Sky War God

Chapter 3162: Jiaolongmen Sect Master

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However, at this moment, Wu Zhenzhen heard the familiar voice again, which made Wu Zhenzhen feel like she had hallucinations.

She turned her gaze at this moment, looked directly at a prescription position in the void, and saw that there were three illusory figures coming from the sky.

Then they slowly descended to the location where their Witch Clan camp was located, these three men were two men and one woman.

The woman is exceptionally beautiful, but she has a strong ghost spirit on her body.

In terms of beauty alone, this woman is not inferior to her.

And the two men are all with extraordinary tolerance, especially the figure of a white-clothed youth headed by them.

It is Jun Yi Wushuang, his eyebrows are sharp, his pupils are as vast as stars.

The body's breath is extremely ethereal, standing in place at will can give people an urge to worship.

For more than 200 years, the face of this white-clothed young figure has not changed, it is still that sunny and handsome.

The clean face was sharp and sharp, with a gentle smile, just looking at Wu Zhenzhen.

Many Witch clan powerhouses did not have much impression of the three figures that came at this moment. Due to the Witch clan’s expansion, many powerhouses joined them, and they naturally did not recognize Ye Feng and others.

But Wu Zhenzhen and Sichong naturally recognized them.

Especially Wu Zhenzhen, who has been thinking about Ye Feng all the time, now that he can meet again, Wu Zhenzhen even feels that all this is unreal.

"Ye Feng, is it really you?"

A few tears flashed in Wu Zhenzhen's beautiful eyes, she could not hold back the excitement in her heart.

Tears slid down on his cheeks, and he stepped forward for the first time. The jade hand touched Ye Feng's cheek with such gentle movements.

This scene caused a bit of sorrow and sorrow in You Ji's heart next to Ye Feng, but You Ji understood that like a young person like Ye Feng, there will be no shortage of beauty beside him.

The woman in front of her, no matter in terms of temperament or appearance, did not lose her at all. It was indeed worthy of Ye Feng to come here to meet.

Si Chong was also a little uncomfortable. He had liked Wu Zhenzhen for so many years, but the other party had always treated him lukewarm.

At first, Si Chong also challenged Ye Feng because of his jealousy of Ye Feng, but he was strongly shocked by Ye Feng.

Later, Ye Feng became the savior of the Witch Clan and saved the entire Witch Clan. Si Chong also admired Ye Feng's five bodies.

From then on did he know that with his abilities, he was not worthy of Wu Zhenzhen at all, and only a top figure like Ye Feng had such a qualification.

Therefore, even though Si Chong felt a little uncomfortable at this moment, he was also happy for Wu Zhenzhen.

He could see that Wu Zhenzhen had been thinking about Ye Feng all the time, just because of the Wu Clan, Wu Zhenzhen had not followed Ye Feng.

Now that the other party came here, Wu Zhenzhen's excitement was normal.

Holding Wu Zhenzhen's jade hand, he felt the softness and tenderness in his palm. He was also extremely happy. After more than 200 years, they met again.

This feeling is like returning to the time when he passed from the Nine Nether World to the Witch Clan to heal his wounds.

Wu Zhenzhen's meticulous care helped Ye Feng quickly recover to a state of victory. If there was no opponent, Ye Feng would have already died.

"Zhenzhen, it's me who caused you to suffer."

Ye Feng greeted Wu Zhenzhen. He had already seen what happened to the strong men of the Wu Clan before.

Unexpectedly, more than 200 years have passed, the Wu Clan still lives a life of being bullied.

He also has a certain responsibility for this. After he stabbed Lingtian Continent, he should consider it for the Wu Clan.

If he sent a few strong guardians to the Wu Clan, the other party would not suffer such suffering.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng felt a little guilty.

Wu Zhenzhen sobbed in a low voice, and she threw herself directly into Ye Feng's arms, crying loudly.

It seems that the suffering of lovesickness that has been suffered for more than 200 years is pouring out at this moment.

