Sky War God

Chapter 3252: Liao Tianhua's strength

This person performed well enough in the first round of battle, eliminated more than 20 strong players with his own power, and successfully advanced to the next round.

This kind of combat power can be said to be strong enough, which also makes the people of this force have great hopes for this young strong man.

I hope that the opponent will be able to come up with a good result in the next battle.

This time, at the beginning of the second round of the battle, the opponent drew a piece with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's cultivation level can be said to be one of the two lowest among 20,000 people, and the other is Sun Chunhui of Sun Sacred Sect.

This also made many people think that Ye Feng is a weak person, even if Ye Feng showed good strength, the gap in the realm of cultivation is irreparable.

Therefore, in this battle, most people are optimistic that the top prince of the old power will win.

The top Tianjiao figure of the veteran force glanced at Ye Feng, then smiled and said: "I saw the scene of your battle before. Your strength really surprised me. You can easily defeat the Suzaku. People of the clan, however, your cultivation level is still weak. In this battle, you won't have any chance. It's better to actively admit defeat."

Although this person's reputation is not as strong as those of the top Tianjiao figures, the opponent has already participated in the Dragon City Competition for the third time.

In the first two times, he successfully entered the top 500 seats. In the past 100 years, this person has been exploring secrets in many secret realms one after another, and has obtained many opportunities.

This has also allowed him to grow extremely rapidly in the last 100 years. Therefore, his words were immediately recognized by many people present.

Only one person said: "Although this Wang Ke is not the top talent, he is very willful. He has been practicing for hundreds of years. In the past 100 years, Wang Ke's cultivation level has increased again, and his personal strength has already With a reborn change, in this battle, the person named Ye Feng won't have any chance. If he doesn't admit defeat, the outcome he will get will be very miserable!"

Many people nodded their heads for a while. Many people knew Wang Ke. There were even some people who had dealt with each other and saw the scene of the opponent fighting.

Ye Feng's gaze flickered, and he didn't care what everyone was saying. This time his goal was very clear. In any case, he would enter the top 50 seats in the Dragon City Competition.

Only in this way can he be qualified to go to the court and rescue Zhao Xinyi, Ye Qitian and her son.

Therefore, in every battle in the second round, he must maintain a full victory to enter the third round.

Although the difficulty is a bit difficult, Ye Feng must also try his best to fight for it.

"It may disappoint you. In my cognition, I have never confessed. You can make a move."

Ye Feng said to Wang Ke, with a bit of determination in his eyes.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Ke's mouth, as if he was extremely contemptuous of what Ye Feng said. He couldn't help but say: "You will regret it. Now if you wake up, you still have time."

Wang Ke seemed to be giving Ye Feng a chance. In his heart, he didn't bother to take action against Ye Feng.

"Go ahead."

Ye Feng insisted on his idea.

Wang Ke's eyes immediately became sharp, and his pupils flickered with cold light, and then, he saw an extremely powerful wind attribute power blooming in his body.

The horrible whirlwind completely wrapped his body, making his whole body just like the ancestor of the wind.

Above the sky, black clouds gathered quickly, and thunder shining in the void.

Wang Ke's whole body became more and more violent, and he saw his steps step forward, and the aura in his whole body immediately rose to the extreme.

Destroying the palm prints were shot, carrying the extremely terrifying power of the wind element, and constantly scrolling on the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he tried to completely wrap Ye Feng's body. The destructive power carried in that atmosphere attribute force is indeed beyond imagination.

If it really landed on Ye Feng's body, it would inevitably make Ye Feng pay an extremely painful price.

"Wang Ke's wind attribute power is about to enter the level of will. The attack power released is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. This young man is so arrogant and arrogant. Suffer!"

A powerful Wang from the Wang family spoke confidently, Wang Ke is the most outstanding figure in their family power, with extraordinary talent since childhood.

