Sky War God

Chapter 3102: Both break through!

   "Master, where are we going?"

   Ye Feng asked Prince Gong, of course, this sentence was spoken by means of sound transmission.

   "Follow me!"

  Prince Gong’s voice came over again.

  Ye Feng's eyes froze slightly. For some reason, he heard a strangeness in the voice of Prince Gong, perhaps it was just his illusion.

  Prince Gong’s figure kept flickering, and his figure was very fast, his body still showed that kind of transparent state, so that everyone present could not see him clearly.

  This includes His Majesty the Emperor who is constantly pursuing from behind.

  Even if His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is such a cultivated person, he can't see the existence of Prince Gong clearly, which makes Ye Feng somewhat shocked.

  Does Prince Gong’s strength really reach this level?

  Behind, His Majesty Tiandi was chasing after him, and the attacks he released were still very powerful. Every attack seemed to be able to give Ye Feng extremely strong pressure.

   makes his whole body constantly dodge in the void, and the long sword in his hand is also cut out from time to time at this moment.

  The sword light incorporates a powerful force of good fortune, and the attack power released is simply beyond imagination.

  Although Ye Feng's strength is not as good as His Majesty the Emperor, but with the sword of good fortune and other divine weapons, it can also pose a very strong threat to His Majesty.

  It didn’t take long for Ye Feng and others to rely on their super flying speed to land outside the central imperial capital.

  Beyond the central imperial capital, there is an endless wilderness. In this wilderness, there are many endless barren mountains.

   looks somewhat desolate, but because it is close to the central imperial capital area, there are also strong people passing by here from time to time.

  When they saw Ye Feng and the others leaping over, their eyes flashed with a bit of incredible luster.

  This kind of flying speed was unheard of before, and it was really too fast.

  In a certain place in these barren hills, there is an old abandoned tower. I don’t know how many years this old tower has stood in this area, and has been weather-beaten.

  The surface of the ancient pagoda has left many traces of age, and it has been eaten away by wind, frost, rain and snow.

   "I'm setting up a formation here. You can go in and avoid it for a while."

  Looking at this ancient pagoda, Prince Gong’s voice came over again. After Ye Feng heard the voice, an edge flashed involuntarily in his eyes.

  For some reason, this ancient tower can always give him a strange feeling.

  However, Lord Gong had treated him not badly before, and helped him many times.

   Therefore, even though Ye Feng has this feeling, he can still trust the other party unconditionally.

  His body has come to the gate of the ancient tower, and the gate of the ancient tower emits a dull sound, unexpectedly unfolding automatically at this moment.

  A breath of vicissitudes swept out of the ancient tower, occupying this space.

  Ye Feng's body naturally felt all of this, and the vicissitudes of life enveloped his body, making him feel like he is aging.

  The skin of the body became wrinkled a lot at this moment. This made Ye Feng's face a bit of shock.

  This ancient pagoda seems unusual. In other words, the ancient pagoda has been touched before.

   "Little thief, don't want to run away anymore, today, I will kill you!"

   Behind him, the voice of His Majesty Tiandi came again, and this voice was full of strong coldness.

  A more terrifying attack shot towards Ye Feng's body frantically. This attack shrouded the space, and wherever he went, the entire sky was trembling.

   Ye Feng felt the coming of this attack, his expression tightened immediately, and a sword light shot out from his backhand.

  The bright sword light swept through everything, and it collided with the opponent's attack in the blink of an eye.

  The amazing sound of shock came through, and the power of destruction was released wildly.

   When the two attacks collided, the sound of the shock caused the eardrums of the people passing by.

   Ye Feng's body was shaken back again, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

  The fighting spirit in his eyes was still very strong, he didn't hesitate, and he leaped quickly towards the ancient pagoda at an extremely fast speed.

  Yang Mingxian was naturally in front of Ye Feng. After the two entered the ancient pagoda, the ancient pagoda gate closed automatically.

  At the same time, Lord Gong’s body was always out, and his body was always invisible.

   Outsiders can’t really watch his movements.

  Almost at the same time, I saw Prince Gong wave his arm, and a strange power rose from his palm.

  This force contains extremely powerful lines of light.

  This strand of light shrouded a space, so that the sky was covered.

