Sky War God

Chapter 3204: Heart Protection Dharma

These two forces complemented each other on the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, making his whole body look so dreamlike.

The power of the Buddha and the magic is two completely different powers, but at this moment, they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and they fit together perfectly.

The Buddha-Magic Community will live forever in the world, and such a wonderful scene is presented on the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

At this moment, he himself is the appearance of a monk, the golden light of Buddha's way covers his body, and the whole person looks like that kind of compassion.

But on top of his body, there was another burst of magic power, which made his whole body form two distinct characteristics.

The two forces complement each other, let him stand there at will, and no one knows whether he is a Buddha or a demon.

Even at this moment, when the heart-protecting **** Buddha saw the sight of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, his eyes flickered involuntarily, and a somewhat unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

So he said, "Buddha-Magic Community, how did you do it?"

It was the demon emperor who looked at him and said: "Buddhas and demons are born between heaven and earth. How can they be separated from each other? As long as their hearts are good, what's wrong with demons?"

After saying these words, Huxin Shen Buddha briefly fell into a state of contemplation, seeming to agree with the words spoken by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

"Whoever has the status of Demon Cultivation, but is also devoted to the Buddha. Now, the Dharma of the junior has reached a certain level, and the junior has never used his status of Demon Cultivation to harm Zhongliang. The junior has a clear conscience!"

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor continued, with a somewhat political expression on his face.

Just as he said, whether it was the previous life or the current life, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor advocated walking the way for the sky and hated evil.

The same is true for the people of the Phantom Demon Sect he founded, and they have never done anything that hurts the world.

Magic cultivation, as long as the heart is good, what's wrong with the profession of cultivation?

The heart-protecting **** Buddha looked at the wonderful back in front of him, and his heart was a little moved. Is there really an essential difference between Buddha and demons?

Just as the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor said, all this may not be true.

Good and evil are only between one thought, and they are not distinguished by occupation. The emphasis is on the heart. The heart is good, no matter any profession can also achieve great good deeds.

"You are very interesting. You are the first person in this class who dares to say such words."

The heart-protecting **** Buddha looked at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor and said, with a somewhat strange luster in that expression.

"Here is the mind-protecting Buddhism. It is a kind of Buddhist, Taoist and magical skill that I have studied with great concentration. You can try to practice. If your qualifications are too shallow and lead to rebellion, stop immediately. This kind of exercises can help you become a true Buddha. If you dare to violate your heart and make great evils, the Dharma will also discern and punish you!"

The heart-protecting **** Buddha said to the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor. After saying this, there was a ray of light shining in the center of his eyebrows, which was extremely bright.

It was the light of memory, penetrating the space and descending directly to the center of the forehead of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's eyes flickered, and he only felt that there was an extra memory in his mind, which immediately made him a little excited.

Heart-protecting Buddhism is the first time he has heard of this kind of Buddhist and Taoist magic, but it can make an ancient **** like the heart-protecting **** and Buddha cultivate, and it is enough to imagine the power of this kind of exercise.

Reading this memory quickly, it was the Heaven Demon Emperor who had entered a deep state.

It didn't take long for his eyes to flash with an extremely excited sheen, after a simple reading.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor discovered that the Heart-protecting Buddhism was even more mysterious and all-encompassing than he had imagined. The internal explanations about Buddhism were beyond the knowledge of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

Even after only a brief reading, he got many problems that he could not understand thoroughly before.

At this moment, all these questions were suddenly resolved, making his whole person's Buddhism and Taoism power seem to be strengthened.

This shocked the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's heart, and at the same time he quickly bowed to the heart-protecting **** Buddha in front of him and thanked him, "Thank you, seniors, for imparting magic skills!"

"Don't thank me, this work is only passed on to people who are predestined. I hope you can stick to your heart and don't do anything that violates the Dharma. If you violate it, this seat cannot compare to you!"

The heart-protecting **** Buddha spoke to the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Sovereign promised to the goddess of heart protection: "Don't worry, seniors, the younger generations will definitely follow their original heart and carry forward the Dharma!"

"Go, go where you should go!"

The heart-protecting **** Buddha waved his hand and spoke lightly.

When he said these words, Chi Tian imitated and felt the other party's voice from near to far, and gradually moved away from him, and finally disappeared completely.

At the same time, the scene in front of the Scarlet Demon Emperor's eyes was also blurred, and a little bit clearer.

