Sky War God

Chapter 3140: Sovereign of Yunshang Shenzong

The Bloodthirsty Bat King is an extremely terrifying existence. His cultivation realm has already reached the level of the peak of the late Heaven Emperor realm, and he is only one step away from casting the body of the gods.

More importantly, the bloodthirsty bat king is a powerful monster of the monster race, and the bloodthirsty curse he controls is extremely dangerous.

Once hit by the Bloodthirsty Curse, the blood of the person hit will quickly dry up, and will eventually be pulled apart into a mummy, which is extremely terrifying.

Many powerful people of the Shenzong on the Cloud saw the bloodthirsty bat king coming, and their faces appeared a little excited.

Only one person said: "My God Sect on the Cloud finally has a powerful and powerful person, I want to see how this guy can survive."

Many people nodded one after another, agreeing with what the person said.

After the bloodthirsty bat king's body arrived, his eyes scanned the people present for the first time, and finally fixed on Ye Feng's body.

His gaze was extremely sharp, and he said, "Who are you? The Shenzong dare to do evil on my cloud, is it possible that he came to die on the initiative!"

The Bloodthirsty Bat King has a very high status among the Divine Sect on the Clouds and is respected by thousands of people. Therefore, he can hardly conceal a arrogance, and he also has a lofty look in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at him with sharp eyes. Shenzong on the Cloud had nothing to do with him, but the other party gave his wife Zhao Xinyi an idea.

And tried to take Zhao Xinyi away.

Ye Feng's relatives and friends who stayed in the Four Gods Dynasty were also threatened by these people.

Now, Zhao Xinyi is about to give birth. If Ye Feng did not happen to return, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Looking back now, Ye Feng was still terrified for a while, and all this must be attributed to the Shenzong on the Cloud.

Injustice and debt are in charge, Ye Feng will never take action against others for no reason, unless the other party actively violated his interests.

This is the case with Shenzong on the Clouds, which almost killed his family. Ye Feng naturally had to count it with the other party.

"You are not qualified to talk to me, let your sovereign come to see me!"

Ye Feng spoke coldly to the bloodthirsty bat king, he had already learned that the sect master of the gods on the cloud was a powerful existence who had forged the body of a god.

But the other party did not get the **** position, Ye Feng really wanted to know what level the strength of the person who cast the body of the **** had reached.

After saying this sentence, the bloodthirsty bat king looked stunned, as if he thought he had heard it wrong.

Where is the courage of the young man in front of him, dare to say such arrogant words.

"King Bat, this person has no respect and long-sightedness. He has insulted my God Sect on the Cloud many times. He did it deliberately. Don't give him any chance to survive. Kill him!"

The old man who presided over the enrollment assessment before said to the bloodthirsty bat king, the words with extreme indifference.

The bloodthirsty bat king lightly nodded his head, his eyes fell on Ye Feng again, and a black breath burst out.

That breath was very terrifying, a very terrifying palm print of destruction was condensed in a short time, and this palm print covered the sky and covered the sun.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Ye Feng's body, causing the airflow in the square to fly wildly. As if turned into a doomsday scene.

Looking at all this, Ye Feng didn't evade, the Hell Heart Sutra was released, and the terrifying power of **** lingered around him, setting off his whole body extremely violently.

The power of **** gushes out and gathers on his arm. Immediately a destructive fist burst into the void within a short time.

The power of this destructive fist was beyond imagination, and the danger of destroying everything came in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two really collided together, and everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

The Bloodthirsty Bat King didn't seem to think that Ye Feng would dare to compete with him. An ironic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Once again, he instilled a destructive force into his own attack, but the moment when the two attacks really collided.

The bloodthirsty bat king felt the power contained in Ye Feng's fist, and that **** force seemed to penetrate all existence.

Constantly pouring into the body of the bloodthirsty bat king, the bloodthirsty bat king felt this power for the first time, and was able to ignore his attack and poured into his body from the air.

