Sky War God

Chapter 3234: God pattern competition

The expressions of everyone present were stunned, and they didn't seem to expect such a result to happen.

They all thought that Ye Feng dared to contend with Shen Long, just looking for death, and the attack released by the other party was definitely not something Ye Feng could resist.

However, at this moment, although Chen Long's attack power was strong, it was still so easily intercepted by Ye Feng.

Even some people who observe the slightest can find that Shen Long doesn't seem to be very well. Being retreated by Ye Feng's attack, the aura of the whole person seems to fluctuate.

"How could this guy's attacking power be so strong? Shen Long failed to kill him with one attack!"

Someone spoke like this for the first time, and the gaze that looked at Ye Feng revealed a little unbelievable.

The same goes for Canglan not far away, Mr. Qingfeng, and many young people from Qingfeng Academy.

Shen Long defeated Canglan's powerful existence. The opponent's attack was not only violent and domineering, but also the speed was super terrifying. Everyone who was present in the previous battle still had fresh memories.

At this moment, Shen Long also released a terrorist attack, but he failed to kill Ye Feng.

Ye Feng contended with the opponent, his body still stood calmly, his whole person still looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

Shen Long's complexion is not very good-looking. There is a sharp gleam in his pupils. Looking at Ye Feng, he can put on an arrogant expression and say: "Unexpectedly, you, an ant who has not yet obtained the position of a god, actually There is still some strength. My 30% power attack failed to take your life, but you should not be happy too early. I won't have any stay behind in the next battle."

When Shen Long said these words, he was also thinking about why Ye Feng, a person who had not obtained the position of a god, had such a strong attack power.

It should have been caused by some external force. Therefore, in Shen Long's view, it won't take long for the other party to be exposed. By then, he can easily solve the other party.

Ye Feng smiled indifferently, and didn't take what Shen Long said to his heart.

Shen Long's expression became cold, and a more terrifying aura burst out from his body.

The whole world seems to have changed. He is a famous young talent in Tianzhou Academy. He has already obtained the position of god, and his personal strength is naturally more than that.

At this moment, the breath he released was much stronger than before, and he stepped forward at will, and the whole land trembled.

Cracks appeared on the ground, as if it could explode at any time.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Long released a large destruction palm print towards Ye Feng.

The power of this destruction of the big palm print is so terrible, and above the sky, there seems to be an ancient bell emerging.

Dongdong's bell kept thinking, the sound shook the world, and the shock wave of destruction came along with Shen Long's palmprint.

The two attacks presented different ways of destruction, constantly shaking in the void, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

The destructive power enveloped from the void, and soon enveloped Ye Feng's body completely, not giving Ye Feng any chance of escape.

The crowd trembled, and was shocked by the power of Shen Long's attack. Perhaps this was the strength that Shenlong should have.

"Shen Long seems to be serious. It is an honor for this kid to be able to catch Shenlong's attack. Next, he will die without a corpse!"

A sneer was drawn from the corner of a young expert from Tianzhou Academy, and he spoke lightly.

The other real people nodded one after another, agreeing with the words spoken by this young strongman from Tianzhou Academy.

That terrifying big palm print came quickly along with the endless sonic attack, giving extremely strong pressure on Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng naturally felt the power contained in the opponent's attack, but he didn't care much.

Stepping forward, his body moved forward facing the terrifying power contained in the opponent's attack.

At the same time, a destructive force gathered on his fist, making his fist extremely violent.

Those terrifying sonic attacks hit his body at an extremely fast speed, trying to shatter his body.

But his body was enveloped by a faint light of luck, making his whole body as if completely isolated from this space.

All the destruction attacks in the space could not affect his body, even if the impact of the sonic attack was extremely strong, it still could not do this.

Many people looked at Ye Feng's appearance intact under the terrible sound wave attack, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces.

How powerful is the opponent's sonic attack, and he still can't hurt Ye Feng. Is this guy a pervert?

The same was true for Shen Long, with a horrified light in his eyes. Almost at the same time, Ye Feng shot out with a punch.

The power contained in this punch was also terrifying beyond imagination, and it was in front of Chen Long's attack in a short time.


An astonishing sound of terrifying concussion came through, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two collided together at this moment, because Ye Feng's body had resisted most of the sonic attacks.

The power contained in his fist is even more unimaginable for ordinary people.

