Sky War God

Chapter 3245: Butcher

After punishing Ye Feng's Hell Heart Sutra, that strong Taichun Sect was naturally eliminated.

Outside the virtual space, the faces of the master of the Taichun Gate and many powerful people in the Taichun Gate became extremely ugly.

Although they did not find the scene where the strong Taichunmen was slain, but at the beginning of the first round of the battle, some of them were eliminated at the Taichunmen. This is definitely a shame for them. thing.

"I didn't expect that the first person to be eliminated this time would come from the Taichun Gate. This force is really worse than one year!"

Not far from the prescription, a strong man said so, a bit of irony appeared in the eyes of someone who looked like a person from Taichunmen.

The sect master of the Taichunmen, as well as the many powerful and powerful people of the Taichunmen, blinked, and there was a bit of indifference in their eyes.

And all this seems to be just the beginning. In the next period of time, the Taichunmen participating in this Dragon City competition were constantly eliminated.

At the slightest, the cultivation base was abolished, and the more serious was directly punishable, which made the expressions of the people of Taichun listen to nothing.

They really want to know who did this to their Taichunmen, and if they continue to be eliminated like this, their Taichunmen may be destroyed by the group.

In the virtual space, Ye Feng faced several Taichunmen without any fear. The attack he released was extremely threatening to the opponent.

In just a stick of incense, five or six people from the Taichun Sect had been eliminated under Ye Feng's hands, and the expressions of the remaining few people could not help revealing a bit of amazement.

Only one person said: "How can this guy's strength be so strong? Hasn't he not yet obtained the position of the gods? So many of us shot together, and we can't kill him?"

The rest of the Taichunmen nodded their heads, and someone said: "The son is not here, if the son is here, this person is arrogant?"

The son he was referring to was naturally Tai Chunming, the son of the master of the Taichun Gate.

Unfortunately, after they entered this virtual space, they lost contact with Tai Chunming.

Ye Feng looked at these people from the Taichun Clan with a bit of irony in his eyes, and then, he saw his steps step forward again.

The Hell Heart Sutra was released to the extreme, and the entire human body seemed to be wrapped in a powerful **** force.

The power of **** enveloped a space, as if it had turned this space into Shura Purgatory, and he photographed it with a palm print.

This one is constantly evolving in the void, and the terrifying power of **** destruction is condensed on the terrifying big palm print.

Coming down quickly from the void, wherever he went, the entire sky shook crazily, and everything seemed to be destroyed.

That kind of attacking power was simply beyond imagination and terrifying, which made the expressions of those strong in the Taichun Sect show strong amazement.

They have already seen that they are no longer the opponents of the young man in front of them, so these people from the Taichun Gate are ready to escape.

However, these people took the initiative to send them to the door, trying to kill Ye Feng, how could Ye Feng tolerate each other?

In the next less than a stick of incense, Ye Feng released his strongest attacking power.

Failure to attack is a catastrophe for these Taichunmen powerhouses.

Along with the screams, I remembered that these Taichunmen powerhouses were all brutally killed by Ye Feng.

In a blink of an eye, all the Taichunmen except Taichunming were eliminated. Such a terrifying combat power is really terrifying.

There was a strong coldness in the eyes of the master of the Taichun Sect, and he never dreamed that their people from the Taichun Sect would have suffered annihilation so quickly.

"Haha, the speed at which the Taichunmen was eliminated can be recorded in the annals of history. It's really interesting!"

Not far from the prescription, there was a powerful man who laughed.

His words made the face of the Taichun Sect master even more ugly, as did the position of Wan Jianzong.

Wan Meijiao's eyes are not very good, after all, she is the daughter-in-law of Taichunmen, and naturally hopes that Taichunmen can get good results.

"I will definitely make the person who eliminated me Taichunmen pay the price!"

The master of the Taichun Gate spoke coldly, with intense indifference in his eyes.

This person simply did not leave any room for them at the Taichun Gate, and punish them all from the Taichun Gate. If there is no certain hatred, it is impossible to kill them all.

"Sect Master, in my opinion, all this must be done by that guy Liao Tianhua!"

A Taichun Sect master seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but say to the Taichun Sect master.

