremely fast speed.

While making Bahuang Tianlong's body tremble, he only felt his arms numb.

That rhythmic and turbulent force could almost ignore all existence, and it kept walking in the bone tissue cells of the major meridians of the Bahuang Tianlong body.

The body of the Bahuang Tianlong was shaken back, and Ye Feng's footsteps also stepped forward at this moment.

His figure speed was incredibly fast, and before the Bahuang Tianlong could really react, Ye Feng had already blasted towards the opponent's body with a punch.

This punch is powerful and covers a wide area, which does not give Bafang Tianlong any dodge opportunities.

Bahuang Tianlong's face was a bit ugly, and he only felt that his body was shaking like an electric shock.

The body of the whole person released bursts of sound of dislocation of bones.

He couldn't hold on anymore, his body was shaken back again at this moment, and blood constantly appeared in his mouth.

There was a feeling that he was about to vomit, and he swallowed it back abruptly.

And all this was just the beginning, Ye Feng didn't give Bahuang Tianlong any chance.

But the first time he released a terrible attack on the other party.

The Bahuang Tianlong's face was pale, and he couldn't help but roar at his subordinates: "What are you guys doing in a daze, don't come to rescue me right away!"

The strong people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace reacted, and their bodies flashed, launching a terrible attack on Ye Feng from a distance.

These attacks are extremely powerful, and they quickly converge from a remote location. To completely intercept Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng felt the attacks released by these Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace powerhouses, and did not hesitate.

The first time he released his own flame attribute power.

Using the flame attribute power to completely wrap his body, his whole body seems to fit this space more closely.

With a big wave of his hand, the terrifying flame attribute power in his palm was released.

That flame attribute force is too powerful. Burn everything in a short time.

The first time came on the bodies of those strong in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace.

As a result of the screams from the walls of the Light Galaxy Palace, the power of the flame attribute is too strong, and they are simply not able to contend.

Immediately two of them were burned and melted by the flame attribute power, and the whole body was struggling, turning into ashes little by little, and then dispersed with the wind!

All this seems so incredible. No one thought that the flame attribute power Ye Feng comprehend was so terrifying.

The rest of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace powerhouses were even afraid to step forward, for fear that they would be completely injured by Ye Feng's terrible attack.

Ye Feng's attack power is too strong, making them feel irresistible.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you hurry up?"

The Eight Desolation Tianlong couldn't help but roar at the many Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace experts.

If these people can't stop Ye Feng, he is likely to suffer a life crisis.

While speaking, the body of the Bahuang Tianlong had already exploded at this moment, and a terrifying aura burst out of his body.

The power of destruction was as powerful as the earth and the earth, and an astonishing large palm print of destruction was condensed on the sky.

Coming down quickly from the void, attacking wherever it goes, everything will die!

The Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragons also really fought, mobilizing all the strongest forces in their body.

This makes this attacking power beyond imagination terrifying, if it is changed to another person, it will inevitably be unable to compete with it.

However, Ye Feng didn't care about the opponent's attack at all. Since these people took the initiative to provoke him, then he was bound to make the other party pay the price.

Integrating the flame attribute power into his palm, Ye Feng's palm instantly became more violent.

Facing the attack from the Palace Master of the Eight Desolation Galaxy, Ye Feng immediately released a terrifying Nirvana Dao palm print.

The palm print of Nirvana is extremely powerful, and the fire of Nirvana, which is integrated within it, releases the most powerful melting power.

The temperature in this space suddenly became taller, and many people's bodies retreated involuntarily.

I was afraid that I would be burned and melted by that flame attribute power.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw Ye Feng take a palm shot, and the power contained in this chapter was beyond imagination.

The first time it collided with the attack of the Bahuang Tianlong.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Dahuang Tianlong's body trembled crazily, and the endless flame attribute power quickly wrapped toward the surface of his body.

The strength of that flame attribute is too strong, and in a short time, his body can no longer continue to hold on.

A feeling of extremely tyrannical pain swept through, causing Bafang Tianlong to scream.

The body struggled desperately, but the flame burned more and more vigorously, not giving him any chance to break free.

This scene made the faces of everyone present a little unbelievable.

No one thought that the Bahuang Tianlong would be so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng.

The power of that flame is too strong, so powerful that it is inaccessible.

Those strong in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace don't mess up their positions, try to step forward and extinguish those flames.

"Help me, come and help me!"

Yahuang Tianlong screamed, struggling desperately, but no matter how he struggled, the flame showed no sign of going out, instead it burned more vigorously!

"What's the matter? Why is this flame attribute power so powerful? I can't even extinguish it!"

The Bahuang Tianlong spoke like this, and his gaze at Ye Feng revealed intense despair.

Ye Feng stared at him, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "You are asking for all this. You can't blame others. You can go to death!"

After saying this, Ye Feng's big hand waved, and a strong force burst out in his palm.

The rapid fusion with those flame attribute powers caused those flame attribute powers to skyrocket for the first time.

