Sky War God

Chapter 3173: Soul Eater

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After Qiankun could not escape, Qiankun Shengjiao became a land of no owner, and Ye Feng had no intention to take over this area.

Today's Central Empire is no longer the land it once was.

After His Majesty, Prince Gong, Qian Kun Nan and others were gradually controlled by evil forces, the Central Empire lost its original soul.

And it became smoky, complaining, many strong people were annihilated because of this incident, many cases fell apart, and the people were displaced.

After the injury was fully recovered, Ye Feng ordered an old man, the sage master of Qiankun, to take over as the leader of the sage master.

In charge of everything in the world.

At the same time, Ye Feng tried to find out the whereabouts of Princess Tianying, but there was no specific information.

Before the opponent left, he left the opponent's soul orb for Ye Feng.

Today, Princess Tianying's soul orb is intact, and his vital signs are strong, proving that the other party is safe.

This made Ye Feng feel at ease.

On this day, Ye Feng and Generals of the Ancient Tomb Shenzong, Leng Jianmei, Leng Jiantian, and Hu Ben gathered together.

Ye Feng said to the four people: "The Central Empire today is no longer the former Central Empire. You may face danger at any time when you invade outside. Then I will send you to a safe area, Much better, I wonder if you are willing?"

"I'll wait to follow the arrangement."

The master of the ancient tomb Shenzong spoke first.

Leng Jiantian and Leng Jianmei naturally had no objection. General Hu Ben himself was Ye Feng's subordinate, and General Hu Ben would not complain about how Ye Feng arranged it.

So far, all 4 people agreed to Ye Feng's proposal.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng asked General Hu Ben to send a message like other strong men in Huhou mansion, so that the other party could gather in the Universe Holy Sect.

And he himself returned to the northern snow jungle of Lingtian Continent through the gate of space.

You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen and others were extremely worried, and they were relieved when they saw Ye Feng's return.

"Zhenzhen, are you willing to follow me away?"

In one room, only Ye Feng and Wu Zhenzhen were present. Ye Feng grabbed Wu Zhenzhen's jade hand and said solemnly.

His eyes were extremely clear, just looking at the other person's eyes.

Wu Zhenzhen's face blushed, and she dodged a little, and her heart was throbbing at this moment.

Before Ye Feng came to the Wu Clan, Wu Zhenzhen had many dreams of being alone with Ye Feng as he does now.

At this moment, her wish came true, but, for some reason, Wu Zhenzhen was a little hard to face, as if she was afraid she would accidentally fall into it.

It was because Wu Zhenzhen knew that Ye Feng had a wife, and there were many confidantes around him.

Wu Zhenzhen didn't want to be Ye Feng's burden, let alone destroy Ye Feng's relationship between husband and wife.

Therefore, facing Ye Feng, Wu Zhenzhen has been evading.

"I just want you to give me the most truthful answer from the bottom of my heart, without any disguise, I respect your choice. However, I want you to be by my side."

Seeing Wu Zhenzhen not speaking for a long time, Ye Feng said to her.

Wu Zhenzhen's beautiful eyes flashed, and she took a breath and said, "I am willing."

These three words are so precious. In the past 200 years ago, Ye Feng asked Wu Zhenzhen twice about similar things, but they were all rejected by the other party.

This time, Wu Zhenzhen finally agreed to Ye Feng's sincere invitation.

A bright smile appeared on Ye Feng's face, and he directly picked up Wu Zhenzhen's delicate body and walked around the room.

Wu Zhenzhen exclaimed, feeling the bursts of temperature from Ye Feng's body, and her heart throbbed.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a witch servant girl walked in.

Seeing Ye Feng holding Wu Zhenzhen in her arms, the maid turned her body and her pretty face turned red.

Ye Feng and Wu Zhenzhen were embarrassed and put down the woman's body carefully.

Wu Zhenzhen's face was already red to the root of her neck, and Ye Feng's behavior caught Wu Zhenzhen by surprise and was immersed in it again.

But it was a bit embarrassing to let people see: "Xiaolian, what's the matter?"

