Sky War God

Chapter 3146: 4 big powers surrender

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Almost at the same time, a breath of Ye Feng erupted from his body, and this breath seemed extremely peaceful, gathering little by little in his palm.

Immediately, a palm print was released. This palm print did not seem to be very powerful, but it madly collided with the opponent's attack in a very short time.

Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shock, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The elder of the ghosts and gods had a sneer on his face, he had already advanced to the realm of the emperor of heaven, in his opinion, his strength could easily destroy all existence.

At least someone like Ye Feng is definitely not his opponent.

The opponent dared to contend with him, and under such an attack, he was bound to be able to easily kill Ye Feng.

It's just that the moment the two attacks really collided, this old man of the ghosts and gods felt an irresistible force.

This force made his body tremble crazily, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face.

Even if he had the cultivation base of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, when he was contending with Ye Feng, he still felt the tyrannical shocking force pouring into his body continuously.

It made his whole body tremble like an electric shock.

The body was almost destroyed by this slaying, which is really unimaginable!

His body was trembling constantly at this moment, and that destructive force rushed into its body madly.

This caused his body to be retreated by my madness, and the land of his chest kept undulating, a mouthful of blood surging in the land of his chest, he almost vomited it out, and he swallowed it back.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, causing a bit of shock to appear on their faces.

This old man of the ghosts and gods has the cultivation base of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. How terrible the strength is, under normal circumstances, ordinary people in the same realm may not be his opponent.

Not to mention young people like Ye Feng, but at this moment, the collision between the two just now caused the body of the old man of the ghosts and gods to retreat one after another.

Everyone present could see that the other party seemed a little unbearable.

"How is this possible? How can this young man have such a strong strength? I am not mistaken."

The friend said so with a shocked look, and his eyes showed strong incredibility.

The others nodded one after another, completely stunned by the scene before them.

The elder of the ghosts and gods had an ugly face, and he didn't expect that he would be so retreated by a young figure.

And his face was lost at this moment!

In order to restore the face of his own Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, this elder of the ghosts and gods once again mobilized a stronger force from his body.

The power contained in this force became even more terrifying, completely occupying this space and gathering it in his palm.

It made his palms extremely violent and suppressed at an extremely fast speed.

The entire sky is occupied by that destructive force, and many people's faces are extremely shocked, thinking that this elderly person seems to be serious.

The anger of the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse is very terrifying, and the next Ye Feng is likely to face an extremely tragic ending.

"You are the young man who has successfully angered this seat, and can shake this seat back. Even if you are killed by this seat, you are proud of it!"

This ghost **** said to Ye Feng with a proud face.

While speaking, he once again instilled a stronger destructive force into his palmprints, not giving Ye Feng any chance to survive!

Ye Feng looked at each other like that, a somewhat ironic expression in his eyes.

The opponent's attack came quickly.

Ye Feng blasted out a random punch. This punch only used physical strength, and did not release the original strength. But just such an attack could bring a very strong threat to this old man of the ghosts and gods.


The sound of terrifying concussion blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The entire space trembled, and the two attacks quickly collided together at this moment, the void exploded, and the entire sky seemed to be destroyed by the collapse of the shock.

This elder of the ghosts and gods did not expect that Ye Feng would dare to contend with him so boldly.

With a somewhat ironic smile on his face, he seemed to think that under his strongest attack state, Ye Feng could only be brutally killed.

However, he just had a similar idea in his heart, and he felt a more terrifying destructive force burst out.

This destructive force contains super terrifying power, and it is injected into its body like lightning.

It made his body unable to hold on anymore, under the powerful impact force.

The body was directly blown out, and when the body was still in the air, blood was constantly vomiting out of his mouth, and his face was extremely pale.

But that terrifying destructive force still spread on his body, causing all the organs and cells in his body to be shattered by the shock.

The life was stripped away little by little at this moment, becoming a dead body!

As soon as the fist light was reached, the elders of the Celestial Emperor Realm of the Ghosts and Gods were brutally killed.

All this happened so suddenly that many people in the room couldn't realize what was going on, and the powerful elder of the ghosts and gods was killed.

At this moment, everyone's bodies were all stunned in place, all of them looked unbelievable. The ghosts and gods' great elders were powerful existences in the Heavenly Emperor realm, and their strength was so terrifying.

