Sky War God

Chapter 3288: A powerful enemy strikes

She released her will of heaven and earth, and used her will to fit this space and here.


   This process was relatively slow, and the pressure on Ye Feng's body was not relieved in a short time.


   But he clenched his teeth and persisted, never giving up.


   His power of good fortune also allows his body to gradually fit into this space more closely.


   Those waves of heaven and earth vitality crazily infiltrated into Ye Feng's body.


   makes the blood vessels all over his body seem to be ruptured by the so-called blast, that kind of heart-piercing pain is not something ordinary people can resist.


  The Emperor Wu Zhuangzi also came here at this moment, seeing Ye Feng's embarrassed appearance, he was relieved.


   God Court, that is the world with the highest interface, it is not comparable to ordinary people in the small world.


   The heaven and earth vitality contained in a world like this is naturally more pure and strong.


   People in the small world came to the God's Court, and naturally they couldn't really resist.


   However, before that, he had already given Wuming Zi a pill that would alleviate this type of pain.


   Wumingzi was not dispensed to Ye Feng.


  This kind of pill can make people in the small world quickly adapt to the environment of the gods to avoid danger.


   You need to know that in the breath of God's garden, some people in the small world may even suffer a life crisis if their resistance is not strong.


   "Where is the pill? Give it to him."


   Wudi Zhuangzi looked at Ye Feng's painful expression, and couldn't help but command Wumingzi.


Wumingzi's eyes flickered, and he said to this Wudi Zhuangzi: "Master, but if you can really give it to him, but, as your disciple, he can't stand even this breath. How can he use Master's will in the future? Handed down?"


   "Furthermore, I believe that with the talent of Junior Brother Ye, he will certainly be able to tide over the difficulties easily."


   I have to say that the words Wumingzi said really make sense.


   Although Emperor Wu Zhuangzi sympathized with Ye Feng, he had nothing to say at this moment.


   The light on Ye Feng's body is getting brighter and brighter, using his two attribute powers to make his body fit this space more closely.


   This scene caused Wudi Zhuangzi and Wumingzi's eyes to flicker involuntarily, and it seemed a little surprised.


   The breath released from the opponent seems to fit into this space.


   Everything in the space gradually can no longer affect him.


   More importantly, that wave of heaven and earth's vitality even merged into Ye Feng's body at this moment.


   Ye Feng used that heaven and earth vitality to improve his cultivation realm, making the aura in his entire body more intense.


   The body was supported by the vitality of heaven and earth a little bit, suspended in the air.


   "Is he practicing with this power?"


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi had never seen anything like this, so he couldn't help but mutter to himself.


   Wumingzi was also very shocked. Looking at Ye Feng, his face was a little unbelievable.


   "How is it possible that Junior Brother Ye has adapted so quickly?"


   Wumingzi said incredulously.


   It didn't take long for Ye Feng's body to stand upright in the space a little bit. His complexion had faded from the pale before, and gradually became ruddy.


   Immediately, his body descended on the ground like that, and said to Wumingzi: "Thank you brother for your guidance."


   Ye Feng's words are true. Without the nameless words, it would be really difficult for him to adapt in such a short time.


   Wumingzi's smile was a bit stiff, and he smiled at Ye Feng and said, "Junior Brother Ye is very talented, so he can adapt to it so quickly."




   Almost at the same time, Wudi Zhuangzi's brows frowned at this moment, and his eyes couldn't help but look towards the direction of the distant sky.


   The pupils are shining sharply, turning their heads to Ye Feng Wumingzi and the two commanded: "Someone is coming, these guys really can't stand it, you two should go ahead and come for the teacher."


After    said these words, Ye Feng and Wumingzi looked at each other, and immediately guessed the meaning of the words of Emperor Wu's seed.


   "I want to go now, don’t you think it’s a bit late?"


   It's just that, at this moment, there was such an extremely indifferent voice, far and near, covering this space completely, and the void trembles.


   It didn't take long for Ye Feng and the others to have several god-level existences.