  In the blink of an eye, the entire ancient pagoda was included, which made this ancient pagoda gleam, and it became a little bit illusory.

   seemed to disappear into the sight of everyone present at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  This made many people's faces appear a little unbelievable, and their hearts trembled.

  "How is it possible? How is this possible? How can it disappear like this?"

  Someone said so for the first time, with a somewhat unbelievable expression on his face.

  The same is true for the rest of the people. They even kept rubbing their eyes, thinking that they were seeing something wrong, and the shocked expression on their faces could not be described in words.

  It’s just that no matter how they confirm, the ancient tower has indeed disappeared, and it disappeared in the sight of everyone present.

  Behind, the body of His Majesty Tiandi also descended here, he had planned to kill Ye Feng next.

  Even if Ye Feng entered that ancient pagoda, he could easily crush the opponent, but unexpectedly, the ancient pagoda disappeared like this.

  This made His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven also extremely surprised. His eyes scanned the area from time to time, as if he wanted to explore the true trace of the ancient pagoda.

  It’s just that no matter how he explored, no trace of the ancient tower was seen. The ancient tower seemed to have evaporated from the world, and disappeared so completely.

   "Damn guy, where are you hiding?"

  His Majesty Tiandi gritted his teeth and said, his eyes showed a bit of sharpness.

  Those ruinous big palm prints bloomed out in front of him, wherever the palm prints went, the entire space trembled, as if everything was about to be destroyed.

  Boom, boom, boom...

  A shocking sound of shock blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

  The palm print of His Majesty Tiandi descended on a barren mountain not far away, and his palm print could smash several barren mountains to collapse.

  The whole land trembled crazily, and cracks appeared, just like destroying the world!

  It’s just that the ancient pagoda really disappeared, just disappeared out of thin air!

  Prince Gong's body is still in that invisible state, no one can really notice his existence.

  And above his face, there was a bright smile at this moment.

   Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian's bodies entered the ancient pagoda, and a vicissitudes of self-improvement swept over them, covering their bodies completely.

  Under the envelope of this vicissitudes of life, the bodies of the two of them are undergoing extremely strong attacks.

  The tissue cells of the major organs inside the body seem to have been subjected to extremely strong effects, and they are accelerating aging.

   "What's the matter? This ancient tower is really extraordinary!"

  A shocked expression appeared on Ye Feng's face, completely releasing the power of heaven and earth and the power of good fortune he had understood.

  A protective film was formed on the surface of his and Yang Mingxian's bodies, and this protective film contained extremely powerful defense.

   can block the invasion of all the destructive forces in the space, even the mighty powers of the Celestial Emperor cannot launch an attack on it.

   However, that wave of vicissitudes of life seemed to be able to ignore the defensive power of Ye Feng's protective film.

   constantly invaded into his body, even if Yang Mingxian's body was constantly trembling, Ye Feng could even see the aging of Yang Mingxian's face.

  This made a bit of haze appear on his face.

   "Master, what's wrong with this ancient tower? Why is it so extraordinary?"

  Ye Feng quickly contacted Prince Gong via sound transmission.

  He suddenly thought that the voice before Prince Gong made him feel strange.

  Is it possible that the other party is weird?

  "Here is a place for cultivation. You must cherish it. It is not easy for this king to create this place for you."

   Ye Feng's words just fell, and even heard the voice of Prince Gong coming over, and immediately entered his eardrums.

   Hearing this voice, a bit of haze appeared on Ye Feng's face involuntarily.

   Stormy waves were born in his heart. He has always trusted Lord Gong, who has rescued him several times. Is it possible that he also started to calculate him?

   "Lord, what did the younger generation do wrong? Is it worth the prince's treatment?"

   Ye Feng calmed down the throbbing in his heart, and couldn't help but ask Prince Gong.

  Prince Gong laughed and said, "If you provide you with a place to practice, will the king still harm you?"

   "The prince has something to say directly, don't need to be circumspect."

   Ye Feng said to Prince Gong, his words gradually became cold.

  "Don't call me the prince, you should call me the honorable!"

  Ye Feng's words just fell, Prince Gong said so, there was a bit of arrogance in those words.

  This passage made Ye Feng even more unfamiliar. The Prince Gong he knew would not behave like this.

  Ye Feng thinks that he is usually not wrong in observing people. Even if a person is disguised, he will inadvertently reveal clues.