"Return to Your Royal Highness, the Chief Chief asked me to bring you a message, which means that you can boldly pursue the life you want. It is good that the Wu Clan has him."

Xiao Lian said with a blushing face, she could see the scene just now.

In the Wu clan, there has been a good story between Wu Zhenzhen and Ye Feng.

It's just that their Royal Highness has refused Ye Feng's invitation one after another because of guarding the Witch Clan.

Although Ye Feng and Wu Zhenzhen have rarely seen each other for so many years, their emotions are not simple words can describe.

Xiao Lian could clearly see the happy smile that appeared on Wu Zhenzhen's face before, maybe only with Ye Feng, their Saintess would still show such a beautiful smile.

Wu Zhenzhen's eyes flickered, and she nodded to Xiao Lian, but her heart felt warm.

Walking out of the room and boarding the highest attic of the Wu clan, Wu Zhenzhen's beautiful eyes scanned for 4 weeks.

She seems to want to remember the tribe that gave birth to her.

In the afternoon of that day, Ye Feng took Wu Zhenzhen, You Ji, Luo Sha and others and left the Wu Clan.

Si Chong led many powerful witches to see him off.

Before leaving, Ye Feng had already cleared all obstacles for the Wu Clan. Become the new king of the Northern Snow Jungle.

In addition, many powerful people from the Four Gods dynasty of Lingtian Continent were sent to support. From now on, no one would dare to bully Beixue Jungle.

Ye Feng led Wu Zhenzhen through the layers of void, staying in the gate of space for several hours before descending on the land of the Holy God Tianzhou, the Central Empire.

After coming here, You Ji and Wu Zhenzhen's two daughters immediately showed extremely shocked expressions. It seemed that they did not expect that the heaven and earth vitality contained in this world would reach this level, which is really unimaginable.

With their bodies in this space, they felt an extremely strong heaven and earth vitality quickly converging in their bodies.

It seemed that their cultivation realm had risen quickly at this moment, reaching the apex of their original cultivation realm.

This gave these two young girls a brand new understanding of the world Ye Feng is now breaking into.

In this world, Ye Feng's pressure can be imagined, which made them admire Ye Feng even more.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng led You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen, and Luosha to the Universe Sacred Sect, and gathered with the tomb Shenzong Sovereign, Leng Jianmei, Leng Jiantian, General Hu Ben and others.

This vast and endless sect force far exceeded the imagination of You Ji and Wu Zhenzhen.

Unexpectedly, the strong here are like clouds, but everyone is respectful to Ye Feng and dare not disobey any.

This made it difficult for these two girls to imagine what level of status Ye Feng had reached now.

And during the period when Ye Feng returned to Lingtian Continent, through the summons of General Hu Ben, many powerful Huhou residences came to Qiankun Shengjiao to meet Ye Feng and others.

In about three days, thousands of people gathered here, all of them Ye Feng's old men in the Huhou mansion.

Three days later, Ye Feng decided to march into the Barren Plains. Today's Barren Plains has become Ye Feng's base.

He established the four gods dynasty of the wild plain there, and unified the entire wild plain.

Only by gathering all of his relatives and friends in the Four Gods Empire in the Wild Plains, Ye Feng could rest assured.

As for those powerful Huhou residences who have not yet arrived at this moment, Ye Feng ordered General Hu Ben to notify them to enter the wild plains by themselves.

Ye Feng dispatched people to respond to the wild plain border.

The four gods dynasty of the wild plains is vast and endless, with pavilions and pavilions, Qionglou and Yuyu, appearing extremely luxurious.

Comparing with the Palace of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the central imperial capital, I don't know how many times it will be magnificent.

Moreover, the powerhouses in this one are stronger than the former Central Empire.

Even the Sect Master of Ancient Tomb Shenzong came here and was shocked by the power of the Four Gods Empire in the Wild Plains.

A few ten years ago, Ye Feng had just arrived in the Central Empire. At that time, Ye Feng was just a junior.

