Sky War God

Chapter 3156: Jiuquan Temple

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Just as everyone present had expected, it didn't take long for a group of strong men to step forward, the head of which was a middle-aged strong man in Chinese clothes.

This person walked along with tigers, with a breath of majesty on his body, walking forward at will, and the whole land trembled.

The aura on his body is extremely tyrannical, and he is a top-notch person at a glance. This person is indeed the powerful Li Family Patriarch.

After hearing the news that his son was being bullied in Zuixiange, the Li family head came immediately.

He is a top-notch existence, with an absolute tyrannical position in Youdu City.

If someone dared to bully his son, he would naturally teach him a lesson.

"Who dares to deceive my son? Don't you get out and die?"

Patriarch Li said so, a bit of coldness appeared on his face.

His gaze kept scanning the Zuixian Pavilion, as if he wanted to find the real murderer.

It didn't take long before his eyes were fixed on Ye Feng, who was kneeling in front of Ye Feng and the others, and his eyes showed a bit of coldness.

He walked forward quickly, trying to lift his son up.

"Father, come and save me!"

Li Gengxi said so, gnashing his teeth with a burst of anger, and when his father arrived, it was time for him to take revenge.

He wanted the person in front of him to kneel and lick his toes.

"Don't panic, father is here, and these people will pay the price!"

After saying this, the head of the Li family tried to lift his son up.

"and many more."

However, before the real action of the Li family Patriarch, he heard the voice of the gap.

There was indifference in this voice, and immediately made the family away from home's eyes condensed slightly, and could not help but look up at the prescription position, and then saw the face of Rakshasa.

This caused the Li Family Patriarch’s eyes to freeze slightly, and he said without thinking: "What I'm going to do, you can actually intervene? I'll take care of you later!"

However, at this moment, his gaze once again looked towards the direction where Raksha was.

For some reason, he always felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember the identity of the other party for a while.

"No, I seem to know you, who are you? Can you give me your name first?"

Patriarch Li asked Rakshasa.

All the people present were taken aback, wondering why the Li Family Patriarch suddenly asked about the identity of the other party.

He has stood at the pinnacle of the entire Youzhou City, is he still afraid of the identity of the person in front of him?

Maybe the other party is simply curious?


Raksha did not hide anything, and directly revealed his identity.

After saying this sentence, the expressions of everyone present couldn't help being stunned, and a bit of suspicion appeared on their faces.

"Raksha, this name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it from somewhere."

Someone said so for the first time, and the rest of the eyes flickered, and the same was true.

They are indeed familiar with this name, but it just reminds them of it, but it is not easy.

"Raksha, isn't the opponent the Raksha warlord who established endless feats in Youdu City more than 200 years ago?"

At this moment, everyone present heard such a voice, and immediately attracted their eyes.

Hearing this voice, many people's faces immediately showed a somewhat shocked look, and they suddenly realized one by one.

The Rakshasa warlord was once a famous figure in Youdu City. Even in the original Youdu City Lord's Mansion, the Rakshasa warlord was a very good person.

Especially the other party's talents are even better. He is so young, but he can have that status.

More importantly, the other party later left Youdu City with Death God Ye Feng, and now he doesn't know what happened.

However, at this moment, the young man in front of him claims to be a Raksha warrior, which is really unimaginable.

But this sentence, as if waking up the person in the dream, immediately made the Li family who had been in a state of confusion suddenly realized.

His eyes immediately became extremely unbelievable, and his body stood up from the ground, looking at Raksha firmly.

The footsteps actually retreated one after another, and finally one* sat down on the ground, and then said tremblingly: "Warlord Raksha, your excellency is a warlord Raksha!"

After this sentence was said, everyone present was stunned, one by one in disbelief.

What happened to the Li family? What kind of sorcery was used by the other party, and was actually bewildered?

"Father, what are you doing? Didn't you believe him in a few words? He is just a mountain man, how could he be a Raksha warrior?"

Li Gengxi, who was not far away, was also very incomprehensible to his father's actions, and could not help but speak to him.

