Sky War God

Chapter 3132: The strong gather


   "Is it possible that Ye Feng is still an extremely powerful figure in repair?"

  Someone said so for the first time, with a somewhat unbelievable look on his face.

  The strength that Ye Feng showed was beyond their imagination. Even the chief of the central tribe was injured by Ye Feng's attack. It was really terrifying.

  Many people showed shocked expressions on their faces, their expressions extremely dull.

  The chief tribe chief's eyes flashed with a bit of icy light, and his gaze at Ye Feng revealed a strong murderous intent.

  As the chief of the central tribe, his status is respected and his strength is so powerful.

  Where can the young man in front of him be offended?

   "You hurt me, this chief will not stay behind anymore!"

  The chief of the central tribe spoke to Ye Feng coldly. After saying this, a more terrifying aura was released from him.

  In a short period of time, violent power emerged all over the body, and the whole person's body seemed to become extremely tall at this moment.

  His muscles began to swell, and even the clothes on his body burst.

  Many people showed a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. They could see that the chief tribe chief at this moment had already mobilized all their potential.

  After his body became violent, the breath on his body rose again by an unknown number of times.

  He stepped forward casually, and the whole land trembled, as if cracks appeared.

   Immediately afterwards, the chief of the central tribe once again released a devastating attack on Ye Feng's body.

  The power of this destructive attack has become more violent. I do not know how many times, the entire sky is destroyed by the collapse of the attack wherever it goes.

  A certain prescription from the void quickly descended towards Ye Feng's body, trying to hit Ye Feng's body.

  Ye Feng’s eyes were sharp, and he could feel the strength of the attack released by the chief tribe chief at this moment.

  It's just that he didn't care about anything, the other party was a powerful existence who was about to cast the body of a god.

   Then he has to see how powerful the opponent is.

  Aroused an aura of aspiration in his body for the first time, and this aura contained extremely strong power.

Wherever the   attack went, the entire space seemed to have cracks, and both attacks released extremely intense rays of destruction.

  The eyes of all the people present can not help but close, and the whole person is even more frightened.

A sneer appeared on the face of the chief of the central tribe, as if he had absolute confidence in his attack.

   Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the terrible destructive power spread in all directions.

  The whole space is shaken by it, and everything will be destroyed.

  Under this collision, Ye Feng felt an irresistible force. The power of this force was too strong.

   caused his whole body to be suppressed and retreated for a while. Every time his soles fell on the ground, the ground trembled and cracks appeared.

  In this scene, many people present showed some shocked expressions, and the power of the chief tribe’s attack was indeed too powerful.

   Ye Feng can't stand it?

   "This is the price of Ye Feng's arrogance. I want to see how he died!"

  Some experts in the central tribe said sarcastically, thinking that Ye Feng would inevitably die in the hands of their tribe chiefs.

  Many central tribe powerhouses nodded one after another, which also allowed the central tribe chief to regain his confidence.

  His lofty head looked at Ye Feng forever, and then said coldly: "In front of this seat, you are not worth mentioning, so hurry up and surrender to this seat. This seat may spare you your life!"

After    said this sentence, a somewhat ironic expression appeared on the faces of everyone present.

   thinks that Ye Feng might kneel down and beg for mercy from the chief of the central tribe.

However, Ye Feng did not pay attention to what the chief tribe chief said. He looked at the other party, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. , There is no such qualification."

  The chief tribe's eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth with anger. Ye Feng's words were humiliating him.

  Naturally, he couldn't bear it. He roared and stepped forward for the first time, and the breath on his body was released to the extreme at this moment.

  Xeon’s coercion made the surrounding people suffer a very strong pressure, and many people’s faces were sweating.

  A more terrifying fist rushed towards Ye Feng’s body frantically, and the power of this fist seemed to become even more terrifying, and the entire space was completely occupied by destructive power.

  To destroy all existence!

  However, Ye Feng didn't care about anything. This time, he mobilized his breath.

  This breath seems to be different from the breath he released before, and a **** force is quickly lingering around him.

   caused his body to be immediately enveloped by a burst of **** power, and the entire sky seemed to have been seriously affected at this moment.

  Almost at the same time, Ye Feng stepped out, the light of **** flashed, and quickly merged on his fist.

   made his fist power even more terrifying, completely wrapped up by the power of hell.