   Their bodies were wrapped in bursts of spatial attribute power, and they appeared out of nowhere, as if they had descended from outside the void.


The person headed by    is indeed the god-level existence who is licking his big belly. His name is "Jiuqu Palace Master."


   The Jiuqu Palace under his command has a very high status in the entire **** court. Therefore, many of the god-level powerhouses who came to Tianzhou Dragon City to select disciples together respect him.


   Today's Jiuqu Palace Lord, leading many celestial beings trying to intercept Wudi Zhuangzi and others.


   In addition to the Palace Master of Jiuqu, there are also many powerful god-level powerhouses descending.


   This includes the "Palace Master of the Eight Desolation Galaxy", the "Master of the Shenwu Palace", and the "Master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Hall".


   These people are all overlord-level figures in the area of ​​the God Court.


   Judging from the backup qualifications, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi cannot be compared with these people.


   Therefore, among the 10 powerhouses of the **** level who have come to Tianzhou Dragon City this time, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's sense of existence is the smallest.


   Just because he has just achieved the position of **** for thousands of years, how can he compare with them?


   Therefore, they did not put Wudi Zhuangzi in their eyes at all.


   This time, Ye Feng won the first seat in the Dragon City Competition and became the most eye-catching focus on the scene.


   More importantly, he incorporates the mark of the God of War that makes all the powers of the gods crazy.


  If the opponent were to follow Wudi Zhuangzi back to practice in this way, then the mark of the God of War might fall into the hands of Wudi Zhuangzi.


   How can they let these treasures fall into the hands of others?


   "What do you mean by coming here?"


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi asked these god-level powerhouses with an ugly expression.


   "Leave Ye Feng, your master and apprentice will leave us alone."


   Jiuqu Palace Master sneered and opened his mouth, looking at Ye Feng with a bit of heat in his eyes.


   "Yes, I am not interested in you, as long as you can keep people obediently, everything is easy to discuss."


   The Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy also said, looking at Wudi Zhuangzi with a bit of coldness.


   The Hall Master of the Shenwu Temple, the Hall Master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation did not speak, but there was also a bit of arrogance in his eyes.


   Ye Feng's gaze flickered, and his gaze glanced at the side of these powerful gods.


   found that Long Feiyang and others were not by their side. Obviously, these god-level existences had been prepared.


   Jiaolong Feiyang and others have sent back to his case.


   They came here specially to stop him.


   He didn't know what he was capable of, and why he attracted the attention of so many powerhouses of the Celestial God level.


   "Your Excellency would really be joking, Ye Feng is my disciple, he is just a younger generation, I don't know what it is for your Excellency and others?"


  The Emperor Wu Zhuangzi smiled faintly, even in the face of the oppression of many strong gods, he still acted calmly.


   "You don't have to worry about it, you just need to hand over the people, and I will take care of other things."


   Jiuqu Palace Lord said coldly, with a tone of command in his words.


   As if his words, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi did not dare to refuse.


   "That's right, as long as you hand over the people, we are all in peace, and I will not embarrass you. If not, I can't guarantee the consequences of the three of you master and apprentice."


   The Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy directly threatened, not to give any face to Emperor Wu Zhuangzi.


   Other strong gods nodded, agreeing with what the other party said.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's pupils were shining sharply, but he did not expect these people to be so domineering.


   It's just that Ye Feng has already entered his door, and he is his disciple. In any case, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi will not give up on him.


   "Your Excellency and others may be disappointed. Ye Feng is our next disciple. In any case, I will not give up on him."


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi said decisively.


   His face is a bit strong, even if you face many strong gods, you don't have the slightest fear of each other.


   "I can't help you!"


   Palace Master of Jiuqu said coldly to Ye Feng, after saying this, an extremely cold aura burst out of him.


   The power of nine songs was released at this moment, and quickly gathered in his palm.


   made his palms instantly become extremely violent, and he grabbed a large void hand directly toward the direction where Ye Feng was.


   As a powerful god-level existence, the power of this empty hand released by the Palace Master of Jiuqu can be imagined.


