Sky War God

Chapter 3150: The underworld is king!

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After Ye Feng released the Heart Sutra of Hell, he completely controlled the situation in the battle and suppressed Pluto a little bit closer.

Pluto became vulnerable in front of Ye Feng, even though the opponent was already close to casting the body of a god.

But at this moment, he was still slightly suppressed by Ye Feng.

Unbelievable expressions appeared on the faces of many people present. After all, Pluto is the supreme existence in their hearts.

Under normal circumstances, no one should be able to compete with Pluto.

However, Ye Feng suppressed Pluto a little bit, which was definitely the most shocking news for everyone present.


Another terrifying concussion sound wanted to withdraw, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Ye Feng's astonishing palm print collided with the opponent's attack again, and the destructive power spread in all directions.

Pluto's body trembled, Zhende's feet retreated one after another, and a mouthful of blood came out from his mouth, his complexion became extremely pale.

If this continues, Pluto can no longer contend with Ye Feng, and it will be suppressed by Ye Feng before long.

"With your strength, I am embarrassed to say arrogant words in front of me, your face is really thick."

Ye Feng said ironic words to Pluto, and Pluto's face turned ugly. When Ye Feng said this, the anger in his heart became more and more obvious.

"Don't be proud of it too early, for the next attack, I'll see how you can contend with me?"

Pluto spoke coldly to Ye Feng.

Immediately, his gaze turned toward the location of the giant **** statue standing in this square.

His body quickly drifted away at this moment, and at the same time he spit out a little bit of obscure spells.

This obscure spell was very strong, and then it turned into a magic trick, and found it blooming among him.

It can penetrate all existence in a short time, and it has reached the **** statue in the blink of an eye.

Makes light shine from the **** statue, this burst of light contains a very sacred breath.

In the blink of an eye, it seemed to be able to communicate with Pluto.

Pluto was wrapped in sacred light, and at this moment, he was firmly tied to the statue of the gods.

Then he waved his arm, a strange power burst out, the light above the **** statue shone, and the eyes of the statue opened.

The pupils flashed with extremely bright luster, and several destructive beams were quickly released from the eyes.

The destruction beam contains extremely powerful penetrating power, as if it can destroy all existence, and penetrates towards Ye Feng's body in the blink of an eye.

Ye Feng felt the power contained in the destruction beam for the first time, and at the same time, he was also a little shocked.

After the **** statue opened his eyes, Ye Feng discovered for the first time that he seemed to have seen this **** statue.

It is the statue of the **** of hell!

Unexpectedly, the statue of the **** of **** is also enshrined in the palace of Hades.

Moreover, Pluto can also be combined with this statue to communicate the power above the statue to launch an attack on Ye Feng.

"It is an honor to be able to force me to use the power of the gods to punish you. You can die in the hands of the gods!"

Pluto said coldly to Ye Feng, and while speaking, the attack he released with the help of the statue of the **** of the region also reached Ye Feng's body at this moment.

Ye Feng's body quickly dodged, and his spatial attribute power burst out, making the whole person's body seem to be beyond the distance of this space.

Under normal circumstances, he can easily dodge attacks from people of the same realm.

But the other party's attack carried the power of the gods possessed by the **** of hell, and the power of this gods' power was too terrifying and unimaginable.

That burst of destructive power actually made Ye Feng's body tremble. At this moment, my body retreated one after another, and his face didn't look good.

"Haha, this attack failed to kill you. I want to see how long you can hold on!"

Pluto said to Ye Feng indifferently. After saying this, the aura on his body grew stronger.

A wave of terrifying **** power erupted on his body, continuously fusing with the power in the statue of the **** of hell, and releasing attacks on Ye Feng together.

Ye Feng's eyes became extremely sharp, the opponent's attack speed was too fast, and the power was super terrifying.

In this case, Ye Feng could only release his **** power to the extreme for the first time.

The power of **** enveloped everything, and the body of Frontier Ye Feng was completely wrapped in it in the blink of an eye.

The Hell Heart Sutra broke out completely and gathered in Ye Feng's palm.

After releasing the power of hell, Ye Feng's body seemed to become more integrated with this space.

In a short time, he released a palm print to the opponent, and the power of **** in this palm print is even more terrifying.

It quickly descended in front of Pluto's body, and a cold light appeared on Pluto's face.

Ye Feng is so difficult, he has to fight quickly.

Once again communicate with the power of the **** of hell, trying to completely suppress Ye Feng!

