Sky War God

Chapter 3180: Devouring Madness

Next, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

It made the entire sky tremble, and this time, the power of the palm prints released by Master Chi Tian was obviously more terrifying than before.

The released magical powers seemed to be able to destroy all existence, and in a short time they crazily poured into the opponent's body, causing the opponent's body to tremble again.

I only felt that his body seemed to be shaken and destroyed at any time, causing the body of the Haiba tribe chief to retreat again and again. This time, there was even a destructive force within his body that was constantly raging.

There was blood surging in his chest, and he almost vomited it out!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present again, and those of the Haiba tribe were even more frightened.

They knew the strength of their chieftain very well, and it was not an ordinary person who could resist.

The opponent is strong at the peak level of the late Heaven Emperor Realm, and the monk in front of him is unknown, how could he have such a powerful strength.

"I advise you, or take the initiative to stop, if not, you will die miserably, and your Sea Tyrant tribe will collapse and destroy in this world!"

Master Chi Tian satirically spoke to the chief of the Haiba tribe.

The eyes of the chief of the Haiba tribe flashed with extremely cold light. After several collisions with the opponent, he had clearly felt the strength of the opponent.

That powerful phantom power spread towards its body, making his whole body unable to compete with the opponent anymore.

If the fight continues, he will only lose.

However, if he let him surrender in this way, he was unwilling in his heart. After all, he was one of the best on Tianzhou Island. If this matter spreads out, he will surely be laughed off by others.

"The smelly monk, who has always had the upper hand, is so arrogant. This seat has not yet shown its true strength. What are you worried about?"

The chief of the Haiba tribe said so, with a strong indifference in his words, and he stepped forward again before speaking.

A more terrifying aura was mobilized on his body, causing his whole body to become more and more violent.

A strong gust of water filled his body, filling his body for a while, and the bloodline attribute power gathered at this moment.

A palm print was photographed, and the phantom palm prints all over the sky were condensed and formed, and each palm print phantom contained extremely powerful water.

His bloodline attribute power also burst to the extreme at this moment, making the attack power released by his whole person more powerful than it was before.

"The Chief Chief is really angry. I want to see how that smelly monk can resist?"

Seeing such a terrifying attack from the chief of the Haiba tribe, a man who feared the tribe said so.

The rest of the Haiba tribe nodded their heads, believing that the other party's attack was definitely not something the monk could resist.


However, as soon as the other party's words fell, they heard such a voice from Master Chi Tian's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying aura was released on Master Chitian's body, and bursts of strong magical power burst out.

When this magical power was released, this space was enveloped by that black magical energy, and the magical energy was shining through the world.

There was thunder descending in the void, and it directly merged with Master Chi Tian's body at this moment.

The golden light of Buddhism emerges, and the Buddha and demons are in a community, destroying all existence!

In the blink of an eye, everyone present saw Master Chi Tian take a palm, and his palm print looked extremely violent.

The combination of countless types of attributes and forces, the power that can be displayed is naturally beyond imagination and terrifying, and in the blink of an eye, it madly collides with the attack of the Haiba tribe chief.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling horrible shocks, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The chief of the Haiba tribe desperately released his attack, trying to completely suppress Master Chitian under his attack.

But the power of Master Chi Tian's palm print is too strong, containing an extremely powerful penetrating power.

In the blink of an eye, it continuously penetrated everything, causing the palm prints in the void to collapse and destroy a little bit.

But the power of Master Chi Tian's palm print is still terrifying, which is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

A somewhat unbelievable look appeared on the face of the chief of the Haiba tribe. He had already mobilized all the strongest power in his body, and he was still unable to compete with the opponent.

What level of strength has this monk reached? The chief of the Haiba tribe couldn't imagine all this.

In the blink of an eye, this palm print of the opponent had already reached his body, and the chief of the Haiba tribe could even feel the terrifying power contained in this palm print.

It made his body tremble constantly, as if he was about to be destroyed by complete suppression.

Under this circumstance, he had nowhere to hide, and could only release an attack on Master Chi Tian to compete.

However, in an emergency situation, his attack was not worth mentioning in front of Master Chi Tian.

In a short time, everyone present heard an astonishing sound of impact again, and Master Chi Tian's attack could destroy all existence.

The attack of the chieftain of the Haiba tribe was destroyed, and Master Chitian's attack had nothing to stop it!

In the next moment, everyone present heard a terrifying concussion sound, and the terrifying destructive power once again spread in all directions.

Master Chi Tian's destructive palm print directly landed on the body of the chief of the Haiba tribe.