The Taichunmen sect master's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but nodded. He naturally knew the enmity between Taichunmen and Liao Tianhua.

"If it is him, this seat will punish him personally!"

The sect master of the Taichun Gate said so, and when he said these words, there was a strong indifference in his eyes.

Many people smiled at the corners of their mouths, and they were very willing to watch the excitement.

Almost at the same time, in that virtual space, a figure was walking forward.

He had just killed a monster beast, and that monster beast actually reached the level of a god, it was a real powerhouse at the level of a monster.

It took a lot of effort for him to kill the opponent, and the aura on his whole body became extremely unstable.

This person is Tai Chunming, the young master of Taichunmen, and Wan Meijiao's husband. His talent is the strongest among the many Taichunmen participating in the Dragon City Competition, there is no doubt about this.

At this moment, Tai Chunming didn't know how many strong people in Taichunmen were eliminated.

After slaying this monster beast, Tai Chunming prepared that he would not leave this place. However, he just wanted to move forward, but he saw a figure coming from the prescription position not far away and directly intercepted his body. Come down.

This scene caused Tai Chunming's eyes to freeze slightly. He fixed his eyes to look forward and saw that this person looked extremely vicissitudes of life.

It gave people a feeling of being in the dust, even his clothes were very shabby, and he still held a broken iron sword in his hand.

His gaze was very calm, just staring at Tai Chunming, which made Tai Chunming's gaze slightly solidified, and then a sarcasm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I couldn't help but sarcastically said to the figure in front of me: "Liao Tianhua, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon, are you anxious to die?"

That's right, the young man in front of him is Liao Tianhua.

Just after the first round of the competition, Liao Tianhua and Tai Chunming met, and the grievances between them need not be said.

The so-called hatred of killing the father and the hatred of seizing the wife.

Although Liao Tianhua did not marry Wan Meijiao's real courtship, Tai Chunming not only took Wan Meijiao away. After the two got married, Tai Chunming also tried to take Liao Tianhua's life.

This is why Liao Tianhua is really angry.

"It's not certain who will die, I really don't know, where are you confident."

Liao Tianhua sneered and said lightly.

Tai Chunming's eyes flickered, and said: "At the beginning, I failed to kill you. Now I really regret that you have become my confidant. However, this time the Dragon City Competition gave me another kill. This opportunity, such an opportunity, I will naturally cherish it and die!"

After saying this, the terrifying aura of Tai Chunming body was released at this moment, and the coercion enveloped a space.

As the top Tianjiao figure in Taichunmen, Tai Chunming's strength is beyond doubt. He releases his breath at will, flying sand and rocks in the space.

The spirit of the gods gathered in the palm, making his palm extremely violent, and a palm print burst out.

This one seemed to be able to cover the sky, the terrifying big palm prints covered the sky and the sun, and could cover a distance of thousands of meters. It was so suppressed that it would not give Liao Tianhua any chance to evade.

Liao Tianhua's eyes froze slightly. This Tai Chunming hasn't wasted his time for many years, and the attack power released at this moment is indeed super powerful.

Liao Tianhua didn't want to contend head-on with the opponent, his body became illusory at this moment, as if he had transcended the distance of this space.

He stepped randomly to one side, and his body was drawn with countless afterimages, and the speed was incredible.

It straddled the space like that, quickly dodged towards one side, Tai Chunming's attack came that way, and was severely suppressed on the ground.

Cracks appeared on that ground, as if it might collapse and be destroyed at any time.

Even so, Tai Chunming's attack did not really hurt him, and he could still feel the terrible power contained in the opponent's attack.

Tai Chunming's eyes flickered, and he didn't seem to expect that Liao Tianhua could evade his attack so easily.


However, before his real reaction came, he felt a biting cold light condensed in the void, turning towards his body at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of this cold light was extremely fast, and it did not give Tai Chunming any chance to dodge. Tai Chunming secretly shouted badly in his heart, and quickly released his strongest physical and martial arts to avoid it.

As a top Tianjiao figure, Tai Chunming's application speed is naturally extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, his body has already come to a side position.

However, Liao Tianhua's sword light speed seemed to be faster than he had imagined.