   Before the Void Hand arrived, Ye Feng's body felt an irresistible pressure, as if the bones inside his body were going to suffer a devastating blow.


   The big empty hand was released, Ye Feng couldn't hide at all, it seemed that he could only withstand the suppression of the big empty hand of the other party.


   However, at this moment, Wudi Zhuangzi's eyes became unusually sharp.


   The big empty hand facing the opponent was released, and Emperor Wu Zhuangzi shot it directly. The power of this long seal was not only extremely powerful, but also the speed was beyond imagination.


   can be described as an instant blast out, and within a short time, it collided with the opponent's empty hand.


   Almost at the same time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible concussion, and the terrible destructive power spread in all directions.


   The two attacks collided instantly.


   Although it has been a long time since the Lord of the Nine Songs of the Palace has achieved the position of the gods, the opponent's strength is really terrifying.


   But the talent of Emperor Wudi's seed is the highest among the many god-level powerhouses present.


   Maybe his cultivation level is worse than others, but his talent can completely make up for the lack of this part.


   Even, it brought Wudi Zhuangzi a very powerful leapfrog challenge ability.


   Even in the face of the master of the Nine Music Palace, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi was not afraid.


   Under the collision between the two, the empty hand of the Palace Lord of Jiuqu was shaken back, and Ye Feng was saved.


   This scene made the faces of the other god-level existences present a little ugly.


   Unexpectedly, in the face of so many of them who are god-level powerhouses, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi would dare to contend with the Palace Master of Jiuqu.


   For them, this is simply an unimaginable thing.


   Seeing Wudi Zhuangzi dared to contend with the opponent, these celestial powerhouses would naturally not just sit and wait for death.


   I saw Palace Master of the Eight Desolates Galaxy opening to Emperor Wu Zhuangzi: "You really don't know the heights of the sky, dare to intercept the attack of Palace Master Jiuqu, it seems that we should not be polite with you anymore!"


   After saying these words, the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy quickly released the aura of the Eight Desolations Galaxy from his body.


   The terrifying coercion hovered over the body, making his whole body become extremely violent.


   stepped directly forward, the breath of the starry river of eight wilderness condensed on his fist.


   A punch was blasted out, and this punch seemed to be able to shake the world. The destructive power completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present.


   The extremely terrifying power of the galaxy enveloped it, and the power was completely earth-shattering!


   The attacking power of the god-level powerhouse is indeed terrifying.


  Even if Ye Feng is in this area, every attack released by the opponent can bring irresistible pressure to Ye Feng.


   He was under the attack of the opponent, only feeling that his body was about to be shaken and destroyed.


   According to the legend, an attack by a strong **** of the sky can easily destroy a world. Now it seems that there is really no falsehood.


   Facing a devastating attack from Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy, Emperor Wu Di Zhuangzi still had no fear at all.


   His eyes flickered, and there was a strong sharp light in his eyes, and at this moment he took a step towards one side.


   I have to say that Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's figure speed is indeed extremely fast, and he uses that kind of super-spatial distance body and martial arts to dodge.


   evaded the opponent's attack at an extremely fast speed.


   This caused the face of the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy to change slightly. It seemed that he didn't expect that after a long time, the opponent's figure speed would become so fast.


   Almost at the same time, Wudi Zhuangzi, your eyes fell on the two of Ye Feng Wumingzi.


   I saw him wave his big hand, and a burst of power quickly burst out of his palm.


   directly wrapped the bodies of Ye Feng and Wumingzi.


   caused the bodies of the two people to be entangled in it, and then they quickly stepped towards the distance.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's figure is very fast, spanning thousands of miles in one step, walking directly towards the distance.


   This scene made the complexions of the many god-level powerhouses present a little ugly.


   They didn't seem to expect that they would unite together to pretend to be Emperor Wu, and let the other party run away.


   "Chasing, can't let this guy run away!"


   Jiuqu Palace Master gritted his teeth and said, thinking that Ye Feng carried the mark of the God of War on his body, he was really unwilling.