"Nizi, shut up! Or I will kill you!"

It's just that Li Gengxi's words just fell, but when he heard it, the Li Family Patriarch shouted directly at him.

After saying this sentence, Li Gengxi's expression was completely taken aback.

Since childhood, his father has always loved him extremely, and he has never even scolded him.

However, at this moment, Li Gengxi's actions really surprised Li Gengxi.

Looking at his father with an incredulous look, he said again: "Father, what's the matter with you?"

"I told you to shut up and shut up as soon as possible, where is the nonsense!"

Patriarch Li was extremely dissatisfied with his son's actions, and he shouted so furiously when he heard that the other party was still obsessed with it.

He even stepped forward quickly and slapped the opponent's face with a slap, causing the other party to scream, and the body was directly beaten to the ground and became a painful hobby.

"The Rakshasa warlord is here. Ignorant, I offended you, Lord Rakshasa warlord. I hope that the Rakshasa warlord will be able to ignore the fault of the villain and forgive the fault of the dog!

Immediately afterwards, the Li Family Patriarch unexpectedly knelt to the ground directly facing Raksha in front of everyone present, and kept kowtow to him.

There was a sense of fear on his face.

This scene stunned everyone present, watching all this one by one, and there was a strong unbelievable expression in his eyes.

"What's the matter with Patriarch Li? How can he be so respectful to this person in front of him? Is it possible that the opponent is really the legendary Raksha warrior?"

Someone said this for the first time, with disbelief on their faces. Most of them had only heard of the legend of the Rakshasa warlord, but had never seen each other.

Therefore, he questioned the Li family owner.

"Father, what are you..."

Li Gengxi couldn't understand his father anyway. However, thinking of the slap he had suffered before, he dared not speak any more.

"Don't blame anyone who doesn't know, get up, take care of your son in the future, if he continues to bulge like this, it is likely to ruin him!"

Luo Sha waved his hand at the Li Family Patriarch and said.

Since Ye Feng had previously instructed Rakshasa not to announce his identity here, the gap did not allow Patriarch Li Jia to visit Ye Feng.

After listening to Rakshasa's words, the Patriarch Li took a breath and hurriedly bowed to Rakshasa, uttering passages of gratitude.

The other party was a legendary character hundreds of years ago, how powerful it was in the entire Youzhu City.

How can such a person offend and afford it?

After doing all this, the head of the Li family led the people of the Li family to leave here quickly.

All the people in the Drunken Immortal Pavilion were thrown there, and no one thought that the legendary Raksha warlord would appear in the Drunken Immortal Pavilion.

The Patriarch of the Li family is so respectful to each other, naturally they dare not say more.

Especially the people who had said many ironic words to Rakshasa before were even more nervous, for fear that Rakshasa would inquire about them.

However, Raksha seemed to ignore the other party at all and continued to drink and eat with Ye Feng.

"Father? Is that man really a warlord Rakshasa?"

After leaving this place, Li Gengxi couldn't help but ask the head of the Li family.

The Li family’s eyes flickered and said to Li Gengxi: “I will not admit my mistake. At that time, when the Rakshasa warlord was in the midst of Youdu City, our Li family had not yet risen.”

Li Gengxi curled his lips, as if he didn't care about his father's words, and said directly: "No matter how powerful he is, he is a figure more than 200 years ago. At that time, his cultivation was only in the realm of King Wu. Now, father, your cultivation realm. He has reached the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, only one step away from the Emperor Martial Realm. After so much time, he may no longer be your father's opponent. I really don’t understand why my father is so afraid of him?"

After saying this sentence, the rest of the Li family nodded, thinking that Li Gengxi's words had some truth.

More than 200 years have passed, and everything has changed. Everything will change.

Although the former Rakshasa warlord was very powerful, but in their opinion, the opponent's cultivation realm is likely to be slow in such a long time.

In the past 200 years, Patriarch Li's cultivation level has climbed up like a rocket.

Today, he is already a powerhouse at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm. Such a cultivation realm is only one level higher than the City Lord You Emperor.