Ye Feng felt the softness in his arms, and felt a little distressed in his heart. He couldn't help stroking the other's hair and comforting him: "Zhenzhen, don't cry, am I not here to see you?"

Wu Zhenzhen didn't speak, but Ye Feng could feel it. The girl hugged him tighter and tighter, as if he was afraid that he would leave.

This sudden scene made the monster **** clan powerhouses also reflect from the previous accident, and their eyes were icy towards the direction where the three of Ye Feng were.

Just listen to the great power elder of the Demon God Race and say indifferently: "Where are the three of you? You dare to interfere with the affairs of our Demon God Race, don't you want to live? Get out of here as soon as possible!"

However, after his words fell, Ye Feng still ignored the other party, Wu Zhenzhen wanted to break free, for fear that the other party would take the opportunity to attack Ye Feng.

Almost at the same time, everyone present saw Luosha next to Ye Feng stepping out at this moment, and Luo wiped his breath.

The whole person's body became extremely violent, and immediately, a slap was cut directly towards the location of the powerful elder of the monster **** race.

The other party only felt a strong wind swept in front of his face, and his body tried to dodge, but it was too late.

The huge gap in the realm of cultivation made him unable to hide.

In the next moment, only a bang came out, and this slap of Raksha slapped the opponent's face fiercely!

A screaming sound was made in the opponent's mouth, and the body was taken away directly at this moment, screaming again and again when landing!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, making their expressions immediately stunned.

Especially those powerful witches, they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them, those who were powerful monsters and gods.

How powerful is the existence of the Demon Emperor Realm, but at this moment, even this young man can't bear a slap.

So what level of strength this young figure has reached.

"How dare you hit me? You killed him for me!"

The powerful elder of the demon **** clan quickly reacted, and the demon beast's physical defenses were naturally strong.

The slap of the Rakshasa was only a three-point effort, and the opponent took it.

The other powerful demons naturally obeyed the other's orders. They had an absolute advantage in number, and naturally they would not be afraid of Rakshasa.

In their opinion, the reason why Raksha was able to knock down their powerful elders to the ground.

It's all because their powerful elders are unprepared, if not, the opponent's strength may not be worse than Rakshasa.


The icy voice came out, and these demon **** clan powerhouses quickly stepped toward the direction where Raksha was.

One by one, the icy breath was released, and the terrifying coercion continued to linger all over the body, and the demon energy spread across the world.

The attack power released by everyone was super terrifying, and it quickly suppressed Rakshasa's body.

However, Raksha did not care at all, his arm continuously released terrifying attacks, and every attack looked unpretentious.

But it was able to reach the vital point in a short period of time, and the next moment, just listen to the constant banging sound.

Under the attack of Rakshasa, these monster **** clan powerhouses uttered astonishing screams one by one, without any resistance. At this moment, the body was directly attacked by Rakshasa and Zhende fell in all directions. Flying out, one by one screamed as they landed.

But the destructive power contained in Raksha's attack is still extremely terrifying, continuously spreading over their bodies, causing their bodies to explode in the land of demon pill.

The demon pill is equivalent to the Dantian Qihai of human martial arts. The demon pill bursts, and the realm of the monster beast's cultivation is completely abolished.

Those strong demons and gods never thought that Rakshasa's strength was so terrifying.

After three times, five divided by two, their cultivation realm was completely abolished, which caused endless regret in their hearts.

At the beginning, you shouldn't have listened to the words of the powerful elder of the Demon God Race. If they were not, they would not have ended up in such a field.

Quiet, the space was completely silent, Si Chong and a group of witch clan powerhouses were all stunned in place, with a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces.

From Raksha's shot to the end, in just a few breaths, the many monsters and gods in the presence were all abolished. Such strength can no longer be described as horror.

And the other party is so respectful in front of Ye Feng, then what level of strength has Ye Feng reached now?

The same was true for Wu Zhenzhen, her pretty face full of shock.

However, her delicate body was held by Ye Feng, feeling the warmth from Ye Feng.