Within a short time, there were bursts of sound, and the Bahuang Tianlong shook frantically.

The flame attribute power not only contains powerful burning power, but also tries to completely collapse and destroy his body!

Along with the screams in the mouth of the Eight Desolation Tianlong, his body burst and melted a little bit.

All this is so incredible.

The son of Palace Master Bahuang Galaxy, Bahuang Tianlong, died in this way, and was completely killed by Ye Feng using a palm print of Nirvana.

All this seems so incredible, it makes people feel unbelievable.

Many people even think that they are wrong, or have hallucinations.

How powerful is the Bahuang Tianlong, his status is noble, surrounded by many Bahuang Galaxy Palace powerhouses, has become the focus of the audience.

In the eyes of everyone, the Eight Desolate Heavenly Dragon brought many powerful Eight Desolation Galaxy Palaces to arrive, and it was bound to be able to kill Ye Fengzhu as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, not only did Ye Feng not die, but instead used his formidable strength to kill a number of experts in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace.

Even the Bahuang Tianlong died in his hands.

The countenances of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palaces completely collapsed, and they never expected that their son would die like this.

After the young man was killed by this young man, how did they explain to the palace lord?

Thinking of this, many strong people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace felt strong resentment towards Ye Feng.

The cold light on each face became more and more intense.

It's just that they shouldn't consider such a thing at this moment.

Just because Ye Feng today is simply unstoppable, if the other party insists on killing them, they won't have any way to survive.

"You killed our son, our palace lord will definitely not let you go!"

One of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace powerhouses said viciously to Ye Feng, there was an impulse to kill Ye Feng immediately.

Ye Feng looked at him, the sneer on the corner of his mouth became more intense, and he said: "At least for now, your palace master can't kill me, so there is no need for you people to live anymore!"

While speaking, Ye Feng stepped forward for the first time.

The breath on his body instantly reached its extreme.

The whole person's body became more and more violent, and an astonishing large palm print of destruction patted the direction of their bodies.

This palm is not only extremely powerful, but also covers a wide area, which does not give these people any chance to escape.

Those strong in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace tried to dodge this, but it was too late.

Ye Feng's attack power is too strong, it can be said that it descends instantly.

Many Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace can not help but display their own attacks to resist.

However, at this moment, they are like bereaved dogs, and their attack power is naturally very limited.

Facing this terrible palm print of Ye Feng, they could no longer contend.

Accompanied by bursts of extremely strong concussive sounds, the power of destruction was simply earth-shattering.

The entire sky was trembling, and the first two strong men in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace were suppressed and killed by a palm print of Ye Feng because they could not resist.

Several other strong people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace retreated madly after being shaken, blood was vomiting out of their mouths, and their faces were extremely pale.

"This person's strength is too terrible, I'd better run away soon!"

A strong man in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace said so, and at the same time he spoke, the aura on his body was quickly released.

Acting on his legs, immediately, leap towards the distance at a very fast speed.

The rest of them also followed suit. At this moment, where can they take care of other things?

Escape is the most important thing!

However, Ye Feng did not give them a chance, and the powerful flame will was released and merged with the Nirvana Immortal Law.

The bursts of Nirvana power made his flame attribute power more violent.

Coming down quickly from the void, wherever you go, a space will melt for it.

The bodies of many experts in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace were wrapped in them, and their mouths kept screaming.

Struggling desperately, trying to break free.

It's just that Ye Feng's flame attribute power is too terrifying, so it swallowed out, so that the bodies of those strong in the Eight Desolation Galaxy were completely swallowed to death!

There was a burst of scorching smell coming out of the entire space, but in a flash of effort, many of the strongest people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace all died.

Was killed by Ye Feng alone!

All this seems so incredible, but it really happened.

This made the faces of the onlookers seem a little unbelievable, and no one thought that an unknown young man would have such terrible strength.

"Who is this young man? His strength is a bit too terrifying!"

Someone said so for the first time, looking at Ye Feng with a bit of shock.

The same is true for the others.

They are all natives of Shenting, but they have never heard of such a person in Shenting.

Those powerful god-level powerhouses did not seem to have cultivated such excellent disciples.

Ye Feng looked at the strong masters of the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace who had killed him, without the slightest Before that, the Master of the Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace tried to intercept the tower and treated him Wudi Zhuangzi, Wumingzi and others took action.

Had it not been for Wudi Zhuangzi's efforts to protect, Ye Feng might have died in the opponent's hands.

Now, these strong people in the Eight Desolate Galaxy Palace gathered together to attack him.

He doesn't pay much attention to the morality of martial arts, and he will die.

Such a person, Ye Fengqi will keep his hands?

After doing all this, he didn't stay in place, but flew away from here.

Before that, Ye Feng left alone in order to get rid of Ma Mingtao, and separated from Caifeng and other three women.

Now he is very worried about the safety of the three women.

Therefore, Ye Feng must find the other party in a short time.

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