This caused his body to be enveloped by a force of hell, and his body trembled at this moment, as if his life was about to be stripped away.

However, the bloodthirsty bat king deserves to be a powerful and powerful man who has experienced many battles, and he feels the power of **** sweeping.

Mobilize all the potential within his body for the first time, and forcibly remove the terrifying power of hell.

And his body was shaken back one after another at this moment, and his complexion didn't look good.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, causing a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces.

The Bloodthirsty Bat King is the top powerhouse of Shenzong on the Cloud, and the attack power he just released is indeed strong enough. Under normal circumstances, Ye Feng should not be able to compete with the opponent.

However, at this moment, the two closely collided once, and the bloodthirsty bat king looked so embarrassed. Is it possible that the young man in front of him has the strength to compete with the bloodthirsty bat king?

"I said, you are not qualified to talk to me. If you have such a strength, you should stop as soon as possible. If you don't, you won't be able to keep it in the evening."

Ye Feng stood with his hands covered and looked at the bloodthirsty bat king and said that now he, practicing the Hell Heart Sutra and gaining the inheritance of the **** of hell, has the qualifications to cast the body of the gods.

It's just that there is no chance. Although the bloodthirsty bat king's strength is strong, it is still a level worse than Ye Feng today.

The Bloodthirsty Bat King was so humiliated by a young man, he naturally felt dissatisfied and couldn't help but gritted his teeth to Ye Feng and said: "You have hidden your strength and let this seat underestimate the enemy, which led to your first confrontation to gain the upper hand. But then, this seat will not give you a chance, die!"

The breath of the bloodthirsty bat king burst out, and the purple-black breath kept evolving in the void.

Transformed into a bloodthirsty behemoth, those bloodthirsty behemoths holding extremely sharp weapons, trampled on the sky and descended, launching terrifying attacks towards Ye Feng's body.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty bat king stretched out his hand, and a bloodthirsty sword appeared in his hand.

This bloodthirsty sword showed a blood-red color, and there seemed to be endless resentful spirits emerging inside it, making waves of wailing sounds, giving people a creepy feeling.

Obviously, this bloodthirsty sword once swallowed many undead of human martial arts.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty bat king, holding the bloodthirsty sword, seemed so powerful.

Step forward at will, the long sword in his hand will drop from the void, a sword light descends, and the entire space will be smashed and shattered!

The crowd trembled. Looking at the sword light displayed by the Bloodthirsty Bat King, a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

The opponent's attack power is really terrifying, if it really falls on Ye Feng's body, it will definitely cause very serious damage to Ye Feng!

"Thief, you are proud to die under this bloodthirsty sword!"

The bloodthirsty bat king spoke to Ye Feng, and as he spoke, the bloodthirsty sword drew a blood-red light in the space.

At this moment, it came down, as if to completely punish Ye Feng's body.

A look of disdain appeared on Ye Feng's face, and he didn't care about the sword light displayed by the other party.

The people present didn't seem to have thought that Ye Feng would still be so calm and composed. In their opinion, Ye Feng's move was a bit too arrogant.

Almost at the same time, on Ye Feng's body, a force of good fortune was released, and this force of good fortune continued to gush out, and the light of good fortune enveloped Ye Feng's body.

His body is the source of good fortune, and the most powerful force of good fortune is constantly emerging, and it is gathered in his palm little by little.

A long sword appeared on his palm, and this long sword was the sword of good fortune.

The sword of good fortune is a weapon left over by the **** of good fortune, and its power is naturally terrifying.

Facing the opponent's sword light, Ye Feng used the sword of good fortune to madly display a sword light.

The power of good fortune contained in this piece surpassed the imagination of the people present, and reached the sword of the bloodthirsty sword in just an instant.


Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a very loud metal impact sound, and two sword lights collided in the void.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, and the power it carried was beyond imagination.

The bloodthirsty bat king has sharp eyes, constantly instilling destructive power into his sword light.

The terrifying undead kept roaring, trying to release the most terrifying destruction attack at this moment.