  But the former Prince Gong didn't. Ye Feng saw only clearness in the opponent's eyes, and there was no turbidity.

  At this moment, Lord Gong has completely changed, becoming like a different person.

   "Who on earth are you?"

  Ye Feng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart. He asked the Prince Gong coldly.

   Prince Gong let out a frantic laughter, and said: "It doesn't matter who I am, what is important is that you will be the stepping stone for me to build the body of the gods!"

  After saying this, a stronger vicissitudes of life swept across the ancient tower.

   shrouded towards the bodies of Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian at an extremely crazy speed.

   This vicissitudes of air seems to be able to ignore everything in the space, even if the defensive power released by Ye Feng is strong, it is impossible to block the invasion of that vicissitudes of life.

  This made the expression on Ye Feng's face even more ugly. There was a chase by His Majesty the Emperor before, and then he was conspired by Prince Gong.

   Ye Feng suddenly felt that this world was so terrible, with traps everywhere.

  A little carelessness, you may fall into the trap of other people.

  At this moment, he is completely under control. What's more important is that Ye Feng also involved Yang Mingxian into this trap.

  This made Ye Feng feel very guilty.

  Yang Mingxian Qiao's face showed a little paleness, and the whole body was trembling constantly. The vicissitudes of life swept in, making Yang Mingxian very uncomfortable.

   Ye Feng's expression showed a bit of coldness, and he roared, and the cold breath on his body bloomed wildly.

  That breath emerged in the void, forming an extremely terrifying violent might, bursting out madly.

   Then a horror fist was released at this moment, and the power contained in this horror fist was simply beyond imagination.

  A attack across the space, trying to bombard the direction of the wall of the ancient tower, as long as the ancient tower collapsed and destroyed, then he and Yang Mingxian can escape here.

  It’s just that, no matter how powerful Ye Feng’s fist light is, the horrible vicissitudes of life contained in the ancient tower can sweep everything.

   shrouded in a short time, and quickly wrapped Ye Feng's fist in it, so that the fist was immediately occupied by complete erosion.

   continued to corrode, causing the fist to be melted away a little bit, and completely disappeared in this space!

  Seeing this scene, Ye Feng's face became even more ugly. He did not expect that the vicissitudes of life in the ancient pagoda were so terrifying.

   And he, naturally, would not just sit and wait for death, the sword of good fortune in his hand released a buzzing sound.

  A powerful sword aura emerged, causing his whole body to be wrapped in the bright sword light.

  Sword energy criss-crossed, gathered on the long sword, and then condensed an extremely terrifying sword light of destruction.

   At an extremely fast speed, trying to come down here.

   However, although the power of this sword light was powerful, it could not be released.

  Ye Feng's sword light was about to come, and the vicissitudes of life quickly swept in, forming an extremely powerful binding force.

  Frozen Ye Feng's arm directly on the spot, his arm wanted to swing down, it has become a luxury.

  This made Ye Feng's face flushed, mobilizing all the power inside his body, and still unable to do this!

"Stop struggling. It won't take long for your two bodies to slowly age and die in this space where the flow of time is magnified. By then, your blood, all kinds of magic weapons, and everything about you will be Owned by me!"

  Almost at the same time, Prince Gong’s voice came out again. There was a bit of coldness in that voice, which made Ye Feng feel his scalp numb.

  He can't imagine why this is so.

  Prince Gong must have been attacked by something evil, so that he will become like this. Perhaps like Qian Kun Nan, he is occupied by something.

  But it doesn't matter anymore. Today, Ye Feng must consider a one-size-fits-all strategy to preserve the comfort of both him and Yang Mingxian.

  "The speed of time has increased. What kind of treasure is this ancient pagoda? How can it have this effect?"

   Ye Feng was shocked and made such a sound.

  At this moment, he feels that his skin is aging and folds a little bit, and the functions of the tissue cells and organs inside the body are gradually declining, as if they are passing by at an extremely terrifying speed.

  If so, it won’t take long for him and Yang Mingxian to die here!

"The flow of time has changed, and it has become faster than normal time by many times. Then, if I practice here, will it have an effect in accordance with the flow of time in this space? If that is the case, isn't my cultivation realm? Can it be improved quickly?"

  In despair, Ye Feng suddenly had such a bold idea.

  Now he is at the end of the battle. There is no chance of survival in this space. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he wants to try.

