Sky War God

Chapter 3169: The lord of the tomb Shenzong arrested

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"Subordinates and others see Lord Demon God!"

Some experts from the Demon God Palace took the lead to react, and bowed to the Lord Demon God in the void, showing absolute respect.

The other strong men in the Demon Temple followed suit, and for a while, all the strong men in front of the entire Fire Phoenix Palace bowed and saluted the demon god.

This includes Apocalypse, Linghua, Palace Master of Shenlong Palace, Palace Master of Scorpio Palace, Palace Master of Fire Phoenix Palace, and the daughters of Palace Master of Fire Phoenix Palace.

This is a powerful Demon God, the top figure in their Demon God Palace, and when they see each other, they naturally have to respect each other.

In the entire square, there is only one person standing calmly in place, and that person is naturally Ye Feng.

The demon **** enjoys endless glory, and he can only be regarded as an insignificant role in the holy **** Tianzhou.

Only by returning to the Demon God Palace he founded, can he enjoy the treatment that a top powerhouse should deserve.

I couldn't help but waved to everyone present, and said: "Get up all the time."

Everyone dared to get up from the ground after hearing the words of the demon god.

Immediately, his gaze fell on the only person standing in the field.

A bit of sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he hadn't seen it in more than 200 years. This young man seemed to have become even more advanced.

"When you see this seat, why don't you kneel?"

The demon **** spoke directly to Ye Feng Haoran.

Ye Feng looked at the demon god, his expression was still very calm, and he did not speak.

At the same time, the powerful sages of the Universe beside the Demon God also noticed Ye Feng. When they saw Ye Feng's face clearly, their expressions immediately became extremely shocked.

Some people even kept rubbing their eyes. As people of the sacred religion of the universe, they were naturally impressed by the appearance of the young man in front of them.

The former opponent was the best in the central empire, and he won the first place on the empire's ranking list when he first arrived.

Being canonized as Lord Huhou by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven opened his legendary road in the Central Empire.

Many top figures were all defeated in his hands, including the Prince Tianhong of the Central Empire, Chunqiu Xingyun, and the leader of Qiankun Shengjiao, Qian Kun Nan.

There are too many legends created by the other party, and it is impossible to tell them in words for a while.

"You, you are Ye Feng, Master Huhou..."

One of the Qiankun Shengjia powerhouse's eyes flashed incredibly, and his body trembled and asked Ye Feng.

Is it possible that there really are people who look so alike in this world?

This Qiankun Shengjia powerhouse did not believe it.

"How do you know me?"

Ye Feng was a little surprised to ask the Qiankun Shengjia powerhouse in the void, this person is very strange to him, and he doesn't know the identity of the other party.

But after Ye Feng's words fell, the Qiankun Shengjiao masters looked pale one by one, and their bodies couldn't help but retreat, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed a strong light of shock.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, causing a somewhat unexpected expression on their faces.

I don't know why these powerhouses who came with Master Demon God have such behavior.

Even the demon gods were very surprised, and couldn't help but ask these people of the Universe Sage: "What's wrong with you dear friends? Do you know this son?"

Before joining the Universe Sacred Cult, the Demon God had been living in the extremely marginal area of ​​the Holy God Tianzhou. After Ye Feng left the Central Empire, he joined the Universe Sacred Cult.

Therefore, he did not understand the legend Ye Feng created in the Central Empire.

Even if he had heard of the name of Huhou, he would never think that such an outstanding young figure would be a human martial artist he had fancyed more than 200 years ago.

"You, don't you know him?"

One of the Qiankun Shengjia powerhouse said with a trembling body, full of fear in his heart.

Thinking of the enmity between them and Ye Feng, his mood fell to the bottom.

The cultivation realm of these people is basically at the mid-term level of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and this kind of cultivation realm is far from Ye Feng.

If they knew that the young man the Demon God was going to deal with was Ye Feng, they wouldn't come here if they were killed.