He wanted to swallow Ye Feng's sword light of good fortune, but the power of the sword light of good fortune was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

A ray of sword light shone out, causing the bloodthirsty sword light released by the opponent to crack slightly.

It didn't take long for everyone present to hear a click, and the sword light of the other party collapsed and destroyed.

The power of Ye Feng's sword light has not diminished in any way. The power of good fortune is one of the sources of all power between heaven and earth.

Beyond the Five Elements, ordinary attacks can't really contend with them.

This sword light came madly, causing a bit of astonishment to appear on the bloodthirsty bat king's face, and his body quickly retreated at this moment.

However, Ye Feng's sword light is not only powerful, but also incredibly fast.

Within a short time, a deep blood mark was drawn in front of the bloodthirsty bat king's body, and the bloodthirsty bat king let out a scream.

There was blood released in front of him, it looked miserable!

The expressions of everyone present trembled, and no one thought that the sword light that Ye Feng had just chopped out would have such power.


Almost at the same time, a more terrifying concussive sound came through, and Ye Feng stepped forward, his body shape extremely fast.

The first time he came to the body of the bloodthirsty bat king, the bloodthirsty bat king was frightened and his face turned blue and white.

There had been injuries just before his death, making him somewhat afraid to contend with Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn't say anything to the other party. The long sword in his hand slashed out frantically, and the power contained in that sword light became stronger and stronger, and for a short time, he fell on the body of the bloodthirsty bat king. in front of.

The Bloodthirsty Bat King was frightened and could only show his sword light to resist again.

However, his sword light couldn't compete with Ye Feng, he just listened to the shocking sound.

The sword light of the Bloodthirsty Bat King was once again swallowed, and in front of Ye Feng, he was not worth mentioning.


Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a muffled sound, Ye Feng's sword light power was beyond imagination, and he directly cut off one of the bloodthirsty bat king's arms.

The blood was released, and the bloodthirsty bat king let out a scream, his face was extremely pale.

It is hard for him to imagine that a young man who exhibited sword light at will possess such terrible power.

Everyone present was stunned. They all thought that Ye Feng would be easily killed by the opponent when the Bloodthirsty Bat King came.

Unexpectedly, even if the opponent is very strong, but still unable to compete with Ye Feng, the strength that Ye Feng displayed is indeed too terrifying, and the sword light released is even more invincible.

"Thief, how dare you cut my arm, I must make you pay the price!"

The Bloodthirsty Bat King said to Ye Feng indifferently. After saying this, his body jumped into the air at this moment and quickly fled from here.

Ye Feng did not pursue the opponent, but waited in place.

He knew that it would not be long before the people he wanted to meet might be here.

These people tried to beat his wife and children, and he would have to make the other party pay the price.

The many young and powerful people present were stunned, especially those who had fought against Ye Feng during the assessment before, were even more afraid.

The bloodthirsty bat king is not Ye Feng's opponent. They fought with Ye Feng before, as long as Ye Feng was willing to release an attack at will, they could no longer resist.

Thinking of this, cold sweat appeared on their foreheads, and the feeling of fear in their hearts became stronger.

"I really don't know what this young man did when he came to my Shenzong on the cloud, dare to be so arrogant, is it possible that he is really not afraid of my great power and power on the Shenzhong on the cloud, and completely punish him Drop it?"

Someone said so for the first time, and the rest nodded.

"I don't know where fellow daoists came, and the Sect Master Shenzong is polite in Xiayun."

Almost at the same time, in the void, when the sound rang, it immediately attracted the eyes of many people present.

The hearts of the powerhouses of Shenzong on the Cloud*, did not expect that the lord of the Shenlong saw the head but did not see the end actually appeared.

Moreover, he arrived here so quickly, it seems that the influence caused by this young man is indeed great.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a middle-aged strong man appeared out of thin air in the void.

This middle-aged strong man is wearing a gorgeous robe, and his whole person looks a bit refined.

