Sky War God

Chapter 3263: Strong face

The strong faces of the Baihu tribe were ugly, and they also didn't expect that in the face of Ye Feng, the Baihu Deceptive would fail like this.

Finally had to admit defeat in this battle.

When the other party conceded defeat, Ye Feng would naturally not shoot at the other party anymore. He didn't look at the white tiger overlord and flew directly off the platform.

White Tiger Decepticon has a somewhat unwilling expression on his face. He is the second arrogant of the White Tiger clan, second only to the existence of Bai Huol. Under normal circumstances, he should be able to successfully win this battle.

But he didn't expect that he would fail so soon, this Ye Feng, obviously did not get the position of the gods, and the strength displayed by the opponent is not something he can compete.

"This Ye Feng is so strong, is it possible that he can enter the top 50 seats this time?"

Seeing Ye Feng's strong crushing of the White Tiger Deceptive, not far from the prescription, a strong man immediately said so.

Hearing this sentence, many people in the audience flickered involuntarily, and a bit of irony appeared on their faces.

Only one person said: "It's not that I look down on him, he can enter the top 100 seats. It is already very powerful. Where can he reach the top 50 seats? It will not take long before you can see that this guy should have the strength How weak!"

His words immediately attracted the approval of many people, after all, Ye Feng was unknown before and had not yet obtained the position of god.

Where can his strength go?

It didn't take long for all the 100 people present to complete their first battle, and almost all the top talents won the first battle.

Next, the strong host continued to read the names of both sides of the battle, and someone immediately took the stage to start the battle.

The 99 battles are definitely a severe challenge for the last 100 people present. It is a big test for their willpower, physical strength, and physical endurance.

As for the top talents, there is no need to worry about these. Those who fight with them will almost always give up first.

Even if someone wants to challenge them, most of them can't survive three moves, and they will be defeated by these top talents.

In this way, top figures like Long Feiyang, Guiyuan Jiannan, and Chilong Tiancang seemed very relaxed.

Their opponents couldn't compete with them at all, and almost all came to give away their heads.

In this round of battle, the opponent that Ye Feng encountered was relatively weak, but this person still didn't mean to admit defeat directly, but thought that he could defeat Ye Feng.

In the battle between the two, Ye Feng took the absolute initiative from the beginning. With only three moves, he blasted that person off the battlefield and won his second personal victory.

Many people's eyes flashed, and a somewhat surprised expression appeared on their faces. This guy hadn't won the position of a god, but the opponent was so easy to fight.

In the two battles, the other side almost did not encounter much challenge and easily defeated the opponent, which is indeed unimaginable.

"He has won two games in a row. It seems that he really has hope to advance to the top 50 seats."

Someone said so for the first time, looking at Ye Feng with some expectation.

After this sentence was said, some people expressed contempt and thought that what the other party said was baseless.

"Next, Fu Haoran will fight Liao Tianhua."

It didn't take long for the strong host to announce this.

After this voice came out, many people's eyes were frozen for a while. Unexpectedly, the two sides in this battle were so interesting.

Needless to say, Liao Tianhua is a generation of prodigal sons who have long been famous in the Holy Spirit Tianzhou.

Personal strength is extremely powerful, especially its swordsmanship, it has reached the peak state.

Prior to this, Convenience had shown good strength and passed all the way to this round.

Fu Haoran is a newly rising top talent. Prior to this, Fu Haoran defeated Shui Tianshuang strongly, and he became famous.

More importantly, Fu Haoran understood the extremely powerful spear technique, and the golden phoenix-tailed spear in his hand was like a broken bamboo.

Ordinary attacks are simply difficult to contend with. The two fight against each other, a strong sword repairer, and a king of soldiers.

Who is strong and who is weak is indeed worthy of everyone's attention.

Fu Haoran's eyes flickered, without any hesitation, his body directly rose into the air, and quickly landed on the battle platform.

"Brother Liao, be careful, this person's spear skills are very unique, don't be careless."

Ye Feng reminded Liao Tianhua that Liao Tianhua couldn't help but nod to Ye Feng.

Immediately at this moment, his body soared into the sky and landed on the other side of the battle platform, looking at Fu Haoran.

"The prodigal swordsman, I heard about it in the morning. I always wanted to learn from him, but I didn't have the chance. This time, I was fortunate enough to meet your Excellency on the battlefield. It is indeed worthy of a good study."

Fu Haoran looked at Liao Tianhua. Faintly smiled.

Liao Tianhua also smiled slightly and said: "Your spear skills really make me feel admired. It is really fortunate for us to meet your Excellency on the platform. Whether you win or lose, this battle is worth savoring."