In the eyes of everyone, the opponent can't be the opponent of the mighty powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

But never thought that the legendary Heavenly Emperor Realm mighty powerhouse was so vulnerable in front of this young man, and a random fist blasted the opponent out.

This kind of shock was especially strong on the people of the Yingui tribe, whose lord of the palace was only over 200 years old.

When they served as their palace master, the cultivation base of King Martial Realm was only just now, but 200 years have passed.

Their lord of the palace has grown to the strength to kill a powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor realm with one punch. If this visual impact is not personal experience, it is simply unimaginable!

"The Lord of the Hall is mighty, the Lord of the Hall is mighty!"

The strong men of the Yingui tribe began to cheer, and each of them looked at Ye Feng with a strong sense of pilgrimage.

The other people are the same, with respect in their eyes.

Under this circumstance, they suddenly remembered the words Ye Feng had said before, which meant that their ghost temple stood still on the land of the underworld again.

At the beginning, they all thought that Ye Feng's words were just enthusiasm and could not really accomplish all of this.

But now, they saw the hope that they could attack the existence of the Heaven Slaying Emperor Realm together, and Ye Feng already had the strength to make the ghost tribe rise again.

Ye Feng waved his hand to these people and stood up with each other.

Elder Baibeard and the others looked extremely excited, and they were all extremely relieved to see Ye Feng grow up.

What happened here also spread towards the distance at a speed like a whirlwind.

The death of the ghost king, the powerful elder of the ghosts and gods, was like a thunder, and the elephant was in the ears of many powerful people in the underworld.

They couldn't believe all of this, these two people were powerful and powerful, and how could someone like Ye Feng be able to compare.

Almost at the same time, another extremely shocking message came out, that is, the establishment of the Yin Ghost Temple.

After Ye Fengzhu killed the ghosts and gods, he announced the establishment of the ghost temple.

The Yin Ghost Temple is an extremely unfamiliar term for some people in the underworld, and most of them have never heard of it.

Today, this force has risen above the underworld, and immediately attracted the attention of many powerful people.

According to news, the Hallmaster of the Hall of Ghosts is the young man who killed the Hallmaster of the Hall of Ghosts, the King of Ghosts, and the elders of the Hall of Ghosts.

This person doesn't seem to be from the underworld, and after he descended on the underworld, he made sensations one after another.

Nowadays, a high-profile force has been established on the underworld. This force has risen rapidly, and immediately many strong people have come to join.

It has become the hottest emerging force in the area.

With the establishment of this power in a high profile, many people have begun to question this power.

It was because Ye Feng killed the elders of the ghosts and gods, the master of the ghosts and gods would definitely not let Ye Feng survive so easily.

If the opponent makes a move, where does Ye Feng have a chance to survive?

However, just as everyone at the scene imagined this way, another explosive news came out in the Yin Ghost Temple.

This news was released by Ye Feng. The meaning of the news was very simple. It was to let the major forces in the area at the helm to come to the Yingui tribe to show their loyalty.

This includes ghosts and gods.

After the news came out, the surrounding area oscillated again, and no one thought that this young man would be arrogant to such a degree.

In this area, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are many top powerhouses in secret.

There are countless top forces. Ye Feng issued an order and only waited for the order, which was simply pushing himself to the cusp of a terrible storm.

Next, how will he face it?

For a while, the eyes of all the powerhouses in this area of ​​the underworld were focused on the newly formed ghost temple.

They all wanted to know what the next outcome of the young man in the Yin Ghost Temple would be.


As soon as the sound of crisp fragmentation sounded, in a huge palace of the Ghosts and Gods, the master of the Ghosts and Gods crushed the wine glass in his hand.

An exposed flame was released from his body, and he had already learned that his subordinate, the elder of the ghosts and gods, was brutally killed.

This made him extremely angry, and desperately wanted Jiang Yefeng to be killed.

"No matter who you are or where you are from, there is only one dead end for anyone who moves my ghost gate!"

The sect master of the ghosts and gods said so, his eyes showed a strong coldness.

After saying this, his body has disappeared in the palace where he was.

It didn't take long before he appeared in the sky above a mountain peak, which looked so high.

The power of death attribute is tyrannical to the extreme, and there are already three figures descending on the other three prescriptions on this mountain.

These three figures are all strong in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and everyone has been silent in this realm for many years, and the realm of cultivation is quite stable.

However, at this moment, the faces of the three great Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouses also showed a bit of haze.