But it is such a person who gives people the impulse to worship at a glance.

"Master Sect Master, it's really Lord Sect Master has arrived!"

Someone said so for the first time, and the eyes of the middle-aged strong man showed a bit of pilgrimage.

Immediately afterwards, many of the powerful people of the Shenzong on the Cloud all bowed to the ground, bowing to this middle-aged powerful person.

The Bloodthirsty Bat King, whose arm had been cut off by Ye Feng before, also followed the Sect Master Yunshang Shenzong.

In addition to the bloodthirsty bat king, not far from the master of the gods on the cloud. There are also several elderly people coming together.

The auras of these people are extremely ethereal and surging, and they can be seen at a glance as top powerful figures.

They rarely show up. This time, it was heard that the Shenzong on the Cloud had an invasion by foreign enemies, and this person had also cut off an arm of the Bloodthirsty Bat King before they came out.

I really want to know who is the person who made this sensation.

However, at this moment, they only saw such a young young figure, which instantly solidified their expressions. It seemed that he didn't expect that a young youth like Ye Feng would have such strength.

"Are you the Sect Master of God on the Cloud?"

Ye Feng looked at the elegant middle-aged strong man and asked.

The other party is an existence that casts the body of a god, and there is a looming light from the **** around his body, covering the other party's body, and it looks truly extraordinary.

Especially the bursts of breath released from the opponent. It can give Ye Feng an inexplicable pressure.

Even so, Ye Feng still didn't seem to care. Asked it.

The sect master of the gods on the cloud flashed, as if he did not expect that the young man in front of him would still pose such a high posture in front of him.

"It's under."

The demeanor of the sect master of the gods on the cloud returned to normal, even though he had already cast the body of a god, and controlled the special power that many gods possess.

But at the moment he still seems very humble and polite.

"I don't know where your Excellency comes from? Why did you come to me to make trouble in Shenzong?"

The Sect Master of God on the Cloud asked Ye Feng, even if Ye Feng was making trouble here, he still seemed not to be angry.

The words spoken were somewhat peaceful.

This may be the difference between the person who made the gods and the ordinary martial arts characters.

"First ask what your subordinates have done. Why bother to ask me?"

Ye Feng stood up with his hand and said.

Ye Feng felt extremely angry when he thought of the crisis Zhao Xinyi and his relatives and friends had almost faced before.

The supreme master of the Shenzong on Yun's face was gloomy, and he was an absolute hegemon in this area.

Who would dare to talk to him like this?

However, at this moment, he had tried his best to cover the foot fluid, but Ye Feng still questioned him reluctantly.

Moreover, such questioning in public made the Sect Master Yunshang very faceless.

"Master Sect Master, the fetus in the womb of this person's wife possesses the blood of Long Yuan, and his subordinates have been able to find out that Master Sect Master will take this person down soon, and the blood of Long Yuan will belong to my God Sect on the Cloud!"

At this moment, from the periphery of this square, there was such a voice.

Immediately attracted the attention of many people present, and they saw two figures step by step at the entrance of the square.

These two people were really Shen Bin who had gone to the Four Gods to make trouble before, and they were charming.

The two of them were defeated by Dong Ming and Chen Liang before and fled. Now they have just returned to the Shenzong on the Clouds and they have seen such a scene.

Shen Bin, who was angry in his heart, told the truth desperately.

After his words were spoken, the eyes of everyone present froze for a while, and an expression of extreme shock appeared on their faces.

The blood of Long Yuan is no stranger to the many powerful and powerful people of the Shenzong on the Cloud.

Before, the Sect Master of the Gods on Yun gave them an order to find the blood of Dragon Abyss.

If found, there must be a reward.

And this time the search took thousands of years, and almost all the powers of the Shenzong on the Cloud took action, and there was still no person with this bloodline.

However, at this moment, Dong Bin actually said such words, the young wife in front of him, and the child in his belly, actually possessed the blood of Long Yuan. This news is absolutely explosive for everyone present.