  Thinking of this, Ye Feng began to actually operate, his body is still being continuously attacked by the vicissitudes of life, and it is rapidly aging.

   And the blood attribute power of the Scarlet Blood Clan that was about to be awakened in his body was still surging.

  The blood of the Crimson Blood is like magma, extremely hot, boiling and rolling in his body, and flowing continuously in the blood.

  Ye Feng moved cross-legged, the red blood from above his body emerged, and the endless light lingered in the space.

  The bloodline attribute power burst, his arm waved in front of him, and strange power in his palm continued to rise.

  A wave of power emerged all over his body, causing his body to be gradually enveloped by that power.

  The Scarlet Blood Curse had been completely integrated into Ye Feng's body before. At this moment, Ye Feng had already touched the threshold of the Scarlet Blood Curse.

  Once the energy of the Scarlet Blood Curse is stimulated, the bloodline of the Scarlet Blood clan he possesses will truly complete the awakening. In that case, he will be equivalent to possessing the bloodline of the gods.

  The Scarlet Blood God, known for his bloodline attribute power, is super terrifying. In its heyday, the Scarlet Blood God despised the existence of people of the same realm.

  Thinking of this, Ye Feng gave birth to some hope in his heart. After practicing, he couldn’t help but say to Yang Mingxian beside him: “Ming’er, don’t be afraid, I’ll find a way to get the two of us out soon.”

  Yang Mingxian's face was pale, and the aura of the whole person became a little weak, but that face that looked like a fairy had no trace of many years.

   is still so beautiful and moving.

  Hearing what Ye Feng said, Yang Mingxian nodded gently at Ye Feng, and once again showed a very touching smile.

  Looking at this smile, Ye Feng suddenly felt like he was motivated.

   Retracted his gaze and began to communicate with the blood of the Scarlet Blood Clan inside his body, and the Scarlet Blood Curse was integrated into the blood of the Scarlet Blood Race.

  At this moment, Ye Feng, using the martial arts and martial arts he had comprehended, gathered the blood of the Scarlet Blood clan in one place little by little, and the blood essence of the Scarlet Blood clan began to move.

  Gradually, inside Ye Feng's chest, a talisman shrouded in blood-red light emerged.

  This talisman looks simple and simple, and contains extremely powerful bloodline attributes.

   Scarlet Blood Curse!

  After this rhythm was integrated into Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng was able to reconcile it by communicating the bloodline attribute power.

   Just like the sword of good fortune, as long as Ye Feng is willing, he can condense it into its original form again.

  Ye Feng used the power of his spiritual consciousness to constantly try to communicate with the Scarlet Blood Curse.

   "Om, hum..."

   Inside the Scarlet Blood Curse, strange powers were constantly rising, and those powers began to throb, as if they had responded to Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness.

   Ye Feng's body was still being attacked by the terrible vicissitudes of life, but he did not stop communicating there.

  Even though his body is still aging rapidly, he doesn't care.

  In constant attempts, Ye Feng gradually controlled the rhythm rules within the Scarlet Blood Curse.

  After controlling the internal rhythm rules, his communication with the Scarlet Blood Curse became more and more intense.

  It didn't take long for the sound inside the Scarlet Blood Curse to sound again, and the sound continued, as if the bloodline attribute power was surging and burning.

   "Three days with scarlet blood, our clan climbs to the top of the cloud, and the scarlet blood is sprinkled among the flying gods!"

   Ye Feng muttered a word, this vocabulary, when the Scarlet Blood Curse was integrated into his body, automatically appeared in his mind.

  He knew that this short speech was probably a mantra inspired by the Scarlet Blood Curse, and this mantra was chanted.

  There seemed to be an extremely magical power rising from inside his body, and this magical power was formed invisibly.

   continued to flow along Ye Feng's body meridians, and finally quickly merged into the Scarlet Blood Curse.

   "Om, hum..."

  Strongs of strange power rose again, and there was a sound inside the blood curse that kept resounding.

  The bloodline light was released, and the bloodline attribute power burst out continuously, as if to completely cover Ye Feng's body.

  The Scarlet Blood Curse actually burned in Ye Feng's body at this moment. With the burning of the Scarlet Blood Curse, the strange power contained in it began to spread all over Ye Feng's body.