The comprehension of the power of the wind element is also very strong. In the view of the Wang family, Ye Feng is not qualified to be Wang Ke's opponent.

Wang Ke's attack can be said to have come overwhelmingly, covering everything in a short time.

As a result, Ye Feng's body seemed to have been severely affected at this moment, and an invisible force continued to converge in the void.

To completely involve Ye Feng's body.


In this case, Ye Feng would naturally not just sit and wait for death, but step towards one side for the first time.

The body shape speed can be described as extremely fast, the space attribute forces converge, and the entire sky is completely covered.

In a short period of time, he disappeared in place. Although Wang Ke's attack speed was extremely violent, it was also quite quick.

But he couldn't really hit Ye Feng's body, and Ye Feng's body had already appeared in other directions.

After the terrifying wind dissipated, everything disappeared completely, and many people sneered.

Everyone believed that Ye Feng might have been destroyed by Wang Ke's wind power attack.

Unexpectedly, a burst of light flashed quickly from the far position, and the light held up a trail of afterimages, as if completely isolated from this space, and fell in front of Wang Ke's body in the blink of an eye.

This made Wang Ke's gaze slightly solidified, and just about to react, he saw that a fist of Ye Feng had already blasted toward his body.

This punch can be described as full of power, and the entire space trembles wildly wherever the punch goes, and that terrible destructive force has wrapped Wang Ke's body.

Wang Ke's expression was a bit ugly, so naturally he wouldn't just sit back and wait for it to die. The wind attribute power burst to the extreme at this moment.

Converging in his palm, the power of his palm instantly rose to an unimaginable level.

"Die me!"

Almost at the same time, Wang Ke made a cold voice, and this palm print was simply overwhelming.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with Ye Feng's fist.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The power of destruction is beyond imagination, and the wind attribute power burst out in Wang Ke's palm.

Trying to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

However, everyone present saw Ye Feng's arm wave, and a force in his palm was released at this moment.

The extremely terrifying will of heaven and earth was integrated into this force, and the will of heaven and earth shrouded a space, and the power released by it was beyond imagination.

It directly raised Ye Feng's palm print power to another level.

In a short time, with the addition of the will of heaven and earth, the power contained in Ye Feng's palm prints destroyed all existence in the blink of an eye.

Directly smashed Wang Ke's attack power instantly, causing Wang Ke's body to tremble crazily at this moment, and his footsteps also retreated at this moment.

This caused a few unexpected expressions on the faces of many people present, especially those of the royal family, which was even more unbelievable.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the attack that Ye Feng had just released had such power.

Wang Ke's aura floated fiercely, and under Ye Feng's palm print, he felt a turbulent force.

This encourages the turbulence force to invade along his arm toward the inside of his body, making his whole body unstoppable.

The strength of his chest seemed to be surging with blood, which was deeply suppressed by him, and he almost spit it out.

This made Wang Ke's face extremely ugly. Naturally, he didn't want to be taken over by Ye Feng. His eyes were extremely cold. He looked at Ye Feng and gritted his teeth and said: "I really didn't think that you, a person who has not yet obtained the position of a god, should have this This kind of strength, it seems that I underestimated you before!"

While talking, Wang Ke released a more terrifying wind attribute power on his body. This time, he also integrated the analysis attribute power into the terrifying water attribute power.

The two attribute forces merged, as if they had evolved into a terrifying water dragon in the void.

The extremely powerful destructive power that the water dragon swallowed, carrying an astonishing destructive power madly descended towards Ye Feng's body.

That kind of power really exceeded the imagination of everyone present, making the entire platform a doomsday scene.

Everything will be swallowed up!

The faces of those members of the royal family had a somewhat exhilarating look, Wang Ke was really serious, and the attack power released by the opponent at this moment was indeed much stronger than before.

Under such circumstances, how should this young man who has not yet obtained the position of **** resist?

"I want to see how arrogant this guy is? Wang Ke's attack should be able to take him down!"