Shen Long's eyes froze slightly, as if he didn't expect Ye Feng's attack power to become stronger.

That horrible rhythm and shocking force followed his arm crazily and leaned into his body.

It made his whole body tremble wildly, and he couldn't hold on anymore, his steps retreated one after another at this moment, his complexion was extremely pale.

Although the power of rhythm and shock was a special force that Ye Feng had realized in his early years, he had studied it with great concentration over the years.

Ye Feng has already completed this power several times, this power can ignore the attack of normal attribute power.

Quickly penetrate into the opponent's body.

Destroy the tissue cells of the major organs inside the opponent's body. Although it didn't look like that violent on the surface, the destructive power contained in it was much more violent than it seemed on the surface.

At this moment, Shen Long felt that his body was suffering torn apart, causing their bodies to tremble like an electric shock.

A mouthful of blood reached the throat and was swallowed deeply by him, for fear that others would see his decline.

Many people's eyes froze slightly, and their hearts were unbelievable. Shen Long's attack had almost released the strongest power inside his body.

Before that, many people thought that Shen Long's attack would inevitably take Ye Feng's life easily.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng would intercept the opponent's attack so easily.

Moreover, Shen Long's appearance seemed very uncomfortable, and I don't know what kind of power the attack that Ye Feng released before has?

"It's too late for you to admit defeat. If you don't, it will be you yourself."

Ye Feng looked at Shen Long and said.

Although he had already gained the upper hand in the battle before, everyone present still didn't think he had the strength to contend with Shen Long.

Therefore, the words he uttered made many Tianzhou Academy experts sneer, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng showed strong irony.

Only one person said: "Who this guy thinks he is, only temporarily gains the upper hand with some kind of power, dare to say such arrogant words."

"Shen Long, stop wasting time with this person, defeat him soon!"

Zeng Yongchun became a little impatient, and could not help but exhorted Shen Long.

He also believed that Shen Long had been playing around with Ye Feng, and as long as Shen Long was serious, Ye Feng would definitely not be able to withstand the opponent's attack.

Shen Long's face was extremely ugly, with sweat on his forehead. But since the other party reminded him, he had no choice but to endure the decline, and smiled at the other party and nodded.

However, that kind of smile is uglier than crying.

Only he knows the suffering in his heart.

"Qingfeng, the game should be over again, I want to see, who else will your Qingfeng Academy send out to challenge next?"

After reminding Shen Long, Zeng Yongchun spoke to Mr. Qingfeng triumphantly, seeming to think that the next battle is about to end.

Mr. Qingfeng didn't speak, and watched the battle silently. Ye Feng's performance just now exceeded his imagination.

At this moment, he even saw the signs of Ye Feng's imminent victory, but he still didn't dare to determine this.

After all, Ye Feng's cultivation level was too low, and it was really not so easy to defeat the powerful Shen Long.


However, at this moment, just after Zeng Yongchun's words fell, everyone present heard such a strong turbulence.

A figure was directly flew out, and this person was indeed Shen Long who had been arrogant before and had just promised Zeng Yongchun.

Being slapped by Ye Feng's palm print and flying out, Shen Long spit out blood in his mouth when he landed on the ground, his face extremely pale.

The power of the palm print that Ye Feng just released was too strong for him to resist.

He was unable to parry, and was shot and flew out by Ye Feng's palm print. If he was not carrying a strong defense armor, this palm print would definitely be able to easily abolish his cultivation!

Zeng Yongchun's eyes froze slightly, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound, when he found that Shen Long fell to the ground and vomited blood.

The smug smile on his face immediately disappeared, and his entire body was completely petrified.

I never dreamed that Shen Long would be defeated like this, lost to a young man who had not yet obtained the position of god.

You know, Canglan before was not Shen Long's opponent, and was easily defeated by Shen Long.

After that battle, the people of Tianzhou Academy were extremely proud, and the defeat of Canglan almost heralded the form of the battle between the two colleges.

Next, people should be at the right time for their performance in Tianzhou Academy. In front of all the onlookers present, they crushed Qingfeng Academy again and again, and stepped all the other people under their feet.

Unexpectedly, suddenly such an unknown young man came out with such a cultivation realm, but he could easily defeat a god-level powerhouse.

This is something that no one present had ever thought of, and they all looked at all of this with a dull expression.