As a result, the chief of the Haiba tribe made a scream, striving to be directly shocked out at this moment, and when he landed, he vomited blood in his mouth, his complexion was extremely pale!

The speed at which all this happened was so fast that many people could not see clearly now, the chief of the Haiba tribe was shocked by Master Chitian's palm.

All this is so incredible to everyone present, especially the people of the Haiba tribe.

They naturally knew the strength of their chieftain very well, but no one had thought that their chieftain was so powerful.

It was so defeated by this unknown monk, and the entire battle was almost completely defeated.

The strength that Master Chitian can display is completely beyond their imagination, and the power released by each attack is much stronger than the chief of the Haiba tribe.

The chief of the Haiba tribe fell to the ground, and under the palm of Master Chitian, he was already seriously injured.

Moreover, this is only possible to save a life under the protection of his powerful defensive magical weapons.

If not, his body will be easily killed under the horrible phantom palm of the opponent.

The faces of many Haizhou tribe experts showed an extremely unbelievable look, and their bodies were stuck in place, unable to react for a long time.

Especially the wife of the chief of the Haizhou tribe, the Four King Kong, Hai Meng and others seemed to be dreaming.

Before, when the chief of the Haiba tribe took advantage of the retreat of the chief of the Haizhou tribe to practice, how arrogant that he led many powerful people to come here?

The other party had poisoned the things of a high-level figure in the Haizhou tribe before that.

As a result, the opponents lost their combat effectiveness, which made the Haizhou tribe's strong people originally thought that this time should be the disaster for their Haizhou tribe.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the unremarkable Master Chitian stepped forward and crushed the Haiba tribe's chief elder and the Haiba tribe chief with a powerful posture.

All of this is so incredible, if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, everyone present would definitely not dare to believe that all of this would be true.

Before, many people expressed doubts about Master Chitian’s strength. Even those young people from the Haizhou tribe who had always had prejudices against Master Chitian thought that Master Chitian’s brave fight against each other would be extremely tragic. .

Many people have uttered mocking words to Master Chi Tian, ​​but they didn't expect that their words now look so pale and weak?

Some people even felt a little bit ashamed in their hearts, how powerful the Chi Tian event was, even the chief of the Haiba tribe was not his opponent.

These people dare to say sarcasm to each other. He even treated Master Chi Tian as an opponent.

Judging by the strength of the opponent, where do they have such qualifications? Even their Senior Brother Yundian is not worthy of being an opponent of Master Chitian.

Although the opponent looks extremely young, his personal strength has long since become extraordinary.

Being able to defeat the chiefs of the Haiba tribe so easily, even their chiefs of the Haizhou tribe are probably not the opponent's opponent.

In other words, the entire Tianzhou Island Master Chitian may be a unique existence.

An expression of excitement appeared on Hai Mengqiao's face, and the strength displayed by Master Chi Tian completely exceeded Hai Meng's imagination.

Hai Meng had only purely had a good impression of Grand Master Chi Tian before, but never thought that the other party had this strength.

Now, Master Chitian has defeated the chief of the Haiba tribe, making Hai Meng suddenly feel that the distance between him and Master Chitian has grown a lot.

Suddenly she felt a little lost in her heart, as if she could no longer catch the person in front of her.

After Master Chi Tian defeated the chieftain of the Haiba tribe, he did not continue to attack the opponent. In his opinion, people like the opponent were just jumping clowns.

He has no interest in killing each other at all.

It took a long time for the chief of the Haiba tribe to come out of the state of failure, and his eyes showed a bit of unwillingness involuntarily.

He is a powerful chief of the Haiba tribe, a powerhouse at the peak level of the late Heaven Emperor Realm, and he is only one step away from casting the body of a god.

There are fewer than 5 people on Tianzhou Island who can compete with him.

All are high-ranking people, and some powerful people who can't be seen as hermits.

The monk in front of him was unknown, and the chief of the Haiba tribe didn't really put him in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he is now defeated by the opponent.

It is even possible that he is not worth mentioning in front of the opponent, and the attack that the opponent releases at will is not something he can resist.

The sense of frustration in the chief of the Haiba tribe was extremely strong, but at this moment, he could no longer compete with the monk in front of him.

Therefore, at this moment, as long as he can save one life, it is enough.

"Count you cruel, we will have a period later!"

The chief of the Haiba tribe said so, after saying this, his body quickly rose into the air at this moment.

The rest of the Haiba tribe also followed and flew towards the distance.