"Get out of here, find your life, hope you can do it for yourself!"

Luo Sha said indifferently to these people, he didn't even bother to kill these people.

"Okay, very good, I don't care who you are, dare to abolish the cultivation base of our monster **** clan powerhouse, you people are dead!"

The powerful elder of the Demon God Race said indifferently. After saying this, these people limped and left the place.

"Your Majesty, thank you!"

After the powerhouses of the Demon God Clan left, Si Chong only reacted. Instead of coming to Ye Feng and the others, he bowed and said directly to Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng had left Lingtian Continent, he was the founder of the Four Gods Dynasty.

Although Si Chong didn't know where Ye Feng was now, he still respected Ye Feng as His Majesty the Emperor.

Ye Feng looked at Si Chong and nodded in satisfaction. The other party had indeed matured a lot, and now he has taken over as the chief of the Witch Clan.

It's just that the overall development level of the Witch tribe is not good enough, which leads to the Witch tribe being often bullied by other tribes in this area.

Ye Feng directly lifted Si Chong's body, and said to him: "The Witch Clan is my friend. It has saved my life. It's not a trivial matter."

After saying this, Ye Feng took out a healing pill from his storage ring.

This healing pill had an extremely powerful recovery effect and was handed to Si Chong's palm.

Si Chong's eyes flickered, and he immediately felt the powerful medicinal power contained in this pill.

His heart was a little shocked, even if he had crossed the world for many years, he had never seen such a powerful pill.

Swallowing the pill directly into the abdomen, a hot sensation swept over him immediately.

The medicinal power bloomed at this moment, spreading in his body, and constantly wandering through the blood vessels inside his body.

As a result, his whole body became extremely full at this moment, and the medicine continued to spread over the body.

The injuries within his entire body recovered quickly at an unimaginable speed.

In just a few breaths, Si Chong felt that his injury had completely recovered as before.

This made him feel a strong unbelievable immediately, what level of medicine should this be. It has such a powerful recovery effect.

The same is true for other members of the Wu clan, especially Wu Zhenzhen, who is good at witchcraft, healing diseases and saving lives.

In terms of saving people, Wu Zhenzhen thought she had a certain experience, but after seeing the powerful force released from Ye Feng's pill at this moment.

Wu Zhenzhen was also completely convinced. If she was replaced by her, it would take less than half a month to heal Si Chong's injury, but more than a month before he could recover.

However, Ye Feng's pill can completely restore Si Chong's injury in an instant, which is indeed too unimaginable.

While looking shocked, Si Chong expressed gratitude to Ye Feng, and he couldn't help but bow down to Ye Feng and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, the Emperor of God for healing the injury."

"Don't be so polite with me, we are all hired."

Ye Feng waved his hand to Si Chong and said that although the opponent liked to compete for strength when he was young, he had no malice and was a very upright person.

Ye Feng admires each other very much and is willing to help each other.

"Tell me, why did the Wu Clan become like this?"

Ye Feng asked Si Chong.

Si Chong sighed with guilt on his face. As the Witch chief, he failed to bring the Witch tribe to a higher peak. Instead, he gradually became lonely, and he could not bear the blame.

Next, he told Ye Feng all the dynamics in the Northern Snow Jungle.

After hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng frowned continuously, and his breath became a little cold.

"Give me an order to let people from all major tribes in the Northern Snow Jungle come to see me!"

Ye Feng said to Si Chong.

After Si Chong heard Ye Feng's words, there was a storm in his heart. This is the courage that the owner of Lingtian Continent should have.

He directly summoned all the tribes of Beixue Jungle to come to see him, looking at the entire Lingtian Continent, perhaps only Ye Feng had such a qualification.

After all, today's Northern Snow Jungle is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and many top monsters have grown up.

Ye Feng was a bit too bold in doing so.

However, Ye Feng is the Divine Emperor of the Four Gods Dynasty, and Si Chong must abide by his orders.