  This made Ye Feng's whole body completely enter an extremely strong state.

  The bloodline attribute power burst out frantically, and the bloodline light emerged, constantly blooming in the space.

   An extremely surging strange force rose quickly, bursting out of the blood of the Scarlet Blood Clan.

  The blood of the Scarlet Blood clan surging wildly like a stormy sea, causing Ye Feng's entire body to enter an extremely crazy state.

In the void, the invisible blood-red light beam descended, wrapping Ye Feng's body, causing the airflow in the space to be frantic, and even the terrible vicissitudes of life contained in the ancient tower could no longer invade Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian. Body out.

  Yang Mingxian looked at all of this, a somewhat serious expression appeared on Qiao's face. She was beside Ye Feng, and she could also feel the changes in the strength of Ye Feng's body.

  The aura contained in the blood of the Scarlet Blood Clan is constantly increasing, making his whole body more violent.

  Gradually, that wave of power has surpassed Ye Feng's imagination. He knew that this wave of blood attribute power no longer belongs to mortals.

  In other words, even in how powerful the Heavenly Emperor Realm is, it is impossible to possess such a strong bloodline attribute power.

  The bloodline attribute power at this moment has completely reached the level of the gods!

  God-level bloodline attribute power was finally unblocked, and was completely mobilized by Ye Feng!

  The bloodline attribute power is constantly surging inside his body, nourishing his meridian tissue, and constantly strengthening the major cells in his body.

  This caused Ye Feng's entire cultivation level to take a big step forward, which also means that Ye Feng has completely awakened the blood of the Scarlet Blood Clan in his body!

  At this moment, in addition to the blood of the Dragon, he also has the blood attribute power of the Scarlet Blood God.

  Dual bloodline attribute power, so that Ye Feng has unparalleled combat power, no one in the same realm is his opponent.

   "What are you doing in the ancient pagoda?"

  Outside the outside world, Prince Gong seemed to feel the waves of powerful bloodline attribute power transmitted from the ancient tower, and could not help but ask Ye Feng inside the ancient tower.

  Ye Feng did not give the other party's answer. Although his bloodline attribute power has been awakened, he is still far from reaching the point of breaking the ancient tower.

  More importantly, Ye Feng’s previous guess was not wrong. The flow of time in this ancient tower is many times faster than normal space.

   Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian were in it, and their bodies were constantly attacked, causing their bodies to age rapidly.

  This seems like a terrible thing, but Ye Feng can use this terrible thing to turn it into his own benefit.

  In the fast flow of time, Ye Feng's cultivation also got twice the result with half the effort, and his cultivation speed was many times faster than in normal space.

  This also allowed him to complete the awakening of the blood of the Scarlet Blood Clan in a very fast time.

   Therefore, this seemingly terrifying space, in the short term, brings a benefit to Yu Ye Feng.

  Ye Feng began to practice in this space. This ancient pagoda itself is a very powerful magic weapon.

   is blocked by Prince Gong using the power of the divine text, and it is even more difficult to break through.

  With Ye Feng's current strength, it is difficult to do this. Therefore, Ye Feng must once again improve his own strength.

   "The Sky Mixing Spirit Orb has absorbed the energy inside His Majesty's body and has reached a saturated state. In this case, I can use the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb to practice."

   Ye Feng had this thought in his heart, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Yang Mingxian and said, "Ming, prepare to enter the cultivation state."

  Yang Mingxian looked for a moment. After Ye Feng awakened the bloodline attribute power, her body was wrapped in bursts of bloodline attribute light, and the powerful vicissitudes of life in the space could no longer invade her body.

  In other words, the previous invasion of the vicissitudes of life was only a very short time, and Yang Mingxian had a special physique.

  Under the attack of the vicissitudes of life, I only felt a little uncomfortable, and did not suffer much.

  At this moment, when Ye Feng said such words, Yang Mingxian nodded to Ye Feng. Although she did not know Ye Feng's specific purpose, she unconditionally obeyed Ye Feng's words.

   just sat cross-legged in front of Ye Feng.

  For Yang Mingxian, Ye Feng can give him everything he has without reservation.

  The power of divine consciousness was released, and Ye Feng used the power of divine consciousness to communicate with the Sky Spirit Orb, and a buzzing sound was emitted from the inside of the beads.