In the entire Youdu City, it can be said to be under one person and above 10,000.

There is no need to fear a character more than 200 years ago.

Li Gengxi's words flashed the eyes of the Li Family Patriarch, who seemed to agree with the words spoken by the other party.

He is now an expert at the peak of Wu Huang, and it seems that he should be more worthy of himself.

There is absolutely no need to look down upon yourself all the time.

However, since they have left here, there is no need to return.

What happened in Zuixian Pavilion is constantly being passed on throughout Youdu City, but many people after hearing this news defaulted to being misinformed.

After all, the Rakshasa warlord was a character more than 200 years ago, and since the opponent left Youdu City with the death **** Ye Feng, he has never appeared again.

Now, the news that the Rakshasa war will appear again in Youducheng is indeed untrustworthy.

It is because before that, there were many similar false news spread, and finally it was found that all were artificial rumors.

This time, even if the news comes out again, most people think the news is fake.

After Ye Feng and the two were full of food and drink, they left the Zuixian Pavilion and walked step by step towards the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

This time they returned, naturally they had to take a good look at their old friends in the City Lord's Mansion.

The first thing Ye Feng thought of was an extremely beautiful shadow, and naturally the daughter of You Huang, You Ji.

In the past, Ye Feng worked in the City Lord's Mansion of Youdu City, and had a very good relationship with You Ji, and there was even a tendency to develop into a boy and girl friend.

But all of that was a passing moment for Ye Feng.

Even if the former Youhuang tried to kill him, Ye Feng didn't care.

Today, he only regards this pair of father and daughter as friends. Having not seen him in more than 200 years, Ye Feng wanted to see his old friend.

Ye Feng Luosha walked forward step by step, and in about a stick of incense, he arrived at the place where the city lord mansion of Youdu City was located.

After more than 200 years of development, today's Youdu City City Lord's Mansion has become more magnificent than before.

The overall area has been expanded several times, the population is prosperous, and the strong are numerous. It is the supreme authority of Youdu City.

The city lord of Youdu City, Youhuang, now even possesses a ghost emperor level cultivation base. Compared with him more than 200 years ago, his overall strength has made a qualitative leap.

For Youducheng, it is more stable.

In addition, many powerful people have emerged in Youdu City, and many people have joined the City Lord's Mansion of Youdu City.

This has made the overall strength of the City Lord's Mansion of Youdu City significantly improved.

On this day, the city lord's mansion of Youdu City was very lively with lanterns and festoons.

Just because there are guests from the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion, including the Lord You Huang, did not dare to neglect, and carefully prepared.

The people they wanted to meet were the "Jiuquan Temple", a major sect force from the underworld.

The Jiuquan Temple is a relatively prosperous power on the edge of the underworld. The main cultivation base of the Jiuquan Temple has reached the level of a holy emperor, governing one party and giving orders to the world.

The place at the edge of the underworld is unique, and the strength of the Nether Temple that Ye Feng and others have come into contact with before.

The eldest son of Jiuquan Temple "Jiuquanhong" came to Youducheng as a guest.

Such a distinguished guest, Youdu City, would naturally be good at entertaining people. Although they were in the Nine Nine Worlds, they ruled one side.

But to compare with Jiuquan Temple, there is more than one level to be inserted. Jiuquan Temple can easily destroy their Youdu City by dispatching a strong man at will.

Who would dare to provoke such a prosperous force?

In a room in the City Lord's Mansion of Youdu City, Youhuang was sitting on his seat, and his whole body still carried the once cold and arrogant aura, giving people a very sharp feeling.

Not far from the prescription, a beautiful shadow stood there, wearing a gorgeous long skirt, she looked dignified and beautiful, with a sense of nobility.

Her features are exquisite, just like the person in the painting, the kind that makes it difficult for people to look away from just one glance.

This young girl is naturally You Huang's daughter, You Ji.

At this time, You Ji had a bit of indifference on her beautiful face, and she even showed a touch of resistance.