"He is just a young man I fancy more than 200 years ago, and I know him naturally."

The demon **** said to these Qiankun Saint Cult powerhouses, his face looked indifferent.

Those people of the Universe Sacred Cult were speechless, and even had the urge to kill the demon god.

Don't pull them up even if this guy wants to die, right?

"Do you know, who is he? He is Huhou, the top powerhouse in the empire's sky list. He once defeated top figures such as Tianhong Prince Xingyun Chunqiu, even in the Central Empire, in the year-end competition of the Central Empire. The powerful and powerful among them are not his opponents. If you let us come to deal with him, do you want to take us to death?"

The Qiankun Saint Sect expert said with some excitement, and his gaze at the demon **** revealed a strong coldness.

After he said this sentence, the faces of the people present immediately appeared unbelievable, and their bodies were completely petrified in place.

Some people even think that they have heard it wrong. How could it be possible that the person the other person said is really Ye Feng?

How could this poor young man who was still humbled more than 200 years ago create such a brilliant record in that high-level world?

Not only did he seize the first place on the Imperial Sky List, but he also gave Hou Baixiang. What can an ordinary young person do?

"My dear friend, don't make a joke. This joke is not funny at all. How can he be a young man?"

The demon **** reacted first, and once again said this to the Qiankun Saint Sect expert.

"No one is joking with you. When you joined Qiankun Shengjiao, Lord Huhou was no longer in the Central Empire. Therefore, you don’t know much about it, but I can tell you responsibly, Lord Wuhou. The legend created is beyond your imagination."

Another Qiankun Saint Sect powerhouse said to the demon god.

Although they have a real hatred with Ye Feng. But it does not involve some low-level figures of Qiankun Shengjiao.

The absolute strong will be respected by others wherever he goes.

The same is true even for people on the side of a hostile force.

Among the Universe Sacred Religion, there are many people who admire Ye Feng extremely, especially those who have witnessed Ye Feng's authentic legend in the Central Empire.

He took Ye Feng as an example, tried to learn from Ye Feng and became a legend.

There are many people who admire Ye Feng in front of the people of the sacred world.

Therefore, when they saw Ye Feng's deity here, these people were scared in their hearts and involuntarily a little excited. It was an honor for them to see Lord Huhou again.

After this sentence was said, many strong people present were shocked again, and their faces showed unbelievable expressions.

This is especially true for those strong in the Demon God Palace. They couldn't imagine that Ye Feng, who was still a man to be slaughtered more than 200 years ago, would grow to this point.

In the higher-level world of the Holy Spirit Tianzhou, a career has been achieved, and even these mighty powerhouses of the Holy Spirit Tianzhou have such awe of Ye Feng.

From this point, we can see what kind of sensation Ye Feng has done in the Holy Spirit Tianzhou.

The palace lord of the Fire Phoenix Palace and her daughters kept shining in their beautiful eyes. Although they had already witnessed Ye Feng's strength, they never thought that Ye Feng would have reached such a height.

The demon god's eyes flickered and his face was unbelievable. He didn't believe that the juniors would grow to this level.

He had always believed that after entering the Holy Spirit Tianzhou for more than 200 years, he could enter the Universe Sacred Sect.

In addition, it was already a kind of pride to take up the post of elder Wanmen in the Universe Sacred Church.

He has always been proud of everything he has done.

Even this time he returned to the Demon God Palace again, he put on an extremely lofty expression.

Think that he has truly become a powerful and powerful person in the Holy Spirit Tianzhou.

But now, after he learned about the various achievements Ye Feng had made, the demon **** felt an unprecedented sense of shame.

In front of Ye Feng, he was so useless. The once powerful senior was surpassed by an unknown junior. This kind of taste is naturally unimaginable for ordinary people.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe that a junior of him can do this. You must be lying to me."

The Demon God shook his head and said, not believing that such a thing would happen.