Immediately afterwards, Si Chong sent someone to give the order of Ye Feng, which was passed to many Beixue jungle tribes.

However, before this news was truly delivered, the chief of the Demon God Clan came to the land above the Wu Clan tribe with a large number of powerful Demon God Clan.

The chief of the Demon God Clan was proud of his face. He looked down and looked down at Ye Feng and said, "You abolish the cultivation of my Demon God Clan?"

"it's me."

Ye Feng was staying with Wu Zhenzhen at the moment. Since the other party came, he naturally had to deal with this matter.

"Do you know how stupid you should be doing this? What will it end up with?"

The chief of the Demon God Clan said coldly to Ye Feng, the other party was only the mid-level cultivation base of the Demon Emperor, but his tone was so loud.

Indeed, Ye Feng was a little surprised.

"I don't know."

Ye Feng shook his head slightly.

"It's not just you, the whole Wu clan is about to be destroyed."

The chief of the Demon God Clan said indifferently, with absolutely nothing in his words.

"Come on, who is your backer and why is it so arrogant?"

Ye Feng asked the chief of the Demon God Clan.

According to Sichong's previous introduction, the people of these demon gods did not belong to the Northern Snow Jungle before, but were a force established by powerful outsiders.

The opponent is also a monster, but his personal strength is very strong, much stronger than the other monsters in the Northern Snow Forest.

This made Ye Feng couldn't help but guess the identity of the other party.

"Hahaha, you are really smart. You can see our identity. It’s okay to tell you. We are people in the demon world. You people in the lower world are naturally worthless in our eyes. Mention it!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, the chief of the Demon God Race laughed, his smile was so proud.

"Demon domain!"

Ye Feng said to himself, a somewhat unexpected expression appeared on his face.

In addition to the nine-fold heaven, the world that sits on the same level as the nine-fold balance also has several top worlds such as the fairyland, the devil's domain, the ghost's domain, the Buddha's domain, and the demon's domain.

The Demon Realm is one of them. In other words, the reason why the Demon God Race in front of us has such a powerful strength is directly related to the Demon Realm.

However, the masters behind these demon realms are extremely clever.

It did not send a more powerful existence in the first time, but some powerful people comparable to the next world.

Let them gradually penetrate above Lingtian Continent.

Hearing the explanation from the other party, a group of powerful Witches showed unexpected expressions on their faces, although they could not understand what the other party said.

But they also understood that the demon domain mentioned by the other party would inevitably be an extremely top-notch world.

At least it is not comparable to Lingtian Continent.

"Why? If you are scared, just kneel down and apologize to us. We might think that for your good performance, we will leave you a dead body!"

The chief of the Demon God Race said proudly, as if quite satisfied with his identity.

"Your Majesty, what should these people do?"

Raksha's eyes flashed sharply, he just couldn't bear to see someone arrogant in front of Ye Feng.

"Kill it."

Ye Feng said lightly to the other party, a bit of calm in his words.

After saying this sentence, it made the Wu Clan powerhouses look in a daze. It seemed that Ye Feng would say such words.

The other party has revealed his identity, but this Ye Feng turned a blind eye to it.

The powerhouses of the Demon God Race were taken aback for a moment, and then a sneer appeared on their faces. They still didn't seem to realize their danger.

"This guy is so arrogant, let's go together and kill him completely!"

The chief of the Demon God Clan said coldly. After saying this, his body exploded, and he stepped forward for the first time, directly launching an astonishing destruction attack on the location where Raksha and the others were.

His attacking power is indeed very strong, and his waist is lingering around him, which hardly gives Raksha any chance to dodge.

However, as Rakshasa was a strong man in the Holy Emperor Realm, how could he be afraid of each other.

With a direct understatement, his fist looked unpretentious and unpretentious. It contained amazing power and was extremely penetrating. It collided with the opponent's attack in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Under this collision, a sneer appeared on the face of the demon **** chieftain, as if he thought that his attack was enough to suppress the opponent.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he felt an irresistible force in the opponent's attack.