"You Ji, this time Jiuquan Hong is here, you have to get along well with the other party. The other party comes from the Jiuquan Temple. The Lord of the Jiuquan Temple is a Saint Emperor. It is not something we can provoke. If you can interact with If Jiuquanhong has a good relationship, our Youducheng is equivalent to climbing the threshold of the underworld power. If you can marry into the Jiuquan Temple, it would be even better."

You Huang looked at You Ji with sharp eyes and said, with a serious and earnest speech.

You Ji Bei's teeth bit her red lips lightly, with a somewhat reluctant look on her face. Of course, Jiu Quanhong was excellent, with a noble background, and a strong personal talent.

But more than 200 years ago, there was already a person in You Ji's heart, and that peerless figure remained lingering in You Ji's heart.

Although the other party has gone away from her, it is even possible that the two sides will never see each other again, but You Ji still cannot accept other men.

As a result, today, more than 200 years later, You Ji still guards herself like a jade, and has never contacted other men.

Youhuang was also very anxious to get angry because of this incident. His daughter was in excellent condition. Not only was life beautiful and moving, but also extremely talented.

Today's You Ji is already a ghost emperor peak realm powerhouse, only one step away from his father.

Wouldn't it be a pity if such a proud girl of heaven could not have a better future.

More than 200 years ago, You Emperor was defeated by Ye Feng and planted a restriction, which caused You Emperor to sink for many years.

During these years, he once practiced in retreat, never seeing guests, and after years of recuperation, he came out of that shadow.

And he is always a person with great ambitions. He is not willing to be mediocre. As the city lord of Youdu City, he wants to make Youdu City continue to write its glory and continue to reach a higher level.

This time, Jiuquanhong, the grandson of the Jiuquan Temple, came to Youdu City, allowing Youhuang to see hope.

With the opponent's strength and status, it can be said that it is very easy to make Youducheng go further.

His daughter is so good, if she can marry into it, it will be even more powerful.

"Father, Jiuquan Hong and I have only met for the first time, and we don't know each other. It's embarrassing for your daughter to say that."

You Ji politely refused, even the best man is far inferior to the one in You Ji's heart.

"You child is not young anymore, and he is still so ignorant. Father knows, you still think of death, right?"

After Youhuang heard his daughter's words, he immediately became a little angry.

You Ji didn't speak, but her expression seemed to have acquiesced to all this.

"The **** of death has left my Youdu City for more than 200 years, and now I don't know whether he is alive or dead. What's more, even if he is still alive, how can he be compared with the people of the underworld? Jiuquanhong is the eldest son of the Jiuquan Temple, with a boundless future. When the old man sees each other, he must be respectful, strong and weak, at a glance, my father hopes that you will not delay your own future because of a vain person!"

Seeing You Ji's reluctance, You Huang said angrily, with a bit of excitement in his words.

You Ji's beautiful eyes flashed, and she knew that the words her father said were not unreasonable.

I wonder if she and the **** of death can still meet in this life? She doesn't know if the other party is alive.

Even if he is alive, compared with Jiuquanhong, the **** of death seems to be unable to compare with the other party.

But no matter what, You Ji could not let Ye Feng go, and other men could not enter her heart.

"My lord, the banquet has been prepared, and Lord Jiuquan Hong has also arrived, just waiting for you and Missy to attend."

At this moment, such a respectful voice came from outside the room.

It was a steward of the City Lord’s Mansion who spoke impressively. This person was in charge of the banquet at the City Lord’s Mansion tonight, and came to remind him.

After hearing the other party's words, Youhuang stopped talking, but looked at You Ji and said: "Let's go, don't let Jiuquan Hong wait for a long time."

The other party is a distinguished guest of their Youdu City, so naturally they should treat him well.

You Ji nodded slightly, and followed You Huang all the way forward.

In a palace in the City Lord’s Mansion of Youdu City, the mountains, delicacies, and seafood, wines and delicacies, have already been prepared.

Above the main seat, a young figure sat cross-legged on the spot, his aura was extremely powerful, reaching the level of the ghost emperor's middle stage.

It is really not easy to have this level of cultivation at such an age, only the top talents can do it.