A look of disdain appeared on Master Chi Tian's face, and he did not try to pursue it.

But just returned to the camp of the Haizhou tribe powerhouse.

Miss Haimeng looked at Master Chi Tian, ​​a look of worship flashed in her comprehension.

Prior to this, she had already had a good impression of Master Qitian, and now, Master Chitian alone saved their entire Haizhou tribe.

Becoming the most dazzling protagonist in the audience, all this is naturally unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Master, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

After a long time, Miss Haimeng reflected from the shock, and couldn't help but say so to Master Chi Tian.

Master Chi Tian folded his hands together and said faintly: "It's just a small trick, Miss Haimeng has passed the award."

Seeing Master Chi Tian's still cynical expression, Miss Haimeng actually laughed, her smile was so sweet.

The people of the entire Haizhou tribe noticed the expressions of the other two.

A strange look appeared on each and every face, especially those who came by, could already see that Miss Haimeng's face was peach blossom.

What this means for women is self-evident.

Even the wife of the chief of the Haizhou tribe could not help but shook her head slightly, but she did not stop her.

If the former Haizhou tribe chief’s wife has been trying to prevent her daughter from getting too close to the monk.

So now, the Haizhou tribe chief's wife has completely changed her mind, even if the other party is a monk.

But with the strength that the other party can show, if Miss Haimeng can have a good relationship with the other party, then for their Haizhou tribe, it is absolutely harmless.

Even if Miss Haimeng develops a relationship between men and women, the Haizhou tribe chief's wife will not interfere.

Just like Master Chi Tian, ​​who has never seen the entire Tianzhou Island, it would be an honor to become the other's woman.

Immediately afterwards, Master Chi Tian was invited by the entire Haizhou tribe into the Haizhou tribe like a hero.

Everyone respected him, and no one dared to say cold words to Master Chi Tian.

Even the lady of the Haizhou tribe will have Grandmaster Chitian as guests in the next celebration banquet.

The chief lady of the Haizhou tribe even deliberately arranged her daughter Hai Meng to sit with Master Chi Tian.

If Hai Meng once only simply admired Master Chi Tian, ​​then now, he has a heart.

Therefore, Hai Meng was very willing to sit with Master Chi Tian.

During the banquet, Hai Meng and Master Chi Tian were talking and laughing, Master Chi Tian's cynical and humorous way of speaking, Hai Meng, who was amused from time to time, giggled and seemed very happy.

If it were to be normal, the young people of the Haizhou tribe would definitely look down on Master Chitian, and even want to kill Master Chitian directly.

Now, the other party has no such idea. After all, Master Chitian's strength lies there, and he has become the hero of the entire Haizhou tribe.

Such a character, even the chief of the Haizhou tribe may have to treat each other with respect. Where can they be allowed to make trouble here?

At the same time, the chieftain of the Haiba tribe returned to the Haiba tribe camp with the defeated generals of the Haiba tribe.

Now that he is seriously injured, he can save his life and return, which is already considered a blessing in misfortune.

But he was still extremely dissatisfied in his heart, unwilling to fail like this.

"Master Chief, has the Haizhou Tribe conquered?"

At this moment, such a voice unexpectedly appeared in the head of the Haiba tribe.

He could naturally hear that the person transmitting to him at this moment was indeed Yun Dian.

In order not to reveal his identity, Yun Dian had deliberately made the illusion of going out before and left the Haizhou tribe early in the morning.

He figured out that the time was almost up, and then spoke to the chief of the Haiba tribe.

"Take a fart!"

After hearing Yun Dian's voice, the chief of the Haiba tribe suddenly became a little angry and directly spoke to him indifferently.

"What's wrong, Chief, what's wrong with you, why are you so angry?"

Yun Dian on the opposite side seemed a little weird, and couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

"Didn't you say that everything is ready? Why does such a monk suddenly appear?"

The chief of the Haiba tribe said with a look of anger, and when he thought of Master Chitian, he felt fear in his heart.

The opponent's strength is indeed too strong, he is not able to contend at all, until now he still has some fresh memories.

Hearing the words of the chief of the Haiba tribe, the two wines could not make a sound tomorrow, as if the words spoken by the other party were extremely incredible.

"Monk? Where is there a monk? Is the Chief Chief made a mistake?"

Yun Dian seemed to be unable to imagine all this anyway, and could not help but continue to ask him.

"That monk calls himself Master Chitian, and he is very powerful!"

The chief of the Haiba tribe gritted his teeth and said that if Yun Dian was by his side at this moment, he might even kill the opponent.

