Sky War God

Chapter 3213: More ambitious

"Old man, I'll wait, you go up first."

Ye Feng said to the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, his gaze fell on the position of a **** full of magic power.

That position of gods is very suitable for the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor. More importantly, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor cultivates a single attribute power. This kind of **** position is simply tailor-made for the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's eyes flickered, and he nodded to Ye Feng, he could not wait.

That place of **** is indeed very suitable for him: "The emperor will go!"

After saying these words, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor burst out with endless magic power, and the magic magic Dafa was released, leaping directly towards the position of the power of the magic path in the void.

Many people's eyes fell on the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, with a somewhat strange expression on his face.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's figure is very fast, and he has reached the position of the power of the magic way in the blink of an eye.

"This place of **** belongs only to me!"

However, before he truly ascended to the position of the gods, everyone present heard such an indifferent voice.

The person who was speaking was a powerful man who released endless Asura Demon Dao attributes on his body. This person seemed to be very old, but his body was extremely surging, giving people a very sharp feeling.

Seeing this powerful and powerful person competing with the Scarlet Demon Emperor for the position of the gods, many people present trembled and said in shock: "This is the Asura Demon King, and the Asura Demon King has also come to the cave of the gods. It's so interesting!"

Many people trembled fiercely. The Demon King Shura was an extremely ancient existence, and some powerful people who were active in the area around the Western Chu Kingdom knew such a number one person.

The opponent was originally a strong man in the Demon Kingdom of Shura, but later retired and became a casual cultivator, only to find a way to become a strong man at the **** level.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the Demon King Shura had already cast the body of the gods. He only waited for an opportunity to find the position of the gods.

This time, he came to the cave of the gods, and he must grasp this opportunity.

He burst out of endless Asura Demon Dao attribute power, and the Asura Demon Dao attribute power quickly gathered in his palm.

In a short period of time, he madly shot a large destruction palm print against the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor, and this large destruction palm print already possessed a variety of **** attributes powers.

This is the powerful strength of the Asura Demon King. Although he did not obtain the position of a god, according to legend, the Asura Demon King once killed a god-level powerhouse.

The power of this palmprint released from this moment can confirm this. If the opponent's palmprint is replaced by others present, it will probably not be able to bear it!

It was a sharp flash in the eyes of the Heavenly Devil Emperor, and he felt the palm prints released by the opponent. He did not confront the opponent head-on, but quickly dodged toward one side.

His body was shrouded in a burst of ghost ghosts, his speed was extremely fast, and he reached the other prescription positions in the blink of an eye.

This palm print of the Demon King Shura slammed into the air, and it failed to hit the body of the Scarlet Demon King.

The body of the Scarlet Demon Emperor was still up, trying to quickly ascend to the position of the gods. Naturally, the Demon Lord Shura would not let him do this easily.

"Thief, you don't want to succeed!"

As the Demon King Shura said, the power of Shura burst out again, and his body flew into the void.

At the same time, the destructive power in his palm bloomed again, and the astonishing large palm print of destruction madly patted the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

This palm print continued to evolve in the void, and it didn't take long to cover the sky and cover the sun!

Many people felt the terrifying power contained in this palm print of Demon King Shura, and they couldn't help but feel shocked.

The power of this palm print is too strong, and I don't know if this monk can resist it.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor looked at the opponent's reluctance, and began to become angry.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and the terrifying coercion kept lingering around him, and the power of the phantom magic burst out and gathered in his palm.

An astonishing palm print of destruction furiously blasted towards the direction of the attack released by the Demon King Shura.

In a short period of time, the two attack films collided with this person, and the sound of rumbling terror shocks came through.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, the moment when the two attacks really collided.

The Demon King Shura thought that he could suppress the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor with this attack, but the powerful magic power contained in the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's attack was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

The power of the magical magic is invisible, penetrates everything in a short time, and completely envelops his body in the blink of an eye.

It made his whole body tremble crazily, and he only felt that the bone cells of the major tissues in his body were extremely severely affected, and his steps kept retreating at this moment.

The body's breath floated fiercely, and the colors didn't look good.

Many people's eyes flashed, and they didn't seem to expect that this attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor would have automatic power.