Some powerful Wang family said so, looking at Ye Feng with a bit of contempt.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to be moved at all, just watching the opponent's attack come, almost at the same time, there was also a wind attribute power released on his body.

The water attribute power merged, and these two attribute powers surged around Ye Feng, making their bodies extremely violent.

Compared with Wang Ke, the two attribute powers that Ye Feng had understood completely crushed each other in terms of level and power.

There is also a strong will of heaven and earth fusion, which makes the attack power released by Ye Feng completely crush the opponent.

An astonishing fist of destruction was released, and the most terrifying power of annihilation seemed to be integrated in this destructive fist.

It looks unpretentious, but in fact, its power is earth-shattering.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with the opponent's attack, and everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shock.

A more terrifying destructive force spread wildly in all directions, and many people present showed some unexpected expressions on their faces. It seemed that they did not expect Ye Feng to realize these two attribute powers.

And judging from the level of his release of these two attributes, it seemed more terrifying than Wang Ke.

This is a little unbelievable. How can a person who has not yet obtained the position of a **** be able to comprehend stronger attribute power than a strong god?

Is it possible that there are really freaks in this world?

The look on Wang Ke's face also completely solidified at this moment, from the previous arrogance and self-confidence, gradually transformed into the iron blue at this moment.

Just because when the two attacks really collided, the two attribute forces contained in Ye Feng's palm prints were simply hard to resist.

With an extremely fast speed, his attack was destroyed by the collapse of this burst madly, but the wind attribute power and water attribute power turned into the strongest power of destruction.

It landed fiercely on Wang Ke's body, Wang Ke's body trembled frantically, trying to resist it.

However, he couldn't do this at all, the attack power released by Ye Feng was too strong, and the powerful counter-shock force came.

Wang Ke uttered a scream, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball. When his body was still in the air, he vomited blood!

Then he fell severely under the battle platform, and couldn't help but wailed in pain!

This scene caused a somewhat sluggish expression on the faces of everyone present, and most of them failed to respond from the shocked state.

The attack power released by Ye Feng was too strong, Wang Ke's attack was so vulnerable, not only suppressed Ye Feng in this way, but also directly blasted the opponent off the battlefield.

Such an offensive power is really terrifying, and even many people present can't believe that all this is true.

Naturally the same is true for those powerful kings. Before that, they were gloating because Wang Ke had drawn Ye Feng.

Thinking that Wang Ke simply picked up a big bargain, in the first round of the battle, he drew the guy who had not yet obtained the position of god.

In this case, Wang Ke could easily win a victory, but he did not expect that this young man was so powerful that Wang Ke was so vulnerable in front of the opponent.

Those who had a grudge against Ye Feng did not look good. They always hoped that Wang Ke would suppress Ye Feng in this battle.

Unexpectedly, it made Ye Feng a bargain and successfully won the first victory.

"Ye Feng, great!"

Below the battle platform, a bit of excitement flashed in the blue beautiful eyes, and a bit of excitement sounded in his mouth.

Junfeng's expression was also extremely uplifted, he was happy for Ye Feng, while Mr. Qingfeng stroked his beard, the more he looked at Ye Feng, the more pleasing his eyes.

"I didn't expect Senior Brother San to be so powerful."

In the Luoxuezong camp, Luoxue Wushuang spoke lightly, her teeth biting her red lips, and a complexion appeared in her complexion.

At the beginning, Ye Feng returned to Luoxuezong with her, but her brother Luo Xuechen could not tolerate Ye Feng. It can also be said that the other party did not even see Ye Feng at that time.

People who think that Ye Feng offends the Great Axe Sect will have to be killed by those of the Great Axe Sect. For such people, there is no need for them to make friends with Xue Xuezong.

It is even more unnecessary because these people are in conflict with the Great Axe Sect.

