Sky War God

Chapter 3143: Ye Feng's shame

Seeing familiar areas emerging in front of him, Ye Feng was extremely excited.

Not only him, Fengchen, and Luosha are also the same, they have also worked **** this land.

Now, revisiting the old place, the mood is naturally extremely comfortable.

Immediately afterwards, they crossed the desert of death and came to the area under the jurisdiction of the Nine Nether God Kingdom.

The Nine Nether God Kingdom was once regarded as a wild land by people who were too quiet. And now, it has also developed to an extremely prosperous point.

Not only did many top powerhouses emerge, but also foreign powerhouses came to join them.

Below, there is also a prosperous scene, with tall city walls and huge buildings everywhere.

This was a scene that Ye Feng had never seen when he was in the Nine Nether God Kingdom.

Among the abandoned imperial palaces in the Nine Nether Kingdom, there is an abandoned palace.

Here, it has been in a state of ban all the year round, and there is a strong yin inside it constantly sweeping out, giving people a feeling of creeps.

On the altar of this palace, a horrible whirlpool is constantly rotating, this whirlpool is extremely deep, as if leading to another world.

At this moment, the three of Ye Feng came to this palace.

The body leaped towards the vortex one after another, and this vortex was the passage leading to the world of Nine Netherworlds.

In fact, people like Ye Feng at the realm of cultivation level can open up a door of space with their own power and enter the world of Nine Netherworlds.

It's just that he wants to experience the road once again.

The body was constantly shuttled in that dark vortex. Soon he came to the first world of Nine Nether World.

This place is like in the past, shrouded by waves of terrifying death attribute power, the sky is gray and dark, and the earth is full of white bones, giving people a creepy feeling.

The three of Ye Feng didn't stay, and only took a few breaths, which had already straddled the nine-faced world.

Reaching the bottom end of the Nine Nether World of Nine Nethers, here, the aura of death is more intense, and the feeling of depression is intense to the extreme.

It is simply unbearable for ordinary people to arrive here.

The three of Ye Feng kept flying, and from time to time below the Jiuyou Nine Faces World Expert looked up at the sky, watching these three figures flying fast, they were extremely shocked.

In front, an extremely tall * appeared there, this * was enveloped by a dead gray aura, it looked like an extremely terrifying monster, hideous and terrifying.

Shady Mountain.

A high mountain outside of Youdu City, Ye Feng once reported to this place. He carried the elder of Jiuyou Divine Kingdom on his back and climbed over this * and entered Youdu City.

The past is vivid, and Ye Feng's mind seems to have the kind face of the old prince of the Nine Nether Kingdom.

I don't know how the other party is now.

Youdu City is now more prosperous. Ye Feng did not descend on Youdu City. He is extremely eager to reach the Yingui tribe area to see what happened to the Yingui tribe.

After crossing Youdu City, Ye Feng and the three went straight to the area where the Yin Ghost Tribe was located.

Ye Feng possesses the Yingui Shenwangling, and can easily pass through the space and enter the underworld with the help of Yinggui Shenwanglian.

Underworld, that is another world beyond Lingtian Continent.

There are many unknowns here, even Ye Feng today has only entered the most marginal place of the underworld.

As for the core area of ​​the underworld, Ye Feng didn't know.

Here, perhaps, like the Nine Heavens, it forms a world on its own, with an area that is so vast that the patient cannot imagine it.

However, Ye Feng had never been there and could not be confirmed.

The ghost tribe is in an internal space on the edge of the underworld. In order to avoid enemies from the outside world, they have lived in this space for millions of years.

After a long period of proliferation, it also possesses a certain level of strength, but compared to those large sect forces, it has to be inserted more than one level.

Even compared with the hegemonic power Nether Temple in this area, it can't be compared.

The Nether Temple, which governs the vast and endless territory, has many powerful people, and when Ye Feng entered the underworld that year, there were many frictions with this force.