Ye Feng's eyes were a bit sharp, and now he has cultivated to the sixth level of the Hell Heart Sutra.

It's just that he hadn't been completely released before, facing the attack that the Hell God statue evolved again.

Ye Feng didn't keep anything, and directly exploded the power of the sixth layer of the Hell Heart Sutra.

The power of **** released from him became more and more violent.

At the same time, Ye Feng's communication with this space became stronger.

"Om, hum..."

Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a strange sound, and there was light shining from the statue of the **** of hell.

At this moment, an extremely bright light beam was released, and the light beam burst out in the void.

It didn't take long for him to descend towards Ye Feng's body and merge with Ye Feng's body a little bit.

Ye Feng naturally felt all this, and a few sharp points flashed in his eyes.

He practiced the Heart Sutra of Hell and obtained the inheritance of the God of Hell, which means that he has formed an indissoluble bond with the God of Hell.

He has the power of the **** of **** inside his body, and Hades uses the power of the **** of the area to attack him.

After Ye Feng released the Hell Heart Sutra to the 6th level, the power of the **** of **** in his body also reached an unprecedented height.

This makes the communication between his body and the statue of the **** of **** surpass Pluto in an instant.

When Pluto saw this scene, his expression flashed with an edge, and he couldn't believe it anyway.

"How is it possible, how can you communicate with the statue of the **** of hell? How did you do it?"

Pluto asked Ye Feng with a face of disbelief.

The reason why he was able to communicate with the statue of Pluto was entirely because he obtained the gift of the gods after years of pilgrimage and praying wholeheartedly.

From then on, controlling the power of the gods was already an extremely important hole card for him.

With the help of the power of the gods, he can play a strength that is twice the normal number, even people of the same realm can't compete with him.

But at this moment, his communication with the gods was broken by Ye Feng.

This made Pluto feel cold in his heart, and it looked like Ye Feng's eyes were resentful and shocked.

Ye Feng looked at Pluto, with a sarcasm smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to him: "You are just a frog at the bottom of the well, and you have a high self-esteem, really enough ignorance!"

After saying these words, there was a burst of light shining quickly from the statue of the **** of hell, and it didn't take long before it fell on Ye Feng's body.

So that Ye Feng's body was shrouded in bursts of light.

Under the action of this burst of light, Ye Feng's breath seemed to have changed, becoming more powerful.

Immediately after, he stepped out, and the **** power on his body immediately climbed to another level.

In the blink of an eye, he madly released an extremely terrifying large palm print of destruction at Pluto.

This palm print seemed to have transcended Ye Feng's own cultivation realm, released at will, and the entire sky seemed to tremble.

The first time he tried to include the body of Pluto, Pluto looked a little surprised, and felt the power contained in this print of Ye Feng.

It seems to be much more terrifying than the power he gained from communicating with the statue of the **** of hell.

In this case, a gleam of fear immediately appeared on Pluto's face.

But Ye Feng's palm print had already reached his body, so that he could only release attack and resistance.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Although Pluto's attacking power is strong, he has already reached Ye Feng's level by his personal strength alone, not to mention that Ye Feng is now relying on the power of the regional **** statue.

It's not even comparable to ordinary people.

He only felt his body tremble crazily, and a terrible destructive force spread towards its body, causing his whole body to tremble, as if to vomit a mouthful of blood.

And Ye Feng didn't give the other party any chance, stepping forward step by step, his aura became stronger and stronger.

The whole person's body was wrapped in the power of hell, and Ye Feng at this moment was like a true **** of hell.

Stepping forward at will, this earth is shaking, as if to be destroyed by my collapse.

Two consecutive fists blasted towards the direction of Pluto's body frantically, and a bit of astonishment flashed in Pluto's eyes.

Desperately avoiding, at the same time, his gaze couldn't help but looked at the direction of the powerhouse of the Underworld Palace beside him.

I couldn't help but say to these people: "What are you guys still trying to do, don't hurry up and help!"

Those powerful powerhouses in the Hall of the Underworld also reflected at this moment, and at least nearly 10 of them have reached the peak of the late Heavenly Emperor Realm.

In the case of Lord Pluto constantly suffering in front of Ye Feng. If these people collectively help Master Pluto, they don't believe how long this young man can jump.

Therefore, these people are also very confident, one by one, the breath of the body is released, and the terrifying coercion is constantly lingering in the whole body, and the power of the peak power in the late stage of the Emperor of Heaven completely erupts.