Even the Sect Master of Shenzong on the Clouds, his eyes were slightly frozen, and his face showed unbelievable points.

The blood of Long Yuan is rare for thousands of years. He himself has not known how many years he has been searching for it, and there has been no news.

Nowadays, one of his subordinates said that the unborn offspring of a young figure has such bloodlines, which is indeed unimaginable.

"What you said is true?"

The Sect Master of Shenzong on the Cloud asked Dong Bin.

Dong Bin nodded heavily and said, "It's true, Lord Sovereign believes me."

After this sentence was said, the eyes of the Sect Master of Shenzong on Yun flickered.

Turning his head to look like Ye Feng, he said: "Your Excellency is really a great man, and his heirs have this kind of blood, which is really enviable."

When he said these words, the gaze of the Sect Master Yunshang Shenzong looking at Ye Feng revealed a bit of greed.

Ye Feng was also a little shocked, he had already probed Zhao Xinyi's physical condition before that.

Among them, there was an abnormal bloodline, but Ye Feng had been unable to confirm all of this.

Now that he heard the explanation from the other party, he realized that his child was indeed extraordinary.

He had heard of the blood of Long Yuan for the first time, but from this vocabulary, Ye Fengxian could tell that this kind of blood was unusual.

"I came here today just to warn you, don't have any unruly thoughts about my wife and children, if not, I will let you be buried with everyone in the sky!"

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, and he looked at the Sect Master of God on the Cloud and said.

This sentence was full of strong threats, and everyone present could not help but be stunned. It seemed that Ye Feng was in the Shenzong Yunsect, and he even dared to say such threatening words to the Shenzong Yunshang Sect Master.

After speaking this sentence, before the Sect Master of God on the Cloud could react, Ye Feng had already stepped out of the square.

This scene made the faces of many powerful people in the Shenzong on the cloud blue and white.

How powerful are their Shenzong on the Cloud, but where the absolute hegemonic power in this area can allow people like Ye Feng to challenge their majesty so much?

"Om, hum..."

Therefore, when Ye Feng tried to leave, everyone present heard two strange sounds, and they immediately attracted their attention.

I saw two figures stepping out on both sides of the body of the Sect Master of God on the Cloud, both of them were old powerful men.

They are one of the few top figures in the Yunshang Shenzong, and they have lived in seclusion among the Yunshang Shenzong for many years.

Now that they saw Ye Feng's arrogance, they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Junior, the old man really doesn't understand where your arrogant capital is at your age. Since you are here, don't even think about leaving safely!"

One of the powerful figures of the Shenzong on the Clouds said so. After saying this, everyone present saw this great figure of the Shenzong on the Clouds with a big hand directly pressed towards Ye Feng's shoulder.

Trying to restrain Ye Feng's body!

A cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, without turning his head back, he continued to move forward.

The opponent's arm was resting on his shoulder, and there was an extremely terrifying flame attribute power bursting out of his body.

This flame attribute power can burn everything, and it will be released on his shoulders in a short time.

Wrap the opponent's arm directly, and the scorching heat blooms.

The gaze of the powerful and powerful person of the Shenzong on the Cloud was slightly frozen, and he tried to retreat.

However, the power of the flame attribute force was too strong, and a very intense pain swept through.

This made the great power of the Shenzong on the cloud scream, and only felt that his arm was about to melt away.

He struggled desperately before extinguishing the flame, and his arm was already burnt by the flame.

This scene, falling in the eyes of everyone present, made their complexions change, it seems that they did not expect that the flame attribute power that Ye Feng released at will be so powerful.

Another great power of Shenzong on Yun tried to launch an attack on Ye Feng, but saw the master of Shenzong on Yun waved his hand at him: "You go back first."

The man nodded to the Sect Master of God on the Cloud and stopped talking.