This young man is not only a strong cultivation realm, but also quite handsome.

Especially the majesty of that kind of extremely strong man, is even more vivid at this moment.

Many people below looked at this young figure with a respectful look on their faces.

This is the great son of Jiuquan Temple, the powerhouse of the middle level of the ghost emperor, even the lord of Youdu City, the Lord Youhuang, is not worth mentioning in front of the other party.

Such an existence came to Youdu City, and people like them naturally did not dare to be negligent. If they could establish a relationship with the other party, then the benefits they could obtain next would be incalculable.

Jiuquanhong sits above the subject, as it should be now, as for a person like him, even if the visitor is a guest, he can turn the subject of the guest, and no one will feel wrong.

Many people greeted him respectfully, and Jiuquanhong just nodded slightly to the other party, and didn't say much else.

It didn't take long for Youhuang and Youji and his daughter to come to the palace and take their seats.

Jiuquan Hong's face was smiling, especially when he saw You Ji's beautiful face, he was extremely happy.

Although he was the eldest son of Jiuquan Temple, he rarely saw such a beautiful woman as You Ji.

Jiuquanhong had come here before, and he felt even more worthwhile after coming here.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Castle Lord Youhuang."

Everyone was seated, and the banquet began. Jiuquanhong raised his glass and smiled at Youhuang.

Youhuang got up from his seat, looked extremely honored, and had a drink with Jiuquan Hong, and then said: "What do you say, Mr. Jiuquan, it is an honor for me to receive a top talent like Mr. Jiuquan in Youducheng."

Jiuquanhong was very satisfied with Youhuang's hospitality, but his gaze kept staring at Youji beside Youhuang.

Youhuang naturally felt all this, and was a little happy. As long as Jiuquanhong likes You Ji, everything is easy to say.

"If Mr. Jiuquan appreciates the little girl, this group leader can be the master of the little girl and make friends with Mr. Jiuquan. I wonder if Mr. Jiuquan is willing?"

After drinking for three rounds, Youhuang felt that the timing was almost the same, so he stood up and asked Jiuquan Hong.

The expressions of everyone present were taken aback, and then they reflected.

They can understand the intention of Youhuang's approach.

Jiuquanhong is the eldest son of Jiuquan Temple, not only has his personal status noble, but his talent is also top-notch.

It can be said that anyone in the city of Youdu wants to establish a relationship with it, even if Youhuang is the city lord of Youdu, it is not worth mentioning in front of the other party.

If they could get the appreciation of Jiuquanhong, then their Youdu City City Lord Mansion would naturally be able to go to a higher level.

What's more, You Ji has not been married for more than 200 years. Now, it is normal for You Huang to be tempted to meet someone as good as Jiuquan Hong.

Hearing what You Huang said, Jiuquanhong's expression was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face and said: "I can become friends with You Ji, I am naturally willing, I don't know what Miss You Ji wants?"

After saying this, Jiuquanhong's gaze couldn't help but looked towards You Ji's location, as if waiting for You Ji's answer.

You Ji's beautiful eyes flickered, but she didn't even open her mouth to answer the other party. The atmosphere on the scene froze for a while, and the smile on Jiu Quanhong's face also stiffened.

I don't know what this woman is thinking, but he is the eldest son of Jiuquan Temple, how respected his status and status.

It should be an honor for the other person to speak this way to a woman.

This made Youhuang's face also a little ugly, and he didn't expect his daughter to be so ignorant.

I just wanted to speak, but saw the powerhouse from Youdu City City Lord's Mansion come in.

He bowed directly to Youhuang and said, "Master Youhuang, there is someone outside the gate of the city lord's mansion."

Hearing this sentence, the eyes of many people present froze for a while, I don't know who else will come to see him in the city lord's mansion at this time.

Don’t they know that the City Lord’s Mansion will meet the distinguished guests today?

"Who doesn't understand etiquette so much! The Lord Jiuquan will not see guests!"

Youhuang's face also became a little gloomy, and he directly said to the strong man in Youdu City.

