Sky War God

Chapter 3239: 4 seats

As the top three in Tianzhou Academy this year, Gong Changhe is strong enough.

At this moment, his physical skills and martial arts are very strange, as if he can penetrate everything in this space, making it difficult to observe the trajectory of his body movement.

The speed of this figure shocked everyone present.

Ye Feng watched Gong Changhe come to his body like this, and he didn't fear anything, his bow and his face had a sneer.

Thinking that Ye Feng might not have reacted yet, he naturally released his strongest destruction attack for the first time.

He comprehended the three attributes of power, earth, wind, and lightning.

Moreover, these three attribute powers have been cultivated to a state of peaking, among which the thunder and wind have reached the level of will.

Such strength is terrifying.

At this moment, he fully integrated the three attribute powers he had comprehended into his palm.

The palm of his hand became more and more violent, and a palm print patted Ye Feng's body.

The sky thunder rolled in the void, and the terrifying lightning attribute power came with an astonishing power of thunder and lightning destruction.

It also contained a powerful atmosphere attribute power, if it really landed on Ye Feng's body.

It is bound to cause extremely serious damage to Ye Feng!

Many people's hearts trembled, and there was a bit of disbelief on their faces. Gong Changhe is worthy of being the top three figure in Tianzhou Academy. At this moment, the attack released by the other party is indeed too strong.

I don't know if Ye Feng can persist.


Almost at the same time, everyone present only heard a strange sound, Ye Feng stepped out at this moment.

His figure is extremely fast, and his body is also covered by a wind attribute power.

He completely isolated his body from this space, and cleverly avoided Gong Changhe's attack.

Gong Changhe's eyes flashed a little unbelievably, and it seemed that he didn't expect that Ye Feng's atmosphere attribute power had reached this level.

He roughly estimated that the other party's analysis attribute power level was not inferior to him. In fact, Ye Feng's wind attribute power was much stronger than Gong Changhe's wind attribute power after integrating the will of heaven and earth.

After evading the opponent's attack, Ye Feng did not sit still, but patted the opponent's body with a palm.

This palm print runs through the heavens and the earth, and the power of destruction is so powerful that it makes Gong Changhe feel a strong sense of crisis in a short time.

He suddenly realized that the young man in front of him seemed more difficult to deal with than he thought.

His attack could not hurt the opponent, but the attack released by the opponent made him feel difficult to dodge.

This is not a good phenomenon. Gong Changhe can only grit his teeth and release the destruction attack inside his body to contend with Ye Feng's palm print.

In the blink of an eye, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided at this moment, because Ye Feng's attack speed was too fast.

Gong Changhe hadn't reacted yet, so naturally he had not made enough preparations, and the attack he released would inevitably not reach its peak state.

However, this attack from Ye Feng made Gong Changhe hard to resist. His body shook for a while, and he felt his arms numb, and his footsteps retreated at this moment!

Many people's eyes froze slightly. Is Gong Changhe so powerful that he can't withstand Ye Feng's attack?

His face became extremely clear, like a powerhouse of his level, being so retreated by Ye Feng is definitely a great shame for him.

"Sneak attack, you just have the ability to kill you, it will be hard for me to dispel my hatred!"

Obviously Ye Feng easily avoided the opponent's attack, but in Gong Changhe's mouth, it became Ye Feng's sneak attack, which was really ridiculous.

When speaking, Gong Changhe's footsteps had already stepped forward, and he mobilized the power of the lightning attribute and the wind attribute to the extreme.

In the void, it seemed that a terrible thunder and lightning storm quickly condensed and emerged.

This thunder and lightning storm can turn everything, constantly swallowing and vomiting crazily in the void, just like a wild beast, quickly turning towards Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng naturally felt the terrifying power contained in the opponent's attack for the first time, but he didn't care much.

The footsteps stepped out to one side again, and the power of the spatial attributes was wrapped around his body, making his body dreamlike, as if not bound by this space.

After Gong Changhe saw this scene, his eyes became extremely sharp. Before, his attack was avoided by Ye Feng in this way.