The gazes of those strong sacred cults who looked at the demon gods were a bit ironic, and stopped talking.

Immediately, I saw a Qiankun Sacred Master turned his head and bowed to Ye Feng below and said, "Master Huhou, the villain has heard of your name for a long time. It is an honor to meet Master Huhou. , I hope Master Huhou will not blame me for not knowing, for coming to offend."

This scene once again surprised everyone present, but they didn't expect that the people of the Holy God Tianzhou Universe Sacred Cult would be so humble in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at these people and said, "It's not strange for those who don't know."

He has enmity with Qiankun Shengjiao, and only against the former Qiankun Shengjiao leader and Qiankun Man.

Questioning other people, most of them obeyed the order of the leader of the Holy Church of the Universe, and then opposed him.

These people in front of him knew at a glance that they were the low-level figures in the Universe Sacred Sect, and he didn't need to embarrass each other.

After hearing Ye Feng's words, the strong sages of Heaven and Earth took a sigh of relief and relieved one by one.

They were afraid before, if Ye Feng blamed them, how would they survive?

I didn't expect Ye Feng to be so generous, it can be said that an adult does not care about the villain.

"Thank you, Master Huhou, for forgiving."

The strong sage cultivator once again bowed to Ye Feng, and then retreated to the back.

The demon god's face was so ugly, he was thinking of how beautiful it would be to come to the Demon God Palace with the powerhouses of the Universe Holy Sect.

Unexpectedly, the other party slapped him in the face everywhere.

"Master, if this person killed us before, we will succeed many people. The evidence is solid. Many people have seen this scene to succeed. I hope Master will not listen to other people and rectify him on the spot!"

At this moment, the apocalypse below said so, with a strong indifference in the words.

For Ye Feng's hatred, Tianqi had already reached the point of becoming a shareholder, and he finally recalled his master from the Holy Spirit Tianzhou.

How could it be so easy to give up on Ye Feng?

More importantly, Apocalypse is very vague about the concept of the Holy Spirit Tianzhou and the Central Empire.

Therefore, he didn't feel much about the words spoken by the people above.

He still believed that as long as his master shot, Ye Feng would definitely be able to crush Ye Feng easily.

The Demon God also had this intention, since he returned, he would not come in vain, and Ye Feng did evil in their Demon God Palace.

If he just let the opponent go, how could his majesty continue?

"Junior, I saw you as a talent before, and I wanted to promote you, but I didn't think that you were such an ungrateful person. Not only did you have no gratitude for this seat, but you came to this demon palace to make trouble, you , What should be the crime?"

The demon **** turned his gaze, looked at Ye Feng and said indifferently, with extreme strength in his words.

Ye Feng's eyes froze slightly, but he didn't expect the demon **** to be so persistent and still chose to question him.

"I have always respected you and regarded you as my predecessor. Therefore, your disciples and subordinates have repeatedly targeted me, and I have not taken any action to kill them. It has been considered as benevolent. If you still want to take action against me, then I Only Bong will accompany him."

Ye Feng looked at the demon **** and said, although he has now reached a higher peak, a person like the demon **** is nothing to him.

But Ye Feng is always a person who never forgets his roots. For his former predecessors, even if his strength has surpassed the opponent, he will still respect the opponent.

For example, the demon **** in front of him, although after the holy **** road, the demon god's attitude towards him is obviously not as good as before, but Ye Feng never meant to target him.

And the other party, but would rather listen to the slander of his subordinates, but also target him, then there is no need for him to be polite with the other party.

After this sentence was said, the expressions of everyone present flickered, and it seemed that the demon **** still wanted to attack Ye Feng.

As for those of the Universe Sacred Cult, they looked at the demon gods with contempt, and their friends said directly: "You really don't know the heights of the sky, how can the strength of Lord Huhou be comparable to you? I advise you, or dispel this idea. Right!"