The one who has become a strong leader slightly bowed to Youhuang, and then said: "These two people have a very good face, and I can hear them vaguely below. One of them calls himself the **** of death."

After this sentence was said, Huang's eyes froze again, Reaper, this name couldn't be more familiar to him.

However, few people have mentioned it, and he even gradually forgets the other party.

Yu Ji stood up from the ground for the first time, walked quickly to the body of the strong reader, and asked, "What you said is true? Is that person really called Death?"

The **** of death, that was the person You Ji thought about. Before that, You Ji had been thinking that she and the **** of death might not be able to meet in this life.

Unexpectedly, at this banquet, the word death was mentioned again.

"It's true, that person does claim to be the **** of death. The subordinates heard it right."

The Chengdu mansion of Youdu City joined in after Ye Feng and Luosha left the Youdu City Lord's Mansion.

Therefore, he is not particularly familiar with Ye Feng.

This person was a little shocked to see the eldest lady behaved like this. In his impression, the eldest lady was always very cold, and there has never been anything that could make the lady so excited.

Is it possible that the man who claimed to be the **** of death, did the eldest really know each other?

"Hurry up and invite him in."

Hearing this person's confirmation, You Ji's body was trembling. For countless nights, You Ji had seen the **** of death in her dreams.

It's just that after waking up, they have nothing. Today, the two are really going to meet. Such excitement would be unimaginable if it weren't for personal experience.

Youhuang's expression was a bit ugly, thinking of Death, he remembered the scene of his defeat.

What a majesty he is, the city lord of Youdu City was so defeated by this year's hands, which is definitely a huge shame for him.

Therefore, he didn't want to mention this matter again, but Ye Feng's arrival made him have to face all this.

Therefore, he didn't even want You Ji to invite Ye Feng and others into the palace.

But that strong man in Youdu City City Lord's Mansion had already walked out, and he didn't stop him anymore.

More importantly, what will happen even if Ye Feng returns? For more than 200 years, he has not wasted time.

Personal cultivation has already reached the realm of the ghost emperor, and the strength is not what it used to be.

No matter how good Ye Feng is, he can't be better than him.

What's more, now he has found Jackie Chan's son-in-law. Once You Ji and Jiuquan Hong have determined the relationship, what is Ye Feng?

Youhuang sneered in his heart, letting Ye Feng come here, let the other party see the extraordinary of their Youducheng and the excellence of Jiuquanhong.

None of this is comparable to Ye Feng.

Thinking that Jiuquanhong was here, Youhuang didn't think about anything anymore, and just sat there calmly and waited.

"Who is the **** of death? Is Miss Yu Ji's friend?"

Jiuquanhong naturally noticed this episode and couldn't help asking Youhuang.

Jiuquanhong had clearly felt the excitement of You Ji before, and in his impression, You Ji had always been an extremely cold woman.

He wanted to contact each other before, but Jiuquanhong's attitude made Jiuquanhong a little disappointed and indifferent.

Even if his status is noble ~ ~ is powerful, this woman also ignores him.

However, at this moment, after the person named Dead Man arrived, You Ji became obviously different.

Hearing Jiuquanhong's questioning, Youhuang's eyes flickered and said: "This person served me before and read it as the City Lord's Mansion. He had already left over 200 years ago. Now he has returned again. I don't know what is going on."

After this sentence was said, the eyes of all Jiuquan Temple experts, including Jiuquan Hong, slightly solidified.

Quite a few disdainful expressions appeared on the faces of many people. They just listened to Jiuquanhong opening his mouth and said, "That's it, but I am very curious. The other party is just a subordinate of the City Lord's Mansion. Why is Miss You Ji so excited? Is it possible that there is some kind of unknown relationship between the two of them?"

After this sentence was said, the powerhouses in Jiuquan Temple also cast doubtful glances at Youhuang.

Naturally, Youhuang would not tell the facts, and he said directly: "Young Master Jiuquan has misunderstood. This person was really interested in the little girl before, but due to the identity of the other party, he did not answer the request of the party."

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