This irresistible force was so powerful that it made his body tremble wildly, and his whole body could no longer hold on, and a scream was made in his mouth.

At this moment, his body was blasted out of the world, and when his body was still in the void, he spit out blood crazily, his face was extremely pale!

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of many people present for the first time, causing their eyes to flash with a somewhat unbelievable look.

No one thought that the strength of Rakshasa was so strong that they would directly kill their Chief Chief as soon as they attacked.

You know, their chieftain is a mid-level powerhouse of Demon Emperor.

The ordinary person is not his opponent at all, he is also the overlord level figure in this area, but at this moment, he was directly killed by the opponent's attack.

Such strength is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

A bit of astonishment appeared in the faces of those strong monsters and gods. The strength of the other party was so strong, how dare they stay here, and each body quickly fled towards the distance.

However, where did Rakshasa give the opponent a chance, his body flashed, and a series of destruction attacks bloomed at this moment.

The power contained in every destruction attack is beyond imagination. The next moment, everyone present only listens to the rumbling sound of terror and concussion.

The destructive power spread wildly in all directions, under the effect of Raksha's attacks.

None of these demon **** clan powerhouses were spared, and their bodies were completely blown out, and they lost their lives!

The entire battle was less than half an incense stick, and the lives of the many strong monsters and gods present were all taken down.

Rakshasa's strength completely surpassed the imagination of everyone present. No one thought that his attacking power was so strong that the opponent had no resistance at all under his attack.

In the end, there was only one person left, and he was not killed. Ye Feng meant that Rakshasa stopped.

The man was already trembling with fright, his eyes looked at Ye Feng and the two of them, and his eyes were full of fear. He only heard Ye Feng say to this person: "Leave your life and go back to the demon domain. , Inform your master, come here to die quickly, if not, I will kill the Demon Realm and let your entire Demon Realm be buried for you!"

This sentence was filled with endless domineering, and immediately caused everyone present to tremble, and their faces showed incredible luster.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng would be so strong in the face of the strong in the Demon Realm, and that strong in the Demon God Race was scared to death.

Under the powerful aura released from Ye Feng, he only felt that his body was so small.

As if the other party released a breath at will, he couldn't bear it. Under that breath, he seemed to be completely crushed to death.

Not daring to stay here any longer, this one who wants the Protoss powerhouse quickly flees here, his body dare not stay for a while.

Wu Zhenzhen, Si Chong and many powerful Wu clan were completely shocked by the aura displayed by Ye Feng. The aura released by such a top-notch young figure was too terrifying.

Even if Ye Feng's breath was not directed at him, their bodies still felt an irresistible pressure, and they only felt as if they were about to suffocate.

"Ye Feng..."

A cold sweat appeared on Wu Zhenzhen's forehead, and she couldn't help but remind Ye Feng. Ye Feng felt that the powerful aura he released was not something ordinary people could resist, and then he completely retracted it.

In the next period of time, news of the arrival of a strong from the Wu Clan quickly spread throughout the Northern Snow Jungle.

Many top tribes in the Northern Snow Jungle paid great attention to them. They wanted to know who the Witches came.

It was so easy to kill the people of the Demon God Race, this kind of strength is no longer simple and powerful.

In the next period of time, the specific pattern of the Northern Snow Jungle is likely to change.

At the same time, Si Chong's orders to other tribes in the Northern Snow Jungle continued to pass.

Many tribal powerhouses were dissatisfied, thinking that this move by the Wu clan was a bit too high-profile.

Summon all the people in Beixue Jungle to the Witch Clan, where did the Witch Clan get so much face.

However, they still came according to the summons of Si Chongde, and they wanted to see where the Wu Clan came from so much confidence.

How dare to summon them in this way.

In the next period of time, many powerful tribes closer to the Wu Clan came first, and as time passed, the area where the Wu Clan was located gradually became lively.

More and more powerhouses came here, one by one looking at the Witch Clan.