It didn't take long for the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor to find that his body had returned to the desert where he had felt before.

The statue of the heart-protecting **** Buddha still stands there, just. The light contained on the statue gradually dimmed and finally extinguished completely!

The Scarlet Devil Emperor knew that this statue was the body of the heart-protecting **** Buddha.

And the other party, now has been practicing in his inner world, and has reached an extremely high level.

As a result, the physical body is not so important to the other party.

"How did the light on the statue go out? The power of Buddhism and Taoism contained in it also disappeared immediately. What is going on?"

Someone said so for the first time, and the others did the same, with a disappointed look on their faces.

They had absorbed the power of Buddhism and Taoism in this area before.

As a result, the hostility inside the body and the various impurities outside the body that cannot be eliminated, the negative emotions disappear little by little.

For them, in a sense, it is even more tempting than directly raising the realm of cultivation.

However, at this moment, the light on the statue of Buddhism and Taoism completely disappeared, making them immediately disappointed.

Many people even started to pay attention to the reasons for all this.

"I waited here to absorb the light of Buddhism for a long time, and it hasn’t been strange? Why didn’t the light of Buddhism disappear not long after the monk arrived? In my opinion, all this must have something to do with the monk, that’s Because of the arrival of the other party, it brought bad luck to me and made the light of Buddhism disappear. I will no longer be able to use the light of Buddhism to continue to improve myself!"

After this sentence was said, the eyes of many people in the audience couldn't help but flicker, and they nodded one after another, thinking that the words the person said had some truth.

How can there be such a coincidence in Tianxia Street?

Why did the light of Buddhism disappear as soon as this monk arrived? It is indeed very likely to have a relationship with the other party!

"Monk smelly, let me ask you, does the disappearance of the light of Buddhism have anything to do with you?"

A young strong man took the lead and set his eyes on the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor, and asked Chi Tian imitating the cold.

The rest of the people were the same, looking at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor one by one, with a strong coldness in their eyes.

In their opinion, this incident must have a direct relationship with the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, which caused them to no longer be able to purify their bodies with the light of Buddhism.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor looked at these people and said: "It's your own perception ability that is not good. How can you blame the poor monk?"

After saying these words, those strong men involuntarily cast extremely cold eyes at the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

In their view, it was the Heaven Demon Emperor who was mocking them.

With so many powerful people gathered together, how could the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor be so ironic?

"This monk is getting more and more arrogant, and he simply doesn't pay attention to me. It seems that I have to make a move and make him pay a certain price!"

Someone said this for the first time, with the ultimate cold luster in the eyes.

"Yeah, this guy is indeed a little bloated, and has harmed the interests of so many of us. He still dares to do this. He really doesn't know how great the world is!"

Someone spoke again, and immediately, the breath of these people burst out, and the breath of every one was so powerful.

Many people's cultivation has reached the level of condensing the body of the gods. They came to the cave of the gods to find opportunities.

Strive to gain the position of a **** here and become a true god.

Therefore, the combination of so many powerful people, the strength is indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Even if the strength of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is so powerful, people like them will not be afraid of each other.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, I'll wait and get on together and kill him!"

Only heard what a strong man said, before that, before they entered the cave of the gods, they had already seen the strength of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

If they fight alone, none of them dare to say that they are opponents of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor, so they want to punish the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor.

Can only cooperate together!

I saw two powerful men stepping out first, their auras were extremely powerful, and their various attribute powers were integrated on their bodies.

It made their bodies become extremely violent, and the destructive power instantly gathered in the palm, making the palms more destructive and aggressive.

Several consecutive attacks shot towards the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor frantically, and their attacks took on different forms.

Coming from all directions, without giving the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor any chance to fight back!

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor didn't care much, a cold light flashed in his eyes, facing the opponent's attack.

He directly released the magical magic that he had understood, and the power of the magical magic merged into his arm, making his arm instantly become violent.

There was also an extremely high level of Dharma lingering in it, and immediately shot a big phantom palm print directly at the two people.

When this phantom demon palm print was released, it held up a afterimage of the magic path.

The remnants of the magic path floated in the void, it can be said that it descended in an instant, and the power it carried was naturally terrifying beyond imagination.

In the blink of an eye, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The three attacks collided in an instant, and the two powerhouses who condensed the body of the gods did not dare to neglect.

For the first time, he once again instilled destructive power into his own attack, trying to suppress the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor in this way.