These people have witnessed the scene of Ye Feng turning the tide with their own eyes. Now that the demon **** does not know that the sky and earth want to take action against Ye Feng, they naturally despise the demon **** very much in their hearts.

The demon **** didn’t care about the words spoken by the other party. He looked at Ye Feng indifferently and said, “It seems that you are obsessed with not understanding. If this is the case, then this seat will let you know that the outcome of offending the authority of this seat How was it!"

After saying this, everyone present saw the aura of the demon **** burst out.

A wave of coercion continued to linger around his body, and his body was crisscrossed with demonic energy, and there was even a wave of universe power integrated into it.

After the fusion of the power of the universe and the demon energy, the aura on his body became even more violent.

In the blink of an eye, he madly released an astonishing large palm print of destruction to Ye Feng's body.

This big palm print of destruction is constantly evolving in the void, turning into the strongest power of heaven and earth coming!

Many experts in the Demon God Palace felt the power of this attack by the Demon God, and a strong shock was born in their hearts.

The demon **** is indeed the strongest person in their Demon God Palace, and the attack power that the other party can release is indeed beyond their imagination.

Even before that, after the Palace Master of Shenlong Palace had advanced in strength, he still wondered whether the gap between himself and the demon **** had narrowed.

But now it seems that the strength of the demon **** is still not what he can imagine, and the gap between the two is not as simple as the gap in the realm of cultivation.

If this attack was released against the Palace Master of Shenlong Palace. The palace lord of Shenlong Palace thought that he would not have any resistance at all.

However, in the face of all this, Ye Feng seemed to be missing, and he didn't care about the attack released by the demon god.

Just so quietly watching the palm prints released by the other party descend towards his body, but he still stood calmly in place.

At the moment when the opponent's attack was approaching, everyone present saw Ye Feng's calm punch.

This fist light seems to have no power at all, and it looks simple and unpretentious. In fact, it contains amazing power inside.

Within a short period of time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The attacks of the two really collided together at this moment, and the power of destruction bloomed wildly, as if to completely destroy everything.

A look of arrogance appeared on the face of the Demon God, he was an absolute supreme figure in the Demon God Palace.

How powerful is his strength, more than 200 years ago, Ye Feng was just an ant-like figure in front of him.

He wanted to kill Ye Feng at the time, and he could only do it with a wave of his hand.

He firmly believes that he can still do all this after more than 200 years.

Therefore, while releasing the attack, he continued to instill destructive power into his attack.

Trying to completely punish Ye Feng under such an attack.

However, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, the demon **** felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

That strong shock force continued to spread toward his body, causing his whole body to tremble crazily.

His attack was also destroyed by the collapse of the formation at this moment, with endless destructive power spreading in all directions.

Almost at the same time, the demon **** could no longer hold on, his body was shaken back one after another at this moment, his body was very floating, his face was extremely pale.

A mouthful of blood was surging in the chest, and he swallowed it back deeply.

"You are not my opponent, so stop, I don't want to embarrass you too much!"

Ye Feng stood with his hand and said to the demon **** that he had not used even 10% of his power in the attack just now.

If not, the Demon God, a powerhouse in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, can easily kill the opponent with a random punch.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, especially those who are strong in the Demon God Palace, with an unbelievable look.

The status of the demon **** in their hearts is extremely sacred, and the strength of the opponent is not what they can imagine.

In their opinion, as long as the Demon God takes action, Ye Fengzhu can be easily killed.

But never thought that Ye Feng's attack easily shook the demon god's body back, and the whole process was calm and unhurried, simply beyond their imagination.

The demon **** was in the void, his breath was constantly floating, his face was so ugly, he involuntarily released his breath in an attempt to contain the blood pressure of his chest.

He also didn't expect Ye Feng's attack to have such behavior, but Ye Feng's words really embarrassed him.

In front of so many people present, Ye Feng could not bear such ironic words to him.