This also caused Ye Feng's unprepared attack to be released, and he could not really intercept it.

Therefore, at this moment, he naturally won't repeat the same mistakes, his arms waved again, and the terrifying wind attribute power in his palm quickly blasted towards Ye Feng's body with the amazing lightning attribute power.

Don't give Ye Feng any chance to dodge!

Ye Feng's eyes were extremely sharp, he didn't care about this terrible attack from the other party.

It also mobilized the wind attribute power and lightning attribute power in his body, and gathered in front of him.

A huge thunderstorm was formed, and the power of destruction released from the thunderstorm was beyond imagination.

Along with Ye Feng's palm print, this terrifying thunderstorm also blasted out at this moment, colliding with Gong Changhe's destruction storm at a very fast speed.


The sound of terrifying concussion blasted through, and the destructive power spread to 4 sides and 8 directions. When the two attacks collided, Gong Changhe still madly instilled destructive power into his attack.

Trying to suppress Ye Feng in this way.

However, the lightning and wind attribute power that Ye Feng released was not something he could resist.

Along with a terrifying concussion sound, the storm of destruction released by Gong Changhe was destroyed by my collapse.

But the terrible thunderstorm penetrated everything and blasted towards Gong Changhe's body in a short time.

A little unbelievable flashed through Gong Changhe's pupils. The destruction storm he released was so powerful that he could not even withstand Ye Feng's thunderstorm attack.

What made him even more surprised was that Ye Feng also comprehended the terrifying lightning and wind power.

Moreover, the two forces released by the other party are no less than him, or even more terrifying than him.

The terrifying thunderstorm completely enveloped this space, and madly descended on Gong Changhe's body.

Gong Changhe was frightened and frightened. Naturally, he would not just sit and wait for death, but quickly released a devastating attack to contend with Ye Feng.

Once again, there was an astonishing sound of impact, and the terrifying sound spread in all directions anyway.

However, in Ye Feng's attack, the bow length and the attack seemed stretched, and he couldn't continue to contend.

The terrifying thunder and lightning attribute power contained in Ye Feng's attack penetrated everything, and followed his arm towards the inside of his body in a short time.

This made Gong Changhe's body tremble crazily, and he only felt that his tissues, cells, and major organs had suffered a severe blow at this moment.

He had to contend with Ye Feng ahead of time, his body was shaken back again, and the blood on his chest rolled over.

He gritted his teeth and resisted the spitting of blood, but his complexion was flushed and he looked very embarrassed.

The hearts of the crowd trembled, especially the people from Tianzhou Academy, they were stunned by the attack power that Ye Feng had just released.


However, before they could react, they heard a dull sound from the ground again.

Ye Feng stepped forward at this moment, his feet trampled on the ground, as if to shake this space to pieces.

His body is extremely proud, standing there casually, his whole body can release extremely powerful fighting might.

Immediately, I saw Ye Feng blast out a punch. This punch looked unpretentious, but it contained amazing power.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Gong Changhe's body, causing Gong Changhe's body to tremble.

But Ye Feng's attack power was too strong, and the speed was incredible.

Even if Gong Changhe wanted to dodge this, he couldn't do it at all. Before that, he had already suffered a strong blow from Yue Feng's attack.

At this moment, facing Ye Feng's fist, he didn't know how to intercept it.

But the fist light had reached his body, and he had to release his attack and resistance.

Once again mobilizing the strongest potential in his body, Gong Changhe tried his best to release it.

In a short time, people in Chengdu heard a more terrifying concussion sound, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Gong Changhe, who was already badly injured before, was Ye Feng's opponent.

Under such an attack, Gong Changhe's body retreated again, and the destructive force completely wrapped his body.

As a result, he could no longer hold on to it, blood spit out from his mouth, his face pale!

The crowd trembled. No one thought that the air released by Ye Feng would possess these two powers. Gong Changhe's strength was so terrible that he still couldn't resist the terrifying fist he released.