However, the power contained in the attack of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was beyond their imagination.

A powerful destructive force came in an instant, directly destroying the collapse of their attack.

And the power of destruction contained in the attack of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor also completely wrapped their bodies at this moment.

While making their bodies tremble crazily, their footsteps were also shaken back at this moment one after another, their breath was very floating, and their complexion was extremely pale.

Almost at the same time, on the right side of the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor's body, two strong men attacked it.

These two attacks overlapped with the previous two attacks in time. Therefore, the Demon Emperor just drew his hand this time, and the other two attacks had already come.

They are also the existence of the body of the gods, and the attacks they release can destroy a space.

The body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor felt a very strong sense of crisis coming in a short time.

He did not contend with the opponent, but quickly retreated towards the rear, his body was wrapped in waves of afterimages of the magical path.

It made his whole body become extremely illusory at this moment, as if it had never appeared in this space.

The attack of the two opponents came, causing this space to tremble wildly, as if cracks appeared, but they failed to harm the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

At this moment, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's body had descended on the top of a huge boulder that was several hundred feet tall not far away.

This huge boulder stood in the desert, looking extremely abrupt, and golden light of Buddha's path emerged from the body of the Scarlet Demon Emperor.

After the body descended, the surface of his body was released by bursts of divine power, and the light of divine power enveloped a sky.

Immediately, he saw his arm wave for a while, and rays of light emerged from his palm, and the light contained powerful divine light.

It is constantly depicted in the void, and every time it is depicted, lines can be formed.

These lines eventually gathered together to form a totem of divine writing.

This side of the **** text totem is extremely complicated, and its internal lines are constantly evolving. When each line evolves, it can release a powerful force.

At this moment, the entire space was completely shielded, and the body of the demon emperor was sitting cross-legged on the boulder.

Everything from the outside world can't affect him anymore, his body is wrapped in a divine writing totem, shrouded in it.

After the strong men saw this scene, their complexions didn't look good.

The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor dared to evade their attack like this, and they naturally wouldn't let it go.

Only one person said, "Is this guy's behavior ignoring me and waiting? How could I wait for him to survive like this?"

Immediately after this sentence was said, the bodies of several strong men rose into the air at this moment.

Many people have seen the power of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor when it releases the power of the divine text attribute, so they did not dare to approach the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor for the first time.

Instead, he began to condense his own offensive power from a distance, trying to attack the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor in this way.

"Shoo, hoo..."

A burst of strange sounds sounded, and several destruction beams burst out at this moment, and the power contained in each destruction beam was super terrifying.

It can be said that it came in a short time, trying to penetrate the totem of the gods!

It was just that the moment when the opponent's attack was about to fall on the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The divine text totem surrounding the body of the Scarlet Devil Emperor began to evolve wildly at this moment.

The lines shine again, and a strong **** force blooms. This binding force is extremely powerful.

In a short time, the destroying beam coming from the remote prescription position was completely blocked and wrapped.

The Destroying Beam tried to completely penetrate the restraining force.

But failed to achieve this, the power of that **** land is too strong, directly blocking it completely.

It made the opponent's attack unable to advance by half a point, and it was so blocked.

At the same time, the light of the divine text has evolved crazily again, releasing a more terrifying force.

With a strong counter-shock power, this force directly bounced those destruction beams back at this moment.

The destruction beam released by the opponent once again penetrated towards the bodies of the opponents!

This made the eyes of the people who launched the attack on the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor slightly freeze, and it seemed that they had never expected such a thing to happen.

Their bodies dodge quickly at this moment, for fear that their bodies will be attacked by the destruction beam.

However, they failed to achieve this. The destruction beam contained a space attribute power that penetrated in a short time.

Makes the opponent's body quickly penetrated!

Just listen to the sound of pounding and pounding, the power of the destroying beam is too powerful, causing the screams of the powerful people.

The whole person's body kept retreating at this moment, and blood was released quickly, his complexion was extremely pale!

"Why is the divine text array this guy has arranged so strong? And the speed of his deployment is too fast. In just an instant, he can arrange such a powerful divine text array. What is his level of divine text? level."

Someone said so, a somewhat unbelievable look appeared on their faces, and the others nodded.

After the bodies of those powerhouses were penetrated, those who tried to attack the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor could only stop there.

The Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor's divine writing array is so powerful, if they attack it again, they might face the same things that the previous strong men encountered.