"How is it possible that Master Chitian is just an unknown person, and his strength is not a threat to the Chieftain. Is the Chief Chief joking?"

Hearing the words spoken by the other party, Yun Dian immediately spoke like this. In his opinion, the so-called Master Chitian was a joke.

Even if he makes a move, he can easily crush the opponent.

"You fart! That Master Chitian is not even his opponent, how can you underestimate him so much? It's really a matter of life and death. If it weren't for the chief to run fast, you would probably lose your life under the opponent!"

The chief of the Haiba tribe gets more and more excited as he speaks, and he can't wait to kill the guy who knows nothing about life and death!


As soon as the words of the chieftain of the tribe fell, the cloud point opposite was completely stunned, and there was no sound for a long time.

After some more time, Yun Dian said, "Master Chief, are you kidding me? That Master Chitian is just a liar. Although he has some strength, he is not as strong as that. May be your opponent, Lord Chief?"

"I just fought with the other party before, don't you know better than you, you guys are still quibbling here, you really do not live or die!"

The chief of the Haiba tribe said so with an expression of anger on his face.

Yun Dian was completely frightened this time, he would never have thought that the other party would be so powerful.

You know, the chief of the Haiba tribe is a powerhouse at the peak level of the late Heaven Emperor Realm, and how terrifying his personal strength is.

How could it be impossible to defeat that smelly monk?

What is the origin of the monk? Is there such a strength?

Immediately afterwards, the two ended their communication, and the chief of the Haiba tribe was defeated this time, and his vitality was greatly injured.

The whole person was in an extremely decadent state, but he kept holding this breath in his heart, and he wanted to take the day and kill the monk completely.

However, since the opponent can defeat him so easily, then it shows that the opponent has at least the strength to condense the body of the gods. Such strength is not something he can contend. It is almost impossible for him to want revenge.

In this way, the days passed, and the news that the chief of the Haiba tribe was defeated by an unknown monk continued to spread throughout Tianzhou Island.

It shocked countless people on Tianzhou Island.

It is said that the monk's strength has even surpassed the chief of the Haizhou tribe, and defeating the chief of the Haiba tribe is just a quick move.

Moreover, the entire battle seemed extremely easy, making the chief of the Haiba tribe unable to contend with it.

For a time, Master Chitian's reputation spread across the entire Tianzhou Island, and many Tianzhou Island powerhouses came to Haizhou tribes admiringly.

Trying to meet Master Chi Tian, ​​with such a powerful existence, it would be an honor for them to meet one another.

However, Grandmaster Chitian stayed simple and seldom appeared outside. Normally, Grandmaster Chitian would only stay with the Haizhou tribe eldest lady Haimeng.

The two studied martial arts together, and Hai Meng learned a lot of experience from Master Chi Tian.

Master Chi Tian gave it all his money, and even taught the other party the way of divinity and the way of medicine allocation.

All these have benefited Hai Meng a lot, and he admired Master Chi Tian's versatility even more.

Therefore, in the Haizhou tribe, there were many voices of Master Chitian returning to the vulgar.

These voices came from the people of the Haizhou tribe, and they sincerely hope that Master Chi Tian can return to the vulgar and make a pair with their eldest lady.

Only in this way can their Haizhou tribe be able to firmly lock such a magical existence.

Master Chi Tian used his actions to completely conquer the Haizhou tribe. Even the wife of the chief of the Haizhou tribe had a good impression of this monk.

In contrast, the Haiba tribe was completely helpless. Last time they confidently came to the Haizhou tribe to provoke.

As a result, Master Chi Tian turned out to be born, powerfully crushing many powerful people in the Haiba tribe, including some of the top figures in the Haiba tribe.

For example, the Haiba tribe's great elder was abolished by Master Chitian. This was definitely a very heavy blow to the Haiba tribe.

The Haiba tribe was greatly injured in this way, and if it wanted to restore its once peak state, I am afraid that it would not be possible without a certain number of years.

But not long after the turmoil subsided on Tianzhou Island, another person came on the island.

This person does not belong to the sea clan character, he is surrounded by extremely powerful magic power, his appearance is extremely terrifying, the whole person's face does not seem to have a trace of blood, giving a feeling of horror.

After he arrived on the island, some Tianzhou Island powerhouses tried to drive this strange man off the island, after all, the opponent looked a bit evil.

It's just that these people challenge each other and are full of self-confidence, but they can't compete with each other at all.

That strong man not only looks evil, but his own evil is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Those who challenged him were all crushed by the opponent, and the terrible swallowing attribute power released by the opponent is even more unusual for ordinary people to resist.