"You came."

One of the heavenly emperor realm powerhouses said to the sect master of the ghosts and gods that this person is the master of the Yama Palace.

His hair was crimson, his face looked fierce, and the words he said were somewhat domineering.

The master of the ghosts and gods nodded to the master of the Yan Luo Temple, and the gloomy expression on his face became more and more dense.

"The Lord of the Yin Ghost Temple is really very arrogant. A newly formed power actually asked me to wait to visit him. It's simply not knowing the heights of the sky!"

Another prescription, the Necromancer said, he is a casual cultivator and has no power of his own.

But his cultivation realm has reached the realm of heaven and earth, and his personal strength is no worse than those at the helm of these top forces.

"Yeah, it seems that the four of us will have to work hard to get through it!"

Sect Master Demon Sect said.

Sect Master of Demons was surrounded by purple and black thunder and lightning, making roaring sounds.

These purple-black lightnings contain a powerful death attribute power, and the two powers merge together to perfection.

The tall and mighty body that sets off the body of the ghost sect master gives a strong visual impact.

"Let's go, I want to see how good that guy is!"

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo was the first to bear the brunt, his body leaped quickly at this moment, and disappeared here before long.

After seeing this scene, the ghosts and gods sect master and others also followed suit.

The 4 of them are the 4 top existences in the area, and they control the best resources in this area.

It is also the representative of all the strong in this area. In addition to these 4 people, Ye Feng also notified some of the helms of small and medium forces.

It's just that these people have very light weight and have no right to speak, so they can only follow these four people.

The Yin Ghost Temple is watched by all the strong in the area, and many people come here admiringly, watching from afar.

They have been able to judge that it will not take long before the area of ​​the ghost temple will become the center of the storm.

The powerful and powerful from all sides came, and the new Hallmaster of the Yin Ghost Temple didn't know how to deal with it.

Not long after, a tyrannical aura swept from the void, and a terrifying aura swept everything, containing extremely powerful death attribute power.

It didn't take long for everyone present to see that there were four figures coming across the space from not far away.

The breath of these four people is quite terrifying, and everyone's cultivation realm has reached the level of heaven and earth, and they have been silent for many years in this realm, which can be described as extremely powerful.

Behind these four people is the helm of the small and medium forces in this area. They are also aggressive. With the support of these four people, they also have to see what the arrogant is capable of.

"It's the sect master of the ghosts and gods, the palace master of the Temple of Yama, the necromancer, and the master of the demons and demons are here!

Someone said so for the first time, with a shocked expression on his face.

Ye Feng was in the huge square of the Yin Ghost Temple at the moment, accompanied by a group of powerful people in the Yin Ghost Temple.

They naturally felt the terrifying power generated by the arrival of the four powerhouses.

It didn't take long for the body of the four-party powerhouse to descend in the huge square of the Yin Ghost Temple.

Their gazes looked towards Ye Feng, with extreme indifference in their eyes, especially the sect master of the ghosts and gods, showing cold murderous intent.

"You killed my elder of the ghosts and gods, and ordered me to wait here to worship?"

The sect master of the ghosts and gods asked Ye Feng coldly.

Ye Feng's eyes flashed, and he nodded to the master of the ghosts and gods: "It's me."

"You are so brave, how dare you be so arrogant in front of me, I don't know how good you are, or do you really want to live?"

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo said fiercely, his red hair trembled slightly, and he was obviously out of anger.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Now, those who want to surrender to me can take the initiative to stand aside to avoid death. If you don't want to, then don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with these people, and directly spoke to these people coldly, after saying this.

The eyes of everyone present were slightly frozen, and it seemed that Ye Feng would actually say such arrogant words.

Let them surrender, but this guy can figure out who he thinks he is, just a young person.

Now that the four powerhouses are coming, isn't it a matter of grabbing his life.

"Hahaha, you are really arrogant enough, don't think that you can kill the elders of the ghosts and gods, and then you can be mad in front of me, I have to see how good you are!"

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo laughed loudly. The smile was so ironic. After saying this, his body had already stepped forward.

The explosive aura was released, and this space was shocked, and that aura continued to explode in the void, setting off the extremely violent background of the Lord of the Temple of Yama.

"Take me a punch!"

The Hallmaster of the Yan Luo Palace spoke coldly to Ye Feng, and after speaking these words, he instilled an extremely terrifying breath from his body into his fist.