Even those of Qingfeng Academy never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

You know, when no one in Qingfeng Academy was able to play, Ye Feng came forward and was ridiculed by some people in Qingfeng Academy.

Thinking that Ye Feng could only embarrass Qingfeng Academy as long as he shot.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng actually defeated Shen Long strongly, which made many people think that he was dreaming.

In their eyes, Ye Feng has always been just a worthless guy. The reason why he was able to enter the Qingfeng School to study was mostly because he was recommended by Liao Tianhua.

The result of their teacher, Mr. Qingfeng, giving Liao Tianhua face, no one would have thought that this seemingly inconspicuous young man with a low level of cultivation level was hidden and his strength was so outstanding.

"This guy is so strong? It seems that we really underestimated him before!"

A student from Qingfeng Academy also spoke with an unbelievable expression. Many people nodded, and their bodies shocked by everything that happened before them were petrified in place.

Canglan beautiful eyes flashed. Before that, because Ye Feng fell on the golden carp in the pool, Canglan had been dissatisfied.

He thought that Ye Feng was able to do what she couldn't do because of luck.

Even when Ye Feng found 49 silver ancient pine, Canglan was only slightly shocked.

Still unaware of Ye Feng's strength, but at this moment, this woman has witnessed all this with her own eyes, which is indeed unimaginable.

"Trash, it's really trash. How can my Tianzhou Academy raise a scumbag like you? Even an ant who hasn't obtained the position of a **** can't deal with it. It really embarrass us Tianzhou Academy!

Zeng Yongchun reacted from the shock, looking at Shen Long with an angry face and said.

The coldness in his eyes could not be described in words, and Chen Long fell on the ground, his face full of decadence.

He did not expect that he would lose to an unknown person with such a low cultivation base.

And all of this has happened completely, and Shen Long can only endure it silently. From now on, his status in Tianzhou Academy will inevitably fall.

The loser will be cast aside no matter where he goes.

Shen Long naturally understood the truth.

"Zeng Yongchun, let me give you a word, don't be too arrogant. Now, if Li Gang is released immediately, this matter will be wiped out. If not, your Tianzhou Academy will definitely be discredited!"

Mr. Qingfeng finally let out a bad breath, his face full of joy.

It was also unexpected that Ye Feng had this kind of strength and defeated Shen Long, which greatly gave them the face of Qingfeng Academy.

It seems that Liao Tianhua's recommendation seems very reliable.

Zeng Yongchun was gritted with anger, the coldness in his eyes was extremely obvious, and he couldn't help but roar at the person behind him: "Whoever of you will take down the nameless man, as long as he can destroy the nameless man. I have many rewards for my cultivation base!"

After this sentence was said, the people from Tianzhou Academy started gearing up, although they were incredulous about Ye Feng's strength.

But Ye Feng's defeat of Shen Long could be said to be a slap in the face of their Tianzhou Academy.

They naturally felt a bit of hatred towards Ye Feng in their hearts, and many people began to recommend themselves to play, and Han Han learned Ye Feng's lesson.

"I'll take him down!"

At this moment, there was such an extremely indifferent voice in the Tianzhou Academy camp.

Before the sound fell, everyone present saw a figure rising into the air at this moment.

Leaping at an extremely fast speed, his body turned into an afterimage, descending in front of Ye Feng's body, his body was terrifying.

"It's Zhai Jun, is Zhai Jun going to make a move? If Zhai Jun makes a move, this young man will definitely be killed by the opponent!"

Seeing this young man take the initiative to step forward, someone immediately spoke with excitement.

Many people nodded, Zhai Jun, but their Tianzhou Academy is very powerful.

The opponent is not only strong in personal strength, but also a very powerful genius of divinity, with terrible divine attainments.

Even some masters of divine writing are not as good as Zhai Jun in divine writing.

You know, the other party is only less than 1,000 years old now. Compared with those ancient gods, they are naturally many times younger.

Zhai Jun's literary attainments have reached the point of extraordinary, he can integrate the power of literary text into his own attacks.

The attacking power that can be displayed is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Therefore, Zhai Jun's personal strength is not comparable to Shen Long.

At this moment, Zhai Jun made the shot, and many people in Tianzhou Academy were very relieved, and the eyes of Ye Feng showed a bit of irony.

In their view, the next step is Ye Feng's death.

Zhai Jun looked extremely proud. He wore a blue robe, mobilizing his temperament to the extreme.