But now it seems that Luo Xue Wushuang faintly feels that his brother's decision is wrong, and the potential that Ye Feng can show now is indeed large enough.

"Little girl, don't think about it anymore. He is a person who has not yet obtained the position of gods, and he can't go too far."

Not far away, Luo Xuechen said to Luo Xue Wushuang.

He always firmly believed that people like Ye Feng at the cultivation level would not be able to achieve good results above this time in the Dragon City competition.

Luo Xue Wushuang kept staring at the direction where Ye Feng was, and did not answer Luo Xuechen's words.

Next, the battle continued. The top talents from all sides took the stage to fight, and everyone showed their super strength.

Junfeng and Canglan also took the stage separately, this time the draw, they both had good luck.

The opponents drawn were not very strong, which also allowed them to easily defeat each other in the battle and win their first victory.

Not long after, another insomniac stepped onto the battle platform. This person just appeared on the battle platform and attracted the attention of many people present.

The eyes that looked at him showed a bit of excitement, and this person was indeed Tai Chunming, the young master of Taichunmen.

In the previous round of the battle, Tai Chunming met his rival Liao Tianhua. Under Liao Tianhua's sword light, he was almost cut off an arm and had to flee in embarrassment.

This also made him feel extremely frightened towards Liao Tianhua, and he kept praying that he would not meet that guy on the battlefield.

However, at this moment, his signature was clearly written with three words he didn't want to see.

This immediately made his expression extremely ugly, and the thing he least wished to see happened so quickly.

Tai Chunming walked onto the battlefield in a panic, but did not speak for a long time.

Many people looked at his behavior, confused, and wondered what happened to him.

"Chunming, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling well?"

The master of Taichunmen asked Taichunming with concern.

Tai Chunming frowned tightly and didn't say a word. At this moment, he didn't know how to choose.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up and announce your opponent. This is the Dragon City Competition, not your Taichun Gate."

The strong host of the Tianzhou Longcheng City Lord's Mansion was a little unhappy. Tai Chunming had been standing on the battlefield for a while, and it was a waste of time.

"Me, can I give up?"

Who would have thought that instead of reading out his opponent, Tai Chunming said so to the strong host.

After this sentence was said, the expressions of all the people present were involuntarily stunned, especially the Taichunmen strong.

One by one looked at Tai Chunming with ugly expressions, not knowing what kind of strong the other party encountered, and asked the other party to directly admit defeat.

The strong host frowned and said: "According to the rules of the Dragon City Tournament, the second round of the battle is not allowed to admit defeat, and can only be eliminated by the opponent on the battlefield."

The strong host continued to speak. He had already announced this rule once before, but he did not expect that Tai Chunming would be so ignorant of the rules.

"Husband, your strength is so strong, who is worthy of your surrender? I believe you can defeat your opponent, don't be afraid."

Wan Meijiao stood up to cheer for her husband.

Tai Chunming's face was green and white, and at this moment he didn't know how to end it.

"Liao Tianhua."

Since admitting defeat was not allowed in this battle, he had no choice but to name his opponent.

After saying this sentence, the eyes of many people present could not help but freeze again.

Especially those who are strong in the Taichun School, their complexion becomes extremely ugly. They never dreamed that the opponent Tai Chunming drew would be Liao Tianhua.

Moreover, before the battle began, Tai Chunming wanted to voluntarily surrender.

What is going on, how can Liao Tianhua and He De, make Cai Chunming so afraid of each other?

The same is true for Wan Meijiao. In Wan Meijiao's heart, his husband is the best man.

Especially compared to Liao Tianhua, it is not on the same level at all. How can that Liao Tianhua and He De be compared with his husband?

The faces of the master of Taichun Sect and Sect Master Wanjian Sect became gloomy. Tai Chunming's actions were completely embarrassing to them.

With so many people watching, their faces have been lost.

"Brother Liao, someone has drawn you, go up and fight the other party."