Before his body stood firm, he felt a strong sense of pain coming from the strength in front of him.

This made him frown tightly, and he couldn't help but look down, and found that there was a deep bloodstain in front of him, and blood was constantly pouring out.

This made Tai Chunming's face extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but say to Liao Tianhua: "You dare to hurt me. It seems that I must break your body into pieces!"

In Tai Chunming's view, he must be stronger than Liao Tianhua, even if the opponent has a great reputation in Tianzhou Dragon City in the recent period.

But he is the young master of Taichunmen, how can Liao Tianhua compare.

Relying on this unfounded confidence in his heart, Tai Chunming once again released the horror in his body.

Almost at the same time, a burst of light gleamed on Tai Chunming's body, and this burst of light released a unique attribute power.

Random blooming can completely cover this space. In a short time, Tai Chunming has already condensed an extremely terrifying palm print of destruction.

This palm print incorporates Taichunmen's strongest exercise "Taichun Dragon Elephant Art".

After the Tai Chun Long Xiang Jue was released, the aura in Tai Chun Ming's whole body began to rise continuously, and his body seemed to contain countless power.

Just freely releasing it, the entire space seemed to tremble, and the power of this palm print also climbed several levels.

It came so quickly in front of Liao Tianhua's body, to completely shake and destroy Liao Tianhua's body.

Liao Tianhua's eyes showed a bit of sharpness, and his body still looked extremely illusory. For so many years, he has not wasted time either.

If you comprehend the will of the sword, you seem to have carved sword skills in your bones. With a random thought, there will be an incomparably terrifying sword power in the void.

At this moment, he cleverly took a step towards one side, and at the same time, the power of divine consciousness bloomed, making his whole body seem to fit this space more closely.

Everything in the space must be under his control, facing an obstacle released by the other party, Liao Tianhua slashed out.

This sword light was not only extremely fast, but also powerful enough to be appalling. In a short time, it quickly reached the palm print released by Tai Chunming.


Almost at the same time, only heard a muffled sound. Although Liao Tianhua's sword light seemed unpretentious, the destructive power contained within it was beyond the scope of normal people's understanding.

This sword light penetrated everything, including the destructive power contained on the surface of Tai Chunming's palm print, which was also destroyed under this sword light.

However, the power of Liao Tianhua's sword light did not weaken in any way, coming at an incomprehensible speed.

Along with the muffled noise, a blood stain was cut out on Tai Chunming's arm, and blood burst out.

This made Tai Chunming let out a scream, and he reacted fast enough in times of crisis.

When Liao Tianhua's sword light just touched his skin, he had already realized that something was wrong.

He quickly dodged toward one side and saved his arm. As long as he was slightly slow, his arm would be cut off easily by this sword light!

"Your attack power is good, but the speed is too slow. This is doomed to your end!"

Liao Tianhua held the iron sword that looked like it had rusted, and spoke satirically to Tai Chunming.

Tai Chunming's face was extremely ugly, and his face appeared a little pale. He was almost cut off by Liao Tianhua, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

Something that made him incomprehensible, how could Liao Tianhua's strength suddenly become so powerful.

"Stop talking nonsense, you forced me to use all my strength!"

Before he died, Tai Chunming would naturally not bow his head easily, after speaking coldly.

Tai Chunming once again mobilized all the strongest potentials in his body, making his whole body even more violent than before.

The footsteps stepped forward frantically, the whole land trembled frantically, cracks emerged one after another, and there was a sense of collapse.

Immediately, Tai Chunming released several large destruction palm prints to Liao Tianhua one after another, and the power of each palm print was beyond imagination.

Moreover, the angle of the palm print is extremely tricky, coming from all directions, making the space in front of Liao Tianhua seem to have formed a doomsday scene.

However, Liao Tianhua seemed unmoved, and didn't care much about the opponent's attack.

Although his body has a sense of vicissitudes, when he unleashes his native martial arts, he is extremely quick.

As if it can be perfectly integrated with this space, all the attributes in this space belong to him.

He just stepped forward so casually, and the opponent's attack would hardly hurt him.

However, his sword light was a very strong threat to the opponent, and the bright sword light seemed to be able to kill all existence.