Even if Ye Feng's talents are outstanding, the comparison of combat power and those of the top talents are not too bad, and he even became the number one powerhouse in the empire's ranking list.

However, compared with the powerful figures in the central empire's top major forces, they are still much worse, and it can be said that they cannot be compared with the other side.

However, at this moment, in just a few decades, Ye Feng has grown to this level, not only in the Central Empire that rarely meets opponents.

The strong defeat of Qiankun Nan and many powerful figures of the magic way established his position as the king of the central empire.

The former Ye Feng had already created many legendary deeds in the Central Empire, and it was even more earth-shattering after that war.

Let the people of the Central Empire recognize their Huhou master again.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng had already established his own power in the wild plains adjacent to the Central Empire.

And this force, even compared to the central empire, is much stronger than the other.

Ye Feng named this force the Four Gods Dynasty, and he is His Majesty of the Four Gods Dynasty.

In the wild plains, that is the real supreme existence, standing on top of everyone.

Make many top powerhouses in the wild plain look up.

Such a shock is beyond words at all, even for You Ji who has witnessed Ye Feng becoming the lord of the underworld.

At this moment, I was also deeply stunned. This wild plain is even more vast than the underworld.

There are more powerful men, and the overall level of Wu Xiu is many times higher than the underworld.

However, it was such a high-level world that all obeyed Ye Feng's dispatch.

Everyone regards Ye Feng as His Majesty the Emperor. The funny thing is that her father had always despised Ye Feng before.

Speaking ironic words to Ye Feng, You Ji felt ashamed of her father.

After Ye Feng's return, Ye Zhen, Mu Caiying and his wife, Zhao Xinyi, and Ye Feng's beauties, all their relatives and friends came out to greet them.

Seeing Ye Feng leading so many powerful men came, they were also a little shocked.

Among these powerhouses, there are many peerless beauties, including You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen, Leng Jianmei and others.

All of Ye Feng's beauties couldn't help rolling their eyes, this guy really often got in trouble outside.

After going out for a round, they brought back three beauties.

Zhao Xinyi seemed very generous, and soon became acquainted with You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen, and Leng Jianmei.

Seeing Zhao Xinyi so reasonable, You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen, and Leng Jianmei let out a sigh of relief.

Although they and Ye Feng did not reach a real relationship between men and women, they did not come here.

They still have some worries in their hearts, wondering if Zhao Xinyi will be angry when they face Ye Feng's wife.

Or something more unexpected happens.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xinyi turned out to be such a reasonable and easy-to-go woman.

More importantly, the temperament of Zhao Xinyi is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary women.

Not only is the other person extremely beautiful, but the noble and elegant manner is also impressive.

Even if they were the same women, You Ji, Wu Zhenzhen, and Leng Jianmei had to admire Zhao Xinyi.

At the same time inexplicably feel good about the other party.

Ye Feng led the people back to the Four Gods Dynasty in the Wild Plains, and the chief of the central tribe was the mainstay of the Four Gods Dynasty in the Wild Plains.

A banquet has already been prepared in the Four Gods Dynasty in order to catch the wind and dust for Ye Feng and others.

Of course, everyone gathered together and talked about the wine with joy.

Back in the bedroom, Ye Feng carefully observed Zhao Xinyi's situation again, and Zhao Xinyi's situation was stable.

The fetus in the abdomen is also growing robustly, but I don't know when it will give birth.

Ye Feng couldn't wait to think that he was about to become a father.

It's just that this matter can't be solved by him in a hurry.

And in an independent space in the Holy Spirit Tianzhou, there was a figure flying fast in the void.

This space was enveloped by waves of extremely terrifying devilish energy. Above the sky, the terrifying Norway rolled and stirred, and purple-black thunder kept shining out.

The entire space seems to be occupied by this terrifying demon energy. If ordinary people enter this space, they will be completely eroded by this demon energy.

Obviously, the devil qi floating in the void is not the tacit understanding of ordinary demon martial arts, and it seems that there is still a strong evil aura in the devil qi.

Although this figure is in this space, he still looks a little flustered.

It didn't take long before his body descended on the top of a mountain surrounded by powerful grinding energy.