Ye Feng and Liao Tianhua stood together and could not help but reminded Liao Tianhua.

Liao Tianhua raised his brows slightly, and said to Ye Feng, "Brother Ye, I'll come as soon as I go."

After saying this, his body was enveloped in a burst of light, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, his body had already appeared on the battle platform, facing Tai Chunming who was not far away.

Tai Chunming's complexion became extremely ugly, looking at Liao Tianhua, the feeling of fear in his heart became stronger.

Many people in the Dragon City of Tianzhou know the grievances between Tai Chunming and Liao Tianhua, but they can't figure it out.

Why is Tai Chunming so afraid of Liao Tianhua now that the two of them were originally the top talents of the same level.

The strength is strong and weak, there is no special positioning, maybe it is only half a catty.

But now, Tai Chunming, after clarifying his combat target, directly tried to admit defeat, which really made people confused.

"Unexpectedly, I would meet again with my love so soon."

Liao Tianhua spoke to Tai Chunming. Tai Chunming's color was pale for a while, and the fear in his heart became stronger.

However, with so many people present, Tai Chunming can only try to maintain his original state.

Since surrender is not allowed, then he must meet the battle with the best posture.

"This time, I will definitely make you pay!"

Tai Chun Mingqiang endured the fear in his heart and spoke to Liao Tianhua.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Liao Tianhua's mouth, and then he said: "Since you say that, then I really want to know how you made me pay."

"Chunming, don't let this guy continue to be arrogant, basically clean up the door."

Sect Master Wan Jianzong said this for the first time, with extreme indifference in his eyes.

Tai Chunming could only nod his head as much as possible, but he could not find any confidence in Liao Tianhua.

A terrifying breath erupted on the body, and Tai Chunming released the strongest attribute power on his body.

The entire space shook wildly, and the steps quickly stepped forward, and the breath released from the body climbed again.

Immediately, he released a terrifying destruction palm print to Liao Tianhua.

The power contained in these palm prints is simply beyond imagination, and wherever they go, the entire space seems to be exploded.

Immediately, the space in front of Liao Tianhua was completely enveloped. That kind of destructive power was indeed powerful.

Liao Tianhua was not given any chance to survive.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Liao Tianhua's mouth, and he didn't care much.

The worn-out robe was constantly floating in the void, and his body was also wrapped in a burst of extremely strange power.

Under the influence of this force, Liao Tianhua's body disappeared from the place in an instant.

As he walked forward, his body held up afterimages, and these afterimages continued to flash in the space.

It gave people a dazzling feeling, facing Tai Chunming's attack, Liao Tianhua didn't care.

His body shuttled in the void, and quickly passed through the destructive power contained in the layers of attacks, and descended in front of Tai Chunming's body.

Tai Chunming's face became a little ugly, and now he has a deep sense of fear for Liao Tianhua.

Seeing Liao Tianhua coming, he once again condensed nature into an even more terrifying attack of destructive power on his body.

He tried to drive Liao Tianhua out, but Liao Tianhua reacted much faster than him.

Facing Tai Chunming's attack, Liao Tianhua didn't evade, but took out the rusty iron sword from his waist at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, a bright sword light shone in the void, and the speed of this sword light was simply too fast.

It was almost unimaginable, and in the blink of an eye, this sword light was fleeting.

The power released was beyond the imagination of everyone present. In the next moment, passers-by only heard a screaming sound.

An arm was thrown away at this moment, and the blood bloomed in the void, turning into a rain of blood.

Makes this piece of space occupied by blood.

Tai Chunming's arm was chopped off, and his footsteps kept retreating at this moment, his face was full of fear.

What happened in this scene was too sudden, and many people at the scene failed to understand what was going on.

Tai Chunming's arm had already been cut off, and all of this was indeed incredible.

Tai Chunming is the top arrogant figure in Taichunmen. His opponent is extraordinary in strength and talent.