In Huang Liangcheng's Yin family, in order to help Yin Heng deal with Young Master Lin, Ye Feng was spotted by the powerhouse of Nether Temple.

The Nether Temple powerhouse invited Ye Feng to practice in the Nether Temple, but Ye Feng refused.

As a result, the powerful Nether Temple held a grudge against Ye Feng. In addition, Young Master Lin hated Ye Feng.

The powerful Nether Temple combined with Young Master Lin's family power to encircle Ye Feng.

If it weren't for Ye Feng's many hole cards, he might have died in that lore.

Even so, Ye Feng was seriously injured in that battle and even lost consciousness.

Thanks to the strong of the Yingui tribe, he rescued Ye Feng into the inner space of the Yingui tribe and helped him heal his injuries.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng still remembered it still fresh, just because of his limited time at the beginning, his hatred for Young Master Lin and the Nether Temple was sealed.

This time, they also flew past the land above Huangliang City, but due to limited time, they did not stay.

Instead, he entered the inner space where the ghost tribe was located, after entering this space.

The three of Ye Feng were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Today's ghost tribe area is devastated, the earth seems to have been roasted by the terrible ghost fire, and many plants have been burned to ashes.

In the area where the Yin Ghost Tribe is located, the building completely collapsed and turned into a ruin. On the ground, the bodies of many powerful Yin Ghost tribes fell there, looking extremely miserable.

After seeing this scene, the eyes of Ye Feng, Fengchen and Luosha flashed with an extremely cold luster.

An angry flame was released from his body, and Ye Feng roared: "Who did this?"

As he spoke, a cold breath burst out of Ye Feng's body, making this space depressed.

"Someone discovered the inner space of the Yin Ghost Tribe before they came here to massacre the people of the Yin Ghost Tribe!"

Feng Chen gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were red, and an extremely cold luster flashed in his eyes.

He has lived in the ghost tribe since he was a child, and the ghost tribe has very special emotions for him.

More importantly, his closest relatives and best friends are also in the Yingui tribe.

Now that the Yingui tribe is facing such a disaster, Fengchen's mood can be imagined.


At this moment, there was a coughing sound from the prescription seat not far away, and immediately attracted the eyes of Ye Feng's trio.


Ye Feng asked coldly, and saw a white-haired old man tremblingly walking out of a hidden place in ruins.

This white-haired old man looked very embarrassed. He was ragged and wounded, extremely weak, and his eyes were full of fear.

Seeing the arrival of the three of Ye Feng, this old man was even more pale, and bowed to the three of Ye Feng and prayed: "Three adults, don't kill me, I will take care of my little grandson, please show mercy…"

Ye Feng's eyes flashed, looking at this old man, feeling sad.

Behind this old man was a four or five-year-old child who was equally dirty, with a little timidity on his immature face.

Little hands hug his grandfather's legs and dare not show up.

"Old man, I am Feng Chen, I am back..."

Feng Chen stepped forward quickly and lifted the body of this old man, saying with some excitement.

Hearing Fengchen's words, the old man was taken aback and stopped praying.

It seemed to be in deep thought, and it took a long time to react, and he muttered silently: "Fengchen?"

"Old man, don't you know me? I am Fengchen, the son of the second elder."

Fengchen explained again.

"Fengchen, son of the second elder... You, have been away from the Yingui tribe for a long time, are you finally back?"

Speaking of the second elder, this old man suddenly remembered Fengchen's identity.

It stands to reason that Fengchen has left the Yingui tribe with Ye Feng for more than 200 years. Even for Wu Xiu, 200 years is not short, and the memory can fade over time.

"Yes, I'm back, this one is Ye Feng, the lord of our Yin Ghost Temple, and he has come back to see you."

Fengchen's eyes were red, and he gave up a position and said to the old man.

The old man's eyes flickered, he looked at Ye Feng on the opposite side, and after a careful look, he suddenly burst into tears.