It made his fist become even more violent, as if it turned into an extremely terrifying heavy hammer, and slammed it towards Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

This circle contains the unique power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, which can destroy all existence.

However, everyone at the scene saw that Ye Feng did not move his body, facing such a terrifying attack from the other party, his expression was indifferent, as if he hadn't seen everything.

The opponent's fist light soon reached Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng did not hesitate and grabbed it with a big hand.

The power of this big hand is very strong, especially the powerful wrapping, which is even more shocking.

At this moment, he directly buckled the opponent's fist, and a powerful force burst out.

The fist of the palace lord of the Yan Luo Temple seemed to be bound by an irresistible force.

Under the influence of this restraining force, the opponent's fist was unable to advance half a point, so it was suspended in the void and unable to move.

And Ye Feng, as if he hadn't used much power at all, his expression was as usual, and he looked at each other so calmly.

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo's complexion flushed, desperately instilling destructive power into his fist, trying to get rid of Ye Feng's terrible big hand.

It's just that no matter how hard he uses, he can't do all of this at all. Ye Feng's big hand is too strong, and it's constantly tightening.

"Such an attack is ashamed to show off in front of me?"

Ye Feng said to the Palace Master of Yan Luo Temple with a sarcasm. After saying this, there was a counter-shock force blooming in his palm.

This counter-shock force was very terrifying, directly descending on the fist of the Hall of Yamal, the Hall of Yamal only felt a powerful thrust released.

It directly descended on his body, causing him to groan, and his body could no longer hold on. At this moment, he staggered back, and his breath was very floating.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, causing a bit of unexpected light to appear on their faces.

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo is known for his violent attacks, and the fist that the opponent has just released possesses explosive destructive power.

It is difficult for ordinary people to parry, and in front of the young man in front of him, he can easily catch the opponent's fist.

Moreover, directly shaking the opponent's body back, this kind of strength is really unimaginable.

The Hallmaster of Yan Luo Temple was shaken back by Ye Feng, which was absolutely a shame for him.

This made him furious, he was gritted teeth for a while, and he was bound to kill Ye Feng himself.

Almost at the same time, the crowd only heard a loud roar from the Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo, and their footsteps moved forward quickly at this moment.

The sound of crashing continued, his bloodline attribute power began to burn, and the meridians of the whole person seemed to be boiling at this moment.

One of his fists blasted out at this moment, and the destructive power flowing above the fists was beyond imagination.

A punch blasted towards Ye Feng's body again, and there seemed to be an irresistible killing power in this punch, which made everyone present feel depressed.

Ye Feng didn't care about anything. The same punch was blasted out. This punch was still simple and unpretentious, but it contained irresistible power.


The terrifying concussive sound came through, and the destructive power spread to 4 sides and 8 directions, and the Lord of the Temple of Yama only felt that his arm was immediately shaken and numb.

A terrible destructive force continued to spread into his body along his arms, causing his whole body to tremble like an electric shock.

His chest stood up and down for a while, and as he stepped back, he also vomited a mouthful of blood.

Especially his arm, the internal bones seemed to have received a devastating blow, causing him to scream and struggle desperately.

The crowd was shocked. Looking at all of this in disbelief, the fists that Ye Feng had released did not have much power at all.

But why could it cause such a strong injury to the Lord of the Temple of Yama?

"This guy's strength is really good, I want to suppress it, it seems that I can only join hands!"

Not far away, the Necromancer spoke, with a cold light in his eyes.

Sect Master Ghost nodded for a while, and he could also feel the powerful aura released from Ye Feng.

Such strength has exceeded their imagination, in this case, how can they fight against Ye Feng alone.

The master of the ghosts and gods did not object, he just wanted to avenge the elders of the ghosts and gods, as for how to punish Ye Feng, he didn't care.

These four powerhouses reached an agreement in secret, and immediately, each body flashed, and how strong was the body's breath, and everyone released their strongest attack.

He blasted towards Ye Feng's body madly at an extremely fast speed.

For a time, this space was occupied by the opponent's destruction attack.

Many people on the scene trembled, and they didn't expect that these four powerhouses would attack Ye Feng together. In this way, even if Ye Feng's strength is so strong, it is impossible to truly contend with each other.

"Fortunately, you are still powerful and powerful. I didn't expect to be so despicable. You are really embarrassed to bully the less!"