The conversation between the two can be said to be respectful, not as full of gunpowder as the others, but when they listen carefully, they hide murderous intent.

Fu Haoran stretched out his hand, and there was light shining in his palm.

Immediately, the golden light carrying a powerful phoenix power burst out at this moment.

Quickly gathered in his palm, making his chief violent at this moment.

The golden phoenix-tailed spear emerged at this moment, shining with domineering light, behind Fu Haoran.

It seemed that a phantom of the phoenix appeared, and the phantom of the phoenix enveloped a sky, and the terrifying power it released was beyond imagination.

"Your Excellency, be careful!"

Fu Haoran gave a reminder to Liao Tianhua, and immediately stepped forward, quickly descending in front of Liao Tianhua's body.

The golden phoenix-tailed spear became more and more violent, assassinated with one shot, the golden spear light gleamed in the void, and the power released was really terrifying to the extreme.

He quickly came to Liao Tianhua's body, and completely tore off Liao Tianhua's body.

Liao Tianhua's eyes froze slightly, and he immediately felt the terrible power contained in the opponent's gun.

He didn't contend with the opponent head-on, but merged his sword aura into his body.

It made his body seem to have transcended the distance of this space, stepping out to one side at will.

The body change came to another prescription at this moment. Although the opponent's attack might be powerful, it could not really hit Liao Tianhua's body.

Liao Tianhua's body had appeared in the other directions, and Fu Haoran's eyes were slightly frozen, as if he did not expect that Liao Tianhua's body speed would have reached this point.

The golden phoenix-tailed gun in his hand is well-known, and the destructive power flowing above the gunfire is beyond imagination.

A horizontal sharp spear light burst out at this moment, and this spear light swept across a space, almost making Liao Tianhua unable to hide.

The violent power contained in the spear light was so powerful that it would not give Liao Tianhua any chance to evade.

Liao Tianhua's eyes also became a little windy, and the opponent's attack was really violent, making it hard to dodge. For him, it was simply too deceptive.

And he, naturally, would not just sit and wait for death, but quickly took out the rusty iron sword from his waist.

This iron sword was released, and in an instant, one space was enveloped by that powerful sword aura.

It seemed that fierce sword light was constantly splitting in the void, causing the sky of this space to be chopped and shattered.

He slashed out as soon as he saw it, and the sword light drew a beautiful arc, which could almost penetrate everything.

In the blink of an eye, this sword light collided with the opponent's spear light. Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided in this one, sparks splattered, and their arms were numb.

At this moment, the footsteps retreated one after another, and his complexion didn't look good.

"Your Excellency is really amazing. The power contained in this sword light really surprised me."

Fu Haoran spoke to Liao Tianhua, with a look in his eyes that was a little unbelievable.

The spear light he just released was too powerful. In his opinion, this attack was definitely not something that Liao Tianhua could easily resist.

Unexpectedly, the sword light exhibited by the other party using the iron sword in his hand would actually possess such terrifying power.

It made Fu Haoran's body tremble, only to feel that his body was about to fall apart by that destructive force.

Fu Haoran looked a little ugly, his personality was arrogant, how could he tolerate being so suppressed by others?

Especially when so many people are watching.


A violent roar came out, and Fu Haoran stepped forward, and the golden phoenix-tailed gun in his hand was assassinated.

There seemed to be endless sharp energy gathered in the void, quickly condensing a series of extremely terrifying spears.

At an extremely fast speed, together with his golden phoenix-tailed gun, it penetrated towards the direction where Liao Tianhua's body was.

Send out a series of extremely strong words to break the sky, the speed is beyond imagination.

Many people trembled for it, and they didn't seem to expect that this spear light measured by the other party could show such power.

After watching all this, Liao Tianhua stepped forward quickly, his figure was extremely fast, and his body looked illusory.

It seemed to be isolated from this space, constantly shuttled among the spear ghosts released by the other party.

It didn't take long for him to descend in front of the opponent's body, which made Fu Haoran's eyes slightly freeze. Released his own attack for the first time.

Contending with each other, the two attacks collided again, and the power of destruction was earth-shattering.

Makes the entire battle platform trembles wildly, and everything will be destroyed by the shock kill.

In the next period of time, Fu Haoran and Liao Tianhua both came and went, and the offensive power released by each of them was terrible.

Wherever the attack goes, the void seems to be destroyed. The destructive power is indeed beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Liao Tianhua released his power of will, making the long sword in his hand more and more violent.

Every sword light can pose an extremely strong threat to Fu Haoran, which also made many people present to see Liao Tianhua's powerful strength.