"His Lord, you are the Lord, the old man is right, is this true? The Lord is back to see us!"

This old man was extremely excited, and quickly stepped forward, and he knelt to the ground directly facing Ye Feng with his arms supporting Ye Feng.

Looking at all this, Ye Feng felt like a knife twisted in his heart. He has been the master of the Yin Ghost Temple for more than 200 years.

This is the first time he has returned to the Yin Ghost Temple to visit these people, speaking of which, he is really very guilty.

Especially seeing the current appearance of the Yin Ghost Temple, he was even more sad.

"Old man, get up quickly, Ye Feng is sorry for you, and Ye Feng apologizes for you!"

Ye Feng lifted the old man up and said with a look of guilt.

"His Lord, don't want to say that, how can you be like me with such a noble status?"

The old man hurriedly said to Ye Feng, with a respectful look in his eyes.

They always remember the Yin Ghost Temple that a young man came to the Yin Ghost Tribe with the Yin Ghost God King Order over 200 years ago.

Their ghost tribe, see the ghost **** king order, like see the hall master.

Therefore, they recognized Ye Feng as the master of the Yin Ghost Temple, and they would never forget it in their lifetime.

Ye Feng is back now, he is extremely excited, and will never blame Ye Feng at all.

"Old man, what happened to the Yin Ghost Tribe? Who did it on the Yin Ghost Tribe? Where did Elder Bai Xu go?"

Ye Feng asked this elder, his senses were released, and there was no trace of Elder Bai Ju and others in the Yin Ghost Tribe, even the other's body was not there.

"It's the Nether Temple. The Nether Temple found the place where we live and sent many powerful men to come and fight against my ghost tribe. Let the people of my ghost tribe be their slaves. They slaughtered us and took all Elder Bai Xu and them away."

Let an old man cry, his expression full of hatred.


Hearing this old man's statement, Ye Feng's pupils immediately flashed an extremely cold luster, and his fists were clenched, and there was a sound of skeletal dislocation.

He suddenly felt regretful in his heart. When he had the ability, he should have cleared all obstacles in the Ming Realm for the Yin Ghost Tribe, and let the other party develop in the Under Realm carefree.

Now, it is too late to say that this is, the ghost tribe has suffered an irreversible blow, and the powerful Chinese ghost tribe have been slaughtered by the people of the Nether Temple.

Even Elder Whitebeard and the others were taken away by the opponent!

Fengchen's eyes were also extremely red when he heard all this. When he and Ye Feng left the Yin Ghost Tribe, both his parents and brothers stayed here.

Now, they should also be taken away by the people of the Nether Temple. It is difficult to judge whether it is life or death.

"Elders, please rest assured, Elder White Beard and the others will be fine, Nether Temple will be removed from the Underworld!"

Ye Feng said to the old man, after saying this, he stepped out of the Yin Ghost tribe space.

Fengchen and Luosha looked at Ye Feng's back, and could feel Ye Feng's determination, and then they followed behind.

The Nether Temple is a dominant power in the marginal area of ​​the underworld, where there are many top powerhouses.

Especially in the last few decades, the Nether Temple has expanded rapidly in the area around the city, looting many cultivation resources.

This also allowed the core powerhouses of the Nether Temple to develop rapidly, and everyone's strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The master of the Nether Temple, the cultivation base has reached the level of the emperor, and it is terrifying in this area.

The several great protectors who sat down by the Lord of the Nether Temple also possessed the pinnacle level of ghosts.

Such a cultivation realm was hard to imagine when Ye Feng reached the underworld.

In just over 200 years, the Nether Temple has developed to this point, which is indeed very rare.

Today's Nether Temple covers an even wider area, and the temple is like a towering mountain.

It was just suspended above an open area, surrounded by endless ghosts, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

Standing at the bottom of this temple at will, the whole person's cultivation level seems to have improved.