Coming down again, only to hear another muffled sound, Tai Chunming was almost torn apart, his complexion turned pale.

At this moment, he was really scared, and he was frightened. If he slowed down a little bit, his belly might be opened by the opponent!

This made Tai Chunming realize that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him, even if he is unwilling to accept this reality, he dare not stay here any longer.

"Thief, we will have a period later!"

Tai Chunming said coldly to Liao Tianhua. After saying this, he actually took out a teleportation talisman from his pet ring.

The teleportation talisman bloomed rapidly, making his body gradually become illusory at this moment, and finally disappeared completely in this space.

After watching this scene, Liao Tianhua's eyes froze slightly, but he didn't say much.

He had no choice but to wait for the next encounter to resolve the opponent's life.

This time, Liao Tianhua's goal is the former seat of the Dragon City Competition.

If he can achieve the goal, he will be satisfied. Therefore, in the first round of the battle, he must not make any mistakes.

If you can be low-key, keep your strengths low.

After Canglan entered this virtual space, she has been walking forward alone, although her strength is considered the top existence in the entire Qingfeng Academy.

But if it were placed in the entire Tianzhou Dragon City, it would be very common. Therefore, Canglan was also very careful on this road.

Before that, she met two people who tried to attack her, one of whom was defeated by Canglan.

The other person fled because of fear of Canglan's strength.

But this battle was not easy for Canglan to win, and she suffered some injuries. At this moment, she came to a green canyon.

The upper part of this gorge was enveloped by white mist, which looked extremely mysterious, and the roar of monsters and beasts from time to time in the depths, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there would be a beauty here!"

At this moment, there was such a voice from the prescription position not far away, and the blue eyes flashed, looking towards the prescription position.

I saw three figures stepping towards this side, and the breath of these three figures was very terrifying.

The magic power enveloped a space, and there was an extremely terrible swallowing attribute power looming, stepping forward at will, giving people an indescribable sense of depression.

Canglan recognized each other, these people came from the Soul Eater Mansion, and the people of the Soul Eater Mansion had a serious conflict with Ye Feng before.

Many of them died in Ye Feng's hands, and they naturally felt hatred for Ye Feng.

Canglan appeared in the same force with Ye Feng, and the other party was an out-and-out beauty.

They are naturally willing to vent their anger with Canglan.

Canglan's character is extremely stubborn. Seeing these people keep walking towards her position, she couldn't help but coldly said to each other, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you say we want to do? If you are willing to cooperate, we might spare you a life. How about, are you interested in serving us well?"

The strong soul Devourer Mansion spoke indifferently.

After saying this sentence, Canglan's complexion became a little pale, and the strength of each of the three powerful Soul Eater Demon Palaces seemed to be no worse than hers.

At this moment, the combination of the three of them is definitely a very difficult test for Canglan.


But Canglan didn't sit still, she had already seen that these people would not let him go.

Therefore, Canglan took the lead, and a terrifying destruction attack was released at this moment.

The destructive force is earth-shattering, as if it can destroy everything.

A somewhat ironic light flashed in the eyes of the powerful Soul Eater, and he couldn't help but say: "It's really an inch!"

After saying these words, this powerful Soul Eater Mansion also condensed an extremely terrifying attack of destruction.

The entire space shook wildly wherever he went, and in a very short period of time, it collided with Canglan's attack.

In the next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The entire space was shocked, the blue body retreated to the shock, and the body's breath was very floating.

And all this is just the beginning, the other two Soul Eater House experts also flashed at this moment.

It quickly descended towards the direction where Canglan was, and at the same time released a terrifying offensive force, their attacking power was very terrifying.

The entire space will be destroyed, although Canglan's strength is good, but the opponent has three people.

When the three of them work together, the attacking power that can be displayed is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Canglan suffered from the enemy, his body doubled and retreated one after another. The body's breath became more and more intense.

"Hurry up and catch it, take care of us, we may spare you your life."

One of the experts in the Soul Eater Mansion sneered and spoke. When he said these words, he once again released a destruction attack.

That destroying attack is extremely powerful, and the speed is beyond imagination. It descended in front of the blue body at an extremely fast speed.

Canglan released his strongest attribute destruction attack to contend with the opponent, but because the opponent has an absolute advantage in number.