Fu Haoran was already strong enough. Before that, the opponent had defeated Shui Tianshuang strongly, and it could be said that he became famous in the first battle.

Unexpectedly, in front of Liao Tianhua, the other party gradually fell into a disadvantage.


Another sword light slashed out. Liao Tianhua's sword light was powerful enough, wherever he went, everything in the space would be chopped and shattered.

The sword light quickly descended, and the forcing Fu Haoran's body retreated one after another, his complexion was not so good, and his body almost fell under the battle platform at this moment.

Liao Tianhua cut out the sword light once again, this sword light. Let Fu Haoran couldn't hide.

However, the opponent was extremely arrogant. Even if he was about to be killed by Liao Tianhua, the opponent didn't want to admit defeat.

He even closed his eyes directly, as if waiting for the arrival of Liao Tianhua.

Many people's eyes flickered, and a somewhat unexpected expression appeared on their faces. Unexpectedly, this Fu Haoran was so spineless.

Seeing that the other party didn't mean to admit defeat, after the sword light fell above the other party's head, Liao Tianhua directly retracted the long sword and stopped shooting the other party.

This has caused many people to give a thumbs up to Liao Tianhua, who is indeed very good.

The battle on the Dragon City Grand Competition platform never limits the casualties between each other. People with weak strength can only be crushed here.

Even if he was slain, he could only admit his fate.

In other words, just now, even if Liao Tianhua killed the opponent, the opponent could only admit his fate.

But Liao Tianhua didn't do this and spared the other's life.

"Your Excellency is really good. I was lucky to win the game and I was offended."

Liao Tianhua arched his hands to Fu Haoran, after saying this, he wanted to turn around and leave.

"It seems that it is not over yet, your life should be left to me!"

However, Liao Tianhua just wanted to leave, but he heard such a voice from Fu Haoran behind him.

After this voice fell, Liao Tianhua felt a strong sense of crisis coming from behind him.

"Be careful!"

Ye Feng reminded the other party, an extremely cold sheen flashed in his eyes.

Fu Haoran held a golden phoenix-tailed gun and madly pierced a spear light into Liao Tianhua's body.

This spear light contained a powerful killing power that would completely penetrate Liao Tianhua's body.

The power is simply earth-shattering and does not give Liao Tianhua any chance of survival.

"call out!"

At the moment when Fu Haoran's spear light was about to pierce Liao Tianhua's body, everyone present heard such an air-breaking sound in the emptiness.

Ye Feng released a beam of destruction, which directly collided with the spear light pierced by the opponent's Golden Phoenix Tail Spear.

Only hearing the sound of a metal impact, Ye Feng's bright light directly intercepted the opponent's shot.

Fu Haoran's arm was numb with the powerful counter-shock force, and his footsteps were also implicated in retreating at this moment. The golden phoenix-tail gun almost dropped from his hand, and his face became a little ugly.

This sudden scene caused many people present to have their eyes flashed, and their faces appeared a little unbelievable.

It seemed that he had never expected that Fu Haoran was so despicable, and Liao Tianhua forgave the other party's life, and that the other party should avenge revenge in this way. It was indeed too shameless.

"I'm fighting him, what qualifications do you have to participate in?"

Fu Haoran's body was shaken back one after another, and the spear in his hand almost let go. After he would stabilize his figure, some questioned Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at Fu Haoran and said faintly: "I thought you were an upright gentleman, and I admired your strength very much before, but I didn't expect you to be such a despicable person. Brother Liao has spared your life. On the contrary, you will avenge your grievances. Don't be embarrassed to ask me when you are such a villain?"

Ye Feng's words immediately caused many people present to nod their heads, thinking that what he said had some truth.

"Hehe, reason with me, are you worthy?"

Fu Haoran said coldly to Ye Feng, with a strong sneer in his words.

"Just like you who have not yet obtained the position of gods, I really don't know what qualifications you have to be arrogant in front of me?"

Fu Haoran continued indifferently to Ye Feng. In his opinion, people like Ye Feng who have not yet obtained the position of gods are not qualified to speak to him.

Ye Feng looked at him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, his smile was that kind of irony, and he said: "I take the position of the unrecognized god, but it is more than enough to deal with people like you."

As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes flickered, and they didn't expect that Ye Feng's words would be so arrogant.

After all, Fu Haoran is also a newly rising top talent. He, a person who has not yet obtained the position of gods, dares to conclude that the opponent is not his opponent. It is indeed a bit too big.

"Hehe, I really don't know where your courage comes from. If you say that, then I will fight you next, do you dare?"

Fu Haoran said proudly, as if he could easily crush Ye Feng as long as he shot.