"What does this guy eat? Is it so powerful? Isn't it his opponent?"

Someone said this for the first time, with a somewhat unbelievable expression on their faces, and the rest of the people couldn't help but trembled.

"Hehe, this is the strength of the people of Tianzhou Academy. It is really ridiculous. I am embarrassed to challenge each other. It turned out to be just a group of counselors!"

Wan Meijiao talked coldly on the sidelines, wishing to see the scene where Gong Changhe was brutally killed.

"I, I admit defeat!"

Gong Changhe really couldn't resist Ye Feng, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with strong fear, and he could only admit defeat.

The crowd trembled. Although Gong Changhe had already taken the initiative to admit defeat, they were somewhat unable to accept this fact.

We looked at Gong Changhe with an ironic smile on his face, and said: "Next time remember, be a low-key person and don't think about how good you are. There are people outside the world and there are days outside the world. Today, I don't want to kill people, just get out!"

After saying this sentence, Gong Changhe was extremely ashamed and angry. He was so ironic that someone who had not yet obtained the position of a **** would kill him in an extremely bloodthirsty way. .

But Ye Feng is different. In fact, this is not what he can resist. If this battle continues, he will only die.

Gong Changhe returned to the Tianzhou Academy camp in embarrassment, bowed his head and dared not speak. The loser never has the right to speak.

The faces of the people in Tianzhou Academy were lost. Their Tianzhou Academy was an extremely prestigious existence in Tianzhou Dragon City.

Before that, he had always been very high-profile, often suppressing other schools, especially Qingfeng School, which was regarded as a thorn in their eyes.

But now, they were so humiliated by an unknown existence in Qingfeng Academy.

At the Longcheng Banquet, it can be said that he was ashamed and lost to grandma's house.

"His strength is so strong that even Gong Changhe is not his opponent. It is really incredible."

Blue beautiful eyes flashed, looking at Ye Feng, couldn't help whispering to himself.

Mr. Qingfeng was also extremely shocked. Before that, he had realized the power of Ye Feng's talent.

However, he did not expect that Ye Feng could possess this level of strength in such a realm of cultivation.

Junfeng was the light of worship. Before, when Ye Feng had just entered Qingfeng Academy, Junfeng had looked down upon Ye Feng.

People who think that Ye Feng's cultivation realm is not qualified to join them.

But he didn't expect that the strength Ye Feng could show was no longer what they could imagine.

"Waste, what is the use of my Tianzhou Academy's training with you like this? Even an unknown person who has not yet obtained the position of a **** can't deal with it. It's really embarrassing to our Tianzhou Academy!"

In the Tianzhou Academy camp, an elder from the Tianzhou Academy looked at Gong Changhe coldly.

It made Gong Changhe's complexion even more blue, but he did lose to Ye Feng.

There is no face to rebut the other party.

"Haha, you guys in the top three seats of Tianzhou Academy have all lost, so don’t be embarrassed anymore. If you continue, the remaining two people will also be defeated. In that case, you The last fig leaf of Tianzhou Academy will be gone. By then, the name of Tianzhou Dragon City’s No. 1 Academy will become a joke!"

Not far from the prescription, there was a white-skinned strong man who sneered and spoke. This man came from the Shenfeng Academy.

It is the most famous school force in Tianzhou Dragon City, besides Tianzhou Academy.

After this sentence was said, many people in the audience made ridicule sounds. In their opinion, the words spoken by the powerful and powerful people of Shenfeng Academy had some truth.

The people of Tianzhou Academy were gritted their teeth in anger. They had thought that at this Dragon City banquet, Ye Feng's life ended up being revenge for Luo Chen.

At the same time, they can show the world the powerful strength of their Tianzhou Academy, but they didn't expect that stealing chickens will not lose their rice.

They can be said to have lost their wife and lost their troops.

"Elder, I will meet him!"

At this moment, in the Tianzhou Academy camp, a young figure took the initiative to step forward. This man was tall and handsome.

The breath released from the body can give people a style that only the most powerful people have.