There is a faint light of divine attributes covering his body, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

The power of the divine text is extremely powerful, as if there are divine lights shining in the space, piercing people's eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you, a young man who has not yet obtained the position of a god, can defeat Shen Long. But don't think that you are qualified to compete with me. I don't want to waste time on you. If you are acquainted, immediately kneel down. Apologize to me, and then self-defeating, I may spare you a life!"

This sentence is full of endless arrogance, allowing many Tianzhou Academy experts to regain their confidence.

There was a strong contempt in the eyes looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at Zhai Jun with a bit of coldness in his eyes, thinking of Li Gang who was dying at this moment.

He didn't want to waste time with each other anymore, and said to him: "Go ahead, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhai Jun's eyes froze slightly, and he didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would ignore what he said, which made him feel extremely humiliated.

"It seems that you are going to take the initiative to find death. If this is the case, then I am not polite anymore!"

Zhai Jun said coldly to Ye Feng. After saying this, everyone present saw a terrible aura erupting from him, and terrifying coercion ran through the entire space.

This makes this space become extremely depressed, as if everything is going to be oppressed to death.

Almost at the same time, Zhai Jun stepped forward, his aura strong and shocking.

Within a short time, he released a destructive fist to Ye Feng's body.

This destructive fist contains a powerful power of divine consciousness, which covers a space.

The power contained in it is beyond imagination, as if it has turned into a large net of divine writing in the void, trying to completely cover Ye Feng's body.

"Zhai Jun's attack is indeed integrated with the power of divine writing, and I don't know if the young man in front of him can contend with the opponent!"

Not far from the prescription, a strong man said so, watching all this quietly, and wondering what the outcome of this battle will be.

Some experts in Tianzhou Academy showed a bit of irony in their eyes, and they looked at Ye Feng with a bit of sarcasm.

In their opinion, Zhai Jun's move was tantamount to Ye Feng's death.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I can see if I don't. My attack is integrated with the power of the gods, but not everyone can easily come into contact with it. It is impossible for a realm like you to achieve this. a little!"

After saying this sentence, many people present nodded one after another, thinking that Zhai Jun's words had some truth.

"Divine text attribute power, is it strong?"

Ye Feng looked at Zhai Jun and said lightly.

Zhai Jun's expression condensed, and he saw a touch of confidence in Ye Feng's pupils. Such confidence is not something ordinary people can have.

This made Zhai Jun's heart suddenly panic, although he couldn't find any reason for such panic.

But Zhai Jun couldn't help becoming a little wary.

Almost at the same time, everyone present saw that Ye Feng also released a divine power.

His divine power looks very indifferent, if there is nothing, even without careful observation, the existence of this divine power can not be detected.

"Does this guy even understand the power of divine text?"

Some strong people spoke like this for the first time, somewhat shocked in their hearts.

However, Ye Feng's magical attribute power is relatively secretive.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find this.

Therefore, many people believe that Ye Feng's magical attributes cannot compete with Zhai Junxiang.

It was like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

But they didn't know that Ye Feng's divine text attribute power had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine, and ordinary people could not appreciate the level of Ye Feng's divine text attribute power.

He incorporated this divine attribute power into his palm, making his palm extremely violent.

In a short period of time, he lightly released a destructive palmprint toward the front.

The power contained in this palmprint is simply beyond imagination, and it descends in the blink of an eye.

Just listen to the sound of the rumbling horror shock, and the terrible destructive power spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, the two attacks collided together at this moment, and the power released was simply beyond imagination.

There was a bit of excitement in the eyes of many people, especially those from Tianzhou Academy who wanted to see the scene of Ye Feng being killed.

There was a bit of pride in Zhai Jun's eyes. In his opinion, his attack would surely be able to easily crush Ye Feng.

He quickly strengthened his divine character attribute power again, trying to completely envelop Ye Feng's body.

However, Ye Feng's divine character attribute power is also exerting its effect at this moment, and the power of that kind of divine character attribute power is not comparable to ordinary people.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the divine attributes released by Zhai Jun was completely wrapped in it.

As a result, the divine text attribute power released by Zhai Jun could no longer continue to contend.

In the blink of an eye, it was completely swallowed by Ye Feng's identity attribute power.

And the power contained in Ye Feng's palm print was also terrifying beyond imagination.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the opponent's body, which made Zhai Jun's eyes slightly freeze.

It seems that I did not expect such a thing to happen.