  Many people's eyes flickered. This power is very strange to them, making them feel that their bodies are going to be cursed.

  Almost at the same time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible concussion, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

  The chief of the central tribe showed a bit of arrogance, and seemed to think that he could easily suppress Ye Feng with such an attack.

  Unexpectedly, at the moment when the two attacks really collided, Ye Feng's attack had an extremely terrifying **** power that completely enveloped his body.

  The power carried by this **** power is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  The power of **** is beyond the five elements, and ordinary attribute power is difficult to stop.

  Under the envelope of the power of hell, the opponent's attack was destroyed little by little.

  And the power of **** pours into the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed.

   makes the body of the chief of the central tribe tremble like an electric shock, and only feels that his body is cursed.

  The blood vessels, tissues, cells, organs and bones inside the body are all solidified at this moment.

  He wanted to release his breath and clear out the power of hell. He couldn't do all this at all.

  That wave of power is too strong, unimaginably powerful, and constantly pouring into his body.

  The power of the curse seems to be able to strip his life away and curse his soul, which makes his body wrapped in the power of death.

   completely freezes the body of the chief of the central tribe in place, and his attack loses its effect, looking at Ye Feng with an incredulous expression.

  Hell Heart Sutra is the inheritance left by the gods of hell. The power of the martial arts cultivated by the gods can be imagined.

  The Hell Heart Sutra cultivated by Ye Feng has reached the second level, and the power that can be displayed is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  This attack was released, directly destroying the attack of the chief of the central tribe. The power of **** enveloped his body, causing his life to be gradually lost.

   "What kind of martial arts is this, and why is it so powerful?"

  Someone spoke with a shocked expression on their faces.

   Dongqi tribe chief, Dong Qixue and the two were also shocked by the scene before them.

  They had some understanding of Ye Feng’s comprehend attribute power before, and it seemed that they had never seen similar offensive and defensive martial arts appear.

  The terrifying power of **** is too strong, even if they are outside the incident, they can feel the powerful cannibalism of this power of hell.

  At this moment, the chief tribe of the central tribe, his life was about to be stripped away, his eyes flashed a bit of despair, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng: "What kind of martial arts are you? Why are you so powerful?"

After    said this sentence, his body trembled for a while, and his complexion became paler.

  Ye Feng just looked at each other, with a bit of irony in his eyes, and said: "Why did you know that today?"

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng's arm waved again, and a stronger regional power bloomed, wrapping the body of the chief tribe of the center, causing the chief of the center tribe to tremble again.

  Life is passing by gradually, and the **** of death is walking towards him.

  At this moment, the chief of the central tribe was really scared. At his level, he felt more fearful of death than others.

  It is really not easy for him to cultivate to this state. If he died like this, wouldn't all his previous efforts be wasted.

  "Spare, spare my life, I am willing to surrender!"

  Under the influence of this sense of fear, the chief of the central tribe can no longer bear it. In the face of death, what is dignity?

  If he could save a life, he would still have a chance to become a god. If he died like this, wouldn’t it be a hundred.

  Many people thought that under the **** force released by Ye Feng, even the powerhouse at the level of the chief tribe of the central tribe could not compete with him, and at this moment they took the initiative to ask for mercy.

  Looking at the chief of the central tribe who took the initiative to ask for mercy at this moment. Ye Feng's eyes flickered.

   Then the power of **** he released was removed.

  He shot these people, not to really take the other's life, but to make the other party surrender to him, and now he shows absolute strength.

  Successfully suppressed all the two powerhouses in the central tribe, and had achieved the goal he had pursued before.

   Therefore, for Ye Feng, it does not matter whether he killed the chief tribe chief.

  After the terrible breath was cleared, the body of the chief of the central tribe immediately felt relaxed, and his breathing became much smoother.

  At this moment, he was breathing heavily, seeming to be recovering his strength.

  This kind of feeling is really good, there is a feeling of aftermath.

  The big young man of the central tribe had an extremely ugly face. In any case, he never thought that his father was not Ye Feng's opponent.

   And he directly asked Ye Feng for mercy, which made him extremely unwilling, and he wished to kill Ye Fengzhu now.

  It’s just that, he doesn’t have that kind of strength.

   "Thank you for your kindness in not killing! From now on, the tribe of our center is willing to surrender to Your Excellency, and the whole school will work!"