  If the mark of the **** of war falls into the hands of Emperor Wudi Zhuangzi, then the opponent will definitely become more lawless in the future!


   The master of the Eight Desolation Galaxy Palace, the Palace Master of the Shenwu Palace, and the Hall Master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the three powerful gods nodded.


   no longer stayed any longer, but quickly moved towards the direction where the Wudi seeds fled.


   That kind of speed is indeed very fast, almost on par with the seeds of Emperor Wu.


  While they were chasing each other, they did not forget to release the destructive power from themselves, and condensed a terrible attack with the destructive power to try to intercept Wudi Zhuangzi.


   As a god-level existence, the power of the exercises they release is very terrifying, and it will cover this sky in a short time.


   makes it difficult for Emperor Wu Di Zhuangzi to shuttle and avoid the opponent's attack.




   On the side of Wudi Zhuangzi's body, the Hall Master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation frantically shot a ruined palm print on this side.


   The power of destroying the palm print is extremely powerful, it can be said to cover a space, wherever the palm print goes, everything in the space will be shaken and destroyed.


   Moreover, the speed of the palm print is extremely fast, just a moment of effort, this has reached the body of the Emperor Wu Zhuangzi.


   Wudi Zhuangzi felt the strong threat contained in the opponent's palm, and could only release attack and resistance.


   He blasted out with a punch, and the strongest various attributes in his body were integrated on the fist.


   At their level, the attacks released at will are not imaginable by Ye Feng and others.


   They can clearly feel the irresistible force contained in the opponent's attack.


  Even, the remaining power of that force may not be something Ye Feng can contend.


   Ye Feng Wumingzi both underwent tremendous pressure on their bodies, as if they could be destroyed by the shock at any time.


   The fists released by Emperor Wu Zhuangzi collided with the opponent's attack.


   The sound of destruction was earth-shaking, and the endless shock wave of destruction continued to spread in all directions.


   Under this collision, the attack released by the opponent took the lead.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's body was shaken back, his body floating more and more fierce.


   Without waiting for him to breathe, the terrifying power of the master of Shenwu Temple also bloomed at this moment.


   As a powerful traditional martial artist, the master of the Shenwu Temple, his attacking power is so pure.


   But its attack power is not weak at all, and it is extremely violent, and the attacks of ordinary people cannot resist it.


   At this moment, the attacking power released by the other party was beyond imagination and terrifying, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the body of Emperor Wudi Zhuangzi.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi couldn't dodge, and was hit by the attack of the master of Shenwu Temple!


   Just listen to the sound of horrible concussion from the bang, and the power of destruction spreads in all directions.


  The attacking power of the hall master of the Shenwu Temple is indeed very strong, and that amazing destructive power continues to spread on the surface of Wudi Zhuangzi's body.


  Yes, when the Wudi Zhuangzi was fighting, blood was vomiting from his mouth, and his complexion didn't look good.


   Ye Feng, Wumingzi and Wumingzi also felt the tremendous pressure on Wudi Zhuangzi's body.


   The blood of the two of them also rolled over, even under the protection of each other, that terrifying destructive force could still penetrate into their bodies.


   "Zhuangzi, you better stop struggling, just for an ordinary disciple, are you really willing to be my enemy? If that is the case, then you will be punished the most terrifying!"


  Liu Dao Reincarnation Hall's hallmaster looked at Wudi Zhuangzi, speaking with a sneer on his face, with a bit of irony in his words.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. This attack from the Palace Master of Shenwu Temple had a very strong blow to him.


   If it weren't for the defensive armored body on the surface of his body, the opponent's attack could make him suffer unimaginable damage.


   However, since he has accepted Ye Feng as a disciple, he must guard Ye Feng to the end.


   At least not to let some caring people hurt each other.


   Facing the collective pursuit of the four powers of the gods, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi knew that with his own strength, there was no way to guarantee the safety of Ye Feng.


   Therefore, he hurriedly released the breath from his body, and temporarily wrapped the bodies of Ye Feng and the two.


   Immediately, he quickly took out two talisman records from his storage ring.