It was the Heavenly Demon King who looked at the Demon King Shura and said with a sarcasm: "I heard that you have cast the body of a **** for thousands of years. I really don't understand how you came here for thousands of years. Your strength is so unbearable. It's really embarrassing to our magic repair!"

After saying these words, Demon King Shura was immediately blown up with anger, his complexion flushed.

He also belongs to a powerful person. When has he suffered such humiliation, he flew desperately upwards, trying to intercept the body of the Demon Emperor with the strongest attack.

However, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor didn't seem to be ready to entangle with the other party. The magical power in his body burst out, making his whole body become illusory.

As if beyond the distance of this space, the opponent's attack speed was very fast, but he could not get close to the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor finally broke through the barriers, and landed on the stone platform full of magic power at an unimaginable speed.

This stone platform has an endless magic power attribute coming, wrapping the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

As a result, the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was completely enveloped, and he also began to release the power that belonged to his body.

A little bit of extradited those energy into his body, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor was absorbing it forcefully.

All this shocked the hearts of many people present. They did not expect that the Scarlet Heaven Demon King would be able to break through the obstacles of the Shura Demon King and eventually become the master of this stone platform, indeed powerful.

"This smelly monk actually occupies the position of that god, it is really cheap for him!"

Someone said this for the first time, looking like the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's eyes showed a bit of jealousy.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor had no distractions, and the magical magic exploded. He had forged the body of a **** for many years, trying to obtain the position of a **** in various ways, but never got the result.

Now he naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go. When he released the magic magic Dafa, the entire space was completely enveloped by the power of the magic magic, and the power released was naturally beyond imagination.

The magic cloud rolled and stirred in the void, covering everything completely!

"Damn, I can't get the position of god, nor can I make this monk cheap!"

At this moment, a strong man said so with a bit of anger on his face.

While speaking, the body of this strong man rose into the air at this moment, and his figure was extremely fast, while his body was flying.

He also quickly released a destruction attack, this destruction attack is extremely strong, full of terrifying penetration.

At an extremely fast speed, he crazily suppressed the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, trying to completely shake the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor to collapse and destroy it!

Many people's eyes flashed, but they didn't expect this strong man to attack the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor desperately.

A sharp light flashed in the pupils of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor. What he hated most was the guy who was jealous of others.

I saw his palm waved for a while, and the magical power in his palm burst out at this moment.

With the help of the power of the terrifying gods on this stone platform, the power released is naturally more terrifying than his own attack.

This destruction attack collided with the opponent's attack within a short time, and everyone present only listened to the sound of the rumbling terror shock.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, and the strong man seemed to have not expected that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor would be able to attack him while he was in a state of perception.

Desperately instilling destructive power into his own attack, trying to gain the upper hand in this way.

However, he underestimated the strength of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, the attacking power released by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor at this moment was beyond his imagination.

With the help of the spirit aura contained on the stone platform, the attack power released by the Heavenly Demon Emperor was doubled, and the attack released by this strong man really collapsed and destroyed in a short time.

However, the attack speed of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor did not weaken in the slightest, and it swallowed towards the body of this strong man in the blink of an eye.

A look of despair appeared on the face of this strong man, and his body tried to dodge at this moment.

It's just that his body speed is still much slower, and more importantly, this attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor contains a powerful space attribute power.

Covered his body completely in a short time, not giving him any chance to dodge.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present only listened to the sound of a horrible shock, accompanied by the screams of this strong man.

Under the attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, the body of that strong man was directly shaken out, and it hit a wall not far away like a cannonball.

The body was still trembling crazily, and that destructive force continued to spread over his body, causing his whole body to be completely devastated, and he lost his life!

Many people's eyes flashed, and there was a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. No one thought that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor could release such a powerful attack with the help of the power contained on the stone platform. It was indeed too terrifying!

Looking at such a domineering Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, Ye Feng showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, his body still didn't move, and he stood calmly and observed that there was no place for his god.

It didn't take long for Xi Chulong to gain the position of his own gods, looking at Ye Feng with extremely arrogant eyes, with a bit of irony in his eyes.

Said to Ye Feng: "Let you see what it means to accumulate thick and thin hair. People like you simply can't care about the strength that top young people like us can show!"

After this sentence was said, many people nodded one after another, and a gleam of approval appeared on their faces.

Ye Feng ignored the other party. This area was really not suitable for him. Instead of being a **** of attribute power, Ye Feng didn't want this god.