This place seemed to go straight to the sky, and the terrifying demon energy continued to spread into the body of this figure.

I took a sigh of relief, and my whole body was sitting directly on the ground, as if the previous tension had completely relaxed.

"I didn't expect you to be so useless. You were defeated by that kid several times. Don't say that you are the descendant of this demon, you will only embarrass this demon!"

At this moment, there was such a voice in the body of this figure.

After hearing this voice, the face of this figure immediately became a little ugly, and immediately got up from the ground, a look of fear appeared on his face.

"Master Demon Lord, that Ye Feng has grown to a point where I can't stop it in a short time. Even if many powerful people in my Demon Mansion came to assist, they were still killed by Ye Feng. If it weren't for being wary , To escape first, I am afraid that he would have already died."

The figure said with some trepidation.

"You are so embarrassed to say such things. In order to train you, the devil has devoted so much effort to hand over the inheritance of the devil to you, but you are so useless, you are simply letting down the devil. Hope!"

The voice came out again, and it still showed a bit of evil and anger.

"Master Demon Lord, please give your subordinates another chance. The subordinates will certainly not accept Master Demon Lord's entrustment and get everything in that person!"

The figure said with a horrified expression. When he spoke, his body retreated for a while, as if he was afraid of being punished by the other party.

"You go back to the devil's house now, the devil has something to look for you!"

That voice came again, with strong resentment.

"Yes, Lord Demon Lord!"

The figure didn't dare to violate any more, and nodded in response immediately.

Immediately, the body did not stay in place, but leapt directly towards the deeper level of this area.

Soul Eater Mansion is the top force that survives in a hidden space in the core area of ​​the Holy God Tianzhou.

Soul Eater is the absolute king of this force.

As early as countless years ago, the Soul Eater had forged the body of his own deity and achieved the position of the deity.

Now, many years have passed, no one knows what level the opponent's strength has reached.

More importantly, today's Soul Eater, Shenlong sees the head but not the end, and no one has seen his deity for many years.

Whether he is still in the Soul Eater Mansion is still an unsolved mystery.

The inner space where the Soul Eater Mansion is located is born from heaven and earth, cast by the evil aura floating between heaven and earth.

Nurturing a special demonic character with unique blood and energy, these people not only possess the strength of ordinary demonic character.

At the same time, they also possess the unique abilities of the powerhouse of Soul Eater. They are good at devouring the blood and soul of other people and achieving themselves.

It has a strong evil aura, and the combination of multiple elements makes the character of the strong in Soul Eater House even more violent and bloodthirsty.

The inner space of Soul Eater Mansion is a world of its own, and it is endless and endless.

The Soul Eater is the absolute belief in this world. Countless people enshrine his statue and pray that the Soul Eater will survive the common people.

Chen Kunnan accidentally came across the statue of Soul Eater in a space.

This statue carries a drop of blood of the Soul Eater, and it is this drop of blood that contains the power of the soul of the Soul Eater.

By accident, Qiankun Man made his blood merge with that of the Soul Eater.

The trace of soul power that carried the Soul Eater on the statue was awakened and entered into his body.

It made him possess the power of the Soul Eater Demon Lord, and this soul power was fostered inside the body of Qian Kun Nan.

Relying on the strength of the opponent's bloodline continued to grow, and eventually formed his own thinking consciousness, and completely controlled the Universe Man.

Qiankun Nan relies on this soul power to control the power of the Soul Eater Demon Lord, cannibalize the energy soul inside the body of others, thereby achieving himself.

As a result, he grew up quickly in a short period of time, and now he has even forged the body of the gods, controlling a trace of the power of the gods.

Like a powerful person at the level of the Soul Eater, there are many clones, and each soul can have its own independent thinking and independently complete a series of actions to cultivate and strengthen itself.

Today's Qiankun Man is occupied by the soul of the Soul Eater Demon Lord. In a sense, he is equivalent to a clone of the Trial Marriage Demon Lord.

Qiankun Nan's body was constantly flying in the void, although he was the first time in the inner space of Soul Eater.