Every day, strong people from the edge of the famous world come here to worship, and use the powerful ghost energy released from the Nether Temple area to practice.

For them, this has a strong cultivation effect.

At this time, three figures flew in the air for a moment, and all three of them released powerful ghost energy, and the entire sky trembling everywhere they went.

Very terrifying pressure was given to the strong below, and many people's bodies were turned to the ground by that terrible ghost storm, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Who are these three people? How could such a powerful aura be released? Is it possible that they are also powerful figures in the Nether Temple?"

Someone said so for the first time, looking at the three of Ye Feng with a bit of disbelief.

Ye Feng and the three did not pay attention to the words spoken by these people, and moved forward quickly. It didn't take long for their bodies to be suspended in the sky above the Nether Temple.

As the overlord power in this area, the Nether Temple has unshakable majesty.

The three of Ye Feng were condescending, suspended in the sky above this palace, which is definitely a very disrespectful move for the Nether Temple.

"Who is coming over my Nether Temple, roll down and cut off your legs and apologize!"

An icy voice came from the Nether Temple, and this voice contained extreme indifference.

After hearing this voice, everyone present showed a somewhat fearful expression on their faces.

This is the majesty of the Nether Temple, because these three people are suspended in the sky above the Nether Temple, and they have to take the initiative to cut off their legs and apologize.

This caused them to feel fear involuntarily in their hearts, and their bodies retreated for a while, for fear that they would violate a certain taboo of the Nether Temple.

"Let your temple master come out and see me!"

Ye Feng didn't seem to be in the mood to care about these people at all, but said directly to the people in the Nether Temple.

After saying this sentence, the expressions of everyone present were involuntarily stunned. It seemed that they did not expect that this young figure would dare to say such arrogant words.

This is the Nether Temple, the overlord-level forces in this area, whoever offends the Nether Temple powerhouse will definitely not end well.

The three young people in front of them not only violated the majesty of the Nether Temple, but after arriving at the Nether Temple, they directly asked the Lord of the Nether Temple to come out and see him.

Really arrogant enough!

The look of the strong man in the Nether Temple was also taken aback, and then he couldn't help but smile at Ye Feng sarcastically: "Are you crazy or scared? I asked you to cut off your legs and apologize. What are you looking for our hall master? What kind of person is our palace lord, in fact, people like you can see it if you see it?"

However, after the words of this Nether Temple powerhouse uttered, everyone present saw a terrifying wind quickly pass by.

For the first time, it hit half of the face of the Nether Temple powerhouse, making this Nether Temple powerhouse unable to react.

The body was taken away directly, blood was spit out from his mouth, and his face was extremely pale.

The person who shot is really Fengchen!

This scene immediately stunned everyone present. They didn't even see how Feng Chen made the move, and the body of the Nether Temple powerhouse was directly taken away.

You know, the other party is a strong ghost emperor, how terrible the strength is, how ordinary people can compare.

However, under the attack of this young man in front of him, such a ghost emperor level of great power was so vulnerable.

"Shut up your stinky mouth, our main hall is to do what you do, you do what you do, where is so much nonsense!"

Feng Chen glanced over the body of the powerful Nether Temple, and said to him indifferently.

After this sentence was said, the Nether Temple powerhouse immediately became even more angry. He wanted to say something, but he felt his chest undulate on the ground, and he was so angry that he spit out blood again.

"This guy is so strong, who is he?"

Someone said this for the first time, and his eyes fell on Fengchen's body with an unbelievable expression.

The rest of the people nodded one after another. It seemed that these three young people dared to come to the land above the Nether Temple in this manner, and they had a certain ability.

"How dare you hit my Nether Temple powerhouse, it seems that my Nether Temple must impose the most tragic punishment!"

The rest of the Nether Temple powerhouses said indifferently, they have absolute self-confidence as the people of the Nether Temple.

As soon as the words fell, the bodies of those strong in the Nether Temple flickered.

Quickly flashed towards the direction where Ye Feng and the others were.