The Sect Master of the Shenzong Yun stepped forward and came to Ye Feng's body for the first time, and said: "Your Excellency has hurt me so many powerful people in the Shenzong Yun, and want to leave here, do you think this is common sense? "

Ye Feng's eyes condensed slightly, and he said to the Sect Master of God on the Cloud: "Then what do you want?"

"Your Excellency needs to give me an explanation, and an explanation to other figures in the Shenzong on the Cloud."

The sect master of the gods on the cloud continued with sharp eyes: "I abolished an arm. Your Excellency wants to leave. I will never stop it, how about?"

Everyone's eyes froze for a while, and the Sect Master of God on the Clouds was indeed an extraordinary person. His words were extremely sharp, but people couldn't feel any anger.

But such a passage makes people feel creepy.

"If you want my arm, you can get it yourself. If you don't have the skills, don't talk nonsense in front of me."

Ye Feng looked at the sect master of the gods on the cloud and said, he didn't care about anything.

The sect master of the gods on the cloud was taken aback, his eyes immediately became sharper, and he said: "Since this is the case, then your Excellency, don't blame me for bullying me."

The breath on the body has been released while the Sect Master of the Shenzong on Yun spoke.

As the top existence who casts the body of the gods, he is only one step away from the gods.

He has repeatedly endured, and he has reached a limit.

More importantly, the blood of Longyuan is indeed too attractive to him. In order to find this kind of blood, he has gone through thousands of years of traveling.

Now, as long as the young man in front of him is killed, the blood of Long Yuan can be caught off guard.

Therefore, the sect master of the gods on the cloud has already made a decision, and only when Ye Feng is resolved at this moment can his wish be realized.

An aura of self-reliance exploded on his body, and after casting the body of the gods, the Sect Master Yunshang had already controlled some power that the gods could possess.

At this moment, the breath released on his body was terrifying beyond imagination, his steps stepped forward, and the light released on his body became brighter.

Amazing palm prints burst out at this moment, and the power contained in this palm print is beyond imagination.

The space in front of Ye Feng was completely shrouded in it, without giving Ye Feng any chance to dodge.

Ye Feng naturally felt the power contained in the opponent's attack, and his heart was a little shocked.

Without hesitation, the space attribute power was released, completely enveloping his body.

It made his whole human body seem to transcend the distance of this space.

Quickly stepped out to one side, and his body disappeared in place. Although the opponent's attack power was strong, it quickly whizzed in, but it failed to really hit Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, Ye Feng has appeared in the other directions.

The Hell Heart Sutra was released at this moment, and the power of **** was constantly lingering around the body, and finally gathered in the palm of his hand.

Makes his palms become extremely violent.

An astonishing large geographical palm print was released, and the power contained in the palm print was too powerful.

The power of this palm print was as powerful as the earth and the earth, and it didn't take long for it to reach the body of Sect Master Yunshang.

A somewhat unexpected expression appeared on the face of the Sect Master of the Gods on the Cloud, and he didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to be so fast.

Moreover, the power of this kind of attack is really too strong, which is unimaginable.

However, his strength is not comparable to ordinary people at all, and naturally he will not be afraid of Ye Feng.

This attack of Ye Feng came, and the Sect Master of God on the Cloud released attack resistance.

His attacking power is super powerful, and wherever he goes, the entire void seems to be killed and destroyed.

Within a short period of time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible shock album open, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Sect Master Yunshang's expression is shining, and he is the top powerful figure who has cast the body of the gods. How could someone like Ye Feng be able to resist.

Therefore, in his opinion his attack is bound to suppress Ye Feng, but he did not expect that the power of **** contained in Ye Feng's attack contains extremely powerful penetrating power.

In a short time, he rushed into his body frantically, which made the body of Yunshang Sect Sect Master tremble, and he only felt that his whole body was to be occupied by that powerful **** power.

"What kind of power is this, how can it be so strange?"

The sect master of the divine sect on the cloud was stunned, and immediately released a power controlled by a **** to resist, suppressing and destroying that power.

And his body was also shocked to take a step back, his breath floating slightly.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of many people present and shocked their hearts.

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