As soon as this remark came out, a bit of excitement appeared on the faces of many people present.

If the two men start a battle, it is really worth seeing. I don't know whether they are strong or weak.

"Ye Feng seems to have overestimated himself. Now, I want to see how he can reply to what he said."

Someone looked at Ye Feng and said with a sarcasm on his face.

Many people agreed with the other party. They thought that Ye Feng might not have thought that Fu Haoran would directly invite him to fight, so that he would dare to be so arrogant.

However, he saw Ye Feng looking at Fu Haoran with a weird look, and that look was like looking at a fool, and said: "If Longcheng University allows us to do this, I will naturally have no problem."

Everyone's eyes flickered, Ye Feng said so, obviously he agreed to Fu Haoran's invitation to fight.

In their opinion, Ye Feng's doing this is tantamount to looking for death.

Fu Haoran sneered, and looked directly at the strong host and said, "Senior, please allow me to suppress this arrogant fellow here."

That strong host has also been paying attention to the verbal battle between the two. In this round of battle, everyone has to fight with the other 99 strong.

In other words, in any case, Ye Feng and Fu Haoran will have a competition. As for when to compete, in fact, it will not affect the specific trend of Dragon City Competition.

Therefore, this strong host would naturally not reject what Fu Haoran said, and could not help but nod to it.

After seeing this scene, the smile on Fu Haoran's face became more intense, and he couldn't help but look at Ye Feng coldly and said: "Senior has agreed, you can come up and die!"

There was a bit of expectation on many people's faces, and they seemed to want to see the scene of Ye Feng and Fu Haoran fighting.


Almost at the same time, everyone present heard the sound of a question, and Ye Feng's body descended on the battle platform at this moment.

Liao Tianhua's eyes flickered, and he smiled at Ye Feng and said, "Brother Ye, don't attack too fiercely. This person will not be hit."

After saying this sentence, Fu Haoran's face became more and more ashen, this sentence is simply the strongest humiliation.

Fu Haoran really couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help but roared: "I don't bother to talk nonsense with you two. We will see the high and low in the fight, and die!"

After saying these words, Fu Haoran released the spear's attribute power that he had understood.

Spear lights hovered around his body, and the bright cold light continued to spread over his body.

As a result, his whole body became more and more violent, and the power of the gun was released to the extreme.

The golden rays of light gathered and gradually formed a long spear, which was his golden phoenix-tailed spear.

At this moment, he seemed to burst out infinite fighting spirit, and the breath he released became more and more powerful.

Taking a step forward at will, the breath on his body burst to the extreme, and then he shot out.

The power contained in this gun is beyond imagination. Wherever the gun light goes, the entire space trembles, and Ye Feng's body is completely frostbitten.

"I see it, this is my golden Phoenix-tailed gun. The attribute power of the gun I understand has reached the level of the late stage of the gods. The gun is the king of the soldiers. It is difficult for you to understand this situation. Yes, you may not be able to achieve this in this life."

Fu Haoran released the attack while speaking ironically at Ye Feng.

As if the attack he released was not something Ye Feng could contend.

Ye Feng looked at the opponent, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't mean to contend with the opponent head-on.

His footsteps swiftly stepped out to one side, and the spatial attributes above his body were extremely powerful.

In a short time, the body disappeared in place. Although the opponent's shot was powerful, it could not really hit Ye Feng's body.

Many people's eyes flickered, and a somewhat unexpected color appeared on their faces. They didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng could easily avoid Fu Haoran's attack.

Fu Haoran didn't look good, but felt that he had been extremely humiliated. Looking at Ye Feng, the cold light in his pupils shone.

Immediately there were three consecutive assassinations of guns. These three guns were also aggressive and domineering. Wherever the guns went, the entire space trembled.

Everything seems to be destroyed.

However, even if Fu Haoran's spear lights were powerful enough, they still failed to harm Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng's body seemed to have transcended the distance of this space, no matter how fast or strong the opponent's attack was, you would not be able to get close to his body.

Fu Haoran gritted his teeth in a hostile burst, desperately releasing the destructive power inside his body.

Gathered on his spear, successively released shaping attacks on Ye Feng, but still failed to hit Ye Feng.

This made Fu Haoran a look of impatience on his face, and he couldn't help but say to Ye Feng sarcastically: "What's the point of you hiding like this? Is it because you are afraid of my spear?

After saying these words, Ye Feng's eyes flashed, then he looked at Fu Haoran, and said faintly: "I'm afraid of your spear? Don't you think you only have this type of weapon? "

While speaking, everyone present saw Ye Feng's arm wave, and in his palm, a space attribute force was released.