His name is "Chen Lang", and he is the number one powerhouse among the many young people in Tianzhou Academy. His strength is naturally not comparable to that of Gong Changhe before.

Seeing Chen Lang trying to make a move, many people in the Tianzhou Academy rekindled their fighting spirit, and they all seemed extremely excited.

In their view, as long as Chen Lang was willing to take action, that Ye Feng could only be killed by the opponent.

"Don't worry, it's best for you to kill him by yourself when the Dragon City competition is over."

Said the powerful figure of Tianzhou Academy.

Chen Lang's gaze condensed, and he didn't expect that the powerful talent of Tianzhou Academy would become so cautious.

But since the other party has spoken, there is no need for him to refute the other party.

It's just that, in the eyes of everyone, this powerful and powerful person in Tianzhou Academy was afraid of Ye Feng, so he declined Chen Lang's request.

Therefore, many people made ridicules at Tianzhou Academy, and the powerful people in Tianzhou Academy only felt that half of their faces were hot.

In fact, the idea in the heart of this powerful Tianzhou Academy is indeed the case, and he no longer dares to gamble.

Several people from Tianzhou Academy were brought into Ye Feng's hands. For them, Tianzhou Academy was already a shame.

If Chen Lang had anything to go wrong, the fame of their Tianzhou Academy would all be destroyed in their hands.

Ye Feng had already returned to the Qingfeng Academy camp, when he tried to do it cross-legged.

Several powerful men came quickly, and behind them, there were a few laymen who came to Ye Feng and the others with tables and chairs.

Ye Feng raised his brows slightly, and immediately recognized the identity of the leader. It was the strong man who received them when the four from Qingfeng Academy arrived.

Before that, they had just arrived, and there were no seats, no tables and chairs.

Asked the other party, the other party even said that they were occupied by the people of Tianzhou Academy, and he seemed to ignore it.

Now, after a few battles, Ye Feng shined brightly and defeated Gong Changhe, the third top Tianjiao figure in Tianzhou Academy.

The other party took the initiative to bring in brand-new tables and chairs, and these maidservants brought fresh melons, fruits, wine and vegetables on a tray.

Such a scene surprised many people present, but they soon reflected on it.

This world is such a reality, and powerful people will be respected wherever they go.

Before Ye Feng and others arrived, because Qingfeng Academy's status in Tianzhou Dragon City was not very high, they were ignored by these people.

And when Ye Feng showed super combat power and talent, these people actually stepped forward to please, it was really too realistic.

"This son, the previous seat is not ready. I hope you can forgive me. In order to give some of you a better banquet experience, I will specially add tables and chairs for some of you."

The strong man said to Ye Feng with a smile on his face, that the arrogance and indifference before it had long since disappeared.

Instead, respect and please.

"No, it's fine for us, so let's move back."

However, when the words of that strong man just fell, everyone present heard Ye Feng speak like this.

After this sentence was said, many people's eyes were slightly frozen, and they didn't expect Ye Feng to be so ignorant of good or bad.

The look on that strong man's face also froze in place, but he was not angry because of Ye Feng's behavior.

There was some regret in my heart. I shouldn't have looked down upon people like this before. If he had solved the trouble for Ye Feng at that time, he might have become Ye Feng's friend now.

"If this is the case, then I won't disturb you."

Seeing that Ye Feng was serious, the strong man didn't dare to say more, bowed directly to Ye Feng and ordered his men to retreat.

These battles that Ye Feng experienced were also watched by other people. These people included Sun Chunhui, Viper, Viper and others.

These people had conflicts with Ye Feng before. After seeing Ye Feng's current strength, these people naturally felt extremely cold in their hearts.

The Dragon City Banquet continues, and there are still top Tianjiao figures who continue to come on stage to fight and fight.

Every battle was exceptionally exciting, causing many people present to exclaim one after another.

"Interesting, this young man is really interesting. His strength surprised me."

Among Guiyuanzong, Guiyuan Jiannan noticed Ye Feng and couldn't help but speak like this.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Feng should be honored to receive such an evaluation from Guiyuan Jiannan.