Many people were swallowed into corpses under the powerful swallowing attribute power of the other party!

This includes some extremely famous existence on Tianzhou Island, but these people are not worth mentioning in front of each other.

Therefore, the people on Tianzhou Island gave this person a name, which is the devouring madness!

Swallowing mad demon, cruel and unkind character, very strong, ordinary people can hardly compete with it.

As long as the opponents are looking at people, most of them have been swallowed by the opponents and turned into corpses.

This also caused the Tianzhou Island to fall into a state of panic for a period of time.

There are many people who are afraid that they will encounter the terrible devouring madness, and even because of this, they dare not go out and walk again.

The devouring mad demon wandered around Tianzhou Island like this, seeming to be looking for his goal.

On this day, the devouring madness came to the second most powerful force on Tianzhou Island, the Haiba tribe.

The Haiba tribe powerhouse has not really seen each other. Naturally, he immediately asked: "Who is coming to my Haiba tribe? This is not the place you should come to, don't you hurry away?"

While speaking, the aura of the other strong members of the Haiba tribe was also released at this moment, making this space extremely depressing.

The Devouring Crazy Demon looked at the opponent, but did not say a word, but directly stretched out his palm, and a terrible suction force burst out in the palm.

This pulling force was simply too strong, and the body of the powerful sea tyrant tribe was included in the blink of an eye.

An unexpected lustre appeared on the face of the strong man of the Haiba tribe, and he struggled for the first time, trying to get rid of the sucking force of the opponent.

However, he simply failed to achieve this.

The power of that suction force is too strong, it is not something he can break away, his body is so uncontrolled by the opponent's suction force, all the way to the opponent's body.

In this scene, many people's faces showed a somewhat unbelievable look.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying energy-swallowing power burst out at this moment. The power of the energy-swallowing power was too strong. After wrapping the opponent's body, it continuously swallowed the energy inside the opponent's body!

This caused the body of the strong man to tremble involuntarily, and screamed his soulmate.

The whole body struggled desperately.

However, none of this is of any use anymore, the other party's terrifying swallowing attribute power is too powerful.

This caused the energy inside his body to flow quickly, and immediately, his body shriveled a little bit at this moment, eventually becoming a corpse!

"This, this guy is really terrifying, who is he and why does he have such a powerful devouring attribute power!"

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, causing the hearts of many Haiba tribe powerhouses to tremble, and their faces appeared a little unbelievable.

The devouring mad demon didn't care what these people said.

At this moment, he was walking towards the Haiba tribe step by step!

Seeing the other party's actions, these Haiba tribe experts were completely panicked.

Unexpectedly, the opponent dared to forcibly break into their Haiba tribe, which was simply too arrogant.

Many strong Haiba tribes gathered here one after another.

Although the strength of this person is indeed strong enough, but here is the headquarters of the Haiba tribe, they don't think they are not qualified to compete with each other.

Therefore, these people swarmed at this moment, and each of them mobilized the strongest aura in their body, trying to completely crush the other party at this moment.

However, they still underestimated the strength of Devouring Mad Demon.

The devouring mad demon releases the most terrifying attack power, and every attack can destroy all existence.

The powerful Haiba tribes were hit by the opponent's attack one by one and killed on the spot.

But the devouring madness did not let the opponent go, and quickly released the strongest swallowing attribute power in his body.

It swallowed all the blood and energy inside the bodies of those people.

This made these Haiba tribe powerhouses tremble, but at the same time they didn't dare to compete with each other anymore.

"Hurry up and find the Chief Chief. This person's strength is too It is not something we can contend!"

An expert from the Haiba tribe reflected it for the first time, and couldn't help but say so.

The rest of the people nodded one after another, and then someone quickly walked towards the tribe, looking for the chief of the Haiba tribe.

At this moment, the chief of the Haiba tribe, spent the Spring Festival evening with a beautiful sea clan **** the bed, having fun.

Seeing someone forcibly breaking in, the chief of the Haiba tribe immediately became angry, and couldn't help but yell at the man: "Don't you know the rules? You dare to break into my room. It seems you don't want to live Up!"

Hearing these words from the chief of the Haiba tribe, the strong man of the Haiba tribe immediately became a little flustered, and knelt down and said: "Return to the chief, how can you have the courage to break in, just When a strong person arrives, I have to come and look for the Chief Chief. If not, we are very likely to be killed by the other party!"

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Brothers, with the support of flowers, it's the middle of this month, Wan Mu needs your support!

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