   These two talisman records contained powerful detached space power, and they quickly handed over to Ye Feng Wumingzi.


I couldn't help but speak to these two people: "As a teacher, you can no longer protect your safety. With these two transcendent space symbols, you can be temporarily out of crisis. Go ahead and don't delay time! "




   Ye Feng looked at Invincible Zhuangzi's pale face, and felt intense worries in his heart.


   Faced with the collective siege of the four powers of the four gods, the crisis that the opponent will endure can be imagined.


   How he wants to fight side by side with each other and fight the enemy together.


   However, Ye Feng is very self-aware. With his current cultivation level and strength, even if he stays here, he can only add chaos to Emperor Wu Zhuangzi.


   It distracts the other party and puts a stronger burden on the other party.




  Don't even think about it, he and Wumingzi are not worth mentioning in front of these god-level powerhouses.


   "Don't hesitate anymore, I will take you away!"


   Wumingzi also spoke to Ye Feng, seeming to have a more thorough view of the form on the scene.


   said, he inspired the detachment space talisman in his hand.


   A powerful spatial attribute force burst out at this moment and quickly merged into Wumingzi's body.


  Shi Wumingzi's body was immediately enveloped by the power of the detached space, and immediately became illusory.


   Ye Feng's eyes showed a bit of grief and anger, although in his heart he wanted to stay and fight alongside Wudi Zhuangzi.


   But he is more aware of his ability now, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi usually fights with these strong gods.


   is to protect the safety of him and Wumingzi. If he goes against the other's ideas, all the other's efforts will be wasted.


   Thinking of this, even though Ye Feng was extremely reluctant, he also inspired his detached space talisman at this moment.


   A burst of detached space power burst out, quickly wrapping Ye Feng's body.


   He surprisingly discovered that this detached space power is similar to the space attribute power.


   But compared to the space attribute power he comprehend, I don't know how much stronger it is.


   The power of detached space continuously enveloped his body, and Ye Feng tried to release his space attribute power and integrate it into his body little by little.


   This made his speed of stimulating Fulu increased a lot, and even faster than the Wumingzi who inspired and inspired Fulu in transcendence earlier than him.


   Wumingzi's face couldn't help showing a somewhat unbelievable expression. When his body was about to disappear in this space, Ye Feng was quicker than his speed.


   just disappeared in this space!


   Wumingzi also disappeared with Ye Feng.


   All this is complicated to say, but in fact it is just something that happened in a flash.


   Palace Master of Jiuqu and other four powerhouses at the Celestial God level, their complexions are not so good.


   It seems that he did not expect that Emperor Wu Zhuangzi agreed to face their four powerhouses alone, and also to protect Ye Feng.


   However, they naturally wouldn't let Ye Feng leave so easily.


   I saw a few sharp flashes in the eyes of Palace Master Jiuqu, immediately releasing a terrifying force of destruction.


   This destructive force can surpass the distance of space, and the master of Jiuqu Palace grabbed it at this moment with a big hand.


   The direction released by the big hand was exactly where Ye Feng left off, and that big hand seemed to have begun to become illusory.


  Even half of a finger quickly entered the space tunnel, and grabbed the direction of Ye Feng's body at an unimaginable speed.


   If there is no other way, even if the two of Ye Feng release the rune of the detached space, they will still be caught by the Palace Master of Jiuqu.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi's eyes were a bit sharp, naturally he wouldn't let Ye Feng and the two of them be restrained like this.


   A long seal blasted directly towards the position of the Jiuqu Palace Master's body, forcing the other party to withdraw that big hand.


   I have to say that even if Emperor Wu's seed is already injured, the attack it releases still poses an extremely strong threat to Palace Master Jiuqu.


   Jiuqu Palace Master felt the strong sense of crisis from that attack for the first time.


   This made him have to withdraw that big hand, and his face became a little ugly.


   "Damn fellow, since you would rather die by yourself and protect the two juniors, then we will solve you first. Then, I will see how the two juniors can avoid my pursuit?"