Many people were disdainful. They only heard what a young figure in Guiyuanzong said: "How outstanding is Senior Brother Jiannan. Senior Brother is the best person in this Dragon City Competition. The young man in front of you In front of the brother, it is not worth mentioning."

After saying this sentence, many people present nodded one after another, thinking that the words spoken by this person had some truth.

Guiyuan Jiannan didn't say much. He was just a little curious about Ye Feng and didn't have much interest.

This time in the Dragon City Competition, his goal is to be the first seat in the legend, and to gain the favor of the god-level powerhouse and become a disciple of the god.

As for other things, he didn't want to think too much.

Except for Guiyuan Jiannan, the other top Tianjiao figures did not pay attention to Ye Feng. To them, people like Ye Feng were not worth mentioning.

After some more moments, this time the Dragon City Banquet ended, and many top Tianjiao figures showed their strength on the Dragon City Banquet.

Among them, there are many people who have never walked in the Dragon City of Tianzhou before. Just because of the special nature of the Dragon City competition this time, these people also walked out of the mountains and came to participate in the Dragon City Banquet.

Their strength is no less than that of the top talents of Tianzhou Dragon City tradition. Due to the addition of these people, the Dragon City Contest has a lot of suspense.

In particular, the top 10 seats of Dragon City, which many young Tianjiao figures pay attention to, are even more confusing.

After the Dragon City Banquet was over, Tianzhou Longcheng City Lord's Mansion once again held a banquet, which only invited the helms of many forces to participate.

As for the young people who participated in the Dragon City Banquet before, they did not have such qualifications. As the helm of the Qingfeng Academy, Mr. Qingfeng was naturally invited.

In the complex city of Tianzhou Dragon City, if you want to survive, you naturally have to follow some rules.

For example, this banquet held in Chengdu, Tianzhou Dragon City. Mr. Qingfeng must participate.

Therefore, Ye Feng, Canglan, Liao Tianhua, Jun Feng and other four people have to return to the Qingfeng Academy by themselves.

The sky gradually dimmed, night fell, and the Shenlong Palace was covered with a veil of mystery, and the ancient aura became more and more intense at this time.

Ye Feng and the others went all the way, cautiously, after all, they have established many enemies in Tianzhou Dragon City.

This time Mr. Qingfeng went to the Tianzhou Longcheng City Lord's Mansion for a banquet, which also exposed them to the sight of many enemies.

"You go one step ahead and return to the Qingfeng Academy. I will come as soon as I go."

At a certain moment, Ye Feng's eyes were sharp and he couldn't help but say to Canglan and others.

Canglan and the others flickered, and did not inquire about Ye Feng's specific matters, but they understood that Ye Feng must have something to deal with.

"Brother Ye, be careful."

Liao Tianhua reminded Ye Feng, and then followed Canglan Junfeng and left together.

Ye Feng watched the three people leave gradually away, and then gradually relieved.

"What are you hiding? Come out!"

Ye Feng spoke coldly, with the power of the powerful divine consciousness in his body, at this moment, he had already felt that someone was following him.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come to Tianzhou Dragon City."

A voice of sneer came out, and immediately afterwards, they said that the figures flickered, and these people carried a somewhat evil spirit of magic.

It looks very scary and gives people a very gloomy feeling.

The pupils of the first person showed a crimson color, allowing people to fall into it with just one glance. The terrifying bloodthirsty magic power that he released from his body is even more creepy.

Qiankun Nan, now the top figure in the Soul Eater Mansion, he has received the true biography of the Soul Eater, which makes you even more terrifying.

It can also be said that the opponent's body was occupied by the Soul Eater and became more and more evil.

Beside Qian Kun Nan, there were still a few powerful soul-eaters standing beside Qian Kun Nan. These people were all Qian Kun Nan's subordinates.

The Soul Eater was not in the camp. This time the Dragon City Banquet, the Soul Eater Demon Lord did not appear. Therefore, the Soul Eater attended the banquet held by the Tianzhou Dragon City City Lord's Mansion on behalf of his father.