Looking coldly towards Ye Feng, he said coldly: "Junior, you'd better not be arrogant with me. It seems that I really underestimated your strength. Then is your death date!"

After saying this, the demon **** stepped forward again, and the aura on his body was mobilized to the extreme at this moment.

The sound of clattering continued, and the bloodline attribute power burst out, causing him to be enveloped by a burst of bloodline light.

The whole person's body seemed to have become extremely bright. At this moment, his body's breath was released to an extreme, and the whole person's body seemed to have become extremely tall.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw the demon **** trample on the sky, an astonishing destructive force gathered on his fist.

He madly slammed a punch at Ye Feng's body. This punch continued to evolve in the void, and the shadow of the fist appeared in the sky, and the power contained in each shadow of the fist was beyond imagination. .

Coming down from all directions in a short time, Yaojiang Yefeng's body was killed and destroyed.

Ye Feng looked at all of this with a sharp flash in his eyes. It seemed that he didn't give the other party some color to look at, because the other party didn't know how high the sky was.

He also took a step, the whole land trembled, a breath of breath was released from his body, and then he punched again.

His fists are still simple and unpretentious, but they are extremely penetrating.

In the blink of an eye, it penetrated everything and collided with the opponent's fist, once again there was an astonishing sound of impact.

The destructive power spread to 4 sides and 8 directions. This time, Ye Feng's fist seemed to be much stronger than this.

When colliding with the demon god, the sky fist shadow evolved from the demon god's fist light was completely shattered, and the entire space was completely occupied by the destructive force.

However, Ye Feng's authority has not weakened in the slightest, and he has descended on the body of the demon **** in a very short time.

This made Yaoshen's face extremely ugly, and under the collision just now, he only felt that his arms were numb.

That wave of destructive force spread along his arm towards the inside of his body, causing the bones in his arm to make waves of dislocation noise.

Almost at the same time, the ruinous smell of that fist burst on his body.

It made him groan in his mouth, and his body was shocked and retreated, hitting a cliff not far away severely.

Cracks appeared on that cliff, as if it might collapse and destroy at any time.


Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a strange sound, and the next moment, Ye Feng's body disappeared in the void.

When the next moment appeared, he had already descended in front of the body of the demon god, and the demon **** saw that Ye Feng had arrived before he could react.

His complexion was extremely green, trying to release the attack to intercept Ye Feng's body.

However, Ye Feng's big hand had already been grabbed at this moment, directly buckling the demon god's throat.

The demon god's complexion was extremely ugly, and his body tried to retreat quickly at this moment, thus evading Ye Feng's attack.

However, Ye Feng's big hand directly tightened at this moment, buckling the demon god's throat, the demon **** felt a strong sense of crisis for the first time, and his body did not dare to move any more.

All this happened so suddenly, so that many people in the audience could not react, and the body of the demon **** was already controlled by Ye Feng.

The battle lasted only a few breaths from the beginning to the end, and the demon **** was completely defeated by Ye Feng.

Moreover, Ye Feng only used 10% of his power from beginning to end. If he wanted to kill the opponent, a random attack could easily solve the battle.

However, he thought of the kindness of knowing and encountering that year, and he hadn't killed the opponent yet.

"I said, you are not my opponent. If I want to kill you, you will never survive."

Ye Feng said coldly to the demon god, making the demon god's face extremely ugly, and his breathing became extremely difficult.

This scene made everyone present*, especially the Apocalypse, Linghua, Palace Master of Shenlong Palace, Palace Master of Scorpio Palace and others, their complexions even more pale.

They wanted to use the power of the demon **** to slay Ye Feng, but they didn't realize that it was as powerful as the demon god, and it was so vulnerable in front of Ye Feng.

"I hope you can spare me a life."

The demon god's eyes flickered, and finally he uttered such a voice.

Ye Feng looked at him and said, "It's okay to spare your life, but please take care of your subordinates and don't let them infringe on people around me. If not, you will be buried with you in the Demon Palace!"