The chief of the central tribe bowed to Ye Feng and said, at this moment, he already felt Ye Feng's powerful strength.

  If Ye Feng wanted to kill him before, he could do it at any time, and he could even do it easily with a wave of his hand.

  This also allowed him to see the difference in strength between himself and Ye Feng. If he continues to contend, let alone him, even the entire central tribe may be implicated.

  More importantly, his son, the eldest son of the central tribe, was disrespectful to Ye Feng before. If Ye Feng took his grudges, his son would definitely not end well.

  "Father, how can you surrender to this person? What is he..."

  Just thinking of this, the grandmaster of the central tribe said what the chief of the central tribe was most worried about.

  The chief of the central tribe became angry, but he didn't expect his son to be so clueless.


   A clear and moving sound came out, and the chief of the central tribe slapped the grandmaster of the central tribe on half of the face.

   Under the powerful force, the body of the grandmaster of the central tribe was beaten to the ground, and a clear five-fingerprint appeared on his face.

  Blood is overflowing from the corner of the mouth!

  His look is extremely unwilling, since childhood, his father has never done anything to him.

  At this moment, he was beaten by his father, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

  As soon as he wanted to speak, he saw the angry eyes of the chief of the central tribe, which even showed a bit of murderous intent.

   "Nizi, you dare to be so rebellious, don't hurry up and apologize to Chief Ye!"

  The chief of the central tribe roared at the grandmaster of the central tribe.

  With Ye Feng's current strength, it was enough to easily kill both of them in charge.

  In other words, the lives of their father and son are in the hands of Ye Feng. If the central tribe's grandmaster is still so rebellious, their ending can be imagined.

  The big young man of the central tribe was unwilling, his eyes sharpened, but his father’s eyes were very scary.

  He can also read what his father means.

  The two of them, father and son, can no longer rule the king in this area.

   Ye Feng's appearance broke all of this, and he must conform to this fact, only in this way can they continue to live.

   "Chief Ye, I'm sorry, I was offended before, and I hope that Chief Ye will be able to ignore the villains, and forgive my recklessness!"

  Under the strong pressure of his father, the Grand Master of the Central Tribe can only bow his head to Ye Feng.

  In fact, he himself understands that if he does not take the initiative to lower his head, he may even harm the central tribe.

  Ye Feng glanced at the grandson of the central tribe, and said faintly, “It’s nothing, as long as you can be good at yourself in the future.”

  The chief elder of the central tribe nodded to Ye Feng.

  The world is always respected by the strong. If you are strong, you are qualified to control everything.

  Even the lives of other people are the same.

  But if your strength is weak, you can only be controlled by others.

  "Thank you Chief Ye for forgiveness. From now on, I will definitely reform."

  The Grand Master of the New Tribe spoke to Ye Feng lightly.

   Ye Feng's gaze flickered, and he nodded to the other party.

  At this moment, everyone present was immersed in such a strong shock. None of them expected that things would develop to this point.

   Ye Feng single-handedly defeated the central tribe chief elder and central tribe chief.

   and forcing the opponent to surrender to him, does this mean that the entire central tribe is under the control of Ye Feng?

  Those who are strong in the central tribe have a somewhat unwilling expression on their faces. In their opinion, their central tribe has always been the real master of the wild plains.

   But never thought that in such a short period of time, they would just sink and float in Ye Feng.

  In their opinion, such a young person is not worth mentioning, but it is not expected that such a thing will happen.

   "You wait, listen, from now on, our central tribe will completely surrender to Chief Ye. If there are two hearts, heaven will die!"

  The chief of the central tribe couldn't help but speak to the people present. The eyes of those people were slightly frozen, and it seemed that they did not expect that the chief of the central tribe would take the initiative to say such words.

  The chieftain chose to surrender, so what do they count in front of the chieftain?

  Although many people are unwilling in their hearts, they can only accept this reality. After all, Ye Feng's strength is indeed there, and it is not something they can resist.

   "See Chief Ye!"

  Next, under the leadership of the chief of the central tribe, the people of the numerous central tribes present bowed and bowed to Ye Feng, showing absolute respect.

  In this scene, a somewhat shocked expression appeared on the faces of those onlookers.

  This incident happened so suddenly that everyone could not react.

The   central tribe has all been controlled by Ye Feng.