But a clear map automatically appeared in his mind, and the center of this map was the real Soul Eater House.

It was also the goal of Qiankun Man. He moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and finally, after ten days, his body descended under a vast and endless building complex.

This complex of buildings is extremely large and vast, with no end in sight, as if standing in the void.

The entire building complex was supported by bursts of terrifying demon energy, and above the sky, there were constantly terrorizing demon clouds tumbling and stirring, giving people a very strong visual impact.

When Qian Kun Nan arrived here, his body wanted to fly towards the top of the building complex, but a terrible pressure came down at this moment.

This pressure directly suppressed his body, causing his body to tremble, and then he let out a muffled grunt. The body was directly pressed onto the ground at this moment, and blood was vomited!

"Who is coming to my Soul Eater Mansion?"

An icy voice came from the giant palace of the Soul Eater Mansion, and then, many powerful figures appeared, and the devil qi in these people was extremely powerful.

Looking at the Qiankun man who was suppressed on the ground at this moment with cold eyes, a bit of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Where do you come from? Don't you know that this is the Soul Eater Mansion area? If you dare to come in this way, you are looking for death!"

An expert in the Soul Eater Demon Mansion said indifferently to Qian Kun Nan.

A bit of fear appeared on the face of the male Qiankun. At this moment, he felt that the aura of the opponent's strong man was too strong.

He was oppressed by the pressure and couldn't turn over, making him feel that the opponent's body was so tall, and he was almost like an ant in front of the opponent.

"I am the descendant of Lord Demon Lord. I was summoned by Lord Demon Lord to come here. I hope your Excellency and others will make it easier!"

Qiankun Nan said with a humble face, he could feel that many of the strong men who came at this moment had already cast the body of a god, and the aura in his body was much stronger than him.

This made him immediately feel a touch of humbleness. He did not expect that the strength he had always been proud of was nothing at all in front of the powerhouses in the Soul Eater Mansion.

"Haha, you can't get a fever. People like you dare to claim that you are the descendant of Lord Demon Lord. It really makes people laugh!"

A strong man in the Soul Eater House looked at Qian Kun Nan with strong irony, and couldn't help but speak like this.

The rest of the people are the same, looking at Qian Kun man with a look of irony, how powerful is the Lord Demon Lord, there are many top talents in the Soul Eater Mansion, no one is not more talented than the guy in front of him.

And none of those people dared to claim to be the inheritance of Lord Demon Lord, and this guy dared to speak so arrogantly, it made people laugh.

"This guy is simply a lunatic, ignore him, just kill him!"

A strong man in the Soul Eater House spoke like this, and after saying this, he wanted to release a terrible attack on Qian Kun.

"Let him in!"

However, without waiting for the other party to make a move, everyone present heard such an extremely majestic voice in the Soul Eater House, which immediately made the eyes of everyone present freeze for a while.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Lord Mojun would even speak at this moment.

They can naturally hear the owner of the voice, so they all become respectful.

However, there was still a strong irony in the eyes of Qian Kun Nan.

After this sentence was said, the pressure in the sky was eliminated in a short time.

Qiankun Nan was panting heavily on the ground. Under the pressure before, he felt like he was about to die.

Now that it is relieved, it is natural to relieve it.


However, before he could catch his breath, a strange voice came out.

Immediately afterwards, in the sky above the huge palace of the Soul Eater, a staircase descended with extremely bright light.

Keep extending, please come directly to Qiankun Nan's body.

This made Qian Kun's eyes slightly solidified, and it seemed that he didn't expect to receive such treatment.

His body gradually stood upright, then lifted his steps and walked up the stairs.

Going up the stairs, bursts of breath continued to emerge in the void, pouring into his body.

After receiving this breath, the energy in Qiankun Man's body seemed to be strengthened. The level of personal cultivation has improved.

This made him extremely shocked, as he deserves to be the Soul Eater House, and everything he can show is beyond his imagination.

Going up the stairs, there seemed to be a very mysterious energy guiding him, making him step into a very magnificent palace.