   Jiuqu Palace Master looked at Wudi Zhuangzi with a look of resentment and said, in any case, he couldn't let the mark of the God of War fall into the hands of other people.


After   's words fell, the breath of the palace lord of Jiuqu burst out again.


   The power of nine songs surrounds the entire space, completely enveloping everything in the space.


   The amazing destruction of Tao palm prints bloomed at this moment, and the power contained in the palm prints was beyond imagination.


   can be described as sweeping out like the sky and the earth, the strong palm wind made Wudi Zhuangzi's body shake for a while.


   However, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi still did not fear the other party.


   saw his arm wave in front of him, releasing a wave of the power of the **** pattern.


   As a powerful **** of the ranks, the power of the **** pattern attribute that Wudi Zhuangzi comprehends is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.


   The lines are constantly changing and interlacing, forming an extremely complicated totem.


   Totem releases a powerful attribute power, completely shrouding a space.


   His arms seemed to be wrapped in lines, facing the opponent's palm prints, and Wu Di Zhuangzi slammed out.


   The destructive power contained in the fist light is beyond imagination, and the punch hits the opponent's palm directly.


   Just listen to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the power of destruction spreads in all directions.


   If you talk about the profound skill, the palace lord of Jiuqu must be stronger than Wudi Zhuangzi, after all, the other party has a relatively long position in achieving the level of gods.


   However, at this moment, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi showed his power of divine marks too much beyond ordinary people.


   With the help of the power of divine text, his attack power instantly rose to another level.


   Even if you face the powerful Jiuqu Palace Master, you have no fear at all.


   Jiuqu Palace Master looked very proud, as if the attack he released, Emperor Wu Zhuangzi would definitely be unable to resist.


   A wave of nine songs tried to envelop the body of Wudi Zhuangzi, and seeing Wudi Zhuangzi couldn't resist it.


   The **** pattern totems lingering in front of the opponent began to take effect, and the power of the **** pattern attribute burst out continuously.


   A line of lines appeared all over the body, and the power it carried was beyond imagination.


   immediately shattered the attack and strangulation of Palace Master Jiuqu.


   And that powerful divine character attribute force is still very violent, as if turned into the strongest destructive power, and rolled towards the chairman of Jiuqu Palace.


   Jiuqu Palace Master's face is a bit ugly, it seems that he didn't expect that Wudi Zhuangzi's current **** pattern attribute power level has reached this level.


   The power of this divine pattern attribute power was beyond imagination, and it tried to swallow the Lord of Jiuqu Palace for the first time.


   Jiuqu Palace Master felt the strong sense of crisis for the first time, so naturally he didn't dare to stay any longer.


   Instead, he quickly retreated toward the back, for fear that the opponent's god-patterned power would harm him.


   It's just that the power generated by the power of the **** pattern attribute is really terrifying.


   Even though the speed of the Jiuqu Palace Master is fast enough, the surface of his body is still marked with blood marks by the mighty destruction of the power of the **** pattern. U U Reading


  The blood that penetrated out dyed his clothes red.


   makes Jiuqu Palace Master's face extremely ugly, and a strong sense of anger bursts out of his heart.


   "I waited for 4 people to shoot together, and it was really shameful to let him live so long!"


   The Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy said indifferently, after a word fell, the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy once again mobilized his power of the Eight Desolations.


   evolved into the most terrifying destructive force for the first time, madly blasting towards the direction of Wudi Zhuangzi's body.


   just tried to physically suppress Wudi Zhuangzi.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi did not directly contend with the other party. Today, he himself is the weaker party.


   also suffered such a serious injury, head-to-head with each other, he will always suffer.


   Therefore, before the attack from the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy came before the body of Wudi Zhuangzi.


   Emperor Wu Zhuangzi had already made enough preparations, and at this moment his body quickly stepped towards one side.


   That kind of speed is really fast, and at the same time, he once again mobilized the power of the **** pattern attribute that he had understood.


   A series of lines appeared all over the body, quickly forming a large network of divine texts, wrapping towards the direction of the body of the Palace Master of the Eight Desolations Galaxy.

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