Qian Kun Nan and several other Soul Eater House experts followed Ye Feng here.

The hatred between him and Ye Feng, naturally, needless to say. After many battles, Qiankun Nan did not get a good end. If there was no rescue from the Soul Eater, he might have died in Ye Feng's hands.

This also made his hatred for Ye Feng more and more intense. Even Ye Feng has become a knot in his heart. If he can't kill Ye Feng with his own hands, it may form a certain degree of his future martial arts road. influences.

"You are really lingering."

Ye Feng looked at Qian Kun Nan sneered and said, the other party is getting more and more evil, and he also wants to get rid of this person as soon as possible to eliminate the troubles.

"If you don't die, I won't leave. Now, my first goal is to send you to hell!"

Qiankun said evilly, perhaps it was the reason for the evil practice, and the voice of the other party became eerie and terrifying.

"You have always wanted to kill me, but never succeeded. Don't you think you are ashamed."

Ye Feng said to Qian Kun Nan with a sneer.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Qiankun Male's expression became even more gloomy. Thinking of the past, he wanted to smash Ye Feng into ten thousand pieces now.

"Senior Brother Qiankun, it's useless to talk nonsense with this person. I'll wait and kill him together to let Senior Brother Qiankun calm down!"

A young character in the Soul Eater Mansion said that, as the top-level power in the Tianzhou Dragon City, the Soul Eater Mansion will naturally have many seats in the Dragon City.

At this moment, there were nearly 10 young people in the Soul Eater Mansion present, all of them were extremely good existences in the Soul Eater Mansion.

Qian Kun Nan obtained the true biography of the Soul Eater, and his position in the Soul Eater Mansion was very high. Even the top talents in these Soul Eater's Mansion.

He also admired Qian Kun Nan very much, and took the initiative to call Qian Kun Nan his senior.

"This person's strength is not bad, there is no need to speak with him morally, just wait for it!"

Qiankun Nan said with a sneer, now he just wants Ye Feng to die, and doesn't want to talk nonsense with Ye Feng at all.

The eyes of the young Tianjiao figures in the Soul Eater Mansion were shining sharply. Before that, they had also seen Ye Feng's strength.

They were very interested in Ye Feng. At this moment, all of them showed a bit of excitement on their faces. Looking at Ye Feng's eyes was like looking at prey.

Even if Ye Feng's strength is very strong, but at the moment they are multiplayer, Ye Feng will definitely not be their opponent.

Thinking of this, many young people in Soul Eater Mansion sneered at the corners of their mouths, and saw the two of them take a step forward for the first time.

The terrifying aura on his body burst out at this moment, and the extremely powerful Destruction Demon Dao palmprint slapped Ye Feng's body crazily at an extremely fast speed.

The terrible magic power attribute contained in these two palm prints can almost destroy all existence. In the blink of an eye, there is a purple black magic energy trying to completely envelop Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, his footsteps stepped out toward one side at this moment, the spatial attribute power burst out, and the wind's will merged into it.

It made his body seem to have surpassed the distance of this space, stepping out to one side at will, and the attack of the opponent was easily dodged by him.

At the same time, Ye Feng's body had already descended in front of the body of another young figure in the Soul Eater Mansion.

Because Ye Feng's speed was too fast, the young figure in the Soul Eater Mansion could not react.

A horrible fist of Ye Feng has already blasted towards his youth of the Soul Eater Mansion looks a little ugly.

Naturally, the attack was released for the first time to contend with Ye Feng, but his attack could not exert the strongest effect when he was not prepared in time.

When Yu Yefeng’s fists collided, he naturally suffered a lot. While his body was trembling wildly, his footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment.

The blood on the chest rolled for a while, and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. This scene made all the people in the Soul Eater House, including Qian Kun Nan, look a little ugly.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Ye Feng's figure speed was so fast, and his shots were so strange.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Brothers with flowers will support me. I will still hit the flower list this month. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you!

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