Elder White Beard, who was not far away, said with a look of resentment.

There was a strong contempt in the eyes of these people.

The others are the same, with strong irony in their eyes.

However, Ye Feng didn't care much, just watched the opponent's attack come.

There was an extremely terrifying aura bursting out of him, and the terrifying fists burst out one after another, and the power contained in the sole power was not comparable to these four people.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard a terrifying concussion sound, and the power of destruction spread in 4 directions and 8 directions.

These four powerhouses didn't seem to have thought that Ye Feng would be able to compete with them.

And the shot speed is so fast.

After their attacks really collided, they felt the terrifying power of the attack released by Ye Feng.

That destructive force burst out like a spring, madly instilling in their bodies.

This made their bodies tremble, and they couldn't bear all this at all.

Each body was stunned and retreated, blood was vomiting out of his mouth, and his complexion was extremely pale.

This is the crush of strength, the crush of absolute strength, they simply can't resist.

Looking at Ye Feng, the eyes of the four of them were unbelievable. It was hard for them to imagine that such a powerful existence would appear in this area.

And this person is so young!


Several strange sounds sounded in succession, and almost at the same time, a terrible pressure burst out.

This pressure completely enveloped the bodies of the four of them.

It made the bodies of the four of them bear an irresistible pressure, and only felt that breathing became difficult.

Under that terrible pressure, they seemed to face death.

In fact, Ye Feng had already let them go before. If the attack power released by Ye Feng was further strengthened, they would have already been killed by Ye Fengzhu.

"I'm here to ask you, are you willing to surrender to my ghost temple? If you don't want to, kill without mercy!"

Ye Feng stood calmly on the spot and said to these four people.

The eyes of these four people flickered, and the light of astonishment on their faces was extremely strong.

Let them surrender to a young person like this. They were very unwilling and wanted to refute, but the pressure on Ye Feng was too strong.

If they refuse, they seem to have to face death!

"I am willing to surrender, and please hurry up and remove this pressure!"

The Hall Master of Yan Luo Palace was extremely violent, but this time, he did not dare to carry it any more, and suffered two terrible attacks from Ye Feng before.

He has lost half of his life, and now the pressure is too strong. If he continues to hold on, he may be brutally killed for the first time.

Seeing that the Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo chose to surrender, everyone present was taken aback. It seemed that they didn't expect that because such a resolute person would choose to surrender to Ye Feng for the first time.

The necromancer's eyes flickered, and he said to Ye Feng at this moment: "Zai Xia is willing to surrender to Your Excellency. From now on, I will be your head!"

The Sect Master of Demons also expressed his willingness to surrender at this moment.

The world is always respected by the strong, and powerful people can control everything, including the fate of others.

And the strength that Ye Feng just demonstrated had already reached this level, even if they wanted to resist, they didn't have that kind of ability.

The remaining ghosts and gods sect masters looked reluctant, but the other three had already surrendered, and he was the only one left. Where could Ye Feng's opponent be?

In this case, he can only express this willingness.

When Ye Feng saw these people surrender, he waved his hand at this moment, and a force of strength was released, removing the smell.

Let these four powerhouses breathe heavily, one by one in relief.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, and there were unbelievable expressions on their faces.

No one thought that Ye Feng's strength had reached this level.

These four people all have cultivation bases above the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the four of them are not the opponents of the young man in front of him, so how strong should this young man be?

"Since you can choose to surrender, then don't think about being betrayed. If anyone betrays me, I will make him die miserably!"

Ye Feng said to these four people. After saying this, his palm waved, and the law jue burst out, saying that the law jue contained a powerful restraining force.

Blooming out at this moment directly into the bodies of these four powerhouses.

The restraint was released on the body, making the bodies of all four of them tremble, only feeling that their bodies seemed to be controlled by that force.

As long as they have endless thoughts about Ye Feng in their hearts, that power will quickly invade their bodies!

This made the four faces a little ugly. They already knew that the other party had planted a restriction in their bodies to control them.

They can no longer develop any resistance to Ye Feng.

After completely controlling these four powerhouses, Ye Feng would have unified this area, and everyone would surrender to him.

If anyone dares to resist, there is only one dead end!

"I wonder what your plan is next?"

The Lord of the Temple of Yan Luo leaned forward and asked Ye Feng. Looking at Ye Feng's sharp eyes, he seemed to be able to see that the young man in front of him must have great ambitions.

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