This attack from Ye Feng made him feel an extremely strong threat. In this case, Zhai Jun could only instill destructive power into his attack.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

After the two attacks collided, Zhai Jun felt the powerful rhythmic shock contained in Ye Feng's attack.

This rhythmic and shocking force converged along his arm towards the inside of his body, causing his whole body to tremble like an electric shock.

Never dreamed that Ye Feng's attack would have such power.

And he couldn't hold on anymore, his whole body was shaken back one after another, his face was extremely pale!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

Especially those who thought that Zhai Jun's attack could kill Ye Feng before, even more shocked.

Only one person said: "Is his divine character power so powerful? How did he do it? A person who has not yet obtained the position of a god, has such power?"

After this sentence was said, everyone present nodded, and the words the person said also represented their aspirations.

Zhai Jun looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, his pupils shining with cold light, and he couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "How is it possible, how can you understand the power of the divine text?"

"Why, did you create the power of the divine character? It's really ridiculous!"

Ye Feng looked at Zhai Jun's sarcasm, and after saying this, Zhai Jun was immediately flushed.

I don't even know how to refute Ye Feng.

"Since you also understand what attribute power, then I want to see how strong your divine attribute power is!"

Zhai Jun was extremely dissatisfied in his heart. He was a godly genius, and ordinary people had no resistance at all under his godly attribute power.

Ye Feng is naturally the same.

In Zhai Jun's view, as long as he releases his strongest identity attribute power, he will certainly be able to easily suppress Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, everyone present saw Zhai Jun's arm wave once again, and a ray of divine attribute light was released in his palm.

The light of this divine character attribute is more powerful than it was before, and it keeps shining in the void.

In a short period of time, the extremely terrifying divine text totems quickly gathered, and the light contained in the divine text totem was terrifying beyond imagination.

Accompanied by Zhai Jun's palm, he blasted towards Ye Feng's body, wherever he went, the entire space trembled crazily, and everything was to be destroyed.

Those divine attributes light constantly evolve in the void, turning into the strongest light, releasing the strongest power of destruction toward Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

The power released by the power of destruction is beyond imagination, if it really falls on Ye Feng's body, it will definitely be able to cause Ye Feng to be brutally killed.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and he had understood the way of divine writing from the beginning of his practice.

Over the years, he has never stopped understanding and strengthening this power. Today, he is no less than any so-called divine master.

The strength he can show is not comparable to ordinary people.

Facing the opponent's divine text totem attack, Ye Feng did not hesitate, but his heart moved.

The light shines through the world, and the lines in the void are automatically portrayed little by little, quickly forming a more complex and incomparable divine text totem.

The power displayed by the **** text totem is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. Compared with Zhai Jun's totem, I don't know how many times it is stronger.

Many people trembled in their hearts, and there were unbelievable expressions on their faces. Before that, they all thought that as long as they were serious, Zhai Jun would be able to easily crush Ye Feng.

But never thought that Ye Feng's magical totem power released at this moment, I don't know how many times stronger than Zhai Jun.

With waves of terrifying concussive sounds, Zhai Jun's divine text totem was gradually destroyed by the package.

But Ye Feng's divine text totem did not weaken at all, and madly attacked Zhai Jun's body at an extremely fast speed.

Zhai Jun panicked completely. He never dreamed that a young man who had not yet obtained the position of a **** would actually possess such a terrifying talent for gods.

A thought is formed, and the attacking power contained in it is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Damn it!"

Zhai Jun looked incredulous, and UU Reading body quickly dodged at this moment.

The power of the divine text totem released by Ye Feng is too strong. If Zhai Jun does not dodge this, he is likely to suffer a life and death crisis.

It's just that the **** text totem released by Ye Feng contains a powerful binding effect.

Under this restraint, Zhai Jun's body could no longer move halfway, he could only watch the other side's **** pattern totem enveloping his body!

Many people's expressions were a little unbelievable. In their hearts, Zhai Jun was the representative of the power of divine writing.

In terms of his spiritual attainments, no young person in the same realm is his opponent, but the young man in front of him can easily restrain him by using the magical way.

This made Zhai Jun panicked completely, looking at all this with an incredulous expression on his face, he couldn't help struggling desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the **** pattern totem released by Ye Feng.

However, the distance of the **** text totem is getting closer and closer, and the destructive power contained in it is also more violent than before.

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