"This monk is really too arrogant. It would be great if a top power could come. I want to see how he can continue to be arrogant!"

Someone immediately said so, their hearts hated the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and they desperately wanted to see the scene of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor being suppressed.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor at this moment did not pay attention to what these people said, and his body quickly entered a very mysterious state at this moment.

His body was wrapped in bursts of attribute power, and the light of divine text enveloped everything.

The whole person's body seemed to become extremely mysterious.

The Buddhism attribute power was released, and the Buddhism light lit up little by little.

In his mind, the mantra of the Heart-protecting Dharma continued to float, making his body more integrated with the world.

Everything in the world seemed to be integrated with the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor.

The light of Buddhism was getting brighter and brighter, and the golden Buddhism light enveloped a whole world. The crowd in the shining area, their eyes narrowed involuntarily, and they didn't even dare to look directly at each other.

"What is this smelly monk doing? How could he have such a powerful light of Buddhism and Taoism on his body? How do I feel that the light of Buddhism and Taoism he released is very different from the light contained in the previous statue. Is it similar? Is it possible that all the energy contained in the statue has been absorbed by him?"

Someone said this for the first time, and the rest of them also felt this way, and their eyes flickered involuntarily.

It's just that the power of the divine text attribute light released by the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was too strong, and it was not something they could resist.

In this case, they can only watch all this quietly.

With the passage of time, the light released from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor gradually strengthened.

The attributes of Buddhism and Taoism are extremely powerful, and the formulas of heart-protecting Buddhism keep spinning in my mind.

The Scarlet Devil Emperor had no distractions, and devoted himself to his understanding of the Heart-protecting Buddhism.

Like a powerful person at the level of the goddess of heart protection, it is indeed powerful enough.

The other party was able to enter his inner world to practice.

It has even reached the state of abandoning the physical body, which is really unimaginable for the other party.

Bursts of light kept shining out, and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor tried to realize the heart-protecting Buddhadharma.

Let the Heart-protecting Buddhism fit his body more closely, and it didn't take long before the body of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor entered an extremely mysterious state.

It seems that I have entered my inner world at this moment.

Compared with the heart-protecting gods and Buddhas, his inner world is naturally a lot monotonous, and the space is not as vast as the other party.

There is nothing inside. Empty.

The only benefit it brings to him is that he can get a better experience by comprehending the Dharma in the inner world.

And it can make one's heart calm as water, and everything in the heart can be put aside, and you can feel it wholeheartedly.

In this mysterious state, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor felt that his understanding of Huxin Buddhism was indeed getting stronger and stronger.

And it's much quicker than before.

It didn't take long before he felt that he was practicing the mind-protecting Buddhism. Entered the state of entry.

Establishing the inner world is the standard for entry. It's just that the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, who has just started getting started, can really display his strength, which is really limited.

However, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was not discouraged. As long as he could make a breakthrough, no matter how much he paid, he thought it was worth it.

With the passage of time, the light of Buddhism released from the Heavenly Demon Emperor's body became brighter and brighter, and the whole person's body became more radiant.

Almost at the same time, another strong came from the void, two of them altogether.

The breath released by the matchmaker is extremely powerful.

Just walking toward this side step by step, immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

Only one person said: "It's Xi Chulong, the two of Tianlei Bonus are here!"

After saying this sentence, many people present could not help but flash their eyes, and a bit of shock appeared on their faces.

Unexpectedly, these two top figures actually arrived here.

Xi Chulong, Tian Lei Bonus, are among the top figures who have entered the cave of the gods this time.

At this moment, the two of them came here together, which is indeed attractive enough.

Xi Chulong, after the arrival of the Tianlei bonus, immediately looked towards the direction of the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, who was cross-legged on the boulder.

Seeing such a strong light released from the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, their faces couldn't help but show a somewhat unbelievable luster.

Just listen to Tian Lei Hongli said: "I really didn't expect the monk to cultivate here and release such a strong light. It seems that the other party has some feelings."

"It's true, the light of Buddhism and Taoism released from the opponent is really different, and his strength seems to have become stronger."

Xi Chulong also said so.

"The two princes of the Hui people, this monk is very arrogant. When he came here, he occupied the statue. He didn’t let me wait and practice in this place. He even abused the two princes, claiming that the two princes would not be able to come. It is extremely arrogant to prevent his rise, and I hope the two princes will not let him continue to be arrogant!"