The competition among the rest of the people for the position of the gods was still very fierce, and many people broke out extremely cruel battles with other competitors.

There are constant deaths of the strong, and some become the final victors, ascending to the position of their own gods.

For them, as long as they can achieve the position of gods, it is the best return for their efforts.

But Ye Feng still stood calmly on the spot, watching these people fight out, but he didn't move.

"With your strength, it should not be difficult to fight for the position of a god, why not try it?"

At this moment, the young figure wearing a fire-red robe came to Ye Feng's body and couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

Before Ye Feng understood the powerful willpower, this young man paid great attention to Ye Feng. In his opinion, as long as Ye Feng was willing, he would surely be able to occupy the position of a god.

Ye Feng turned his head, looked at this young man and said, "You are the same, you haven't ascended to the position of gods, maybe we two are the same kind of people."

After saying this, the young man's eyes flickered, and then he said: "God is not my end point, so I am not in a hurry. As for you, I advise you to find a place for a god, if not, If I missed this opportunity, I don’t know when to wait until next time."

The words spoken by this young man did have some truth, although it sounded a little arrogant, but for people like the other party.

His arrogance is indeed capital, the opponent's strength is strong, and he understands 6 kinds of will power.

Moreover, his personal strength has completely reached the level of the gods, and even the power of ordinary gods is not worth mentioning in front of this person.

There was a sharp flash in Ye Feng’s eyes, and he naturally heard the meaning of this young man’s words, and couldn’t help but say to him: “Everyone has their own way to go. Even if I give up my position as a god, I won’t regret."

After the young man heard Ye Feng’s words, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and then he said: “I don’t want you to regret it, let alone hate you for it, but now that you have made a decision, then I won't bother anymore, I hope you can do it for yourself."

After saying this, the young man stepped away from where Ye Feng was, flying towards the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the many gods present almost all have their own masters, the strong are respected, and the weak can only watch all this quietly.

Top figures such as Xichulong, Tianlei Bonus, and Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor all occupy the position of their gods.

Light flashed on their bodies one by one, the whole body was wrapped in the light of the gods, and the light of the gods enveloped the bodies, and their whole people seemed to be strong at the gods level.

The luster released from each body can represent a **** of attribute power.

The powerful people below looked at all of this, and there was a look of envy on their faces.

If they can occupy the position of a **** like those top beings, then they can also achieve god-level cultivation.

It's just that the winners and losers will not be able to enjoy the corresponding resources without strong strength.

At this moment, they are losers, and losers are destined to only endure all this silently and watch others succeed.

After some more time, in the void, a sky thunder descended, and this sky thunder contained a powerful thunder attribute power.

It directly smashed and killed Tianlei Hongli's body at a very fast speed, and a crazy look appeared on Tianlei Hongli's face.

His eyes are shining sharply, and the whole person looks so high and deep, his body is wrapped in sky thunder, and the light of sky thunder shines through the world.

The purple-black thunder is such a violent violent, powerful **** attribute power contained in that sky thunder, like a divine initiation, madly instilled into the body of the sky thunder bonus.

A fanatical color appeared on Tian Lei Hongli's face, and his body was so wide open, constantly demanding the power contained in the thunder that day.

At this moment, there was a terrifying thunder trembling sound inside his body, causing a burst of strong turbulence in the space present.

Many people's eardrums were numb for a while, their eyes looked at the bonus of the sky at the moment, and there was a look of shock on their faces.

Only one person said: "This is the thunder of the gods, and the bonus of the sky seems to be the place of the gods!"

After this sentence was said, the eyes of everyone present flashed, and a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

The sky-thunder bonus is about to become a god-man. Such a visual impact cannot be realized without personal experience.

Many people watched all this quietly, watching Tian Lei Hongli's breath gradually change, and the shock in their hearts can be imagined.

Tianlei Hongli's eyes were extremely proud. At this moment, he stood proudly between heaven and earth, and his whole person was like the Lord of Tianlei.

The endless thunder attribute power in the void converges, constantly instilling into the sky thunder.

And his entire human body became the carrier of the sky thunder, and the sky thunder merged with the power of the gods to fit his body.

This caused the aura on his body to change rapidly, and it didn't take long for his body to truly cross the previous realm and reach a brand new level.