The figure speed is extremely fast, and there is a breath of terror bursting out between random flying.

A series of terrifying palm prints descended in the void, and the power contained in each palm print was beyond imagination.

There seemed to be endless resentful spirits emerging, capable of swallowing all existence.

However, in the face of these people's attacks, Ye Feng's body was still suspended there, not caring.

But seeing Fengchen Luosha's bodies moved, the ghostly energy released from them seemed even more terrifying.

In the face of these people's attacks, the two blasted out several fists in succession. Their fists were extremely violent and full of endless domineering power.

In a short time, it collided with the attacks of these Nether Temple powerhouses. Then, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling terror and concussion continuously, and the destructive power spread in all directions.

Fengchen, both Luosha's cultivation realm reached the level of Saint Emperor, facing the attack of these ghostly people, naturally they were able to catch them.

Their attacks are invincible, causing each other's attacks to collapse and destroy one after another, without any resistance.

But the power of the fists released by the two of them has not diminished in any way, and the power that has penetrated all is madly blasted towards each other's body.

"How is it possible? How is this possible, why is the offensive power released by these two young people so powerful?"

These Nether Temple powerhouses made unbelievable voices, and felt the power of the other two releasing their fists.

They tried to dodge this for the first time, but the opponent's fist contained an extremely powerful restraint.

Enveloping their bodies completely, even if their bodies want to avoid them, they can't do this at all.

Can only watch the other side's fist coming!

Then, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks again and again.

Fengchen, the fist light released by the two Luosha descended on the bodies of these Nether Temple powerhouses without any barriers.

Astonishing screams were made from the mouths of these Nether Temple powerhouses. At this moment, their bodies were directly shaken out. When they landed, blood was spit out from their mouths, and their faces were extremely pale!

Many people were killed on the spot under the influence of that destructive force, and the rest were completely abolished.

This scene caused the hearts of everyone present to tremble, and all of them appeared unbelievable, and the rest of them did the same. Some people even thought that they were wrong, or they had hallucinations.

These two young people are so face-to-face, why are they so powerful?

"Who are you? Why did you come to my Nether Temple to make trouble!"

A strong Nether Temple asked Ye Feng and the others tremblingly.

"A member of the ghost tribe!"

Fengchen replied without hesitation.

After this sentence was said, the expressions of those strong in the Nether Temple were immediately taken aback, and then a bit of unbelievable appeared on their faces.

They all knew that the ghost tribe had been completely wiped out by their Nether Temple.

The strong men of the Yingui tribe were slain by slaying, and those who were captured were taken away. This power had already collapsed and destroyed.

Now, how could it be possible for three more young people to come here, and the strength of these three people is beyond their imagination.

"Thief, dare to come to my Nether Temple to make trouble, today, my Nether Temple will not kill you, nothing is human!"

Almost at the same time, there was such an extremely indifferent voice in the Nether Temple.

Immediately afterwards, eight figures emerged, and these eight figures were all middle-aged strong men.

Their auras are extremely strong, and everyone releases terrible ghost auras. Standing there at will can give people an extremely sharp feeling.

The eyes of the crowd flickered, watching these 8 people appear, their faces immediately showed a bit of astonishment, and only one person said: "It is the eight great guardians of the Nether Temple, the eight great guardians have arrived, these three young people The arrival of the eight great guardians shocked, and it seems that their good days are coming to an end."

After saying this sentence, many people present nodded one after another, thinking that the words spoken by this person had some truth.

In the Nether Temple, in addition to the master of the Nether Temple, the strength of the Eight Great Law Protectors is very terrifying.

Especially when these 8 people work together, ordinary people in the Saint Emperor Realm may not be the opponents of these 8 people. It is enough to imagine the importance of these 8 people to the Nether Temple.

After the eight guardians arrived, their eyes fell on Feng Chen's body for the first time. Before, they saw the scene where Feng Chen Luosha two shot.