At this moment, everyone on the scene heard that a strong man took the lead and came to Xi Chulong. The bodies of the two Tianlei Hongli could not help but say to Xi Chulong and Tianlei Hongli.

Xi Chulong and Tianlei Hongli's eyes narrowed slightly.

It seemed that the other party dared to say such arrogant words.

I saw the breath of Tianlei Bonus body releasing, and the thunder roared in the void, shaking this space for a while, and many people's bodies were involuntarily retreated by the shock.

He said, "Does this guy dare to say such arrogant words? If so, then I have to see what qualifications he has to say such words?"

After saying these words, the eyes of Xi Chulong who were not far away flickered involuntarily, and a cold color appeared on his face.

The other party dared to be so arrogant with him, he naturally hated the other party very much, and wanted to teach him a serious lesson.

"I'm going to kill him now, I want to see how he can go down!"

Tian Lei said with a cold expression.

"and many more."

However, before the opponent's footsteps stepped forward, he heard Xi Chulong stop him.

"what's up?"

Tian Lei Dividend did not understand why Xi Chulong made this move.

"To deal with an unknown person like him, if you are going to launch an attack now, doesn't it mean you are sneaking? It's better to wait for him to finish his cultivation, and you can kill him at will, don't you?"

Xi Chulong was more calm than Tianlei Bonus, and started to analyze.

Tian Lei Hongli's eyes flickered, and then he nodded to the other party: "Brother Xi Chu is still considerate, I have forgotten this."

After saying this, the two people found a secluded place and began to practice cross-legged.

After seeing the actions of these two top figures, many people couldn't help but secretly give their thumbs up in their hearts.

The opponent is worthy of being a top-notch person. At this moment, attacking the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor seems to be a good opportunity to kill the opponent.

But these two people did not do so, which shows that these two people are noble.

In other words, they have absolute confidence that they can easily kill the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor, and they will do so.

At this moment, the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor had entered the deep-level cultivation state of the Heart-protecting Buddhism, and his consciousness had already entered his inner world.

Through his practice, the area of ​​the inner world is constantly changing and expanding rapidly.

The more perfect the inner world and the wider the area, it confirms that the higher the level of mind-protecting Buddhism he cultivates.

It didn't take long for the heart-protecting Buddhadharma cultivated by the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor to step onto a level again, and it was already on the right track.

This also made his whole person's strength improved compared to the original one, but when he wanted to continue practicing.

But he couldn't do this anymore, the mind-protecting Buddhism automatically banned his body and prevented him from continuing to practice.

This caused the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's eyes to flicker, and he could only stop practicing.

He can also understand all this. After all, the mind-protecting Dharma is the top practice Dharma.

The Queen's method of protecting the heart of the Buddha.

Such a powerful cultivation technique must be extremely advanced. If you want to improve your realm, how can it be so easy?

Therefore, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was not eager for a while, but quickly ended the state of cultivation.

As soon as he opened his eyes, countless icy eyes looked at where he was.

This includes two top figures, Xi Chulong and Tianlei Bonus.

Only one person said coldly: "I didn't expect this guy to wake up so soon, I'd like to see how he faces Xi Chulong, Tian Lei benefits the two."

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor naturally felt all this, but he didn't care much, his body flew down directly from the huge rock at this moment.

Many people's bodies surrounded this side at this moment, and their bodies were coldly released, and there was a feeling of wanting to kill the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor directly.

"I heard that you dare to speak slanderously to both of us? Is there such a thing?"

Tian Lei Hongli directly asked the Scarlet Heaven Devil Emperor, with extreme indifference in his words.

"I didn't say such a thing. UU read so I don't want to carry this scapegoat."

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor's gaze fell on these two people and said lightly.

After saying this sentence, the eyes of the two top figures fell on the strong man who had filed a complaint with them before.

The strong man's eyes flickered, and he didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to deny it directly. However, Tianlei Dividend's reaction speed was fast enough, and he couldn't help saying: "Are you afraid? If you are afraid, just Say it right away and give a reasonable apology to both of us so that the two of us can leave you alone."

After this sentence was said, many people's gazes were forgotten where the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was, and they seemed to be waiting for the scene where the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor kneeled and apologized to these two top powerhouses.

"Hehe, the emperor has never had the habit of apologizing to others, let alone, why is the emperor guilty?"

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor sneered at the other party.


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