This palace is vast and endless, and its shape is simple. When he came to the front of the gate, the gate of the palace opened automatically.

Qian Kunnan walked in. There were many statues in the palace, and each statue was very simple and elegant.

The statue presents an extremely terrifying demonic figure. These people look very majestic. They should be the top powerhouse figures of the Soul Eater House of past dynasties, enshrined in this palace.

In the center of countless statues, there is a figure with its back facing Qiankun Nan. This figure is wearing a magical robe, and the breath of the whole person is that powerful.

A breath of majesty made people frightened, and Qiankun Nan felt so small in front of this figure.

Especially the invisible pressure made his body involuntarily retreat.

"Subordinates, see Lord Demon Lord!"

Qian Kun Nan is extremely smart, and the fuzzy figure in his impression is very similar to the outline of the figure in front of him.

He guessed the identity of the opponent and bowed directly to the opponent and fell to the ground.

The figure turned his head. He was tall and looked extremely mighty.

Wearing a magical robe and armor, he is majestic and majestic, but when he arrives like this, his face is blurred.

It looked like it was an abyss, with whirlpool scrolling in it, just can't see the other side's true face.

In this way, Qian Kun Nan's body retreated involuntarily. A bit of terror appeared on his face.

This was somewhat similar to the Majesty the Emperor of Heaven he had seen, but compared to the person in front of him, the opponent was nothing short of insignificant.

The face of the other party is so terrifying, it makes people feel like they can fall into it with just a glance.

"Why, are you afraid of this demon?"

That figure said so, his body was not only violent, but also carried a powerful god.

When people are in front of each other, they feel a fear from the soul.

"No, no, how can you be afraid of Lord Demon during the summer vacation? Lord Demon is the reborn parent of his subordinates, and his subordinates have respect for Lord Demon, without fear."

Qiankun Nan hurriedly explained, not dare to say any disrespectful words.

"Don't think that if you say a few good things, this devil can forgive you. But you have thrown the face of this devil into it!"

The Soul Eater said indifferently to Qian Kun Nan. After saying this, Qian Kun Nan's body kept trembling, and he was frightened.

"Come here, this demon lord is giving you a good luck! If you don't use it anymore, this demon lord will cramp you!"

Soul Eater said so. After speaking, he saw his arm lifted up at this moment. Randomly, an extremely powerful force burst out of his palm.

This force contains a powerful suction force, directly enveloping Qian Kun Nan's body, which makes Qian Kun Nan's body involuntarily come to the body of Soul Eater.

One hand of the Soul Eater was clasped above Qian Kun Nan's head.

It made Qiankun difficult and his body trembled, and a bit of amazement appeared on his face.

He just felt that everything inside his body seemed to be pulled away by the other party, including his soul, and the same was true, quickly being pulled away.

This made Qiankun Man's face extremely ugly, and at the same time his body was trembling, he felt that he was about to lose consciousness.

He couldn't help but raised his head and stared at the Soul Eater Demon Lord, and said with a look of horror: "Master Demon Lord, why do you want this? The subordinates don't want to die!"

The Soul Eater looked at the and said with a sneer: "You guy is really hopeless. You are so greedy for life and fear of death. This demon is really wrong. But don't worry, how could this demon Lord break his promise when he said he gave you a chance?"

As he spoke, the tyrannical aura on his body became even more violent, constantly pulling away everything inside the Universe Male's body.

Makes Qiankun male body completely loses will.

And this is far from over, an aura burst out of Soul Eater Demon Lord, and powerful energy was crazily infused into Qian Kun Nan's body.

This made Qiankun Man's body tremble again like an electric shock, and this breath was stronger than the energy inside his body.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: The book is now in its final stage, and many pits dug before must be filled. Recently, I am trying to recall the plots of the past, hoping to give you a happy ending. I don’t want to enter any plots, readers If you have any plot you want to see, you can also join the QQ group to communicate. I will try my best to meet everyone's requirements. In addition, I have the support of the brothers with flowers. Recently, I wrote two books together. , It’s not easy, I hope everyone can understand

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