It made this space become extremely depressing, and immediately, the steps of these people stepped towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

A series of terrifying attacks broke out in front of him, and the power contained in each attack was beyond imagination, and Ye Feng's body was to be killed and destroyed.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to care about anything, his eyes shone sharply, just watching the opponent's attack come.

Almost at the same time, everyone present saw the power of space attributes burst out of Ye Feng's body.

Under the influence of space attribute power, his body seemed to be beyond the distance of this space.

The body gradually became illusory, stepping out to one side at random, and the body became completely isolated from this space.

The moment the opponent's attack was about to descend on his body, his body had disappeared in place.

Boom boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of strong shocks trying to withdraw, and the destructive power spread wildly in all directions.

Although these people's attacks were powerful, they could not really hit Ye Feng's body.

This made the eyes of these experts in the Palace of the Underworld slightly solidified, and it seemed that Ye Feng's figure speed would be so fast.

Almost at the same time, the Hell Heart Sutra above Ye Feng's body burst out, and the Hell Heart Sutra made Ye Feng's body seem to be shrouded by a stronger regional force.

These **** powers evolved the strongest destructive power and gathered in Ye Feng's palm.

Wherever the palm prints went, the entire sky was shaken, and it was these people's bodies that were immediately targeted.

These people felt an irresistible sense of crisis coming, and their expressions flashed.

But they didn't care about anything. They had an absolute advantage in number. Even if Ye Feng's attack was so powerful, as long as a few of them joined forces, they would definitely be able to intercept Ye Feng's attack.

Several powerful powerhouses of the Hades Hall released their attack resistance together, colliding with Ye Feng's attack.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the power of destruction was released frantically.

Sometimes, strength is not determined by the number of people.

For example, at this moment, the destructive power of this palmprint released by Ye Feng is extremely concentrated, although the opponent has an advantage in number.

However, their attack power is quite proliferation and cannot be gathered together, which also leads to the limited destructiveness of their attacks.

When contending with Ye Feng, the two powerful men in front received a strong impact immediately.

It made their bodies tremble, and they only felt that their bodies were wrapped in the destructive power of hell, and their bodies trembled like electric shocks.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the sound of clicking, and under the action of Ye Feng's palmprint, the bones inside their arms made waves of dislocation noises.

The two powerful masters of the Hades Palace screamed, and the bones inside their arms were shattered.

It made their bodies retreat crazily, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed a strong light of astonishment.

The attacks released by the others and Ye Feng's palm print offset each other.

Ye Feng took a step forward again, and wanted to release an attack on the remaining strong powers of the Hades Palace.

However, as soon as his body arrived, Pluto's body had already reached the side of his body.

With the help of other people's cover, Pluto immediately launched a terrible attack on Ye Feng.

His attacking power can still pose a serious threat to Ye Feng's Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Therefore, Ye Feng could only give up his attacks on other people, and quickly dodge.

Another prescription, there are two powerful masters of the Hades Palace who have gathered the strongest destructive power, trying to release an attack on Ye Feng for the first time.

Their attacking power is really terrifying, and the speed is incredible.

But Ye Feng's reaction was so swift, even if the opponent's attack speed was very abnormal.

But Ye Feng's reaction was also extremely fast, and between his backhands he released a ruining palm print against the opponent.

The power of Ye Feng's palm print was beyond imagination, and immediately collided with the attacks of these two people.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and the destructive power spread in all directions.

The two of them tried to attack Ye Feng in a joint manner, but they never thought Ye Feng would react so fast.

More importantly, the attack power released by Ye Feng really made them unimaginable.

They only feel that their bodies are wrapped in the power of hell, and that power of **** can ignore their attacks and continuously converge towards the inside of their bodies.

"How is it possible, why is his attacking power so strong?"

One of the powerful masters of the Hades Palace said with an incredulous expression that at this moment, his body seemed to be completely occupied by Ye Feng's **** power.

His body shook wildly, and the internal organs were extremely severely affected.

The same is true of his companions, under the action of an extremely powerful impact, the two men's mouths uttered moaning sounds.

Under the action of Ye Feng's palm, their bodies receded one after another, vomiting blood in their mouths.

Almost at the same time, there was a flash of cold light in Ye Feng's deep position, and this cold light was extremely powerful.

And the speed is incredible, trying to attack Ye Feng against the other two!

However, Ye Feng seemed to be prepared for all of this a long time ago, and saw him stretch out his hand, and Xinghe Longyuan appeared in his hand.