  It didn't take long for the inner space of the storage ring to open up, light flashed out, and the Sky Spirit Orb was wrapped in aquamarine luster.

   broke away from the inner space of the storage medium at this moment, and quickly emerged above the heads of Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian.

  This made Yang Mingxian's beautiful eyes flash, and the shocked expression on his smiling face became more obvious.

   "Om, hum..."

   There was a strange sound again, and the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb made a buzzing sound.

  The sound of clattering continued, and there was liquid inside the Huntian Spirit Orb that was tumbling and stirring, and the turquoise liquid contained extremely powerful energy.

  The energy was purified, condensed in the empty space inside the beads, and then detached from the surface of the beads little by little.

  Green dew drops emerge from the surface of the beads. When the green land is released, powerful energy emerges.

  Occupy this space completely.

The turquoise light completely enveloped Ye Feng Yang Mingxian's body, making the two of them only feel that their bodies have received a strong nourishment.

   Now Ye Feng, using the power of God's consciousness, can already communicate well with the Huntian Lingzhu. You can freely control the various actions of the Tiantian Lingzhu.

Including the distribution of energy by the Hun Tian Lingzhu, the green dew drops were divided into two halves under Ye Feng's control. One half came towards Ye Feng’s body, and the other half came a little bit above Yang Mingxian’s head. .

   "Ming'er, this power is very powerful, I wish you a higher level of cultivation. After the power enters your body, you can use your own exercise weapons to refine it, hold your mind, and have no distractions!"

   Ye Feng said to Yang Mingxian, and Yang Mingxian nodded gently.

  Her talent is excellent, and she can naturally understand Ye Feng's words.

   Immediately afterwards, the green dew drops that were divided into two waves began to merge into the tops of Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian's heads.

   continued to merge into their bodies. Although they had been divided into two halves, the energy contained in the green dew drops was still very powerful.

  This made the bodies of Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian feel a very strong sense of bulging.

  As if the meridians are about to burst, Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian quickly performed their own techniques, absorbing and refining the energy of the green dew drops.

  The bodies of the two people were enveloped in aquamarine luster, and the energy began to disperse into the blood vessels inside the bodies and flow in the meridians.

  This series of actions caused the vicissitudes of life inside the ancient tower to be unable to attack the two Ye Feng.

  Outside the world, Prince Gong naturally felt all this, and there was a bit of haze in his eyes.

   It seems that something is wrong inside the ancient tower.

  It's just that the divine power he just released can only be released after three hours. Before the time is up, even he himself cannot release it.

   Therefore, even if he wanted to take the ancient tower back, he couldn't do it. He could only watch it all.

   "I want to see what the **** are you two doing!"

   Prince Gong gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely sharp.

  Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian naturally did not care what the other party said, a golden opportunity for cultivation, how would they miss it?

  The energy contained in the green dewdrops is really very strong. It enters the bodies of the two of them, and the breath of the two of them is rapidly enhanced.

  The bloodline attribute power rolls again, and the energy in the green land is refined and continuously integrated into the two bodies.

  Yang Mingxian’s cultivation realm had already reached the peak level of the early days of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. It was only one step away from the middle of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

  It's just that there has been no chance to find a breakthrough.

  At this moment, with the continuous integration of the green dew drops, Yang Mingxian only feels that the energy contained in his body is constantly strengthening.

  Her cultivation realm, under the instillation of this energy, unexpectedly began to continuously transition towards the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

  Ye Feng naturally felt the change in Yang Mingxian's body, and he was really happy for the other party.

  A stream of energy is still flowing in Yang Mingxian's body, doing the Great Zhoutian cycle in the meridians.

  Yang Mingxian's aura became stronger and stronger. Although the refining of green dew drops was a little rusty, it could be basically completed.

  This is the powerful talent possessed by the superb talent. Able to quickly adapt in various environments.

  Under the instillation of the powerful energy of the green dewdrops, Yang Mingxian's cultivation realm has reached the peak of the initial stage of the Emperor of Heaven.

  I saw her jade hand waving for a while, and the power of the universe lingered on the body, quickly fusing with the energy contained in the green dew drops.

  Along with the surge of bloodline attribute power inside the body, Yang Mingxian's cultivation level finally broke through to a new level!

  This also means that she has officially become a mid-term powerhouse in the Emperor Realm!