This space attribute power instantly condensed in his palm, and then gathered into a silver spear.

This silver spear released an extremely bright light, and waves of dragon aura lingered on it, appearing extremely domineering.

It was his previous trophy, the White Dragon Spear, which was also an extremely powerful weapon, although it was not as powerful as the Holy Magic Spear.

But it was also a weapon often used in Ye Feng's hands. At this moment, Ye Feng released the White Dragon Spear, which immediately made many people's eyes slightly solidified.

Unbelievable expressions appeared on each and every face, and it seemed that Ye Feng had such powerful weapons.

"Hehe, I really don't know where you got the broken copper and iron, and I am ashamed to show off in front of me."

Fu Haoran spoke to Ye Feng sarcastically. In his heart, his golden phoenix-tailed gun is the real king of the soldiers. As for the gun that Ye Feng took out, he didn't put it in his eyes.

After saying this, Fu Haoran used the golden Phoenix-tailed gun in his hand to release a devastating attack on Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

The coverage area of ​​this destructive attack was quite wide, and the vastness broke out an extremely bright arc in the void, and quickly reached Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng's body also felt a strong sense of crisis at this moment, but he did not evade.

The spear's attribute power was released, and the boundlessness shone in the void, and then gathered on his white dragon spear.

The power of the Bailong Lance was beyond imagination, and it was assassinated with one shot.

This gun is also extremely concise, and a spear light comes out like suicide. It does not seem to have much power, but it is very powerful.

Within a short time, everyone present heard an extremely loud metal impact sound.

The two weapons collided together at this moment, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

Fu Haoran had a sneer on his face, as if he didn't expect Ye Feng to contend with his spear light.

However, the moment the two attacks really collided, the look on Fu Haoran's face became extremely ugly.

In this shot of Ye Feng, he felt an irresistible force, especially the counter-shock power.

It can almost destroy all existence, constantly following his golden Phoenix-tailed gun, instilling into his arm and body.

This made his body tremble crazily, and his footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment, blood oozing from the mouth of the pot.

If he hadn't recovered most of his power in time, the damage caused by this collision would have been even more terrifying.

The eyes of the crowd flashed, and a somewhat unbelievable look appeared on their faces. It seemed that they did not expect that the gun king released by Ye Feng would have such power.

"Is the gun attribute power that this guy understands is so strong?"

Someone said so for the first time, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed a little unbelievable.

The rest of the people nodded their heads, and also did not expect that the power contained in Ye Feng's shot was so terrifying.

Fu Haoran desperately suppressed the energy inside her body so that her body would no longer suffer the fatal damage.

Ye Feng stared at him, and said lightly: "Is this an attack you are proud of? It's really not very good."

After saying these words, Fu Haoran's complexion became even more gray, and he had the urge to save Ye Feng and kill him now.

It's just that Ye Feng's footsteps have already stepped toward where he is before he can actually make a move.

It quickly descended in front of his body, which caused his eyes to freeze slightly, and a spear light from Ye Feng had already assassinated the place where his body was.

Fu Haoran didn't look very good here, especially after he felt the power contained in Ye Feng's gun, he felt that he was about to be destroyed.

Desperately unleashing an attack and resistance, an astonishing impact sounded again, and the destructive power roared frantically.

This time, Fu Haoran's body was under even greater pressure, and his entire body retreated one after another. The golden phoenix-tailed spear in his hand trembled frantically, and he was almost shaken off his hands.


Almost at the same time, another extremely dull voice sounded, and Ye Feng's footsteps quickly moved towards the direction where Fu Haoran was.

The fierce spear light once again assassinated, and the entire space where the spear body went violently shocked.

He quickly arrived in front of Fu Haoran's body, Fu Haoran looked very He wanted to dodge, but his body speed couldn't keep up with Ye Feng's spear.

In this way, he could only release one attack point, and this time, he could not hold on.

The golden phoenix-tailed gun in his hand was directly shaken out, and his arm trembled like an electric shock.

As the body retreated one after another, a mouthful of blood was also vomited from his mouth.

This scene made everyone frightened. It seemed that they didn't expect Ye Feng to defeat Fu Haoran so easily.

Almost at the same time, Fu Haoran only felt a chill in the area of ​​his throat, and a spear reached there, making him unable to move for a while!

"Your strength seems to be completely different from what you said. At this level, are you embarrassed to show off in front of me?"

Ye Feng looked at each other sarcastically and said.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: On the first day of June, I wish you all a happy Children's Day. In addition, at the beginning of the month, please vote for the book with guaranteed flowers in your hand. Thank you.

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