Therefore, he has regarded Fengchen Rakshasa as the main opponent.

"Are the eight of you here to die? I advise you, let your palace master get out quickly!"

Feng Chen said sarcastically, the eyes of these eight guardians were full of cold murderous intent.

The eight guardians of the law were taken aback for a moment, and then a strong ironic smile appeared on their faces.

I only heard one person say: "You can speak big words at a young age. It seems that the eight of us should teach you how to be a human being!"

After saying this, everyone present saw the strong aura erupting from the eight great guardians of the Nether Temple.

A wave of terrifying coercion kept lingering around his body, and the power released was beyond imagination.

Immediately facing Fengchen for the first time, the two Rakshasa released an extremely terrifying attack. They were the powerhouses of the peak level of the ghost emperor.

The power that can be displayed is naturally beyond imagination.

A guardian's attack came to Feng Chen's body first, and a bloodthirsty light appeared on Feng Chen's face.

He didn't care at all, as soon as he hit the punch, his punch didn't seem to have much power at all.

But just by relying on the powerful cultivation realm, this fist of the loyal minister can be described as invincible.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with the opponent's attack. Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The eyes of the guardian of the Nether Temple were extremely sharp, and there was a bit of irony in his expression.

It seemed to him that his attack was easy to deal with Fengchen, and Fengchen was looking for death if he dared to contend with him.

However, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, the expression on the face of the guardian of the Nether Temple completely solidified in place.

He only felt his body trembled, and the attacking power of the opponent had exceeded his imagination.

The penetrating power contained in that fist light was simply too terrifying, and immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the sound of creaking creaking.

Under the influence of Fengchen's fist, the other's palm prints were shaken and destroyed, but Fengchen's punch did not weaken in any way, and penetrated everything!

This made the guardian of the Nether Temple amazed and tried to dodge it, but everything seemed to be too late.

Fengchen's fist had already arrived across the space, only to hear a horrible trembling sound.

Accompanied by this is the screaming voice of this guardian of the Nether Temple.

Under Fengchen's fist, the opponent's body was directly shaken out, and blood was spit out from his mouth when he landed.

But the destructive power contained in that punch still spread over the opponent's body, causing all the skeletal cells of the organs and tissues inside the opponent's body to burst, completely losing their lives.

A strong man at the level of law protector was killed with a punch!

This scene caused the hearts of all the people present to tremble fiercely, and their faces appeared a little unbelievable.

It is difficult for them to imagine what level of strength this young figure has reached.

The complexions of the other guardians also didn't look good. Almost at the same time, Rakshasa's attack had exploded.

The terrifying big palm prints that cover the sky descended from the sky, and the palm prints contained extremely terrifying ghost element power.

The power is also tyrannical to the extreme. This chapter directly envelops the bodies of the two major law-protectors, and the two major law-protectors immediately felt the power contained in the palmprint of the other party.

They naturally did not dare to sit still, and quickly released their attacks to resist, but the power of Rakshasa's palm print was much stronger than they thought.

Accompanied by the terrible concussion sound, the attacks of the two of them were swallowed brutally at this moment.

But the palm print of Raksha came across the space, not only covering a very wide area, but also extremely powerful.

Just listen to the terrifying and concussive sound of the dinosaurs, the palm print of Raksha also descends on the bodies of these two these two protectors. A desperate expression, their bodies shook wildly, and a wave of destructive power was constantly instilling into their bodies.

It made their bodies tremble crazily, their bodies were directly shaken out, and blood was spit out in the void.

Due to the huge difference in strength, these two law-protectors were also killed on the spot!

In less than two breaths, the eight great law protectors were killed three people, the gap is obvious!

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Ye Feng is back to the underworld. Everyone has the support of flowers. Recently, he is studying a new book. If no surprises, I will meet with you in more than a month. I will write two books together. Book, I hope everyone can continue to support me, thank you!

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