Even though Liao Tianhua is equally powerful, it is not easy to cut off an arm of the opponent.

However, at this moment, Tai Chunming became a one-armed man, his body retreated involuntarily, his face extremely pale.


Wan Meijiao's face was extremely ugly, and she couldn't help but shout.

Tai Chun Sect master and Sect Master Wan Jian were also the same. I didn't expect Tai Chunming to be so vulnerable.

"Thief, how dare you chop my arm, I must break your body into pieces!"

Tai Chunming was so angry that he couldn't help but shouted at Liao Tianhua.

There was a bit of irony in Liao Tianhua's eyes. He opened his mouth: "You are only responsible for cutting your arm. Where can you blame me?"

As soon as this sentence fell, everyone present saw Liao Tianhua's footsteps quickly stepping out at this moment.

At the same time, there was a gathering of terrifying sword aura on his body, and sword lights lingered around him.

Those sword lights are extremely sharp, and every sword light shines out, and a space seems to be fragmented and shattered.

Immediately, the long sword in Liao Tianhua's hand shone in the void, killing him at this moment.

That kind of speed is beyond the imagination of everyone present, the sword light is extremely bright, and it descends in a short time.

Tai Chunming's face was not very good-looking, the power of Liao Tianhua's sword light had exceeded his imagination, and the speed was so fast that he could hardly avoid it.

In this case, he can only try his best to release the strongest attack inside his body to resist.

At this moment, a Fangtian painted halberd was condensed in his hand, and this Fangtian painted halberd looked extremely thick.

On the surface, the terrible power of thunder is constantly lingering, and the power of thunder covers a space.

In a short time, it collided with Liao Tianhua's sword light, and everyone present heard the sound of the thundering horrible shock.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spreads in all directions!

When the two attacked and collided, the whole day was shaken and turned into a doomsday scene.

Although Tai Chunming's Fang Tian painted halberd was powerful, under Liao Tianhua's sword light, the opponent's Fang Tian painted halberd shook frantically.

Completely wrapped by the destructive power contained in Liao Tianhua's sword light, that destructive power is too sharp.

Converged completely at one point, madly impacting Fang Tian's painting halberd at an extremely fast speed.

Although Fang Tian's painted halberd was thick and heavy, it could not resist the impact of the destruction of the sword light.

It didn't take long for everyone present to hear the sound of clicks, and cracks appeared on the surface of Fang Tian's painting.

Then collapsed and destroyed!

However, Liao Tianhua's sword light did not weaken in any way, and he slashed down towards Tai Chunming's body at an extremely fast speed!

Tai Chunming's face was a little pale, and he was frightened for a while, and his body kept receding towards the back at this moment.

However, his speed is still a little higher.

Liao Tianhua’s sword light is not only extremely powerful, but the attack speed is not what ordinary people can Within a short time, everyone present heard a muffled sound, in Liao Tianhua’s. Under the action of the sword light, the opponent's arm was cut down again!

The blood burst out, Tai Chunming let out a scream, and a strong light of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

This scene made the eyes of many people slightly solidified, and it seemed that they did not expect such a result to happen.

Compared with Tai Chunming's strength, Liao Tianhua was completely at the level of crushing. Not long after the battle had just started, the pair lost both arms.

The outcome of this battle is doomed, but due to the enmity between Liao Tianhua and Tai Chunming, Tai Chunming is likely to lose his life at this moment.

The faces of those strong at Taichunmen were extremely ugly, and the eyes that looked at Liao Tianhua showed a strong coldness.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It's the end of the month, and the brothers with flowers support me, thank you all, thank you! In addition, Wan Mu's new book "The Highly Priced Gift: The Iceberg Goddess Falling in Love with Me" has been released by Waves. They are all realistic and fast-paced and refreshing. You can't miss a single face and you can search for the title on the Zhulang APP. Watch, a new story and a new beginning, I hope everyone can continue to support!

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