The power of the powerful stars enveloped this space, and a sword light shot out from the backhand.

This sword light is simple and unpretentious, but quite direct, a sword cut down, can make this square sky be pierced.

This caused a bit of astonishment to appear on the face of the powerful expert in the Hades Palace who tried to attack Ye Feng.

It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng's attack speed to be so fast.

His body tried to evade for the first time, but everything seemed to be too late.

This sword light came down, making him feel a refreshing sensation from the ground of his throat.

The next moment, he subconsciously touched, only to feel blood gushing out of his throat, which made him look desperate.

The whole person's body couldn't hold on anymore, so it fell straight down and became a dead body!

This scene made the hearts of everyone present tremble, especially those who tried to attack Ye Feng's Great Hall of Hades, and they felt a chill in their hearts.

This Ye Feng's strength is beyond their imagination, it is indeed too strong!

"You guys are really rubbish, what are you doing with Pluto to raise you? Don't hurry up and kill this guy for me!"

After seeing this scene, Pluto couldn't help but roar.

After saying this sentence, the expressions of the other powerful masters in the Hades Palace became a little ugly.

These people shot Ye Feng together, and they couldn't even take a young figure, and they were beaten so much by the opponent.

This is definitely a very shameful thing for them.

Pluto roared, and after his words fell, he had once again released a terrifying attack on Ye Feng.

His palm prints completely cover this space, and everything he goes there must be occupied.

The Star River Longyuan in Ye Feng's hand was shining, and the bright sword light descended from the void. This sword combined the strongest sword attribute power.

There is also a powerful fusion of the power of heaven and earth, and the power of the stars is even more powerful to the extreme, making the power of this sword light climb to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, the opponent's attacks collided together, and then everyone present heard the thunderous sound of horrible concussion.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, after the two attacks collided.

Pluto only felt a very strong pain in the land of his palm.

This made him scream badly in his heart and quickly retracted his arm, but it seemed that it was too late.

Ye Feng's sword light was too powerful, and the speed was incredible.

A blood stain was drawn directly in the palm of his hand, and the blood was released, causing Pluto to grin in pain.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng's sword light swept out horizontally again, and his sword light turned its direction, aiming at the rest of the Pluto Hall powerhouse beside Pluto.

These Pluto Palace powerhouses did not seem to have reacted, and did not expect that Ye Feng would suddenly attack them.

Their first reaction was to dodge the body, trying to avoid the sword light of Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng's sword light contained an extremely powerful space attribute power, under the influence of space attribute power.

This sword light seems to be able to move the position instantly.

This made them feel desperate, even if they wanted to evade, it was too late.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the sound of pounding.

This sword light showed a tendency to sweep across the thousand armies, directly cutting off the lives of the three powerful men in the Hades Palace.

Their bodies were cut off at the waist, blood was released, and they looked miserable.

This also made the power loss of the Palace of the Hades extremely serious. So many of them joined forces to deal with Ye Feng, not only could not take it, but also was slaughtered by Ye Feng in this way.

It didn't take long for the four main hall masters under the Hall of Hades to move. They could see that this Ye Feng was obviously looking for something.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, they naturally have to support Lord Pluto.

He quickly joined the battle. After the four main hall masters joined, the Hades Palace camp was immediately replenished.

However, Ye Feng's strength is too abnormal, even if there are 4 people joining in, he still occupies a dominant position.

The sword light power he released was simply not something ordinary people could resist, and the battle had just begun not long.

The four main hall masters were killed by Ye Feng, their throats were cut, and blood poured out wildly.

It makes this space seem to be occupied by blood.

Ye Feng stepped forward, and another slash came out. This sword light was aimed at Pluto himself.

Pluto was gritted with anger.

They have almost mobilized their strongest state, and they still can't compete with Ye Feng.

In the next period of time, the battle took on a one-sided form, and Ye Feng's sword light was invincible.

These powerful powerhouses in the Hall of the Underworld cannot stop them, and every sword slashed out is a very strong threat to them.

It didn't take long for these powerful people in the Palace of the Hades to be killed by Ye Feng.

Sweat appeared on Pluto's forehead, and he didn't know how to resist this young man.

"Go, let me go together, everyone will kill this young man together!"

Pluto roared anxiously, and began to issue orders to the other powerful sects of Pluto City.

However, Ye Feng's strength is obvious to all, even if these people want to act to obey Pluto's orders, they seem to be powerless.