   Heavenly Emperor Realm mid-term powerhouse, such a young mid-term Heavenly Emperor realm powerhouse, is rare in the entire Central Empire.

  Yang Mingxian's body was shrouded in aquamarine luster, and the powerful aura made the air current in this space surge wildly.

  After breaking through the realm of cultivation, Yang Mingxian's whole person seemed to have undergone transformation, and the various attributes and strengths within the body had been improved in all directions.

  The strength of the whole person is no longer what it used to be!

  After Wu Xiu reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm, every level of advancement can make them perfect.

  The gap between each realm is beyond words. It is conceivable that this breakthrough in the cultivation realm is so important to Yang Mingxian!

  And Yang Mingxian did not stop continuing to practice, but used precious time to start to stabilize his cultivation realm.

  A wave of power is constantly lingering on the body, making Yang Mingxian's cultivation realm start to be steady.

  The breath of the whole person has become more and more surging.

   Ye Feng felt Yang Ming’s breakthrough in the realm of immortal cultivation, and was really happy for the other party.

   And he is also quickly fusing the energy contained in the green land, and his cultivation realm has reached the mid-term peak of the Emperor of Heaven.

   has been trying to break through to the level of the late Heaven Emperor Realm, but it is basically impossible to break through this realm in a short time.

  After the cultivation base reaches the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, it is even more difficult to reach the blue sky to break through the cultivation realm.

   Breaking through this realm of cultivation requires not only a certain chance, but also the deposition of time.

  After Ye Feng reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm, his cultivation realm advancement speed still did not slow down.

  This also makes him feel that he has not enough precipitation in time, which leads to his own lack of background.

  And this time, the time flow of the ancient tower changed, creating opportunities for him.

  He can quickly complete his training within a short time.

  The great magic of good fortune was released, and bursts of good fortune emerged from his body. His body was the source of good fortune, and the power of good fortune could be formed quickly.

   constantly fused with the green dew drop energy inside Ye Feng's body, causing Ye Feng's body to keep rising in a short period of time.

  Sisi's power of good fortune merges with the energy of green dewdrops, nourishing his meridians and extracting his physical body.

  The aura on Ye Feng's body also climbed to a level that was unimaginable before.

  It didn't take long for it to reach the peak of the mid-term Heavenly Emperor Realm. It is only one step away from the late Heaven Emperor Realm.

  Ye Feng knows that under this situation, he can't have any slackness. As long as he slack off, it is very likely that his previous efforts will be abandoned.

  The bloodline attribute power inside Ye Feng's body was constantly surging, causing his whole person's cultivation level to continuously climb.

  Along with a strong breath burst out, Ye Feng's cultivation level finally set foot in the legendary state!

   Late Heavenly Emperor Realm!

  The distance casts the body of the gods one step further!

  This made Ye Feng feel a little excited immediately, and he didn't end his cultivation because of this. Still constantly using his own martial arts and martial arts to stabilize his cultivation realm.

  A smile appeared on Yang Ming’s Xianqiao face, which was very shocking.

   Before this, Yang Mingxian didn't seem to think of it. Ye Feng's green dewdrops actually possessed such a powerful power which made them both break through the realm of cultivation, which is indeed too strong.

  After Ye Feng broke through the realm of cultivation, his personal strength naturally improved again by leaps and bounds. This leaps and bounds was not an increase in the strength of an ordinary single attribute.

   is a kind of improvement in all directions, so that Ye Feng's whole person can be sublimated and become more powerful!

  Under the blessing of the fast time flow, even if Ye Feng both broke through the cultivation base, the actual time has not passed much.

  But in this ancient pagoda, decades or even hundreds of years may have passed!

  This is the precipitation of time. Under the precipitation of time, the cultivation realm of Ye Feng and Yang Mingxian can be more stable, allowing them to exert stronger power in battle!

  Prince Gong's face was blue and white. He was thinking of using this ancient tower to trap Ye Feng's bodies in it, killing them silently and getting everything that they had.

  But it didn’t come to mind. Stealing chickens won’t lead to eclipses. Everything he did, he actually made wedding dresses for Ye Feng!

  But he was helpless, the terrifying power of the divine attribute can only be automatically released after three hours.

  Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: 10,000-character chapter, the last two days of the end of the month, Wan Mu needs your support, brothers with flowers vote for this book, thank you all!

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