However, the Wu Clan now has Ye Feng and Rakshasa sitting in town. Even if these people have grievances in their hearts, they can't make any noise.

A small number of tribal powerhouses tried to make trouble among the Witch tribe, all of them were suppressed by Rakshasa.

After a few more days, all the powerful tribes summoned in the entire Northern Snow Jungle arrived, and they were extremely proud.

Many people directly and openly challenged Sichong, the current chief of the Witch tribe, but these people failed to complete the battle with Sichong.

Everything is done by Raksha. Raksha's strength can sweep everything in this area. How can these people be Raksha's opponents.

They have been strongly crushed by Rakshasa.

The huge gap in the realm of strength made them desperate one by one, even though many people were proud of their strength, but when they were fighting against Rakshasa.

They feel what is called a gap.

These people couldn't understand why such a powerful person would suddenly come to the Wu Clan.

In the next period of time, Ye Feng strongly declared the Northern Snow Jungle to be unified, and from now on, it will be under the rule of the Umbo.

And he also issued an order to the Four Gods Dynasty of Lingtian Continent to send many powerful men to the Wu Clan.

From now on, these people will be stationed among the Witch tribe to protect the Witch tribe's safety.

This series of operations shook the Lingtian Continent, and they naturally guessed that the person who gave the mysterious order and made such a big movement in the northern snow jungle must be the former Divine Emperor Ye Feng.

His Majesty the Emperor is back, but few of them can really see the true face of His Majesty Lushan.

The problem of the Wu clan was resolved, and the four gods of the Lingtian Continent were stationed.

No one from the Witch Clan will dare to bully anymore. Besides, Ye Feng has not released many top-notch training resources from the Witch Clan.

These cultivation resources are only effective, and when used in the cultivation of the witches, they can make the witches complete a sublimation in a short time.

Especially Chief Si Chong, with the assistance of Ye Feng, Si Chong's cultivation realm was directly elevated to the realm of Emperor Wu's peak.

It was only one step away from the Saint Emperor Realm.

This shocked the entire Witch Clan. No one thought that Ye Feng now possesses such an ability.

It only assisted Si Chong in his cultivation, and also allowed the opponent to improve his cultivation level in a short time.

In addition to Si Chong, Ye Feng also raised the cultivation realm of the Wu Clan's elders, making the opponent a powerful Wudi mirror.

In this way, the original weak Wu Clan, its own strength is also the top existence in the entire Northern Snow Jungle.

At the same time, the powerful demon **** clan who was previously released by Ye Feng also contacted the master of the demon domain through a special method.

This person, that is an extremely powerful flood dragon, he has cultivated endless years in a deep pool of depression.

In the area around the radius, there is even a strong prestige, many people come to apprentice to learn art, this dragon has many students.

Gradually formed his own power in this area, named Jiaolongmen.

He is the sect master of Jiaolongmen, and his cultivation realm has reached the level of the middle Saint Emperor realm.

This kind of strength, more than 200 years ago, could even be compared with some powerful people in the Demon God Palace.

It's just that more than 200 years have passed The overall level of the melancholic monster powerhouse has also taken a qualitative leap.

Nowadays, people in the middle stage of the Saint Emperor Realm, although they are also very powerful, are no longer the top existence in the entire demon domain.

The sect master of Jiaolongmen learned the experience of the Demon God Clan for the first time, and the chief of the Demon God Clan was one of his disciples.

Frightened by him, the lower realm world formed a demon **** clan. All of this is the main envoy of Jiaolongmen and the forces behind the scenes of Jiaolongmen.

Not only will they make great progress in the demon realm, but they will also extend their hands to the next world.

The address of the sect master of Jiaolongmen was brutally killed, and the sect master of Xiaolongmen would naturally not let it go, and the other side had an exposed aura released.

As a result, the deep pool where he was in was scrolling, releasing a powerful demon energy, making this space extremely depressing!

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: the end of the month, the brothers with flowers will support me, and the flowers will be cleared next month. I hope everyone will continue to support me. Thanks!

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