  Ye Feng looked at these people and couldn't help but waved his hand at the other person, his eyes flashed a little calmly.

  As if all this is a very normal thing for him.

  Dongqi tribe chief, and Dongqixue witnessed all this, the shock in their hearts naturally became stronger.

   "This guy didn't even say panic, he really did it all!"

   Dong Qixue's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said with a look of surprise that everything Ye Feng had done really made her unimaginable.

  You must know that he had questioned Ye Feng before, and now thinking about his previous thoughts, Dong Qixue felt so ridiculous.

  Thinking that he is a bit too stupid.

Ye Feng said to the platoons of people present: "I have included the central tribe in my pocket, and I don’t want to truly control this tribe. Your central tribe can still exercise autonomy. I will not interfere with everything you decide. Among them, everything in the central tribe will be the same as before, under your chieftain."

After    said this sentence, the eyes of many people flickered, especially the chief of the central tribe, it seemed that Ye Fenghui did not expect to make such a decision.

   "What you said is true?"

  The chief of the central tribe asked Ye Feng tentatively.

   "Of course, the central tribe will still be under your control, and I will build a brand new force here."

  Ye Feng spoke faintly, looking at the sky in the distance, the soul of the whole person seemed to have passed through the void, entered the endless space-time tunnel, and then returned to the nine heavens.

  He saw his wife, Zhao Xinyi, and a group of confidantes talking about him.

  He saw his parents pruning flowers in the garden, and he saw his friends practising hard and exploring secrets in various secret realms.

  All this made him miss his relatives and friends even more. He has been thinking that one day he will establish his own power on the Saint God Tianzhou.

  Receive all their relatives and friends here, so that they can enjoy a better cultivation environment.

  At this moment, the eyes of everyone present fell on Ye Feng's body, looking at Ye Feng's persistent pair of eyes.

  They seem to be able to feel the obsessions released by this young character.

   Established a brand new power, they didn't expect Ye Feng to have such a plan.

  How vast the barren plains are. Today, the largest power-center tribe in the world belongs to Ye Feng, but Ye Feng has no interest in it.

  He wants to open up his own power, and this power will inevitably open a new chapter in the entire wild plain.

  In the next period of time, Ye Feng moved into the Zilai Central Tribe.

The   central tribe all surrendered to Yefeng, and naturally gave Yefeng the highest standard of reception.

  Even the chief tribe of the central tribe must be respectful to Ye Feng. Ye Feng has become the most noble person in the central tribe, no one can compare with him.

  Next, the chief of the central tribe began to spread news to the outside world, especially those major forces in the wild plains received letters from the chief of the central tribe.

  This letter is simple and clear, and it means that they should come to the central tribe to pay homage to the new owner of the wild plains.

  The owner’s name is Ye Feng.

  This is an extremely unfamiliar word, and many tribal powerhouses on the wild plains look surprised.

  It seems that I did not expect such a thing to happen.

  Who is Ye Feng? They couldn't think of it anyway.

  And this letter was indeed written by the chief of the central tribe himself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

Although the Barren Plains is a highly free world, it is not like the Central Empire, which has absolute control over that piece of land.

  No one can contend with it, but the wild plains are different. There is no real ruler in this world.

  In other words, it is impossible for the powers of the wild plains to be so unified, especially their thoughts, even if the central tribe is strong, they are not obliged to listen to what the other party says.

   Therefore, these tribal powerhouses decided to go to the central tribe to wait and see before making a decision.

  For a time, many powerhouses gathered towards the direction of the central tribe, including the powerhouses among the other tribes in the wild plains.

  A bit of cold color appeared on their faces, and many people wanted to see who this person is who claims to rule the entire wild plain.

  Ye Feng has always lived in the central tribe, and the chief of the central tribe is taking care of him. Although this young man is not as old as his son.

  But the strength has allowed him to know the real suffering, and that terrifying regional power makes him still remember it to this day.

  If Ye Feng wanted to take his life down, he would not have any resistance!

  After another two days, many powerful men gathered towards the direction where the central tribe was.

  Ye Feng also came to the central square of the central tribe, accompanied by the chief of the central tribe and the chief elder of the central tribe.

  The chief of the central tribe prepared a very gorgeous throne for Ye Feng, and Ye Feng sat high on the throne.

The people below    all have a sense of looking up at it.