At this moment, he stood calmly and casually on the spot, and the power of the gods released from his body was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

The spirit of the gods envelops a sky, giving everyone present an extremely strong sense of oppression. Many people's bodies involuntarily retreat, their eyes flashing with extremely shocked expressions.

"Tian Lei bonus, has become a god! It is really strong!"

Some strong people said so. After this sentence was said, many people in the audience trembled. Although they had learned all this, they said from others that the shock was even stronger.

The thunder attribute power released by Tianlei Hongli was many times more powerful than it was before. His **** attribute power entered the body, making his whole body seem to be completely integrated in this space.

Everything in the space seems to be used by him. His whole body is the body of sky thunder. If he mobilizes his mind at will, there will be horrible attacks condensed, which is enough to kill everything!

I saw Tian Lei Bonus's arm waved, and the power of Tian Lei in his palm burst out at this moment.

A terrifying thunder attribute force slashed towards the distance quickly, and violently landed on a boulder not far away, causing the boulder to make a strong shock.

At this moment, it was completely smashed and shattered, turned into powder, and dispersed with the wind!

Many people have extremely shocked expressions on their faces, and the power of this attack is indeed too strong, to the point that they are unimaginable.

Next, at a position of the gods not far from the prescription position, Xi Chulong also reacted accordingly, and the endless brilliant light released from his body illuminated the entire space.

His entire human body is like the master of this heaven and earth, and everything in the heaven and earth must be used by him.

Standing there, his body can dominate everything.


Xi Chulong roared in his mouth, and the terrible concussion sound wanted to withdraw, and endless domineering might emerged from the void.

It merged with the power of the gods at a very fast speed, and then quickly entered the body and entered the body of Xichulong.

Xi Chulong quickly released the power inside his body, causing those attribute powers to blend into his body little by little, and his body became extremely powerful at this moment.

All the attributes and powers between heaven and earth seemed to be used by him. Besides, the aura on his body was constantly rising at this moment, and it didn't take long for him to reach an extremely new state, becoming more and more intense. !

"Xi Chulong has also achieved the position of the gods, and the cry of the gods is indeed extraordinary. After achieving the position of the gods, Xi Chulong's strength will inevitably be even higher!"

Someone looked at Xi Chulong and said with shock, the rest naturally nodded.

Xi Chulong's eyes were extremely proud, and he glanced at everyone present. His eyes were very sharp, as if he were an absolute emperor, looking down at his people.

"Om, hum..."

A burst of terrible solar power condensed and formed not far away, and the fire of the sun enveloped the sky.

It just came down, causing the temperature in this space to rise suddenly, and everything would be wrapped and melted.

Many people's bodies retreat involuntarily, feeling that their bodies are going to be burned to death.

The body of the young girl who understood the power of the sun was bathed in the fire of the sun, and her body became more dazzling.

The fire of the sun looks extremely gorgeous, and even gives a very beautiful illusion.

In fact, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. This is the case with the fire of the sun. This flame blooms like a flower.

But when the real descended on Wu Xiu's body, it would definitely be able to melt it away.

The body of that young girl was fused in the flames, and the whole person's body seemed to be reborn from the fire. The fire of the sun turned into infinite flame attribute power and merged with the spirit of the gods, constantly infiltrating her body.

And her body completely accepted those two forces into the body, which made her comprehend the power of the sun more and more profound.

With the passage of time, the power of the sun understood by this young girl reached an unimaginable peak in a short time.

It didn't take long for a strong flame attribute power to spread in all directions, turning into an endless storm of flames, melting all existence wherever it went.

The breath of this young girl finally reached a point that ordinary people could not understand, the spirit of the gods entered the body, and the light of the gods flashed out.

The girl's long hair was flying, and the whole person finally entered a brand new state.

God, **** of the sun!

This word can fully interpret the state of the girl at the moment. She is the true **** of the sun, and her personal strength has reached a top level.

The impression of heaven and earth created by her achievement of the position of the gods is even more powerful than that of Xichu Long Tian Lei Bonus.

Let the human body do it involuntarily*.

The young man in a fire-red robe saw his sister becoming a god, and a smile of relief naturally appeared on his face.

But he himself has a higher pursuit, even if he can completely occupy the position of a god, but he has no such behavior.