Makes Canglan's decline more serious. It didn't take long to hear a bang.

A palm print of the opponent came at this moment, shaking the blue body back for a while, vomiting blood out of his mouth.

His complexion became a little pale.

"Come here quickly, we will kill you if we come!"

The expert in the Soul Eater Mansion said so, and while speaking, he walked towards the direction where Canglan was.

Canglan's complexion became more and more ugly, his body stepped back, but he didn't know how to resist.

Another powerful expert in the Soul Eater Palace grabbed the empty hand directly towards the direction where the blue body was.

If this big hand really came, Canglan would be bound by the opponent.

Canglan was already unable to return to the sky, and didn't know how to avoid this terrible attack.


However, at this moment, there was a flash of cold light in the void, and the speed of this cold light was extremely fast.

It can be said that it came down in an instant, and the next moment, there was only a muffled noise, accompanied by the screams of the powerful Soul Eater Mansion who killed a pig.

An arm was thrown away, blood bursting out. The body of the powerful Soul Devourer Mansion kept retreating at this moment, his complexion becoming extremely pale.

The other two Soul Eater powerhouses were also shocked by the scene in front of them. They turned their eyes towards this prescription position and saw a figure of a young man in white clothes appearing here.

His robe danced with the wind, and the whole person's body looked so ethereal.

"Ye Feng..."

Canglan also looked at the handsome figure in front of him, a bit of excitement flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Prior to this, she had always been afraid that she would be framed by these soul-eaters.

Even, at the last minute, she no longer had much hope. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Ye Feng unexpectedly appeared.

This made Canglan's heart suddenly very moved. Ye Feng looked at Canglan and comforted him: "Don't worry, they can't hurt you when I'm here."

Canglan nodded vigorously. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Ye Feng was so at ease with her.

"you again!"

One of the experts in the Soul Eater Mansion recognized Ye Feng for the first time, and said indifferently.

Ye Feng looked at these soul-eaters, the icy light in his eyes became more and more obvious, and he couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect you people to dare to openly attack a woman. It's really a waste of life!"

After this sentence was said, those Soul Eater House experts became even more angry, and they even wanted to completely crush and destroy Ye Feng at this moment.

But they had seen Ye Feng's strength before, such a terrifying existence, even if the three of them joined forces, they would not dare to make any trouble.

"Very well, you are very kind, we will have a period later!"

One of the experts in the Soul Eater Mansion said so for the first time. After saying this, they wanted to escape from here.


However, before they left, they heard Ye Feng's indifferent voice.

"What do you want?"

The three Soul Eater House experts looked ugly, one of them turned to Ye Feng and asked.

"If you want to go, save your life first!"

Ye Feng said coldly. After saying this, he ignored these people and stepped forward directly.

A strong aura of destruction erupted on the body, making his body more and more violent.

A punch directly directed at the location of the strong man in the Scarlet Soul Demon Palace whose arm had just been cut off and blasted past.

The look of this powerful Soul Eater Mansion was a bit ugly. He had just lost an arm and his combat power was naturally greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng actually shot him at this moment, and the opponent's attack was indeed very powerful.

Let him feel a strong threat.

He wanted to dodge this, and Ye Feng's fists seemed to contain a powerful binding force. Under the effect of this binding force, their bodies could not move at all.

I can only watch this attack come like this!

The powerhouse of Soul Eater will naturally not just sit and wait for death, but will release attack and resistance as soon as possible.

In the next moment, everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

This powerful Soul Eater Mansion felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack for the first time.

That powerful destructive force went along the opponent's arm and converged into the opponent's body.

This made the opponent's body tremble like an electrode, and the whole person's body shook wildly, and a wave of destructive force followed his arm and invaded his body.

The inside of the opponent's body made a sound of creaking bone dislocation.

The opponent screamed, and the whole body trembled like an electric shock, and could no longer hold on to it, under the action of an extremely powerful counter-shock force.

The opponent's body was directly blasted away at this moment, and it slammed into a cliff not far away.

That cliff immediately collapsed and was destroyed, and the body of this Soul Eater House expert was also torn apart at this moment, and it became a dead body!