However, some people still obeyed Pluto's orders, and you attacked Ye Feng at a very strong speed.

There was a bit of cold light in the eyes of Pluto, and he could already see that Ye Feng was not what he could resist at all.

Therefore, he took advantage of the chaos and leaped towards the distance at the fastest speed, trying to escape to heaven.

Ye Feng stepped out, carrying an extremely terrifying power with a big hand, madly grabbing towards the direction where Pluto had fled.

Trying to restrain Pluto.

Pluto seemed to be prepared for a long time, and there was an extra talisman in his palm. This talisman was clearly a unique captive.

I saw a word in his mouth, and then Fulu burned quickly at this moment.

A burst of terrifying space attribute power was released, and it wrapped its body in the blink of an eye.

Who disappeared in a hurry!

This scene made the eyes of many experts in the Palace of the Hades flashed, casting a strong light of contempt at Hades.

They did not expect that Pluto would run away alone and abandon them in such a crisis.

This is the Lord Pluto, whom they have always believed in and worshipped, so despicable.

After Pluto left, the rest of the people present were also completely discouraged, and Pluto could not compete with Ye Feng while Pluto was there.

Where will they be Ye Feng's opponent?

"Your Excellency is merciful, I am willing to surrender!"

I saw a powerful expert in the Palace of the Underworld immediately put down the weapon in his hand and knelt down to Ye Feng and prayed.

The rest of the people also stopped their attacks on Ye Feng. Ye Feng's strength has exceeded their imagination. Even if everyone on the scene teamed up, it could not be Ye Feng's opponent.

Under this circumstance, they will naturally not go to death.

Ye Feng looked at these people with a calm face. He didn't come here to kill.

Since the opponent has decided to surrender to him, then he will naturally not attack the opponent anymore.

Seeing Ye Feng stop attacking, everyone present let out a sigh, no matter what, they finally saved their lives.

"See the new Lord Hades, see the new Lord Hades!"

Almost at the same time, a strong man took the lead and said to Ye Feng, the others' eyes flickered and followed.

The Pluto played by Ye Feng falls into the water, and Ye Feng is naturally qualified to serve as the new Pluto.

More importantly, this world has always respected the strong, and the strong are qualified to achieve high positions.

Ye Feng's strength made everyone present surrender, and he was naturally qualified to control the underworld.

Ye Feng waved his hands to the people present and said: "I am not the king of Pluto, I am me, the master of the Yin Ghost Temple!"

After saying this sentence, the eyes of everyone present flashed.

A somewhat suspicious expression appeared on his face, Yin Ghost Temple, the name seemed a bit strange to them.

They seem to have never heard of it.

Only those extremely ancient existences have heard of this force that has not been mentioned for a long time.

This force seems to be a very top sect in the underworld in ancient times.

Later, because of the struggle between the sects, the sect was destroyed. Unexpectedly, a young man now claims to be a force that has disappeared in ancient times.

Moreover, this young man had just smashed the Quartet, defeated a group of strong men in the Hades Palace, including Hades, and beheaded several people.

And it was such a top existence, who was actually the palace owner of the ancient power that had disappeared.

All of this is so incredible for the many powerful people in the Hades.

"See Lord Hall, see Lord Hall!"

After a brief shock, someone reflected and couldn't help but address Ye Feng as such.

And kowtow to Ye Feng on the ground.

The rest of the people followed, they knew that Ye Feng didn't like to use other people's names.

Ye Feng put away his long sword and let out a breath.

When Feng Chen not far away saw this scene, his expression was extremely excited. Since their ghost tribes destroyed the door, they have been hiding in that small space for a long time.

They always remember the pain of their and also want to take the opportunity to rise.

It's just that thousands of years have passed, and they have never been able to do this.

Until the appearance of Ye Feng, their ghost tribe reissued their second spring.

Today, Ye Feng is even more as the master of the Yin Ghost Temple. He has defeated the supreme king of the underworld, Pluto, and pushed their Yin Ghost Temple to a peak.

All this made Feng Chen feel inexplicably excited. Looking at Ye Feng at this moment, his blood seemed to be stirring, and he could no longer interpret it with words.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he finally did what he promised the people of the Yingui tribe.

Today, he is the king of the entire underworld, and the ghost tribe has become a well-deserved top force in the underworld.

No one can contend with it. This is also the fulfillment of Ye Feng's wish for many years.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Please flowers, brothers with flowers will support me, the middle of this month, I hope that flowers will not fall behind, thank you all!

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