As he himself said, his pursuit is not just as simple as a god-level powerhouse.

In the next period of time, someone successively achieved the position of the gods, and the light of the gods shined in this space.

The eyes of many people present became extremely exciting. They might not even dream that they would see such a wonderful scene one day.

Many people have achieved the status of gods, and such a scene is rarely seen even if you look at the entire Holy Spirit Tianzhou.

"The cave of the gods is really extraordinary. There are so many powerful people who have achieved the position of gods. It would be great if there was me in it."

Someone looked at all of this with shocked expressions on their faces, and the others nodded.

The entire space is completely occupied by the light of the gods.

But Ye Feng was unmoved, just watching all this quietly, and didn't mean to leave.

Not only because the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor is here, he is in this space, feeling the power of various gods.

Among the powers of these gods, Ye Feng got a trace of special comprehension, which has an extraordinary effect for him.

The mood seemed to have changed, laying a certain foundation for him to become a **** in the future.

"Haha, this guy's strength is not very strong. I think he has been very arrogant before. I didn't expect that he would be horribly horrible, and he was not eligible for the position of gods. I thought he was very strong before. It turned out to be an illusion."

Seeing a powerful person achieve the position of a god, someone unexpectedly thought of Ye Feng for the first time, and couldn't help but look towards Ye Feng.

Many people also began to make mocking sounds. Before they saw Ye Feng's high-profile, many people looked at Ye Feng not pleasing to their eyes.

Now that Ye Feng couldn't get the position of god, the sneer in their hearts naturally became stronger.

It didn't take long for the Tianlei Bonus to complete the position of the gods, and then descended from the void, his body was enveloped by bursts of light from the sky.

The power of the sky thunder is extremely powerful, causing a space within the square circle area to continuously emit extremely powerful shocks.

Many people's bodies retreated involuntarily, giving way to Tianlei's bonus.

Tian Lei Hongli's body came down like that, his eyes were extremely proud, and his strength had undergone earth-shaking changes after he achieved the position of the gods.

The whole person seemed to be more advanced, and after a glance at the people present, Tian Lei Hongli couldn't help but looked at Ye Feng not far away.

Prior to this, he and Xi Chulong had been defeated by Ye Feng Chitian Demon Emperor in succession, and even almost lost their lives.

This made Tianlei Hongli's heart full of shame, and he always wanted to take revenge, but he didn't find a chance.

Now that he has achieved the position of a god, he has become a true god-level powerhouse, and his previous hatred naturally burst out again.

More importantly, Ye Feng still stayed here and didn't mean to leave. From Tianlei's point of view, Ye Feng definitely wanted to die.

"Trash, you dare to stay here, do you know what the outcome will be next?"

Tian Lei Hongli said coldly to Ye Feng, with strong arrogance in his words.

Ye Feng looked at Tian Lei Hongli, a cold light flashed in his pupils.

Many people's eyes flashed, and it seemed that they didn't expect Ye Feng to have a festival with the bonus of sky thunder.

Only one person said: "I didn't expect this young man to offend Tianlei Bonus. In that case, he dare to stay here, just waiting for the other party to kill him!"

After saying this sentence, many people present nodded one after another, thinking that what this person said had some truth.

"One subordinate is defeated, I really don't know what face you have arrogantly in front of me?"

However, just when everyone at the scene thought that Ye Summit was facing an extremely tragic ending, they heard Ye Feng say so.

The words spoken were very strong and did not give Tianlei any bonus face.

More importantly, they got an extremely important message in the words Ye Feng said.

The Tianlei bonus once lost to Ye which surprised them very much.

You know, in their opinion, even if Tianlei Bonus did not achieve the status of a god, he was a top figure, and he was not comparable to Ye Feng.

But the opponent had lost to Ye Feng. From this point, it can be seen that Ye Feng's strength does not seem to be as weak as they thought.

It's just that the Tianlei bonus has already achieved the position of the gods, even if this Ye Feng is no matter how strong, it is impossible to be the opponent's opponent.

There was an aura of anger in Tianlei Hongli's body, and his eyes fell on Ye Feng and said: "It seems that you really want to die. If this is the case, then I will let you see what a real god-level powerhouse is! "

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: I beg flowers, brothers with flowers will support me, the middle of this month, I hope everyone can support me, thank you!

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