This scene made the complexions of the other two Soul Eater powerhouses extremely ugly. Although they knew Ye Feng's strength was very strong, they had never realized that Ye Feng had such a terrifying attack power.

Even if the opponent loses an arm, but the realm of cultivation is still there, in this case, the strong Soul Eater Mansion should be able to resist Ye Feng's attack.

Unexpectedly, one of their companions was completely killed with just one punch.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to have any intention of trying to stop there, and he continued to step forward.

The breath released from the body became more and more terrifying, and this space was condensed with terrifying pressure.

Immediately, another punch was blasted out, and this punch was aimed at another powerful Soul Eater Mansion.

After seeing that Ye Feng's attack was so powerful, the expert in Soul Eater House seemed to be frightened.

The body was trembling constantly, and when the fist light was about to fall, he released his attack and resistance.

However, Ye Feng, who completely oppressed the opponent in aura, under this collision, also made the opponent unbearable.

The whole person's body was oscillating desperately, and that wave of destructive force coordinated and used the power of the shock to continuously converge toward the opponent's body.

This caused the opponent's body to tremble constantly, but at the same time his footsteps were shaken back one after another, his complexion pale.

Wow, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the strong man in the Soul Eater Mansion was seriously injured, and the internal organs inside the body seemed to be strongly affected.

Although he was not killed for this, he was also seriously injured, and Ye Feng did not give him another chance.

Stepping forward, his body became even colder.

It quickly descended in front of the opponent's body, which made the powerhouse of Soul Eater frightened.

I didn't dare to stay any longer, but tried to avoid it.

However, where does Ye Feng give the other party any chance?

The footsteps stepped forward for the first time, and the breath on his body became more and more violent, and the terrifying fist seemed to be fused with extremely terrible destructive power.

This destructive force is too powerful, coming in a short time.

The other party desperately released the attack and resistance, but could not really compete with Ye Feng at all.

Ye Feng's attack was simply invincible, and he swallowed the opponent's attack in a short time.

But Ye Feng's attack power did not weaken in the slightest, directly descending on the opponent's body.

Along with the screams from the strong man in the Soul Eater House, the opponent's body was directly exploded by Ye Feng.

Completely lost his life!

This also left the only one strong in the Soul Eater Mansion in the presence.

This Soul Eater Mansion powerhouse had already been frightened, and Ye Feng's strength completely exceeded his imagination.

He flees desperately into the distance, not daring to stay here.

But Ye Feng didn't give the other party a chance at all, a terrifying big hand grabbed at this moment, and the power contained in the big hand was beyond imagination.

In a short time, the opponent's body was completely restrained!

"let me go!"

The expert in the Soul Eater Mansion coldly roared at Ye Feng.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, where would he give this person a chance.

The big hand tightened at this moment, the taste was beyond imagination.

In the next moment, just listen to the sound of clicking, and under the action of Ye Feng's big hand, the body of that strong man was directly crushed.

Blood flowed down Ye Feng's fingertips, and within a short period of time, all the three powerful Soul Eater Demon Mansion died in Ye Feng's hands.

This made Canglang look stunned for a while. Although she knew Ye Feng's strength was strong, she never thought that it would be so strong.

Those were three terrifying soul-eaters and fuzzy powerhouses. The opponent was not only terrifying, but also much stronger than Ye Feng as a realm.

In this case, even if Ye Feng can defeat the opponent, it should not be so easy.

Unexpectedly, these three powerful soul-eaters were so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng.

"Are you OK?"

Ye Feng asked Canglan. After UU reading asked this sentence, he immediately turned Canglan's complexion a little crimson: "I'm fine, thank you for saving me."

"We practiced in a school, so there is no need to mention the word thank you."

Ye Feng smiled at Canglan, this person is a disciple of Mr. Qingfeng, he naturally wants to protect the other party's safety as much as possible.

At the same time, many people in the outside world have already seen several scenes where the powerhouse of Soul Eater was eliminated.

Quite a few sneers appeared at the corners of many people's lips, especially those snobs who were opposed to Soul Eater, the ridicule in their hearts became more obvious.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: 9000-character chapter, with the support of brothers with flowers, this month still requires the flower list

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