After saying this, a terrifying aura was released from Ye Feng's body, making this space extremely depressing.

The demon **** trembled, and he could clearly feel the breath released from Ye Feng's body, and his heart trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, he actually felt a sense of fear in his heart towards Ye Feng, an unstoppable sense of fear.

"for sure."

The demon **** nodded vigorously at Ye Feng. Although it was difficult for him to accept this fact, he could only make concessions in order to survive.

Ye Feng let go of the demon **** and ignored the opponent.

Everyone present was still immersed in a state of shock, and the Palace Master of Fire Phoenix Palace and the daughters of Palace Master of Fire Phoenix Palace were also shocked by this scene.

Even Lord Demon God is far from Ye Feng's opponent, and how far Ye Feng has grown today is simply unimaginable.

Those of the Universe Sacred Cult also watched Ye Feng's previous battle with the demon god.

Each face also showed shocked expressions. They had always heard how powerful Ye Feng was before, but Ye Feng was not that strong yet.

And just now, even though Ye Feng only made a few moves, they were able to see Ye Feng's confidence, and they could easily defeat the demon **** without displaying any martial arts.

Even if they were changed to them, they couldn't withstand an attack from Ye Feng at all, Huhou Lord, really well-deserved reputation!

"Master Huhou, we..."

A person from Qiankun Shengjia asked Ye Feng for instructions. Ye Feng didn't let them leave, so they naturally didn't dare to make their own decisions.

"Go back and forth wherever you go."

Ye Feng said to these people faintly, and didn't mean to attack them.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the strong sages of the universe, as if they were amnesty, leapt forward one by one, and left here so quickly.

After seeing this scene, the demon **** could only follow along.

Apocalypse, Linghua, Palace lord of Shenlong Palace, Palace lord of Scorpio were so scared, I didn't expect that the demon **** was not Ye Feng's opponent.

They dared to say those arrogant words to Ye Feng before, and they couldn't imagine what they were about to face next.

Seeing these people leave, Ye Feng did not stop, nor did he glance at Tianqi and others, but walked directly into the Fire Phoenix Palace.

The palace lord of Fire Phoenix Palace and others followed behind.

Now, the Palace Master of Fire Phoenix Palace has reached the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. In the entire Demon God Palace, no one is her opponent, so that Ye Feng can leave this place with confidence.

At the same time, something Ye Feng didn't want to see was happening in the Central Empire, the Universe Sacred Sect.

The aura of Qiankun Man is very powerful, and now he has swallowed the energy of more powerful men, and has perfectly cast his own **** body.

And he controls a certain amount of power of the gods, and the strength he can show is not what he can compare before.

And after he swallowed the power of more powerful people, his whole person became even more evil.

Evil light flashed in his eyes, and a somewhat ironic smile appeared involuntarily on his face as he looked at several figures escorted from below.

These people include the lord of the ancient tomb Leng Jianmei, Leng Jiantian, and General Hu Ben at the Huhou Mansion!

When Ye Feng left the Central Empire, he once notified the ancient tomb Shenzong that the two forces in the Huhou Mansion would disband.

Just because, after he left, Qiankun Nan, Prince Gong, and His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven would inevitably start with his relatives and friends.

In order not to let the other party suffer, Ye Feng had no choice but to make this move.

But even so, Qian Kun Nan never gave up the process of searching for Ye Feng's friends in order to deal with Ye Feng.

He sent many powerful men to search the Central Empire and even the wild plains, and finally found the traces of these people a few days ago.

They were taught by Qiankun and sent out many top figures to besiege the tomb Shenzong and others.

The lord of the ancient tomb Shenzong and others fought hard to resist, but they also had two fists and four hands. With heavy casualties, they were captured by the opponent.

At this moment, they had expressions of grief and indignation on their faces. They did not expect that they would fall into the hands of Qiankun Nan.

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