  This is the new king of their wild plains, and everyone needs to worship.

   "Om, hum..."

   A burst of strange sounds sounded, and immediately attracted the attention of many people present, and they saw that in the distant sky, many powerful people gathered towards this side.

  One by one, their auras are extremely powerful, and wherever they go, this space becomes extremely depressing.


  Someone said this for the first time, and they could see that at this moment, there are strong people gathered here, and these people are naturally the strong people from all parties who have been invited before.

  At this moment, their bodies are flying in the void, and there is a tyrannical aura blooming on their bodies, as if they are announcing their arrival.

  It didn't take long for these strong men to descend from the void. At this moment, everyone present was looking toward where they were.

  They can see that these people have a hostile release. Obviously, after the letter from the chief of the tribe in the center of the street, these people do not fully agree with it.

   "Since we are here, sit down first."

  The chief of the central tribe glanced at these people and spoke calmly. This was also what Ye Feng meant, and it was not necessary to directly suppress these people.

  Sometimes, letting a person truly surrender cannot be solved by force alone.

  The eyes of those people flickered, and many people were moving in the direction where Ye Feng was. Seeing Ye Feng's young appearance, their faces showed a sense of disdain.

  Some time later, the seats on the entire central square were already full.

  These people are tribal helms from all over the wild plains.

  This also includes the chief of the Zhongpan tribe that Ye Feng first knew.

  Zhongpan tribe chief, as a tribe chief, was also fortunate to be invited.

  In normal times, a strong man of his level does not have such qualifications.

  Now when he came here, seeing so many top figures present, the face of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe showed a bit of excitement.

   And when his eyes fell on Ye Feng, his heart immediately became extremely shocked.

  That was the only throne in the entire central square. Ye Feng sat there like this. The chiefs of the central tribe and the elders of the central tribe stood on the left and right of Ye Feng’s throne like ordinary guards.

  The status of the three people is clear at a glance.

  This caused the chief of the Zhongpan tribe to keep beating with his heart, and a somewhat unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

  It’s difficult, Ye Feng Ye Feng and the father and daughter of the Dongqi tribe chiefs came to the Central Tribe. Have they really taken the Central Tribe?

  For the chief of the Zhongpan tribe, this is definitely the most incredible thing, making the face of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe appear a little unbelievable.

  After some more time, the helms of the main tribes of the entire wild plains all arrived and gathered in the central square of the central tribe.

   Looking around, there are tens of thousands of people, and each tribe controls the endless territory.

  From this we can see the vastness of the wild plains.

   "I don't know what the chief tribe chief, let me wait for the arrival of now?"

  A few more moments later, only a strong man took the initiative to stand up, his eyes fell on the chief of the central tribe and asked him.

"I have said very clearly in the previous letter. Let everyone come here mainly to meet Chief Ye and show loyalty to Chief Ye. From now on, the big tribes of my wild plains must be unified. Follow the command of Chief Ye."

  The chief of the central tribe said that, through these few days of contact, he has developed a very deep impression and good impression on Ye Feng.

  This young man is not only young and promising, but also very thoughtful, especially with a special understanding of some cultivation experience.

Therefore, at this moment, the chief tribe chief said these words completely sincerely ~ After these words were said, everyone in the audience was involuntarily stunned. After a while, they began to feel an uproar. .

  They didn’t seem to have dreamed that the chief tribe of the central tribe, once aloof, would surrender to an unknown young person in this way. For them, it was definitely a very incredible thing.

  "What happened to the chief of the central tribe? Why do you maintain such a young man in this way?"

  Someone said so for the first time, and some doubts appeared on his face.

  The other people have similar thoughts in their hearts, and they seem to be unable to truly understand all this.

"In my opinion, the drunkard’s intention is not to drink. This young man is so young that even I have never heard of his name, but he declared to rule the entire wild plain overnight and was awarded the chief of the central tribe. Your support, all this is so sudden. How can a young person like him have such qualifications? Is it possible to be the chief of the central tribe. You want to complete the hegemony of unifying the Chinese plains, but it is difficult to speak personally, so Looking for such a puppet to replace you?"

   At this moment, another strong man at the prescription position spoke like this, looking at the chief of the central tribe and said with a sneer.

After    said this sentence, the expressions of many people present couldn't help being taken aback, and then they reflected them one by one. An expression of approval appeared on his face.

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